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SCHEDULE.Proposed Amended Standing Orders.Procedure on Meeting of New Dail.Compliance with provisions of Article 17 of the Constitution 1. When all the returns to Writs issued for a general election to the Dáil shall have come into his hands, the Clerk of the Dáil shall notify all Deputies returned that their attendance is required at a place appointed and on a day (or days) named by him, which shall be prior to that mentioned in the Proclamation convening the Oireachtas, for the purpose of complying with the provisions of Article 17 of the Constitution. Opening of the Proceed. ings. 2. On the first day of the meeting of the Dáil subsequent to a General Election, and so soon as a quorum is present [Standing Order 17] the proceedings shall be opened by the Clerk at the Table reading the Proclamation convening the Oireachtas. Clerk’s Election Report. 3. The Clerk shall then make a report as to the issue of Writs for such Election. This report shall enumerate the Constituencies in respect of which, and the Returning Officers to whom, such Writs were issued. The Clerk shall also announce the names of all Deputies returned to serve in the Dáil, giving the Constituencies in each case. Copies of Writs, etc., to be laid on the Table. 4. A copy of the Writ of election for each Constituency, and of the return endorsed thereon, shall be laid upon the Table by the Clerk. Ceann Comhairle.Election of Ceann Comhairle. 5. (1) The Dáil shall then proceed to the election of a Ceann Comhairle, and a motion may be made to that effect by any Deputy who has taken his seat according to law. Such motion or motions shall be received by the Clerk, who shall act as Chairman until the Ceann Comhairle is elected. (2) If only one Deputy be proposed as Ceann Comhairle the Clerk shall put the question:— “That ...................................... (naming the Deputy) be elected and do now take the Chair of the Dáil B as Ceann Comhairle,” which shall be decided like other questions: Provided that in the event of there being an equality of votes, the question shall be decided in the negative. (3) If more than one Deputy be proposed as Ceann Comhairle, the Clerk shall, in the order in which the Deputies shall have been proposed, put the question “That ...................................... (naming the Deputy) be elected and do now take the Chair of the Dáil as Ceann Comhairle,” which shall be decided like other questions: Provided that in the event of there being an equality of votes, the question shall be decided in the negative. Ceann Comhairle takes the Chair. 6. The Ceann Comhairle shall immediately upon his election take the Chair, but in the case of absence of the Ceann Comhairle elect, the Dáil may, on motion made without notice, appoint any Deputy to act as Ceann Comhairle for the time being. Until such Deputy is appointed the Clerk shall continue to act as Chairman. Election of Leas-Cheann Comhairle. 7. An election shall be held for a Leas-Cheann Comhairle, and motions may be made to this effect after due notice. Vacancy in office of Ceann Comhairle. 8. When a vacancy has occurred in the office of Ceann Comhairle, the Clerk shall report the same to the Dáil at the opening of its next meeting. The Dáil shall forthwith appoint a Ceann Comhairle for the time being, who shall perform the duties devolved upon, and exercise the authority conferred upon the Ceann Comhairle by these Standing Orders; and an Order shall be made fixing a date for the election of a Ceann Comhairle, which election shall take place in the manner hereinbefore provided. [S.O. 5 (1).] Unavoidable absence of the Ceann Comhairle. 9. Whenever the Dáil shall be informed by the Clerk of the unavoidable absence of the Ceann Comhairle, the Leas-Cheann Comhairle shall, in the absence of any other nomination by the Dáil, perform the duties devolved upon, and exercise the authority conferred upon the Ceann Comhairle by these Standing Orders, until the Dáil shall otherwise order. Absence of the Ceann Comhairle and the Leas-Cheann Comhairle. 10. If both the Ceann Comhairle and the Leas-Cheann Comhairle be unavoidably absent, the Dáil shall, if a quorum be present, and subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 5, at once proceed to elect one of its members to perform the duties devolved upon, and exercise the authority conferred upon the Ceann Comhairle by these Standing Orders for that day only; if there be not a quorum present, the Dáil shall stand adjourned until the next sitting day. Continued absence of the Ceann Comhairle. 11. If the Dáil be informed by the Clerk of the likelihood of the continued absence of the Ceann Comhairle, and if no other nomination shall have been made of a Ceann Comhairle, the Dáil may appoint another deputy to act as Leas-Cheann Comhairle during such continued absence. Term of office. 12. The term of office of the Ceann Comhairle and of the Leas-Cheann Comhairle shall be the term of the Dáil existing at the time of their appointment, but the Ceann Comhairle shall continue in office until his successor has been appointed: Provided that the Dáil may, at any time, by special resolution, remove from office either the Ceann Comhairle or the Leas-Cheann Comhairle. Ministers or Parliamentary Secretaries may not act. 13. No Minister or Parliamentary Secretary may act as Ceann Comhairle or Leas-Cheann Comhairle. Nomination of Panel of Chairman. 14. The Ceann Comhairle shall nominate, at the commencement of every Session, a panel of not less than two Deputies, of whom one shall act as presiding Deputy, or Chairman of Committee of the whole Dáil, when requested so to act by the Ceann Comhairle. Language.Proceedings in Irish or English. Orders and Documents. 15. (1) All proceedings of the Dáil shall be conducted through the medium of the Irish or the English language. (2) All orders and official documents shall be issued in the Irish and English languages. Summons to the Dáil.Summons to ordinary Sessions by Ceann Comhairle. 16. The Ceann Comhairle shall publish, at least four days before the opening of each ordinary Session of the Dáil, a notice, which shall state the place, date, and hour of opening of the Session. On the request of the President of the Executive Council, the Ceann Comhairle may summon the Dáil for an earlier date than that fixed on the adjournment, or in the Resolution terminating the previous Session. Such summons shall state the reason for such earlier re-assembly. Quorum.17. The quorum necessary to constitute a meeting of the Dáil shall be twenty Deputies. [See S.O. 60.] Adjournment if no quorum. 18. If at any stage in a sitting of the Dáil, any Deputy calls the attention of the Chair to the fact that a quorum is not present, or if on the report of a division, such fact shall appear, the division bells shall be rung, and if after an interval of not less than three minutes, a quorum is still not present, the Ceann Comhairle shall suspend the sitting to a later hour to be named by him, or shall adjourn the Dáil without question put until the next sitting day; and no decision shall be considered to have been arrived at by such division; and the hour of such adjournment, as also the names of the Deputies present, shall be entered in the Journal of the Proceedings of the Dáil. [See S.O. 62.] Sittings of the Dáil.Time and days of sitting. Interruption of business, etc. 19. (1) While the Dáil is in Session, and unless it shall otherwise resolve, the Dáil shall meet every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday at p.m., and every Friday at 12 o’clock noon, and shall adjourn not later than 9 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and not later than 4.30 p.m. on Fridays. (2) At 8.30 p.m. on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays, and at 4 p.m. on Fridays, the proceedings on any business then under consideration shall be interrupted (or if the Dáil be in Committee, the Chairman shall report progress and ask leave to sit again): Provided that, if an Order shall have been made under Standing Order No. 20, that the Dáil sit later than 9 p.m. (4.30 p.m. Fridays) the time at which business is to be interrupted shall be the time fixed in such Order and the provisions of this Standing Order with such substitution shall otherwise apply. (3) Any Deputy may bring forward at 8.30 p.m. on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday, or at 4 p.m. on a Friday, any matter for discussion, of which he has given notice not later than 6.30 p.m. (2 p.m. on Fridays), but the Dáil shall not divide on any matter arising out of such discussion, not shall opposed business be taken after 8.30 p.m. or 4 p.m., respectively. (4) If at the time appointed for the interruption of business as provided in sub-section (2) of this Standing Order, the closure is moved or proceedings under the closure are in progress, the Ceann Comhairle, will not effect such interruption until the proceedings under the closure and on any such further motion as is specified in the Standing Order as to closure (Standing Order 52) have been completed. (5) If a division is in progress at the time appointed for the interruption of business as aforesaid, the interruption shall not take place until after the decision has been declared from the Chair. If the division is on an amendment, or on an amendment to an amendment, the Ceann Comhairle, the Leas-Cheann Comhairle or the Chairman, as the case may be, shall proceed after such declaration to put in proper sequence all the questions which have already been proposed from the Chair, but if any Deputy offers to speak thereon or objects to further proceedings, the interrpution shall thereupon take place. 20. A motion that the Dáil shall sit later than 9 p.m. on any Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday, or 4.30 p.m. on Fridays, may be made without notice, and not later than 6.30 p.m. on the former days, or 2 p.m. on the latter. Such motion shall appoint the hour at which business is to be interrupted. On Tuesdays and Thursdays the motion may be made only by a Minister: Provided that, a Minister may move after notice that for a specified period the Dáil shall sit later than 9 p.m. on Tuesdays Wednesdays and Thursdays, and than 4.30 p.m. on Fridays, and if such motion be agreed to, business shall be interrupted at the hour appointed in such motion, unless the business on the Order paper shall have been concluded at an earlier hour. [See S.O. 19.] Suspension of Sitting. 21. A motion that a sitting be suspended for a period may at any time be made, by permission of the Ceann Comhairle, and without notice. Such motion shall fix the period of suspension: Provided that, if an Order shall have been made under Standing Order No. 20, the Ceann Comhairle, or the Chairman, as the case may be, may, if so requested, suspend business for a period not exceeding two hours. Order Paper.Preparation of. Power of the President. 22. Every sitting of the Dáil shall be governed by a printed Order paper which shall be prepared under the direction of the Ceann Comhairle. The President of the Executive Council shall have the right to determine the order in which Ministerial business shall appear on the Order paper. Routine of Business. 23. The ordinary daily routine of business in the Dáil shall be as follows:— 1. Questions. 2. Private Business. 3. Public Business— (i.) At the commencement of Public Business— (a) Ministerial motions relating to the business of the Dáil. (b) Formal procedure. * (c) Introduction of Bills. * (d) Notices of Motions. (ii.) Orders of the day. 4. Private Deputies’ Business— (i) Business ordered. (ii) Notices of Motions. Order of Private Business. 24. At a sitting of the Dáil, as soon as questions shall have been disposed of, the Dáil shall proceed to the consideration of unopposed Private Business. Opposed Private Business shall be subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 100 of the Standing Orders relative to Private Business. Notice of Motions and amendments. Shorter notice. 25. All motions, to be put on the Order paper for any day, shall be in writing, signed by a Deputy, and shall reach the Clerk not later than 11 a.m. on the fourth preceding day. Any amendments to such motions shall be in writing, signed by a Deputy, and shall reach the Clerk not later than 11 a.m. on the second preceding day: Provided that by permission of the Ceann Comhairle, motions may be made on shorter notice. Contents of Order Paper. 26. The Order paper shall contain the text of all questions to be asked of Minister (other than private notice Questions permitted under Standing Order No. 28) and of all motions, and amendments thereto, to be proposed (save such as are allowed by these Standing Orders to be proposed without notice). Adjournment on matters of urgent public importance. 27. (1) A motion for the adjournment of the Dail on a definite matter of urgent public importance may be made, if a Deputy at the commencement of public business rises in his place, and states that he requests leave to move the adjournment of the Dáil for the purpose of discussing a definite matter of urgent public importance, whereupon he shall state the matter, and deliver to the Ceann Comhairle a written statement of the subject to be discussed. The Ceann Comhairle shall, thereupon, if he considers the motion is one contemplated by this Standing Order, desire the Deputies who support the request to rise in their places, and if not less than twelve Deputies rise accordingly, he shall give leave to make the motion, which shall be moved at 7 p.m. on a Tuesday, Wednesday or Thursday or 2.30 p.m. on a Friday, or at such hour on the day on which the request is made, as the Dáil may appoint. (2) A matter submitted in pursuance of this Standing Order, which fails to obtain the requisite support, cannot during the current Session be again brought forward under this Standing Order. Questions.Notice of Questions. 28. Questions must be in writing, and must reach the Clerk not later than 4 o’clock p.m. on the second day preceding that on which they are to be asked, but no Question shall be handed in on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday: Provided that Questions relating to matters of urgent public importance may, by permission of the Ceann Comhairle, be asked on private notice to a Minister. Relevancy of Questions addressed to Minister. 29. Questions addressed to a Minister must relate to public affairs connected with his Department, or to matters of administration for which he is officially responsible. Powers of the Ceann Comhairle. 30. The Ceann Comhairle shall examine every Question in order to insure that its purpose is to elicit information upon or to elucidate matters of fact or of policy, that it is as brief as possible, that it contains no argument or personal imputation. The Ceann Comhairle, or the Clerk under his authority, may amend any Question, after consultation with the Deputy responsible for the Question, to secure its compliance with Standing Orders. Question made order for return. 31. If a Question is of such a nature that in the opinion of the Minister who is to furnish the reply, such reply should be in the form of a return, and the Minister states that he has no objection to laying such return upon the Table of the Dáil, his statement shall, unless otherwise ordered by the Dáil, be deemed an Order of the Dáil to that effect, and the same shall be entered in the Journal of the Proceedings of the Dáil. Questions not reached. 32. If any Question be not reached by 3.30 p.m., on Tuesdays, Wednesdays or Thursdays, or 12.30 p.m. on Fridays, the Minister to whom it is addressed, shall cause an answer to be provided in the official Report of the Debates, unless the Deputy responsible for the Question has signified his desire to postpone the Question. Questions not answered orally. 33. (1) Any Deputy who does not desire an oral answer to his Question may distinguish it by an asterisk, in which case the Minister to whom it is addressed shall cause an answer to be provided in the Official Report of the Debates. (2) If in the opinion of the Ceann Comhairle any Question put down for oral answer is of such a nature as to require a lengthy reply, the Ceann Comhairle may, at the request of the Minister to whom the Question is addressed, direct that the answer be furnished in the Official Report of the Debates. Asking of Questions. 34. A Question shall be put by the Deputy rising in his place, and indicating the number of the Question on the Order Paper. 35. Supplementary Questions may only be put for the further elucidation of the information requested, and shall be subject to the ruling of the Ceann Comhairle, both as to relevance and as to number. Rules of Debate.Deputies shall address the Chair. 36. A Deputy desiring to speak shall rise in his place. Should more than one Deputy rise at the same time, the Ceann Comhairle, or the Chairman, as the case may be, shall call upon one of them. Deputies shall address the chair. Precedence of Ceann Comhairle. 37. Whenever the Ceann Comhairle, or the Chairman, rises during a debate, any Deputy then speaking, or offering to speak, shall resume his seat. Speaking twice. 38. No Deputy shall be entitled to speak twice upon the same motion, except to close the debate upon a motion of which he was the proposer; but a Deputy is not precluded from speaking on an amendment by reason of having spoken upon the original motion or upon any other amendment: Provided that no Deputy shall speak twice upon the same amendment. Seconding Motions. 39. A motion shall not be debated until it has been seconded, but a seconder may reserve his speech till a later stage of the debate. When Motions lapse. 40. If a Deputy does not move the motion which stands in his name, such motion shall lapse unless moved by some other Deputy authorised by him. Motions may be withdrawn. 41. A Deputy who has made a motion may withdraw the same by leave of the Dáil. Relevancy and form of amendments. 42. Every amendment must be relevant to the motion to which it is proposed, and must be directed to omitting, adding, or substituting words. No amendment, which is equivalent to a direct negative, shall be accepted. Debate not allowed after Question put. 43. When the question on a motion or an amendment has been put from the Chair, no further debate thereon shall be allowed. Amending of rescinding a Resolution. 44. A motion to rescind or amend a Resolution, other than a Resolution relating to an adjournment of the Dáil or to Standing Orders, can only be made on notice that shall specify the Resolution to be rescinded or amended, and furnish the terms of the motion to be made; but no motion shall be allowed to appear on the Order paper to rescind any such Resolution, within six months from the date of its adoption, except with the written assent of not less than twenty-five Deputies. Restrictions on Debate. 45. No Deputy shall re-open a discussion on a question already decided during the same Session, except by the indulgence of the Dáil for a personal explanation; nor anticipate the discussion of any subject of which notice has been given: Provided that, in determining whether a discussion is out of order on the ground of anticipation, regard shall be had by the Ceann Comhairle to the probability of the matter anticipated being brought before the Dáil within a reasonable time. Irrelevance or repetition. 46. A Deputy who persists in irrelevance or repetition in debate, and who, in the opinion of the Ceann Comhairle, or the Chairman, is speaking for the purpose of obstructing business, may be directed by the Ceann Comhairle, or the Chairman to discontinue his speech after the attention of the Dáil or of the Committee has been called to his conduct. Maintenance of order in the Dáil and in Committees of the whole Dáil. 47. The Ceann Comhairle is the sole judge of order in the Dáil and has authority to suppress disorder and to enforce prompt obedience to his ruling. In Committees, including Committees of the whole Dáil, order shall be maintained by the Chairman, but disorder or obstruction in Committee can only be censured in the Dáil on receiving a report. Disorderly conduct. Deputy to withdraw. 48. The Ceann Comhairle shall order a Deputy whose conduct is grossly disorderly to withdraw immediately from the Dáil for the remainder of that day’s sitting. If, however, on any occasion the Ceann Comhairle deems that the powers conferred under this Standing Order are inadequate to deal with the offence, he may, in accordance with the next succeeding Standing Order, name such Deputy for misconduct, or he may call on the Dáil to adjudge upon his conduct. Deputies ordered to withdraw in pursuance of this Standing Order, or who are suspended in pursuance of the next succeeding Standing Order, shall forthwith withdraw from the precincts of the Dáil. Naming a Deputy. 49. Whenever any Deputy shall have been named by the Ceann Comhairle immediately after the commission of the offence of disregarding the authority of the Chair, then, if the offence has been committed by such Deputy in the Dáil, the Ceann Comhairle shall forthwith put the question on a motion being made—no amendment, adjournment or debate being allowed—“That Deputy (naming him) be suspended from the service of the Dáil”; and if the offence has been committed in Committee of the whole Dáil, the Chairman shall forthwith suspend proceedings and report the circumstances to the Dáil, and the Ceann Comhairle shall, thereupon, on motion being made, put the same question without amendment, adjournment or debate as if the offence had been committed in the Dáil itself. If any Deputy be suspended under this Standing Order, his suspension on the first occasion shall continue for one week, on the second occasion for a fortnight, and on the third or any subsequent occasion for one month: Provided that, on receiving from the Deputy, so suspended, a written and approved expression of regret, to be entered on the Journal of the Proceedings of the Dáil, the Ceann Comhairle shall lay the same before the Dáil, and, on motion made, without notice, amendment, adjournment or debate, forthwith put the question for the discharge of the Order of suspension, whereupon, if the question passes in the affirmative, the Order shall be discharged, and the Deputy re-admitted: Provided further, that suspension from the service of the Dáil shall not exempt the Deputy so suspended from serving on a Select or Special Committee of the Dáil, or a Joint Committee of both Houses, to which he may have been appointed previous to his suspension. Power of the Ceann Combairle to adjourn the Dáil or suspend sitting in case of great disorder. 50. In the case of great disorder, the Ceann Comhairle may adjourn the Dáil without question put, or suspend any sitting for a time to be named by him. References to Ministers and Deputies. 51. In making references to members of the Dáil, the following rules shall apply:— (a) A Minister shall be referred to as, the Minister for...................................... (b) A Deputy shall be referred to by surname, thus, Deputy ...................................... Closure of Debate.52. (1) After a question (except a question already barred from debate under the Standing Orders) has been proposed from the Chair either in the Dáil, or in a Committee of the whole Dáil, a Deputy may claim to move, “That the question be now put,” and unless it shall appear to the Ceann Comhairle that such a motion is an infringement of the rights of a minority, or that the question has not been adequately discussed, or that the motion is otherwise an abuse of these Standing Orders, the question “That the question be now put” shall be put forthwith, and decided without amendment or debate. (2) When a motion “That the question be now put” has been carried, and the question consequent thereon has been decided, any further motion may be made (the assent of the Ceann Comhairle as aforesaid, not having been withheld), which may be requisite to bring to a decision any question already proposed from the Chair, and such motion shall be put forthwith, and decided without amendment or debate. (3) Provided always that this Standing Order may be put in force only when the Ceann Comhairle is in the Chair. Motion to proceed to the next business.When permitted. 53. (1) At any stage of a debate, other than a debate on any stage of a Bill, a Deputy may move (the assent of the Chair not being withheld) “That the Dáil proceed to the next business,” and this motion, to which an amendment cannot be moved, shall take precedence of all amendments to the original question: Provided that this motion be not made more than once during the debate on any question. (2) The motion cannot be made where the original question is one relating to the ordering of public business, or the meeting of the Dáil, or to an amendment, or in Committee. (3) If the Dáil resolves the motion in the affirmative, the original question is thereby disposed of, and the Dáil shall proceed to the next business on the Order paper. Divisions.Divisions may be demanded. 54. (1) When any question is put to the Dáil or to a Committee of the whole Dáil, the Ceann Comhairle, or Chairman, shall rise and announce that “The question is that,” thereupon reading or stating the question, requiring that as many as are of that opinion shall say “Tá,” and as many as are of contrary opinion shall say “Nil.” He shall judge from the answers to his questions, and declare the result, in his opinion, of the putting of the question. (2) After the Ceann Comhairle, or Chairman, shall have declared the result, in his opinion, of the putting of any question, any Deputy may demand a division upon that question, whereupon a division shall, subject to Standing Order 56. be taken. Division bells rung and time for locking doors. 55. When a division is demanded the Ceann Comhairle, or Chairman, shall cause the division bells to be rung once, and the doors shall be locked so soon after the lapse of not less than three minutes as he shall direct. 56. When the doors have been locked, and the Division lobbies have been cleared, the Ceann Comhairle, or Chairman, shall order the Dáil to divide, and shall appoint two tellers for each side: Provided that, after the lapse of not less than three minutes, as provided in Standing Order 55, the Ceann Comhairle, or Chairman, may again put the question and declare afresh the result, in his opinion, of the putting of the question, and a division shall take place only if such fresh declaration is challenged: Provided always, that the Ceann Comhairle, or Chairman, may, after the lapse of not less than three minutes, if in his opinion a division is unnecessary, call upon the Deputies who claim the Division to rise in their places. If fewer than five Deputies so rise, he shall forthwith declare the determination of the Dáil or Committee, and the names of the Deputies who so rise shall be recorded in the Journal of the Proceedings of the Dáil. Tellers to hand in Division paper. 57. On the completion of the count, the tellers shall sign a Division paper which shall be handed to the Ceann Comhairle, or Chairman, who shall announce the numbers and declare the decision. The doors shall then be re-opened. 58. Questions in the Dáil (save as otherwise provided in these Standing Orders) or in a Committee of the whole Dáil, shall be determined by a majority of the votes of the Deputies present, other than the Ceann Comhairle, or presiding Deputy, who shall have and exercise a casting vote in the case of an equality of votes [See S.O. 68.] Committees.Going into Committee. 59. The Dáil shall go into Committee whenever it reaches business on the Order paper which is to be considered in Committee. Quorum of Committee of the whole Dáil. 60. The quorum in Committee of the whole Dáil shall consist of the same number of Deputies as shall be requisite to form a quorum of the Dáil. [See S.O. 17.] Absence of a quorum in Committee of the whole Dáil. 61. If during a sitting of a Committee of the whole Dáil, a Deputy calls the attention of the Chair to the fact that a quorum is not present, or if on the report of a division such fact shall appear, the division bells shall be rung, and if after an interval of not less than three minutes, a quorum is still not present, the Dáil shall resume and a report shall be made that a quorum was not present. The Ceann Comhairle shall, at the expiration of not less than three minutes (the bells having been rung) count the Dáil, and if a quorum is still not present he shall suspend the sitting to a later hour to be named by him, or shall adjourn the Dáil without question put until the next sitting day; and no decision shall be considered to have been arrived at by such division; and the hour of such adjournment, as also the names of the Deputies present, shall be entered in the Journal of the Proceedings of the Dáil; but if a quorum is present, the Dáil shall again go into Committee. [See S.O. 18.] Procedure in Committees. 62. The rules as to procedure in the Dáil shall apply to procedure in Committee of the whole Dáil, and in Select or Special Committees, except that— (i) a motion or amendment need not be seconded; (ii) a motion to proceed to the next business cannot be moved; (iii) a Deputy may speak more than once on the same question. Report of Progress, etc. 63. A Committee of the whole Dáil may from time to time direct the Chairman to report a Resolution or Resolutions, or to make a special report to the Dáil. A motion to report progress and ask leave to sit again may also be made: Provided that, the Chairman may refuse to accept any such motion which he deems to be dilatory or obstructive, [See S.O. 88.] Report by Committee. 64. When a Committee of the whole Dáil has concluded the consideration of the matters referred to it, the Chairman shall be directed to report that the Committee has agreed to them with or without amendment. Select Committees. 65. The Dáil may, on motion made after notice, appoint a Select Committee to consider and, if so permitted, to take evidence upon any Bill or matter, and to report its opinion for the information and assistance of the Dáil. Such motion shall specifically state the terms of reference to the Committee, define the powers devolved upon it, fix the number of Deputies to serve on such Committee, state the quorum, and may appoint a date upon which the Committee shall report back to the Dáil. Power of a Select Committee to report opinion and make Special Report. 66. A Select Committee, empowered to send for persons, papers, and records, may report its opinions and observations together with the minutes of evidence taken before it, to the Dáil, and also make a special report of any matters which it may think fit to bring to the notice of the Dáil. Special Committees. 67. The Order of the Dáil setting up a Special Committee to consider a Bill (S.O. Nos. 79 and 84) shall if necessary fix a date upon which the Com mittee shall report back to the Dáil. Election of Chairman. 68. Every Select or Special Committee, previous to the commencement of business, shall elect one of its members to be Chairman, who shall have only one vote. Taking of Divisions in Select or Special Committees. 69. The doors of the Committee room shall be locked while a Division is being taken in a Select or Special Committee. Divisions shall be taken by the Clerk to the Committee calling the names of the members. Committee of Selection. 70. There shall be appointed at the commencement of every Session a committee to be known as the Committee of Selection, which, unless itshall have been otherwise ordered, shall nominate the Deputies to serve on Select or Special Committees, and who shall have power to discharge members of Select or Special Committees from time to time for non-attendance or at their own request, and to appoint others in substitution for those discharged. The Committee of Selection shall consist of eleven Deputies of whom five shall constitute a quorum. The Committee shall be otherwise constituted according to the provisions of Standing Orders Nos. 67 and 68, and so as to be impartially representative of the Dáil. Visitors.Introduction by Deputies. Press. 71. Visitors may be introduced by Deputies to such places as may be reserved for them by the Ceann Comhairle, and authorised representatives of the Press may be present at sittings of the Dáil, or of a Committee of the whole Dáil; but no persons other than Deputies shall, except by leave of a Select or Special Committee, be present during any of the proceedings of such Select or Special Committee. Exclusion of visitors and Press in emergency. 72. In case of special emergency, a member of the Executive Council may move, without notice, that all visitors and Press representatives be excluded from the Chamber, and this shall be done by direction of the Ceann Comhairle, with the assent of two-thirds of the Deputies present. Office of Clerk and Records of the Dáil.Journal of the Dáil. 73. All proceedings of the Dáil, or of Committees of the whole Dáil, shall be noted by the Clerk, and the minutes of proceedings after being perused and signed by the Ceann Comhairle, shall be printed, and shall constitute the Journal of the Proceedings of the Dáil. Custody of Records and documents. 74. The Clerk shall have custody of all Journals of Proceedings, records, or other documents belonging to the Dáil, and he shall neither take nor permit to be taken any such Journals of Proceedings, records or documents from the Chamber or Offices, without the express leave or order of the Dáil: Provided, however, that in the event of the Dáil being adjourned for any period longer than a week, such leave may be given by the Ceann Comhairle, who shall report the same to the Dáil upon its re-assembling. Duties of Clerk of the Dáil. 75. The Clerk shall have the direction and control over all the officers and clerks, subject to such orders as he may, from time to time, receive from the Ceann Comhairle, or the Dáil. 76. All the duties devolved upon, and all the powers conferred upon, the Clerk by these Standing Orders or by law, shall in his absence, and to the extent permitted by law, be performed or exercised by the Clerk-Assistant. Official Report of Debates.Issue under supervision of the Ceann Comhairle. 77. (1) An Official Report of the Debates of the Dáil shall be issued under the supervision of the Ceann Comhairle. (2) A copy of the Official Report of the Debates, as well as of every other paper, document, and publication of the Dáil, shall be made available for every Deputy. (3) A revised edition of the Official Report of the Debates shall be prepared in bound volumes, at such periods as the Ceann Comhairle shall determine. Private Deputies’ Business.Allocation of time between Ministerial business and private Deputies’ business. 78. The Order paper shall be confined to Questions, Private business, and Ministerial business on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the entire sitting; on Wednesdays until 7 p.m.; and on Fridays until 2 p.m. Motions or Bills (if any) to be moved by private Deputies shall be taken at these hours, or at such earlier hour as Ministerial business, or Private business, as the case may be, shall have concluded, during ordinary sittings on Wednesdays and Fridays: Provided that a Minister may move, without notice, at the commencement of public business on any Wednesday or Friday that, on that day, specified Ministerial business, or Private business, as the case may be, shall not be interrupted if under consideration at the time fixed for taking private Deputies’ business: Provided also that on motion made by a Minister, after notice, the Order paper on Wednesdays and/or Fridays may, for a specified period, be confined to Questions, Private business, and Ministerial business. Such motions shall be decided without amendment. Reference of private Deputies’ Bill to Select, Special or Joint Committee. 79. Should a private Deputy’s Bill pass its second reading, it shall be referred to a Select, Special, or Joint Committee. [See S.O. No. 84.] Adjourned business of private Deputies. 80. Should the debate on any motion or Bill moved by a private Deputy be adjourned, the adjourned proceedings on such motion or Bill shall, unless the Dáil shall otherwise order, be given priority over new business introduced by a private Deputy, and over private Deputies’ business postponed under the provisions of Standing Order No. 123, on the next ensuing occasion set apart for the consideration of private Deputies’ business. Bills, Resolutions and Orders.Decision of matter brought before the Dáil. 81. (1) Any matter for decision by the Dáil shall be brought before it by motion for a simple Resolution or Order, or by the introduction of a Bill. (2) The matters that may be dealt with by Resolution shall include Standing Orders, adjournments of the Dáil, appointment or removal of the Ceann Comhairle, or the Leas-Ceann Comhairle, expressions of condolence, censure, thanks, and opinion, and any other matter which, by law the Dáil may decide by simple Resolution. A vote of condolence may be moved, without notice by the President of the Executive Council, or a member of the Executive Council acting for him. (3) The matters that may be dealt with by Order shall include the suspension of Deputies, appointment of Committees, the printing of Bills and documents, and questions of procedure generally. (4) The matters which shall be dealt with by Bills shall include all proposals for legislation. Passing of Bills.First Stage.Introduction and circulation of Bills. 82. When a Bill is to be initiated in the Dáil, the title of the Bill, and a short description of its purpose, prepared by the proposer, and accepted by the Ceann Comhairle, shall appear on the Order paper. The Deputy giving notice shall move for leave to introduce the Bill. If such motion be’ opposed, the Ceann Comhairle, after permitting an explanatory statement from the Deputy who moves, and a statement from a Deputy who opposes the motion, may, if he thinks fit, put the question thereon. If leave to introduce the Bill be given, an Order shall be made for its second reading and the Bill shall be printed. Second Stage.Second Reading. 83. The debate on the motion, that the Bill be now read a second time, shall be confined to the general principle of the Bill. Amendments may be made to this motion— (i) by omitting the word “now” and adding at the end of the motion the words “this day three months,” or “this day six months,” or some other date; (ii) by omitting all or some of the words after “That” and substituting words which state some special reason against the second reading of the Bill. Third Stage.Bill referred to Committee. 84. (1) When a Bill, other than a private Deputy’s Bill, has been read a second time, it may either be ordered to be considered in Committee of the whole Dáil on a day then named, or be referred to some other Committee. Should a Bill be ordered to be referred to a Special Committee, such order shall fix the date for the commencement of the Committee stage, the number of Deputies to serve on such Special Committee, the quorum of such Committee, and Standing Orders Nos. 67 and 68 shall otherwise apply. [See S.O. No. 79.] (2) Provided that the Dáil may, on motion made by the Deputy in charge of the Bill, commit the Bill to a Special Committee in respect of some of its provisions, and to a Committee of the whole Dáil in respect of other provisions, and that if such a motion is opposed, the Ceann Comhairle, after permitting an explanatory statement from the Deputy who moves, and from a Deputy who opposes the motion, may, if he thinks fit, put the question thereon. Notice and arrangement of amendments. 85. When a Bill is to be considered in Committee, proposed amendments shall be notified in due time, and shall be arranged in proper order: Provided, nevertheless, that, in the discretion of the Chair, amendments may be moved without notice. Consideration of a Bill section by section. 86. In Committee, a Bill must be considered section by section. It shall be in order, however, before consideration of a section or sections is entered upon, to move the postponement of the section or sections until another section, other sections or schedules have been disposed of. Any section of a Bill may be amended in Committee, and new sections may be inserted. Amendments when to be offered. 87. (1) In Committee, when an amendment is offered proposing to insert a new section in a Bill, such amendment may be moved when the number of the section, before which it is proposed to insert the new section, is read from the Chair, and the question on such amendment shall be first decided. (2) When the amendments (if any) offered to a section have been disposed of, the Chairman shall put the question, “That such section (or such section as amended) stand part of the Bill.” (3) The consideration of the preamble and title of a Bill in Committee, shall be deferred until the sections and schedules (if any) have been considered. Adjournment of Special Committees, Report of Progress, etc. 88. In considering a Bill, a Select or Special Committee may, at any time, adjourn, and a Committee of whole Dáil may at any time report progress, provided that the necessary motion to this effect has been carried. Any such motion which is deemed by the Chair to be dilatory or obstructive shall not be accepted. [See S.O. 63.] Instruction to Committees as to amendment of Bills, Amendment of Title. 89. It shall be an instruction to all Committees to which Bills may be committed that they have power to make such amendments therein as they shall think fit, provided such amendments be relevant to the subject matter of the Bill; but that, if any such amendments shall not be within the title of the Bill, they amend the title accordingly, and report the same specially to the Dáil: Provided, however, that no amendment shall be proposed which is in conflict with the principle of the Bill as read a second time. Report of Bill to the Dáil. 90. When the preamble (if any), and the title of a Bill shall have been considered in Committee, the Bill shall be reported with or without amendment to the Dáil, and an order shall be then made for its consideration on report. Fourth (Report) Stage.Consideration of Bill on Report. 91. On the Order of the day being read for the consideration of a Bill on report, the Dáil shall proceed to consider the same unless a motion is made to re-commit the Bill either wholly or in respect of certain sections: Provided, however, that a motion to re-commit may be made at any time during the consideration of a Bill on report. Re-committal of Bill. 92. If a motion to re-commit a Bill be opposed, the Ceann Comhairle, after permitting an explanatory statement of the reasons for such recommittal from the Deputy who moves, and a statement from a Deputy who opposes any such motion, respectively, may, if he thinks fit, put the question thereon. Re-committal to Committee of the whole Dáil or other Committee. 93. A Bill reported from a Special Committee, or from a Joint Committee of both Houses, may be re-committed to a Committee of the whole Dáil, or to any other Committee, Provided, however, that a Bill reported from a Select Committee or from a Joint Committee, which has been empowered to send for persons, papers and records, shall be referred to a Committee of the whole Dáil. Amendments on Fourth Stage. 94. Amendments may be moved on the Fourth Stage, but no amendments previously rejected in Committee of the whole Dáil shall be in order. New sections or amendments creating charges upon rates, etc. 95. On the Fourth Stage, no new section or other amendment may be proposed which creates a charge upon rates or local burthens upon the people, or imposes pecuniary penalties, but the Bill may be recommitted in respect of any such section or amendment. [See S.O. 101.] Bill put forward for final consideration. 96. When the amendments (if any) have been disposed of, and the Question “That the Bill (or the Bill as amended) be received for final consideration,” has been affirmed, an Order appointing a day for its Fifth Stage shall be made. Fifth Stage.Verbal amendments only. 97. When a Bill shall come forward for final consideration, it shall be moved “That the Bill do now pass.” No amendment, not being merely verbal, shall be made to any Bill on this Stage. Corrections in Bills.Corrections in Bills. 98. During the progress of a Bill, corrections of a verbal or formal nature may at any time be made in a Bill by the Clerk, under the direction of the Ceann Comhairle. Versional, and all other corrections, shall be made by way of motion, and dealt with as any other amendment. Proceedings on Lapsed Bills in subsequent Session.Proceedings on lapsed Bills in subsequent Session. 99. (1) Any Bill, which lapses by reason of the termination of a Session, before it has reached its final stage, may be proceeded with in the next ensuing Session at the Stage it had reached in the preceding Session, upon Resolution of the Dáil restoring it to the Order Paper. (2) Unless the Resolution restoring the Bill to the Order Paper, directs otherwise, the Bill shall be proceeded with at the commencement of the particular Stage which it had reached during the preceding Session. Hybrid Bills.Definition. 100. A public Bill (not being a Bill to confirm a Provisional Order), affecting private interests in such a way that, if it were a private Bill, it would, under the Standing Orders relative to Private Business, require preliminary notices before its introduction, is known as a hybrid Bill, and shall be subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 52 of the Standing Orders relative to Private Business. Financial Procedure.Committee on Finance, Powers of the Executive Council. 101. (1) Every motion for any aid, grant or charge on the public revenue, or for any charge upon the people, shall be considered in Committee of the whole Dáil to be known as the Committee on Finance. The Committee shall report before any Resolution or Vote of the Dáil is taken, and such report shall be considered on a future day, unless the Dáil shall otherwise order. No such motion as aforesaid, nor any amendment thereto proposing to increase the amount named in any such motion, may be made by any Deputy, save a member of the Executive Council. (2) When a Bill incidentally involves any aid, grant, or charge upon the public revenue, or upon the people, the motion referred to in this Standing Order may be taken at any time prior to the Committee stage of the Bill. Introduction of Bills by the Minister for Finance. 102. On the completion by the Dáil of the consideration of any Resolution, or series of Resolutions, voting money for public services, or imposing taxation, a Bill shall be prepared and introduced by the Minister for Finance, or another member of the Executive Council acting on his behalf. Estimates. 103. The ordinary yearly Estimates for the Public Services shall be presented to the Dáil and circulated to Deputies not less than fourteen days prior to the consideration thereof, and not later than the first day of April, and shall be passed through all stages in Committee and in the Dáil before the first day of August in each year: Provided that supplementary or additional Estimates, not included therein may be brought forward, on leave given by the Dáil, after motion made on notice. Notice of Motions in Committee in Finance 104. During the consideration of Estimate in Committee on Finance, motions to refer Estimates back for reconsideration, or to reduce a Vote in respect of any particular Item, can only be made after due notice, subject, however, to the proviso to Standing Order No. 25. Motion to refer Estimate back. 105. It shall be in order, before entering on the discussion of the Items in a Vote, to move that the Estimate in question be referred back to the Minister in charge of the Department for reconsideration. Postponement, etc., of Votes and Items. 106. The Chairman shall put each Vote in the Estimates separately. It shall be in order, at any time during the discussion of a Vote or any Item in a Vote, to move the postponement of such Vote until another Vote, or other Votes, in the Estimates shall have been disposed of. When any Item or Vote has been disposed of, it shall not be in order again to debate the same during the consideration of a new or subsequent item. Debate on motion to omit or reduce Items, etc. 107. When a motion is made in Committee on Finance to reduce a Vote in respect of any particular Item, the discussion shall be directed to reducing that Vote accordingly, and Deputies shall speak to that question alone. Debate on Supplementary Estimates. 108. In the discussion of supplementary Estimates the debate shall be confined to the Items constituting the same, and no discussion may be raised on the original Estimate, save in so far as it may be necessary to explain or illustrate the particular Items under discussion. Committee of Public Accounts. 109. There shall be appointed, at the beginning of each financial year, a Select Committee, to be designated “The Committee of Public Accounts,” to examine and report to the Dáil upon the accounts showing the appropriation of the sums granted by the Dáil to meet the public expenditure, and to suggest alterations and improvements in the form of the Estimates submitted to the Dáil. The Committee shall consist of twelve Deputies, none of whom shall be a Minister or a Parliamentary Secretary, and four of whom shall constitute a quorum. The Committee shall be otherwise constituted according to the provisions of Standing Orders Nos. 65 and 68, and so as to be impartially representative of the Dáil. Money Bills.Certificate as to Money Bills. 110. Immediately after a Bill, which in his opinion is a Money Bill, has passed the Dáil, and before it is sent to the Seanad, the Ceann Comhairle shall issue his certificate as required by Article 35 of the Constitution, and he shall announce that fact to the Dáil. He shall also cause a Message to be transmitted immediately to the Seanad, informing them of the passage of any such Bill, of which a copy shall be forwarded at the same time. Committee of Privileges. 111. (1) On receipt of a notice in writing from two-fifths of the Deputies and addressed to him within three days after a Bill, certified by him to be a Money Bill, has passed the Dáil, the Ceann Comhairle shall permit without notice a motion to appoint three Deputies to act on such Committee of Privileges as is mentioned in Article 35 of the Constitution, and a Message shall be despatched to the Seanad informing them accordingly. (2) On receipt of a Message from the Seanad to the effect that a Committee of Privileges is required in consequence of proceedings in that House, the Ceann Comhairle shall permit without notice a motion to elect three Deputies to serve on the Committee. Summoning of Committee of Privileges. 112. The President of the Executive Council shall, thereupon, be charged to convene a meeting of the Committee of Privileges within seven days from the date of issue of the certificate of the Ceann Comhairle, and to request the senior Judge of the Supreme Court, able and willing to act, to be Chairman of such Committee. Communication between the Dáil and the Seanad.Messages.Messages to the Seanad. 113. Messages from the Dáil to the Seanad shall be in writing, signed by the Clerk, or the Clerk-Assistant, of the Dáil, and shall be addressed to the Clerk of the Seanad. Messages from the Seanad. 114. (1) Messages from the Seanad shall be received by the Clerk at the Table. The Ceann Comhairle, shall, at the first convenient opportunity during the sitting in which it is received, communicate any such Message to the Dáil: Provided that, in case of special urgency, any business in progress on the receipt of such Message may be interrupted to hear the same. When the Dáil is not sitting, Messages from the Seanad shall be received by the Clerk. (2) If a Message from the Seanad requires any action to be taken or thing to be done by the Dáil, it shall be set down on the Order paper next thereafter prepared, and shall be considered accordingly: Provided that, in case of special urgency, the Dáil may consider such Message at any earlier period. Joint Sittings.Procedure for fixing the date etc.„ of Joint Sittings. 115. (1) When a Message has been received from the Seanad, communicating a Resolution requesting that, pursuant to Article 38 of the Constitution, a Joint Sitting of the members of both Houses be convened for the purpose of debating the proposals of a Bill or any amendment thereof, the Ceann Comhairle shall, with the assent of the Dáil, and after consultation with the Cathaoirleach of the Seanad, appoint and announce a day and hour for such Joint Sitting, and such day shall be within fourteen days of the receipt of the Message from the Seanad. The Ceann Comhairle shall thereupon communicate the decision of the Dáil to the Cathaoirleach of the Seanad. (2) The Ceann Comhairle shall summon Deputies to attend such Joint Sitting. (3) The place of meeting of every such Joint Sitting shall be the Chamber of the Dáil, and it shall be the duty of the Ceann Comhairle to make all such preliminary arrangements, as may be necessary, for the meeting. (4) The Chairman of a Joint Sitting of the members of both Houses shall be the Ceann Comhairle, and in his absence the Cathaoirleach of the Seanad; in the absence of both, the Leas-Cheann Comhairle, and in the absence of all three, the Leas-Chathaoirleach of the Seanad. The quorum for a Joint Sitting shall be thirty-two, but of this number neither House may be represented by less than ten members. The proceedings of every such Joint Sitting shall, save as otherwise provided in these Standing Orders, be governed by the Standing Orders of the Dáil, so far as they may be applicable to such Joint Sittings, and every question of the applicability of any Standing Order, or the adaptation thereof, necessary or expedient for its application, shall be determined and ruled upon by the Chairman. Bills.Vouching of Bills passed by the Daíl. 116. When a Bill has passed through all its Stages in the Dáil, the Clerk shall make, or cause to be made, an exact copy thereof, and shall vouch such copy to be a true and correct copy by certifying the same in writing over his own hand at the foot of the last page of the copy, having previously initialled and numbered each preceding page. The signed certificate of the Clerk shall state the date of the passing of the Bill through its last Stage in the Dáil, and the date of its transmission to the Seanad. Transmission of Bills to the Seanad. 117. Such true copy of a Bill, passed as aforesaid, and duly certified in the manner hereinbefore provided, together with a Message referring to such Bill, and stating that the Dáil desires the agreement of the Seanad to the passing of the same into law, shall be transmitted to the Seanad. Bills initiated in the Seanad. 118. A Bill, which has been initiated in and passed by, the Seanad, shall be deemed to have passed its First Stage in the Dáil, and shall be set down for its Second Stage on the Order paper next prepared, after its receipt from the Seanad: Provided that, if, on the day so appointed, no motion for its Second Reading be proposed, the Bill shall no longer appear among the Bills in progress, and shall not be further proceeded with in the same session except by leave of the Dáil granted upon the motion of any Deputy. Consideration of amendments or recommendations of the Seanad. 119. When a Bill, transmitted from the Dáil to the Seanad, shall have passed through all its stages in the Seanad, and shall have been sent back to the Dáil with amendments made in the Seanad, or in the case of Money Bills, with recommendations made by the Seanad, such amendments or recommendations, as the case may be, shall be published to the Dáil, and the Dáil shall, in Committee, consider and report on such amendments or recommendations, as the case may be. Procedure on Seanad amendments. 120. An amendment made by the Seanad to a Bill initiated in the Dáil may be accepted by the Dáil with or without amendment or be rejected. No amendment shall be moved to an amendment made by the Seanad, that is not strictly relevant thereto, nor can any other amendment be moved to the Bill unless it be consequential upon the acceptance, amendment or rejection of a Seanad amendment. Conferences between both Houses. 121. (1) In the case of disagreement between the Dáil and Seanad in regard to any Bill, the Dáil may, on motion made, with or without notice, propose a conference between members representing both Houses for the purpose of discussing the points of disagreement. Any motion for a conference shall specify the purpose for which the conference is desired, and the number of representatives of the Dáil proposed to be appointed. If and when the proposal for a conference has been accepted by the Seanad, the Dáil shall nominate the members to represent the House at the conference, the time and place of which shall be fixed by the Ceann Comhairle. (2) When a Message is received from the Seanad proposing a conference, the matter shall, subject to the provisions of Standing Order No. 114 (2) be set down on the Order paper next thereafter prepared. If the proposal of the Seanad be accepted, the Dáil shall nominate a number of Deputies, equal to the number of Senators proposed by the Seanad, to represent the Dáil at such conference, and the Seanad shall be informed accordingly. (3) In each case the conclusions of such conference shall be reported to the Dail. Joint Committees.Procedure for. 122. When it is desired to obtain the concurrence of the Seanad in setting up a Joint Committee of the two Houses to consider any matter, a motion shall be made that it is expedient, that a Joint Committee of the Dáil and the Seanad be set up for the purpose in question. Such motion shall state the number of Deputies to act on, and set out any special powers which it is proposed to give to, such Joint Committee. On the adoption by the Dáil of any such motion, a Message shall be sent to the Seanad informing them accordingly, and desiring their concurrence. When the Seanad has notified their concurrence the Dáil shall nominate the required number of Deputies to act on the Joint Committee. If the matter before the Committee be a public Bill, the Deputy in charge shall be one of the Deputies so nominated. Business undisposed of.Business undisposed of. 123. All business undisposed of at the adjournment of the Dáil, shall stand postponed until the next sitting day, unless the Dáil shall otherwise order, and shall be placed on the Order paper for that day, subject to the provisions of Standing Orders Nos. 22, 78 and 80. Resignation of Deputies.Procedure for, and date of taking effect. 124. Any member of the Dáil may voluntarily resign his membership thereof by notice in writing to the Ceann Comhairle, and such resignation shall take effect immediately upon the same being announced to the Dáil by the Ceann Comhairle. Casual Vacancies.Issue of writs, etc. 125. (1) A motion may be made, after notice, directing the Ceann Comhairle to direct the Clerk to issue his Writ for the election of a Deputy to fill any vacancy that may occur from time to time. Such motion shall be made at the commencement of public business. (2) The Clerk shall make a report of the issue of every such Writ stating the Constituency in respect of which, and the name of the Returning Officer to whom, such Writ was issued, together with the date of issue. (3) On the receipt of the return to the Writ, the Clerk shall announce the name of the Deputy elected, and shall lay upon the Table a copy of the Writ, and of the return endorsed thereon. (4) When the return to a Writ issued for the election of a member or members to fill a casual vacancy or vacancies shall have come into his hands, the Clerk shall notify the Deputy or Deputies returned that his or their attendance is required at a place appointed and on a day (or days) named by hi, for the purpose of complying with the provisions of Article 17 of the Constitution. Papers laid on the Table of the Dáil.To be public. 126. All papers and documents laid on the Table shall be considered public. Suspension of Standing Orders.Suspension of Standing Orders. 127. Any Standing Order or Orders of the Dáil may be suspended for the day’s sitting, and for a particular purpose, upon motion made after notice: Provided that in cases of urgent necessity, of which the Ceann Comhairle shall be the judge, any such Order or Orders may with the consent of the Dáil, be suspended upon motion made without notice. Definitions.Definition of expressions Ceann Comhairle and Leas Cheann Comhairle. 128. For the purposes of these Standing Orders, the Ceann Comhairle shall mean the Deputy elected by the Dáil to be its Chairman, and the Leas-Cheann Comhairle shall mean the Deputy elected by the Dáil to be its Deputy Chairman. Duration of Standing Orders.Duration of Standing Orders. 129. The foregoing Standing Orders shall continue in force until altered, amended or repealed. Clerk of the Dail. |
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