Committee Reports::Annual Report of the Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food, 2006 and Work Programme 2007::01 July, 2007::Appendix


Minutes of Proceedings of the Joint Committee

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 12th January 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on Thursday 12th January 2006 in Committee Room CR4, LH2000 at 11.04 am.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), Seymour Crawford, John Ellis (in substitution for Deputy Michael Collins), Martin Ferris, Padraic McCormack (in substitution for Deputy Seymour Crawford in part), Denis Naughten, Seán Ó Fearghaíl, Ned O’Keeffe (in substitution for Deputy John Carty), Mary Upton and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan, Noel Coonan, Michael McCarthy, Camillus Glynn (in substitution for Peter Callanan in part) Geraldine Feeney (in substitution for Senator Eamon Scanlon in part), John Hanafin (in substitution for Peter Callanan in part) and Kieran Phelan (in substitution for Senator Eamon Scanlon in part)


The Committee noted a letter dated 11th January received from Mr Cormac Healy, Meat Industry Ireland sending his apologies for not being able to attend today’s meeting. It was agreed that the contents of the letter would be discussed at the end of the meeting.

4.Minutes of meetings of 14th December 2005

The minutes of the meeting of 14th December 2005 were agreed and signed.

5.Presentation on the Electronic classification of beef carcasses

The Chairman welcomed Dr Tom Keating, Mr Ignatius Byrne and Mr Luke Mulligan, Department of Agriculture and Food to the meeting.

Mr Mulligan explained briefly to the Committee on the changeover from manual to automated classification of beef carcasses which 3was introduced under EU Regulations in 2004 and Dr Keating gave a detailed presentation on the electronic classification of beef carcasses which is now used for pricing and trade.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

Arising from the discussion on the debate, it was agreed that members of the Committee would visit some of the Meat Plants around the country to see at first hand the way the new automated grading takes place.

The Committee expressed disappointment that representatives of the Meat Industry Ireland had not attended the meeting. It was agreed to write to the Meat Industry Ireland requesting their attendance at a meeting of the Joint Committee at a future date.

The meeting suspended at 12.48pm and resumed at 12.50pm.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

6.Item discussed in private session

7.Item discussed in private session

8.Item discussed in private session

9.Item discussed in private session

There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 12.54 pm until Wednesday 25th January 2006 at 3 p.m.


Johnny Brady,


25th January 2006.

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 25th January 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on Thursday 25th January 2006 in Committee Room CR4, LH2000 at 2.49 pm.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), John Carty, Michael Collins, Martin Ferris, Máire Hoctor, Denis Naughten, Seán Ó Fearghaíl, Mary Upton and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan, Eamon Scanlon.

Apologies were received from Deputies Niall Blaney, Seymour Crawford and Senator Noel Coonan.

Private Session

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

3.Item discussed in private session

4.Item discussed in private session

5.Item discussed in private session

6.Item discussed in private session

The Committee agreed to go into public session.

Public Session

7.Avian Flu — Discussion with officials from the Department of Agriculture and Food and the Department of Health and Children.

The Chairman welcomed Mr Seamus Healy, Mr Dermot Ryan, Mr Billy McAteer Department of Agriculture and Food and Ms Teresa Cody, Department of Health, Mr Gavin Maguire and Dr Dorina O’Flanagan, Health Service Executive to the meeting.

Mr Healy, Department of Agriculture and Food made a presentation on Avian Flu and the role of the Department of Agriculture and Food in dealing with the risk of the disease being introduced into the poultry flock in Ireland

A question and answer session with members ensued.

Ms Cody, Department of Health and Children made a presentation on the public health aspects regarding Avian Flu and the threat of a Human Flu Pandemic.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

8.There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 4.41pm until Wednesday 8th February 2006 at 3.00 p.m.


Johnny Brady,


8th February 2006.

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 8th February 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on Wednesday 8th February 2006 in Committee Room CR4, LH2000 at 3.06 p.m. .


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), Niall Blaney, John Carty, Michael Collins, Martin Ferris, Máire Hoctor, Denis Naughten, Seán Ó Fearghaíl and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan, Noel Coonan and Eamon Scanlon.

Apologies were received from Deputy Seymour Crawford.

Public Session

3.Minutes of meetings of 25th January, 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 25th January 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals — Amending Letter No. 1 to the preliminary draft budget for 2006 — general statement of revenue — statement of revenue and expenditure by section III — Commission

The Chairman welcomed Mr Phil Ryan and Ms Mary Lawless, EU Budget Section, Department of Finance to the meeting. Mr Ryan made a presentation on the amending letter to the Preliminary Draft Budget 2006 for the European Union concerning new funds for compensatory aid to African Caribbean Pacific countries affected by the reform of the EU sugar regime.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

The Committee agreed that the Clerk to the Committee would prepare a draft report on the proposal for approval at the next meeting.

The meeting suspended at 3.36 pm and resumed at 3.37pm.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

5.Item discussed in private session

6.Item discussed in private session

7.Item discussed in private session

8.Item discussed in private session

9.Item discussed in private session

10.There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 3.46pm until Wednesday 22nd February 2006 at 3.00 p.m.


Johnny Brady,


22nd February 2006.

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 22nd February 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on Wednesday 22nd February 2006 in Committee Room CR4, LH2000 at 2.04 p.m.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), Niall Blaney, John Carty, Michael Collins, Seymour Crawford, Máire Hoctor, Denis Naughten, Seán Ó Fearghaíl, Mary Upton and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan and Eamon Scanlon.

Deputies Joe Callanan and Michael Finneran and Senator Pat Moylan were in attendance pursuant to Standing Orders.

Public Session

3.Minutes of meetings of 8th February, 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 8th February 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.Difficulties experienced by farmers in the Shannon Callows.

The Chairman welcomed Mr Jim Kelly, Dr Ciarán O’Keeffe, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Mr Michael O’Donovan, Department of Agriculture and Food and Mr Michael Silke, Mr Paddy Halligan, Mr Martin Gavin, Mr Gerry Gunning, Mr Tom Turley and Mr John Claffey to the meeting. The Committee agreed that a presentation would be heard from each group followed by a question and answer session. A presentation was heard from each group.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

Arising out of debate, the Committee agreed to the following proposal put forward by Deputy Naughten and seconded by Deputy Hoctor —

“That the Committee submit the IFA document to Mr Kelly and that, in the context of the REPS 4, Single Farm Payment and the Nitrates Directive, the two relevant documents, the Department review its costing and come back to us with a realistic proposal to address the matter. This should be done within a very limited timeframe because the matter has been ongoing for 14 years and we do not want it to continue”

The Committee also agreed to write to the Minister for Agriculture and Food and request her to review the current decision with regard to not splitting the REPS Scheme and the National Compensation Scheme.

The meeting suspended at 4.05pm resumed at 4.15pm

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

5.Item discussed in private session

The Committee agreed to go into public session.

Public Session

6.Motion re 17A of the Diseases of Animals Act 1966


The following motion was referred to the Joint Committee for consideration by Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann:-

“That Dáil Éireann resolves that section 17A (inserted by section 2(1) of the Diseases of Animals (Amendment) Act 2001, (No. 3 of 2001) of the Diseases of Animals Act 1966, (No. 6 of 1966) shall continue in force for the period ending on 8th March, 2007”

The Chairman welcomed Ms. Mary Coughlan T.D. Minister for Agriculture and Food to the meeting. The Minister outlined the reasons for adopting the motion.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

The Committee agreed that a message would be sent to the Clerk of the Dáil and the Clerk of the Seanad.

(ii)Report on Motion

The Committee also agreed to the draft Report for laying before the Dáil and Seanad.

The meeting suspended at 4.59 pm and resumed at 5 pm

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

7.Item discussed in private session

8.There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 5.05pm until Wednesday 8th March 2006 at 3.00 p.m.


Johnny Brady,


8th March 2006.

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 8th March 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on Wednesday 8th March 2006 in Committee Room CR4, LH2000 at 3.06pm.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), John Carty, Seymour Crawford, Martin Ferris, Máire Hoctor, Seán Ó Fearghaíl, Mary Upton and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan Noel Coonan and Eamon Scanlon.

Senator Pat Moylan was in attendance pursuant to Standing Orders.

Apologies were received from Deputy Denis Naughten.

Public Session

3.Minutes of meetings of 22nd February, 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 22nd February 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.Automation of Beef Carcasses Classification

The Chairman welcomed Mr Ciarán Fitzgerald, Chairman and Mr Cormac Healy, Director of the Meat Industry Ireland to the meeting. Mr Fitzgerald and Mr Healy gave a presentation and outlined the background on the implementation of the automated beef carcasses classification system.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

The meeting suspended at 3.57 pm resumed at 3.59 pm.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

5.Item discussed in private session

6.There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 4.03 pm until Wednesday 22nd March 2006 at 11a.m.


Johnny Brady,


22nd March 2006.

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 22nd March 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on Wednesday 22nd March 2006 in Committee Room CR4, LH2000 at 11.04a.m.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), John Carty, Michael Collins, Seymour Crawford, Martin Ferris, Denis Naughten, Seán Ó Fearghaíl, Mary Upton and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan, Noel Coonan and Eamon Scanlon.

Senators Paul Bradford, Fergal Browne and Pat Moylan were in attendance pursuant to Standing Orders.

Apologies were received from Deputy Máire Hoctor.

Public Session

3.Minutes of meeting of 8th March, 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 8th March 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.Problems facing Irish Farming — Presentation by the IFA

The Chairman welcomed Mr Padraig Walshe, President, Mr Michael Berkery, General Secretary and Mr Con Lucey, Chief Economist from the IFA to the meeting. The Chairman congratulated Mr Walshe on his recent election as President of the IFA. Mr Walshe gave a presentation on the future of farming in Ireland.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

Arising out of debate, the issue of planning was raised with regard to young farmers seeking to build a house on the farm and concerns were expressed that the Guidelines for Planning Authorities on Sustainable Rural Housing were not been implemented by the Planning Authorities and in some cases the ban on the sterilization of land holdings was not been lifted. It was agreed that representatives from the County and City Managers Association and the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government would be invited before the Committee to discuss this matter.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

5.Item discussed in private session

6.There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 12.49 pm until Wednesday 5th April, 2006 at 3pm


Johnny Brady


5th April 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 5th April 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on Wednesday 5th April 2006 in Committee Room CR4, LH2000 at 3.08 p.m.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), Niall Blaney, John Carty, Michael Collins, Seymour Crawford, Martin Ferris, Máire Hoctor, Denis Naughten, Seán Ó Fearghaíl and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan, Noel Coonan and Eamon Scanlon.

Public Session

3.Minutes of meeting of 22nd March, 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 8th March 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.Problems facing Irish Farming — Presentation by the ICMSA

The Chairman welcomed Mr Jackie Cahill, President, Mr Ciarán Dolan, General Secretary and Mr John Enright, Policy Officer from the ICMSA to the meeting. The Chairman congratulated Mr Cahill on his recent election as President of the ICMSA. Mr Cahill gave a presentation on the current issues impacting on farmers and in particular, the decline in income from farming.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

5.Item discussed in private session

6.Item discussed in private session

7.Item discussed in private session

8.Item discussed in private session

9.There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 5.29pm until Wednesday 19th April, 2006 at 3pm.


Johnny Brady


19th April 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 19th April 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on Wednesday 19th April 2006 in Committee Room CR4, LH2000 at 3.06 p.m.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), John Carty, Michael Collins, Seymour Crawford, Máire Hoctor, Denis Naughten, Seán Ó Fearghaíl, Mary Upton and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan, Noel Coonan, Eamon Scanlon, John Hanafin (in substitution for Senator Peter Callanan in part), Maurice Cummins in substitution for Senator Noel Coonan in part), Paul Coghlan (in substitution for Senator Michael McCarthy).

Deputy Denis O’Donovan was also in attendance.

Public Session

3.Minutes of meeting of 5th April, 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 5th April 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals

The Chairman welcomed Mr Dermot Ryan, Senior Agriculture Inspector and Mr. John Downey, Assistant Principal from the Department of Agriculture and Food, Ms Róisín Cahillane, Assistant Principal Officer from the Department of Health and Children and Dr. Pat O’ Mahony, Food Safety Authority Ireland who were invited to the meeting to bring the members up to-date on the proposal COM(2005)559 — Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on genetically modified food and feed.

Mr Ryan and Ms Cahillane gave a detailed presentation on the proposal which came into law as a Regulation and subsequently came into effect in April 2004.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

It was agreed that the Clerk to the Committee would prepare a draft report on the proposal for approval at the next meeting.

The meeting was suspended at 3.48 pm and resumed at 3.50 pm.

5.EU Directive re Protection of Chickens kept for meat production [COM(2005)221]

The Chairman welcomed Mr Tom O’Donnell, Principal Officer and Mr Niall Ó Nualláin, Superintendent Veterinary Inspector from the Department of Agriculture and Food to discuss the EU Directive with regard to the protection of chickens kept for meat production.

Mr O’Donnell gave a detailed presentation on the proposed directive which is aimed at protecting the welfare of intensively farmed chickens.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

It was agreed that the Clerk to the Committee would prepare a draft report on the proposal for approval at the next meeting.

The meeting was suspended at 4.46 pm and resumed at 4.47 pm.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

6.Item discussed in private session

7.There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 4.51until Wednesday 3rd May, 2006 at 3pm.


Johnny Brady


3rd May 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 3rd May 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on Wednesday 3rd May 2006 in Committee Room CR4, LH2000 at 3.06 p.m.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), Niall Blaney, John Carty, Michael Collins, Seymour Crawford, Martin Ferris, Seán Ó Fearghaíl, Mary Upton and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan and Noel Coonan

Deputies Fiona O’Malley, Trevor Sargent, David Stanton, and Senator Fergal Browne were also in attendance.

Apologies were received from Deputy Denis Naughten.

Public Session

3.Minutes of meeting of 19th April, 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 19th April 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.Development of Bio-Fuels

The Chairman welcomed Ms Katherine Licken, Assistant Principal, Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources, Ms Bridie O’Neill, Principal Officer and Mr Dale Crammond, Assistant Agriculture Inspector, Department of Agriculture and Food and Mr Bernard Rice, Researcher, Teagasc to the meeting.

Ms Licken outlined the types of bio-fuels and gave a detailed account of the various schemes implemented by the Department of Communications, Marine and Natural Resources. Ms O’Neill outlined the Department of Agriculture’s role in relation to bio-fuels and an overview of issues and developments in the sector in so far as the Department is involved. Mr Rice outlined the different options on how much energy agriculture and forestry could provide to the sector.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

Arising out of debate, the Committee agreed to invite the Minister for Communication, Marine and Natural Resources and the Minister for Agriculture and Food in to discuss the rate of aid being paid to farmers under the current energy crops scheme.

The meeting was suspended at 4.46 pm and resumed at 4.47 pm.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

6.Item discussed in private session

7.Item discussed in private session

8.Item discussed in private session

9.Item discussed in private session

10.There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 5.35pm until Wednesday 10th May, 2006 at 3pm in the Dáil Chamber.


Johnny Brady


17th May 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 10th May 2006

1.In accordance with the Orders of Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann of 4th May 2006 to mark Europe Day, the Joint Committee met on Wednesday 10th May, 2006 at 12.10 pm in the Dáil Chamher with the Ceann Comhairle in the Chair.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady, Niall Blaney, John Carty, Seymour Crawford, Martin Ferris, Máire Hoctor, Denis Naughten, Seán Ó Fearghaíl, Mary Upton and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan, Noel Coonan and Eamon Scanlon.

Also in attendance were Deputies Bertie Ahern, Bernard Allen, Seán Ardagh, James Breen, Pat Breen, Joan Burton, Joe Callanan, Pat Carey, Paul Connaughton, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, Joe Costello, Mary Coughlan, Jerry Cowley, John Curran, John Deasy, Tony Dempsey, John Dennehy, Jimmy Deenihan, Síle deValera, Jimmy Devins, Bernard J. Durkan, John Ellis, Damien English, Olwyn Enright, Frank Fahey, Michael Finneran, Jim Glennon, Paul Gogarty, Noel Grealish, Marian Harkin, Tom Hayes, Seamus Healy, Michael D. Higgins, Brendan Howlin, Joe Jacob, Cecilia Keaveney, Paul Kehoe, Billy Kelleher, Peter Kelly, Enda Kenny, Tom Kitt, Conor Lenihan, Katheen Lynch, Padraic McCormack, Shane McEntee, Dinny McGinley, Paddy McHugh, Liz McManus, Olivia Mitchell, John Moloney, Donal Moynihan, Michael Moynihan, Catherine Murphy, Gerard Murphy, Dan Neville, Charlie O’Connor, Liz O’Donnell, Fergus O’Dowd, Ned O’Keeffe, Fiona O’Malley, Jan O’Sullivan, Tom Parlon, Seamus Pattison, Peter Power, Ruairi Quinn, Pat Rabbitte, Michael Ring, Seán Ryan, Trevor Sargent, Mae Sexton, Joe Sherlock, Brendan Smith, Michael Smith, Emmet Stagg, David Stanton, Billy Timmins, Noel Treacy, Liam Twomey, Dan Wallace, Mary Wallace and Senators James Bannon, Paul Bradford, Feargal Browne, Paul Coghlan, Maurice Cummins, Brendan Daly, John Dardis, Frank Feighan, Mary Henry, Don Lydon, Tom Morrissey, Pat Moylan, Jim Walsh, Kate Walsh and Mary White.

3.European Agriculture Policy

The Chairperson welcomed Ms Mariann Fischer Boel, EU Commissioner for Agriculture and Rural Development to the meeting.

Commissioner Fischer Boel and Ms Mary Coughlan, TD, Minister for Agriculture and Food made statements on European Agriculture Policy to the Joint Committee covering a wide range of issues affecting agriculture including the current round of negotiations at the World Trade Organisation, the reform of the Common Agricultural Policy, rural development, the dairy and sugar Industries, the development of bio-fuels and the Nitrates Directive.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

4.The meeting adjourned at 1.45 pm sine die.


Johnny Brady TD


17th May 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 17th May 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on Wednesday 17th May 2006 in Committee Room CR3, LH2000 at 12.30 p.m.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), Niall Blaney, John Carty, Michael Collins, Seymour Crawford, Bernard Durkan (in substitution for Senator Denis Naughten in part), Martin Ferris, Máire Hoctor, Denis Naughten, Seán Ó Fearghaíl, Mary Upton and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan, Noel Coonan and Eamon Scanlon.

Public Session

3.Minutes of meetings of 3rd and 10th May, 2006

The minutes of the meetings of 3rd and 10th May 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.The non-implementation by the Planning Authorities of recommendations on the sterilization of agreements under the Sustainable Rural Housing Guidelines.

The Chairman welcomed Mr Dick Roche T.D, Minister for the Environment Heritage and Local Government and his officials to the meeting.

Minister Roche updated the members on the recommendations under the Sustainable Rural Housing Guidelines for Planning Authorities and in particular with regard to the sterilisation of house holdings.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

The meeting was suspended at 2.28 pm and resumed at 2.29 pm.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

5.Item discussed in private session

6.Item discussed in private session

7.Item discussed in private session

8.Item discussed in private session

9.There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 2.33 pm sine die.


Johnny Brady


7th June 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 7th June 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on Wednesday 7th June 2006 in Committee Room CR3, LH2000 at 11.30 a.m.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), John Carty, Michael Collins, Seymour Crawford, Martin Ferris, Máire Hoctor, Denis Naughten, Seán Ó Fearghaíl, Mary Upton and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan and Eamon Scanlon.

Public Session

3.Minutes of meeting of 17th May, 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 17th May 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals

(a) COM(2006)89 - Proposal for a Council Regulation on marketing standards for eggs

The Chairman welcomed Mr Luke Mulligan, Principal Officer, Ms Marie Hoban, Assistant Principal and Mr Dermot Ryan, Senior Agriculture Inspector from the Department of Agriculture and Food to the meeting.

Ms Hoban brought the members up to-date on the marketing standards for eggs with regard to the labeling of egg boxes and how eggs are graded.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

Arising from discussion on the debate, it was agreed that the officials would check the position on the sale of organic eggs at local markets and report back to the Committee.

It was also agreed that the Clerk to the Committee would prepare a draft report on the proposal for approval at the next meeting.

(b) COM(2006)90 - Council Regulation amending Regulation (EEC) No 1906/90 on certain marketing standards for poultry meat.

Ms Hoban brought the members up to-date on the marketing standards for poultry meat with regard to the labelling system.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

It was agreed that the Clerk to the Committee would prepare a draft report on the proposal for approval at the next meeting.

5Poultry Industry and Market

Mr Mulligan brought the members up to-date on the poultry industry and market and the effect the industry had with regard to the Avian Flu.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

The meeting was suspended at 1.02p.m. and resumed at 1.03p.m.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

6.Item discussed in private session

7.Item discussed in private session

8.Item discussed in private session

9.Item discussed in private session

Public Session

10.The meeting reconvened at 2pm with Deputy Seán Ó Fearghaíl in the Chair in the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman.

11.Discussion with Delegation from the Board of Dutch Farmers LTO.

The Deputy Chairman welcomed Mr. Jan Heijkoop, President of LTO and Members of the Board to the meeting.

Apologies were received from the Chairman, Deputy Johnny Brady and Deputy Denis Naughten.

An exchange of views took place between the delegation and the members of the Committee covering a wide range of issues affecting agriculture including the current round of negotiations at WTO, the reform of CAP, the dairy and sugar industries, the development of bio-fuels and the Nitrates Directive.

12.There been no other business, the meeting adjourned at 4.20 p.m. until 11a.m. on Wednesday 14th June 2006.


Johnny Brady T.D.


21st June 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of Meeting of 14th June, 2006

1.The Joint Committee met in Room CR2, LH2000 on Wednesday 14th June 2006 at 11.15 a.m.


Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), Niall Blaney, John Carty, Martin Ferris, Jimmy Devins (in substitution for Deputy Sean ó Feargháil), Denis Naughten, Mary Upton and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan., Noel Coonan and Eamon Scanlon.

Apologies were received from Deputies Seymour Crawford, Maire Hoctor and Sean Ó Feargháil.

3.Discussion with Committee on Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the German Bundestag.

The Chairman welcomed Mr. Manfred Zollmer and members of the Committee on Food, Agriculture and Consumer Protection of the German Bundestag. The Chairman also welcomed the German Ambassador, Mr Christen Pauls who accompanied the delegation.

An exchange of views took place between the delegation and the members of the Committee covering a wide range of issues affecting agriculture including the current round of negotiations at WTO, Milk Quota, the development of bio-fuels, food labelling and food safety standards.

4.There been no other business, the meeting adjourned at 12.21 p.m. until 11.30 a.m. on Wednesday 21st June 2006.


Johnny Brady T.D.


21st June 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 21st June 2006

1.The Joint Committee met in private on Wednesday 21st June 2006 in Committee Room CR4, LH2000 at 11.30 a.m.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), John Carty, Michael Collins, Máire Hoctor, Denis Naughten, Seán Ó Fearghaíl and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan, Noel Coonan and Eamon Scanlon.

Apologies were received from Deputy Mary Upton.

Private Session

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

3.Item discussed in private session

4.Item discussed in private session

5.Item discussed in private session

6.There being no other business, the meeting adjourned at 12.15 pm until 11.30am on 5th July 2006.


Johnny Brady T.D.


5th July 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of Meeting of 5th July, 2006

1.The Joint Committee met in Room CR4, LH2000 on Wednesday 5th July 2006 at 11.30 a.m.


Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), John Carty, Michael Collins, Seymour Crawford, Martin Ferris, Maire Hoctor, Denis Naughten, Seán Ó Feargháil, Mary Upton and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan and Noel Coonan.

Deputies Noel Grealish and Joe Callanan were also in attendance.

Apologies were received from Senator Eamon Scanlon.

Public Session

3.Minutes of meeting of 21st June 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 21st June 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.IFA Presentation on recent visit to Brazil

The Chairman welcomed Mr John Bryne, National Livestock Chairman, Mr Kevin Kinsella, Director of Livestock, Mr Michael Lynch, National Livestock Vice-Chairman from the IFA to the meeting. Mr Bryne made a presentation to the Committee on the IFA’s recent visit to Brazil and reported on the livestock production and the standards applied there and how they relate to those of the EU.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

The meeting was suspended at 12 noon until 12.27 pm due to a vote in the Dáil Chamber.

The meeting was suspended at 12.29 pm until 12.46 pm due to a vote in the Dáil Chamber.

Arising from discussion on the debate, the Committee agreed to invite Mr Markos Kyprianou, Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection and his officials to a meeting of the Committee to explain what action they will take on the basis of the reports presented to them by the European Union Food and Veterinary Office relating to the significant flaws in the beef industry’s systems in Brazil.

The meeting was suspended at 1.07 pm and resumed at 1.09 pm

5.Rural Planning

The Chairman welcomed Mr Hubert Kearns, Sligo County Manager, Mr Barry Kehoe, Westmeath County Council, Ms Rose Kenny, Louth County Council and Mr Paul Ridge, Galway County Council, Directors of Services who represented the City and Co. Managers’ Association to the meeting. Mr Kearns made a presentation on rural planning and in particular to the sterilisation of land in connection with single rural housing.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

The meeting was suspended at 2.40 pm and resumed at 2.42 p.m.

Private Session

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

6.Item discussed in private session

7.Item discussed in private session

8.There been no other business, the Committee adjourned at 2.49 sine die.


Johnny Brady T.D.


18th July 2007

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of Meeting of 18th July, 2006

1.The Joint Committee met in Room CR4, LH2000 on Tuesday 18th July 2006 at 10.30 a.m.


Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), John Carty, Seymour Crawford, Camillus Glynn (in substitution for Senator Peter Callanan in part), John Hanafin (in substitution for Senator Peter Callanan in part), Maire Hoctor, Denis Naughten, Seán Ó Feargháil, Noel O’Flynn (in substitution for John Carty in part), Ned O’Keeffe (in substitution for Michael Collins), Mary Upton and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan, Noel Coonan and Eamon Scanlon.

Public Session

3.Minutes of meeting of 21st June 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 5th July 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals

(a) COM(2006)238

The Chairman welcomed Mr Mick Cronin, Mr Eoin Mac Guill, Department of Agriculture and Food and Mr Donal Coleman, Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs who were invited to the meeting to bring the members up to-date on the proposal COM (2006) 238: Proposal for a Council Decision laying down the amount of community support to rural development for the period from 1st January 2007 to 31st December 2013.

Mr Cronin gave a detailed presentation on the proposal which sets out the rural development funding for the 2007 to 2013 period, its annual breakdown and the minimum amount for the convergence regions.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

It was agreed that the Clerk to the Committee would prepare a draft report on the proposal for approval at its next meeting.

The meeting was suspended at 11.14 am and resumed at 11.15 am.

(b) COM(2005)671

The Chairman welcomed Mr Michael O’Donovan, Mr Tony Reid, Mr Jim Carew and Mr Oliver Healy, Department of Agriculture and Food who were invited to the meeting to bring the members up to-date on the proposal COM(2005)671: Proposal for a Council Regulation on organic production and labelling of organic products.

Mr O’Donovan gave a detailed presentation on the proposal with regard to amending the EU existing regulations governing the organic sector.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

It was agreed that the Clerk to the Committee would prepare a draft report on the proposal for approval at the next meeting. It was also agreed to include in the Report the following recommendation:-

“that as part of the discussions at EU level there should not be any additional responsibility placed on organic producers regarding potential co-existence rules that may be drafted at Irish or European level”.

The Committee agreed to go into Private session.

The meeting was suspended at 12.15 pm and resumed at 12.16pm

The Committee agreed to go into Public session.

Public Session


(a)The Committee noted a letter dated 9th July 2006 received from Deputy Denis Naughten with regard to the early retirement scheme for farmers.

(b)The Committee considered a letter dated 13th July received from Deputy Denis Naughten with regard to a request for the Minister for Agriculture and Food to attend today’s meeting of the Committee to discuss the collapse of the sugar industry and a reply dated 14th July 2006 received from the Minister’s office thereto.

The Committee expressed disappointment at the Minister’s inability to attend and, in light of her recent announcement about the restructuring package, felt that it was imperative that she should attend a meeting of the Committee. The Committee requested the Clerk to write to the Minister again inviting her to attend a meeting of the Committee in the near future on a date that is suitable to her and to make available a copy of the Indecon Report to the Committee members.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

5 (c), (d), (e). Items discussed in private session

6.Item discussed in private session

7.Item discussed in private session


There been no other business, the Committee adjourned at 12.45 pm until Wednesday, 26th July 2006 at 11 a.m.


Johnny Brady TD


26th July 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of Meeting of 26th July, 2006

1.The Joint Committee met in Room CR4, LH2000 on Wednesday, 26th July 2006 at 11 a.m.


Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), John Carty, Seymour Crawford, John Deenehy (in substitution for Deputy Michael Collins), Denis Naughten, Mary Upton and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan, Maurice Cummins (in substitution for Senator Peter Callanan), Geraldine Feeney (in substitution for Senator Eamon Scanlon in part), Kieran Phelan (in substitution for Senator Peter Callanan in part), Dermot Wilson (in substitution for Seantor Eamon Scanlan in part) and Eamon Scanlon.

Senators Pat Moylan and Jim Walsh were also in attendance.

Apologies were received from Deputy Sean O Fearghaíl

Public Session

3.Minutes of meeting of 18th July 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 18th July 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.BSE Testing

The Chairman welcomed Mr Seamus Healy, Assistant Secretary, Mr Dermot Ryan, Principal Officer and Ms Hazel Sheridan, Superintending Veterinary Inspector, Department of Agriculture and Food to the meeting. Mr Healy made a presentation to the Committee in relation to raising the age limit from 30 months for BSE testing.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

The meeting was suspended at 11.39am and resumed at 11.41am

5.Transportation of animal by-products

The Chairman welcomed Mr Tom Loftus, Principal Officer and Mr Cecil Alexander, Superintending Veterinary Inspector from the Department of Agriculture and Food to the meeting. Mr Loftus and Mr Alexander made a presentation to the Committee in relation to the background and recent developments to the transportation of animal by-products.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

The meeting was suspended at 12.57 pm and resumed at 12.58 pm

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

6.Item discussed in private session

7.Item discussed in private session

8.Item discussed in private session

9.There been no other business, the meeting adjourned until 3.30pm on 6th September 2006.


Johnny Brady TD


26th September 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 26th September 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on Tuesday, 26th September 2006 in Committee Room CR4, LH2000 at 2.30 p.m.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), Seymour Crawford, Martin Ferris, Camillus Glynn (in substitution for Senator Peter Callanan, in part), Terry Leyden (in substitution for Senator Eamon Scanlon), Denis Naughten, Noel O’Flynn (in substitution for Deputy Maire Hoctor), Ned O’Keeffe (in substitution for Deputy Michael Collins), Dan Neville (in substitution for Deputy Denis Naughten, in part), Mary Upton and Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan and Noel Coonan.

Apologies were received from Deputy Maire Hoctor and Senator Eamon Scanlon.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

3. Item discussed in private session

Public Session

4.Minutes of meeting of 26th July, 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 26th July 2006 were agreed and signed.

5.Discussion with Mr Robert Madelin, Director General, Office of EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Affairs on the standards and control of Brazalian beef imported into the EU.

The Chairman welcomed Mr Robert Madelin, Director General, Office of the EU Commissioner for Health and Consumer Affairs

Mr Madelin addressed the Committee on behalf of Commissioner Kpyrianou on the issues concerning imports of beef from Brazil into the EU. He assured the Committee that the Commission is committed to protecting the health of European consumers and European livestock and to maintaining their high sanitary status.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

Deputy Naughten raised a related issue regarding the Animal Medicine Regulations and exemptions lists and on the anomaly within the system in the advertising of medicines, namely, under the new regulations. He stated that the Dutch and British agencies are allowed to advertise animal medicines in agricultural journals and the broadcast media while Irish agencies are not permitted to do so and this would cause significant difficulties for Ireland because of the border between Northern Ireland and the Republic. He requested that Mr Madelin would submit to the Committee an up-date on the proposals regarding the exemption lists and to respond to the anomaly within the system in the advertising of medicines.

As issues relating to veterinary medicine approval and marketing do not come within Mr Madelin’s area, it was agreed that the Clerk would send a copy of the questions to Mr Madelin so that he could pass on the Deputy’s questions to the Director General in Enterprise.

6.Appointment of Liquidator to Castlemahon Food Products Plant in Co. Limerick.

Following the raising of the issue by Deputy O’Keeffe, the members debated the appointment of a liquidator to Castlemahon and the threatened closure of the Plant. Following discussion, the Committee agreed to send a report of the debate on the matter to the Minister for Agriculture and Food and the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment outlining the concerns of the Committee.

It was also agreed to invite officials from the Department of Agriculture and Food to a meeting of the Committee to discuss the poultry production issues with regard to not obtaining a package from the EU.


It was agreed to defer dealing with correspondence received since the Committee’s last meeting to its next meeting.


There been no other business, the meeting adjourned at 4.18 p.m. until 3pm on Wednesday, 4th October 2006.


Johnny Brady T.D.


4th October 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 4th October 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on 4th October 2006 in Committee Room CR4, LH2000 at 3 p.m.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), Niall Blaney, John Carty, Michael Collins, Máire Hoctor, Denis Naughten, Sean Ó Feargháil, Mary Upton, Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan, Noel Coonan and Eamon Scanlon

Senator Pat Moylan and Senator Kathleen O’Meara were also in attendance

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

3.Item discussed in private session

Public Session

4.Minutes of meeting of 26th September, 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 26th September 2006 were agreed and signed.

5.Presentation by the ‘New Futures Group’ on Changing Times for Farmers and Farming: A Proposal for Change Facilitation Programmes

The Chairman welcomed Ms Bridget Kirwan, Ms Sheila Hoctor, Paddy Stapleton and Pat Duggan, New Futures Group to the meeting.

Ms Kirwan and her colleagues gave a detailed presentation on the programme which was implemented in October 2005 to enable participant farmer to face the challenge of change and to find their own direction in this challenging environment.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

Arising out of debate, it was agreed that a copy of the group’s submission be forwarded to the Minister for Agriculture and Food, the Minister for Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs and the Minister for Education and Science and that this programme should be developed, sustained and supported by all three Departments so that funding should be made available for such programmes as this. It was also agreed to write to the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment highlighting the issue of farmers who avail of such courses does not receive funding in the same way as former employees received FÁS funding and requested the Minister to address this discrepancy immediately.

The meeting was suspended at 3.03 pm and resumed at 3.09 p.m.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

6.Item discussed in private session

7.Item discussed in private session


There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 4.39 p.m. until Wednesday 18th October 2006.


Johnny Brady TD


18th October 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 18th October 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on 18th October 2006 in Committee Room CR4, LH2000 at 3 p.m.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), Niall Blaney, John Carty, Michael Collins, Seymour Crawford, Máire Hoctor, Denis Naughten, Sean Ó Feargháil, Mary Upton, Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan, Noel Coonan and Eamon Scanlon

Apologies were received from Deputy Martin Ferris.

Public Session

3.Minutes of meeting of 4th October, 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 4th October 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.Update on the WTO Negotiations and current status of the Doho Mandate

The Chairman welcomed Ms Tony Burke, Assistant Secretary and Ms Bríd Cannon, Principal Officer, Department of Agriculture and Food to the meeting.

Mr Burke brought the members up to-date on the progress being made by the WTO and commented on the outlook for the future.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

The meeting was suspended at 3.52 pm and resumed at 3.55 p.m.

5.Snack Food Council

The Chairman welcomed Mr Francis Lyons, Largo and Mr P.J. Brigdale, Tayto representing the Snack Food Council to the meeting. Mr Gerry Murphy, Robert Roberts, Mr Chris Brownlow, Largo and Ms Nuala Collins, Snack Food Council were also in attendance.

Mr Lyons and Mr Brigdale gave a detailed presentation on the contribution of the savoury snack food category to the dietary intake of Irish children and how the industry makes an important contribution to the economy and agriculture.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

The meeting was suspended at 4.36 pm and resumed at 4.38 p.m.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

6.Item discussed in private session

7.Item discussed in private session

8.Item discussed in private session


There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 4.45p.m. until Thursday, 2nd November 2006 at 11am.


Johnny Brady TD


2nd November 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 2nd November 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on 2nd November 2006 in Committee Room CR4, LH2000 at 11a.m.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), John Carty, Michael Collins, Seymour Crawford, Martin Ferris, Máire Hoctor, Denis Naughten, Sean Ó Feargháil, Mary Upton, Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Peter Callanan, Noel Coonan and Eamon Scanlon.

Public Session

3.Minutes of meeting of 18th October, 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 18th October 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals

The Chairman welcomed Dr Dan O’Sulllivan, Senior Inspector, Dr Gordon Rennick, Agriculture Inspector, Pesticide Control Service and Mr. Aodh O Gallchoir, Assistant Principal, Crop Production and Safety Division, Department of Agriculture and Food who were invited to the meeting to bring the members up to-date on proposals COM(2006)388; COM(2006)290-297 and COM(2006)536-541 relating to Plant Protection Products.

Mr O’Sullivan outlined the regulatory system currently in place concerning the placing of plant products on the market and also updated the members on existing regulatory framework and the proposals concerning the eight individual substances that are the active components of certain plant protection products.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

It was agreed that the Clerk to the Committee would prepare a draft report on the proposal for approval at the Committee’s next meeting.

The meeting was suspended at 11.40 am and resumed at 11.42 p.m.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

5.Item discussed in private session

6.Item discussed in private session


There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 11.49 am until Wednesday 15th November 2006.


Johnny Brady TD


15th November 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 15th November 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on 15th November 2006 in Committee Room CR2, LH2000 at 11.36 a.m.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), Michael Collins, Seymour Crawford, Martin Ferris, Máire Hoctor, Denis Naughten, Sean Ó Feargháil, Mary Upton, Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Noel Coonan, Labhrás Ó Murchu (in substitution for Senator Peter Callanan) and Eamon Scanlon

Deputies Gerard Murphy, Ned O’Keeffe and David Stanton were also in attendance

Apologies were received from Senator Peter Callanan.

Public Session

3.Minutes of meeting of 2nd November, 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 2nd November 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals

(i) COM(2006)78

The Chairman welcomed Mr Ian Keating, Principal Officer, Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, Dr Tom McLoughlin, Environmental Protection Agency, Dr Richard Hackett, Agriculture Inspector and Mr John Downey, Assistant Principal, Crop Production and Safety Division Department of Agriculture and Food who were invited to the meeting to bring the members up to-date on COM(2006)78 — Proposal relating to the authorisation of genetically modified oilseed rape lines for import into the European Community for processing into animal feed and for industrial use.

Mr Keating outlined the developments of the proposals since its publication in relation to the approval process and the progress of the product through that process.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

It was agreed that the Clerk to the Committee would prepare a draft report on the proposal for approval at the Committee’s next meeting.

The meeting was suspended at 12.30 pm and resumed at 12.32 p.m.

(ii) COM(2006)340

The Chairman welcomed Mr Dermot Ryan, Senior Inspector, Dr Richard Hackett, Agriculture Inspector and Mr John Downey, Assistant Principal, Department of Agriculture who were invited to the meeting to bring the members up to-date on COM(2006)340 - Proposal to amend Council Directive on the circulation of compound feedingstuffs.

Mr Ryan gave an overview on how animal feed controls operate in Ireland and how the proposal is progressing.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

It was agreed that the Clerk to the Committee would prepare a draft report on the proposal for approval at the Committee’s next meeting.

The meeting was suspended at 12.48 pm and resumed at 1.04 p.m.

5.Discussion with Imokilly Young Farmers Group

The Chairman welcomed Mr Martin Manning, Chairman, Mr Stephen Collins, Vice-Chairman, Mr Colm Millerick, Secretary and Mr David Tait, Assistant Secretary, Imokilly Young Farmers Group to the meeting.

Mr Manning made a short introduction on the background of the group and Mr Tait made a presentation on the ethanol production for bio-fuels.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

Arising out of debate, it was agreed that a copy of the group’s submission and a copy of the debate be brought to the attention of the Minister for Agriculture and Food, the Minister for Finance, the Minister for Environment, Heritage and Local Government and the Minister with responsibility for Energy.

The meeting was suspended at 2.03 pm and resumed at 2.05 p.m.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

6.Item discussed in private session

7.Item discussed in private session


There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 2.08 p.m. until Wednesday 29th November 2006 at 3 p.m.


Johnny Brady TD


29th November 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 29th November 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on 29th November 2006 in Committee Room CR4, LH2000 at 4.05 p.m.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), John Carty, Seymour Crawford, Denis Naughten, Sean Ó Feargháil, Mary Upton and Senator Eamon Scanlon

Senator Fergal Browne was also in attendance.

Apologies were received from Senator Noel Coonan.

Public Session

3.Minutes of meeting of 15th November, 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 15th November 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals

The Chairman welcomed Mr Eamon Corcorcan, Principal Officer, Ms Róisín Cahillane, Assistant Principal Officer, Mr Michael Burke, Higher Executive Officer, Food Unit, Department of Health and Children and Dr Rhodri Evans, Food Safety Authority who were invited to the meeting to bring the members up to-date on four proposals COM(2006)423, COM(2006)425, COM(2006)427 and COM(2006)428 which form what is termed the Food Improvement Agents package.

Mr Corcoran updated the members on the package of proposals which were adopted in July 2006 by the European Commission. This package of four linked legislative proposals intended to introduce harmonised EU legislation on food enzymes for the first time and technological developments. The package also included a simplified approvals procedure which laid down a common authorisation system and procedural rules for the other three elements of the package.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

It was agreed that the Clerk to the Committee would prepare a draft report on the proposal for approval at the Committee’s next meeting.

The meeting was suspended at 4.46 p.m. and resumed at 4.47 p.m.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

5.Item discussed in private session

6.Item discussed in private session

7.Item discussed in private session

8.Item discussed in private session


There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 2.08 p.m. until Wednesday 13th December 2006 at 11.30 a.m.


Johnny Brady TD


13th December 2006

Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food

Minutes of meeting of 13th December 2006

1.The Joint Committee met on 13th December 2006 in Committee Room CR2, LH2000 at 11.34 a.m.


The following Members were in attendance:- Deputies Johnny Brady (in the Chair), Niall Blaney, John Carty, Michael Collins, Seymour Crawford, Martin Ferris, Máire Hoctor, Denis Naughten, Sean Ó Feargháil, Mary Upton, Ollie Wilkinson and Senators Labhrás Ó Murchu (in substitution for Senator Peter Callanan) and Eamon Scanlon.

Apologies were received from Senator Peter Callanan.

Public Session

3.Minutes of meeting of 15th November, 2006

The minutes of the meeting of 29th November 2006 were agreed and signed.

4.Draft Bovine Disease (Levies) Regulations 2004


The Chairman welcomed Ms Mary Coughlan T.D. Minister for Agriculture and Food and Mr Seamus Healy, Assistant Secretary to the meeting. The Minister outlined the purpose of the draft regulations which relate to reducing the levies payable under the Bovine Diseases (Levies) Act 1079 from 1st January 2007.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

The Joint Committee concluded its consideration of the motion re Bovine Diseases (Levies) Regulations 2007 which had been referred by Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann on 1st December 2006. The Committee recommended that there should be no further debate on the motion in the Dáil or Seanad.

The Committee agreed that a message would be sent to the Clerk of the Dáil and the Clerk of the Seanad advising them that the Committee has completed its consideration of the motion.

(ii)Report on Motion

The Committee also agreed to the draft Report on motion for laying before the Dáil and Seanad.

The meeting was suspended at 12.32 p.m. and resumed at 12.34 p.m.

5.Presentation by the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and Compassion in World Farming — Ireland

The Chairman welcomed Mr Mark Beazley, General Manager of ISPCA and Ms Mary-Anne Bartlett, Director, CWFI to the meeting.

Mr Beazley gave a detailed presentation on the Society’s view on the current situation with regard to animal welfare issues within the State and Ms Bartlett outlined the forthcoming improvements in EU animal welfare standards and identified some of the main animal welfare problems in Irish farming today and how these can be resolved.

A question and answer session with members ensued.

The meeting was suspended at 1.50 p.m. and resumed at 1.51 p.m.

Meeting in Private Session

It was agreed to go into Private Session

6.Item discussed in private session


There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 2.00 p.m. until

Wednesday 10th January 2007 at 3 p.m.


Johnny Brady TD


10th January 2007