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APPENDIX 5 — Minutes of the Proceedings of the Joint CommitteeJoint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 11th January 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 2, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 11th January 2006 at 11.00 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Eamon Gilmore, John Moloney, Donal Moynihan, Padraic McCormack, Fergus O’Dowd and Dan Wallace* and Senators James Bannon, Cyprian Brady, Michael Brennan and Michael McCarthy. Also in attendance were Deputies Bernard Allen and John Curran and Senators Peter Callanan and Michael Kitt. *In substitution for Deputy Billy Kelleher. Apologies were received from Deputy Noel Grealish. 3.Minutes of meeting of 15th December 2005 The minutes of the meeting of 15th December 2005 were agreed. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 5.Recycling of Household Waste in Ireland The meeting heard a presentation from South Dublin County Council, represented by - - Ms Mary Pyne, Director of Environmental Services, - Mr Paul Fleming, Senior Executive Officer, and - Ms Maire Ni Dhomhnaill, Environmental Awareness Officer. A question and answer session ensued. The meeting also heard a presentation from Waterford City Council, represented by - - Mr Michael Walsh, Director of Services Planning, Environment Section - Mr Eamonn Lonergan, Senior Executive Engineer. A question and answer session ensued. 8Work Programme 2006 This item was dealt with in private session. 9Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1.10p.m until 2.30p.m. Wednesday, 18th January 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman January 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 18th January 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 18th January 2006 at 2.30p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), Pat Carey*, Ciarán Cuffe, Eamon Gilmore, Padraic McCormack, and Senators James Bannon, Cyprian Brady, Michael Brennan, Maurice Cummins**, Michael McCarthy, Terry Leydon***. Deputy Joe Callanan was also in attendance. *In substitution for Deputy John Moloney **In substitution for Senators James Bannon ***In substitution for Senator Cyprian Brady Apologies were received from Deputies John Cregan, Jackie Healy-Rae and Fergus O’Dowd. Ms Terrie Burns of Environmental Resource Management Consultants was also in attendance in relation to Item 9. 3.Minutes of meeting of 11th January 2006 The minutes of the meeting of 11th January 2006 were agreed. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 5.Work Programme 2006 This item was dealt with in private session. 6.Emissions Trading Scheme The meeting heard a presentation on the Emissions Trading Scheme from - -Mr Donal ÓRiain, Managing Director and -Mr Peter Seymour, Business Development Director, Ecocem (Irl) Ltd. A question and answer session ensued. The meeting also heard a presentation on the Scheme from the Cement Manufacturers’ Association of Ireland, represented by - -Mr Jim Nolan, Chairman, -Mr Jack Duffy, Vice Chairman, -Mr Colm Bannon, Chairman of the Environment Committee. A question and answer session ensued. It was agreed to send a copy of both presentations together with a transcript of the meeting to the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, requesting that the Joint Committee be kept advised of his decision regarding the Emissions Trading Scheme. 7.Recycling of Household Waste in Ireland The meeting heard a presentation on the Recycling of Household Waste in Ireland by Galway County Council, represented by - -Mr. Aengus Breathnach, Senior Executive Engineer, -Ms Sinead Ni Mhainnin, Environmental Awareness Officer, -Mr Frank Gilmore, Director of Service. A questions and answer session ensued. 8.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4.35p.m until 11.00a.m. Wednesday 25th January 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman January 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 25th January 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 25th January 2006 at 11.00a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), Dan Boyle*, John Cregan, Noel Grealish, John Moloney, Jackie Healy-Rae, Ned O’Keeffe** and Donal Moynihan and Senators James Bannon, Michael Brennan and Terry Leydon***. *In substitution for Deputy Ciarán Cuffe **In substitution for Deputy Billy Kelleher ***In substitution for Senator Cyprian Brady Apologies were received from Deputies Ciarán Cuffe and Eamon Gilmore. Ms Terrie Burns and Mr Colin Parker of Environmental Resource Management Consultants were also in attendance in relation to Item 8. 3.Minutes of meeting of 18th January 2006 The minutes of the meeting of 18th January 2006 were agreed. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 5.Work Programme 2006 This item was dealt with in private session. 6.Recycling of Household Waste in Ireland The meeting heard a presentation on the Recycling of Household Waste in Ireland by Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council, represented by — -Mr Frank Austin, Director of Environment -Mr Aiden Conroy, Environmental Enforcement Officer -Mr Bernard Egan, Senior Executive Engineer, Environmental Section. A question and answer session ensued. The meeting also heard a presentation by Cork City Council, represented by -Dr. Mary Walsh, Executive Scientist and -Mr Gerry Walsh, Senior Executive Engineer. A question and answer session ensued. The meeting also heard a presentation by Meath County Council, represented by — -Mr Brendan McGrath, Director of Services -Mr Michael Griffin, Senior Executive Officer. A question and answer session ensued. It was agreed that the final Report should include recommendations that the newspaper industry should support funding in relation to the recycling of its products. 7.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12.11p.m until 2.30p.m. Wednesday 1st February 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman January 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 1st February 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 1st February 2006 at 2.30p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Eamon Gilmore, Jackie Healy-Rae, Billy Kelleher, John Moloney, Padraic McCormack and Fergus O’Dowd and Senators Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. Deputy Trevor Sargent was also in attendance. Ms Terrie Burns of Environmental Resource Management Consultants was also in attendance in relation to Item 8. 3.Minutes of meeting of 25th January 2006 The minutes of the meeting of 25th January 2006 were agreed. It was further agreed to convene a special meeting of the Joint Committee on Wednesday, 8th February 2006 to discuss the deferral of the implementation of Part 3 of the Nitrates Directive. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 5.Annual Report 2005, Work Programme 2006 The draft Annual Report 2005 incorporating the Work Programme for 2006 was agreed and adopted as the Annual Report of the Joint Committee for 2005. It was further agreed that copies of the Report be laid before the Houses. 6.Recycling of Household Waste in Ireland The meeting heard a presentation on the Recycling of Household Waste in Ireland by CRÉ — the Composting Association of Ireland, represented by -Conor Mc Govern — Chair of CRÉ -Conall Boland — CRÉ (RPS Consulting Engineers) -Martin Hogan — CRÉ. A question and answer session ensued. The meeting also heard a presentation by the Chartered Institution of Waste Management, represented by - -Dr Duncan J Martin, Chair, Republic of Ireland Centre, CIWM -Mr Ted Nealon, Director A1 Waste -Mr Noel Madden, Vice-Chair, Republic of Ireland Centre, CIWM. A question and answer session ensued. The meeting also heard a presentation by Cork Environmental Forum, represented by - -Ms Bernadette Connolly, Chair to the CEF Waste Task Force -Cllr. Dominick Donnelly, CEF representative on South Cork SPC -Ms Jacqueline Hodgson, Development Officer, CEF A question and answer session ensued. 7.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4.10p.m until 11.00a.m. Wednesday 8th February 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman February 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 8th February 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 2, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 8th February 2006 at 11.00a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Eamon Gilmore, Jackie Healy-Rae, Billy Kelleher, John Moloney, Donal Moynihan, Padraic McCormack and Fergus O’Dowd and Senators James Bannon, Cyprian Brady, Michael Brennan and Michael McCarthy. Also in attendance were Deputies Johnny Brady, Tom Hayes, Denis Naughton, Ned O’Keeffe and Michael Smith. Apologies were received from Deputy Noel Grealish. 3.Minutes of meeting of 1st February 2006 The minutes of the meeting of 1st February 2006 were agreed. It was further agreed to invite officials from the Office of Public Works to a future meeting of the Joint Committee to discuss the erection of a telecommunications mast at a Garda Station in Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown, and a request by the local authority that work cease on the construction. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 5.Nitrates Directive The meeting heard a presentation by Teagasc, represented by Dr Séamus Cross, in relation to deferring the implementation of Part 3 of the Nitrates Directive. The meeting also heard a presentation by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, represented by - -Mr John Sadlier, Principal Officer, Water Quality -Mr Tim Morris, Assistant Principal -Mr Pat Duggan, Senior Advisor The meeting also heard a presentation by the Department of Agriculture and Food, represented by - -Mr Michael O’Donovan, Principal Officer -Mr Tom Quinlivan, Agricultural Inspector A questions and answer session ensued. 6.Suspension of Meeting It was agreed that the meeting be suspended at 12.06p.m. to allow Members participate in a Dáil Division. 7.Resumption of Meeting The meeting resumed at 12.23p.m. with a continuation of the question and answer session on the deferring of the implementation of Part 3 of the Nitrates Directive. It was agreed to write to the Chairman of Teagasc to demand copies of all aspects of its advice given to the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in relation to implementing the Directive in Ireland. It was further agreed to write to the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government requesting that he direct Teagasc to review its advice on the Nitrates part (as opposed to the Phosphates part) of the regulations giving statutory effect to the Directive. 10.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1.10p.m until 2.30p.m. Wednesday 15th February 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman February 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 15th February 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 15th February 2006 at 2.30p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), Ciarán Cuffe, Eamon Gilmore, Noel Grealish, Jackie Healy-Rae, Donal Moynihan, Padraic McCormack and G V Wright* and Senators James Bannon, Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. *In substitution for Deputy John Cregan Also in attendance was Senator David Norris. 3.Minutes of meeting of 8th February 2006 The minutes of the meeting of 8th February 2006 were agreed. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 5.Travel Proposal This item was dealt with in private session. 6.Scrutiny of EU legislation The meeting heard a presentation by officials from the Department of Agriculture and Food, represented by — -Mr Damian Allen, Assistant Principal Officer, Forest Service; -Mr Gerard Long, Executive Officer, Forest Service; on the following FLEGT licensing system for imports of timber into the EU. COM(2004) 515 Proposal to establish a voluntary licensing system for imports of timber into the EU under the EU action plan for Forest Law Enforcement, Governance and Trade (FLEGT). A questions and answer session ensued. The Committee agreed that no recommendations be made, and that the Officials keep the Joint Committee briefed as to any developments that may arise in the future. It was further agreed that a report on the Joint Committee’s consideration of this proposal be laid before the Houses. 7.Presentation by Aghancon Concerned Residents Association in relation to the operations of Standish Sawmills Company The meeting heard a presentation by Aghancon Concerned Residents Association, represented by — -Mr Paul Byrne -Tim Connolly -Mr Bob Higgins -Mr Ciaran Damery. in relation to the operations of Standish Sawmills Company. A question and answer session ensued. It was agreed to write to the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to request — -That an Independent Commissioner be appointed under Section 255 of the Planning and Development Act 2000; -That the Minister comment on the need for legislative change, based on the issues raised in the information note prepared by Aghancon Concerned Residents Association. 8.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4.08p.m until 11.00a.m. Wednesday 22nd February 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman February 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 22nd February 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 2, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 22nd February 2006 at 11.00a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Eamon Gilmore, Jackie Healy-Rae, Donal Moynihan, Padraic McCormack, Fergus O’Dowd and Fiona O’Malley* and Senators Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. *In substitution for Deputy Noel Grealish. Apologies were received from Deputy John Moloney. Also in attendance was Deputy Barry Andrews. 3.Minutes of meeting of 15th February 2006 The minutes of the meeting of 15th February 2006 were agreed. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 5.Travel Proposal This item was dealt with in private session. 6.Presentation by the Office of Public Works on the construction of a telecommunications mast at Shankill, County Dublin The meeting heard a presentation by officials from the Office of Public Works, represented by Commissioner David Byers, and by Ms Cathleen Morrison, Assistant Principal Officer, Property Management, regarding the construction of a telecommunications mast at Shankill Garda Station, County Dublin. A question and answer session ensued. It was agreed to call on the OPW to do all that it could to assist in resolving the issue by — ▪Temporarily ceasing work on the mast if necessary; ▪Reverting to the Joint Committee with its legal advice (as discussed) on the formal Declaration under Section 5 of the Planning and Development Act 2001. 7.Any Other Business It was noted that Professor Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director of the European Environmental Agency would travel to Dublin to discuss her EEA Report “The European Environment — State and Outlook 2005” at the next meeting of the Joint Committee. It was recommended that Members familiarise themselves with that Report in advance of the meeting. It was further noted that a number of EU Proposals would be on the agenda for that meeting also — ▪Four Draft Reports on proposals already scrutinised which require the approval / agreement of the Joint Committee; ▪A new proposal on air quality would be examined with the assistance of a presentation by Officials from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. 8.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12.08p.m until 2.30p.m. Wednesday 1st March 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman March 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 1st March 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 1st March 2006 at 2.00p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), Ciarán Cuffe, Eamon Gilmore, Jackie Healy-Rae, Billy Kelleher, John Moloney, Donal Moynihan and Fergus O’Dowd and Senators James Bannon, Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. 3.Minutes of meeting of 22nd February 2006 The minutes of the meeting of 22nd February 2006 were agreed. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 5.Presentation by European Environment Agency on its Report entitled “The European Environment: State and Outlook 2005”. The meeting heard a presentation by the European Environmental Agency represented by Professor Jacqueline McGlade, Executive Director, Mr Jock Martin, Programme Manager, and Mr Brendan Killeen, EEA Media Group, on its Report entitled “The European Environment: State and Outlook 2005”. A question and answer session ensued. 6.Scrutiny of EU legislation — Agreement of Reports Draft Reports were agreed on the following EU Proposal numbers — ▪COM (2003) 379 — Shipment of hazardous waste ▪COM (2003) 667 - Extending EU’s LIFE financial instrument ▪COM (2003) 723 - Addressing batteries / accumulators ▪COM (2004) 515 - Voluntary licensing of timber-imports to the EU It was further agreed to lay these Reports before the Houses. 7.Scrutiny of EU legislation — New Proposal COM (2005) 407 The meeting heard a presentation by officials from the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, represented by Mr Tom O’Mahony, Assistant Secretary, Environment Division, Mr David Moore, Principal Advisor, Environment Inspectorate, and Mr Patrick O’Sullivan, Assistant Principal, Air / Climate Section, on COM (2005) 407 — a Proposal for a Directive on Ambient Air Quality and Better Air for Europe. A question and answer session ensued. The Committee agreed that no recommendations be made and that the officials keep the Joint Committee briefed as to any developments that may arise in the future, particularly in the sectoral areas where the officials envisaged the most impact by this proposal - transport, aviation, shipping, agriculture and small combustion plants. It was further agreed that a report on the Joint Committee’s consideration of this proposal be laid before the Houses. 8.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3.20p.m until 2.00p.m. Tuesday 7th March 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman March 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 7th March 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 1, LH 2000, on Tuesday, 7th March 2006 at 2.00p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Eamon Gilmore, Jackie Healy-Rae, Donal Moynihan, Padraic McCormack and Fergus O’Dowd and Senators James Bannon, Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. 3.Change in Order of Agenda It was agreed that item 2 on the agenda, the presentation by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government would be taken first and that other business would subsequently be taken in private session. 4.Briefing by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government prior to his attendance at the EU Environment Council Meeting The Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government briefed the Joint Committee prior to his attendance on 9th March 2006 at the E.U. Environment Council meeting. A question and answer session ensued. 5.Minutes of meeting of 1st March 2006 This item was dealt with in private session 6.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session 7.Scrutiny of EU legislation — Agreement of Reports This item was dealt with in Private Session 8.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3.10p.m until 2.00p.m. Wednesday 15th March 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman March 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 29th March 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 29th March 2006 at 2.00p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Jackie Healy-Rae, Donal Moynihan and Fergus O’Dowd and Senators James Bannon, Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. Apologies were received from Deputy Ciarán Cuffe. 3.Minutes of meeting of 7th March 2006 The minutes of the meeting of 7th March 2006 were agreed. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session 5.Visit to EPA Headquarters This item was dealt with in private session 6.Estimates for Public Service 2006 This item was dealt with in private session 7.Scrutiny of EU legislation — Nuclear Safety Proposals COM (2005) 119, 222, 444, 445, 673 and COM (2006) 42 The meeting heard a presentation by officials from the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, represented by Ms Renee Dempsey and Mr Vincent Lowe, both of Nuclear Safety Section, and by Mr Christopher Hone and Dr. Tom Ryan, both Principal Scientific Officers with the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland on COM (2005) 119, 222, 444, 445, 673 and COM (2006) 42 — Proposals for legislation on Nuclear Safety. A question and answer session ensued. The Committee agreed that no recommendations be made and that the officials keep the Joint Committee briefed as to any developments that may arise in the future. It was further agreed that reports on the Joint Committee’s consideration of each proposal be laid before the Houses. It was further agreed that the officials of the Department and of the Radiological Protection Institute be invited back to a future meeting to discuss the National Emergency Plan. 8.Building Control Bill 2005 The meeting heard a presentation by officials from the Chief Fire Officers’ Association represented by Mr. David Carroll, Vice Chairman, Mr. Dave Stuart, Honorary Treasurer and Ms. Maria Melia in relation to proposals contained in the Building Control Bill 2005. It was agreed to forward a copy of the presentation for the attention of the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. A question and answer session ensued. The Association agreed to forward copies of the recent Building Regulation Advisory Board Report and Survey to the Clerk for circulation to Members. 9.Scrutiny of EU legislation — Agreement of Reports Draft Reports were agreed on the following EU Proposal numbers — ▪COM (2004) 23 — addressing direct support schemes under CAP; ▪COM (2005) 705 - research under the Seventh Framework Programme; ▪COM (2005) 447 - Ambient Air Quality; ▪COM (2003) 370 — EURATOM Regulation; ▪COM (2005) 284 - GM Products; ▪COM (2006) 42 — EURATOM Regulation. It was further agreed to lay these Reports before the Houses. 10.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4.06p.m until 2.30p.m. Wednesday 26th April 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman March 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 26th April 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 26th April 2006 at 2.30p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Jackie Healy-Rae, Noel Grealish, Billy Kelleher, Ruairi Quinn*, Donal Moynihan, Padraic McCormack and Senators Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. Apologies were received from Deputy Fergus O’Dowd. *In substitution for Deputy Eamon Gilmore. 3.Minutes of meeting of 29th March 2006 This item was dealt with in private session. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 5.Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals — Agreement of Reports This item was dealt with in private session. 6.Report of Travel Delegation This item was dealt with in private session. 7.Building Control Bill 2005 The Joint Committee heard a presentation on the Building Control Bill 2005 from — ▪The Competition Authority, represented by Mr Bill Prasifka, Chairman, Ms Carol Boate, Advocacy Division Manager, and Mr Declan Purcell, Advocacy Division Director; ▪The Group of Independent Architects in Ireland, represented by Mr Gerry Hannigan, Chairman, Mr Conor Finnegan, Secretary and Mr Brian Hunt, of Mason Hayes & Curran Architects; and ▪The Royal Institute of Architects in Ireland, represented by Mr John Graby, Director, Mr James Pike, President, and Mr Tony Reddy, Past President. A question and answer session ensued. It was agreed to forward a copy of each presentation for the attention of the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. 8.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3.20pm until 2.30p.m. Wednesday 10th May 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman March 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 10th May 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 10th May 2006 at 2.30p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Eamon Gilmore, Jackie Healy-Rae, Noel Grealish, Billy Kelleher, John Moloney, Fergus O’Dowd and Donal Moynihan and Senators James Bannon and Michael Kitt*.. Also in attendance were Deputies Breeda Moynihan-Cronin, Ruairi Quinn and Arthur Morgan and Senator Paul Coghlan. *In substitution for Senator Cyprian Brady. 3.Minutes of meeting of 26th April 2006 This item was dealt with in private session. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 5.Report of Travel Delegation This item was dealt with in private session. 6.Estimates for Public Service 2006 This item was dealt with in private session. 7.Building Control Bill 2005 This item was dealt with in private session. 8.Telecommunications Mast at Glenbeigh, County Kerry The Chairman outlined that a presentation due to be given by Ms Clara Leahy in relation to a telecommunications mast at Glenbeigh, County Kerry, was discussed in private session and was cancelled as it was not possible to agree a structure for the presentation in the short timeframe involved. The Chairman also pointed out that, following discussions with the Chairman of the Joint Committee on Communications, Marine and Natural Resources that the issue will now likely be discussed by that Committee in the first instance. 9.National Emergency / Disaster Planning The meeting heard a presentation by officials from the SIPTU National Fire Brigade Committee, represented by Mr Michael Halpenny, National Industrial Secretary, Mr. Stephen Brady, Mr. Tony McDonnell and Mr. Brian Murray regarding concerns over National Emergency and Disaster Planning. A question and answer session ensued. It was agreed to refer the concerns raised to the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government for his attention, and to request that SIPTU be consulted in the drafting of the New Framework for Major Emergency Management. 10.Building Control Bill 2005 The meeting heard a presentation by officials from the Chartered Institute of Architectural Technologists represented by Mr Jim Kirwan, President and Ms Denise Germaine in relation to proposals contained in the Building Control Bill 2005. A question and answer session ensued. It was agreed to forward a copy of the presentation to the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government for his attention. It was also agreed to request the Minister to take Committee Stage of the Bill before summer recess. 11.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4.20pm until 4.15p.m. Wednesday 17th May 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman May 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 17th May 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 1, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 17th May 2006 at 4.15p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Eamon Gilmore, Jackie Healy-Rae, Billy Kelleher, Donal Moynihan and Fergus O’Dowd and Senators James Bannon, Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. Also in attendance were Deputies Arthur Morgan and Michael Smith. 3.Change in Order of Agenda It was agreed that item 2 on the agenda, the presentation by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government would be taken first and that remaining business would subsequently be taken in private session. 4.Register of Electors — Presentation by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government A presentation was made by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government on the Register of Electors. A question and answer session ensued. It was noted that the Minister intended writing again to the Joint Committee on issues such as electoral fraud, and the use of census information and enumerators, and it was agreed to convene a further meeting of the Joint Committee to discuss these matters. 5.Minutes of meeting of 10th May 2006 This item was dealt with in private session. 6.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 7.Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals This item was dealt with in private session. 8.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 6.12p.m until 10.30a.m. Thursday 1st June 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman May 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 1st June 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Thursday, 1st June 2006 at 10.15a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Eamon Gilmore, Jackie Healy-Rae, John Moloney and Fergus O’Dowd and Senator John Hanafin*. *In substitution for Senator Cyprian Brady. 3.Minutes of meeting of 17th May2006 This item was dealt with in private session. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 5.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10.28am until 10.00am, Wednesday 21st June 2006. Jackie Healy-Rae T.D., Vice Chairman June 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 21st June 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 21st June 2006 at 10.09a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Jackie Healy-Rae (in the Chair), John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Eamon Gilmore, Noel Grealish and Padraic McCormack and Senator James Bannon. Apologies were received from Deputy Seán Haughey. Also in attendance were Deputies Charlie O’Connor, Máire Hoctor and Finian McGrath and Senator Terry Leydon. 4.Expression of Sympathy The Committee agreed to extend its sympathies to its Chairman, Deputy Seán Haughey, on the recent death of his father, Mr Charles J Haughey. 5.Minutes of meeting of 1st June 2006 This item was dealt with in private session. 6.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 7.Recycling of Household Waste in Ireland This item was dealt with in private session. 8.Briefing by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government prior to his attendance at the EU Environment Council Meeting The Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government briefed the Joint Committee prior to his attendance on 22nd June 2006 at the E.U. Environment Council meeting. A question and answer session ensued. 9.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 10.45a.m until 2.30p.m. Wednesday 5th July 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman June 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 5th July 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 5th July 2006 at 2.33p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Eamon Gilmore, Jackie Healy-Rae, Billy Kelleher, Padraic McCormack and Donal Moynihan and Senator James Bannon and Michael Brennan. Mr Colin Parker and Ms Terrie Burns of Environmental Resource Management Consultants were also in attendance in relation to Item 11. Apologies were received from Deputy Fergus O’Dowd. 3.Minutes of meeting of 21st June 2006 This Item was dealt with in private session. 4.Correspondence This Item was dealt with in private session. 5.Report of Travel Delegation This Item was dealt with in private session. 6.Proposal to Visit Killarney National Park This Item was dealt with in private session. 7.Rural Planning Guidelines This Item was dealt with in private session. 8.Scrutiny of EU legislation — New Directive on Waste COM (2005) 667 The meeting heard a presentation by officials from the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, represented by Mr Tom O’Mahony, Assistant Secretary, Environment Division, Mr Pat Macken, Principal Officer, Waste Prevention & Recovery, Mr Michael Layde, Principal Officer, Waste Infrastructure & Regulation, and Mr Brendan O’Neill, Senior Adviser on COM (2005) 667 — Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on waste. A question and answer session ensued. The Joint Committee expressed concern at the possible implications of the proposal for the waste-to-energy incinerator at Ringsend, County Dublin, in particular the applicability of the proposed Directive to that facility and agreed that any project would have to meet the highest environmental standards. Concern was also expressed by Members at the number of incinerators proposed in the Regional Waste Management Plans. The Joint Committee agreed that no further scrutiny was required in relation to this proposal, but requested to be kept informed by the officials as to any developments that may arise in the future. It was further agreed that a Report on the Joint Committee’s consideration of the proposal be laid before both Houses. 9.Draft Report on the Recycling of Household Waste in Ireland This Item was dealt with in private session. 10.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4.18pm until 2.30p.m. Wednesday 19th July 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman July 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 19th July 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 5th July 2006 at 2.33p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Jackie Healy-Rae, Billy Kelleher, Padraic McCormack and Donal Moynihan and Senator James Bannon, Cyprian Brady, Michael Brennan and Michael McCarthy. Apologies were received from Deputy Fergus O’Dowd. 3.Minutes of meeting of 5th July 2006 This item was dealt with in private session. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 5.Scrutiny of EU legislation — Agreement of Report This item was dealt with in private session. 6.Draft Report on the Recycling of Household Waste in Ireland This item was dealt with in private session. 7.Scrutiny of EU legislation COM (2005) 116 - Proposal to promote EU Citizenship The meeting heard a presentation by the Department of Arts, Sport and Tourism (represented by Ms Christine Sisk, Assistant Principal Officer, Arts Division) and by the Institute of Public Administration (represented by Mr Mark Callanan) on COM (2005) 116 — a Proposal to promote EU citizenship. A question and answer session ensued. The Joint Committee requested to be kept informed by the officials as to any developments that may arise in the future and agreed that no further scrutiny was required in relation to this proposal. It was further agreed that a Report on the Joint Committee’s consideration of the proposal be laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas. 8.Scrutiny of EU legislation COM (2005) 282 - Proposal to protect groundwater from pollution The meeting heard a presentation by officials from the Department of Environment, Heritage and Local Government, represented by Mr John Sadlier, Principal Officer, Water Quality Section, Mr Joe Harrington, Principal Officer, Water Services Policy Section and Mr Pat Duggan, Senior Adviser, Water Services on COM (2005) 667 — Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the protection of groundwater from pollution. A question and answer session ensued. The Joint Committee requested to be kept informed by the officials as to any developments that may arise in the future and agreed that no further scrutiny was required in relation to this proposal. It was further agreed that a Report on the Joint Committee’s consideration of the proposal be laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas. 9.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3.40pm sine die. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman September 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 13th September 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 13th September 2006 at 12.00 noon. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Eamon Gilmore, Billy Kelleher, John Moloney and Donal Moynihan and Senators Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. Also in attendance were Deputies Denis O’Donovan and Tony Dempsey. Apologies were received from Deputies Jackie Healy-Rae, Padraic McCormack and Fergus O’Dowd and Senator James Bannon. 3.Minutes of meeting of 19th July 2006 This item was dealt with in private session. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 5.Scrutiny of EU legislation — Agreement of Reports This item was dealt with in private session. 6.Draft Strategic Plan of the Heritage Council, 2007 — 2011 The meeting heard a presentation by Mr Michael Starrett, Chief Executive of The Heritage Council in relation to the Council’s Draft Strategic Plan, 2007 — 2011. A question and answer session ensued. 7.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1.20pm until Wednesday, 27th September 2006 at 2.30pm. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman September 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 27th September 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 27th September 2006 at 2.30p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Eamon Gilmore, Noel Grealish, Padraic McCormack, John Moloney and Donal Moynihan and Senators James Bannon, Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. 3.Minutes of meeting of 13th September 2006 This item was dealt with in private session. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 5.Reports of Travel Delegations This item was dealt with in private session. 6.Change of time for convening meetings This item was dealt with in private session. 7.Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals COM (2006) 15 — Proposal to Assess and Manage Floods The meeting heard a presentation by officials from the Office of Public Works represented by Mr Tom Sherlock, Principal Officer, Mr Mark Adamson, Asst Chief Engineer, and Mr Michael Caden, Assistant Principal Officer, OPW on COM (2006) 15 — a Proposal to Assess and Manage Floods. A question and answer session ensued. The Joint Committee agreed not to make any recommendations in relation to the proposal but asked that the officials keep the Joint Committee briefed as to any developments that may arise in the future. It was further agreed that a report on the Joint Committee’s consideration of this proposal be laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas. COM (2006) 94 — Proposal to Establish a European Grouping of Territorial Co-operation The meeting heard a presentation by officials from the Department of Finance represented by Mr Pat Casey, Principal Officer, and Ms Annette Connolly, Assistant Principal on COM (2006) 94 — a Proposal to Establish a European Grouping of Territorial Co-operation. A question and answer session ensued. The Joint Committee agreed not to make any recommendations in relation to the proposal but asked that the officials keep the Joint Committee briefed as to any developments that may arise in the future. It was further agreed that a report on the Joint Committee ’s consideration of this proposal be laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas. 8.Any other business It was agreed that Longford County Council would be invited to a future meeting of the Joint Committee to present their recycling practices in a wider debate on Waste Management. 9. Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 3.47pm until 10.30am on Wednesday 18th October 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman October 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 18th October 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 18th October 2006 at 10.30a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Noel Grealish, Jackie Healy-Rae, Padraic McCormack, Fergus O’Dowd and Donal Moynihan and Senators James Bannon, Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. Apologies were received from Deputy Eamon Gilmore. 3.Minutes of meeting of 27th September 2006 This item was dealt with in private session. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 5.Briefing by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government prior to his attendance at the EU Environment Council Meeting The Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government briefed the Joint Committee prior to his attendance on 23rd October 2006 at the E.U. Environment Council meeting. A question and answer session ensued. 6.Sustainable Rural Housing Guidelines for Planning Authorities The meeting heard a presentation by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government on the implementation of the Sustainable Rural Housing Guidelines for Planning Authorities. A question and answer session ensued. Following discussion, the Minister undertook to write to each local authority about the implementation of these Guidelines, and the Clerk to the Committee undertook to forward a transcript of the debate for enclosure with the Minister’s letters. Following the Minister’s departure, the meeting heard a presentation on the Guidelines by An Bord Pleanála, represented by Mr John O’Connor, Chairman, Mr Brian Hunt, Deputy Chairman, Mr Paul Mullally, Chief Officer and Mr Michael Walsh, Acting Planning Officer. A question and answer session ensued. 7.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1.30pm until 2.00pm on Wednesday 8th November 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman October 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 8th November 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 8th November 2006 at 2.00p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Éamon Gilmore, Jackie Healy-Rae, Padraic McCormack, and Dónal Moynihan and Senators Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. 3.Minutes of meeting of 18th October 2006 This item was dealt with in private session. 4.Correspondence This item was dealt with in private session. 5. Flooding of the Shannon Callows special protection area The meeting heard a presentation by Deputy Denis Naughten with regard to the damage caused by flooding to natural flora and fauna in the special protection area of the Shannon Callows. A question and answer session ensued. It was agreed that representatives of the Office of Public Works, the Irish Farmers’ Association and BirdWatch Ireland be invited before the Joint Committee at a mutually convenient date to discuss this matter further. 6.Discussion with An Bord Pleanála The meeting heard a presentation by An Bord Pleanála, represented by Mr John O’Connor, Chairman, Mr Brian Hunt, Deputy Chairman, Mr Paul Mullally, Chief Officer and Mr Michael Walsh, Acting Planning Officer in relation to - ▪2005 Annual Report of An Bord Pleanála, ▪The planning process for telecommunication masts, and ▪The planning process for infrastructural projects. A question and answer session ensued. 7.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3.48pm sine die. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman December 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeMonday, 13th November 20061.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Monday 13th November 2006 at 12 noon. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Eamon Gilmore, Noel Grealish, Fergus O’Dowd and Donal Moynihan and Senators Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. Apologies were received from Deputies John Moloney and Padraic McCormack. Also in attendance were Senators Camillus Glynn and Ciarán Phelan. 3.Correspondence It was agreed to defer consideration of correspondence until the next meeting. 4.The Electoral Register The Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government made an opening statement on the position in relation to the draft Electoral Register. A question and answer session ensued. 5.Adjournment There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 1.51p.m until 2.00p.m. Wednesday 6th December 2006. Seán Haughey T.D., Chairman December 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 6th December 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 29th March 2006 at 2.00p.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair), John Cregan, Eamon Gilmore, Ciaran Cuffe, Fergus O’Dowd, Donal Moynihan and Jackie Healy-Rae and Senators Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. 3.Minutes of meeting of 8th and 13th November 2006 This item was discussed in private session. 4.Correspondence This item was discussed in private session. 5.Visit to Poland This item was discussed in private session. 6.Presentation by the Office of Public Works and the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government The meeting heard a presentation by officials from the Office of Public Works represented by Mr. Ciaran O’Connor, Assistant Principal Architect, and from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government represented by Mr. Mark Griffin, Assistant Secretary, Corporate Services, Mr. Liam O Connell, Principal Officer, Construction Policy, Mr. Aidan O Connor, Principal Adviser in the Housing and Building Standards Inspectorate and Mr. Michael McKenna, Assistant Principal Officer, Environment Awareness in relation to the issue of environmental issues and procurement. A question and answer session ensued. 7.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 3.33 p.m until 10.30 a.m. Wednesday 13th December 2006. Jackie Healy-Rae T.D., Vice-Chairman December 2006 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 13th December 20061.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 2, LH 2000, on Wednesday, 13th December 2006 at 10.30 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were in attendance: - Deputies Jackie Healy-Rae (in the Chair), John Cregan, Fergus O’Dowd, Donal Moynihan, Ciaran Cuffe, Eamon Gilmore and Senators Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. Prior to going into public session the Committee expressed its congratulations to Deputy Sean Haughey who had been appointed as a Minister of State on Tuesday 12th December 2006. The Joint Committee recorded its appreciation of the work done by Minister of State Haughey during his tenure as Committee Chairman. 3.Minutes of meeting of 6th December 2006 This item was discussed in private session. 4.Correspondence This item was discussed in private session. 5. Briefing by the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government prior to his attendance at the EU Environment Council Meeting The Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government briefed the Joint Committee prior to his attendance on 18th December 2006 at the E.U. Environment Council meeting. A question and answer session ensued. 4.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 11.50 am sine die. Jackie Healy Rae T.D., Vice-Chairman January 2007 |
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