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IMEACHTAÍ AN CHOISTEPROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMITTEEDé Máirt, 9 Márta, 1971.Tuesday, 9 March, 1971.1. The Committee met at 11 a.m. 2. Members Present. The following members were present:— Deputy Patrick Hogan (in the Chair), Deputies Barrett, R. Burke, E. Collins, FitzGerald, H. Gibbons, Keating, MacSharry, Nolan, Treacy and Tunney. 3. Mr. E. F. Suttle (Comptroller and Auditor General) was in attendance in an advisory capacity. 4. The Committee noted Deputy Briscoe’s oral intimation that he was not bound by an undertaking he had given to the Committee on 24 February not to discuss with newspaper reporters the reason for his withdrawal from the present proceedings of the Committee, in view of an article in the publication Hibernia which in Deputy Briscoe’s view could only be based on information given by members of the Committee. 5. The Committee agreed on the suggestion of Deputy FitzGerald that in the event of divisions being taken, Deputy FitzGerald would not vote in order to balance the absence of Deputy Briscoe. 6. Ordered: in relation to a minute* of 8 March. 1971 from the Clerk of the Dáil relating to the employment of reporters that the Clerk should be informed that the general intention of the Committee was to sit where necessary on Dáil sitting days since meetings on days other than those would severely inconvenience the Committee and that it presumed that in the event that staff adequate to enable it to so sit to discharge the duties placed on it could not be provided by the Ceann Comhairle, he would so inform the Dáil. 7. The Committee considered a letter of 5 March, 1971 from Mr. H. Blaney.* Ordered: that Mr. H. Blaney be required to attend on Tuesday, 23 March, 1971. 8. Ordered: that arrangements be made to take evidence from A, B, C, D and E and from a representative of the Belfast Refugee Re-Establishment Committee. 9. Ordered: that the Commissioner of the Garda and Deputy M. Ó Móráin be required to attend. 10. Sitting Suspended. The sitting was suspended at 1.15 p.m. until 4.15 p.m. today. 11. The Committee met again at 4.15 p.m. 12. The Committee consulted with Mr. Peter Berry. 13. Mr. Berry withdrew. 14. Adjournment. The Committee adjourned at 6.40 p.m. until 5 p.m. tomorrow. |
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