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IMEACHTA AN CHOISTE SPEISIALTA.PROCEEDINGS OF THE SPECIAL COMMITTEE.Déardaoin, 27 Eanáir, 1955.Thursday, 27th January, 1955.1. The Committee met at 2 p.m. 2. Members Present. The following members were present:— Deputy Kyne (in the Chair), the Minister for Industry and Commerce, Deputies M. E. Dockrell, Geoghegan, Hilliard, J. Larkin, Lemass, Mrs. Lynch, T. Lynch and O’Malley. 3. Consideration of Bill. The Committee took the Bill into consideration. (i) Section 1. Amendment proposed (Minister for Industry and Commerce): “To delete subsection (2) and substitute the following subsection:— ‘(2) This Act shall come into operation on such day as the Minister appoints by order.’” Amendment agreed to. Amendment proposed (Minister for Industry and Commerce): “In subsection (3), page 6, to delete in lines 23 and 24 ‘1st day of January, 1956’ and substitute ‘day appointed under subsection (2) of this section’ and to delete in lines 27 and 28’ 1st day of January, 1958’ and substitute ‘two years after the day appointed under subsection (2) of this section.’” Amendment agreed to. Section, as amended, agreed to. (ii) Section 2. Amendment proposed (Minister for Industry and Commerce): “In subsection (1), page 7, line 25, to add ‘, but also includes a district medical officer under section 52 of the Health Act, 1953 (No. 26 of 1953)’ after ‘(No. 28 of 1947)’.” Amendment agreed to. Amendment proposed (Minister for Industry and Commerce): “In page 7, line 48, to delete ‘1948’ and substitute ‘1952’.” Amendment agreed to. Amendment proposed (Minister for Industry and Commerce): “In subsection (1), page 7, lines 17 and 18, to delete ‘in connection with any textile process’.” Amendment agreed to. Section, as amended, agreed to. (iii) Section 3. Amendment proposed (Deputy J. Larkin): “In subsection (1), paragraph (vi), to delete all words after ‘undertaking’ in line 40 to the end of the paragraph.” Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. Amendment proposed (Minister for Industry and Commerce): “In subsection (1), page 9, line 43, to insert ‘and in which persons are not employed on a full-time basis in such cleaning washing, repairing and adjusting’ after ‘out’.” Amendment agreed to. Amendment proposed (Deputy J. Larkin): “To add to the section a new subsection as follows:— ‘(10) (1) For the purpose of this subsection “commercial work” means work of a clerical nature or work done for or in connection with the sale, wholesale, of any articles. (2) The Minister may make special regulations requiring that certain provisions of this Act shall have effect in respect of premises in which, or within the close or curtilage or precincts of which, persons are employed in commercial work.’” Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. Section, as amended, agreed to. (iv) Sections 4 to 9 inclusive, agreed to. (v) Section 10. Amendment proposed (Deputy J. Larkin): “In subsection (1), paragraph (a), line 14, to delete ‘dirt and refuse’ and substitute ‘dirt, refuse, trade refuse and waste’.” Amendment agreed to. Amendment proposed (Deputy J. Larkin): “In subsection (1), before paragraph (c) to insert a new paragraph as follows:— ‘(c) Where cleaning has to be carried out while work is in progress it shall be done in such manner as to avoid as far as practicable the raising of dust and where floors are swept while work is in progress it shall be done by a damp process so as to avoid raising dust.’” Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. Amendment proposed (Minister forIndustry and Commerce): “Before subsection (2) to insert a new subsection as follows:— ‘(2) In fulfilling, on an occasion when work is in progress, the requirements of paragraph (a) or paragraph (b) of subsection (1) of this section, the methods used shall, so far as is reasonably practicable, be such as not to give rise to dust.’” Amendment agreed to. Amendment proposed (Deputy J. Larkin): “To delete subsection (2), lines 39 to 42.” Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. Amendment proposed (Deputy M. E. Dockrell): “In subsection (2), line 42, to insert ‘or to a saw mill’ after ‘employed’.” Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. Section, as amended, agreed to. (vi) Section 11. Amendment proposed (Deputy J. Larkin): “In subsection (4), line 14, to delete ‘five’ and substitute ‘three’.” Amendment agreed to. Amendment proposed (Deputy J. Larkin): “In subsection (8), line 46, to delete ‘Unless the Minister otherwise allows’.” Amendment agreed to. Section, as amended, agreed to. (vii) Section 12. Amendment proposed (Deputy M. E. Dockrell): “To add to the section a new subsection as follows:— ‘(4) Except where the Minister in any particular case otherwise requires, the provisions of this section shall not apply to a saw mill.’” Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. Section agreed to. (viii) Section 13 agreed to. (ix) Section 14. Amendment proposed (Deputy J. Larkin): “In subsection (4), line 38, to delete ‘so far as practicable’.” Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. Amendment proposed (Deputy J. Larkin): “To add to the section a new subsection as follows:— ‘(6) (a) Wherever possible natural lighting shall be used. (b) Where artificial lighting is required it shall be of a uniform level, widely distributed to avoid harsh shadows or strong contrasts and be free from direct or reflected glare. (c) Sources of artificial light shall be so placed and installed so that during work the light does not shine directly or indirectly in the workers’ eyes.’” Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. Section agreed to. (x) Section 15. Amendment proposed (Deputy J. Larkin): “To add to the section two new subsections as follows:— ‘(2) Where it is not practicable to effectively remove the wet by drainage then suitable false floors, platforms, mats or other means of providing dry standing places shall be provided. (3) Where leakage of oil or grease on to the floor takes place suitable provision shall be made to ensure that a dry and secure standing place is provided for persons employed, in cases where it is not possible to provide for the drainage of such oil or grease as provided for in subsection (1).’” Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. Section agreed to. (xi) Section 16. Amendment proposed (Deputy J. Larkin): “Before subsection (2) to insert four new subsections as follows:— ‘(2) Where a piped water supply is in the factory all sanitary conveniences shall be individually flushed water closets, except urinals which shall have suitable flushing arrangements. (3) Sanitary conveniences shall not communicate directly with the workplace. (4) There shall be provided at least one closet for every 25 male workers, and at least one closet for every 15 female workers employed at the same time; and there shall be separately provided at least one urinal for every 15 male workers employed at the same time. (5) Sanitary conveniences shall be readily and easily accessible and shall not be situated more than one floor above or below the regular workplace of the workers for whom they are provided.’” Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. Section agreed to. (xii) Sections 17 to 26 inclusive, agreed to. (xiii) Section 27. Amendment proposed (Deputy J. Larkin): “To add to the section two new subsection as follows:— ‘(2) Any person who sells or lets on hire, or as agent of the seller or hirer causes or procures to be sold or let on hire, for use in a factory in the State any machine intended to be driven by mechanical power which does not comply with the requirements of this section shall be guilty of an offence and liable to a fine not exceeding two hundred pounds. (3) The Minister may by regulations extend the provisions of the last preceding subsection to machinery or plant, which does not comply with such requirements of this Act or of any regulation made thereunder, as may be specified in the regulations, and any regulations made under this subsection may relate to machinery or plant in a specified process.’” Amendment, by leave, withdrawn. Section agreed to. (xiv) Section 28, 29 and 30 agreed to. Further consideration of the Bill adjourned. 4. Adjournment. The Committee adjourned at 4.35 p.m. until 2 p.m. on Thursday next. |
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