Committee Reports::Report - National Health Insurance Bill, 1933::16 June, 1933::Proceedings of the Joint Committee



Dé hAoine, 16° Meitheamh, 1933.

Friday, 16th June, 1933.

1. The Select Committee met at 11 a.m.

2. Present: Senator O’Hanlon (in the Chair), and Senators J. C. Counihan, Caitlín Bean Uí Chléirigh, J. C. Dowdall, Thomas Farren and Sir John Keane.

3. Sir Joseph Glynn was examined.

4. The Chairman proposed to read a letter from the Lord Mayor of Dublin. Senator Farren objected and the letter was not read,

5. The Chairman read the following letter from the Minister for Local Government and Public Health:—

“A Chara,

I have been informed that the Select Committee set up by the Seanad have invited Messrs. J. A. McCarron and J. A. Duffy, of the National Health Insurance Section of my Department, to appear before them at their meeting to-day to be examined in relation to the National Health Insurance Bill now before the Seanad.

As I do not think it proper that Messrs. McCarron and Duffy, or any other official of my Department, be subjected to examination in the manner suggested, I have instructed them not to attend the Committee’s meeting.

If the Select Committee desire further information on the National Insurance Bill I will be prepared to attend and give the Committee whatever information is necessary.

Mise le meas,


6. The Committee decided to continue its deliberations in private.

7. Motion made (Senator Dowdall):

“That the Minister for Local Government and Public Health be invited to give evidence at the meeting of the Select Committee to be held on Wednesday, 21st June, at 11 a.m.

Question put, and agreed to.

9. The Select Committee adjourned at 1.15 p.m. until Tuesday, 20th June.