INTERIM REPORTThe Committee has made progress in the matters referred to it and has agreed to the following Interim Report:— The Committee reports that during the year ended 31st March 1972 expenditure in excess of the amount voted by the Oireachtas was incurred under the Vote hereinafter mentioned. STATEMENT OF EXCESSA statement of the sum required to be voted in order to make good an excess on the Vote for the Land Registry and Registry of Deeds.
The excess is due to general increases in salaries and also to bonus and other payments, including arrears, that became payable under a re-organisation scheme for the Land Registry; recourse was not had to the Vote for Remuneration because it was considered that the original estimate would be sufficient. The full position was not revealed until the sub-account of the Land Registry was received after the close of the financial year. The Committee sees no objection to this sum being provided by excess vote. VIVION de VALERA, Chairman. 2nd May, 1974. |