APPENDIX V.CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION: EXAMINATIONS EXPENDITUREAn Cléireach, An Coiste um Chuntais Phoiblí In the course of my examination before the Committee of Public Accounts on 15 Iúil, 1965, a question was asked on the reason for the increase between 1962-63 and 1963-64 in expenditure under Subhead C—Examinations—of Vote No. 12—Civil Service Commission. The objects of expenditure under the subhead are advertising and accommodation. The following table shows expenditure under these heads in 1962-63 and 1963-64.
The increase in expenditure on advertising was due to the following factors: (a) there was an increase in the number of competitions advertised; (b) advertising costs rose by about 10%; (c) earlier payment of accounts in 1963-64.