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APPENDIX 5Minutes of Proceedings of the Joint CommitteeMeeting 17th January, 2007Minutes of Proceedings1.The Committee met in public session at 2.35 p.m. Attendance: Deputies: Seán Ardagh (Chairman), Kathleen Lynch, Finian McGrath, Gerard Murphy, Seán Ó Fearghaíl, Charlie O Connor, Jim O Keeffe and Peter Power. Deputies Dan Boyle, David Stanton and Aengus Ó Snodaigh also attended. Senators: Maurice Cummins and Jim Walsh. Substitutes: Deputies Bernard Allen, Tony Dempsey, John Ellis and Senators Paddy Burke, John Hanafin and Pat Moylan. 2.Presentations on Domestic Violence Women’s Aid The Committee heard a presentation by Ms. Margaret Martin from Women’s Aid. Women’s Aid is a voluntary organisation providing support and information to women who are being abused by intimate partners. Ms. Martin drew attention to: ■their funding uncertainty (in 2005 they couldn’t answer 40% of calls to their helpline) ■the need to amend the Domestic Violence Acts (to change the residency requirements) ■the level of variation in Garda practice. National Domestic Violence Intervention Agency The Committee heard a presentation from Ms. Grainne Healy and Ms. Monica O Connor of the NDVIA who monitor the sharing of information between agencies so that victim safety and offender accountability are central to their work. The detailed presentation also set out the need for better legislation, and for funding to be prioritized (the NDVIA have had to stop taking referrals and have recently had to put some staff on protective notice). A question and answer session followed with the members of the Committee and the first two groups. Dublin 12 DVS The Committee heard a presentation from Ms. Phil Devereux and Ms. Deirdre Lawlor of the Dublin 12 Domestic Violence Service. Their group aims to offer a first step to support women who may be experiencing violence. The group also set out the need for long term funding rather than small once off grants, and for domestic violence to be clearly dealt with as a crime. Sexual Violence Centre Cork The Committee heard a presentation from Ms. Mary Crilly of the Sexual Violence Centre in Cork. Ms. Crilly drew particular attention to the need to fully follow up on the implementation of the recommendations of the 1997 Report of the Task Force on Violence Against Women. OSS Cork The Committee heard a presentation from Ms. Deborah O Flynn on behalf of the OSS Cork which is a one stop shop established in response to the 1997 Task Force Report. The detailed presentation also set out the need for better legislation, and for funding to be prioritized. A question and answer session followed with the 3 groups. The Chairman thanked all the groups for attending and indicated that the Committee will be following up the matters raised. 4.Correspondence The Committee went into private session at 4.36 pm. 5.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4.40 p.m. until 3 p.m. on Wednesday 24th January. ______________ Seán Ardagh TD Chairman January, 2007 Meeting 24th January, 2007Minutes of Proceedings1.The Committee met in public session at 3 p.m. Attendance: Deputies: Seán Ardagh (Chairman), Máire Hoctor, Brendan Howlin, Kathleen Lynch, Finian McGrath, Charlie O Connor, Jim O’Keeffe, Seán O Fearghaíl and Peter Power. Jim Glennon substituted for Denis O Donovan. Aengus Ó Snodaigh also attended. Senators: Maurice Cummins and Jim Walsh. 2.Presentation on proposal for Press Council and Ombudsman The Chairman welcomed everyone to the meeting, the purpose of which was to discuss the proposal for a new Press Council and Press Ombudsman. The Defamation Bill 2006 which is currently at Second Stage in the Seanad has a provision to recognise a new Press Council along the lines proposed by the press industry. The Committee had invited a delegation from the National Newspapers of Ireland to make a presentation on their proposal. The people in attendance were Frank Cullen, Co-ordinating Director NNI, Andrew O’Rourke, Solicitor, Geraldine Kennedy, Editor The Irish Times (member of the press industry steering committee), Gerry O’Regan, Editor Irish Independent, Ger Colleran, Editor Irish Daily Star (member of the code committee), Tim Vaughan, Editor Irish Examiner, Brendan Keenan, business editor Irish Independent (Chairman of the code committee). After an initial presentation by Mr. Cullen a question and answer session followed with members of the Committee and all the members of the delegation. The Chairman thanked the witnesses for attending and for giving their presentation. 3.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 4.25 p.m. sine die. ______________ Seán Ardagh TD Chairman February, 2007 Meeting 14th February, 2007Minutes of Proceedings1.The Committee met in public session at 9.48 a.m. Attendance: Deputies: Seán Ardagh (Chairman), Niall Blaney, Kathleen Lynch, Finian McGrath, Charlie O Connor and Jim O’Keeffe. Joe Callanan substituted for Peter Power and Donal Moynihan substituted for Seán O Fearghaíl. Senators: Terry Leyden substituted for Jim Walsh. 2.EU Motion on Organised Crime The Committee had been referred a motion by the Houses for consideration on a Council Framework Decision on the Fight Against Organised Crime. The Chairman welcomed the Minister of State at the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Frank Fahey TD, and his officials to the meeting. After an initial presentation by the Minister, a question and answer session followed. Upon conclusion of the discussion, the Chairman confirmed that in accordance with Standing Orders, the Joint Committee would report back to Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann to the effect that it had completed its consideration of the Motion. It was agreed that there should be no further debate on the matter by the Houses. The draft report on the Motion was agreed, subject to insertion of details regarding attendance and contributors to the discussion. The Committee went into private session at 10.28 a.m. 3.Minutes 4.Annual Reports 5.Domestic Violence 6.Travel 7.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 10.31 a.m. sine die. ______________ Seán Ardagh TD Chairman April, 2007 Meeting 4th April, 2007Minutes of Proceedings1.The Committee met in public session at 9.36am. Attendance: Deputies: Seán Ardagh (Chairman), Niall Blaney, Kathleen Lynch, Jim O’Keeffe and Peter Power. Senators: Jim Walsh. 2.EU Motion on Schengen Information System The Committee had been referred a motion by the Houses for consideration of a Council Decision on the Schengen Information System. The Chairman welcomed the Minister of State at the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Frank Fahey TD, and his officials to the meeting. After an initial presentation by the Minister a question and answer session followed. Upon conclusion of the discussion, the Chairman confirmed that in accordance with Standing Orders, the Joint Committee would report back to Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann to the effect that it had completed its consideration of the motion. It was agreed that there should be no further debate on the matter by the Houses. The draft report on the motion was agreed, subject to insertion of details regarding attendance and contributors to the discussion. The Committee went into private session at 10.02 a.m. 3.Minutes 4.Annual Reports 5.EU Scrutiny 6.Travel Reports 7.Correspondence 8.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 10.15am sine die. ______________ Seán Ardagh TD Chairman April, 2007 |
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