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APPENDIX 5Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday, 16 January, 2007The meeting commenced at 3.06 pm in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Willie Penrose (in the Chair), Joe Callanan, Tony Dempsey (in substitution for Dan Wallace), John Mc Guinness (in substitution for Charlie O’Connor), Donal Moynihan, Ned O’Keeffe (in substitution for John Carty) David Stanton and Joe Walsh (in substitution for Donal Moynihan for part of the meeting) Senators: Michael Brennan (in substitution for Senator Kate Walsh), Senator Paul Coghlan (in substitution for Senator Sheila Terry), Senator Kieran Phelan (in substitution for Senator Diarmuid Wilson) Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies John Carty, Charlie O’Connor, Michael Ring and Dan Wallace and from Senators Sheila Terry and Kate Walsh. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. The Joint Committee went into PUBLIC SESSION at 3.11pm. 2. Presentation by EAPN in relation to the Draft Rural Development Programme, 2007-2013. Mr Paul Ginnell, Policy Support Worker, Mr Robin Hanan, Co-ordinator, and Ms Janice Ransom, Minimum Social Standards Project, European Anti-Poverty Network (EAPN) made a presentation in relation to the draft Rural Development Programme, 2007-2013. There then followed a question and answer session. The Joint Committee thanked the representatives for their attendance and presentation. It was agreed by Members that a copy of EAPN’s submission and a transcript of the meeting be forwarded to the Departments of Agriculture and Food and Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs, for those Departments observations on the matter. During the discussions it was noted that the national action plan for social inclusion was due to be published in February and the Committee would invite the EAPN to come back to the Committee to discuss this further. The Joint Committee went into PRIVATE SESSION at 4.15 pm. Items discussed in private session. 3. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 4.16 pm ____________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 13 February, 2007. Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday, 30 January, 2007The meeting commenced at 3.06 p.m. in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: John Carty (in the Chair), Jerry Cowley, John Ellis (in substitution for Joe Callanan), Charlie O’Connor and David Stanton Senators: Maurice Cummins (in substitution for Sheila Terry), Geraldine Feeney (in substitution for Kate Walsh), Jim Walsh (in substitution for Diarmuid Wilson for part of the meeting) and Diarmuid Wilson Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Joe Callanan, Willie Penrose and David Stanton and from Senators Sheila Terry and Kate Walsh Private session: Items discussed in private session. The Joint Committee went into PUBLIC SESSION at 3.15 p.m. 2. Presentation by the End Child Poverty Coalition. Ms June Tinsley, Policy Officer, Barnardos, Ms Camille Loftus, Head of Policy and Research, OPEN and Ms Maria Corbett, Deputy Chief Executive, Children’s Rights Alliance made a presentation to the Joint Committee on Child Poverty in Ireland. There then followed a question and answer session during which the following specific topics were discussed; a.Child Dependent Allowances or (Qualified Child Allowances) b.Family Income Supplement, including a proposal to continue an information campaign regarding the supplement to increase take-up. c.Back to School Clothing and Footwear Allowance, including a suggestion that Family Income Supplement income thresholds should be used to determine eligibility for this allowance. d.School Meals Scheme e.A proposal for a School Book Rental f.The entitlements of children of families seeking asylum The Joint Committee thanked the representatives for their attendance and presentation. It was agreed by Members that a copy of the presentation made and a transcript of the meeting be forwarded to the Minister for Social and Family Affairs. The Joint Committee went into PRIVATE SESSION at 4.10 pm. Items discussed in private session. 3. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 4.12 p.m. sine die. ____________________ John Carty T.D. Acting Chairman 13 February, 2007. Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday, 13 February, 2007The meeting commenced at 3.04 p.m. in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Willie Penrose (in the Chair), Joe Callanan, John Carty, Jerry Cowley, Donal Moynihan, Charlie O’Connor and David Stanton Senators: Sheila Terry and Paschal Mooney (in substitution for Diarmuid Wilson) Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputy Dan Wallace and Senator Kate Walsh Private session: Items discussed in private session. The Joint Committee went into PUBLIC SESSION at 3.09 p.m. 2. Presentation by officials of the Department of Social and Family Affairs regarding payment of widowed persons by Electronic Information Transfer (ETI). Officials from the Department of Social and Family Affairs — Ms Bernadette Lacey, Director General, Ms Vera Dervan, Director, Mr Darragh O Connor and Mr Tony Kieran - made a presentation to the Committee in connection with the electronic payment of the One Parent Family Payment. There then followed a question and answer session. The Joint Committee thanked the representatives for their attendance and presentation. The Joint Committee went into PRIVATE SESSION at 3.43 pm. Items discussed in private session. 3. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 3.45 p.m. until 27 February 2007 ____________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 27 February, 2007 Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday, 27 February, 2007The meeting commenced at 3.12 p.m. in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Willie Penrose (in the Chair), Joe Callanan, John Carty, Jerry Cowley, Charlie O’Connor and David Stanton. Senators: Sheila Terry. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Dan Wallace and Donal Moynihan and Senator Kate Walsh. Deputy Niall Blaney attended in substitution for Deputy Charlie O’Connor (for part of the meeting) Senator Geraldine Feeney attended in substitution for Senator Diarmuid Wilson. Private session: Items discussed in private session. The Joint Committee went into Public Session at 3.15 p.m 2. Presentation by officials of the Department of Social and Family Affairs regarding Family Income Supplement Officials from the Department of Social and Family Affairs, Mr Brian O’Raghallaigh, Assistant Director General, Mr Denis Galvin, Principal Officer and Ms Marie McEvilly, Assistant Principal attended the meeting. Mr O’Raghallaigh made a presentation to the Committee on the administration of Family Income Supplements In his presentation Mr O’Raghallaigh outlined the background to and a description of the Family Income Supplement Scheme. Mr O’Raghallaigh went on to inform the Committee regarding the numbers of families in receipt of the supplement and the recent increase in uptake of the scheme. Finally Mr O’Raghallaigh outlined the Department’s strategy to deal with the processing of the large number of claims and the outlook for the future. There then followed a question and answer session during which the witness responded to questions from members. The Joint Committee thanked the officials for their attendance and presentation. The Joint Committee suspended from 3.47 p.m. to 3.49 p.m. 3. Presentation by Irish Rural Link regarding the National Rural Development Strategy and Plan The Joint Committee met with the following representatives of Irish Rural Link, Mr Seamus Boland, Chief Executive Officer, Mr Martin Smyth, Chairman and Mr Dharragh Hunt, Policy and Communications Officer. Mr Boland made a presentation to the Committee outlining the organisation’s concerns in relation to the Draft Rural Development Strategy and Plan. There then followed a question and answer session during which the representatives responded to questions from members. The Chairman thanked the representatives for their contribution to the interesting discussion. The Joint Committee went into PRIVATE SESSION at 4.40 p.m. Items discussed in private session. 4. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 4.42 p.m. until 20 March 2007. ____________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 20 March, 2007 Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday, 20 March, 2007The meeting commenced at 3.06 p.m. in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Joe Callanan, John Carty (in the Chair), Charlie O’Connor, Seán Ryan and David Stanton. Senators: Michael Kitt (in substitution for Senator Diarmuid Wilson) and Terry Leyden Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputy Willie Penrose and Senators Sheila Terry and Kate Walsh. Private session: Items discussed in private session. The Joint Committee went into Public Session at 3.12 p.m. 2. Presentation by the Office for Social Inclusion, the European Anti-Poverty Network Ireland and the Combat Poverty Agency on the National Action Plan for Social Inclusion 2007 - 2016 Officials from the Department of Social Inclusion, Mr. Gerry Mangan, Director; Ms Orlaigh Quinn, Principal Officer; Mr. Eamonn Moran, Assistant Principal Officer and Ms Cathy Barron, Assistant Principal Officer attended the meeting. Mr. Mangan and Ms Quinn made a presentation to the Committee on the National Action Plan for Social Inclusion In their presentation they outlined for members the role of the Office for Social Inclusion. The presentation then turned to the contents of the 10 year National Action Plan for Social Inclusion including the goals and targets in the plan. Ms Quinn outlined some of the key areas targeted in order to achieve the overall objective of reducing consistent poverty to between 2% and 4% by 2012. Ms Quinn also outlined the Offices’ improved institutional structures and arrangements put in place to underpin the monitoring and ongoing development of the Government’s social inclusion agenda and to ensure that no ‘implementation gap’ arose. Presentation by the European Anti Poverty Network Ireland. Mr. Robin Hanan, Coordinator, EAPN Ireland, Mr. Patrick Burke, Director, Simon Communities of Ireland, Ms. Candy Murphy, One Family and Ms. Brid O’Brien, Policy Officer. Irish National Organisation of the Unemployed made a presentation to the Committee. Their presentation looked backed at what had been achieved in the previous 10 year National Anti Poverty Strategy and included views on the new National Action Plan and its strengths and weaknesses from their perspective. Finally witnesses representing the European Anti Poverty Network Ireland gave views as to what steps need to be taken to eradicate poverty. Presentation by the Combat Poverty Agency. Ms. Vanessa Coffey, Research Officer, Combat Poverty Agency then made a brief presentation to the Committee. Ms Coffey on behalf of the Combat Poverty Agency welcomed the overarching aim of the plan and offered views regarding strengths and weaknesses. Following the presentations there was a question and answer session during which the witnesses responded to questions from members. The Joint Committee thanked the officials for their attendance and presentation. The Joint Committee went into PRIVATE SESSION at 4.34 p.m. Items discussed in private session. 3. Adjournment. As there was no further business raised the meeting adjourned at 4.36 p.m. until the 3 April, 2007. ____________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 3 April, 2007. Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday, 3 April, 2007The meeting commenced at 3.10 pm in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Joe Callanan, Michael Finneran (in the Chair), Charlie O’Connor, David Stanton and Dan Wallace. Senator: Sheila Terry. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies John Carty, Donal Moynihan, Willie Penrose, and Senator Kate Walsh. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. The Joint Committee went into Public Session at 3.16 p.m. 2. Presentation by The Society of St. Vincent de Paul on an Analysis of the Budget 2007. Representatives from The Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Professor John Monaghan, National Vice President and Ms. Audrey Deane, National Social Policy Officer attended the meeting. Professor Monaghan made a presentation to the Committee. In his presentation Professor Monaghan outlined for members the views of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul on the budget 2007. Professor Monaghan went on to note some of the major areas of on-going concern to St. Vincent de Paul, including Poverty Traps, Education (particularly the operation of NEPS), the Taxation System, Financial Exclusion and Rural Poverty. Following Professor Monaghan’s presentation the Chairmen opened the floor to members for a question and answer session during which Professor Monaghan and Ms Deane responded to the questions raised by members. The Chairman and the Committee thanked the witnesses for their attendance and the interesting presentation made to the Joint Committee and made particular note of the excellent work done by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul The Joint Committee suspended from 4.01 until 4.02pm. 3. Presentation by The Vincentian Partnership for Social Justice on their report “Minimum Essential Budgets for Six Households”: Officials from The Vincentian Partnership for Social Justice, Sister Bernadette MacMahon D.C. and Ms. Ann Stokes, Research Assistant, attended the meeting. Sister MacMahon made a presentation to the Committee. In her presentation Sister MacMahon outlined the work of The Vincentian Partnership for Social Justice. She then went on to outline the partnerships recent research “Minimum Essential Budgets for Six Households”. Sr MacMahon explained the methodology used in the research which was aimed at defining the budget required to ensure a Minimum Essential Standard of Living to ensure a person’s physical, moral, spiritual and social well being. Ms Stokes outlined the findings contained in the partnerships report on the research project and the conclusions and recommendations as to the income required for households for such a minimum essential standard of living. Following the presentations there was a question and answer session during which the witnesses responded to questions from members. The Joint Committee thanked the officials for their attendance and presentation. The Joint Committee went into PRIVATE SESSION at 4.35 p.m. Items discussed in private session. 4. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 4.40 p.m., sine die. ____________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman April 2007. |
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