Mr P M Judge
Committee on Public Expenditure
Kildare House
Kildare Street
Dublin 2.
Dear Mr Judge
Further to your letter of 30 January and subsequent ‘phone discussions I enclose -
(i)details of works at Kilmainham,
(ii)details of other projects before the committee,
(iii)a statement showing office rents per square foot in the years 1981/3,
(iv)comments on the Sunday Independent article,
(v)details of office space rented by Office of Public Works 1973/80 in Dublin.
Yours sincerely

28 February 1984.
Kilmainham Warehouse |
Lease commencement date 1/8/81 |
Preparation and clearance of basic brief of requirements |
July, 1981. |
Preparation of layout drawings by architect and detailed development of scheme leading to the production of tender documents including full Bill of Quantities and invitation of tenders. |
July ’81 - June ’83 |
Tenders received, examined and contract placed |
November, 1983 |
Contract completion due |
January, 1985 |
Estimated total cost |
£1.2m. |
On 16th September, 1981 O.P.W. sought D/Finance sanction to lease the premises.
D/Finance sanction was granted by minute dated 26th November, 1981.
The premises when leased was in a very poor condition having been closed for four years previously and badly vandalised in the interim, with the exception of a new roof and floor in part of the complex, most of leased area was old, with roofs that leaked or were structurally unsound in part, floors either non-existent or in a bad state of repair, corroded window frames, no glazing, doorless opes internally, damp plaster and generally in very poor decorative order. As far as underground services e.g. water, electricity and gas were concerned, these had been brought to a point just inside the area and there were consequently no plumbing, electrical or heating services in existence internally.
Irrespective of the user therefore, the condition of the premises dictated in the first instance the need for a major reconstruction and building job and coupled with the specialised facilities required by the user meant that the entire planning and execution of works could not be regarded as “fitting-out”
in its usual interpretation.
The property at Kilmainham was the only one on the market at the time, either for leasing or purchase, which had the potential of meeting the needs of the Furniture Division from the point of view of open floor area, enclosed yards, several entrances for easy movement of transport and fairly central location. The Furniture Division had been experiencing very severe organisational difficulties, because of lack of centralised furniture workshop and store, in their endeavours to meet the demands of all Gov. Departments. Their position was serious and aggravated by industrial action. The Kilmainham warehouse was considered to be the best solution to their problems.
The rent payable reflects the condition of the premises.
The functions to be catered for in the building included furniture manufacture and upholstery workshop storage of timbers, furniture, various floor coverings, antiques and other valuable items. The construction of an office development of some 6,700 sq. ft. over part of the leased premises was also required to cater for the administrative functions of the Furniture Division as there was insufficient space within the leased area for same.
From the beginning it was envisaged that a considerable amount of time would be required to bring the building into use. A programme of 33 months from receipt of D/Finance sanction was envisaged. In the event this has had to be extended and by January ’85 when the contract works, which are in progress at present, are due to be completed, the period will be 38 months.
The development of the project proved to be more complex than had been originally envisaged.
The formulation of a detailed brief of requirements covering specialised facilities for the proper storage conditions for raw timbers, veneers, sheets of plywood, hardboard etc. office furniture, polling booths, examination desks, antiques, carpet linoleum, upholstery materials, curtaining, china, crystal, silverware and other valuable items was an essential pre-requisite to detailed planning.
Considerable research had to be conducted into the workings of modern furniture workshops viz. the sequence of operation from delivery of materials to dispatch of furniture and the individual requirements of Woodwork and Machine shops, Cabinet makers’ workshops, Veneering workshops, Upholstery workshops, French Polishing workshops, paint spray areas and areas for the storage of varnishes, paints, glues and other potentially explosive atmospheres.
Fire regulations governing a building housing a furniture factory and store are particularly stringent. They had to be thoroughly researched and design decisions made having regard to various aspects e.g. the height of stacking in stores, the layouts of lanes between stacks of storage, escape routes and fire classification of various materials. The gasses given off by the varnishes glues etc. used in French polishing and paint spraying are, especially in paint spraying, extremely hazardous and had to be researched fully.
The design of the “high Risk” preventative systems necessary to meet fire and safety regulations and provide a safe working environment required careful consideration by all members of the Design Team in consultation with the Local Authority.
Sophisticated fire alarm systems (activated by smoke) high risk sprinkler installations, automatic smoke ventilations, dust extraction, compressed air installation and intruder alarm systems had to be fully researched in detail as there are many variations and the most appropriate systems had to be decided upon.
s adverted to earlier, full lighting and heating installations had also to be designed.
part from the major adaptation of the existing premises, plans were prepared
or the construction of an office block of some 6706 sq. ft. over part of he premises.
he extent and nature of the works required at Kilmainham which are vastly
ifferent from a normal “fitting-out job” dictated the need for the design team
o prepare full contract documents consisting of detailed drawing specifications
nd Bills of Quantities. Such details require a considerable amount of time to
repare and would not normally be required for fitting-out modern office locks.
enders were invited in June 1983 and a tender accepted in November, 1983 subject to receipt of a bond. This was produced in December, 1983 and the contractor moved on site in Jan. 1984. Acceptance of a tender was delayed somewhat because of objections raised by the Local Authority about transport movement via residential roads to and from the property. These were cleared in October, 1983.
Sarsfield House, Limerick |
Lease commencement date, 1/2/81 |
Preparation of briefs of requirements by Department |
(1) |
Education |
July 1980 |
(2) |
Fisheries and Forestry |
Sept. 1981 |
+ |
Layout plans prepared by Architect and with Departments for consideration and approval |
(1) |
Education |
July 1980 - Oct. 1980 |
(2) |
Fisheries and Forestry |
Sept 1981 - April 1982 |
+* |
Preparation of tender documents, tenders invited, received and contracts placed. |
(1) |
Education |
Oct. 1980 - Feb. 1981 |
(2) |
Fisheries and Forestry
(extra on contract for Education take) |
May 1982 |
Contract completed |
(1) |
Education |
April 1981 |
(2) |
Fisheries and Forestry |
August 1982 |
Occupied |
(1) |
Education |
April, 1982 |
(2) |
Fisheries and Forestry |
Nov. 1982 |
+ |
Fitting out cost approximately |
£60,000 |
This accommodation on the third floor of the building was leased to provide accommodation for the Departments of Education and Fisheries and Forestry.
The Department of Education was originally to have been accommodated on a lower floor of the building, leased prior to 1981, but the area allocated was subsequently required for expansion by the Revenue Commissioners.
The Department of Fisheries and Forestry staff were relocated here from St. Munchin’s House to afford expansion space there, for the expanded Department of Agriculture staff numbers viz. the Veterinary Offices of the Disease Eradication Programme.
-93 Lr. Mount Street (Blocks 5 & 6 |
Lease commencement date - 6/2/81 |
Preparation of brief of requirements by the Revenue Commissioners |
March, 1980 - April, 1981 |
+ |
Preparation of layout plans by Architect |
April, 1981 - May, 1981 |
Layout plans with Department for consideration and approval |
May, 1981 - June, 1981 |
Tender documents prepared and tenders invited |
June, 1981 - July 1981 |
Tenders received, examined and Contract placed |
July, 1981 - Oct. 1981 |
Completion following the execution of extra works, required by the D/Posts & Telegraphs to facilitate the telephone installation |
- Feb. 1982 |
Building ready for occupation following the installation of floor covering and furniture |
June 1982 |
Occupation commenced |
June 1982 |
* |
(see note re part not occupied) |
The total cost of fitting out the building is approximately £745,000.
Smithfield Chambers |
Lease commencement date 25/2/81 |
Preparation of brief of requirement by Department of Justice |
Feb. 1981 - April, 1981 |
Preparation of layout plans by Architect |
April 1981 - July, 1981 |
Layout plans with Department for consideration and approval |
July 1981 - Aug, 1981 |
Tender documents prepared and tenders invited |
Aug. 1981 - Oct. 1981 |
Tenders received, examined and Contract placed |
Oct. 1981 - March 1982 |
* |
Contract works due for completion |
June, 1982 |
Actual completion |
Nov. 1982 |
+ |
Carpeting, furnishing and security works followed |
Building occupied |
July, 1983 |
x |
The cost of fitting out the building was approximately £295,000.
Finglas Shopping Centre |
Lease commencement date 1/3/81 |
Layout plans based on requirements submitted by the Department of Labour when requesting that the accommodation be leased was forwarded for consideration and approval |
June, 1980 |
Layout plans approved |
June, 1980 - Aug. 1980 |
Tender documents prepared and tenders received |
Aug. 1980 - Dec. 1980 |
Agreement on terms of letting reached with lessor |
May, 1981 |
Tenders examined and contract placed |
Oct. 1981 |
+ |
Occupied |
Sept. 1982 |
* |
Delay in placing contract was due to constraints imposed on O.P.W. in relation to expenditure because of the then current financial situation.
The fitting out works cost £43,000 approximately.
Offices in Tralee |
Lease commencement date 29/6/81 |
Preparation and clearance of brief of requirements by Department of Labour |
Feb. ’81 |
Preparation of layouts and clearance with Department |
Sept. ’81 |
Preparation of tender documents and tenders invited |
Sept. ’81 |
Tenders received, examined and contract placed |
Oct. ’81 |
Contract works complete |
Feb. ’82 |
Occupied |
Apr. ’82 |
Cost £13,000 approximately |
Lombard House |
Lease commencement date 16/9/81 |
1. |
Department of Health |
Preparation of brief by Department |
in stages from March ’81 - June ’81 |
Preparation of layout plans by architect |
in stages from May ’81 - August ’81 |
Plans with Department for consideration and approval |
in stages from May ’81 - October ’81 |
Preparation of tender documents and tenders invited |
October ’81 - November ’81 |
Tenders received examined and contract placed |
February ’82 |
Contract works due for completion |
May ’82 |
Contract works completed (extra works required) |
July ’82 |
Carpeting and furnishing followed |
Occupied |
November-December ’83 * |
Cost of fitting out works approximately |
£237,000 |
+The building was leased primarily to meet the requirements of the General Record Office from the Custom House where industrial action had been threatened because of existing conditions and to relieve overcrowding generally in the Department.
As soon as the precise amount of space required by the General Record Office was established by reference to the layout of the new accommodation, the space available for other sections was clear and decisions as to the exact sections which could be accommodated were made.
Following the preparation of initial sketch plans, further exploratory discussions were held with the Department on detail requirements and some amendments to the scheme proved necessary.
Preparation of layout plans by architect |
June ’81 - August ’81 |
Layout plans with Department-Eastern Health Board for consideration and approval |
July ’81 - December ’81 + |
Preparation of tender documents, and tenders invited |
December ’81 - March ’82 |
Tenders received |
April ’82 |
Contract not yet placed |
* |
Estimated cost of fitting out works |
= |
70,000 |
Some amendments were necessary to the initial sketch plans prepared by the architect because of a change from open plan storage layout to the provision of a strong room for storage of records.
The delay in placing a contract is attributable to the following:-
Eastern Health Board did not agree sub-lease terms and lodge money to meet fitting out costs until |
June ’82 |
Lessors approval then sought to sub-leasing the accommodation to the Eastern Health Board |
July ’82 |
Lessors approval obtained subject to certain conditions one of which required planning permission to change of use |
October ’82 |
Following discussion The Eastern Health Board then sought the permission and advised the Office of Public Works that this had been obtained subject to bye-law approval and consultation with the Chief Fire Officer and Chief Health Officer |
June ’83 |
The approval of the Chief Health Officer has been obtained but as bye-law approval and views of the Chief Fire Officer have not been obtained a contract for the works cannot be placed. |
September ’83 |
Gondon House (portion) |
Lease commencement date 1/10/81 |
Preparation of brief of requirements by Department of Social Welfare |
April 81 - July 1981 |
Preparation of layout plans by Architect |
July ’81 - Oct. ’81 |
Layout plans with Department for consideration and approval |
October 81 - Oct. 81 |
Preparation of tender documents and tenders invited |
October 81 - Nov. ’81 |
Tenders received, examined and contract placed |
November 81 - Feb. ’82 |
Contract works due for completion. Work had subsequently to be phased as part of accommodation became occupied. This delayed final completion date somewhat. |
April 1982 |
Occupied: |
partially |
- |
fitting-out works to be carried out while some staff in occupation - staff being switched from floor to floor as areas completed |
December ’81 |
fully |
- |
August ’82 |
Fitting-out costs approximately |
£65,000 |
Hibernian House, Galway
(part of 1st floor) |
Lease Commencement date 5/11/81 |
Preparation of brief of requirements by Revenue Commissioners |
April 81 |
Preparation of layout plans by Architect |
May ’81 - June ’81 |
Layout plans with Department for consideration and approval |
June ’81 - July ’81 |
Tender documents prepared and tenders invited |
August ’81 - November ’81 |
Lessors approval as required under the terms of the lease awaited to proposed plans |
November ’81 - May ’82 |
New tenders sought in view of lapse of time and contract placed |
July ’82 |
Occupied: |
August ’82 |
Fitting out cost approximately £50,000 |
Sun Alliance Building, Dawson St. |
Lease Commencement Date 25/12/’81
Rent free period to 10/1/82 |
Preparation of brief of requirements by the Stationery Office
Preparation of layout plans by Architect
Layout plans with the Stationery Office for consideration and approval |
The brief of requirements was developed during inspections by the Architect of existing operations and at meetings with the Stationery Office following which layout plans were prepared and cleared by Nov. ’81. |
Preparation of tender documents for main contract and mechanical and electrical sub-contracts, clearance of layout plans with Lessors, invitation of tenders, examination of tenders and placing of contracts. |
Nov. ’81 - June ’82 |
Completion of contract works |
Jan ’83 |
Furnishing followed |
Occupied |
Feb. ’83 |
Cost of fitting out approximately |
£140,000 |
76-78 Harcourt Street |
Lease Commencement date 15/1/82 |
Preparation of initial brief of requirements by Department of Foreign Affairs |
Oct. ’81 |
- |
Feb. ’82 + |
Preparation of layout plans by Architect |
Feb. ’82 |
- |
May ’82 + |
Revised brief received from Department |
May ’82 |
Revised layout plans with Department for consideration and approval. |
Aug. ’82 |
- |
Nov. ’82 + |
Tender documents prepared and tenders invited |
Nov. ’82 |
- |
Jan ’83 |
Tenders received, examined and contract placed |
Jan ’83 |
- |
July ’83 * |
Completion of contract works |
Jan ’84 |
Expected occupation following provision of floor covering and furnishing |
March ’84 |
Cost of fitting out approximately |
£350,000 |
Harcourt Square Garda Headquarters, Harcourt Street
Date |
Blocks 2 and 3 lease commencement |
1.6.’81 |
Department of Justice asked for brief |
2.7.’81 |
Briefs for Blocks 1 and 3 (except top 1½ floors) received |
1.12.’81 |
Block 4 lease commencement |
1.1.’82 |
Layout plans for Block 3 sent to D/Justice for approval |
16.3.’82 |
Layout plans for Block 1 sent to D/Justice for approval |
16.4.’82 |
D/Justice approve plans for Blocks 1 and 3 |
22.4.’82 |
Block 1 lease commencement |
1.5.’82 |
Brief for Block 2 (except top floor) received |
23.5.’82 |
Tender received from G. & T. Crampton Ltd. |
7.7.’82 |
*Layout plans for Block 2 sent to D/Justice for approval |
21.9.’82 |
Cramptons tender accepted for entire complex |
12.10.’82 |
Phase 1: Blocks 1 and 3 (except top 1½ floors) to be started at
once - completion due June ’83 |
Phase 2: Blocks 2 and 4 |
Partitioning sub-contractor nominated |
29.10.’82 |
New partitioning sub-contractor appointed - 1st firm withdrew |
1.12.’82 |
D/Justice alter briefs: staff from top floor of Block 1 to occupy all
Block 4 - brief supplied |
28.3.’83 |
Staff from top floor of Block 2 to occupy top
floor of Block 1 but no brief supplied |
*D/Justice alter layouts for Block 2 - now top 2 floors without brief |
29.3.’83 |
Briefs for top 14 floors, Block 3 received |
20.4.’83 |
Revised layout plans for Block 2 (except top 2 floors) sent to D/Justice |
10.5.’83 |
Layout plans for Block 2 approved |
12.5.’83 |
Brief for top 2 floors Block 2 received |
16.5.’83 |
Layout plans for top 1½ floors Block 3 and Block 4 sent to D/Justice |
27.5.’83 |
Top floors Block 2 - - proposal not feasible
for technical reasons - brief withdrawn |
7 and 16.6.’83 |
Layout plans for top 1½ floors Block 3 and Block 4 approved - work to to be done in Phase 2. |
17.6.’83 |
Phase 1: Blocks 1 and 3 (except top floor in each) completed |
July ’83 |
Block 1 occupied |
July ’83 |
Block 3 occupied |
Aug. ’83 |
Phase 2 commences: Block 3 - top floor |
17.8.’83 |
Block 2 (except top 2 floors) |
Block 3 - top floor completed |
Nov. ’83 |
Block 3 - top floor occupied |
Nov. ’83 |
Blocks 2 (except top 2 floors) and 4 will be finished |
Mar. ’84 |
Block 2 and 4 to be occupied following carpeting and furnishings |
mid ’84 |
Outstanding briefs: |
top floor Block 1, 7,800 ft2 |
)to be used as |
top 2 floors Block 2, 10,400 ft2 |
)Communications Centre |
Nassau House |
Lease Commencement date 15/2/82 |
Preparation of brief of requirements by Department of Energy |
Nov. ’81
(outline brief received with request to lease premises) |
Preparation of layout plans by Architect |
Nov. ’81 - Dec ’81 |
Layout plans with Department for consideration and approval |
Dec. ’81 - Dec ’81 |
Preparation of tender documents and tenders invited |
Dec. ’81 - Dec. ’81 |
Tenders received examined and contract placed |
Jan. ’82 + |
Contract works due for completion |
March ’82 |
Contract works actually completed |
July ’82 * |
Occupation: 1st Floor |
Oct. ’82 x |
2nd Floor |
May. ’83 x |
Cost of fitting out approximately £117,000 |
Dolphin House: |
Lease Commencement date 1/4/82 |
Preparation of brief of requirements by Department of Justice |
Sept. ’81 - Dec. ’81 |
Preparation of layout plans by Architect |
in stages from Dec ’81 - April 82 + |
Layout plans with Department for consideration and approval |
in stages from Jan ’82 - April 82 + |
Preparation of tender documents and tenders invited |
April - 82 - May ’82 |
Tenders received, examined and contract placed |
May ’82 - June ’82 |
Contract works actual completion (ahead of time) |
Nov. ’82 |
Floor covering and furnishing followed |
Occupation commenced |
Feb. ’83 * |
„ |
completed |
Sept ’83 * |
Cost of fitting out approximately £500,000 |
Island House, Galway |
Lease commencement date 1/10/82 |
Rent free period to 31/12/82 |
Preparation of brief of requirements by Department of Labour (Manpower Service) |
August ’81 - Nov. ’81 |
Preparation of layout plans by Architect |
+ |
Manpower Service |
July 82 - Oct. 82 * |
Social Welfare |
Sept 82 - Oct. 82 |
Environment |
Sept 82 - Oct. 82 |
Layout plans with Department for |
consideration and approval |
Manpower Service |
Aug. 82 - Oct. 82 * |
Social Welfare |
Oct. 82 - Oct. 82 |
Environment |
Oct. 82 - Feb. 83 |
Preparation of tender documents and tenders invited |
Nov. 82 - Dec 82 |
Tenders received, examined and contract placed |
Dec. 82 - Jan 83 |
Contract works completed |
April 1983 |
Floor covering and furnishing followed |
Occupied |
Manpower Service |
Social Welfare)
Environment ) |
April ’83
June ’83 x |
Fitting out cost approximately £33,000 |
Poplar Sq. Naas |
Lease commencement date 1/12/82 |
Rent free period to 31/3/83 |
Agreement to lease the premises reached with lessor |
Nov. ’82 |
Brief of requirements received from Departments of Agriculture and Social Welfare |
Nov. ’82 - Dec. ’82 |
It was not possible to meet all requirements within the available space and both Departments were asked to review their requirements in the light of this (Dec. 82). In the event the space was allocated to the Department of Agriculture.
Layout plans prepared by Architect |
Jan ’83 - Feb ’83 |
Layout plans with Department for consideration and approval |
Feb ’83 |
Preparation of tender documents and tenders invited |
Feb ’83 - April 83 + |
Tenders received, examined and contract placed |
April 83 - May 83 |
Contract completion due |
July ’83 |
Flooring and furnishing followed |
Occupied |
Sept. ’83 |
Coolock Shopping Centre
Unit A2 |
Lease commencement date 1/4/83 |
The accommodation was leased as an adjunct to a previously leased and occupied adjoining Unit. |
Layout plans prepared by Architect in respect of overall requirements for both units having regard to combined requirements. |
June ’82 |
Layout plans with Department for consideration and approval |
June ’82 - June ’82 |
Preparation of tender documents and tenders invited |
June ’82 - Sept. ’82 |
Tenders received, examined and contract placed |
Oct ’82 - Feb. ’83 + |
Completion of contract works. |
June ’83 |
Occupied |
April ’83 * |
Fitting out cost approximately £65,000 |
Office Rents
1981 |
1981 |
Private Sector transactions of which O.P.W. is aware. |
O.P.W. transactions:- |
10 transactions involving 139,000 sq. ft. 5 in Dublin 2, 4 in Dublin 4, 1 in the outer suberbs gave an average rent of £8.26 sq. ft. |
4 transactions involving 98,000 sq. ft. in Dublin, 3 in Dublin 2, 1 in Dublin 7 gave an average rent of £6.540 sq. ft. |
1982 |
1982 |
4 private sector transactions involving 59,000 sq. ft., 2 in Dublin 2, 1 in the outer suberbs in Dun Laoghaire gave an average rent of £8.33 per sq. ft. |
5 O.P.W. transactions involving 95,600 sq. ft. in Dublin 2 gave an average of £7.66 per sq. ft. |
1983 |
O.P.W. new letting were not significant, rent reviews in 10 cases involving 187,837 sq. ft. 6 in Dublin 2, 3 in Dublin 1, 1 Dublin 8 gave an average of £7.91 per sq. ft. |
Exchange Buildings |
Lease Commencement date 1/1/84
Rent free period to 31/3/84 |
Preparation of brief by Department |
September ’83 |
Preparation of layout plans by Architect |
Oct. ’83 - Dec ’83 |
Layout plans with Department for consideration and approval |
Nov. ’83 - Dec. ’83 |
Preparation of tender documents and tenders invited |
Dec. ’83 |
Tenders received, examined and contract placed |
5 January ’84 |
Occupation expected |
February 1984 |
Fitting out cost approximately £23,000 |
“Sunday Independent” article - 13 March 1983
“Sunday Independent” Statement |
O.P.W. Comment |
1.The Irish Civil Service is renting 289,400 square feet of office space it has never used. |
1 and 2.
In March 1983 some 170,000 square feet of office space leased by O.P.W. in Dublin was unoccupied, approximately 95% of which cost less than £8 per square foot in rent |
2.Every square foot of the unused space costs the taxpayers £8 at present commercial rates |
3.Even since 1973 the Irish Civil Service has rented office space at exactly twice the rate staff were recruited to fill it. |
3 and 4.
Space was rented not only for newly recruited staff but to relieve overcrowding in existing buildings and to accommodate staff moved from unsuitable accommodation. Also space provided by O.P.W. includes such facilities as Garda Headquarter accommodation, facilities for the State Laboratory, Meteorological Office, National Museum etc. |
4.In 1973 there was 2.7 million square feet for 41,000 “non-industrial” staff. Today, there is 5.3 million square feet for just 21,000 more. |
5.For the past decade the Civil Service has been the largest renter of office space on the property market, consistently leasing between 6 and 9 acres each (i.e. between 261,360 and 392,040 square feet). |
5.O.P.W. Takes in Dublin over the period 1972 to 1982 averaged 165,590 square feet per annum. In the entire country during that period the annual average leased by O.P.W. was 196,502 square feet. |
6.This year’s bill in Dublin alone will be almost £18,000,000 including unoccupied offices. |
6.Actual O.P.W. outlay on rent and rates in 1983 in entire country totalled £14.6 million. |
7.Buildings are rented by the Department that wants them after consultation with the Board of Works. |
7.Buildings are rented by the Office of Public Works and not by the individual Departments. |
8.In practice, however, the Board has little authority to do anything more than offer advice, and there is no obligation on any Department to heed its recommendations. |
8.The Office of Public Works will not rent space unless it is satisfied that the Department needs it, and that the rent is reasonable. |
9.The Board of Works has a statutory obligation to provide ofice space for Departments who claim to need it - once they can prove to the Department of Finance that there is money to meet the bill for the first year. |
9.Provision of accommodation is the function of the O.P.W. - see 8 above. |
10.10.Since 1979 there were over 1000 extra Gardai recruited to the force but less than £2 million allocated towards accommodating them. |
10.It is not clear to what the £2 million allocation mentioned refers.
It is not reasonable to equate the amount of funds allocated for Garda Building and the numbers recruited to the Force. For instance, the drive to increase recruitment substantially commenced in 1982. In that year approximately £316,000 was expended providing new classrooms and sleeping accommodation at Templemore Training Centre. Sleeping accommodation within bussing distance of the Centre was also leased.
With regard to the Garda Building programme £8 million has been expended since 1979 and the allocation for 1984 is £4.27 m. While it could be argued that this amount was not expended on additional accommodation - in the majority of cases we are replacing buildings which have outlived their usefulness - the modern Garda Station caters for the increased manpower and services provided by the Gardai. |
11.At present over 15% of the (Garda) force are working ....... “unfit for human habitation.” |
11.Have no information to substantiate this point. |
12.Yet their new Harcourt Street Headquarters is lying idle since March 1981 at a total cost of almost £1.5 m because the Board of Works awarded the original tender to “fit out” the building to a builder who was not able to complete the contract. |
12.Blocks II and III were leased from June 1981 and Blocks I and IV from May 1982 and January 1982 respectively.
Blocks I and III were substantially occupied in July/August and November 1993. Blocks II and IV will be occupied mid 1984. The rent etc. paid to 1 March 1983 was £1.2m.
The main contractors Messrs G & T Crampton Ltd have been satisfactory. The sub-contractor referred to withdrew at the time of acceptance of the main tender and an alternative sub-contractor was appointed within 5 weeks.
The premises at Harcourt Street are to house the Dublin Metropolitan area Headquarters and are not relevant in the context of recruits. |
13.Tender system blamed for expensive hold-ups. |
13.O.P.W., like other Departments, must work within the prescribed framework of procedures laid down for the allocation of Government contracts. The tender system is an integral part of these procedures. It is designed to ensure fair competition exists and is seen to exist in the allocation of contracts. It can on occasion take time to process. |
Year: |
Office Area Leased (in Square Feet) |
A |
B |
C |
D |
Dublin |
Area in A |
Provincial |
A + C |
still under |
OPW control |
1972 |
280,265 |
280,265 |
N.A. |
N.A. |
1973 |
153,723 |
153,723 |
21,789 |
177,512 |
1974 |
81,496 |
74,296 |
18,501 |
99,997 |
1975 |
173,584 |
131,504 |
48,320 |
221,904 |
1976 |
190,465 |
189,365 |
18,935 |
209,400 |
1977 |
58,943 |
41,320 |
26,209 |
85,152 |
1978 |
219,581 |
189,232 |
34,193 |
253,774 |
1979 |
35,175 |
35,175 |
60,531 |
95,706 |
1980 |
139,023 |
139,023 |
27,084 |
166,107 |
1981 |
171,345 |
171,345 |
36,685 |
208,030 |
1982 |
101,417 |
101,417 |
16,868 |
118,285 |
1983 |
4,678 |
4,678 |
11,000 |
15,678 |
Premises |
Area |
1973 |
Earlsfort House |
63,400 |
1 Lr. Grand Canal St. |
38,000 |
Hawkins House (10th, 11th flrs) |
9,600 |
Oisin House |
42,000 |
O’Connell Br. House (part) |
723 |
1974 |
1, Ardee Road |
32,600 |
290 Ballyfermot Rd. |
800 |
Lyon House |
18,281 |
Osmond House, Ship St. |
22,615 |
(a)28 Bishop St. |
5,900 |
(b)15 Molesworth St. |
1,300 |
Rented Premises |
Area |
1975 |
(a)28 Bishop St. |
16,729 |
Leinster Market |
838 |
Castle House |
35,050 |
Clonwilliam St. I |
12,622 |
Norwich Union Building |
12,300 |
1, Main St. Tallaght |
200 |
44/45 St. Stephen’s Green |
4,277 |
(b)49 St. Stephen’s Green |
2,600 |
Sackville Place |
17,092 |
(c)A.C.C. House |
7,388 |
(d)Kildare Building |
49,325 |
(e)Clonwilliam St. III |
13,688 |
(f)14 St. Stephen’s Green |
1,475 |
(a)since surrendered
(b)since surrendered
(c)since surrendered
(d)the freehold of this building was purchased by the Commissioners of Public Works in 1976
(e)since surrendered
(f)since surrendered
Premises |
Area |
1976 |
Grattan House (gr. fl.) |
2,950 |
Grattan House (1st fl.) |
4,160 |
Grattan House (2nd fl.) |
4,160 |
Hawkins House (part 1st flr.) |
8,810 |
Holbrook House (1st fl.) |
5,220 |
Hume House (2nd fl.) |
11,140 |
13 Hume St. |
3,850 |
7/9 Merrion Row |
17,930 |
Molesworth Building |
55,500 |
Nassau Building (2nd fl.) |
17,312 |
(a)3 Lr. Ormond Q. |
1,100 |
146 Sundrive Rd. |
400 |
157/164 Townsend St. |
35,563 |
Wicklow House |
21,684 |
85 Ballymun Avenue |
686 |
(a)since surrendered
Premises |
Area |
1977 |
Holbrook House (2nd fl.) |
5,220 |
(a)15 Molesworth St. |
2,000 |
Nassau Building (3rd fl.) |
17,312 |
Nassau Building (4th fl.) |
6,652 |
Ormond House |
7,195 |
(b)102 Patrick St. |
800 |
(c)21 Shelbourne Rd. |
19,764 |
(a)since surrendered
(b)since surrendered
(c)14823 sq. ft. of this space is sub-let to the National Board for Science &
Premises |
Area |
1978 |
Baggot Br. House |
27,947 |
4 Burlington Rd., |
3,875 |
Ely Court |
19,224 |
(a) |
27 Upr. Fitzwilliam St. |
1,537 |
Gandon House (grnd, 1st & 2nd flrs) |
20,773 |
13-15 Lr. Hatch St. |
11,237 |
Irish Life Centre |
(B1. I) |
29,924 |
(b) |
„ |
„ |
„ |
(Bls V-Vii) |
35,734 |
(c) |
Nassau Bldg (5th, 6th fls.) |
18,766 |
„ |
„ |
(1st fl.) |
5,300 |
(d) |
„ |
„ |
(1st fl.) |
18,678 |
Park House (part 2nd & 4th flrs) |
14,050 |
126-128 Thomas St. |
10,668 |
O’Connell Br. House (1st fl.) |
1,868 |
(a)since surrendered
(b)17,542 sq. ft. of this building has been sub-let to An Bord Pleanala from June 1978.
(c)1,770 sq. ft. of this space is sub-let to Kilkenny Design Workshops Ltd.
(d)5500 sq. ft. of this space is sub-let to Kilkenny Design Workshops Ltd.
Premises |
Area |
1979 |
Apollo House (2nd-4th fls.) |
16,650 |
Airways Ind. Estate |
2,327 |
Coolock Shopping C. (Unit Al) |
1,377 |
Four Courts (1.L.S.) |
1,961 |
Irish Life Centre (Bl. I) |
5,700 |
(a)5 Kildare St. |
7,250 |
(a)This space has since been surrendered.
1980 |
22/25 Clare Street |
20,385 |
4/5 Harcourt Rd. |
32,800 |
Landsdowne Ho. (1st fl.) |
7,990 |
Claremont Rd. |
20,669 |
Earl Court |
44,103 |
Bow Street |
8,026 |
14/19 Crow St. (part) |
3,900 |
54 Merrion Sq. (ground floor) |
1,150 |
+The Department of Fisheries and Forestry staff strongly resisted the move, hence the delay in agreeing layout plans and subsequently in moving into the accommodation.
*Layout plans were forwarded November 1981. Alterations were sought Dec. 1981 and fresh plans prepared and finally agreed April, 1982.
+The delay in furnishing a brief of requirements was, it is understood, due to the fact that the Revenue Commissioners were at that time considering a re-organisation and expansion of the Dublin Tax Districts and intended to use this building as a Taxes headquarters.
*Occupation commenced on a phased basis in June 1982. The transfer of two of the nine District Tax Sections scheduled to occupy the premises, was postponed by the Revenue Commissioners because of problems with Unions arising initially from the Government embargo on the filling of posts and latterly from difficulties concerning disturbance money. Approximately 6,000 sq. ft. practically all on the rear of the 3rd floor remains unoccupied at present.
*The apparent delay in placing a contract was due to an unusual situation which arose with the lowest tenderer which called into question the validity of his tender.
+The contract works were to have been completed June, 1982 but did not complete until November, 1982 because of delays by the Contractor and also because extra works were required.
xThe building could not become operational until telephones were installed and although floor covering, furnishing and completion of a special security system followed on completion of the contract works the building was not occupied until July 1983 when the telephone installation was completed.
*The delay in occupying the premises was due to performance difficulties experienced with two of the four contractors involved in the various aspects and to requests for extra works by the Department.
*The delay in occupying the premises was due initially to a reluctance by the Department to occupy the premises until fitting-out works on the ground floor for the Eastern Health Board had been undertaken and completed as they maintained that these works when ongoing would involve hazards for their public callers and undesirable working conditions for their staff. The Office of Public Works did not accept this view and were not, in any event, in a position to execute the works concerned because of difficulties associated with the sub-lease to the Eastern Health Board. In an effort to allay the fears then expressed by the Department that security in the building would be inadequate pending completion of the security works included in the fitting-out proposals for the Eastern Health Board take, it was arranged to have some of these works undertaken as a separate matter viz. the provision of roller shutter grills to windows and doors on the ground floor. When these works were completed, the transfer of staff was further delayed because of a dispute about disturbance money.
+The apparent delay in furnishing a brief of requirements and the consequential preparation layout plans was due to receipt of a revised brief by the Department in May ’82 - the original brief had been furnished Feb. ’82.
It was not possible to meet all of the space requirements of the new brief and several meetings had to be held with the Department and new plans prepared before it was possible to settle the precise groupings which could be accommodated to meet the working arrangements of the Department.
* The delay in placing a contract was due to constraints imposed on O.P.W. in relation to expenditure because of the them current financial situation.
+Although the lease commencement date is 15/2/82, it was agreed with the lessor that works could commence Jan ’82. D/Finance sanctioned the leasing of the premises 15/1/82.
*The contractor was generally slow but obviously was experiencing problems as the firm was wound up shortly after completion of the contract.
xThe apparent delay in occupying the premises was due to the absence of telephones which were installed on the first floor in Oct. ’82 and on the 2nd floor 10 May ’83 and to a change of mind by the Department as to the proposed occupiers of the 2nd floor.
+ Layout plans for the ground to 2nd floors were prepared and sent to Department for approval Jan ’82 and for the 3rd and 4th floors, Feb. ’82. In March ’82 the Department sought the inclusion of additional services viz. two High Court Offices in the accommodation. This necessitated the preparation of revised layout plans which were approved by the Department in April 1982.
*The premises were ready for occupation but absence of telephones delayed occupation until Feb ’83 when two direct lines only were installed. This enabled part only of the accommodation including the Rent Tribunal Court rooms to be brought into use at that time.
The phone installation was completed in March 1983 but the Department did not take up occupation until September 1983.
+This building was inspected during its construction stage but was considered unacceptable for Government staff because of poor natural lighting and insufficient toilet accommodation. It was again inspected in June 1982. As additional toilets had been provided and the natural lighting problem overcome, the premises was considered acceptable. This being so, fitting out planning arrangements were put in hand.
*Layout plans for the National Manpower Service were prepared and sent for approval in August 1982. However in September 1982 it proved necessary to provide accommodation in the building for the Departments of Social Welfare and Environment. New plans had to be prepared and were sent to all concerned on 1st October 1982.
xSocial Welfare (Medical Referee) was awaiting the appointment of Staff’ (Nurse). Environment (Driver Tester) had already arranged tests from his existing accommodation and could not rearrange schedule until May 1983.
+Although tenders were received October ’82 the placing of a contract had to await receipt of Department of Finance sanction to leasing the premises. This sanction was granted January 1983. The contract was placed 3rd Feb. 1983.
*Staff of the National Manpower Office were already in occupation of the adjoining unit. The fitting-out contract encompassed both units and it was therefore necessary to fit out the premises in 2 phases - Unit A2 and part of Unit A1 being the first phase. As soon as these works were completed staff took up occupation viz. in April ’83. Works then commenced in Unit A1 and completed in June 1983. Staff then took up permanent positions in both units and additional staff transferred from City Centre Offices to Coolock.