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IMEACHTA AN CHOISTE.THE PROCEEDINGS OF THE COMMITTEE.Dé Céadaoin, 12 Lúnasa, 1964.Wednesday, 12th August, 1964.1. The Committee met at 2.30 p.m. 2. Members Present. The following members were present:— Deputy Sweetman (in the Chair), Deputies Booth and de Valera; Senators Fitzpatrick, Eoin Ryan and Sheldon. 3. Consideration of Bill. The Committee took the Bill into consideration. (i) Preamble. Amendment proposed: “Between lines 40 and 41 to insert the following:— ‘AND WHEREAS it is expedient that the Minister for Education should be the approving authority for bye-laws made by the Council of the said College:’.” Amendment agreed to. Preamble, as amended, proved. (ii) Section 1. Amendment proposed: “In page 2, line 45, to delete ‘Clause 6 of’ and in line 47 after ‘appear’ to insert ‘in lines 67 to 69 thereof’.” Amendment agreed to. Amendment proposed: “In page 3, line 1, before ‘Pupil’ to insert ‘or’ and in line 3 to delete ‘suspension, amotion’ and substitute ‘Suspensions, Amation’.” Amendment agreed to. Section, as amended, agreed to. (iii) Section 2. Amendment proposed: “In line 8, to delete ‘Clause 13 of’ and in line 10 after ‘appear’ to insert ‘in lines 144 to 148 thereof’.” Amendment agreed to. Amendment proposed: “In line 14, to delete ‘conditional’ and substitute ‘conditioned’.” Amendment agreed to. Section, as amended, agreed to. (iv) Section 3. Amendment proposed: “In line 21, to delete ‘Clause 14 of’ and in line 23 after ‘appear’ to insert ‘in lines 163 and 164 thereof’.” Amendment agreed to. Section, as amended, agreed to. (v) Section 4. Amendment proposed: “In line 25, to delete ‘Clause 7 of’ and in line 27 before ‘the words’ to insert ‘in line 36 thereof’ and in line 28 before ‘the words’ to insert ‘in lines 40 and 41 thereof’.” Amendment agreed to. Section, as amended, agreed to. (vi) Section 5. Amendment proposed: “In line 36, to delete ‘Clause 18 of’ and in line 39 after ‘appear’ to insert ‘in line 106 thereof’.” Amendment agreed to. Amendment proposed: “In line 53, after ‘appear’ to insert ‘in line 107 thereof’.” Amendment agreed to. Section, as amended, agreed to. (vii) Section 6. Amendment proposed: “In line 57, to delete ‘Clause 2 of’ and in line 59 after ‘appear’ to insert ‘in line 33 thereof’.” Amendment agreed to. Amendment proposed: “In line 59, before ‘Licentiates’ to insert ‘the’.” Amendment agreed to. Section, as amended, agreed to. (viii) Section 7. Amendment proposed: “In line 1, to delete ‘Clause 3 of’ and in line 3 after ‘appear’ to insert ‘in lines 42 to 45 thereof’.” Amendment agreed to. Amendment proposed: “In line 4, before ‘inflicting’ to insert ‘for’.” Amendment agreed to. Section, as amended, agreed to. (ix) New section. Amendment proposed: “Before section 8 to insert a new section as follows:— ‘The said Charters or Letters Patent shall have effect subject to the substitution of the Minister for Education as the approving authority for bye-laws made by the Council of the said College.”’ Question:—“That the new section be there inserted”—put, and agreed to. (x) Sections 8, 9 and 10 agreed to. (xi) Title. Amendment proposed: “In line 5 before ‘UNDER’ to insert ‘OR LETTERS PATENT’.” Amendment agreed to. Title, as amended, agreed to. 4. Report of Committee. Draft Report brought in by the Chairman (Deputy Sweetman) read a first and second time and passed as follows:— 1. The Joint Committee reports that it has examined the Preamble of the Bill and, to make it consistent with the provisions of the Bill as amended by the Committee, has amended it by the insertion of the following paragraph:— AND WHEREAS it is expedient that the Minister for Education should be the approving authority for bye-laws made by the Council of the said College:. It has found that allegations contained in the Preamble, as amended, proved to its satisfaction. 2. The Committee has considered the Bill and has made amendments thereto providing for the designation of the Minister for Education as the approving authority for bye-laws made by the Council of the College. It has also made some drafting amendments and amended the Title to read as follows:— AN ACT TO AMEND THE CHARTERS OR LETTERS PATENT UNDER WHICH THE ROYAL COLLEGE OF SURGEONS IN IRELAND IS INCORPORATED. 3. In its deliberations on the Bill the Committee considered a report from the Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests for Ireland. The Committee did not deem the recommendation made in such report to be appropriate or necessary, and accordingly has not given effect to such recommendation. Ordered: To report to both Houses accordingly. 5. Conclusion of Business. The Committee concluded its business at 3.27 p.m. |
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