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APPENDIX XXV.PROPOSED CHANGES IN FORM OF ESTIMATES.Rúnaí, Coiste um Chuntais Phoiblí. I am directed by the Minister for Finance to state, for the information of the Committee of Public Accounts, that, in the volume of Estimates for 1953/54, it is proposed, for administrative convenience, to drop the general Estimate for Technical Assistance and to insert appropriate provisions in the Estimates for Departments or Offices sponsoring technical assistance projects. The relevant subheads in the Estimates concerned will enable the Dáil to see clearly the cost of technical assistance schemes connected with particular services. (Signed) J. J. McELLIGOTT, Rúnaí,
Rúnaí, Coiste um Chuntais Phoiblí. I am directed by the Minister for Finance to state, for the information of the Committee of Public Accounts, that a rearrangement of the Estimates comprising the Social Welfare group is necessitated by the establishment of the Social Insurance Fund under the Social Welfare Act, 1952. This Fund will replace the Unemployment Fund (Vote 63), the Widows’ and Orphans’ Pensions Fund (Vote 64) and the National Health Insurance Fund (Vote 65). In the Volume of Estimates for 1953-54, therefore, Vote 63 (except for Unemployment Assistance), Vote 64 (except for Widows’ and Orphans’ non-contributory pensions) and Vote 65 will be merged in one Vote for Social Insurance which will, accordingly, embrace all the contributory Social Welfare Services. In order to present a similar composite picture of non-contributory Social Welfare Services and, at the same time, provide for the remaining parts of Votes 63 and 64, i.e. Unemployment Assistance and Widows’ and Orphans’ non-contributory pensions, it is proposed to assemble these services in a single vote to be called Social Assistance Services. This Vote will, consequently, comprise the existing Votes for Old Age Pensions (Vote 61), Children’s Allowances (Vote 62), Miscellaneous Social Welfare Services (Vote 66) and, as already mentioned, Unemployment Assistance and Widows’ and Orphans’ non-contributory pensions. This arrangement, it is considered, will not lessen financial control because, apart from a small number of minor items in the existing Miscellaneous Social Welfare Services Vote, the expenditure on the various services affected is directly related to well-defined statutory bases. The amalgamation, apart from its other merits, will be of considerable benefit from the point of view of administrative convenience. The proposals do not call for any major alteration in the Vote for the Office of the Minister for Social Welfare, which will continue to present the costs of administration of the Social Welfare Services. Some alteration and regrouping of the items comprising the credit Subheads of the present Votes 60, 61 and 63 will, of course, be required. (Signed) J. J. McELLIGOTT, Rúnaí,
Rúnaí, Coiste um Chuntais Phoiblí. I am directed by the Minister for Finance to state, for the information of the Committee of Public Accounts, that it is proposed to effect certain changes in the format of the Estimates for Stationery and Printing (Vote 24) and Gaeltacht Services (Vote 49) as they will appear in the volume of Estimates for the Public Services, 1953-54. Copies of the revised forms for both Estimates are enclosed.* The changes effected represent the result of detailed examination designed to achieve a format which will enable the various components of the two Services to be presented with greater clarity and conciseness and with more logical grouping. The form in which it is now proposed to present the Estimates will greatly simplify the accounting arrangements in both the Offices concerned and will yield economies in staff. The revision of the Gaeltacht Services Estimate, in particular, will facilitate preparation of the Commercial Accounts and will enable those Accounts to be compared readily with the Estimate and Appropriation Account. Advantage is being taken of the revision to alter the title of Vote 24 from “Stationery and Printing” to “Stationery Office” as the former title, having regard to the extent of the other services covered by the Vote besides stationery and printing, is not sufficiently comprehensive. A new appendix has been added to this Vote to show the estimated cost of printing, etc., services rendered for Government Departments in the current and previous financial years. The appendix accordingly will furnish the figures in respect of stationery and printing in the Allied Services tables appended to the individual Estimates. It will supersede the present appendix to the Estimate showing the actual expenditure on such services in the last year but one prior to the estimate year concerned. The appendix dealing with Iris Oifigiúil is also being omitted because it is inappropriate for inclusion in the Estimates volume. (Signed) J. J. McELLIGOTT, Rúnaí,
Rúnaí, An Roinn Airgeadais. With reference to your minutes (F101/4/38) of 11 Samhain, 21 Samhain and 3 Nollaig, 1952, I have been directed by the Committee of Public Accounts to inform you that they agree to the dropping of the general Estimate for Technical Assistance, the rearrangement of the Social Welfare group of Estimates and the changes in the format of the Estimates for Stationery and Printing and Gaeltacht Services in the volume of Estimates for 1953/54. (Signed) J. C. SMYTH,
Rúnaí, Coiste um Chuntais Phoiblí. I am directed by the Minister for Finance to state, for the information of the Committee of Public Accounts, that, commencing with the year 1953/54, the Estimate for Wireless Broadcasting will consist of three subheads—two debit subheads and one credit subhead—as follows:— (A) Expenses of Broadcasting. (B) Equipment, inclusive of labour. (C) Appropriations in Aid. Subhead A will cover (1) staff costs of the broadcasting services, (2) the cost of daily programmes (including public concerts) and (3) general expenses; subhead B will cover the cost of equipment, other than that which falls to be met from the provision for general expenses in subhead A; and subhead C will cover receipts appropriated in aid of the Vote. These changes are being made to provide greater financial flexibility in the running of the broadcasting services as explained to the Dáil by the Minister for Posts and Telegraphs on 5th November, 1952, in the course of the discussion on the Supplementary Estimates for Wireless Broadcasting for the current year (Dáil Debates, Volume 134, No. 7, columns 944-945). (Signed) J. J. McELLIGOTT, Rúnaí,
Rúnaí, Roinn Airgeadais. With reference to your minute (F101/4/38) of 22ú Eanáir, 1953, I have been directed by the Committee of Public Accounts to inform you that they have noted the new format of the Estimate for Wireless Broadcasting which will appear in the volume of Estimates for 1953/54. (Signed) J. C. SMYTH,
* See relevant Votes in volume of Estimates, 1953-54. |
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