Committee Reports::Annual Report - Select Committee on Social Affairs, Volume II::16 February, 1996::Proceedings of the Joint Committee

Imeachtaí An Roghchoiste

Proceedings of the Select Committee

Dé hAoine, 16 Feabhra, 1996

Friday, 16th February, 1996

1. The Committee met at 11.15 a.m.

2. Members Present.

The following Members were present:-

Deputies Séamus Pattison (in the Chair), Noel Ahern*, Tommy Broughan*, Joe Costello, Frances Fitzgerald, Mary Flaherty, Seán Kenny and Ted Nealon*.

3. Private Session.

Ordered: That the Committee now sit in private.

The Committee sat in private accordingly.

The Committee went out of private session.

4. Visiting Delegation.

The Committee met with a delegation from the Czech Republic’s Committee for Social Affairs.

5. Adjournment.

The Committee adjourned at 12.45 p.m. until 2.30 p.m. on Thursday, 29th February, 1996.

* Pursuant to paragraph (9) of the Orders of Reference of the Select Committee, Deputies Noel Ahern and Ted Nealon substituted for Deputies Tom Moffat and Dinny McGinley respectively and Deputy Tommy Broughan substituted for Deputy Joe Costello (for part of the meeting).