IMEACHTA AN CHOISTE.THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMITTEE.Déardaoin, 4adh Mí na Samhma, 1943.Thursday, 4th November, 1943.1. The Committee met at 11 a.m. 2. Present: Deputy Dillon (in the Chair), Deputies Allen, Benson, B. Brady, Breathnach, Briscoe, Cogan, L. Cosgrave, M. E. Dockrell, Harris and M. O’Sullivan. 3. Consideration of the Appropriation Accounts for the year 1941-42 was resumed. The following Accounts were disposed of:—Charitable Donations and Bequests, Office of the Revenue Commissioners, Old Age Pensions, Compensation Bounties, Office of the Minster for Supplies, Comptroller and Auditor General. 4. Mr. W. Smyth (Secretary, Charitable Donations and Bequests), Mr. W. D. Carey (Chairman, Revenue Commissioners), Mr. J. Leydon (Secretary, Department of Supplies), Mr. C. S. Almond, Mr. G. P. S. Hogan, and Mr. L. M. Fitzgerald (Department of Finance) and Mr. J. Maher (Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General) were examined. 5. The Committee adjourned at 12.55 p.m. till Wednesday next. |