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INDEXParagraph references are to paragraphs in the Report; references without qualification are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Accounting Officers Functions and responsibilities 249-251 Agricultural Grants Page 71 (no question) Agriculture Agricultural Credit Corporation 599 Beef classification scheme 648, 649 Cattle slaughter premiums 632 Connemara Pony Breeders’ Society, 642 Dairy Herds Conversion Scheme 600 Dairy produce, promotion of sales abroad 597, 598 Disease control and eradication 644 Estimates of receipts and expenditure 646, 647 Expenditure in excess of authorised issues 589 Farm Apprenticeship Board, 636, 637 Horticulture 596 Market Intervention Countries currently operating 626-627 Incidental expenses 601-617 par 26 Losses incurred 630, 631 par 26 Payments on account 628, 629 par 25 Tendering and disposal 618-625 par 26 Meat industry, recovery of loans, par 9 Monetary compensatory amounts, collection 590-595, 650, par 16 Appendix 5 Private Agricultural Schools 634 Prizes at shows 643 Salaries, wages and allowances 633 Scholarships and training 635 Sheep Headage Grants 645 Technical assistance 638-641 Appendices, List of Page 195 Appropriation Accounts 1974, special subheads opened, Appendix 3 Comparison of audited expenditure with exchequer issues and general abstract of accounts, 1973-74 Appendix 1 Minute of Minister for Finance on 1973-74 Accounts Appendix 2 Army Pensions Military service pensions, 262 Overpayments, refunds 263 Barry, Mr. M. J. Agriculture 589-650 Fisheries 651-655 Central Statistics Office Collection and supply of statistics 313-316 Salaries, wages and allowances 311 Travelling and incidental expenses 312 par 7 Chairman Election of 1 Takes Chair 2 Charitable Donations and Bequests Functions 56-58 Chomhairle Ealaíon, An Page 119 (no question) Civil Service Commission Appropriations-in-aid 227 Examinations 225 Examiners 224, 226 Expenditure in excess of authorised issues 222, 223 Comptroller and Auditor General (Vote) Audit fees 656 Departmental votes, auditing 660-670, 675, 676 Enactments governing Office 677, 678 Joint Committee on State-Sponsored Bodies 673 Staffing 657-659, 671 par 27 State-Sponsored Bodies, audit 674 Voluntary hospitals, auditing 672 Comptroller and Auditor General Agriculture 589, 590, 596, 597, 599-601, 608, 628, 630, 632, 639, 641 Civil Service Commission 222, 223 Comptroller and Auditor General 669, 672-674, 678 Defence 252, 254, 256 Education, Office of the Minister 120, 125, 130-133, 136, 137, 142, 145, 147 Fisheries 651, 652 Foreign Affairs 317 Gaeltachta, Roinn na 271, 273, 285 General Report 3-5, 23, 24, 26, 28, 29, 31 Health 707, 708 Increases in pensions and certain improvements in superannuation and retired allowances 237, 238, 240, 241 International Co-operation 332, 333 Justice, Office of the Minister 59, 60, 64, 67, 72, 81 Labour 368, 378 Local Government 385, 387, 388, 390, 397, 405, 406, 408 Posts and Telegraphs 679-681 Primary Education 175, 178, 185, 187, 188, 450 Public Service, Office of the Minister 220, 221 Public Works and Buildings 498, 499, 515, 517, 523 Rates on Government Property 434 Revenue Commissioners, Office of the 340, 359 Secondary Education 457, 459, 467-469, 473, 479, 480 Social Welfare 697, 701 Stationery Office 264 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 228 Valuation and Ordnance Survey 427 Vocational Education 492 Courts Salaries, Wages and Allowances 111, Appendix 6 Defence Barrack services 254, 255 Defensive equipment 252, 253 Equitation teams’ expenses 260 Helicopters 258 Naval stores 259 Sail training, assistance 261 United Nations, payments due from 256, 257 Education, Office of the Minister Appropriations-in-aid 173 Audio-visual teaching aids 163 Bord an Choláiste Náisiúnta Ealaíne is Deartha, grants and accounts 120-129, 152 par 10 Educational tours for teachers 158 Fellowships 161, 162 Institiúid Teangeólaíochta Éireann 172 International apprentices competition 155-156 Language research 157, 172 National Council for Educational Awards 130-135, 153, 154 par 18 National Library 164 National Museum 165-169 Publications in Irish 136-146, 174 Appendix 7 Royal Irish Academy 170 Salaries, wages and allowances 148-151 Student exchange scholarships 159, 160, 162 Transport services 147 Youth and sports organisations, grant-in-aid 171 Farrell, Mr. C. Public works and buildings 498-563 Finance, Office of the Minister Appropriations-in-aid 47 Audit of accounts of State-sponsored bodies par 2 County development work 40, 41 Economic and Social Research Institute 39 Government stocks, management of 37, 38 National Economic and Social Council 44-46 Post Office services 36 Recovery of moneys par 1 Science and technology 42, 43 Special Regional Development Fund 41, 48-51 par 3 Training staff, cost of 35 Fisheries Harbour works 651-654 Salaries, wages and allowances 655 Foreign Affairs Expenditure in excess of authorised issues 317, 318 Repatriation and maintenance of destitute Irish persons abroad 321 Student exchange system 320 Write-off of money in Nigerian bank 319 Forestry Appropriations-in-aid 573 par 15 Ash trees, planting 586 Development and management 570, 571 Economics 576 Education 572 Fires 574, 575 Forest walks 577, 578 Land receipts from sales 579 reserves for afforestation 580-585 Sawmilling, accounts 587 Gaeltachta, Roinn na Ciste na Gaeilge account 291, 292 Cultural and social schemes 287 Expenditure in excess of authorised issues 271-272 Films in Irish 288 Gaeltarra Éireann, 290 par 4 Housing grants increased in anticipation of legislation 273-285 par 12 Newspapers and periodicals in Irish 289 Post Office services 286 Garda Síochána Appropriations-in-aid 96 Clothing and accessories 87-89 Equipment 93, 94 Extra remuneration 98-107, par 17 Garda band 108 Garda Síochána Reward Fund 109 Medical Aid Society 92 Salaries, wages and allowances 82-84 Statement of losses, 97 Station services 90-91 Superannuation and other non-effective payments 95 Travelling and incidental expenses 85, 86 General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General Accounting principals, breaches of par 5 Agricultural levies 26, 27 Central Fund 24, 25 Delays in furnishing information to the Comptroller and Auditor General par 30 European Communities Act, 1972, issues under 28 Exchequer extra receipts 4 Expenditure in excess of authorised issues 5-23 par 29 Appendix 4 Outturn of the year 4 Stocks and stores accounts 4 Surrender of balances 4 Harman, Mr. J. F. Stationery Office 264-270 Health Expenditure in excess of authorised issues 707 Fluoridation of water supplies 711-712 Health Boards, grants to 710 Social security benefits, refunds from United Kingdom 708, 709 Healy, Mr. M. J. Houses of the Oireachtas 197-201 Hensey, Dr. B. Health 707-712 Higher Education Grant-in-aid fund for third level institutions 494, 495 Holloway, Mr. J. C. Industry and Commerce 293-307 Hynes, Mr. F. A. Social Welfare 697-706 Increases in Pensions and certain improvements in Superannuation and Retired Allowances Superannuation and retired allowances 237-248 par 23 Industry and Commerce Bula mines, State investment 305 Industrial Development Authority 299-302 Institute for Industrial Research and Standards 296-298 Mineral development 295 Refunds from EEC 306, 307 Salaries, wages and allowances 294 Shannon Free Airport Development Company Limited 303-304 International Co-operation Bilateral and other aid contributions for developing countries 326, 328-339 Appendix 8 Disaster relief in developing countries 327 United Nations voluntary agencies, contributions to 322-325 Justice, Office of the Minister Commissions and Special Inquiries, expenditure on 79 Compensation for personal injuries criminally inflicted 64-67 Compensation for unsaleable chemical substances 70-73 Expenditure in excess of authorised issues 59-63 Free legal advice centres, grant to 74-78 Miscellaneous 81 Salaries, wages and allowances 68 Travelling and incidental expenses 69, 80 Keating, Mr. P. Foreign Affairs 317-321 International Co-operation 322-339 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds Salaries, Wages and Allowances 112 Lands Credit terms for additional land purchase 568 Farm Retirement Scheme, number of applications 569 Gratuities to ex-employees 567 Incidental expenses 564 Land bonds, deficiencies from sales of 565 Life annuities, auctioneers’ commission 566 Law Charges Defence of public servants 496 Receipts from Department of Posts and Telegraphs 497 Labour Advertising and publicity 370 Advisory services for emigrants 382, 384 CERT 379-381 Chomhairle Oiliúna, An 376, 377 Irish Management Institute 368, 378 Research 371-373 Resettlement allowances 374, 375, 383 Salaries, wages and allowances 369 Linehan, Mr. T. P. Central Statistics Office 311-316 Local Government Amenity works, derelict sites and dangerous places 413 Expenditure in excess of authorised issues 385-387 Housing Grants Increase in anticipation of legislation 388, 396 par 12 Local authority schemes 410-412 Interest subsidy for building societies 397-405 Motor vehicle duties 408 par 8 Post Office services 409 Recoupment of expenditure on foot of certain malicious injuries 406, 407 Road fund 414 Mac Domhnaill, Mr. P. L. Comptroller and Auditor General 656-678 Mac Gearailt, Mr. S. See Comptroller and Auditor General McGrath, C. K. (Department of Finance) Education, Office of the Minister 139, 144, 145 Secondary Education 472, 475 McMahon, Mr. N. Transport and Power 415-425 Martin, Mr. J. S. Charitable Donations and Bequests 55-58 Meagher, Mr. G. A. Local Government 385-414 Miscellaneous Expenses Centenarians bounty 54 National Gallery Purchase and repair of pictures 113-114 Restaurant 115-119 O’Brien, Mr. T. Forestry 570-588 Lands 564-569 Ó Cearbhaill, Mr. T. Labour, 368-384 Ó Colmáin, Mr. P. Post and Telegraphs 679-696 Ó Conaill, Mr. S. Accounting principles 249-251 par 5 Civil Service Commission 222-227 Increases in pensions and certain improvements in superannuation and retired allowances 237-248 Public Service, Office of the Minister 202-221 Remuneration 236 Superannuation and retired allowances 228-235 Ó Laoghaire, Mr. D. Education, Office of the Minister 120-174 Higher Education 494, 495 Primary Education 175-196, 437-456 Residential homes and special schools page 157 Secondary Education 457-491 Vocational Education 492, 493 Ó Murchú, Mr. M. N. Agricultural grants, page 71 General Report 3-28 Miscellaneous expenses 54 Office of the Minister for Finance 35-51 President’s Establishment 29-34 Secret Service, page 71 State Laboratory 52-53 Ó Murchú, Mr. P. Army pensions 262, 263 Defence 252-261 Ó Súilleabháin, Mr. D. Comhairle Ealaíon, An 310 Taoiseach, Department of 308-309 Oireachtas, Houses of the Incidental and travelling expenses 200 Pensions 201 Post Office services 199 Salaries and allowances of Comhaltaí 197 Salaries, wages and allowances of Officers and Staff 198 Posts and Telegraphs Appropriations-in-aid 685 Commissions and Special Inquiries 684 Engineering stores and equipment 682, 683 Extra remuneration 691 Losses 686-690 Post Office Savings Bank 681 Revenue 680 Services, increase in business 694, 695 Staffing, increase in 696 Stores 679 Telephone kiosks, cost of vandalism 692, 693 President’s Establishment Expenditure in excess of authorised issues 29-31 President’s salary 32-34 Primary Education Carysfort Training College, grant for adaptation and extension 178-196, 437-451 par 19 Appendix 9 Expenditure in excess of authorised issues 175-177 Heating, cleaning and painting of schools 453 Loans and grants to training college students 452 Pension scheme, contributions 456 School books 454 Special educational projects 455 Prisons Welfare Services 110 Public Service, Office of the Minister Appropriations-in-aid 207, 211 Beartas i leith na Gaeilge 210 Central data processing services 202-209, 215-221 Extra remuneration 213-214 Recoupment of certain expenses from EEC 212 Public Works and Buildings Arterial Drainage cost of maintenance 549 construction works 543 surveys 541, 542 Coast protection 544 Compensation for damage to property of external governments 533 Compensation for flooding Black-water embankment, County Clare 561, 562 EEC conferences in Dublin, cost 529 Erection of Government Offices, Athlone and Castlebar, consultants’ fees 499-522 par 24 Ex-gratia payments 560 Extra remuneration 555-557 Furniture fittings and utensils 530 Holycross Abbey conservation and restoration 546 Kilkenny Castle, outlay 527 Maintenance and supplies 531 Miscellaneous appropriations-in-aid 550-554 National monuments 545 New works, alterations and additions 498, 526 Appendix 10 Phoenix Park, provision of golf course 528 Post office, Tipperary town, erection 526 Recoveries from the Department of Posts and Telegraphs 548 Reen Pier, County Cork, contribution from County Council 523, 524 par 11 Rents and rates 532 Repair of courthouses 534-540 Research projects 563 Sales of property 547 Services rendered without repayment 559 Sites and buildings, purchase 525 Staff lent without repayment 558 Quigley, Mr. D. Law charges 496, 497 Rates on Government Property Expenditure in excess of authorised issues 434, 435 Premises occupied by representatives of foreign governments 436 Remuneration Extra expenditure 236 Residential Homes and Special Schools Page 157 (no question) Revenue Commissioners, Office of the Capital gains tax 354 Compensation for losses 362 Expenses in connection with international organisations 363-364 Law charges, fees and rewards 360, 361 Payment to Director of Stamping 366, 367 Revenue accounts 340, 341, 343 Salaries, wages and allowances 356-358, 365 Tax collection and tax outstanding 342, 344-355 par 13 Travelling and incidental expenses 359 V.A.T. returns, comparison with income tax accounts par 14 Richardson, Mr. J. F. Revenue Commissioners, Office of the 340-367 Ryan, Mr. D. F. Rates on Government property 434-436 Valuation and Ordnance Survey 426-433 Secondary Education Building grants and capital costs 459-466 par 20 Ex-gratia pensions for widows and children of former teachers 457, 458 Expenditure on sports complexes 467-478 par 21 Expenditure on the erection of vocational schools 479-482 par 22 Irish and Bilingual Schools 483, 484 Irish textbooks 485 School books, aid towards cost 486-491 Secret Service Page 71 (no question) Social Welfare Appropriations-in-aid 703, 704 Assistance and insurance benefits, overpayments 701 Co-operation with British authorities 705 Old age pensions, overpayments 697-700 par 28 Social assistances allowances 702 State Laboratory Apparatus and chemical equipment 52-53 Stationery Office Expenditure in excess of authorised issues 264-265 Extra remuneration 267 Official publications, issue of free copies 268 Printing and binding 266, 269 Register of Electors 270 Superannuation and Retired Allowances Appropriations-in-aid 232, 233 Civil servants’ widows’ and childrens’ pension schemes 228, 299, 235 par 12 Extra remuneration 234 Marriage gratuities 230 Pensions, allowances and gratuities in respect of unestablished officers 231 Taoiseach, Department of Information and Public Relations Services 309 Salaries, wages and allowances 308 Tóibín, Mr. L. Roinn na Gaeltachta 271-292 Transport and Power Aer Rianta, grant for superannuation fund, 422 Bottled gas installations, grants for 419-421 Córas Iompair Éireann, supplementary grants pars 6, 12 Equipment, stores and maintenance 416 Holiday accommodation, development of 417, 424, 425 Londonderry and Lough Swilly Railway Company, grant to 423 Transport of staff, Shannon Airport 418 Valuation and Ordnance Survey Commission on Place Names 429-432 Revision of maps 433 Travelling and incidental expenses 426-428 Vocational Education Appropriations-in-aid 492 Payments under Vocational Education Act, 1930 493 Ward, Mr. A. Courts 111 Garda Síochána 82-109 Justice, Office of the Minister 59-81 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds 112 Prisons 110 White, Dr. J. National Gallery 113-119 |
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