Committee Reports::Report - Adaptation of Charters Bill, 1925::19 February, 1926::Report


Tuarasgabháil on Rogha-Choiste a ceapadh chun Bille um Oiritúnú Cairteanna, 1925 do Bhreithniú.

Report of the Select Committee appointed to consider the Adaptation of Charters Bill, 1925.

1. This Committee was appointed by the Seanad on the 14th December, 1925. The Committee is constituted as follows:—Senators James G. Douglas, Thomas Farren, H. S. Guinness, Rt. Hon. Andrew Jameson, Sir John Keane, James Moran and Mrs. Wyse Power.

2. The Committee met on Thursday, 18th February, 1926.

There were present Senators Douglas, Farren, Guinness, Jameson, Sir John Keane and Mrs. Wyse Power. The President was also in attendance.

3. Senator Douglas was moved to the Chair.

4. The Committee, having taken the Bill into consideration, decided to report the same to the Seanad without amendment.



Cathaoirleach an Choiste.

19° Feabhra, 1926.