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APPENDIX 8JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 22 January 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R4, Leinster House 2000 at 9.42 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O'Keeffe(in the chair), Beverley Cooper-Flynn, Jerry Cowley, Jimmy Devins, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville and Fiona O'Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney and Frank Feighan. Apologies were received from Senator Mary Henry. Senator Cyprian Brady also attended the meeting. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 17th December were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was dealt with in Private Session. 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was dealt with in Private Session. 6.Any Other Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session. In Public Session. 6.Presentations by officials from the Department of Health and Children on Ireland's National Diabetes Strategy. The Chairman welcomed the following officials to the meeting: •Dr. Jim Kiely, Chief Medical Officer; •Mr. Brian Mullen, Principal Officer; •Mr. Denis O'Sullivan, Principal Officer; •Mr. Brian Brogan, Assistant Principal Officer; •Mr. Paul McKiernan, Assistant Principal Officer and •Ms. Tracey O'Beirne, Nursing Advisor, all from the Department of Health and Children. Dr. Kiely commenced the presentation by outlining Ireland's National Diabetes Strategy and it's links with strategies to combat other related diseases. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Chairman thanked the officials for coming before the Committee and enhancing the Committees knowledge and understanding of the issues surrounding Diabetes. 7.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.09 am until 9.30 am on Thursday, 5th February next Batt O'Keeffe, T.D., Chairman 23 January 2004 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 5 February 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R3, Leinster House 2000 at 9.35 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O'Keeffe(in the chair), Beverley Cooper-Flynn, Jerry Cowley, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville and Fiona O'Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney, Frank Feighan, Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry Deputy Liam Twomey also attended the meeting. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 22nd January were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was dealt with in Private Session. 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was dealt with in Private Session. 6. Any Other Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session. In Public Session. 7.Presentations by Consultant Oncologists and Surgeons on the Report of the Development of Radiation Oncology Services in Ireland. The Chairman welcomed the following witnesses to the meeting: •Professor Donal Hollywood, Professor of Clinical Oncology, St. Luke's Hospital, Dublin 6; •Mr. Gordon Watson, Consultant Surgeon, Waterford Regional Hospital; •Mr. Kevin Moran, Consultant Surgeon, Letterkenny General Hospital; •Dr. Maccon Keane, Consultant Medical Oncologist, University College Hospital Galway •Dr. Ian Fraser, Consultant Oncologist, St. Luke's Hospital •Dr. Seamus O'Cathail, Consultant Radiation Oncologist, University College Hospital, Cork. Professor Hollywood commenced the presentation by outlining the recommendations contained in the Report and the other Consultants gave opinions both in the favour of the reports recommendations and against them. The Committee suspended at 10.50 am until 11.01 am due to a Dáil vote. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Chairman thanked the witnesses for coming before the Committee and giving their views on the recommendations contained in the report. It was agreed that early funding is a prerequisite to improving the delivery of radiotherapy services nationally and to invite the Minister for Health and Children to come before the Committee at an early opportunity to discuss the issue. 9.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 12.17 pm until 9.30 am on Thursday, 19th February next. _________________ John Moloney, T.D., Vice-Chairman 5 February 2004 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 19 February 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room 2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.30 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies John Moloney (in the chair), Jerry Cowley, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Dan Neville and Fiona O'Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney, Frank Feighan and Camillus Glynn. Apologies were received from Deputies Jimmy Devins, Olivia Mitchell and Batt O'Keeffe who were abroad on official Committee business and Senator Mary Henry. Deputies John Cregan, Máire Hoctor and Michael Ring and Senator Michael Brennan also attended the meeting. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 5th February were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was dealt with in Private Session. 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was dealt with in Private Session. In Public Session 6.Presentations by Consultant Orthodontists and a Principal Dental Surgeon on the recommendations contained in the Report on the provision of Orthodontic Services in Ireland by the former Joint Committee on Health and Children. The Chairman welcomed the following witnesses to the meeting: •Dr. Ted McNamara, Consultant Orthodontist; •Dr. Triona McNamara, Consultant Orthodontist; •Dr. Ian O'Dowling, Consultant Orthodontist; •Dr. Antonia Hewson, Principal Dental Surgeon. The Consultant Orthodontists and the Principal Dental Surgeon outlined the lack of progress, as they perceived it, in implementing the recommendations contained in the Report on the provision of Orthodontic Services in Ireland by the former Joint Committee on Health and Children. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Chairman thanked the witnesses for coming before the Committee and giving their views on the recommendations contained in the report. 7.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.08 am until 9.30 am on Thursday, 5th March next. _________________ John Moloney, T.D., Vice-Chairman 19 February 2004 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 26 February 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R3, Leinster House 2000 at 12.27 p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O'Keeffe (in the chair), Jimmy Devins, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell and Fiona O'Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney, Noel Coonan (in substitution for Frank Feighan) and Mary White (in substitution for Camillus Glynn). Apologies were received from Deputies Jerry Cowley and Dan Neville. Deputies Joe Callanan, Brendan Daly, Liam Twomey and Ollie Wilkinson also attended the meeting. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 19th February were agreed. 4Correspondence. This item was dealt with in Private Session. 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was dealt with in Private Session. 6.Any Other Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session. In Public Session. 7.Presentations by the CEOS of the Mid Western and South Eastern Health Boards and the deputy CEO of the Western Health Board on the reasons for not spending all of their allocated budgets in 2002 and 2003. The Chairman welcomed the following witnesses to the meeting: •Mr. Stiofán de Burca, CEO, Mid Western Health Board; •Mr. John O'Brien, Assistant CEO, Mid Western Health Board; •Mr. Pat McLoughlin, CEO, South Eastern Health Board; •Mr. Eugene Hally, Director of Finance, South Eastern Health Board; •Dr. Mary Hynes, Deputy CEO, Western Health Board; •Mr. Liam Minihan, Director of Finance, Western Health Board. Mr de Burca commenced the presentation by outlining the reasons why the Mid-Western Health Board had a surplus budget in the last few years and Mr. McLoughlin and Dr. Hynes outlined similar reasons in regard to their respective Health Boards. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Chairman thanked the witnesses for coming before the Committee and outlining in such a comprehensive way the reasons why the three Health Boards did not spend all of their allocated budgets in 2002 and 2003. 8.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 2.19 pm until 9.30 am on Thursday, 4th March next. _________________ Batt O'Keeffe, T.D., Chairman 27 February 2004 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 4 March 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.36 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O'Keeffe (in the chair), Beverly Flynn, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville and Fiona O'Malley. Senators Frank Feighan, Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. Deputy Eoin Ryan also attended the meeting. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. This item was dealt with in Private Session. 4Correspondence. This item was dealt with in Private Session 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was dealt with in Private Session 6.Any other Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session In Public Session. 7. Presentation by the Diabetes Federation of Ireland on the need for a National Diabetes Strategy. The Chairman welcomed the following witnesses to the meeting: •Professor John Nolan, Consultant Endocrinologist and Chair; •Dr. Liam Plant; Consultant Nephrologist; •Ms. Anna Clarke; Health Promotion Manager; •Ms. Caitriona Coleman, Dietitician and •Ms. Theresa Loughnane, Patient, all of the Diabetes Federation of Ireland. Professor Nolan commenced the presentation by outlining the nature and prevalence of Diabetes in Ireland and presented the Committee with a proposed National Diabetes Strategy. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. Four priority issues were then identified that require immediate funding. They are as follows: •A Nationally Integrated IT System; •Nationwide Retinal Screening Programme; •Appointment of appropriately trained Podiatrists in all hospitals dealing with Diabetes; •Nationwide Equity of Access to treatment for all Diabetes Sufferers. The Chairman thanked the witnesses for coming before the Committee and outlining in such a comprehensive way the reasons why a National Diabetes Strategy was needed urgently. It was agreed to ask the Minister for Health & Children to come before the Committee to discuss the issue further. 8.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 10.51 am until 9.30 am on Thursday, 1st April next. _________________ Batt O'Keeffe, T.D., Chairman 5 March 2004 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDREN.Proceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 1 April 2004The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. on 1 April 2004 in CR02, Leinster House 2000 (In public session) Attendance: The following Members were present: Deputies Jerry Cowley, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Olivia Mitchell, Dan Neville, Batt 0'Keeffe, Fiona 0'Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney, Camillus Glynn. Apologies were received from Deputy Liz McManus and Senator Mary Henry 1. Minutes of the meeting of 4th March The minutes were agreed In private session. 2. Correspondence. This item was dealt with in Private Session 3. Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU Business This item was dealt with in Private Session 4. Any other Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session In Public Session. 5. Presentation by the Pharmaceutical Union of Ireland on ‘Care at the Community Pharmacy: Quality Timely Access'. The Chairman welcomed Mr. Seamus Feely, Secretary General; Mr. Richard Collis, President; Mr. Karl Hilton, Vice-President Ms. Liz Hoctor, Treasurer and Mr. Edward MacManus, Pharmacist of the Pharmaceutical Union of Ireland. Mr. Collis made a presentation on ‘Care at the Community Pharmacy: Quality Timely Access' to the Committee (copy circulated) and that was followed by an exchange of views with the Committee. [Dr. Jimmy Devins TD, on the nomination of Senator Feeney, acted as Temporary Chairman from 11.08a.m.to the conclusion of the meeting. On conclusion the Chairman thanked the delegation for meeting the Committee and outlining concerns about the future provision of services by community pharmacies. 6. Adjournment. This meeting adjourned at 11.33 a.m. until 9.30 a.m. on 22nd April when the Joint Committee would hear a presentation from the Irish College of Psychiatrists. __________________________ Batt O'Keeffe TD Chairman 1 April 2004 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 22 April 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.37 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O'Keeffe (in the chair), Jerry Cowley, Dermot Fitzpatrick, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney (temporarily in the Chair), Dan Neville and Fiona O'Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney, Kevin Phelan (in temporary substitution for Senator Feeney), Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. Apologies were received from Deputy Liz McManus. Deputy John Moloney assumed the Chair until the Chairman arrived at 10 am, having been inadvertently delayed elsewhere. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the last meeting held on 1st April were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was dealt with in Private Session 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was dealt with in Private Session 6.Any Other Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session In Public Session. 5.Presentation by the Irish College of Psychiatrists on the current and future implications of the continuing lack of resources being provided to the Mental Health Services. The Chairman welcomed the following witnesses to the meeting: •Dr. Kate Gantner; Chairman; •Dr. Brendan Cassidy, Faculty of Adult Psychiatry; •Dr. Stephen Browne; Faculty of Adult Psychiatry; •Dr. Harry Kennedy, Faculty of Forensic Psychiatry; •Dr. Oonagh Bradley, Faculty of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Faculty of Learning Disability; •Dr. Margo Wrigley, Faculty of Psychiatry of Old Age all of the Irish College of Psychiatrists. Dr. Gantner commenced the presentation by outlining the existing conditions in the Mental Health Services and made a number of proposals to the Joint Committee to improve the management of the Health Services into the future. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Chairman thanked the witnesses for coming before the Committee and outlining for it the serious issues in the mental health services that affect a very dependent and vulnerable section of society. It was agreed to send a copy of the presentation made by the Irish College of Psychiatrists and a transcript of the meeting to the Minister for Health & Children and ask for a response to the issues raised. 7.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.59 am until 9.30 am on Thursday, 29th April next. _________________ Batt O'Keeffe, T.D., Chairman 23 April 2004 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 29 April 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.37 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O'Keeffe (in the chair), Jerry Cowley, Jimmy Devins, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville and Fiona O'Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney and Camillus Glynn. Apologies were received from Senator Frank Feighan and Mary Henry. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the last meeting held on 22nd April were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was dealt with in Private Session 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was dealt with in Private Session 6.Any Other Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session In Public Session. 6.Presentation on the Future of the Interim Health Service Executive and the National Steering Committee on the Health Reform Programme by the Executive Chairman. The Chairman welcomed the following witnesses to the meeting: •Mr. Kevin Kelly, Executive Chairman; •Mr. Hugh Cawley, Head of Change Management; •Mr. Killian McGrane, Assistant Principal Officer; all of the Interim Health Service Executive and the National Steering Committee on the Health Reform Programme. Mr. Kelly commenced the presentation by outlining the proposed approach being taken to reform the structure of the Health Services. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Committee suspended at 10.45 a.m. for a Dáil Vote and resumed at 11 a.m. The Chairman thanked the witnesses for coming before the Committee and outlining for it the future plans for the Health Services in such a comprehensive way. 7.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.10 am until 9.30 am on Thursday, 13th May next. _________________ Batt O'Keeffe, T.D., Chairman 30 April 2004 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 13 May 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.35 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O'Keeffe (in the chair), Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, Beverley Flynn, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville and Fiona O'Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney, (Kieran Phelan in part substitution for Geraldine Feeney), Frank Feighan, Camillus Glynn and (Terry Leyden in part substitution for Camillus Glynn) Apologies were received from Senator Mary Henry. Deputies Paudge Connolly and Michael Mulcahy also attended the meeting. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the last meeting held on 29th April were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was dealt with in Private Session 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was dealt with in Private Session 6.Any Other Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session In Public Session. 7.Presentation by Department of Health & Children Officials on COM (2004) 80. The Chairman welcomed the following witnesses to the meeting: •Ms. Mary Jackson, Principal Officer, Department of Health & Children; •Mr. Paul Cantwell, Assistant Officer, Department of Health & Children; •Dr. William Murphy, National Medical Director, Irish Blood Transfusion Services. Ms. Jackson commenced the presentation by outlining the main provisions of COM (2004) 80: Opinion of the Commission on the European Parliament's amendments to the Council's common position regarding a proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on setting standards of quality and safety for the donation, procurement, testing, processing, storage and distribution of human tissues and cells amending the proposal of the Commission pursuant to Article 250 (2) of the Treaty. COM (2004) 80 is an amended text of COM (2003) 340. The Directive was adopted by the EU Council on 2nd March 2004. A discussion ensued after which it was decided to make the following recommendation in an EU Scrutiny Report: •The Joint Committee recommends that it be kept informed of all developments when the adapted Directive is being transposed into Irish law. 8.Presentation by Department of Health & Children Officials on COM (2003) 831. The Chairman welcomed the following witnesses to the meeting: •Ms. Eddie O'Reilly, Assistant Principal Officer, Department of Health & Children; •Ms. Celeste O'Callaghan, Higher Executive Officer, Department of Health & Children. Mr. O'Reilly commenced the presentation by outlining the main provisions of COM (2003) 831: an amended proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Regulation (EEC) No. 1408/71 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons and their families moving within the community, and Council Regulation (EEC) No 574/72 fixing the procedure for implementing Regulation No. 1408/71, in respect of the alignment of rights and the simplification of procedures. COM (2003) 831 is an amended text of COM (2003) 378. A discussion ensued after which it was decided to make the following recommendation in an EU Scrutiny Report: •The Joint Committee recommends that it be kept informed of all developments when the proposed Directive has been adapted and is being transposed into Irish law. 9.Presentation by Department of Health & Children Officials on COM (2004) 10. The Chairman welcomed the following officials to the meeting: •Mr. Eamon Corcoran, Principal Officer, Department of Health & Children; •Ms. Róisín Cahalane, Assistant Principal Officer, Department of Health & Children; •Mr. Michael Burke, Higher Executive Officer, Department of Health & Children; •Mr. John Downey, Assistant Principal Officer, Department of Agriculture & Food; •Dr. Pat O'Mahoney, Chief Specialist in Biotechnology, Food Safety Authority of Ireland. Ms. Cahalane commenced the presentation by outlining the main provisions of COM (2004) 10: a proposal for a Council Decision authorising the placing on the market of sweet corn from genetically modified maize border-top: 1pt solid #000000;1 as a novel food or novel food ingredient under Regulation (EC) No. 258/97 of the European Parliament and of the Council. A discussion ensued after which it was decided to make the following recommendations in an EU Scrutiny Report: •The Joint Committee strongly recommends that the EU Commission do not adopt this proposal into EU law. •The Joint Committee strongly recommends that the Department of Health & Children discontinue its support for the proposal. •The Joint Committee strongly recommends that all foods sold in the Irish market-place that contain Genetically Modified (GM) ingredients, irrespective of their GM content, should be clearly labelled as doing so. 10.Presentation on the recommendations contained in the Report of the Forum on Water Fluoridation by Professor Paul Connett. The Chairman welcomed Professor Paul Connett, Professor of Chemistry, to the meeting. Professor Connett commenced the presentation by outlining his concerns regarding the report of the Forum on Water Fluoridation. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Chairman thanked Professor Connett for coming before the Committee and outlining for it his serious concerns about the Report of the Forum on Water Fluoridation and the potential health risks posed by fluoridated water. It was agreed to send a copy of the presentation made and background documentation provided by Professor Connett and a transcript of the meeting to the Minister for Health & Children and ask for a response to the issues raised. The Committee suspended from 10.54 a.m. until 11.11 am and from 11.30 a.m. until 11.49 a.m. due to Dáil votes. 11.Adjournment. This meeting was adjourned at 11.59 a.m. until 5 p.m. on 26th May next when the Joint Committee will have a private meeting in advance of the scheduled meeting with the Minister on 27th May. ________ Batt O'Keeffe TD Chairman 13 May 2004 Minutes of 24th June, 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.33 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputy Batt 0'Keeffe (in the chair) Jerry Cowley, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville and Fiona 0'Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney, Frank Feighan, Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. Apologies were received from Deputy Beverley Flynn. Senator Maurice Hayes also attended the meeting. 3. Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the last meeting held on 27th May were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was dealt with in Private Session 4.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session 6.Any Other Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session In Public Session 7. Presentation by the Post-Polio Supporters group on the Recommendations contained in its recently published report. The Chairman welcomed the following witnesses to the meeting: •Mr. Jim Costello, Chairperson; •Mr. John McFarlane, Director and Author of Report; •Ms Joan Bradley, Secretary, all of the Post Polio Supporters Group. Mr. Costello outlined the background to the Recommendations contained in the Group's recently published report. Ms. Bradley then explained in practical effects of Polio on her life. A question and answer session followed after which the Committee made the following recommendations: •Polio should be a recognised disease under the Long term Illness Scheme. •All Polio Sufferers, including Late Effect Polio Sufferers, should be eligible for a Medical Card. •Sufficient funding should be made available immediately to provide all polio sufferers with the requisite treatment services that are outlined comprehensively in the presentation document. The Committee agreed that the Clerk will send a letter containing these recommendations to Mr. Michael Kelly, Secretary-General, Department of Health and Children for a response and ask him to indicate if he is available to come before the Committee in the Autumn to discuss the recommendations. The Chairman then thanked the Post Polio Sufferers Group for coming before the Committee and outlining the specific needs of Post Polio Sufferers. 7.Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 10.40 a.m. until 9.30 am on 8th July next when the Committee will hear presentations from DKM Economic Consultants on a draft report on Restrictive Practices in Medical Training and from Dr. John Martin, Secretary-General, OECD, on the findings of an OECD Health Project. ________________ Batt 0'Keeffe TD Chairman 24 June 2004 Minutes of 8 July 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.40 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O'Keeffe (in the chair), Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, Beverley Flynn, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville and Fiona O'Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney and Frank Feighan. Apologies were received from Senators Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the last meeting held on 24th June were agreed. 4.Correspondence. The Committee agreed to defer correspondence until the next meeting. 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. The Committee agreed to defer Scrutiny of EU Business until the next meeting. 6.Presentation by Mr. Colm McCarthy, DKM Consultants, on the contents of a draft Report on Restrictive Practices in Medical Training in Ireland. The Chairman welcomed Mr. Colm McCarthy, DKM Consultants, to the meeting and asked him to outline the main findings contained in the draft Report on Restrictive Practices in Medical Training in Ireland. After the presentation a discussion ensued. It was then decided that the Report, as amended, could be laid before both Houses in accordance with Standing Orders and launched in the Audio Visual Centre, Leinster House, at 3 p.m. on the following day, the 9th July. 8.Presentation by Dr. John Martin, OECD, on the findings of the OECD Health Project. The Chairman welcomed Dr. Martin to the meeting and asked him to outline the main findings of the OECD Health Project. The meeting was suspended at 11.10 a.m. until 11.30 a.m. due to a votáil. A question and answer session ensued after which the Chairman thanked Dr. Martin for such an informative presentation. 8.Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 12.45 p.m. until 9.30 a.m. on 22nd July next when the Irish Thoracic Society will make a presentation to the Committee. _______________ Batt O'Keeffe TD Chairman 9 July 2004 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 22 July 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.35 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputy John Moloney (in the chair), Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Dan Neville, John Dennehy (in substitution for Batt O'Keeffe) and Ned O'Keeffe ((in substitution for Fiona O'Malley). Senators Geraldine Feeney, Frank Feighan, Terry Leyden (in substitution for Camillus Glynn for part of meeting), Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. Apologies were received from Deputies Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, Batt O'Keeffe and Fiona O'Malley. In Public Session. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the last meeting held on 8th July were agreed. In Private Session. 4.Correspondence. This item was dealt with in Private Session 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session In public session. 6.Presentation by the Irish Thoracic Society on the present and future implications of the burdens of lung disease and related illnesses. The Chairman welcomed the following witnesses to the meeting: •Dr. James Hayes, Cavan/Monaghan General Hospital; •Professor Walter McNichols, St. Vincent's University Hospital; •Dr. Neil Brennan, Mercy Hospital, Cork. The witnesses outlined the serious implications of lung disease and other respiratory diseases and disorders and explained that a National Strategy for Lung Disease and associated disorders needs to be established as a matter of top national priority similar to Ireland's National Cardiovascular Strategy. A question and answer session followed. The Chairman then thanked the witnesses for coming before the Committee and sharing with it their knowledge and expertise on such a serious issue affecting many Irish people. He also stated that the Committee would keep a watching brief on the issue and invite the Society before it again in the future. 6.Adjournment. This meeting was adjourned at 11.35 am sine die. John Moloney TD Vice-Chairman 23 July 2004 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 14 October 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.36 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputy John Moloney (in the chair), Jerry Cowley, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, Beverley Flynn, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell and Fiona O'Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney, Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. Deputy Liam Twomey also attended the meeting. In Public Session. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of a meeting held on 30th September were agreed. In Private Session. 4.Correspondence. This item was dealt with in Private Session 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session 6.Any other Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session In Public Session. 7.Presentation by the Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA) on medical litigation issues and the proposed changes to Hospital Consultants. The Chairman welcomed the following witnesses to the meeting: •Mr. Finnbar Fitzpatrick, Secretary-General; •Dr. Josh Keaveny, President •Dr. Michael O'Keeffe, Member; •Dr. John Clarke, Member, •Dr. Eamon Carmody, Member; •Professor Mary Leader,of the Irish Hospital Consultants Association (IHCA); and asked Mr. Fitzpatrick to commence the presentation on medical litigation issues and the proposed changes to Hospital Consultants contracts. A question and answers session ensued following which the Chairman thanked the witnesses for coming before the Committee and outlining their concerns regarding both medical litigation and the proposed changes to Hospital Consultants contracts. 6.Presentation by the Medical Defence Union (MDU) on medical litigation issues. The Chairman welcomed the following witnesses to the meeting: •Dr. Michael Saunders, Chief Executive; •Dr. Christine Tomkins, Professional Services Director; •Ms. Mary-Lou Nesbitt, Head of Governmental and External Relations, of the Medical Defence Union (MDU). and asked Dr. Saunders to commence the presentation on medical litigation issues. A question and answers session ensued following which the Chairman thanked the witnesses for coming before the Committee and clarifying the position of the MDU in regard to medical litigation. It was agreed the Committee will recommend to the Tánaiste and Minister for Health & Children that an independent Mediator or Chairman be appointed without delay to assist the MDU and the Department of Health & Children in resolving the problems regarding medical indemnity for medical practitioners. 9.Adjournment. This meeting was adjourned at 12 noon until the 20th October next. John Moloney TD Vice-Chairman 14 October 2004 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 17th November 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R4, Leinster House 2000 at 2.32 p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputy John Moloney, (in the chair), Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, Beverley Flynn, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Dan Neville, Charlie O'Connor, Fiona O'Malley and Liam Twomey. Senators Fergal Browne, Geraldine Feeney, Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. In Public Session. 3.Election of Chairman. Deputy John Moloney was elected unanimously as Chairman of the Joint Committee on Health and Children and took the Chair. The Chairman thanked the members for electing him and paid tribute to the work of the former Chairman, Minister of State Batt O'Keeffe and former members Deputy Olivia Mitchell and Senator Frank Feighan. 4.Election of Vice-Chairman. Deputy Jimmy Devins was elected unanimously as Vice-Chairman. 5.Discussion with Mr. Michael Kelly, Secretary-General, Department of Health & Children on the recommendations contained in a Report by the Post Polio Supporters Group. The Chairman welcomed the following Officials to the meeting: •Mr. Michael Kelly, Secretary-General, •Mr. Tom Mooney, Deputy Secretary-General, •Mr. Brendan Ingoldsby, Principal Officer, •Dr. Eileen Connolly, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, all of the Department of Health & Children; and asked Mr. Kelly to outline his Department's response to the recommendations contained in the Report by the Post Polio Supporters Group. A question and answers session ensued following which the Committee agreed the following motion ‘that it supports fully the following three main recommendations contained in the Report of the Post Polio Support Group: •The inclusion of Polio on the Department of Health & Children's Long Term Illness List; •The automatic provision of Medical Cards to people diagnosed with Late Effects of Polio/Post Polio Syndrome; •Funding of €4.8 million over the next 5 years to enable the Group to continue to provide vital services to its members including funding for aids and appliances; and asks that these recommendations be implemented by the Department of Health & Children as a matter of urgency. It was also agreed to send a letter to the Tánaiste containing the Motion immediately after the meeting. 6.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of a meeting held on 3rd November were agreed. In Private Session. 7.Correspondence. This item was dealt with in Private Session 8.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session 9.Any Other Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session 10.Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 4.27 pm until 9.30 am on Thursday, 25th November next. ________________ John Moloney TD Chairman, 17 November 2004 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 25th November 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.34 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputy John Moloney, (in the chair), Jimmy Devins, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Charlie O'Connor, Fiona O'Malley and Liam Twomey. Senators Fergal Browne, Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. In Public Session. 3.Discussion with officials from the Department of Health & Children, the North Eastern Health Board Executive and the Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council and the Consultant who helped produce a Report on the feasibility of an all Island Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS). The Chairman welcomed the following witnesses to the meeting: •Mr. Denis O'Sullivan, Principal Officer, Department of Health & Children; •Mr. Pat Clifford, Assistant Principal Officer, Department of Health & Children ; •Mr. Paul Robinson, CEO, North Eastern Health Board Executive; •Dr. Jeff King, Director, Pre-Hospital Emergency Care Council; •Ms. Derval Cummins, Consultant, Booz, Allen, Hamilton. and asked Mr. O'Sullivan to outline the recommendations contained in the Report on the feasibility of an all Island Helicopter Emergency Medical Service (HEMS). A question and answers session ensued following which the Chairman thanked the officials and consultant for outlining the recommendations contained in the HEMS Report in such an informative and comprehensive way. 4.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of a meeting held on 17th November were agreed. In Private Session. 5.Correspondence. This item was dealt with in Private Session 6.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session 7.Any Other Business. This item was dealt with in Private Session 8.Adjournment. The meeting was adjourned at 10.46 am until 9.30 am on Thursday, 9th December next. ________________ John Moloney TD Chairman 25 November 2004 |
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