IMEACHTA AN CHOISTE.THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMITTEE.Déardaoin, 23ú Feabhra, 1950.Thursday, 23rd February, 1950.1. The Committee met at 11 a.m. 2. Present: Deputy Derrig (in the Chair), Deputies Mrs. Crowley, Davern, Dockrell, Gilbride, Kitt and Sheldon. 3. Consideration of the Appropriation Accounts for the year 1947-48 was resumed. The following Accounts were disposed of: General Register Office and Health. 4. Mr. P. Kennedy (Secretary, Department of Health), Mr. M. Breathnach Department of Finance), and the Comptroller and Auditor-General were examined. 5. The Committee adjourned at 11.40 p.m. |