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APPENDIX 8JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 12 November 20021.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 5.15 p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Paudge Connolly (in substitution for Jerry Cowley), John Cregan, Jimmy Devins, Tony Dempsey (in substitution for Dermot Fitzpatrick), John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville, and Fiona O’Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney, Frank Feighan and Camillus Glynn. Apologies were received from Deputies Jerry Cowley and Dermot Fitzpatrick and from Senator Mary Henry. 3.Election of Chairman. Deputy Batt O’Keeffe was elected unanimously as chairman of the Joint Committee on Health and Children and took the Chair. 4.Election of Vice-Chairman. Deputy John Moloney was elected unanimously as Vice-Chairman. 5.Provisional Discussion on the Work Programme of the Committee. This item was discussed in private session. 6.Frequency of meetings. This item was discussed in private session. 7.Correspondence. This item was discussed in private session. 8.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU Business. This item was discussed in private session. 9.Any Other Business. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 5.48 p.m sine die. _____________________ Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 15 November 2002. JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 5 December 20021.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 11.50 p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Jerry Cowley, John Cregan, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville, and Fiona O’Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney, Frank Feighan, Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. Apologies were received from Deputy John Gormley. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 12 November were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was discussed in private session. 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was discussed in private session. 6.Discussion on the Work Programme of the Committee. This item was discussed in private session. 7.Any Other Business. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 12.45 p.m sine die. _____________________ Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 10 December 2002. JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 23 January 20031.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.35 am 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), John Cregan, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville and Ned O’Keeffe (substituting for Fiona O’Malley). Senators Geraldine Feeney, Paul Coughlan (substituting for Frank Feighan), Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. Apologies were received from Deputies Jerry Cowley and Fiona O’Malley. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 5 December were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was discussed in private session. 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was discussed in private session. In Public Session. 6.Presentation on alcohol misuse among young people by officials from the Department of Health and Children. The Chairman welcomed the following officials to the meeting: •Dr. Ann Hope, National Alcohol Policy Adviser; •Shane McGovern, Assistant Principal Officer, Health Promotion Unit; •Kathleen Lombard, Higher Executive Officer; Health Promotion Unit; •Kieran Cashman, Executive Officer; Health Promotion Unit. The officials had been invited to the meeting to make a presentation on the problem of alcohol misuse among young people. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. At the conclusion of the questions and answers session, the Committee held a brief discussion as to how it should proceed in the consideration of this issue. It was agreed that, in the first instance, Consultants in the Accident and Emergency Departments of major hospitals country wide should be invited to address a future meeting of the Committee to outline the impact the high levels of alcohol consumption among young people is having on accident and emergency services. In addition, it was agreed to invite representatives of the drinks trade to a subsequent meeting to address issues such as access to and availability of alcohol and the effects advertising and drinks promotions have on alcohol consumption levels. The Committee may then decide to publish a Report on the issue. 9.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.07 am until 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 13 February next. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 27 January 2003 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 13 February 20031.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R4, Leinster House 2000 at 9.38 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Jerry Cowley,, Jimmy Devins, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, Dan Neville and Fiona O’Malley. Senators Frank Feighan, Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 23 January were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was discussed in private session. 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was discussed in private session. 6.Any other Business. This item was discussed in private session. In Public Session. 7.Presentation by members of the Board of the Breastcheck Programme on the proposed roll-out of the Programme beyond the existing operational area. The Chairman welcomed the following members to the meeting: •Mr. Tony O’Brien, Director, Breastcheck Programme; •Dr. Sheelah Ryan, Chairperson, Board of the Breastcheck Programme. The Director and Chairperson had been invited to the meeting to make a presentation on the proposed roll-out of the Breastcheck Programme beyond the existing operational area. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. At the conclusion of the questions and answer session, Deputy Fiona O’Malley put forward a motion that the Joint Committee recommend to the Minister for Health & Children that the national roll-out of the Breastcheck Programme should begin immediately as it is the strong and considered view of the Committee that Ireland should have a national breast screening programme. The Committee endorsed the motion and will report to the Houses on same. 8.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.10 am until 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 20 February next. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 13 February 2003 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 20 February 20031.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R4, Leinster House 2000 at 9.32 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Jerry Cowley, John Cregan, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville and Fiona O’Malley. Senators Paddy Burke (in substitution for Senator Frank Feighan at early part of meeting), Frank Feighan, Geraldine Feeney, Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 13 February were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was discussed in private session. 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was discussed in private session. In Public Session. 9.Presentation by members of the Midwifery Birth Alliance on Maternity Care Issues. The Chairman welcomed the following members to the meeting: •Ms. Marie O’Connor, Sociologist, Midwifery Birth Alliance; •Ms. Monica O’Connor, La Leche League; •Ms. Kitty Ross, Midwives Association of Ireland; •Ms. Maria Dowd, Mother; •Ms. Philomena Canning, independently employed Midwife; and •Mr. Colm MacGeehin, Legal Adviser to the Alliance. The Vice-Chairman, Deputy John Moloney, took the chair at 10.30 am until the end of the meeting as the Chairman had other business to attend to. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session after which the Vice-Chairman thanked the witnesses for an informative presentation on a wide range of issues. 7.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.10 am until 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 6 March next. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 21 February 2003 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 6 March 20031.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R4, Leinster House 2000 at 9.32 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Jerry Cowley, Beverly Cooper-Flynn (in substitution for John Cregan), Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville and Fiona O’Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney, Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. Senator Kathleen O’Meara also attended in accordance with Standing Order 90 (3). 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 20 February 2003 were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was discussed in private session. 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was discussed in private session. In Public Session. 6.Presentation by members of the Medical Council on a proposed EU Directive regarding professional qualifications. The Chairman welcomed the following witnesses to the meeting: •Professor Gerard Bury, Chairman, Medical Council •Dr. John Hillery, Vice-Chairman, Medical Council •Dr. Brian Lea, Registrar, Medical Council. Professsor Bury made a short presentation to the Committee. Following the presentation, Professor Bury and Drs. Hillery and Lea answered Members’ questions. The Vice-Chairman, Deputy John Moloney, took the chair at 11.09 a.m. until the end of the meeting as the Chairman had to attend to other business. The Vice-Chairman thanked the witnesses for an informative presentation on a wide range of issues. 7.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.37 a.m. until 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 20 March. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 20 March, 2003 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 20 March 20031.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R4, Leinster House 2000 at 9.38 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Pat Carey (in substitution for John Cregan), Paudge Connolly (in substitution for Jerry Cowley), Dermot Fitzpatrick, Liz McManus, John Moloney and Fiona O’Malley. Senators Frank Feighan and Camillus Glynn. Apologies were received from Deputies Jerry Cowley, John Cregan, Jimmy Devins, Olivia Mitchell, Dan Neville and Senator Mary Henry. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 6 March were agreed. In Private Session. 4.Correspondence. This item was dealt with in private session 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was dealt with in private session 6.Any Other Business. This item was dealt with in private session In Public Session. 5.Discussion with Accident and Emergency Consultants on the effect high levels of alcohol consumption by young people is having on Accident and Emergency Services nationwide. The Chairman welcomed the following members to the meeting: •Dr. Eamon Brasil, Mater Hospital; •Dr. Mary Hoolohan, Rotunda Hospital; •Dr. Chris Luke, Cork University Hospital; •Dr. Tony Martin, Galway University Hospital; •Mr. Coleman O’Leary, Limerick Regional Hospital and •Dr. Paul Gaffney, Castlebar General Hospital. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session after which the following recommendations were agreed: •Advertising of spirit and stimulant drinks, particularly sugar based ones of the alco-pops variety should be banned. •Routine blood testing for alcohol and drugs should be carried out on patients admitted to Accident and Emergency Departments so that accurate statistics can be made available to the general public indicating the number of people who are under the influence of alcohol and/or drugs when admitted. •Broadcasting ‘shocking’ advertisements that illustrate clearly the damage alcohol abuse can do should be considered by the Government as a way to discourage young people from drinking to excess and to make parents aware of what can happen when young people drink too much. •Irish citizens of 18 years and over should have a National Identity Card. •Liaison Specialist Nurses should be employed in all Accident and Emergency Departments to deal with patients whose admission is clearly alcohol related and who may need follow-up specialist treatment. •There should be ongoing liaison between all Accident and Emergency Departments, the Gardai and local representatives of the drinks trade including publicans and proprietors of off-licences. Finally, the Chairman thanked the witnesses for outlining the realities of the situation on the ground and engaging in such an informative discussion. 7.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.10 am until 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 17 April next. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 20 March 2003 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 24 April 20031.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.35 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Jerry Cowley, Ned O’Keeffe (in substitution for Beverley Cooper-Flynn), Jimmy Devins, John Ellis (in substitution for Dermot Fitzpatrick), Eamon Ryan (in substitution for John Gormley), Liz McManus and Dan Neville. Senators Geraldine Feeney, Frank Feighan, Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. Apologies were received from Deputies Dermot Fitzpatrick, Olivia Mitchell and John Moloney. The Chairman noted that Deputy Beverley Cooper-Flynn has replaced Deputy John Cregan on the Committee. He welcomed Deputy Cooper-Flynn on to the Committee and thanked Deputy Cregan for his valuable contribution to the Committee in his time as a member. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 20 March were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was discussed in private session 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was discussed in private session 6.Any Other Business. This item was discussed in private session. In Public Session. 7.Discussion with the Vintners Federation of Ireland (VFI) and the Licensed Vintners Association (LVA) on the high levels of alcohol consumption by young people. The Chairman welcomed the following members to the meeting: •Mr. Tadg O’Sullivan, Chief Executive, Vintners Federation of Ireland; •Mr. Joe Browne, President, Vintners Federation of Ireland; •Mayor Val Hanley, National Executive, Vintners Federation of Ireland; •Mr. Donal O’Keeffe, Chief Executive, Licensed Vintners Association; •Mr. Kevin Towey, Chairman, Licensed Vintners Association and •Mr. Derry Kealy, Vice-Chairman, Licensed Vintners Association. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Chairman then thanked the witnesses for coming before the Committee and engaging in such an informative discussion. 8.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.23 am until 10.15 a.m. on Thursday, 1 May next. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 25 April 2003. JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENThursday, 1st May 2003.In Public Session. 1.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room 2, Leinster House 2000 at 10.20 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members attended: Deputies: Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Jerry Cowley, Ned O’Keeffe (in substitution for Beverly Cooper-Flynn), Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville and Fiona O’Malley. Senators: Geraldine Feeney, Frank Feighan, Tim Dooley (in substitution for Camillus Glynn) and Mary Henry. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 24 April 2003 were approved. 4.Correspondence This item was discussed in private session 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU Business This item was discussed in private session 6.Any Other Business. This item was discussed in private session. In Public Session. 7.Presentation by Department of Health & Children Officials on COM (2002) 494, a proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Drug Percursors. The Chairman welcomed the following Officials to the meeting: •Mr. David Moloney, Principal Officer; •Mr. Tom McGuinn, Chief Pharmacist and •Ms. Louise Kenny, Assistant Principal Officer. Mr. McGuinn gave the background to COM (2002) 494, a proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on Drug Percursors, and outlined the envisaged implications for this country if it is adapted. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. It was agreed that the Clerk will draft the obligatory Scrutiny Report containing the following recommendations: •The Committee strongly supports the position held by the Department of Health & Children in the current negotiations. •The Committee asks that it be kept informed of all developments in regard to the proposed Regulation. It was further agreed that the draft report will be circulated to all members and its contents agreed at the next Committee meeting on the 15th May and it can then be laid before both Houses. The Chairman thanked the witnesses for coming before the Committee and outlining the implications of the proposed Regulation so comprehensively. 6.Presentation by Department of Health & Children Officials on COM (2002) 699 regarding Tobacco Advertising. The Chairman welcomed the following Officials to the meeting: •Mr. Eamon Corcoran, Principal Officer; •Mr. Gearoid O’Dufaigh, Assistant Principal Officer and •Ms. Siobhan McEvoy, Acting Chief Environmental Officer. Mr. Corcoran outlined the background to the adapted Directive COM (2002) 699 regarding Tobacco Advertising and the legislative implications for this country. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Chairman then thanked the Officials for coming before the Committee and outlining the implications of the adapted Directive so comprehensively. 7.Presentation by Department of Health & Children, the Eastern Regional Health Authority; the Irish Medical Organisation and the National Disease Surveillance Centre on issues surrounding the SARS Virus. The Chairman welcomed the following Officials to the meeting: •Dr. Jim Kiely, Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health & Children; •Dr. John Devlin, Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Department of Health & Children; •Mr. Michael Kelly, Secretary-General, Department of Health & Children; •Mr. Michael Lyons, Chief Executive, Eastern Regional Health Authority; •Dr. Darina O’Flanagan, Director, National Disease Surveillance Centre; •Dr. Robert Cunney, Microbiologist, National Disease Surveillance Centre; •Dr. Fenton Howell, Irish Medical Organisation. Dr. Kiely and Dr. Flanagan outlined the key issues faced by this country resulting from the worldwide threat of the SARS virus and explained how the threat of the virus had been dealt with to date by the key public organisations. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Chairman concluded by thanking the witnesses for coming before the Committee and outlining the key issues for this country and enhancing the Committees understanding of the nature of the virus and how it should be handled nationally. He also thanked the witneses for their combined efforts to date to minimise the risk that the virus poses to this country. 7.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.23 am until 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 17 April next. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 15 May 2003. JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENThursday, 15th May 2003.In Public Session. 1.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room 2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.35 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members attended: Deputies: Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Jerry Cowley, Beverly Cooper-Flynn, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville. Senators: Peter Callanan (in substitution for Camillus Glynn), Geraldine Feeney and Mary Henry. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 24 April, 2003 were approved. 4.Correspondence This item was discussed in private session 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU Business This item was discussed in private session In Public Session. 6.Discussion with manufacturers and importers of alcohol products and by MEAS Ltd on the high levels of alcohol consumption by young people. Mr. Pat Barry, Head of Corporate Affairs, Diageo Ireland; Mr. Ciaran Tobin, Communication and Corporate Affairs Director, Irish Distillers Ltd; Mr. Patrick Conway, Heineken Ireland; Mr. John Pearson, Managing Director of Edward Dillon & Co. Ltd; Mr. Alf Smiddy, Managing Director of Beamish & Crawford Ltd and Ms. Fionnuala Sheehan, Chief Executive of MEAS Ltd attended. Mr. Barry and Ms. Sheehan made presentations to the Committee regarding levels of alcohol consumption by young people. A questions and answer session followed where the representatives responded to Members’ queries. The Vice-Chairman thanked the witnesses for attending and providing an insight into the activities of the drinks industry in relation to promotion of sensible consumption of alcohol by young people. 7.Absence of Chairman On the proposal of the Chairman, Deputy John Moloney assumed the Chair at 10:31 a.m. 8.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.36 a.m. _____________________ Batt O’Keeffe, T.D. Chairman 29 May, 2003. Joint Meeting of Joint Committee on Education and Science And Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint MeetingThursday, 22nd May, 20031.The Joint Committees met at 9:32 a.m.in Committee Room 3 LH2000. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Joint Committee on Education and Science Deputies:Tony Killeen (in the chair), Barry Andrews, Beverly Cooper-Flynn, Séan Crowe, John Curran, Olwyn Enright, Paul Gogarty, Máire Hoctor, Thomas McEllistrim, Michael Mulcahy , Jan O’Sullivan, David Stanton Senators:Liam Fitzgerald Joint Committee on Health and Children Deputies: Batt O’Keeffe(in the chair for part of the meeting), Jerry Cowley, Beverly Cooper-Flynn, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Maloney, Dan Neville, Batt O’Keeffe, Fiona O’Malley, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Maloney and Dan Neville Senators:Frank Feighan, Camillus Glynn, Mary Henry Also in attendance were Deputies Caoimhghin Ó Caoláin and Senator Shane Ross. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Senator John Minihan and Senator Geraldine Feeney. 3.Sos The Committee suspended from 10:29a.m. to 11:10a.m. and from 11:13 a.m. to 11:24 a.m. [In Public Session] 4.Meeting with the Irish Autism Alliance; the Irish Society for Autism; the Aspergers Syndrome Association of Ireland Ltd (ASPIRE); and the Departments of Health & Children and Education & Science on progress made in implementing the recommendations contained in the published Report of the Task Force on Autism commissioned by the Department of Education & Science. The Chairman welcomed the following representatives to the meeting; Mr. Marc Di Salvo and Ms. Kathy Sinnott from the Irish Autism Alliance, Mr. Pat Mathews and Mr. Denis Sexton from the Irish Society for Autism, Ms Ornaigh Malone and Mr. Des McKernan from the Aspergers Syndrome Association of Ireland Ltd (ASPIRE), Mr. Donal Devitt and Ms. Frances Fletcher from the Departments of Health & Children and Mr. Peter Baldwin and Mr. Liam Hughes from the Department of Education and Science. He also welcomed the representatives of the three organisations and two departments sitting in the public gallery. The Chairman of the Joint Committee on Health and Children, Deputy Batt O’Keeffee, then welcomed the representatives on behalf of the members of the Joint Committee on Health and Children. The Chairman indicated that the Members had been circulated with a timetable for the meeting, which had been agreed by the Chairmen and convenors of the two committees and asked that they would operate within that timescale. The Chairman then drew attention to the fact that members of the two Committees have absolute privilege, but this same privilege does not apply to witnesses appearing before the Committee. He also reminded members are reminded of the long standing Parliamentary practice to the effect that members should not comment on, criticise or make charges against a person outside the House or an official by name in such a way as to make him or her identifiable . There followed presentations by Mr. Marc Di Salvo and Ms. Kathy Sinnott of the Irish Autism Alliance, Mr. Pat Mathews , Executive Director of the Irish Society for Autism, Ms Ornaigh Malone, Development Officer of the Aspergers Syndrome Association of Ireland Ltd (ASPIRE), Mr. Donal Devitt, Assistant Secretary at the Department of Health and Mr. Peter Baldwin Assistant Secretary at the Department of Education and Science. The Meeting suspended briefly between each presentation. Following the presentations, the meeting suspended from 10.29a.m. to 11:10a.m. A question and answer session followed. It was agreed that Mr. Balwin would supply the two Committees with a report on the Middleton Centre in County Armagh and also details of the proposed training courses for special needs assistants. Following the question and answer session, the Chairman thanked the representatives of the Irish Autism Alliance, the Irish Society for Autism, the Aspergers Syndrome Association of Ireland Ltd (ASPIRE), the Department of Health and the Department of Education and Science for their contribution to a very interesting and thought-provoking discussion. 5.Adjournment There being no other business, the Committee adjourned sine die. ____________________ Tony Killeen Chairman of the Joint Committee on Education and Science June, 2003 ____________________ Batt O’Keeffe Chairman of the Joint Committee on Health and Children June, 2003 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 29 May 20031.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.36 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Jerry Cowley, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville and Fiona O’Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney, Frank Feighan and Camillus Glynn. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 15 May were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was discussed in private session 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was discussed in private session 6.Any Other Business. This item was discussed in private session In Public Session. 7.Presentation by officials from the Department of Health and Children on progress made in implementing the recommendations contained in the Report on the Orthodontic Service in Ireland by the former Joint Committee on Health and Children. The Chairman welcomed the following Officials to the meeting: •Mr. Gerry Gavin, Chief Dental Officer; •Mr. Tom Mooney, Assistant Secretary; •Mr. David Maloney, Principal Officer and •Mr. Liam McCormack, Assistant Principal Officer. Mr. Mooney outlined progress made in implementing the recommendations contained in the Report on the Orthodontic Service in Ireland by the former Joint Committee on Health and Children with particular emphasis on the provision of specialist orthodontic training. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Chairman thanked the officials for coming before the Committee and outlining the progress that is being made in implementing the recommendations. Deputies Jerry Cowley and Fiona O’Malley undertook to submit a motion before the next meeting of the Joint Committee asking that representatives of the accredited training institutions for Orthodontics and a number of Consultant Orthodontists who are in dispute with the Department of Health and Children area are asked to come before the Committee to outline their respective positions in regard to the provision of training. 8.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.46 am until 9.30 am on Thursday, 12 June next. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 30 May 2003. JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 11 June 20031.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R1, Leinster House 2000 at 2.05 p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Jerry Cowley, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville, Fiona O’Malley and Liam Twomey. Senators Geraldine Feeney, Frank Feighan and Mary Henry. In Public Session. 3.Consideration of a Motion regarding the draft Risk Equalisation Scheme. The Chairman welcomed the Minister for Health and Children and his officials. The Minister outlined the background to the Government Motion that Dáil Éireann approves the following scheme in draft: the Risk Equalisation Scheme 2003. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. In accordance with Dáil Standing Order 85 and Seanad Standing Order 67, the Select Committee agreed to ask the Clerk to the Committee to send a message to the Clerk of the Dáil and the Clerk of the Seanad stating that it approves the following scheme in draft: the Risk Equalisation Scheme 2003. 4.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 3.51 pm until 9.30 am on the following day, Thursday, 12 June. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 13 June 2003. JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 12 June 20031.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.33 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Jerry Cowley, Jimmy Devins, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville and Fiona O’Malley. Senators Frank Feighan, Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. The Vice-Chairman took the Chair as the Chairman was unavoidably absent. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 29 May were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was discussed in private session 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was discussed in private session 6.Any Other Business. This item was discussed in private session In Public Session. 7.Presentation by the members of the Dental Schools in Trinity College Dublin and University College Cork on the Irish Orthodontic accreditation system and the system of training for Orthodontists now being pursued. The Chairman welcomed the following to the meeting: •Mr. Brian Murray, Chief Executive; Dublin Dental Hospital; •Professor June Nunn, Professor of Special Care Dentistry and Head of the Department of Public and Child Dental Health, Dublin Dental Hospital; •Dr. Paul Dowling, Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Orthodontics of the Dublin Dental Hospital; •Professor Robert McConnell, Head, Dental Hospital, University College Cork. Mr. Murray began the presentations by outlining the Irish Orthodontic accreditation system and the system of training for Orthodontists now being pursued by the Dublin Dental School. Professor McConnell outlined the existing constraints on the provision of orthodontic training in the Dental Hospital, University College Cork. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Vice-Chairman thanked the witnesses for coming before the Committee at short notice and explaining to the Committee the Orthodontic accreditation system and how Orthodontic training is provided in this country. 8.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.00 am until 9.30 am on Thursday, 10 July next. John Moloney T.D. Vice-Chairman 27 June 2003. JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 26 June 20031.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.30 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies John Moloney (in the chair), Beverley Cooper-Flynn, Jerry Cowley, Jimmy Devins, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, Dan Neville and Fiona O’Malley. Senator Eamon Coughlan (in substitution for Camillus Glynn) and Mary Henry. Apologies were received from Deputy Batt O’Keeffe and Senator Geraldine Feeney. 3.Minutes of the last meetings. The minutes of the meetings held on 11th and 12th June were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was discussed in private session 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was discussed in private session 6.Any Other Business. This item was discussed in private session In Public Session. 7.Presentation by the members of the Dental Schools in Trinity College Dublin and University College Cork on the Irish Orthodontic accreditation system and the system of training for Orthodontists now being pursued. The Chairman welcomed the following to the meeting: •Mr. Brian Murray, Chief Executive; Dublin Dental Hospital; •Professor June Nunn, Professor of Special Care Dentistry and Head of the Department of Public and Child Dental Health, Dublin Dental Hospital; •Dr. Paul Dowling, Senior Lecturer and Consultant in Orthodontics of the Dublin Dental Hospital; •Professor Robert McConnell, Head, Dental Hospital, University College Cork. Mr. Murray began the presentations by outlining the Irish Orthodontic accreditation system and the system of training for Orthodontists now being pursued by the Dublin Dental School. Professor McConnell outlined the existing constraints on the provision of orthodontic training in the Dental Hospital, University College Cork. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Vice-Chairman thanked the witnesses for coming before the Committee at short notice and explaining to the Committee the Orthodontic accreditation system and how Orthodontic training is provided in this country. 8.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.27 am until 9.30 am on Thursday, 10 July next. John Moloney T.D. Vice-Chairman 27 June 2003 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 10 July 20031.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 11.36 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O’Keeffe(in the chair), Beverley Cooper-Flynn, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney and Dan Neville. Senator Timmy Dooley (in substitution for Geraldine Feeney), Fergal Browne (in substitution for Frank Feighan), Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. Apologies were received from Deputies Jerry Cowley and Fiona O’Malley. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 26th June were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was discussed in private session 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was discussed in private session 6.Any Other Business. This item was discussed in private session In Public Session. 7.Presentation by members of the Forum on Fluoridation and Dr. Don McCauley on the recommendations contained in the Report of the Forum on Fluoridation. The Chairman welcomed the following members to the meeting: •Professor Patrick Forell, Chairman, Forum on Fluoridation. •Dr. Joe Mullen, •Professor John Clarkson, •Dr. Patrick Flanagan, •Dr. Wayne Anderson and •Professor Denis O’Mullane, all members of the Forum. •Dr. Don McCauley, Dental Surgeon. Dr. McCauley commenced the presentations by outlining his concerns about the recommendations contained in the report followed by presentations from the Members of the Forum who explained the reasons behind the recommendations made. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Chairman thanked the witnesses for coming before the Committee and enhancing the Committees knowledge and understanding of the issue of Water Fluoridation. 8.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 13.28 pm until 11.30 am on Thursday, 18 September. Batt O’Keeffe, T.D., Chairman 11 July 2003 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 18 September 20031.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 11.35 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies John Moloney (in the chair), Beverley Cooper-Flynn, Jerry Cowley, Jimmy Devins, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, Dan Neville and Fiona O’Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney (Peter Callanan in part substitution for Senator Geraldine Feeney), Frank Feighan, Camillus Glynn, Terry Leyden (in part substitution for Camillus Glynn) and Mary Henry. Apologies were received from Deputies Batt O’Keeffe and Dan Neville. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 10th July were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was discussed in private session. 5.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was discussed in private session. 6.Any other Business. This item was discussed in private session. In Public Session. 8.Presentations by Dr. Eoin Casey, Dr. Robert Coughlan, Dr. Gráinne Kearns and Dr. Michael Molloy, Consultant Rheumatologists, on the present and future needs of the Rheumatology Services. The Chairman welcomed the following to the meeting: •Dr. Eoin Casey, Consultant Rheumatologist, St. Jame’s Hospital; •Dr. Gráinne Kearns, Consultant Rheumatologist, Beaumont Hospital; •Dr. Robert Coughlan, Consultant Rheumatologist, Merlin Park Hospital, Galway; •Dr. Michael Molloy, Consultant Rheumatologist, University College Cork Hospital. Dr. Kearns began the presentations by outlining the types of diseases rheumatologists deal with and the present and future needs of the rheumatology services provided in Irish hospitals. The other Consultants elaborated on this and described the prevailing situation in different parts of the country. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Vice-Chairman thanked the witnesses for coming before the Joint Committee and outlining the needs of the rheumatology services in such a comprehensive way. It was agreed to invite the Consultants back within a year to see if any improvements are evident. 8.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 1.38 am until 9.30 am on Thursday, 2 October next. John Moloney T.D. Vice-Chairman 19 September 2003 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 2 October 2003.1.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room 2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.30 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies John Moloney (in the Chair), Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, Dan Neville, Fiona O’Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney and Camillus Glynn. Apologies received from Deputy Batt O’Keeffe (Chairman), Senators Frank Feighan and Mary Henry. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 18th September were agreed. 4.Briefing by the Parliamentary Legal Advisor This item was discussed in private session 5.Correspondence. This item was discussed in private session 6.Consideration of Travel Proposal This item was discussed in private session 7.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was discussed in private session In Public Session 8.Presentation on Neurology Services Doctors Orla Hardiman and Tim Coonihan and Ms Audrey Craven addressed the Joint Committee on the current level of neurology services in Ireland and the ways in which the service could and should be improved. A question and answer session involving all members present followed the presentation. 9.Declaration of interest. Senator Geraldine Feeney informed the meeting that as a member of the Hanly Review Group she had a declared interest in the matter. 10.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 10.55 a.m. until Thursday, 16th October, 2003. ____________________ Batt O’Keeffe, T.D. Chairman 27th November, 2003 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 16th October 20031.The meeting commenced at 9.35 a.m. in public session. 2.Attendance: Deputies Jerry Cowley, Beverly Cooper-Flynn, Jimmy Devins, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, Dan Neville, Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), and Fiona O’Malley Senators Frank Feighan, Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. 3.It was agreed to postpone item 2 (correspondence) until after the presentation by the Arthritis Foundation of Ireland and the Irish Society for Rheumatology as Professor Fitzgerald had another commitment and needed to be gone by 10.30 a.m. 4.Presentation by the Arthritis Foundation of Ireland and the Irish Society for Rheumatology A joint presentation by the Arthritis Foundation of Ireland represented by Ms Mary Rose Tobin and the Irish Society for Rheumatology represented by Professor Oliver Fitzgerald, Dr Doug Veale, Dr Conor McCarthy Dr Grainne Kerins, and Dr Mick Molloy was followed by a question and answer session with contributions made by:- Chairman O’Keeffe, Deputy McManus, Senator Henry, Senator Glynn, Deputy Devins, Deputy O’Malley, Deputy Cowley and Senator Feighan. 5.Correspondence This item was discussed in private session. 6.EU Scrutiny This item was discussed in private session. 7.Work Programme This item was discussed in private session. Suspension: The meeting was suspended at 10.42 a.m. and resumed at 11.02 a.m., in public session. 8.Health Act 1970 (Section 76) Simpson’s Hospital Estate Act (Amendment) Order, 2003. Mr. Ivor Callely T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Health and Children briefed the Committee on the Health Act 1970 (Section 76) Simpson’s Hospital Estate Act (Amendment) Order, 2003. A discussion followed with Members contributing to the debate. Following the discussion, it was agreed that a message would be sent to the Clerks of the Dáil and Seanad under Standing Orders of both Houses stating that the Joint Committee has considered the motion referred to it on 7th October, 2003. 9.There being no further business, the Joint Committee adjourned at 11.08 a.m. until Thursday, 30th October, 2003. ____________________ Batt O’Keeffe, T.D. Chairman 30th October 2003 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of meeting held on 30th October 20031.The meeting commenced at 11.03 a.m. in public session. 2.Attendance: Deputies Jerry Cowley, Jimmy Devins, John Ellis (in substitution for John Moloney), Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Paul Kehoe (in substitution for Deputy Dan Neville at the commencement of the meeting) Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, Dan Neville, Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), and Fiona O’Malley. Senators Peter Callanan (in substitution for Senator Camillus Glynn), Senator Paul Coughlan (in substitution for Frank Feighan at the commencement of the meeting) Geraldine Feeney, Frank Feighan, Mary Henry and Mary White (in substitution for Senator Geraldine Feeney for part of the meeting). Deputies Damien English and Arthur Morgan also attended. Apologies were received from Deputy John Moloney and Senator Camillus Glynn. 3.Correspondence This item was discussed in private session. 4.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU proposals. This item was discussed in private session. 5.Work Programme. This item was discussed in private session. In public session The Committee met in public session at 11.20 a.m. 6.Presentation by Mr David Hanly on the Report of the National Task Force on Medical Staffing. Mr David Hanly, Chairman of the National Task Force on Medical Staffing, Dr Cilian Twomey of Cork University Hospital and Mr Fergal Lynch, Head of the Department’s unit on the task force on Medical Staffing attended the meeting. Mr. Hanly made a presentations to the Committee on the task force’s report. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session, with contributions made by Deputies Jerry Cowley, Jimmy Devins, John Gormley, Austin Morgan, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, Dan Neville, Batt O’Keeffe and Fiona O’Malley, and Senators Paul Coughlan, Geraldine Feeney, Frank Feighan, Mary Henry and Mary White. 6.Adjournment There being no further business, the Joint Committee adjourned at 1.33 p.m. until Thursday, 6th November, 2003. ____________________ John Moloney, T.D. Vice-Chairman 6th November 2003. JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of meeting held on 6th November 20031.The meeting commenced at 9.34 a.m. in public session. 2.Attendance: Deputies Jerry Cowley, Beverly Cooper-Flynn, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, Máire Hoctor (in substitution for Deputy Cooper-Flynn at the commencement of the meeting) John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney (in the chair), Dan Neville, and Fiona O’Malley. Senators Geraldine Feeney, Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. Apologies were received from Deputy Batt O’Keeffe and Senator Frank Feighan. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 30 October 2003 were adopted. 4.Correspondence This item was discussed in private session. In public session The Committee met in public session at 11.20 a.m. 5.Presentation by Medical Defence Union. Dr. Michael Saunders, Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Christine Tomkins, Professional Services Director and Ms. Mary-Lou Nesbitt, Head of Governmental and External Relations Department of the Medical Defence Union Ltd. attended the meeting. Dr. Saunders made a presentation to the Committee regarding the professional indemnity provided to Irish medical practitioners by the Union Declaration of Interest Deputies Jerry Cowley, Jimmy Devins and Dermot Fitzpatrick and Senator Mary Henry each declared that (s)he is or has been a member of the Medical Defence Union Ltd. Suspension of sitting The meeting was suspended at 10.39 a.m. for a vote in the Dáil chamber. Resumption of sitting The meeting resumed at 11.00 a.m. The witnesses answered questions posed by Deputies Jerry Cowley, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, Dan Neville and Fiona O’Malley and Senators Geraldine Feeney and Mary Henry. 5.Adjournment There being no further business, the Joint Committee adjourned at 11.08 a.m. until Thursday, 27th November, 2003. ____________________ Batt 0’Keeffe, T.D. Chairman 27th November 2003. JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of meeting held on 27th November 20031.The meeting commenced at 9.32 a.m. in public session. 2.Attendance: Deputies Jerry Cowley, Beverly Cooper-Flynn, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair) and Fiona O’Malley. Senators Frank Feighan, Camillus Glynn, Mary Henry and Mary White (in substitution for Geraldine Feeney). Apologies were received from Deputies Liz MacManus and Dan Neville and from Senator Geraldine Feeney. Deputy Tony Dempsey and Senator Kathleen O’Meara also attended in accordance with Standing Order 90(3). 3.Minutes The minutes of the meetings held on 2 October and 6 November 2003 were adopted. 4.Correspondence This item was discussed in private session. In public session The Committee met in public session at 9.42 a.m. 5.Presentation by Commission on Financial Management and Control Systems in the Health Service. The Chairman welcomed Prof. Niamh Brennan, Chairperson and Mr. Pat Farrell and Dr. Sean Barrett, Members of the Commission on Financial Management and Control Systems in the Health Service. Prof. Brennan made a presentation to the Committee regarding the Commission’s recently published report. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session with contributions made by:- Chairman O’Keeffe, Deputies Mitchell, Devins, Senator Henry, Deputies Cowley, Gormley, O’Malley, Fitzpatrick and Cooper-Flynn. The Chairman thanked Prof. Brennan, Dr. Barrett and Mr. Farrell for attending and for providing an instructive view of the Report, and for dealing with Members’ queries. Suspension of sitting The meeting was suspended at 10.48 a.m. for a vote in the Dáil chamber. Resumption of sitting The meeting resumed at 11.05 a.m. Suspension of sitting The meeting was suspended at 11.08 a.m. for a series of votes in the Dáil chamber. Resumption of sitting The meeting resumed at 11.43 a.m. 6.Adjournment There being no further business, the Joint Committee adjourned at 12.25 p.m. until Thursday, 11th December, 2003. ____________________ Batt O’Keeffe, T.D. Chairman 11 December 2003 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 11 December 20031.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R2, Leinster House 2000 at 9.36 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O’Keeffe(in the chair), Jerry Cowley, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney and Dan Neville. Senators Camillus Glynn and Mary Henry. Apologies were received from Deputies Beverley Cooper-Flynn, Liz McManus and Fiona O’Malley and Senators Geraldine Feeney and Frank Feighan. 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 27th November were agreed. 4.Correspondence. This item was discussed in private session. 5.Any Other Business. This item was discussed in private session. In Public Session. 6.Presentation by Dr. John Hickey and Mr. Martin Burns , Medical Protection Society and Mr. Anthony Mason, Consulting Actuary on issues relating to insuring medical practitioners. The Chairman welcomed the following witnesses to the meeting: •Dr. John Hickey, Chief Executive, Medical Protection Society; •Mr. Martin Burns, Head of Information and Analysis, Medical Protection Society; and •Mr. Anthony Mason, Messrs Lane Clark & Peacock, Consulting Actuary. Dr. Hickey commenced the presentation by outlining the services provided by the Medical Protection Society to medical practitioners in this country and worldwide. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Vice-Chairman took the Chair at 10.22 am until the conclusion of the meeting, by agreement, as the Chairman had other official business to attend to. The Vice-Chairman thanked the witnesses for coming before the Committee and enhancing the Committees knowledge and understanding of the issues surrounding medical insurance. 8.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 10.58 pm until after the Christmas recess. Batt O’Keeffe, T.D., Chairman 11 December 2003 JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENMinutes of 17 December 20031.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room R1, Leinster House 2000 at 11.06 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Jerry Cowley, Jimmy Devins, Dermot Fitzpatrick, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Dan Neville and Fiona O,Malley. Senators Frank Feighan and Mary Henry. Apologies were received from Senator Geraldine Feeney 3.Minutes of the last meeting. The minutes of the last meeting held on 11 December were agreed. 4.Amendment to the Orders of Reference of the Sub-Committee on Alcohol Misuse among Young People. This item was discussed in private session. 5.Correspondence. This item was discussed in private session. 6.Oireachtas Scrutiny of EU business. This item was discussed in private session. 7.Any Other Business. This item was discussed in private session. In Public Session. 8.Consideration of a Government Motion regarding the draft Risk Equalisation Scheme. The Chairman welcomed the Minister for Health and Children and his officials. The Chairman expressed his dismay on behalf of the Joint Committee that it was given insufficient time to consider the Scheme an also asked that the Minister appoint an Oireachtas Liaison Officer from his Department as a matter of urgency to streamline the business between the Joint Committee and the Department. The Minister agreed to consider the request. The Minister then outlined the background to the Government Motion that Dáil Éireann approves the following scheme in draft: the Risk Equalisation (Amendment) Scheme, 2003. The presentation was followed by a questions and answer session. The Committee meeting was suspended at 11.54 am and resumed at 12.19 pm due to a Dáil vote. In accordance with Dáil Standing Order 85 and Seanad Standing Order 67, the Select Committee agreed to ask the Clerk to the Committee to send a message to the Clerk of the Dáil and the Clerk of the Seanad stating that it approves the following scheme in draft: the Risk Equalisation (Amendment) Scheme, 2003. 9.Adjournment. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 12.21 pm until 15th January 2004. _______________ Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman, 17 December 2003 |
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