Committee Reports::Report - Appropriation Accounts 1941 - 1942::24 February, 1944::Appendix



In the course of my examination before the Committee of Public Accounts on the 13th instant, I undertook to furnish information as to the Rosse Fund.

In 1897 the Earl of Rosse established a fund to provide an annual grant to assist in the maintenance of magnetic observations at Valentia Observatory. In 1910 the administration of the fund was transferred to the Council of the Royal Society, in trust for the purpose indicated. The grant is payable to the Authority responsible for Valentia Observatory, so long as magnetic observations are continued there, and this grant, therefore, became payable to the Minister for Industry and Commerce with effect from 1st April, 1937. The annual grant is equivalent to the annual income on certain stock in which the moneys of the Fund are invested and is, therefore, a variable sum.


(Signed) R. C. FERGUSON,


Accounting Officer,

17adh Bealtaine, 1943.

Department of Industry and Commerce.