Committee Reports::Report No. 11 - Disturbance at Fort Mitchel prison, Spike Island on the 1st September 1985::13 August, 1986::Appendix

Letter dated 25th October, 1985 from the Private Secretary, Garda Commissioner to the Clerk to the Committee.


25th October, 1985.

Dear Sir,

With reference to your letter of 18th October, 1985, I wish to confirm that Garda Regulations provide that contingency plans be prepared by each Superintendent relating to the handling of all major incidents within their Districts. It can be confirmed that such a plan was prepared by the Superintendent at Cobh in whose area Spike Island is situated. It will be appreciated that Garda arrangements in this connection are not made public for obvious reasons.

As already indicated to you, plans had been made and effected in the matter of providing a Garda presence on the Island to protect inhabitants other than prison inmates. We are now informed that the necessity for a continuation of this is unlikely to be called for as two of the families who resided on the Island have now been accommodated on the mainland and the remaining two families are shortly to be so accommodated.

Yours faithfully,
