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INDEXParagraph references are to paragraphs in the Final Report; references without qualification are to Questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agricultural Grants EEC funds 116 Savings 117 Agriculture Bacon and pork exports 627 Beef export loans 624-626 par 30 Bovine tuberculosis eradication 595, 605-613, 644 Brucellosis eradication 595-613 Coras Beostoic agus Feola 629-631 par 16 Dairy produce allowances 616-623 Disadvantaged areas scheme 639, 645-647 Land Project 615, 636 Lime and fertiliser subsidy 614 Livestock interest subsidy scheme 628 Meat processing companies 631-635 Pedigree cattle, importation of 638 Poultry and eggs 637 Seed shortage 643 Sheep, grants and marketing 639, 640 Appendix 14 Staffing 648 Wool trade 641 World Food Programme 642 Appendices, List of Page 195 Appropriation Accounts 1972-73, special subheads opened, Appendix 3 Comparison of audited expenditure with exchequer issues and general abstract of accounts, 1971-72 Appendix 1 Minute of Minister for Finance on Report on 1971-72 Accounts Appendix 2 Army Pensions Barrack damages 275 Medals 276, 277 Military service pensions 271-274 Records, filing and preservation of 277-279 Barry, Mr. M. J. Agriculture 595-648 Fisheries 649-656 Central Statistics Office Losses by robbery 205, 206 Machines, inclusion as incidental expenses 207-209 par 26 Post Office services 210-214 Staffing 198-204 Statistics, collection and supply 215-221 Chairman Election 1 Takes Chair 2 Charitable Donations and Bequests Legal costs 138 Post Office services 139-142 Chomhairle Ealaíon, An Grant-in-aid 131-137 Civil Service Commission Examinations 152 Local Appointments Commission, recoupment of expenses 155 Post Office services 146-151, 153, 154 Salaries 145 Comptroller and Auditor General (Vote) Staffing 785-787 Comptroller and Auditor General Agriculture 595, 603, 605, 610, 612, 614-616, 619, 621-624, 626-630 Central Statistics Office 208, 209, 214 Chomhairle Ealaíon, An 137 Defence 245, 248, 252, 255 Education, Office of the Minister 664-669, 676, 681, 682, 684, 687, 689, 690 Finance, Office of the Minister 102 Fisheries 649 Foreign Affairs 387 Forestry 495 Gaeltachta, Roinn na 747, 750, 751, 757, 758, 760, 763 Garda Síochána 19-21 Garda Síochána (Excess Vote) 17, 18 General Report 52, 58, 63-65, 67-70, 73, 79, 86, 96, 98 Health 806 Industry and Commerce 569, 571-573 Justice, Office of the Minister 3, 4 Labour 416, 417, 442, 443 Local Government 294, 307-309 Posts and Telegraphs 226-228 Public Works and Buildings 329, 330, 350, 351, 367, 369, 371, 385 Primary Education 717, 719 Reformatory and Industrial Schools 739 Revenue Commissioners, Office of the 520, 521, 566 Secondary Education 724-728, 731-734, 819, 839, 841 Social Welfare 583 Stationery Office 512 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 156, 158 Transport and Power 166, 168 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 742, 743, 745 Vocational Education 737 Courts Fees 48, 49 Fines 47 Staffing 46 Defence Civil Defence 262 Civilian employees 261 Clothing and equipment 264-267 Defensive equipment 245-247, 263 Duplicate control of certain activities par 2 Educational courses and visits 270 Fishery protection vessels 248-251 Housing 252-254 Reserve Defence Force 258-260 Travelling and Incidental Expenses 268, 269 United Nations, payments due from 255-257 Duignan, Mr. J. C. Office of the Revenue Commissioners 519-568 Education, Office of the Minister Accounting principles, breaches of par 14 Archaeological excavations 713 Audio-visual aids 706 Bord an Choláiste Náisiúnta Ealaíne is Deartha, accounts 666-675 par 31 Chester Beatty Library 689 Courses in Irish, grants to colleges 704 Educational research 692 European Schools Day 681 Fellowships 696-699 Appendix 15 Higher Education Authority, accounts 664, 665 Higher education grants 700, 701 Institiúid Teangeolaíochta na hÉireann 690, 691 Language research 693 Appendix 15 National Council for Educational Awards 676-680 National Library 708-711 National Museum, fittings, materials etc. 712 Non-voted funds 716 Physical education 707 Publications in Irish 702, 703, 715 Appendix 15 Rosc exhibition 682-688 Royal Irish Academy 714 School transport scheme 705 University scholarships 694, 695 Farrell, Mr. C. Public Works and Buildings 329-386 Finance, Office of the Minister Audit of accounts of State-sponsored bodies par 5 Beartas i leith na Gaeilge 108 County development work 110 Economic and Social Research Institute 107 European Communities, payments between Exchequer and 126 Appendix 8 par 24 Extra remuneration 112 Government stocks, management of 105, 106 Grants-in-aid pars 3, 4 Minute of the Minister Appendix 2 National Savings Committee 109 Post Office services 104 Science and technology 111 Special Regional Development Fund 102, 103, 113-115 Appendix 6 par 6 Fisheries Bord Iascaigh Mhara, waiver of liability 649, 650 Fishery offences, fines and forfeitures 656 Fishery school 651 Inland Fisheries Trust Incorporated 652-654 Salmon Research Trust 655 Sea fisheries development 650 Foreign Affairs Bord Scoláireachtaí Cómalairte, An 406-408 Imprest accounts 387-391 Information services 405 Post Office services 395 Repatriation 396-404 Staffing 392-394 Travelling and incidental expenses 395 Forestry Conservation 505-510 Deficiencies of tools at forest centres 511 Disadvantaged areas scheme 496 Forestry education 503, 504 Grants for afforestation 502 Lands not planted 499 Lough Key Forest Park 495 Marginal land 497, 498 Sawmilling 500, 501 Shelton Abbey forest damage 505-508 Gaeltachta, Roinn na Ciste na Gaeilge 757 Comhaltas Ceoltóirí Éireann 773, 782 Electricity generation on islands 747-749 Films in Irish 771, 772 Gael-Linn, grants to 751-756 Gaeltarra Éireann control of issue sto 758-763 par 25 diversion of grant-in-aid money par 11 industrial development grants 781 Hotel scheme 779 Housing grants 764 Improvement schemes 765-770, 783 Newspapers and periodicals, grants to 777, 778 Report of previous Committee, comment on 746, 747, 784 Sailings to Aran Islands 773-776 Students from outside Gaeltacht, grants for 750 Training courses 780 Garda Síochána Clothing and equipment 22-25 Ex-gratia pension payments 19 par 10 Losses 36-40 Reward Fund 41-43 Staffing 20, 21 Station services 26, 27 Suspense accounts 20, 21 Traffic wardens 34, 35 Witnesses’ expenses 28-33 Appendix 4 Garda Síochána (Excess Vote) Excess expenditure 17, 18 Interim Report page 4 General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General Accounting principles, breaches of par 14 Appropriation accounts, delay in submission of 52-57 Budget, preparation of 99, 100 Capital Fund 69 Central Fund 68 Control of issues of public moneys to State-sponsored bodies 86-98 par 25 EEC Budget, contribution to 70-78 European Communities Act, issues under 79-85 Appendix 5 Exchequer extra receipts 64 Garda Síochána Excess Vote 63 National Building Agency Limited Acts, issues under 86-89 Outturn of the year 58-62 Stock and Store accounts 67 Surrender of balances 65, 66 Taiscí Stáit Teo., borrowing by in breach of statute par 15 Harman, Mr. J. F. Stationery Office 512-518 Health EEC, travelling in connection with 814 Fluoridation 816-818 Health contributions 806 Microfilming of records 810-813 Post Offices services 809 Staffing 807-808 Statutory Inquiries 815 Healy, Mr. M. J. Houses of the Oireachtas 788-805 Hensey, Dr. B. Health 806-818 Hynes, Mr. F. A. Social Welfare 583-594 Industry and Commerce Committee on Fiscal Policy 582 Committee on Industrial Progress 581 Geological Survey 578, 579 Appendix 13 Industrial Development Authority 580 Irish Productivity Centre 572 Price control 575-577 Shannon Free Airport Development Company Ltd., control of issues to 569, 570 housing subsidies 571 Wool textile industry, temporary assistance to 573, 574 International Co-operation Council of Europe 409 EEC, contributions to 413 GATT 415 OECD 410 Travelling expenses 413, 414 United Nations, contributions to 411, 412 Jacob, Mr. M. Comptroller and Auditor General (Vote) 785-787 Also for Comptroller and Auditor General 6th March to 1st May 1975 Justice, Office of the Minister Commissions and special enquiries 11 Committee on Court Practice and Procedure 12 Committee on Irish and Comparative Law 10 Compensation for unsaleable chemical substances 3 Incorporated Council for Law Reporting for Ireland 9 Insurance cards, stamping of 4-7 par 23 Legal aid 13 Security installations 14-16 Travelling and incidental expenses 8 Keating, Mr. P. Foreign Affairs 387-408 International Co-operation 409-415 Labour An Chomhairle Oiliúna 432 Advertising and publicity 427 Advisory services for emigrants 436-440 Career information 430, 431 CERT 434, 435 ILO 428 Irish Management Institute headquarters 416-420 Losses 448 National Industrial Safety Organisation 433 Research 429 Remuneration 421, 441-447 Staffing 421-426 Travelling expenses 422 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds Post Office services 50, 51 Lands Acquisition, legal expenses and procedures 457-486 Cash payments for land 489-492 Church Temporalities Fund 494 Gratuities to ex-employees 493 Land bonds 487 Post Office services 454-456 Staffing 449-453 Untenanted land, income from 488 Law Charges Costs and fees recovered 223-225 Defence of public servants 222 Linehan, Mr. T. P. Central Statistics Office 198-221 Local Government Amenity work grants 323 Audit of local authority accounts 324 Driving tests 313-318 Motor vehicle duties 307-312 par 27 Safety First Association 325-327 School warden service 328 Staff structures of local authorities, review of by consultants 294-306 Staffing 319 Water supply and sewerage 320-322 Mac Gearailt, Mr. S. See Comptroller and Auditor General McNicholl, Mr. J. M. Rates on Government Property 290-293 Valuation and Ordnance Survey 280-289 Martin, Mr. J. S. Charitable Donations and Bequests 138-143 Meagher, Mr. G. A. Local Government 294-328 Miscellaneous Expenses Assembly of the Northern Irish People, grant-in-aid 121, 122 Commemoration medals 120 Theatres, grants to 118, 119 Murray, Mr. C. H. Agricultural Grants 116, 117 Finance, Office of the Minister 102-115, 126 General Report of the Comptroller and Auditor General 52-100 Miscellaneous Expenses 118-122 Pensions and Allowances, Increases in 123-125 President’s Establishment 101 Secret Service Page 64 (no question) State Laboratory Page 64 (no question) National Gallery Entrance to from Kildare Street 661, 662 Exhibitions 658 Income, sources of 660 Purchase of pictures 657 Visitors 659 O’Brien, Mr. T. Forestry 495-511 Lands 449-494 Ó Cearbhaill, Mr. T. Labour 416-448 Ó Cearnaigh, Mr. S. Army Pensions 271-279 Defence 245-270 Ó Colmáin, Mr. P. L. Posts and Telegraphs 226-244 Ó Conaill, Mr. S. Civil Service Commission 144-155 Remuneration 165 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 156-164 Ó Laoghaire, Mr. D. Education, Office of the Minister 664-716 Primary Education 717-723 Reformatory and Industrial Schools 739-741 Secondary Education 724-736, 819-844 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 742-745 Vocational Education 737-738 Ó Riordáin, Mr. D. Transport and Power 166-197 Ó Slatarra, Mr. P. Industry and Commerce 569-582 Ó Suilleabháin, Mr. D. Chomhairle Ealaíon, An 131-137 Taoiseach, Department of 127-130 Oireachtas, Houses of the Ciste Pinsean 804 Former Members, allowances to or in respect of 803 Restaurant 802 Salaries and Allowances 788 Staffing 790-800 Travelling expenses 789, 801 Witnesses’ expenses 805 Pensions and Allowances, Increases in Increases in pensions, reasons for 123, 124 Statutory authority for pension payments 125 Appendix 7 Posts and Telegraphs Appropriations-in-Aid 235, 236 Capital charges 242-244 Conveyance of mails 232 Incidental expenses 229 Losses 234, 237 Miscellaneous expenses 230 Appendix 9 Post Office Savings Bank 228 Post Office services for other Departments 238-241 Revenue 227 Satellite and international systems, contribution to 233 Stores 226 Telephone service, development of 231 President’s Establishment Post Office services 101 Primary Education Accommodation requirements, changes in par 7 Building programmes, delegated authority for expenditure par 17 Church of Ireland Training College, excess expenditure on 717-719 par 17 Fees for pupils in secondary tops 721 Free school books 720 Recovery of loans to training college students 723 Special Educational Project 722 Prisons Staffing 44 Tools, raw materials etc., increase in cost of 45 Public Works and Buildings Appropriations-in-Aid 385 Arterial drainage construction works 371-374 cost/benefit study par 8 Barrow drainage, repayment of advances on 384 Compensation for damage to property of external Governments 369, 370 Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, cost of building for 351-368 Appendix 10 par 29 Fees for professional services par 1 Gael-Linn Teoranta, purchase of premises for 330-349 par 28 Heating of State buildings, use of native fuel for 386 par 9 New Works, Alterations and Additions 350, 375-383 Appendix 11 Sites and buildings, purchase of 329 Quigley, Mr. D. Law Charges 222-225 Rates on Government Property Premises occupied by representatives of external Governments 292, 293 Rates and contributions in lieu of 290, 291 Reformatory and Industrial Schools Kilkenny child care course 741 par 19 Remand Home and Assessment Centre, Finglas 739, 740 Training School for Boys, Oberstown 739, 740 Remuneration Salary increases 165 Revenue Commissioners, Office of the Building contractors’ tax certificates 541-548 Diesel, illegal use of red 549-556 Health contributions 530-540 Office machinery and supplies 567 Pay-related contributions 529 Revenue accounts 520, 521, 561-565 Staffing 560 Tax collection, problems in administration of 519, 522-525, 557-559, 568 Appendix 12 Value-added tax 526-528, 566 Secondary Education Building grants and loans 727 Comprehensive and Community Schools, costs 728-732, 844 Courses for secondary teachers 842 Ex-gratia pensions for widows and children 724-726 Prefabricated buildings suspense account 841 par 18 Preparatory College, Falcarragh, sale of lands 733-736, 819-840 par 32 Radio programmes 843 Secret Service Page 64 (no question) Social Welfare Allied services 593 Blind pensions for children 594 Delay in payment of benefit 589 Investment return 590 Losses 592 Overpayment of assistance and benefits 583-584 Rates of benefit, difficulties from changes in 585-588 Unemployment assistance 591 State Laboratory Page 64 (no question) Stationery Office Copying machines par 12 Office machinery and supplies 512 Printing contracts 515-518 Sales of publications 513, 514 Superannuation and Retired Allowances Ex-gratia pensions for widows and children 156-161 Increases 164 Resigned and Dismissed RIC, pensions to 162 Transferred officers, repayment by British Government 163 Toibín, Mr. L. Roinn na Gaeltachta 746-784 Taoiseach, Department of the Information services 129, 130 Post Office services 127, 128 Transport and Power Aer Rianta, grant for superannuation fund 168, 193 Aircraft accident 195 Airports acquisition of land at Dublin 180-183 construction 184-185 radio equipment 187 revenue and expenditure 196, 197 transport of staff 186 Bord Fáilte 178, 179 Bottled gas, grants for 190 Coras Iompair Éireann failure to pay interest on advances par 21 grants to 173-177 statutory approval for grant, lack of par 22 Equipment, stores and maintenance 172 Generating stations, improvement of roads to 191 Post Office services 170, 171 Royal National Lifeboat Institution 192 Rural electrification 189 Ships, investment grants for 166, 167, 169 Technical assistance 188 War risk insurance grant to air companies 194 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Limerick Institute of Higher Education 742, 744, 745 par 20 National College of Physical Education 743, 744 University College, Galway 745 Valuation and Ordnance Survey Local authorities, fees paid by par 13 Maps 286-289 Printing machines 285 Staffing 280-284 Vocational Education Regional Technical Colleges etc., costs 737, 738 Ward, Mr. A. Courts 46-49 Garda Síochána 19-43 Garda Síochána (Excess Vote) 17, 18 Justice, Office of the Minister 3-16 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds 50, 51 Prisons 44, 45 White, Dr. J. National Gallery 657-663 |
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