Garda Síochána Pay Order, 1954 (S.I. No. 182 of 1954).
Department of Justice. |
Clerk to the Select Committee on Statutory Instruments,
Leinster House. |
26th January, 1955. |
I am directed by the Minister for Justice to refer to your minute 17/2/55, of the 21st instant in connection with the presentation of the Garda Síochána Pay Order, 1954.
I am to explain for the information of the Select Committee that the Order, signed by the Minister for Finance was received in this Department on Saturday, 14th August, 1954. It was then necessary to communicate with the Stationery Office regarding a Statutory Instrument Number for the Order. Only when this information was obtained was it possible to proceed with the stencilling of completed copies of the Order and further delay was occasioned by the examination and checking of the copies before issue. These circumstances made full compliance with the provisions of Section 3 (1) of the Statutory Instruments Act, 1947, impracticable and taking account of staff shortage at that time of the year, due to holidays, it is considered that the time which elapsed between the date of signing of the Order by the Minister for Finance and the date of laying of the Order was not unreasonable.