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Appendix 6 Minutes of proceedings of the Joint CommitteeAPPENDIX 6Minutes of proceedings of the Joint CommitteeJOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 12 January, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.04p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 12 January, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, Phil Hogan, Cecilia Keaveney (in substitution for Seán Haughey), Séamus Kirk, John McGuinness, Gay Mitchell and Seán Power. Senators Willie Farrell (in substitution for Don Lydon), Helen Keogh, Dan Kiely, Maurice Manning and Brendan Ryan. Senators John Connor and Rory Kiely also in attendance.
3.Minutes of meeting of 15 December 1999 The Minutes of the meeting of 15 December 1999 were agreed. 4.Correspondence The Joint Committee noted the following received since the last meeting: 1.Letter of 23 December 1999 from the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform in relation to the Proposal for a Regulation (EC) of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data by the institutions and bodies of the European Community and on the free movement of such data. 2.Letter of 22 December 1999 from the Department of Finance in connection with Proposal for a Council Regulation Amending Regulation (EC) No. 3605/93, and Proposed Change of Dates for the Period of Circulation of both Currencies. 3.Letter of 23 December 1999 from the Department of Foreign Affairs concerning the recommendations of the Joint Committee on EMU. 4.Letter from Forfás concerning the recommendations of the Joint Committee on EMU. 5.Letter of 5 January 2000 from the Euro Changeover Board in relation to the recommendations of the Joint Committee on EMU. 6.Letter of 20 December from the Private Secretary to the Ceann Comhairle enclosing a letter from the President of the European Parliament concerning the Inter-Governmental Conference and a proposed study day in preparation for the IGC on Tuesday, 1 February 2000. 7.Acknowledgement on behalf of the Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development concerning the WTO negotiations. 8.Letter of 14 December from H.E. Michael Sullivan, Ambassador of the United States in connection with the invitation to him to address the Joint Committee on the WTO negotiations. 9.Letter to the Cathaoirleach in relation to the Euro-Mediterranean Forum of Women Parliamentarians to be held in Naples on 7-8 March 2000. This letter has also been sent to the Joint Committee on Justice, Equality and Women’s Rights. 10.Euromed reports dated 17 and 22 December 1999. 11.Agendas for Meetings of the Permanent Representatives Committee on 12 and 13 of January 2000. 5.EU-Switzerland Agreement The Joint Committee welcomed H.E. Mr. Willy Hold, Ambassador of Switzerland who made a presentation to the Joint Committee on the EU-Switzerland Agreement. The Joint Committee also discussed drug abuse and treatment in Switzerland especially the St. Gallen project. The Ambassador undertook to forward further documentation on this question and also on Swiss attitudes toward Partnership for Peace to the Joint Committee. 6.Report of COSAC Conference, 10-11 October 1999 The Joint Committee noted the report of the members of the delegation to the COSAC Conference held in Helsinki on 10-11 October 1999. It was agreed that delegates be appointed in good time for attendance at such conferences. 7.Conclusions of the Tampere European Council The Joint Committee noted the conclusions of the meeting of the European Council on 15-16 October 1999 in Tampere Finland. 8.Draft Annual Report of the Joint Committee for 1999 Consideration of the Annual Report was resumed. It was agreed that any amendments to the draft work programme be forwarded to the secretariat and that the convenors discuss the final draft work programme. 9.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on 19 January 2000 to hear presentations from Oxfam and the European Commission on the world trade negotiations. It was also agreed to seek early meetings with the US Ambassador on the same subject and with the Italian Ambassador on the question of the conditions of service of Irish and other EU lecturers in Italian universities. 10.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 3.50 p.m. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 19 January 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 19 January, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.30 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 19 January, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, Seán Haughey, Phil Hogan, Séamus Kirk, John McGuinness and Seán Power. Senators Dan Kiely, Rory Kiely (for part of the meeting in substitution for Don Lydon) and Don Lydon.
3.Minutes of meeting of 12 January 2000 The Minutes of the meeting of 12 January 2000 were agreed. 4.Correspondence The Joint Committee noted the following received since the last meeting: 1.Letter and enclosure from the Ambassador of the Netherlands on a number of drug related questions. (Two publications “Drugs: A guide to Dutch Policy” and “Drug Policy in the Netherlands, Progress Report September 1997 - September 1999” were also been received and are available in the Committee Secretariat.) 2.Letter from the Private Secretary to the Ceann Comhairle enclosing a letter and resolution received from the President of the Committee of the Regions. 3.Letter from Mr. Tom Kitt, T.D., Minister of State for Labour, Trade and Consumer Affairs who will be making a presentation to the Joint Committee on the WTO negotiations. 4.Letter from the Swiss Ambassador which is a follow up to his presentation to the Joint Committee on Wednesday, 12 January 2000. 5.Letter from the Italian Ambassador concerning the invitation to him to make a presentation to the Joint Committee on the position of Irish and other EU lecturers in Italian universities. 6.Reply from Minister of State at the Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation, Chris Flood, T.D. on the two questions raised by the Committee in relation to the report on European Aspects of the Drugs issue. 7.Agenda for the meeting of 19 January 2000 of the Committee of Permanent Representatives. 8. Letter and enclosure on food safety received from Mr. Peter Doyle, Director of the European Commission Office in Dublin (who will address the Joint Committee on the WTO later). It was agreed to refer 1 and 6 to the Rapporteurs on the “European Aspects of the Drugs Issue”. It was agreed to invite the Ambassador of the Netherlands to address the Joint Committee on the Drugs issue. 5.World Trade Negotiations The Joint Committee heard presentations from: (i)Mr. Brian Scott, Director, Oxfam, (accompanied by Ms. Aideen Friel) (ii)Mr. Peter Doyle, Director, European Commission Representation in Ireland, (accompanied by Mr. Phillip Ryan) on negotiations taking place within the framework of the World Trade Organisations. 6.Attendance at European Parliament “Study Day” on the Inter-Governmental Conference It was agreed that one member and a secretary attend the European Parliament “Study Day” on the Inter-Governmental Conference, to be held in Brussels on 1 February 2000. 7.Attendance at Second Meeting on the Charter of EU Fundamental Rights It was agreed that the Chairman (or another member as alternative) of the Joint Committee and a secretary attend the Second meeting of the Body to draw up the Charter of EU Fundamental Rights to be heard in Brussels on 1-2 February 2000. 8.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Wednesday, 26 January 2000 at 2.00 p.m. 9.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 3.40 p.m. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 26 January 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 26 January, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.05 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 26 January, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Seán Barrett, Pat Carey, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, Seán Haughey, Séamus Kirk, Gay Mitchell and Seán Power. Senators Helen Keogh, Dan Kiely, Don Lydon, Maurice Manning and Brendan Ryan.
3.Minutes of meeting of 26 January 2000 The Minutes of the meeting of 26 January 2000 were agreed. 4.Correspondence The Joint Committee noted the following received since the previous meeting: 1.Agendas for meetings of the Permanent Representatives Committee on Wednesday 26 January 2000; 2.Letter from Maurice O’Connell, Governor of the Central Bank in relation to his appearance before the Committee; 3.Letter from the US Ambassador in connection with the World Trade Negotiations; 4.Report No. 00/1 from Curtin Dorgan Associates; 5.Report of the Meeting of the Body Charged with Drawing up the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU, 17 December 1999 and letter on this question to the Ceann Comhairle and Cathoirleach from the Fourth World European Committee; 6.Letter from Commissioner Antonio Vitorino, indicating his acceptance of our invitation to address the Joint Committee; 7.Letter from the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development with information sought by the Joint Committee on the Directive amending Directive 64/432 on health problems affecting intra Community trade in bovine animals and swine; 8.Euromed Reports No. 83 and No. 84; 9.Letter from Independent Commission for the Comprehensive Review of the Institutions and Procedures of the Union enclosing their report on reform of the institutions and procedures of the EU which is available in the Committee Secretariat. 5.EU Legislation The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Curtin Dorgan Associates on the first report of the consultants for 2000. It was agreed that the Joint Committee would seek further information on the following: Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No. 1255/1999 on the common organisation of the market in milk and milk products. Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No. 3508/92 establishing an integrated administration and control system for certain Community aid schemes. European Communities (Supplementary Supervision of Insurance Undertakings in an Insurance Group) Regulations, 1999. 6.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Thursday, 10 February 2000 at 2.00 p.m. 7.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 2.46 p.m. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 10 February 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 10 February, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.03 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House on Thursday 10 February, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, Seán Haughey, Séamus Kirk, John McGuinness, Gay Mitchell and Seán Power. Senators Willie Farrell (In substitution for Don Lydon) Helen Keogh, Dan Kiely, Maurice Manning and Brendan Ryan.
3.Minutes of meeting of 26 January 2000 The minutes of the meeting of 26 January 2000 were agreed. 4.Correspondence The Joint Committee noted the following received since the previous meeting: 1.Report of the meeting with the Slovenian Authorities and Inter-Parliamentary Conference on Slovenia and other applicant countries on the way towards the European Union - the Role of Parliaments in the Process of EU Enlargement held on 2-3 November 1999. (The Published Proceedings are available in the Committee Secretariat). 2.Euromed Reports No. 4 and No. 5 and Euromed Synopsis No. 85. and No. 86. 3.Letter from the American Ambassador dated 27 January, 2000. 4.German Commentary from the IEA (available in the Committee Secretariat). 5.Letter from Cumann Parlaiminteach Na hÉireann enclosing a copy of a letter to the Ceann Comhairle from the Honorary Secretary of the Commonwealth Parliamentary Association, Isle of Man Branch. (It was agreed to discuss the question of the relationship of the Commonwealth and the EU at a later meeting). 6.Two replies on the Joint Committee’s EMU recommendations, one from the Department of Finance and one from IBEC. 7.Note on the Austrian political situation and the international reaction to it. 8.Invitation to the next meeting of the Body to Elaborate a draft EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. 9.Letter from the Brazilian Ambassador indicating his acceptance of the invitation to address the Joint Committee (on 8 March) on the World Trade negotiations. 5.World Trade Negotiations The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Joe Walsh, TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development on the developments in the world trade negotiations, with particular reference to agriculture and agriculture trade. The Minister was accompanied by Mr. Bart Brady, Assistant Secretary on EU Trade and Policy Issues, Mr. Tony Burke, Principal Officer, Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development, Ms. Róisin Cahalane, Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development and Mr. Tony Joyce, Principal Officer, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. 6.EU Enlargement: Position of the Czech Republic The Joint Committee heard a presentation on the progress of the EU accession of the Czech Republic from Mr. Vladimir Spidla, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Labour and Social Affairs of the Czech Republic. Mr. Spidla was accompanied by Mr. Ludĕk Rychly, Deputy Minister for Labour and Social Affairs, Mr. Jan Kasnar, Director General of Employment Services Administration, Ms. Irena Koutská, Interpreter, Mr. Petr Kolář, Ambassador to Ireland and Mr. Miroslav Kolatek, First Secretary. 7.Attendance at Third Meeting of the Body to Draw Up the Charter of Fundamental Rights It was agreed that the Chairman (or in his absence another member) attend the third meeting of the EU Charter Body on 24-25 February. 8.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on 23 February at 2.00 p.m. 9.Adjournment :The Joint Committee adjourned at 3.50 p.m. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 23 February 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 23 February, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.04 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 23 February, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Seán Barrett, Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Seán Haughey, John McGuinness, Gay Mitchell and Seán Power. Senators Dan Kiely, Don Lydon, Maurice Manning and Brendan Ryan. Senator Rory Kiely also in attendance.
3.Minutes of meeting of 10 February 2000 The minutes of the meeting of 10 February 2000 were agreed. 4.Correspondence Since the previous meeting the Joint Committee noted the following which had been received: 1.Letter from the Department of Finance in relation to recent significant proposals for legislation in EU matters. 2.Letter from Homosexuelle Initiative Wien, enclosing a letter sent to the Taoiseach with regard to a proposal for a procedure against Austria under Article 7 of the Treaty of European Union. 3.Letter from the Ambassador to the Council of Europe and the Secretary of the Venice Commission regarding a Conference “The Protection of Human Rights in the 21st Century: Towards Greater Complementarity within and between European Regional Organisations” to be held in Dublin Castle on 3-4 March. 4.Euromed Report No. 6, Euromed Special Feature No. 12, Euromed Synopsis No. 88. 5.Letter from the President of the Belgian Senate to the Cathaoirleach enclosing a recent resolution on Austria. 6.Letter from the Ambassador of Argentina indicating his acceptance of the invitation to make a presentation to the Joint Committee on 8 March. 7.Details of the forthcoming 12th COSAC on 29-30 May. 8.Letter form the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development enclosing material requested on the recent regulation on milk and milk products. 9.Letter from the Public Accounts Committee enclosing copy of a recent report on “Value of Diplomatic Representation: A Comparative Assessment” prepared by the Department of Foreign Affairs. 10.Report No. 00/2 from Curtin Dorgan Associates. 5.World Trade Negotiations The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Tom Kitt, TD, Minister of State at the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment on the World Trade Negotiations. The Minister of State was accompanied by Mr. Tony Joyce, Principal Officer and Ms. Nuala Nevin, Assistant Principal Officer. 6.Economic and Monetary Union The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Maurice O’Connell, Governor, Central Bank of Ireland on Economic and Monetary Union. Mr. O’Connell was accompanied by Mr. Andrew Mawdsley and Mr. Maurice Maguire, both economists at the Central Bank. 7.The Joint Committee agreed to meet in Private Session 8.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Wednesday 8 March 2000 at 2.00 p.m. 9.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 4.03 p.m. __________ ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 8 March, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.00 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 8 March, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Seán Barrett, Matt Brennan (in substitution for Pat Carey for part of the meeting), Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Seán Haughey, Phil Hogan, Séamus Kirk, Gay Mitchell, Seán Power and Jack Wall. Senators Dan Kiely, Maurice Manning and Brendan Ryan.
3.Minutes of meeting of 23 February 2000 The minutes of the meeting of 23 February 2000 were agreed. 4.Correspondence The Joint Committee noted the following which had been recieved since the previous meeting: 1.The draft review for 1999 of the legislative activities of the Joint Committee. 2.Report No. 00/02 from Curtin Dorgan Associates on EU legislation. 3.Report on the meetings in Brussels and the Hague on European Security and Defence. 4.Report on the progress of Oireachtas participation in the convention to draw up the Charter of Fundamental Rights. 5.Agenda for meeting of the Permanent Representatives Committee on Wednesday 8 March and Friday 10 March 2000. 6.Letter and enclosures from the Office of Mr. Joe Walsh, TD, Minister for Agriculture, Food and Rural Development. 7.Letter from Minister of State, Seámus Brennan, TD in connection with arrangements for Committee meetings abroad. 8.Letter from Forfás in connection with the report on Economic and Monetary Union. 9.Letter from the Western European Union in connection with their Conference on “European defence and security: the parliamentary dimension”. 10.Euromed Synopsis Issue No. 89 and No. 90 and Euromed Report Issue No. 7. 5.World Trade Negotiations The Joint Committee heard presentations from: (i) H.E. Mr. Victor E. Beaugé, Ambassador of Argentina, (ii) H.E. Mr. Armando Sérgio Frazão, Ambassador of Brazil, and (iii) H.E. Mr. Ronald A. Irwin Ambassador of Canada on the world trade negotiations. 6.EU Enlargement and European Defence and Security The Joint Committee heard a presentation from H.E. Dr. Paul Leifer, Ambassador of Austria on the recent changes in the Austrian Government in the context of EU enlargement and European Defence and Security. Dr. Leifer was accompanied by Dr. Michael Postl, Minister-Counsellor. 7.EU legislation Consideration of Report No. 00/02 and the draft report on Review of EU Legislation for 1999 from Curtin Dorgan Associates were postponed to the following meeting. 8.Attendance at meeting of Convention to draw up the Charter of Fundamental Rightsof the EU, 21-22 March 2000 It was agreed that the Chairman or in his absence another member attend the plenary meeting of the Convention to draw up the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU on 21-22 March. 9.Attendance at meetings with the Estonian, Latvian and Lithuanian authorities on 11-13 April 2000 It was agreed that six members (three to be nominated from the Government side and three from the Opposition side) attend the meetings in the Baltic countries on 11-13 April. 10.Attendance at special meeting of Assembly of the Western European Union, Lisbon 20-21 March 2000 Attendance by the Chairman at a Special Session of the WEU Assembly, Lisbon, 21 March was agreed. 11.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Wednesday 22 March 2000 at 2.00 p.m. 12.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 4.08 p.m. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 22 March 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 22 March, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.00 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 22 March, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Pat Carey; Michael Collins, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, Seán Haughey, Phil Hogan, Séamus Kirk, John McGuinness, Gay Mitchell and Seán Power. Senators Don Lydon, Maurice Manning, Brendan Ryan and Jim Walsh (in substitution for Dan Kiely). Senator Rory Kiely also in attendance.
3.Death of Former Chairman The Joint Committee heard expressions of sympathy on the passing of the former Chairman, Deputy Michael Ferris. The Joint Committee members rose in their places for one minute. 4.Minutes of meeting of 8 March 2000 The minutes of the meeting of 8 March 2000 were agreed. 5.Correspondence The Joint Committee noted the following which had been received since the previous meeting: 1.Material from the Ambassador of Brazil in connection with his presentation to the Joint Committee on 8 March. 2.Progress Report No. 00/03 from the consultants. 3.Letter from the Department of Foreign Affairs enclosing a submission to the House of Lords on the IGC. 4.Letter from the Chairman of the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament inviting the Committee to send a delegation to one of their Committee meetings on the IGC. 5.Letter from the rapporteurs of that Committee on the subject of the IGC. 6.Letter to the Ceann Comhairle and Cathaoirleach on the work of the Constitutional Affairs Committee from the President of the European Parliament. 7.Copy of a letter to the Portuguese Presidency from the Hungarian Authorities received from the Hungarian Ambassador, setting out the Hungarian position on the IGC. 8.Letter from Forfás in connection with their previous submission on the Committee’s Report on the Euro. 9.Letter from the Ambassador of the Czech Republic concerning a visit by a delegation from their Defence and Security Committee. 10.Letter from the Italian Ambassador in connection with the invitation to him to address the Joint Committee. 11.Euromed Synopsis Issue No. 92 and Euromed Special Feature Issue No. 13. 6.Agenda 2000/World Trade Negotiations The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Mr. John McCullen, Chairman and Mr. Thomas Keane, General Manager of the Agricultural Awareness Trust who outlined the role and work of the Trust. 7.EU legislation (1) The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Ms. Maeve Montague of Curtin Dorgan Associates who outlined the legislative proposals and regulations contained in Progress Reports No. 00/2 and 00/3. 8.It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet in private session. Items 9 - 14 held in private session 15.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Wednesday 5 April 2000 at 2.00 p.m. 16.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 3.58 p.m. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 5 April 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 5 April, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.03 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 5 April, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Seán Barrett, Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, Seán Haughey, John McGuinness, Gay Mitchell and Seán Power. Senators Helen Keogh, Dan Kiely, Don Lydon and Brendan Ryan.
3 and 4.Private Session Public Session5.Minutes of meeting of 22 March 2000 The minutes of the meeting of 22 March 2000 were agreed. 6.Correspondence The following received since the previous meeting were noted: 1.Letter from the Director of Consumer Affairs on EMU. 2.Letter from the European Commission regarding an Internet presentation by Commissioner Pascal Lamy on 5 April on the WTO. 3.Letter from the Chairman of the Cypriot Foreign and European Affairs Committee expressing his condolences on the death of the former Chairman of this Committee, Michael Ferris. 4.Euromed report No. 93 and No. 94. 5.Report of the Sixth Meeting of the Convention to draw up the Charter of Fundamental Rights, Brussels 27-28 March. 6.Letter from the Government Chief Whip requesting that rooms G2 and G5 be left free for the consideration of legislative work of Committees. 7.Agenda for the 1870th Meeting of the Permanent Representatives Committee. The Joint Committee also noted that a copy of a working paper received from the European Parliament research division on Asylum in the EU member states would be available in the secretariat. 7.Economic and Monetary Union The Joint Committee noted the draft report brought forward by Mr. Gay Mitchell. The Joint Committee heard presentations from the following on economic and monetary union: Ms. Rosemary Radcliffe, Chief Economist and Mr. Paul O’Grady, EMU Services Team of Price Waterhouse Coopers; Ms. Irene Sadlier, Information Officer EMU, Business Awareness Campaign and Mr. Eoin Gahan, Senior Economist of Forfás; Mr. Simon Gleeson, Head of Money Trading and Mr. Lorenzo Codogno, European Economist of Bank of America; Mr. Gary Rheinart, Euro Project Co-ordinator and Mr. David Croughan, Chief Economist/Euro Project Director of IBEC; Mr. John Flynn, Economist of the Central Bank of Ireland; and Dr. John Ryan of PA Consultants. 8.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Wednesday 19 April 2000 at 2.00 p.m. 9.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 4.02 p.m. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 19 April 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 19 April, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.03 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 19 April, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Seán Barrett, Ulick Byrne, Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, Seán Haughey, John McGuinness, Gay Mitchell, Seán Power and Jack Wall. Senators Dan Kiely, Don Lydon and Brendan Ryan.
3.In private session. Public Session4.Correspondence The following received since the previous meeting were noted: 1.Letter from the US Ambassador concerning the WTO negotiations. (It was agreed that the Joint Committee would reiterate its invitation to the Ambassador to attend a public meeting of the Committee) 2.Letter and enclosure from the Ambassador of Turkey. 3.Information note from Oxfam. 4.Letter and questionnaire from the Portuguese European Affairs Committee ahead of the COSAC meeting. 5.Agenda for 1871st Meeting of the Permanent Representatives Committee. The Joint Committee also noted that documents entitled ‘Poland’s Way to the European Union’ received form the Polish Embassy and ‘Label France’ received from the French Embassy were available in the Committee Secretariat. 5.World Trade Negotiations The Joint Committee heard a presentation from HE Mr. Robert Halverson, Ambassador of Australia on the world trade negotiations. The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr. Tom Sinkovits, Deputy Head of the Mission. 6.Inter-Governmental Conference The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Noel Dorr, Personal Representative of the Taoiseach at the Inter-Governmental Conference on the progress of the discussions at the Conference. Mr. Dorr was accompanied by Mr. Padraig Hennessey of the Department of Foreign Affairs. 7.Attendance at the Eighth meeting of the Convention established to draw up the Draft Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU. The Joint Committee agreed that one member attend the meeting of the Convention to be held in Brussels on 27-28 April 2000. 8.EU Legislation It was agreed that debates in the Dáil and Seanad on the Joint Committees report on its Review of Legislation for 1999 be sought in the Dáil and Seanad. 9.Date of Next Meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee should meet again on Wednesday 3 May 2000. 10.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 4.05pm. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 19 April 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 3 May, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.07 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 3 May, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Pat Carey, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Brian Hayes (in substitution for Seán Barrett), Dinny McGinley (in substitution for Ulick Burke) and Gay Mitchell. Senators Helen Keogh, Dan Kiely, Maurice Manning and Brendan Ryan. Senator John Connor and Senator Avril Doyle, MEP also in attendance.
3.Minutes of Meeting of 19 April 2000 The minutes of the meeting of 19 April 2000 were agreed. 4.Correspondence The Joint Committee noted the following correspondence received since the previous meeting: 1.Orders made by the Dáil taking note of the reports of the Joint Committee on (i) EU institutional reform in the context of Enlargement and (ii) Economic and Monetary Union. 2.Euromed synopsis report No. 95 & 97 and Special feature No. 14. 3.IGC document on qualified majority voting received from the Department of Foreign Affairs. 4.Invitation to workshop on the 9th May entitled Europe 2020 organised by IBEC and the Institute of European Affairs. 5.Programme for Anti-Poverty Strategy Conference on 11 May. 5.EU Enlargement The Joint Committee heard a presentation on EU enlargement from Mr. Frank Cogan, Assistant Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs. Mr. Cogan was accompanied by Mr. Séan McDonald, Counsellor, Economic Division. 6.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Wednesday 17 May 2000. 7.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 3.31 p.m. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 17 May 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 17 May, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.03 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 17 May, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Seán Barrett, Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, and Seán Haughey. Senators Willie Farrell (in substitution for Don Lydon) Helen Keogh and Dan Kiely.
3.Minutes of Meeting of 3 May 2000 The minutes of the meeting of 3 May 2000 were agreed. 4.Correspondence The Joint Committee noted the following correspondence received since the previous meeting: 1.Agenda for meeting of Permanent Representatives on 10 May 2000. 2.Material from the “Union Europeenne de Chercheurs” enclosing documents from the president of the European Parliament and from the Institute of Higher Defence Studies. 3.Two press releases from the Turkish Embassy. 4.Letters from the Polish Ambassador requesting a presentation by the Polish Committee of Agriculture on 14 June and by the European Integration Committee in the Autumn. 5.Euromed Synopsis No. 99. 6.Report No. 00/4: 13th May 2000 from Curtin Dorgan Associates. 7.Letter from the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament of the Republic of Slovenia. 5.EU Charter of Fundamental Rights (i) The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Mr. John Rowan, Counsellor, Human Rights Unit, Department of Foreign Affairs and Mr. Mahon Hayes, Alternate Representative of the Taoiseach on the Convention on the Government’s view on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU. 6.EU Legislation The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Jim Dorgan of Curtin Dorgan Associates on Report No. 00/4 of 13 May 2000. It was agreed that further information be sought on the following: European Communities (Milk Quotas), Regulations, 2000 European Communities (Meat Products and Other Products of Animal Origin)(Amendment) Regulations, 2000 Proposal for a Directive of the European Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 96/53/EC laying down for certain road vehicles circulating within the Community the maximum authorised dimensions in national and international traffic and the maximum authorised weights in international traffic. Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing additional technical measures for the recovery of the stock of cod in the Irish Sea (ICES Division VIIA) Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Regulation amending Council Regulation (EEC) No1 3922/91 on the harmonisation of technical requirements and administrative procedures in the field of civil aviation. 7.Private Session 8.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Wednesday 31 May 2000. 9.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 3.16p.m. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 31 May 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 31 May, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.18 p.m. in Room G5, Kildare House on Wednesday 31 May, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Seán Barrett, Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Seán Haughey, Séamus Kirk, John McGuinness, Gay Mitchell and Seán Power. Senators Dan Kiely, Don Lydon and Maurice Manning. Senator Avril Doyle, MEP and Joe McCartin, MEP also in attendance.
3.Minutes of Meeting of 17 May 2000 The minutes of the meeting of the Joint Committee on 17 May 2000 were agreed and signed. 4.Correspondence The Joint Committee noted the following correspondence received since the previous meeting: 1.Letter from the Irish Embassy, Warsaw in relation to possible discussions with Latvian Authorities 2.Euromed Synopsis No. 100 and Euromed Synopsis No. 101 3.Agenda for the 1877th Meeting of the Permanent Representatives Committee on today 31 May 2000 4.Note from the Department of Social Community and Family Affairs concerning European Union legislation. 5.Copy of resolution passed by Dáil Eireann on the Report of the Joint Committee on European Aspects of the Drugs Issue. 6.Letter received from the Ceann Comhairle and Cathaoirleach on the Euro-Mediterranean Forum 7.The CV of the new Turkish President. 5. Exchange of views with German Parliamentary Delegation The Joint Committee had an exchange of views with members of the delegation from the German Bundestag led by Ms. Marion Caspers-Merk and also including Ms. Ingrid Holzhũter, MdB, Ms. Ursula Heinen, MdB, Mr. Axel E. Fischer, MdB, Mr. Oliver Vogt, Secretary to the delegation and Mrs. Sabine Burgi, Interpreter. 6.EU Enlargement (i): Exchange of views with the Czech Parliamentary Committee on Defence and Security The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Peter Nečas, Chairman of the Czech Parliament’s Defence and Security Committee. The delegation also included Mr. Karel Šplichal, Mr. Pavel Hŏnig, Mr. Jaroslav Melichar, Ms. Vera Vasakova, Secretary, Jitka Bendlova Ms. Irena Koutska, Interpreter and was accompanied by HE Petr Kolář, Ambassador of the Czech Republic. 7.EU Enlargement (ii): Exchange of views with Slovenian Parliamentary Delegation The Joint Committee held an exchange of views with the Chairman and Members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament of Slovenia. The delegation consisted of Mr. Jelko Kacin, MP, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee, Mr. Ciril Pucko, MP, Mr. Franc (Feri) Horvat, MP, Mr. Zmago Jelinčič, MP, Mr. Roberto Battelli, MP, Mrs. Milojka Nemanič, Acting Head of the International Relations Department, Mrs. Metka Graunar, Interpreter and accompanied by HE Mr. Marjan Šctinc, Ambassador of the Republic of Slovenia. 8.EU Charter of Fundamental Rights Expenditure of approximately £600. in connection with attendance of one member at the meeting of the Convention on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU was agreed. 9.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 5.24p.m. sine die. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 14 June 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 14 June, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.32 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 14 June, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Ulick Burke, Michael Collins, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, Seán Haughey, Séamus Kirk, John McGuinness. Senators Dan Kiely and Don Lydon.
3.Minutes of Meeting of 31 May 2000 The minutes of the meeting of the Joint Committee on 31 May 2000 were agreed and signed. 4.Correspondence The Joint Committee noted the following correspondence received since the previous meeting: 1.Letter from the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform forwarding supplementary material to the Joint Committee following on his appearance before the Joint Committee on the European aspects of the drugs issue in November 1999. 2.Letters received by the Ceann Comhairle and Cathaoirleach on a meeting organised by the European Parliament Constitutional Affairs Committee on institutional reform on 11-12 July. (It was agreed in principal that the Joint Committee be represented at the meeting). 3.Letter from the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development of 2 June 2000 in response to the query of the Joint Committee on the European Communities (Meat Products of Animal Origin)(Amendment) Regulation, 2000. 4.Details for information of the Institute of European Affairs’ seminars on 1.the Draft EU Charter of Fundamental Rights on 22 June 2000 2.EU Deregulation and its impact on National Regulation Financial Services. 5.Letter from the Czech Embassy concerning the dates of a visit by their Committee on European Integration. 6.Three letters on the draft Charter of Fundamental Rights from 1.The Irish Congress of Trade Unions and European Anti-Poverty Network Ireland. 2.Letter from the Association of European Chambers of Commerce and Industry. 3.Letter from the International Human Rights Organisation for the right to feed oneself. 7.Euromed Synopsis Number 102. 8.Letter and enclosure from the Department of Public Enterprise on recent EU legislation. 9.Agendas for the 1878th and 1879th Meetings of the Permanent Representatives Committee. 5.European Aspects of the Drugs Issue It was agreed that the Secretariat follow-up with the Dutch Ambassador with a view to setting a date for his presentation to the Joint Committee. 6.EU Enlargement The Joint Committee heard a presentation from the Polish Parliamentary Committee of Agriculture led by Mr. Jerzy Pliaczyk, MP. The Delegation also included Mr. Zszislaw Pupa, MP, Mr. Jan Wyrowinski, MP and Mr. Wojciech Szczesmy Zarzycki, MP and it was accompanied by HE Janusz Skolimowski, Ambassador of Poland. 7.Attendance at Meeting of Constitutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament Attendance by one member, accompanied by a Secretary at the meeting of the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament on 26 June 2000 was agreed. 8.Attendance at meeting of Convention of the Charter of Fundamental Rights Attendance at the meeting of Convention to draw up the Charter of Fundamental Rights on 29-30 June was agreed. 9.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Wednesday 28 June 2000. 10.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 4.03p.m. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 28 June 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 28 June, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.20 p.m. in Room G5, Kildare House on Wednesday 28 June, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Seán Barrett, Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, Seán Haughey, John McGuinness, Seán Power, Seán Ryan (in substitution for Ulick Burke for part of the meeting) and Jack Wall. Senators Paddy Burke (in substitution for Maurice Manning), Helen Keogh, Dan Kiely and Don Lydon.
3.Minutes of Meeting of 14 June 2000 The minutes of the meeting of the 14 June 2000 were agreed and signed. 4.Correspondence The following received since the last meeting of the Joint Committee were noted: 1.Progress Report No. 00/5: 23 June 2000 from Curtin Dorgan Associates. 2.Euromed Report Issues No. 9 and No. 11 and Euromed Synopsis Issue No. 103and No. 104. 3.Letter to Ceann Comhairle and Cathaoirleach from Commissioner Barnier. 4.Steering Note on IGC 5.Letter to the Ceann Comhairle and Cathoirleach from the President of the European Parliament on the question of an inter-parliamentary conference on the principal challenges of European integration [possibly 7-8 October or 17-18 November in Strasbourg] 5.World Trade Negotiations The Joint Committee heard a presentation by HE Mr. Michael J. Sullivan, Ambassador of the United States of America on the US view of the world trade negotiations. Ambassador Sullivan was accompanied by Mr. Rick Mills, Economic Officer in the US Embassy and Mr. Tom Hamby, Head of the Agriculture Department in the US Embassy in London. 6.Inter-Governmental Conference The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Elmar Brok, MEP and Dr. Dimitris Tsatsos, MEP on behalf of the Constitutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament on developments at the Inter-Governmental Conference. Mr. Brok and Dr. Dimitris were accompanied by Mr. Stefan Pfitzner, Mr. Oliver Rentler and Mr. Jim O’Brien. 7.EU Legislation The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Jim Dorgan of Curtin Dorgan Associates on the most recent report to the Joint Committee from Curtin Dorgan Associates, Report Number 00/5 of 23 June 2000 on EU legislation. It was agreed that further information be sought from the relevant Government Departments on: 1.Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and the Council amending Council Directive 95/53/EC fixing the principles governing the organisation of official inspections in the field of animal nutrition and Council Directive 1999/29/EC on undesirable substances and products in animal nutrition, 2.Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Regulation concerning action against antipersonnel landmines, 3.Proposal for a Council Regulation on support to bodies set up by the international community after conflicts either to take charge of the interim civilian administration of certain regions or to implement peace agreements, and 4.Proposal for a Council Regulation creating the Rapid Reaction Facility. 8.Attendance at meeting of Convention of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of EU It was agreed that one member of the Joint Committee should if possible attend the meeting of the Convention on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU due to take place in Brussels on 29-30 June 2000. 9.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Wednesday 12 July 2000. 9.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 5.04p.m. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 12 July 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 12 July, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.09 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 12 July, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, Phil Hogan, Séamus Kirk, John McGuinness, Jim O’Keeffe, Seán Power and Jack Wall. Senators Paddy Burke (in substitution for Maurice Manning for part of meeting), Senator Paul Coughlan (in substitution for Maurice Manning for part of meeting), Dan Kiely, Don Lydon and Brendan Ryan.
3.Minutes of Meeting of 28 June 2000 The minutes of the meeting of the 28 June 2000 were agreed and signed. 4.Correspondence The following received since the last meeting of the Joint Committee were noted: 1.Letter and enclosure from the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development regarding the European Communities (Milk Quota) Regulations, 2000 (S.I.of94 of2000). 2.Letter to Deputy Gay Mitchell, TD from the Joint Committee on Public Enterprise and Transport. 3.Letter from Maurice O’Connell, Governor of the Central Bank. 4.Report on the Meetings with Estonian and Lithuanian Parliamentary and Government Authorities, 11-12 April 2000. 5.Report on the Meeting of Constitutional Affairs Committee of the European Parliament in Brussels on 26 June 2000. 6.Letter from the Slovenian Speaker on the international conference “Europe at the turn of the millennium - values and conflicts”, Bled, Slovenia, 28-29 July 2000. 7.Agenda for 1883rd Meeting of the Permanent Representatives Committee. 8.Euromed Synopsis Nos. 105 and 106 and Euromed Report No. 10. 5.EU Legislation EU Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and wild flora and fauna The Joint Committee heard a presentation from the European Commission (Mr. Bruno Julien, Mr. Micheál Ó Briain and Mr. Philip Ryan), East Galway IF A (Mr. Michael Silke, Mr. Charlie Killeen, Mr. Paddy Halligan and Mr. Adrian Leedy), SAC Alliance (Ms. Sheila O’Connor and Mr. Seán Treacy), the Heritage Council (Mr. Michael Starrett and Dr. Liam Lysaght) and the Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands (Mr. Alan Craig, Mr. Peadar Caffrey and Mr. Ciaran O’Keeffe) 6.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Wednesday 19 July 2000 at 12 noon. 7.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 4.00 p.m. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 19 July 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 19 July, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 12.05 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 19 July, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Seán Barrett, Mattie Brennan (in substitution for Albert Reynolds), Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, Seán Haughey, John McGuinness, Jim O’Keeffe, Seán Power and Jack Wall. Senators Paul Coughlan (in substitution for Maurice Manning) and Dan Kiely. Senator John Connor and Proinsias de Rossa, TD, MEP also in attendance.
3.Minutes of Meeting of 12 July 2000 The minutes of the meeting of the 12 July 2000 were agreed and signed. 4.Correspondence The following received since the previous meeting of the Joint Committee were noted: 1.Letter from the French Assembly and Senate Committees of European Affairs concerning the 22nd meeting of COSAC on 16-17 October 2000. 2.Euromed Report No. 13. 5.Economic and Monetary Union The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Maurice O’Connell, Governor, Central Bank of Ireland on Economic and Monetary Union. Mr. O’Connell was accompanied by Mr. Hugh O’Donnell, Head of Corporate Services and Mr. John McCarthy, Senior Economist. 6.The Joint Committee agreed to meet in private session. 7.Reports to the Houses of the Oireachtas a)It was agreed that the secretariat draw up a summary of the up-to-date position on Committee Reports to the Houses of the Oireachtas. b)It was agreed that the Committee invite the member of the Dutch Government responsible for Home Affairs to address the Joint Committee in the context of the draft report on European Aspects of the Drugs Issue. 8.Attendance at International Conference on “Europe on the Turn of the Millenium: Values and Conflicts”, Bled, Slovenia 28-29 July 2000 It was agreed that two members of the Joint Committee accompanied by a secretary, attend the International Conference on “Europe on the turn of the millenium: Values and Conflicts”, to be held in Bled, Slovenia on 28-29 July 2000. 9.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Wednesday 29 July 2000 at 1.30 p.m. 10.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 1.25 p.m. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 26 July 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 26 July, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 1.32 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 26 July, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Seán Haughey, Cecilia Keaveney (in substitution for Michael Collins), Seámus Kirk, John McGuinness, Jim O’Keeffe, Seán Power and Jack Wall. Senators Paul Coughlan (in substitution for Maurice Manning), Dan Kiely, Don Lydon. John Brown (Wexford), TD, Senator John Connor, Senator Rory Kiely, Niall Andrews, MEP, Senator Avril Doyle, MEP, Liam Hyland, MEP and Joe McCartin, MEP also in attendance.
3.Minutes of Meeting of 19 July 2000 The minutes of the meeting of the 19 July 2000 were agreed and signed. 4.Correspondence The Joint Committee noted the following received since the previous meeting: 1.EU Legislation Report No. 00/06 from Curtin Dorgan Associates. 2.Letter and enclosures from the US Ambassador following up on certain points raised during his presentation to the Joint Committee in June. 3.Copies of a speech by Commissioner Chris Patten and two newsletters on European Defence and Security from the Institute of European Affairs. 4.Letter and enclosures from the Governor of the Central Bank arising from some questions raised at the meeting on 19 July 2000. 5.Letter from the Austrian Ambassador who had addressed the Joint Committee on 8 March 2000. 5.EU Legislation: Presentation by Curtin Dorgan Associates The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Jim Dorgan on Report No. 00/06 by Curtin Dorgan Associates to the Joint Committee on EU Legislation. The Joint Committee agreed to seek further information on: Proposal for a Council Directive amending Directive 77/338/EEC as regards the value added tax arrangements applicable to certain services supplied by electronic means. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the approximation of the laws of the Member States relating to food supplements. Proposal for a Council Regulation laying down certain technical measures for the conservation of certain stocks of highly migratory species. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the promotion of electricity from renewable energy sources in the internal electricity market. 6Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU The Joint Committee heard presentations on the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the EU from: 1.Representatives of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and the European Anti-Poverty Network, Ms. Inez McCormark, ICTU, Ms. Esther Cockram, ICTU, Mr. Fintan Farrell, President European Anti Poverty Network, Mr. Robin Hannon, Co-ordinator of European Anti Poverty Network in Ireland and Mr. Michael Bride. 2.Representatives of the Irish Business and Economic Conference Mr. Peter Brennan and Ms. Heidi Lougheed. 7.World Trade Negotiations: Attendance at meetings with US and Canadian Authorities The Joint Committee agreed to attendance by a delegation at meetings with the US and Canadian authorities, the dates and other details to be agreed by the Committee’s Conveners. 8.Draft Second Report on EU Institutional Reform in the context of Enlargement The Joint Committee noted the draft second report on EU Institutional Reform in the context of Enlargement and agreed to consider the report at its first meeting in September 2000. 9.The Joint Committee agreed to consider changeover to area based payments in the agricultural sector at a meeting during the Autumn session. 10.The Joint Committee noted a list of reports already submitted by the Joint Committee to the Houses of the Oireachtas. 11.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned sine die at 2.48 p.m. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 20 September 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 20 September, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.03 p.m. in the Dáil Chamber, Leinster House on Wednesday 20 September, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Séan Doherty, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, John McGuinness and Jack Wall. Senators Paddy Burke (In substitution for Maurice Manning), Peter Callanan (In substitution for Don Lydon) Willie Farrell (In substitution for Dan Kiely) Helen Keogh and Brendan Ryan. John Brown (Wexford), TD and Senator Rory Kiely also in attendance.
3.Adjournment The Joint Committee heard expressions of sympathy on the passing of the late Deputy Theresa Ahearn, TD. The Joint Committee members rose in their places for one minute. As a mark of respect to the late Deputy Ahearn the Joint Committee adjourned at 2.12 p.m. until Wednesday 27 October 2000 at 11.30 a.m. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 27 September 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON EUROPEAN AFFAIRSMinutes of Meeting of 27 September, 20001.The Joint Committee met at 11.33 a.m. in the Dáil Chamber, Leinster House on Wednesday 27 September, 2000. 2.Attendance Deputies: Seán Barrett, Pat Carey, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, Séamus Kirk, Jim O’Keeffe and Jack Wall. Senators: Willie Farrell (in substitution for Dan Kiely) John Cregan (in substitution for Don Lydon) Paddy Burke, (in substitution for Maurice Manning, for part of the meeting), Ernie Caffery (in substitution for Maurice Manning, for part of the meeting) and Brendan Ryan.
3.The Joint Committee agreed to meet in Private Session 4.Held in private session. 5.The Joint Committee met in Public Session at 11.54 6.Minutes of Previous Meetings The Minutes of the following meetings were agreed and signed: 26th July 2000 26th July 2000 (Joint meeting with the Joint Committee of Foreign Affairs) 20th September 2000. 7.Correspondence The Joint Committee noted the following documents received since the previous meeting: 1Letter and summary from the Department of Health and Children on proposed directive on food supplements. 2.Letter and note from the Department of the Marine and Natural Resources on proposal for a council regulation establishing additional technical measures for the recovery of the stock of cod in the Irish Sea. 3.Letter and note from the Department of the Marine and Natural Resources on the proposal for a Council Regulation laying down certain technical measures for the conservation of certain stocks of highly migratory species. 4.Summary from the Department of Public Enterprise on the proposal for a directive of European Parliament and the Council on the promotion of electricity from renewable energy sourced in the internal electricity market. 5.Summary from the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development on a proposal for a directive of the European Parliament and the Council amending Council Directive 95/53/EC fixing the principles governing the organisation of official inspections in the field of animal nutrition and Council Directive 1999/29/EC on undesirable substances and products in animal nutrition. 6.Letter and enclosure from the Department of Finance concerning a proposed EU Directive concerning VAT and services. 7.Euromed Report No. 14. 8.Speaking note of Mr. Elmar Brok, MEP and Dr. Dimitris Tsatsos, MEP from the Joint Committee meeting on 28 June 2000. 9.Correspondence received by the Ceann Comhairle from Tunne Kelam, Vice-President of Parliament of Estonia regarding the 7th International Conference “Estonia and the European Union: Estonia on its Way to a Changing Europe”. 10.Letter from the Hungarian Ambassador regarding the meeting with the Joint Committee. 11.Letter from the Ambassador of the Republic of Poland. 12.Letter from the Committee on European Integration National Council of the Slovak Republic. 13.Letter to the Ceann Comhairle from the President of the European Parliament regarding a meeting of the European Parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs to be held in Brussels on Tuesday, 10 October 2000. 14.Information on a Conference on Institutional Reform organised by the Academy of European Law, Trier. 15.Letter and draft programme from the European Parliament on Conference on “Social Policy Agenda”. 16.Letter from Mr. Henry Rodgers regarding Italian Universities. 17.Progress Report No. 00/7 of 15 September 2000 from Curtin Dorgan Associates. 18.Letters from Deputy Tony Gregory dated 4th and 11th September requesting a meeting in October 2000 to consider a Council of Europe Report on Drug Misuse in Member States. 19.Euromed Synopsis No. 111. 20.Draft Second Report on the EU Institutional Reform in the context of enlargement. 21.Letter and enclosure from the European Commission on Deliberations on Council Directive 92/43/EEC (on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora). 22.Report of the XXII COSAC Meeting in Lisbon 29-30 May 2000. 23.Euromed Synopsis No. 112. 24.Letter from the Director of Dúchas, Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Island regarding comments from Dúchas. It was agreed that this letter be circulated to the bodies participating in the meeting of 20 July 2000 for any comments they might wish to make. 8.EU Enlargement (i)The Joint Committee heard a presentation by a delegation from the Committee of European Integration of the Czech Chamber of Deputies, led by Mr Jarolov Zvěřina accompanied by: Mr. Vladimir Laštůvka, Vice-Chairman of the Committee for European Integration Mr. Pavel Svoboda, Vice-Chairman of the Committee for European Integration Mr. Josef Jalůvka, Member of the Committee for European Integration Ms. Olga Adamcová, Secretary of the Committee for European Integration Mr. Michal Ginter, Interpreter Ms. Jitka Bendlová, Clerk of the Division of International Affairs and The Ambassador of the Czech Republic Mr. Petr Kolar. (ii)The Joint Committee heard a presentation by the Committee of European Integration Affairs of the Hungarian Parliament. The Deputy Chairman of the Committee Dr. Richard Hörcsik, led the Delegation and was accompanied by: Dr. Pál Vastagh, MP, Gábor Szalay, MP, Dr.. Tamás Polányi, Secretary and by the Ambassador of Hungary, Mr. Géza Pálmai. 9.Date of Next Meeting The Joint Committee agreed to meet again on Wednesday 4 October 2000 at 2 p.m. 10.Adjournment The Joint Committed adjourned at 1.35 p.m. ________________ Bernard J. Durkan TD Chairman 4th October 2000 Joint Committee on European AffairsMinutes of the meeting of 4th October 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.06 pm in room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 4th October 2000. 2.Attendance: Deputies: Seán Barrett, Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard J. Durkan (Chairman), Tony Gregory, Séamus Kirk, John Mc Guinness, Jim O’Keeffe, Sean Power. Senators: Helen Keogh, Dan Kiely, Don Lydon, Brendan Ryan. Also in attendance: Senators Rory Kiley and John Connor
3.-7.The Joint Committee met in private session. 4.The Joint committee met in Public Session at 2 .09 pm 5.Review of EU Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild flora and fauna It was agreed that the various groups which had previously made presentations to the Joint Committee on this subject be invited to a further meeting on this topic in the near future. 6.Minutes of meeting of 27th September 2000 The minutes of the meeting of 27 September 2000 were agreed and signed 7.Correspondence: The following received since the meeting of 27 September were noted I.Letter from the Heritage Council II.Euromed synopsis number 113 III.Euromed report number 16 IV.Legal Advice on the Charter of Fundamental Rights from Dr. Gerard Hogan S.C V.Paper From the European Movement on Enlargement and Institutional Reform IICopy of speech by Commission President Prodi to the European Parliament on 3 October 2000 8.EU Institutional Reform: The Joint Committee heard a presentation by Mr Noel Dorr, Personal Representative of the Taoiseach to the EU Inter-Governmental Conference. Mr Dorr was accompanied by Mr Pat Hennessy, Counsellor, Department of Foreign Affairs. 9.Exchange of views with Quebec National Assembly Delegation for Relations with Europe The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Ms. Cecile Vermette, Mr Francois Ouimet and Mr David Payne of the Quebec National Assembly Delegation for relations with Europe, followed by an exchange of views. 10Adjournment The Joint Committee Adjourned sine die at 4.00pm ------------------- Bernard J Durkan Chairman 18 October 2000 Joint Committee on European AffairsMinutes of the meeting of 18th October 20001.The Joint Committee met at 2.07 pm in room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 18th October 2000. 2.Attendance: Deputies: Seán Barrett, Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard J. Durkan (Chairman), Séan Haughey, Séamus Kirk, Jim O’ Keeffe, Sean Power. Senators: Dan Kiely, Don Lydon, Maurice Manning. Also in attendance: Senators Rory Kiely.
3.The minutes of meeting 4 October 2000 The minutes of the meeting of 4 October 2000 were agreed and signed 4.Correspondence: The following, received since the meeting of 4 October, were noted by the Joint Committee: iLetter and enclosure from the Chairperson of the Euromediterranean Forum of Women. iiOrders of the Dáil and Seanad referring the agreement on the Advisory Centre on World Trade Organisation Law to the Committee. iiiLetter to the Ceann Comhairle and Cathaoirleach from the President of the European Parliament cancelling the proposed meeting of Parliaments on the IGC. ivLetter from the President of the French National Assembly cancelling meeting on transport planned for November vCopy of letter to Mr. Dick Roche, T.D., Leader of the Irish Delegation to the Assembly of the WEU from the President of that Assembly. viReport of Irish consultations on EU Enlargement and Instituitional Reform, from the European Movement. viiMaterial on “Unbundling the Local Loop” submitted by Senator Dan Kiely, (It was agreed to hear presentations on this subject in the near future.) viiiLetter from the chairman of the Working Group of Committee Chairmen. ixLetter from the Heritage Council. xEuromed Synopsis Numbers 114 and 115. 5.Temporary Chairman It was agreed that Deputy Pat Carey take the chair, in the unavoidable absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairman 6.EU Legislation The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Jim Dorgan of Curtin Dorgan Associates, Consultants to the Joint Committee, on the contents of reports number 00/7 and 00/8. It was agreed that further information be sought on the following: Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Public access to environmental information. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste electrical and electronic equipment. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the restriction of the use of certain hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment. Proposals for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council relating to the assessment of environmental noise. Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directive 96/22/EC concerning the prohibition on the use in stock farming of certain substances having a hormonal or throstatic actions and of beta-agonists. Proposals for a Council Regulation amending Annex II of Council Reguation (EEC) No 2377/90 laying down a Community procedure for the establishment of maximum residue limits of veterinary medicinal products in foodstuffs of animal origin. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on the hygiene of foodstuffs. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down specific hygiene rules for food of animal origin Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down detailed rules for the organisation of official controls on products of animal origin intended for human consumption. Proposal for a Council Regulation laying down the animal health rules governing the production, placing on the market and importation of products of animal origin intended for human consumption. European Communities (Legal Protection of Biotechnological inventions) Regulations 2000. Proposal for a Council Directive on minimum standards for giving temporary protection in the event of a mass influx of displaced persons and on measures promoting a balance of efforts between Member States in receiving such persons and bearing the consequences. European Communities (parental Leave) Regulations, 2000. Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on air Carrier liability in the event of accidents. Proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive amending Directive 97/67/EC with regard to the further opening to competition of Community postal services. 7.EU Enlargement and the Inter-Governmental Conference The Joint Committee heard a presentation from the European Movement, Ireland on its recent report of consultations in Ireland on EU Enlargement and on institutional reform. The European Movement Delegation consisted of Mr. Alan Gillis, Chairman, Ms Patricia Lawlor, Chief Executive, and Mr. William Maher, Press and Information Officer. 8.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Thursday 19 October at 12 noon 9.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 3.45 p.m. ---------------------- Bernard J. Durkan Chairman 7 November 2000 Joint Committee on European AffairsMinutes of the meeting of 24 October 20001.The Joint Committee met at 5.00 pm in room G2, Kildare House on Thursday 24th October 2000. 2.Attendance: Deputies: Seán Barrett, Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, Seán Haughey, Séamus Kirk, John McGuinness, Jim O’Keefe, Seán Power, Jack Wall. Senator: Dan Kiely, Also in attendance: Senator Camillus Glynn and Senator John Connor Member of the European Parliament.
3.Agreement Establishing the Advisory Centre on World Trade Organisation Law. (Resumed) The Joint Committee resumed consideration of the agreement establishing the Advisory Centre of World Trade Organisation Law. Mr. Tom Kitt, T.D. Minister of State was accompanied by Mr. Tony Joyce and Ms. Mairin Cahill of the Market Access Unit, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Tourism. Following discussion it was agreed that the Minister of State would revert to the Joint Committee on the Progress of the Advisory Centre within one year. The Joint Committee then concluded its consideration of the agreement. 4.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Wednesday 8 November 2000. 5.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 5.45 p.m. ---------------------- Bernard J. Durkan Chairman 7 November 2000 Joint Committee on European AffairsMinutes of the meeting of 24 October 20001.The Joint Committee met at 5.00 pm in room G2, Kildare House on Thursday 24th October 2000. 2.Attendance: Deputies: Seán Barrett, Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, Seán Haughey, Séamus Kirk, John McGuinness, Jim O’Keefe, Seán Power, Jack Wall. Senator: Dan Kiely, Also in attendance: Senator Camillis Glynn and Senator John Connor Member of the European Parliament. Apologies for inability to attend: Senator Helen Keogh 3.Agreement Establishing the Advisory Centre on World Trade Organisation Law. (Resumed) The Joint Committee resumed consideration of the agreement establishing the Advisory Centre of World Trade Organisation Law. Mr. Tom Kitt, T.D. Minister of State was accompanied by Mr. Tony Joyce and Ms. Mairin Cahill of the Market Access Unit, Department of Enterprise, Trade and Tourism. Following discussion it was agreed that the Minister of State would revert to the Joint Committee on the Progress of the Advisory Centre within one year. The Joint Committee then concluded its consideration of the agreement. 4.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Wednesday 8 November 2000. 5.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 5.45 p.m. ---------------------- Bernard J. Durkan Chairman 7 November 2000 Joint Committee on European AffairsMinutes of the meeting of 8th November 20001.The Joint Committee met at 5.20 pm in room G5, Kildare House on Wednesday 8th October 2000. 2.Attendance: Deputies: Seán Barrett, Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard J. Durkan (Chairman), Tony Gregory, Seán Haughey, Phil Hogan, Jim O’Keeffe, Sean Power. Senators: John Connor (for Maurice Manning, for part of the meeting), Helen Keogh, Dan Kiely, Maurice Manning. Also in attendance: Senators John Connor and Rory Kiely
3.The joint Committee agreed to meet in private session. Public Session4.Minutes of the meeting of 18 October 2000 The minutes of the meeting of 18 October 2000 were agreed and signed. 5.Correspondence The Joint Committee noted the following received since the meeting of 18 October: I.Euromed Synopsis numbers 116 and 117. II. Letters from the Italian and Maltese Parliaments regarding the Euro-Mediterranean Forum of Women Parliamentarians, which meet again on 2-3 March. 7.European Aspects of the Drugs Issue. The Joint Committee heard presentations followed by an exchange of views on a Council of Europe Parliamentary Assembly Preliminary Draft Report on the social consequences of and responses to drug misuse in member states from:
8.Inter Governmental Conference The Joint Committee agreed to invite An Taoiseach, Mr Bertie Ahern to address the Joint Committee on the Inter Governmental Conference in advance of the next meting of the European Council. 9.Date of next meeting. It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Wednesday 15 November 2000. 10.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 7.13 p.m. ---------------------- Bernard J. Durkan Chairman 7 November 2000 Joint Committee on European AffairsMinutes of the meeting of 21st November 20001.The Joint Committee met at 12.00 noon in room G2, Kildare House on Tuesday 21st November 2000. 2.Attendance: Deputies: Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Bernard J. Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, Jim O’ Keefe, Seán Power and Jack Wall. Senators: Willie Farrell (in substitution for Dan Kiely), Camillus Glynn (in substitution for Don Lydon), Helen Keogh, Also in attendance: Senator Rory Kiely
3.Minutes of the previous meetings. The minutes of the meeting of 19 October, 24 October and 15 November 2000 were agreed and signed. 4.Correspondence The joint Committee noted the following received since the meeting of 15 November: (i) Letter from the Public Accounts Committee seeking cancellation of meetings on week beginning 27 November. It was noted that this matter had been resolved and that the Joint Committee on European Affairs meeting would go ahead at 1 p.m. on 29 November. (ii) Letter from the Department of Finance indicating recent issues which had arisen at the European Level. (iii) Letter from the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform on two items of legislation on which the Joint Committee had sought further information. (iv) Notice of a Seminar of the Swedish Presidency to be held on 27 November 2000. (v) Letter from the Drugs Prevention Alliance. It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet with the Drugs Prevention Alliance at a later date. 5.EU Legislation: “Unbundling the Local Loop” (resumed) The Joint Committee heard a presentation from the Communications Workers Union Represented by Mr. Stephen Brophy and Mr. Joe Maher. Following the presentation there was a question and answer session with members of the Joint Committee on the presentations made by the various groups over the meetings on 15 and 21 November. The other representatives were: Mr Aidan Hodson, Principal Officer of The Department of Public Enterprise. Ms. Etain Doyle, Director of Telecommunications Regulation and Mr. Seán Lyons Senior Programme Manager. Mr. Pat Galvin, Head of Regulatory Affairs and Ms. Helen Staunton from Eircom. Mr. Eddie Brennan Chairman of Association of Licence Telecommunications Operators accompanied by Ms. Fiona O Neill. Dr. George Young, Vice Chairman of IBEC’s Telecoms and Internet Federation, accompanied by Mr. Tommy McCabe, Mr. Neill Parkinson, Mr. Willie Fagan and Mr. Micheal Davitt on behalf of IBEC. Mr. Colm Regan, Executive Director and Mr. Declan Hughes from Forfás. Ms. Brenda Boylan, Secretary for the Information Society Commission. 6.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet again on Wednesday 29 November 2000 at 1 p.m. 7.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 1.40 p.m. ---------------------- Bernard J. Durkan Chairman 7 November 2000 Joint Committee on European AffairsMinutes of the meeting of 29th November 20001.The Joint Committee met at 1.11 p.m. in room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 29th November 2000. 2.Attendance: Deputies: Seán Barrett, Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard J Durkan (chairman), Tony Gregory, Seán Haughey, Séamus Kirk, John Mc Guinness, Jim O Keefe and Seán Power. Senators: Dan Kiely and Don Lydon.
3.Minutes of the previous meeting. The minutes of the meeting of 21 November 2000 were agreed and signed. 4.Correspondence. The Joint Committee noted the following which had been received since the meeting of 21 November. 1.Letter from the Office of the Taoiseach indicating that the Minister for Foreign Affairs would address the Joint Committee on the IGC. 2.Letter from the Parliament of Romania’s Committee on European Integration. 3.Summary of the European Communities Parental Leave Regulation from the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform. 4.Euromed Synopsis Number 120. 5.Letter on “Unbundling the Local Loop” from the Telecommunications User Group, and Figures on “Unbundling the Local Loop” received from Ms. Etain Doyle, Director of Telecommunications Regulation,(It was agreed that these submissions be included in the report to the Joint Committee to the Houses on this subject.) 6.Letter from Kurdistan Solidarity Ireland. 7.Letter from the European Parliament enclosing a Declaration on Terrorism in Spain. 8.Letter from the Department of Public Enterprise in response to the Committees request for information on the proposal for a European Parliament and Council Directive amending Directive 97/67/EC. It was agreed that numbers (ii), (vi) and (vii) be referred to again at the next meeting. 5.Inter-Governmental Conference. The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Brian Cowen TD, Minister for Foreign Affairs on the forth coming Nice summit including the question of Institutional Reform. The Minister was accompanied by: Frank Cogan, Assistant Secretary, Economic Division. Richard Townsend, Assistant Secretary, Political Director. Declan Kelly, Counsellor, Press Officer. Pat Hennessy, Counsellor, Economic Division. 6.EU Directive on the Conservation of Natural Habitats and of Wild Flora and Fauna. The Joint Committee resumed consideration the Directive from 12 July. The following groups were again represented. Dúchas: Department of Arts, Heritage, Gaeltacht and the Islands: Dr. Alan Craig, Director, Mr. Peadar Caffrey, Assistant Director of Dúchas. Heritage Council: Dr. Liam Lysaght. SAC Alliance: Ms. Sheila O’ Connor and Mr. Roderick O Connor. IFA: Mr. Paddy Halligan, Charles Killeen, Michael Silke, Fintan Nally, Louis Martin and Adrian Leddy. European Commission: Mr. Phillip Ryan. The Joint Committee heard a presentation on this subject from a group of farmers from Offaly: Mr. Liam Byrne, Mr. John Quinlan and Mr. Cronan Kelly. 7.The Joint Committee agreed to meet in private session. 8.Draft report on EU Institutional Reform in the context of Enlargement. The Chairman again brought forward the draft report on EU Institutional Reform in the context of Enlargement. The draft report was agreed subject to drafting corrections under the direction of the Chairman. 9.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned sine die at 4.00 p.m. ---------------------- Bernard J. Durkan Chairman 6 December 2000 Joint Committee on European AffairsMinutes of the meeting of 13th December 2000.1.The Joint Committee met at 1.35 p.m. in room G2, Kildare House on Wednesday 13th December 2000. 2.Attendance: Deputies: Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard J Durkan (Chairman), Tony Gregory, John Mc Guinness and Jim O’Keeffe. Senators: Helen Keogh, Dan Kiely, Don Lydon and Brendan Ryan.
3.Minutes of the previous meeting. The minutes of the meeting of 13 December 2000 were agreed and signed. 4.Correspondence. The Joint Committee noted the following which had been received since the meeting of 29 November. 1.Euromed synopsis Number 121 and December Calendar. 2.Letter from the Chairman of the French European Affairs Committee concerning a proposal for the establishment of a COSAC working group. It was agreed that the reply should request that this matter be placed on the agenda of preparatory meeting to discuss the agenda of the next COSAC. 3.Letter from the Department of Environment and Local Government on the proposed directive on waste electrical and electronic equipment. 4.Letter from the Department of Agriculture, Food and Rural Development on two legislative proposals on which the Committee requested material. 5.Letter from the Department of Marine and Natural resources on a proposal for a regulation on the administration of autonomous Community Tariff Quotas. 6.Curtin Dorgan Report number 00/10. 7.Summary report on COSAC Conference 15-17 October 2000. 8.Letter to the Cathaoirleach regarding the declaration by the Bureau of the Committee of the Regions. 9.Letter from River Shannon Action Committee of the IFA, arising from the meeting on 29 November. 10.Letter to Mr. Pat Carey TD from Ms. Mary Lawlor Director, Amnesty International. 11.Letter from the Director of Telecommunications Regulation in response to a request by the Joint Committee. It was agreed that presentations to the Joint Committee be sought on items (iii), (iv) (v) and (ix) above. It was also agreed that items (ix) and (xi) should be included in the relevant reports to the Joint Committee in the Houses of the Oireachtas. The Joint Committee also noted three items postponed from the meeting of 29 November 2000. 5.EU legislation: Presentation by Curtin Dorgan Associates. The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Jim Dorgan and Ms. Maeve Montague of Curtin Dorgan Associates on report number 00/10 by Curtin Dorgan Associates to the Joint Committee. It was agreed that further information be sought on the following: iEuropean Communities (specified Risk Material) Regulations 2000. iiProposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the health rules concerning animal by - products not intended for human consumption. iiiProposal for a directive of the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council Directives 90/425/EEC as regards health requirements for animal by products. ivProposal for a Council Regulation on the implementation of the rules on competition laid down in Articles 81 and 82 of the Treaty and amending Regulations (EEC) No 4056/68, (EEC) No 3975/87. vProposal for a Council Regulation amending Regulation (EC) No 1001/97 imposing a definitive anti-dumping duty on imports of polyester textured filament yarn originating in Malaysia. viProposal for a Council Regulation (EC, ECSC, EEC) on the Financial Regulation applicable to the general budget of the European Communities. viiProposal for a Council Regulation on assistance to Turkey in the framework of the pre accession strategy, and in particular on the establishment of an Accession Partnership. viiiProposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council modifying Directive 94/25/EC on the approximation of the laws, regulations and administrative provisions of the Member States relating to recreational craft. ixEuropean Communities (postal services) Regulations, 2000. xProposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council concerning the granting of aid for the coordination of transport by rail, road and inland waterway. xiProposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on action by the member states concerning public service requirements and the award of public service contracts in passenger transport by rail, road and inland waterway. 6.EU Enlargement: Presentation by the European Affairs Committee of the Polish Sejm. The Joint Committee heard a presentation from the delegation of the European Integration Committee of the Polish Sejm. The delegation included: Mr. Wolciech Arkuszewski (AWS) Deputy Chairman of the Committee, Chairman of Delegation. Mr. Stanislaw Kalemba (PSL) Deputy Chairman of the Committee. Ms. Ewa Freyberg (SLD, Former Deputy Minister of Tresure) Mr. Janusz Lewandowski (UW, former Minister of Privatisation) Ms. Magdalena Skrznska, Secretary of the Committee. Ms. Halina Wronska- Zwolinska, translator. The delegation was accompanied by Ambassador Skolimowski and Mr. Luzinski of the Polish Embassy. 7.EU Legislation: “Unbundling the Local Loop” The Joint Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Cornelis Berben, European Commission on “Unbundling the Local Loop”. 8.Date of next meeting It was agreed to hold a meeting on the Nice European Council meeting to which the Taoiseach and Minister of Foreign Affairs be invited on either 19 or 20 December. 9.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 3.58 p.m. ________________ Bernard J Durkan TD Chairman of the Committee. 19 December 2000 Joint Committee on European AffairsMinutes of the meeting of 19th December 2000.1.The Joint Committee met at 11.30 a.m. in the Dáil Chamber, Leinster House on Tuesday 19th December 2000. 2.Attendance: Deputies: Seán Barrett, Ulick Burke, Pat Carey, Bernard J Durkan (Chairman), Tony Gregory, Seán Haughey, Phil Hogan, Séamus Kirk, John Mc Guinness, Jim O’Keeffe, Seán Power, Jack Wall, Matt Brennan, substituting for Albert Reynolds. Senators: Peter Callanan and Mick Lanigan, substituting for Don Lydon for part of meeting, Helen Keogh.
3.Minutes of the previous meeting. The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed and signed. 4.Correspondence. Four items of correspondence which had been circulated, were noted for further action, where necessary. (The sitting was suspended between 11.40 and 11.50 a.m.) 5.European Council meeting, Nice 7-9 December. Presentation by the Minister for Foreign Affairs. The Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, welcomed the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Brian Cowen T.D. and his officials. Following an opening statement from the Minister on the Nice meeting there followed an exchange of views on the draft Treaty of Nice and its implications for the future of the European Union. On conclusion the Chairman thanked the Minister, the Members and the Members of the European Parliament, for their contribution to the debate. 6.Any other business. Mr. Niall Andrews M.E.P. suggested that there should be further meetings with the Minister in future, to be held on Fridays, if possible, due to MEPs’ commitments in the European Parliament. 7.Adjournment. The Joint Committee adjourned at 2.41 p.m. 8.Date of next meeting. Wednesday, 10 January 2001. ___________________ Bernard J Durkan TD Chairman of the Committee. 10 January 2001 |
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