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APPENDIX XV.FINANCIAL AID TO JOURNALS PUBLISHED IN IRISH.Cléireach an Choiste, Coiste um Chuntais Phoiblí, Teach Laighean, Baile Átha Cliath. A Chara, I am to refer to paragraph 15 of the Report of the Committee of Public Accounts on the Appropriation Accounts for the financial year 1956/57 which relates to grants made available under the Vote for Science and Art to periodicals published in Irish and to newspapers publishing current news in Irish. In regard to the Committee’s request for information concerning the extent to which the circulation of the periodicals in question has increased in recent years, I beg to furnish herewith copies of statements which indicate in the case of each periodical the position in respect of sales for each year since 1950/51. The statements contain other relevant data elaborating the information requested. The Department has no information as to the circulation figures of the newspapers which qualify for grants in respect of the publication of current news in Irish under the conditions of which a copy was enclosed with my letter of 19 Bealtaine, 1958. With regard to the Committee’s request for an assurance that the periodicals are produced efficiently, I am to explain that the affairs of each periodical are fully examined each year, from the point of view of its financial position generally, its sales and general progress, before a decision is come to, in consultation with the Department of Finance, as to the amount of the State grant which should be provided for the following financial year. Financial statements and sales returns received from the periodicals from time to time within each year are also subjected to scrutiny in the Department. As a result of this periodic review of their affairs and as a result also of frequent correspondence between the Department and the publishers of the periodicals, the publishers are left in no doubt as to their responsibility for ensuring that the utmost value is obtained from the State grants placed at their disposal and as to the Department’s expectation that their affairs will be so regulated as to discharge fully that responsibility. I am satisfied generally that the periodicals are fulfilling their obligations in that regard and that in particular every effort is made by them to increase circulation under conditions which are not always encouraging. It is, of course, possible for the periodicals to increase the sale price to the public in order to increase their income. That such action is not always conducive to the attainment of the primary object of the publication of Irish language periodicals would appear to follow from the fact that the increase from 6d. to 9d. in the sale price of “Feasta” resulted in a substantial reduction in circulation. It is also to be borne in mind that it is difficult to reduce publishing costs without deterioration in the format and presentation of the periodical. The Department would be reluctant to impose any restriction which would have the effect of making the Irish language periodicals less attractive. Mise, le meas, (Signed) T. Ó RAIFEARTAIGH, Oifigeach Cuntaisíochta. 19 Samhain, 1958. DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION.Vote 43—Science and Art.Grants to Periodicals published in Irish.“Inniu”
(a) 23 issues of 4 pages each paid at £91 per issue—remaining issues of 6 pages each paid at £14810s. per issue. “Comhar”
“Ar Aghaidh”
“An tUltach”
Note.—The accounts and sales returns of “An tUltach” relate to the calendar year and columns 3, 5, and 6 above are to be read accordingly. “Tír na nÓg”
(a) Reduced from 8 pages to 4 pages. (b) But maximum grant subsequently increased to £136 for issues of January and February, 1953, which again contained 8 pages each. (c) Difference between cost of publication and receipts from sales subject to the appropriate maximum grant per issue. “Galvia” Journal of Galway Archaeological and Historical Society.
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