Committee Reports::Report - Appropriation Accounts 1944 - 1945::21 November, 1946::Proceedings of the Joint Committee



Déardaoin, 21ú Samhain, 1946.

Thursday, 21st November, 1946.

1. The Committee met at 11 a.m.

2. Present: Deputy Cosgrave (in the Chair), Deputies Blowick, Gorry, Loughman, Pattison and Sheldon.

3. Consideration of the Appropriation Accounts for the year 1944-45 was resumed. The following Accounts were disposed of:—External Affairs, League of Nations, Industry and Commerce, Transport and Meteorological Services, Railway Tribunal, Marine Service, Unemployment Insurance and Unemployment Assistance, Industrial and Commercial Property Registration Office, Children’s Allowances, Supplies, Food Allowances, Posts and Telegraphs and Wireless Broadcasting.

4. Mr. F. H. Boland (Secretary, Dept. of External Affairs), Mr. J. Leydon (Secretary, Dept. of Industry and Commerce), Mr. R. J. Cremins (Secretary, Dept. of Posts and Telegraphs), Mr. C. S. Almond, Mr. G. P. S. Hogan and Mr. L. M. Fitzgerald (Dept. of Finance) and the Comptroller and Auditor General, were examined.

5. The Committee adjourned at 12.40 p.m. till Wednesday, 4th December, 1946.