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INDEXParagraph references are to paragraphs in the Report: references without qualification are to questions in the Minutes of Evidence. Agricultural Grants Page 97 (no question) Agriculture Advisory staffs salaries, proportion paid by Department 465, 466 Agricultural Schools and Farms, students at 460, 461 Aid Programmes 459 Bacon and Pork Exports 451 Beef Cattle Incentive Scheme 444, 480-485 Beef, Mutton and Lamb Export Scheme 450 Bord Bainne, An 455 Bord Gráin An, losses 452, 453 Bord na gCapall 458 Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication 435, 467-474 Brucellosis Eradication 436, 475-479 Calved Heifer Scheme 446 Committees of Agriculture, grants to 464 Coras Beostoic agus Feola 454, 456, 457 Dairy industry, support payments 447 Land Project, expenditure 439 Lime and Fertilisers, expenditure 438 Milk Price Allowances, checking procedures 448, 449 Mole Ploughs 440-443 Office Accommodation, additional, at Navan and Roscommon 437 Pigs and Bacon Commission 451 Private Agricultural Schools, saving 462 Small Farm (Incentive Bonus) Scheme 445 University College Dublin lands and development at Leixlip and Thornfield 434 Lyons Estate, Celbridge 431-433 par 5 Warrenstown Agricultural School 463 World Food Programme 459 Appendices, List of Page 153 Appropriation Accounts 1970-71, special subheads opened, Appendix 3 Comparison of audited expenditure with exchequer issues and general abstract of accounts, 1969-70 Appendix 1 Minute of Minister for Finance on 1969-70 Accounts Appendices 2, 2A Army Pensions IRA medals 557-559 Barry, Mr. M. J. Agriculture 431-485 Fisheries 486-492 Central Mental Hospital Miscellaneous receipts 769 Central Statistics Office Page 95 (no question) Charitable Donations and Bequests Page 143 (no question) Chomhairle Ealaíon, An Page 97 (no question) Civil Service Commission Travelling and Incidental Expenses 420 Comptroller and Auditor General (Vote) Page 143 (no question) Comptroller and Auditor General (Mr. S. Mac Gearailt) Agriculture Beef Cattle Incentive Scheme 444 Beef, Mutton and Lamb Export Scheme 450 Bord Gráin An, losses 452, 453 Bord na gCapall 458 Bovine Tuberculosis Eradication Scheme 435 Brucellosis Eradication 436 Calved Heifer Scheme 446 Coras Beostoic agus Feola 454 Dairy industry, support payments 447 Land Project 439 Lime and fertilisers 438 Lyons Estate, Celbridge 431 Milk Price Allowances, checking procedures 448 Office accommodation, additional 437 Pigs and Bacon Commission 451 Small Farm (Incentive Bonus) Scheme 445 University College Dublin, payments to 434 World Food Programme 459 Defence Compensation 506 Corvettes, disposal of 507 Naval Stores 504 Provisions 493, 494 Stores, disposal of surplus 516 United Nations, payment for Irish contingents 509, 514 Education, Office of the Minister Free Post-Primary Education Scheme 105 Higher Education Authority, ex-gratia payments 107 Higher Education Grants 108 School transport, payments to CIE for 106 Union of Students in Ireland research project 112 Voluntary Youth Organisations 118-120 Finance, Office of the Minister Payments to Special Regional Development Fund 411 Fisheries Bord Iascaigh Mhara An, waiver of liability 486 Forestry Conservation 658 Forest development and management 634 John F. Kennedy Park 657 Gaeltachta, Roinn na Donegal Gaeltacht secondary school extension grant for 560 Hotel and guest house grants 561 Inis Meáin airstrip grant 568 Oileáin Chléire, electrification of 569 General Report Appropriation accounts, delay in submission of 363-365 Audit of accounts of State-sponsored bodies 377 Bord na Mona, waiver of interest owed by 373, 374 Central Fund 371, 372 Exchequer Extra Receipts 367 Nítrigin Éireann Teo., capital restructuring of 375, 376 Outturn of the year 366 Savings Bank Fund Deposit Account, investment transactions relating to 378-409 Appendix 8 par 20 Stock and Store accounts 370 Surrender of Balances 368, 369 Health Grants to Health authorities 766 Health boards, expenses 767 Industry and Commerce Castlecomer Collieries Ltd., 582 Córas Tráchtála 574 Foras Tionscail, transfer of functions etc. to IDA 575 Interest subsidy to Shipping Finance Corporation Limited 580 National Productivity Year, grant-in-aid 601 Shannon Free Airport Development Company, cumulative grants to 577 Shipbuilding subsidies 579 Lands Game and wildlife development 631 Local Government Motor vehicle duties 676 Road Fund, Capital Fund issues to 680 Miscellaneous Expenses British Special Import Deposit Scheme 427 Racing Board, grant-in-aid 426 Posts and Telegraphs Extra receipts payable to Exchequer 723 Judicial tribunal on RTE money-lending programme 717 Liquidated companies, moneys due by 722 Post Office Savings Bank 725 Revenue 721 Stores 718 Primary Education Special Educational Project 125 Prisons pace grant-in-aid 710 Public Works and Buildings Arterial Drainage 276 Electrical distribution system, delay in installation of in State buildings 264 Fishery Harbour Centres Fund 270, 271 Kilkenny Castle parkland 272 Maintenance and Supplies, contract employment 274 National school accommodation 251, 258, 259 Purchase of sites and buildings 232, 248 School grants 249, 250 University College Dublin, liability for electrical and central heating costs 264, 307 Revenue Commissioners, Office of the Collector Generals Cash Office 184 Extra-statutory repayments of customs and other duties 173 Income Tax, Sur-tax and Corporation Profits tax, amounts outstanding 169 Liquidated companies, moneys due by 170 Motor vehicles, grant for exceeded 195 PAYE tax estimation 176 Post Office Services 190 Remissions and amounts irrecoverable 175 Revenue Account 167, 168 Secondary Education Building Grants 147 Building loan repayments 141, 142, 144 Comprehensive schools, costs 148 Social Welfare Deserted wives allowances 729 Old Age care allowances 729 Overpayments in Social Assistance and Social Insurance Benefits 740 Social Insurance Fund 727, 728 Superannuation and Retired Allowances Pensions for widows and children of civil servants 421 Transport and Power Airports, construction works etc., 27 Bord Fáilte Éireann, grants to 18 CIE grants to 1 redundancy compensation 16 Commissions, Committees and special inquiries 89 Ships, investment grants for 29 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Limerick Institute of Higher Education 160, 161 National College of Physical Education 162 Universities, accountability of 164, 165 Vocational Education Regional technical colleges, 152-154, 156, 157 Courts Stenographers, shortage of 714 Defence Army band 547 Barracks, disposal of revenue from sale of 539 Barrack Services, maintenance charge 527, 528 Civil Defence 522, 549, 550 Compensation 506, 535 Corvettes, disposal of 507, 508 Defensive equipment, savings 523-526 Duplicate control of certain activities par 3 Equitation Teams 529, 530, 545, 546 Industrial explosives, inspection costs 548 Lands, sale of 537, 538, 540, 541 Marine Services Naval Service 552 Retired personnel, fishery employment 553-556 Military officers, loaning of 549, 550 Military hospital, patients, refunds in respect of 542-544 Naval stores, expenditure 504, 505 Permanent Defence Force pay 521 Post office services 531-534 Provisions 493-503 Slua Muirí, retirement of personnel 551 Stores, disposal of surplus 516-520 Surplus on Estimate 536 United Nations, payments for Irish contingents 509-515 Duignan, Mr. J. C. Office of the Revenue Commissioners 167-209 Education, Office of the Minister Extra Remuneration 122-124 Free Post-Primary Education Scheme 105 Higher Education Authority, ex-gratia payments 107 Higher Education Grants 108-111 Physical Education 116 Publications in Irish, saving in respect of 115 School Transport, payments to CIE 105, 106 Technical Assistance in Education 114 Union of Students of Ireland, grant-in-aid in respect of research project 112, 113 Voluntary Youth Organisations, accountability of 117-121 Estimates Changes in Estimates Volume for transitional financial period 1974 Appendix 10 Estimates 45 (Foreign Affairs) and 46 International Co-operation— modifications in format Appendix 11 External Affairs Scholarship Exchange Board repayments 670 Farrell, Mr. C. Public Works and Buildings 232-362 Finance, Office of the Minister Audit of accounts of State-sponsored bodies par 10 Grants-in-aid pars 7, 8 Payment to Special Regional Development Fund 411 par 11 Post Office Services 414-417 Salaries, Wages and Allowances 412 Rationalisation in relation to State Funds par 9 Recruitment of civil service staff par 2 Travelling and Incidental Expenses 413 Fisheries Recruitment and training of fishermen 491, 492 Repayment of Advances, liabilities waived 486-490 Forestry Afforestation effect on climate 663 grants 655, 656 Amenities 668 Conservation 635-637, 649-652, 658, 659, 665 Forests development and management of 634, 664 Variety, introduction of 661, 662 John F. Kennedy Park 657 Land acquisition difficulties 633 conflict with Dept. of Agriculture and Fisheries regarding 666, 667 sale of, if unsuitable for forestry purposes 653, 654 Nítrigin Éireann Teo., contamination by 637-644, 669 Saw Mills 669 Trees balancing hardwoods and deciduous trees 647, 648, 660 responsibility for 652 types planted 645, 646 Gaeltachta, Roinn na Gaeltacht Houses, reduction in subhead 570, 571 Grants to hotels and guesthouses par 13 Hotel Staff 563-567 Improvement Schemes erection or improvement of hotels, guesthouses etc., 561, 562 secondary school extension in Donegal Gaeltacht 560 Inis Meáin airstrip 568 Oileán Chléire, electrification of 569 Garda Síochána Accounting headings, suitability of 698-706 par 21 Non-effective payments 707 Payment for Services rendered by Gardaí 708 Uniform overcoats, removal of buttons before disposal of, 709 Health Health authorities, grants to 766 Health boards, expenses 767 Voluntary Hospitals, deficits of par 4 Hensey, Mr. B. Central Mental Hospital 769 Health 766-768 Hynes, Mr. F. A. Social Welfare 727-765 Increases in Pensions and Gratuities and Pensions for Unestablished Staff Page 98 (no question) Industry and Commerce Anthracite market 589 subsidisation costs 590 Ballingary Coalmines 591, 592, 595-599 Castlecomer Collieries 582-588, 591, 593-598 Córas Tráchtála 574, 576 Firms in difficulties, warning systems 620-622 Flax and Hemp, working party on 602 Industrial Development Authority Córas Tráchtála, duplication of work by 576 Foras Tionscal dissolved and functions etc., replaced by 575 Industrial Development Authority Annual Report Industrial interest taken by Japan and USA in Ireland 605 Job creation and projection 615-619 Slow growth rate abroad, reasons for 604 Terminology in 606-608 Insurance, Committee on 603 Interest subsidy to Shipping Finance Corporation Limited 580, 581 Irish National Productivity Committee 601 Minerals development 573 National Productivity Year 601 Semi-state bodies, control over and accountability of 609-614 Scientific awards 600 Shannon Free Airport Development Company, cumulative grants to 577 Shipbuildings subsidies 579 Technical assistance 578 International Co-operation Technical assistance to underdeveloped countries 671-674 United Nations bonds 675 Jacob, Mr. M. Comptroller and Auditor General Page 143 (no question) Justice, Office of the Minister Committee on Irish and Comparative Law 695 Incorporated Council for Law Reporting for Ireland Payments to and repayments by 687-691 publications 692, 694 remuneration of authors 693 Legal Aid 696, 697 Labour Advisory Services for Emigrants, grants for 230 Career Information, savings 229 Research, nature of 220 Resettlement Allowances 221-228 Training grants, reallocation of savings 231 Travelling and Incidental Expenses, savings 219 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds Staff shortage 715 Lands Church Temporalities Fund 623-625 Deficiency of Income from Untenanted Land 626-628 Game and Wildlife Development 631, 632 Improvement of Estates etc. 629 Losses by Default, accident etc., Adam Fireplaces 630 Law Charges Legal Work, receipts from Department of Posts and Telegraphs for 424, 425 Post Office Services 423 Local Government Extra Remuneration 683 Motor Vehicle Duties 676-679 New House grants 682 Post Office Services 681 Road Fund, Income 677, 680 Appendix 9 McCann, Mr. H. External Affairs 670 International Co-operation 671-675 MacGearailt, Mr. S. See Comptroller and Auditor General Mc. Nicholl, Mr. J. M. Rates on Government Property 685, 686 Valuation and Ordnance Survey 684 Martin, Mr. J. S. Charitable Donations and Bequests Page 143 (no question) Meagher, Mr. G. Local Government 676-683 Miscellaneous Expenses Additional Aid to the Theatre 428 British Special Import Deposit Scheme 427 Racing Board—Grant-in-aid for capital purposes 426 Murray, Mr. C. H. Agricultural Grants page 97 (no question) Central Statistics Office page 95 (no question) Chomhairle Ealaíon, An page 97 (no question) Civil Service Commission 420 Comptroller and Auditor General, General Report of 363-409 Contingency Fund Deposit Account 430 Finance, Office of the Minister 411-417 Increases in Pensions and Gratuities and Pensions for Unestablished Staff page 98 (no question) Law Charges 423-425 Miscellaneous Expenses 426-428 Oireachtas, Houses of the, page 95 (no question) Presidents’ Establishment page 95 (no question) Remuneration 429, 430 Secret Service page 97 (no question) State Laboratory 418, 419 Superannuation and Retired Allowances 421, 422 Taoiseach, Department of the 410 National Gallery Extra Remuneration 104 Purchase and Repair of Pictures 102, 103 O’Brien, Mr. T. Forestry 633-669 Lands 623-632 O Brolchain, Mr. B. Stationery Office 210-218 Ó Cearbhaill, Mr. T. Labour 219-231 Ó Cearnaigh, Mr S. Army Pensions 557-559 Defence 493-556 Ó Colmáin, Mr. P. L. Posts and Telegraphs 716-726 Ó Conchobhair, Mr. S. Education, Office of the Minister 105-124 Primary Education 125-140 Reformatory and Industrial Schools 159 Secondary Education 141-151 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies 160-166 Vocational Education 152-158 Ó Riordáin, Mr. D. Transport and Power 1-101 Ó Slatarra, Mr. P. Industry and Commerce 572-622 Oireachtas, Houses of the Page 95 (no question) Posts and Telegraphs Extra receipts payable to Exchequer 723, 724 Judicial tribunal on RTE money-lending programme, costs 717 Liquidated companies, moneys owed by 722 Losses 716 Post Office Savings Bank 725, 726 Revenue 721 Stores 718-720 Presidents’ Establishment Page 95 (no question) Primary Education Free Books 126-140 Special Educational Project 125 Prisons Prisoners Aid through Community Effort 710-713 Public Works and Buildings Accounting terms, explanation of 353, 354 Aras an Uachtaráin waiting room 338 Arterial Drainage—Construction Works Cost and Expenditure 276 Cost/Benefit 277-295 par 17 Local Drainage Boards 306 Maintenance 296-305 Appendix 5 Asgard operating costs 352 Athy Garda Station 323-326 Beggar’s Bush improvements 339 Bourn Vincent Memorial Park, fishing rights 355-357 Coast Protection, staffing difficulties 350, 351 Education, Department of, consultation with on College of Science liabilities 313-315 Fees for professional services par 1 Fishery Harbour Centres Fund 270, 271 Fishing Rights 355-357 Former Taoiseach’s residence, expenditure on 322 Fuel, Light, Water, Cleaning etc., responsibility for 345-349 Heating of State buildings, type of fuel used in 332-337 Appendix 7 par 19 Kilkenny Castle parkland 272, 273 Land Registry, additional accommodation 327 Lanesboro, new quay at 340 Leinster House, Museum and National Library Complex 344 Maintenance and Supplies, termination of contract employment system 274, 275 Marine Works 362 Merrion and Kildare Street State buildings, provision of new electrical distribution system in 264-269 National Museum, accommodation problems 342, 343 National School accommodation requirements assessment 255-257 late changes 251-254 par 16 New Works, Alterations and Additions Expenditure, outside factors affecting 316-320 Grants and Expenditure on schools 249, 250 List 316 Appendix 6 Office Accommodation at Athlone and Castlebar 328-331 Office space, demand for 244 Ordnance Survey married quarters 341 Phoenix Park deer 359-361 Prefabricated classrooms 258-263 President Kennedy Memorial, Costs 321 Purchase of Sites and Buildings 232-243, 245-248 School grants 249, 250 Shannon, siltation of 302, 303 Appendix 5 Staff, loaning of 358 University College Dublin accountability for 312 liability for electrical and heating costs 264, 307-315 par 18 Rates on Government Property Contributions towards rates on embassy premises 685, 686 Reformatory and Industrial Schools Parental Moneys—Collection Expenses 159 Remuneration Salary increases 429 Revenue Commissioners, Office of the Collector General’s Cash Office, delays in lodgement by 184-186 Decimalisation 185, 186 Extra-statutory repayments of Customs and other Duties 173, 174 Functions of Revenue Commissioners not relating to taxation 181 Income tax, Sur-tax and Corporation Profits tax, amounts outstanding 169 Law Charges, Fees and Rewards 197-209 Liquidated companies, moneys due by 170-172, 187-189 Machinery and Equipment for Security Printing and Stamping, grant exceeded 192 Motor Vehicles, grant exceeded 193-196 Organisation and Efficiency 179, 180 PAYE tax estimates, delays 176, 177 Post Office Services 190, 191 Remissions and amounts irrecoverable 175 Revenue Account 167, 168 Staffing difficulties 177, 178, 182, 183 Secondary Education Building grants 147 Building loan repayments 141-146 Choirs and Orchestras, Bonus for 150, 151 Comprehensive Schools, costs 148 par 6 Science and other Equipment, grants 149 Study of building costs, charge to subhead for repayment of loans par 14 Secret Service Page 97 (no question) Social Welfare Benefits cheques, delay in delivery of 761 ineligibility, notification of 762 Delays, elimination of 758-760 Forms, complexity and issue of 763-765 Medical certificates for insured persons 741-750 Medical referee system 752-754 Miscellaneous Allowances deserted wives allowances 729 old age care allowances 729-739 Note on variation between Expenditure and Grants 756, 757 Overpayments of Social Assistance and Social Insurance Benefit 740 Prosecutions 751 Social Insurance Fund 727, 728, 755 State Laboratory Staffing difficulties 418, 419 Stationery Office Acts, difficulty in obtaining copies of 210-218 Superannuation and Retired Allowances Pensions for widows and children of civil servants 421, 422 Taoiseach, Department of the Post Office services 410 Tóibín, Mr. L. Roinn na Gaeltachta 560-571 Transport and Power Airports Airport lands 65, 67-70 Construction works 27, 28 Extra Remuneration 93-101 par 12 Equipment, Stores and Maintenance 44-50 Rent on Lands 92 Shannon Free Airport Development Company, Limited— Administration and General Expenses 72-77 Transport of Staff 71 Bord Fáilte Éireann, grants 18-26, 66 Bottled Gas Installations, grants for 80-86 Commissions, Committees and Special Inquiries 87-90 Córas Iompair Éireann Accountability of 13-15 Grants to 1-12, 51 Redundancy Compensation 16, 17 Dove aircraft 48-50 Harbour grants 57-64 Appendix 4 Improvement of Roads to Generating Stations, grants for 91 International Organisations 78 Post Office Services 41-43 Rural Electrification 79 Salaries, Wages and Allowances 31-35 Semi-state bodies, accountability of 52-56 Ships, Investment grants for 29, 30 Travelling and Incidental Expenses 36-40 Weather stations and installations 44-47 Universities and Colleges and Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies Grants-in-aid, accounting procedures 164-166 Limerick Institute of Higher Education, expenditure on 160, 161 National College of Physical Education, cost and erection of 162 University College Galway—building grant 163 Valuation and Ordnance Survey Equipment 684 Vocational Education Regional Technical Colleges accounting methods 155-158 par 15 costs and expenditure 152-154 Ward, Mr. A. Courts 714 Garda Síochána 698-709 Justice, Office of the Minister 687-697 Land Registry and Registry of Deeds 715 Prisons 710-713 White, Dr. J. National Gallery 102-104 |
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