IMEACHTAÍ AN CHOMHCHOISTEPROCEEDINGS OF THE JOINT COMMITTEEDé Céadaoin, 16 Aibreán, 1980Wednesday, 16 April, 19801. The Joint Committee met at 4 p.m. 2. Members Present. The following Members were present: Senator Eoin Ryan (in the Chair); Deputies Austin Deasy, James N. Fitzsimons, William Kenneally and William O’Brien; and Senator Patrick M. Cooney. 5. Draft Report on The Agricultural Credit Corporation, Limited. Consideration of the Draft Report was resumed. (i) Paragraph 13 amended and agreed to, as amended. (ii) Paragraph 25 amended and agreed to, as amended. (iii) Paragraph 35 amended and agreed to, as amended. (iv) Paragraph 38 amended and agreed to, as amended. (v) Paragraph 56 amended and agreed to, as amended. (vi) Paragraph 59 amended and agreed to, as amended. (vii) Paragraph 60 amended and agreed to, as amended. (viii) Paragraph 62 amended and agreed to, as amended. (ix) Paragraph 66 amended and agreed to, as amended. (x) Paragraph 73 amended and agreed to, as amended. (xi) New Paragraph. Following new paragraph inserted before paragraph 74:— “The Board of the ACC appointed a Receiver to the McCartin Group of Companies, under a deed dated 8 February 1980. The Committee is conscious of the importance of this matter for the companies concerned, the economy of County Leitrim and the ACC itself. On the date of the adoption of this Report, the Receiver’s examination was still in progress, and the Committee was not therefore in a position to make any informed comment. However, the Committee intends to consider the matter when it becomes feasible for it to do so.” Draft Report, as amended, agreed to. Ordered: To report accordingly. 9. Adjournment. The Joint Committee adjourned at 6.35 p.m. |