Committee Reports::Report - Appropriation Accounts 1984::15 March, 1988::Proceedings of the Joint Committee


Proceedings of the Committee

Déardaoin, 27 Samhain, 1986

Thursday, 27th November, 1986

1. The Committee met at 10 a.m.

2. Members Present.

The following members were present:—

Deputy Foley (in the Chair), Deputies M. Ahern, K. Crotty, G. Mitchell, L. Naughten, J. O’Leary and S. Treacy.

3. Consideration of Appropriation Accounts 1984.

Consideration of Appropriation Accounts for the years 1984 was resumed. The following Accounts were disposed of:—

Communications, Office of the Minister for Education, Primary Education, Residential Homes and Special Schools, Higher Education.

Consideration of the following Account was adjourned:—

Post-Primary Education.

4. Witnesses Examined.

The following witnesses were examined: Mr. N. J. McMahon (Secretary, Department of Communications), Mr. D. Brennan (Secretary, Department of Education), Mr. P. L. McDonnell (Comptroller & Auditor General), E. O’Sullivan and J. McCaffrey (Department of Finance).

5. Adjournment.

The Committee adjourned at 1.20 p.m. until 10 a.m. Thursday 4th December, 1986.