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This is the third annual report of the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs. I was elected as Chairman of the Joint Committee on 12 November 2002. The present Vice-Chairman is Deputy Michael Mulcahy who was elected on 25th November 2004. Meetings of the Joint CommitteeThe Joint Committee is a very active committee, meeting in public either in its full form or at sub-committee level, approximately once every week. In addition to these meetings the Chairman, alone or sometimes accompanied by some other Members, meets privately with foreign dignitaries or representatives of international organisations who visit the Oireachtas outside normal committee meeting times. Visits AbroadThe Joint Committee undertakes visits abroad, to gather information on specific subjects, to gain a better understanding of the countries visited, to familiarise members with issues which were unfolding in the country or international organisation visited, and as part of the normal inter-committee exchanges between parliaments or to attend conferences and meetings. In the reporting period, visits ranged over a wide expanse of geographical locations and encompassed a variety of subjects. The following are some of the visits made by delegations from this Joint Committee; a) Visit to Israel and Palestine to see the situation on the ground in that region and to meet with parliamentary and Government colleagues on both sides. A full report of that visit is available on the Oireachtas Website. b) A visit to the United States of America (USA) to examine the situation of the Irish ‘undocumented’ immigrants there and the impact of new legislation on their lives. The Joint Committee has been particularly active this year on this subject, helping to raise awareness of the needs of the Irish undocumented in the Oireachtas and lobbying for better treatment for them in the USA. c) Visit to Hong Kong at the invitation of the Chief Executive, Dr Donald Tsang, d) Attendance at the Parliamentary Network of the World Bank Sixth Annual Conference in Helsinki, where we discussed development issues with colleagues in what has become the biggest forum for meeting and exchanging views with Parliamentarians from countries in Africa, Asia and Latin America. e) A visit to London and Birmingham where we saw at first hand the great work being done by volunteers and community organisations amongst the elderly and destitute Irish in those cities. Much of this work is funded by the Dion Committee, which also funds work in other Irish overseas communities such as those in New York and Philadelphia. The Joint Committee also met representatives of those communities while in the USA on the visit mentioned at (b) over. (f) A visit to the UN in New York to observe the proceedings of the Mid-Term Review of the Non Proliferation Treaty which is so important for future prospects for world peace and stability. The Joint Committee returned to this subject later in 2005 and will continue to focus on this subject in 2006. The Joint Committee acknowledges the personal cooperation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Dermot Ahern T.D. and Minister of State Mr. Conor Lenihan T.D. at the Department of Foreign Affairs and their staff in the Department, in assisting, planning and organising these visits and in briefing the Members prior to departure. Focus of the Joint CommitteeThe Joint Committee, in general reflects the views and concerns of the Irish public. Broadly, the main issues for the Joint Committee are: the immediate cause and consequence of particular events; how Ireland, the EU or the UN can help; the human rights abuses which might have occurred; whether humanitarian assistance is needed and is forthcoming; the relationship of the particular country to Ireland; and the question of strengthening and enlarging our economic and political ties with the country concerned. The topics are selected from major international political events, requests from other Joint Committee members or from the public, particularly from NGOs. They also arise through the opportunities offered by visits to Ireland of foreign political dignitaries. The work of the Joint Committee is driven primarily by international events and this fact is normally reflected in its agenda. Countries in conflict and issues of human rights are constant themes. Once again in 2005, the Middle East, including the situation in Iraq and issues related to that conflict, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and the crises in Africa including famine and political crisis in Ethiopia and Darfur were discussed. Other important subjects debated and examined included the situation in Iran and North Korea, the Asian Tsunami and Irish relief efforts in the aftermath, the political situation in Cyprus, UN reform for which 2005 was such an important but ultimately disappointing year. The Committee devoted a considerable amount of time to detailed discussion of subjects with an Irish flavour including the Development Cooperation Ireland aid programme in Timor Leste (East Timor) which will be the subject of a report to be published by the Committee early in 2006 and the Government's plans to reach the UN targets for states' spending on development cooperation (0.7% of GDP). The Joint Committee threw its support behind early implementation of this commitment and was pleased to secure the Government's commitment to a timetable for achieving this important goal by 2012. Other subjects included, the development of an appropriate pension system for Irish overseas missionaries (which would secure their old age and allow them if they so wished, to remain in the country where they have in many cases spent their lives and where they could continue to make a contribution to the community) and the impact on the poorest peoples of the world of the proposals for reform of world trade rules in the WTO talks in Hong Kong. Major IssuesThe major issues, which continually appear on the agenda of the Joint Committee are countries and regions in conflict and crisis, breaches of human rights, humanitarian disasters and development cooperation, issues pertaining to the EU, the UN and Northern Ireland. Human RightsThe issue of human rights is one of the central themes of the Joint Committee. This is a principal focus for Members in their examination of many of the countries that come up for discussion. Questions on human rights always arise in respect of countries and regions in conflict or in crisis. In addition, the issue is always addressed when our delegations visit, or incoming delegations arrive from countries which are known to have breached human rights norms. In recognition of this, a sub-Committee chaired by Senator Paul Bradford, has again been established to deal solely with this subject. The sub-Committee on Human Rights met on 9 occasions in 2005. Development CooperationDevelopment Cooperation has been a central plank of Ireland's foreign policy for a considerable amount of time. It is an area where the Irish public continues to show enormous interest and support. As I mentioned, the Government published in 2005 its plans for reaching the UN target of 0.7% of GDP on development assistance by 2012. The Joint Committee strongly approves of this decision. Government spending on development aid is now already greater than expenditure of all but the top six or seven Government Departments and will increase from €645 million in 2005 to around €1.5billion in 2012 on current projections. The Joint Committee strongly supports the work of Development Cooperation Ireland, Ireland's official support for effective and enhanced EU development assistance, and its increased involvement in pushing for more effective and co-ordinated UN humanitarian and development assistance. It encourages the Government to expand its priority programmes and is thus very pleased with the addition in 2005 of Vietnam, Cambodia and Laos as priority countries for Irish official development assistance. The Joint Committee believes that the populations in the poorest countries will only be in a position to achieve sustainable development if these countries are democratic, respect the rule of law and human rights and are free from conflict and government corruption. However, it also believes that developed nations and international organisations must in their turn do everything possible to build capacity in these countries so that they will be in a position to take advantage of the opportunities offered by world trade. In 2005 the Joint Committee undertook a survey of East Timor spanning several meetings and presentations from interested and expert groups. The report will carry recommendations for the next DCI (Irish Aid) country strategy for this country. Because of the importance of this area of the Joint Committee's work, it too has been given a separate sub-Committee under the Chairmanship of Senator Michael Kitt and met at regular intervals during the year. The EUThe Joint Committee regularly deals with EU issues which come within its remit (i.e. Common Foreign and Security Policy and European Security and Defence Policy) either directly, when for instance it is discussing Cyprus, or indirectly on most other issues (e.g. the EU policy on the Roadmap for the Middle East or its intended involvement in Iraq). The Joint Committee is also mindful of the negative result in the June 2001 referendum on the Nice Treaty and Members are of the view that the EU's involvement in external issues should be a matter of interest for the Oireachtas and the Irish Public. The Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs is an enthusiastic supporter of EU enlargement and it believes that, in addition to the benefits for the countries concerned as well as the Member States, enlargement will greatly strengthen Europe democratically, culturally, economically and in terms of security. The UNThe UN also features in many of the debates at Joint Committee meetings. The discussions and negotiations leading towards the meeting in September on UN reform were the subject of several formal and informal meetings of the Committee. The Joint Committee was disappointed with much of the outcome of September's meeting, such as the failure to re-invigorate the Non-Proliferation Treaty, failure to agree on structural reform of the UN institutions and decision processes and a weak re-commitment to the Millennium Development Goals. Reflecting Ireland's traditional interest, particularly in the area of international peacekeeping and development assistance, the Joint Committee pays special attention to the role of the UN in humanitarian crisis areas and conflict situations. The Joint Committee supports the goals of the UN reform including UN commitments such as the UN Millennium Development Goals and recognises the central role, which the UN must continue to play in international affairs. The Joint Committee is strongly of the view that the UN should remain the central organisation through which matters of international peace and security would be addressed and acted upon. Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland has the greatest resonance for the members of the Joint Committee. There is an ongoing desire to be kept informed of developments in relation to political progress. However, because of the political sensitivities, the Joint Committee refrains from engaging in public debate on the issue while negotiations are ongoing between the two Governments and the political parties in Northern Ireland. The Joint Committee, nevertheless, meets on occasions to discuss certain aspects of the Northern Ireland situation with a view to being helpful to the continuing peace process. Concluding CommentsThe Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs comprises both Government and Opposition Members. It therefore provides a broad and independent Oireachtas view on the key issues which arise in Ireland's international relations and foreign affairs. It has come under enormous pressure in recent years because of Ireland's greatly increased role in international affairs. Our historic involvement in Africa through our missionaries, NGOs, business, sporting and cultural interests and Departmental staffs has given us a special position from which to support and participate in economic and social developments in African states. This is true also in many other parts of the world. People see how Ireland has developed rapidly to rank among the wealthiest nations in the world and they want to emulate this achievement. We are pleased to assist them in whatever way possible in their own development. We greatly appreciate the excellent and highly professional support provided to the Committee by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Dermot Ahern T.D., his Minister of State for Development Cooperation, Mr. Conor Lenihan T.D., and the Secretary General, Mr. Dermot Gallagher and his staff in the Department of Foreign Affairs. We would also like to record the Joint Committee's appreciation for the excellent and most valuable contribution of Mr. Ronan Murphy, Director General and his officials in Irish Aid in assisting us with our work. We are grateful to the many NGO's, Missionaries and others for their co-operation and assistance in the work of the Joint Committee. We also acknowledge the hard work and dedication throughout the year of our own Committee secretariat staff. In 2006 the Joint Committee will continue to focus its work on priority areas. We have included Africa and the UN/NPT and WTO among those. We expect 2006 to be another busy year as the pace of international change and exchange continues to increase and as Ireland continues its development of deeper relations with other countries around the world. Dr. Michael Woods T.D. Chairman 21st November 2006 Members of the Joint Committee
1. Content and Format of ReportThis report has been prepared pursuant to Standing Order 84 (3), (4), (5) and (6) (Dáil Éireann) and Standing Order 69 (3), (4), (5) and (6) (Seanad Éireann) which provide for the Joint Committee to-
At its meeting on 7th February 2006, the Joint Committee agreed that all these items should be included in this annual report. 2. Establishment and FunctionsThe Dáil Select Committee was established by Order of Dáil Éireann of 16 October 2002 to consider Bills, Estimates for Public Services and the terms of any international agreement involving a charge on public funds which come within the aegis of the Department of Foreign Affairs. The Dáil Select Committee under the same Order was enjoined with a Select Committee of Seanad Éireann, established by Order of Seanad Éireann of 17 October 2002, to form the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs. Among the principal functions of the Joint Committee are to consider –
The Orders of Reference of the Dáil Select Committee and the Joint Committee are set out at Appendix 1. 3. Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Convenors and MembershipDeputy Michael Woods was elected as Chairman of the Joint Committee on 12 November 2002. The present Vice-Chairman is Deputy Michael Mulcahy who was elected on 25th November 2004. The Chairman of the Joint Committee is also Chairman of the Dáil Select Committee. Deputies Tony Dempsey and Michael D. Higgins are the Convenors of the Committee whose function it is to ensure the availability and attendance of Members or their substitutes for meetings of the Committee and other Committee activities and, in particular, to ensure Members' availability for divisions. The Members of the Joint Committee are listed at Appendix 2. 4. Establishment of sub-CommitteesStanding Order 81(3) (Dáil) and Standing Order 65(3) (Seanad) confer on Committees the power to appoint sub-Committees and to refer to such sub-Committees any matter covered by its orders of reference and to delegate any of its powers to such sub-Committees, including power to report directly to the Dáil and Seanad.
The sub-Committee has 7 Members, 4 from Dáil Éireann and 3 from Seanad Éireann. The Members of the sub-Committee are set out in Appendix 2.2. The Orders of Reference of the sub-Committee are set out in Appendix 1(B) At its first meeting on 27 February 2003, the sub-Committee elected Senator Paul Bradford as Chairman and Senator Paschal Mooney as Vice-Chairman. 5. Meetings, Attendance and RecordingMeetings of the Joint Committee, Select Committee and sub-Committee(s) took place in the Committee Rooms in Leinster House 2000. Meetings were in public unless otherwise ordered by the relevant Committee. Televised coverage of public meetings was broadcast live within the Leinster House complex and was available for subsequent public broadcasting by RTE, TV3 and other networks. An Official Report (Parliamentary Debates) of public meetings is published and may be purchased from the Government Publications Sales Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. The Official Reports may also be viewed on the Houses of the Oireachtas website at www.oireachtas.ie Copies of other reports published by the Joint Committee may be obtained from the Clerk, Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Kildare House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2, telephone: 01-6183000, email:foreignaffairs@oireachtas.ie. A list of these reports is set out at Paragraph 9. 6. Number and Duration of MeetingsIn 2005 the Joint Committee met on 23 occasions. The number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 35 hours. The date and subject matter of each meeting is set out at Appendix 3. The sub-Committee on Development Co-operation met on 5 occasions during the year and the number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 3 hours. The date and subject matter of each meeting is set out in Appendix 3.1. The sub-Committee on Human Rights met on 9 occasions during the year and the number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 10 hours. The date and subject matter of each meeting is set out in Appendix 3.2. The Dáil Select Committee met on 2 occasions during 2005 and the number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 3 hours. The date and subject matter of each meeting is set out in Appendix 4. Minutes of the proceedings of the Joint Committee and its sub-Committees meetings held in public session are attached at Appendix 5. 7. Work of the Committee7.1 Joint CommitteeThe Joint Committee met and it dealt with the following matters:
A copy of the Joint Committee's Work Programme for 2006 is at Appendix 8. 7.2 Dáil Select CommitteeOn the 2 occasions the Dáil Select Committee met, it dealt with the following matters:
7.3sub-Committee on Development Co-operationOn the 5 occasions that it met, the sub-Committee on Development Co-operation dealt with the following matters:-
7.4 sub-Committee on Human RightsOn the 9 occasions that it met, the sub-Committee on Human Rights dealt with the following matters:-
8. Groups and Individuals attending before CommitteeIn 2005, the Joint Committee met with the following organisations, groups and individuals:
The sub-Committee on Development Co-operation met with the following groups and individuals –
The sub-Committee on Human Rights met with the following groups and individuals –
In addition to the formal meetings of the Joint Committee, the Chairman also had a series of meetings [over 30] on behalf of the Joint Committee during the year, including meetings with Ambassadors and other distinguished visitors, incoming delegations and individuals. Details are set out on Appendix 6. 9. Reports9.1 Joint Committee ReportsDuring the year under report, the Joint Committee published the following reports:
9.2 Work in Progress
10. TravelThe Joint Committee travelled abroad on fact finding missions and to attend international conferences in accordance with its Orders of Reference in connection with its Work Programme. Details of this travel are set out in Appendix 7. 11. Functions and PowersThe Joint Committee is currently satisfied with its present procedures and role. It has no plans to request changes to its Orders of Reference in 2006. Appendix 1COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRSORDERS OF REFERENCEDáil Éireann on 16th October 2002 ordered:
Seanad Éireann on 17th October 2002 (*23 October 2002) ordered:
Appendix 1(A)JOINT COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRSOrder establishing the sub-Committee on Development Co-operationOrders of ReferenceOrdered on 18th December 2002 “That-
Appendix 1(B)Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsOrder establishing the sub-Committee on Human RightsORDERS OF REFERENCEOrdered on 18th December 2002 “That-
Appendix 2Members of the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs List of MembersDeputies:Michael Woods (Chairman) (FF) Michael Mulcahy (Vice-Chairman) (FF) Bernard Allen (FG) Pat Carey (FF) Joe Costello (Lab) Noel Davern (FF) Tony Dempsey (FF) Bernard J Durkan (FG) Tony Gregory (Ind) Michael D. Higgins (Lab) Liz O'Donnell (PD) Senators:Paul Bradford (FG) Michael Kitt (FF) Paschal Mooney (FF) David Norris (Ind.) Mary O'Rourke (FF) Brendan Ryan (Lab) Appendix 2.1sub-Committee on Development Co-operationList of MembersDeputies:Bernard Allen (FG) Tony Dempsey (FF) Michael D. Higgins (Lab) Michael Mulcahy (FF) Liz O'Donnell (PD) Senators:Michael Kitt (FF) (Chairman) Brendan Ryan (Lab) Appendix 2.2sub-Committee on Human RightsList of Members
Appendix 3Meetings of the Joint Committee of Foreign Affairs
Appendix 3.1Meetings of the sub-Committee on Development Co-Operation
Appendix 3.2Meetings of the sub-Committee on Human Rights
Appendix 4Meeting of the Dáil Select Committee on Foreign Affairs
Appendix 5Minutes of the Proceedings of the Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsJoint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 18th January 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.08 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Pat Carey, Noel Davern, John Ellis*, Tony Dempsey, Bernard Durkan, Tony Gregory, Michael Mulcahy and Ruairí Quinn. Senators Cyprian Brady**, Paul Bradford, Paul Coghlan***, Geraldine Feeney****, Paschal Mooney, David Norris and Mary O'Rourke. Apologies were received from Deputies Bernard Allen, Michael D. Higgins, Liz O'Donnell and Senator Michael Kitt. *In substitution for Deputy O'Donnell. ** In substitution for Senator Kitt. *** In substitution for Senator Bradford for part of meeting **** In substitution for Senator Mooney for part of meeting Also in attendance Deputy Finian McGrath 3.MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 21 December 2004 were agreed. 4.Discussion with representatives from Trocaire, Concern, GOAL and the Irish Red Cross in relation to aid for the victims of the Tsunami.The Committee heard presentations from Mr. Tom Arnold and Mr. Howard Dalzell, Concern; Mr. Justin Kilcullen, Trócaire; Mr. John O'Shea, GOAL; and Mr. David Andrews and Ms Carmel Dunne, Irish Red Cross. The presentations were followed by a question and answer session with Committee members. Arising from the presentations it was agreed to write to Mr. Conor Lenihan T.D., Minister of State, Department of Foreign Affairs to seek clarification on the status of funding for the Overseas Aid Budget in the wake of the Tsunami disaster. In private sessionThe Joint Committee met in Private Session at 4.25 p.m. 5.Discussed in Private session6.Discussed in Private sessionDr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman. 1st February 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 1st February 20051. The Joint Committee met in private session at 2.02 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Pat Carey, Noel Davern, Tony Dempsey, Bernard Durkan, Tony Gregory, Michael D. Higgins and Liz O'Donnell. Senators Paul Coghlan*, Michael Kitt, Paschal Mooney, Terry Leyden** and David Norris. Apologies were received from Deputy Ruairí Quinn *In substitution for Senator Paul Bradford ** In substitution for Senator Mary O'Rourke 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 1st February 2005 were agreed. 4. Discussed in Private session5. Discussed in Private session6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private session8. Discussed in Private session9. Discussed in Private sessionDr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman 15th February 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 15th February 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.00 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Pat Carey, Bernard Durkan, Tony Gregory, Michael D. Higgins and Liz O'Donnell. Senators Paul Bradford, Michael Kitt, Paschal Mooney, David Norris and Mary O'Rourke. Apologies were received from Deputies Tony Dempsey, Michael Mulcahy and Ruairí Quinn. Also in attendance Deputies Finian McGrath and Aengus O'Snodaigh. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 1st February 2005 were agreed. 4. Presentation by Irish National Campaign seeking Justice for the Miami FiveThe Chairman welcomed representatives of the Irish National Campaign seeking Justice for the Miami Five to the meeting. The delegation included Ms. Eleanor Lanigan, Chairperson, Mr. Simon McGuinness, Secretary and Mr. Mark McEvoy. Ms. Lanigan made some introductory remarks and Mr. McGuinness made a presentation to the Committee. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session with the members during which Mr. McGuinness, Ms. Lanigan and Mr. McEvoy answered members' questions. In conclusion, the Chairman thanked the witnesses on behalf of the Committee for the presentation and discussion. In private sessionThe Joint Committee met in Private Session at 3.20 p.m. 5. Discussed in Private session6. Discussed in Private sessionDr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman. March 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 2nd March 20051. The Joint Committee met in private session at 11.37 a.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Pat Carey, Tony Dempsey, Tony Gregory. Senators Paul Bradford, Michael Kitt, Paschal Mooney, David Norris, Terry Leydon (in substitution for Mary O'Rourke), and Brendan Ryan. Apologies were received from Deputies Michael D Higgins, Liz O Donnell and Ruairí Quinn. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 15th February 2005 were agreed. 4. Discussed in Private session5. Discussed in Private session6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private session8. Discussed in Private sessionDr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman. 22nd March 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 22nd March 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.06 p.m. in Committee Room 4, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Tony Dempsey, Bernard Durkan, Tony Gregory, and Michael Mulcahy. Senators Michael Kitt and Brendan Ryan. Deputy Barry Andrews attended in substitution for Deputy Pat Carey. Apologies were received from Deputies Michael D. Higgins and Ruairí Quinn and Senators Paul Bradford and David Norris. Also in attendance Deputy Eamonn Ryan 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 2nd March 2005 were agreed. 4. Discussion with representatives from Comhlámh in relation to The WTO - 10 Years On, The Agreement on Agriculture and European Free Trade Areas Agreements (EPAs).The Chairman welcomed representatives of Comhlámh to the meeting. The delegation included Mr. John Slattery, Mr. Conall O'Caoimh and Ms. Carol Doyle. Mr. Slattery and Mr. O'Caoimh made a presentation to the Committee. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session with the members during which Mr. Slattery, Mr. O'Caoimh and Ms. Doyle answered members' questions. In conclusion, the Chairman thanked the witnesses on behalf of the Committee for the presentation and discussion. 5. Any Other BusinessMotion regarding the position of cases of five Bulgarian nurses and a Palestinian trainee doctor under sentence of death in Libya.The Chairman referred to a meeting he had with the Bulgarian Ambassador during which she had requested the Committee's support for the early release of five Bulgarian nurses who were convicted of deliberately infecting up to 400 Libyan children with the HIV Virus. The Committee agreed a motion of support. The text of the motion is appended to these minutes. Visit of a Chinese Parliamentary delegation.It was agreed to meet the delegation at 2.30 p.m. on Tuesday 5th April. Awepa Parliamentary Conference on Peace in the Great Lakes Region, Nairobi from 14th to 16th April. It was agreed to send a delegation of up to two members. EU Scrutiny – It was agreed to note the Correspondence. 6. AdjournmentAs there was no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 3.18 p.m. until Tuesday 5th April at 2.30 p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman 19th April 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 19th April 20051. The Joint Committee met in private session at 2.05 p.m. in Committee Room 4, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies: Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Pat Carey, Tony Dempsey, Michael Mulcahy and Liz O'Donnell. Senators: Paul Bradford, Michael Kitt, David Norris, Brendan Ryan and Mary O'Rourke. Apologies were received from Deputy Rúairí Quinn. 3. Discussed in Private session4. Discussed in Private session5. Discussed in Private session6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private sessionDr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman. April 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 26th April 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.10 p.m. in Committee Room 4, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Pat Carey, Michael Mulcahy, and Liz O' Donnell. Senators Michael Kitt, Paschal Mooney, David Norris and Mary O'Rourke. Apologies were received from Deputies Michael D. Higgins, Noel Davern, Bernard Durkan and Rúairí Quinn and Senator Paul Bradford. 3. Discussion with Mr. Conor Lenihan, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs on the White Paper on Development Co-operation.The Chairman welcomed the Minister and his officials, Frank Sheridan, Ronan Murphy, Ronan Corvin, John Morohan and Brendan Rogers. The Chairman made brief introductory remarks on the subject matter under discussion. He then invited the Minister of State to make his presentation. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session with members during which, in response to questions, the Minister undertook to submit specified statistical projections from now to 2012. He also undertook to come back before the Committee following the Development Cluster meeting in May. 4. Discussed in Private session5. Discussed in Private session6. Discussed in Private sessionDr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman May 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 10th May 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.05 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Pat Carey, Tony Dempsey, Tony Gregory, Michael D. Higgins and Michael Mulcahy. Senators Paul Bradford, Michael Kitt, Paschal Mooney and Mary O'Rourke. Apologies were received from Deputies Noel Davern, Bernard Durkan and Rúairí Quinn. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting of 26th April were agreed. 4. Discussion with Mr. John Deady, UN Director, Department of Foreign AffairsThe Chairman welcomed Mr. John Deady, UN Director, Department of Foreign Affairs to the meeting to bring the Members up to-date on Ireland's role in UN Peacekeeping and Reform of the UN. Mr. Deady made a brief presentation which was followed by a question and answer session in which Mr. Deady answered members' questions. In Private Session5. Discussed in Private session6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private session8. Discussed in Private sessionDr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman. May 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 21st June 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 11.09 a.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Durkan, Pat Carey. Senator Paschal Mooney. Apologies were received from Deputies Michael D Higgins, Tony Dempsey, Liz O Donnell, and Senator David Norris. 3. Discussion with President Svetozar Marović of the Federal Government of Serbia & Montenegro and Mr. Predrag Ivanović, Minister for International Economic RelationsThe Chairman welcomed President Marović and Minister Ivanović and following a brief introduction he invited the President to make an address to the Committee. Following the presentation the Chairman invited questions from Members. The meeting continued in private session. 4. Discussed in Private session5. Discussed in Private sessionDr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman. June 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 28th June 20051. The Joint Committee met in private session at 2.38 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Pat Carey, Tony Dempsey, Deputies Michael D Higgins, Michael Mulcahy and Liz O Donnell. Senators Michael Kitt, Mary O'Rourke, Paschal Mooney, David Norris and Brendan Ryan. Apologies were received from Deputy Ruairí Quinn. 3. Minutes of the last meetingThe minutes of the meeting of 21 June 2005 were agreed. 4. Discussion with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Dermot Ahern T.D., on the Reform of the UN Security Council and on the Non Proliferation TreatyThe Chairman welcomed Mr. Dermot Ahern TD, Minister for Foreign Affairs and thanked him for addressing the Committee on the Reform of the UN Security Council and on the Non Proliferation Treaty. He invited the Minister to make his presentation following which the Chairman invited questions from Members. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the Minister. In Private session5.Discussed in Private session6.Discussed in Private session7.Discussed in Private sessionDr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman. June 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 12th July 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.35 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Pat Carey, Noel Davern, Tony Dempsey, Michael D Higgins, Michael Mulcahy and Liz O Donnell. Senators Michael Kitt, Paschal Mooney, David Norris, Mary O Rourke and Brendan Ryan. Deputy Pat Breen attended in substitution for Deputy Bernard Durkan. Deputies Donie Cassidy and John McGuinness attended in part-substitution for Deputy Pat Carey and Noel Davern respectively. Senator Paddy Burke attended in substitution for Senator Paul Bradford. Senators Terry Leyden and Kieran Phelan attended in part-substitution for Senators Michael Kitt and Paschal Mooney respectively. Senator Timmy Dooley was also in attendance. Apologies were received from Deputies Bernard Durkan and Ruairí Quinn. 3. Motion on Terror Bombings in LondonThe Chairman proposed the following motion. ‘The Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs would like to extend its deepest sympathies to the families and friends of the deceased and to those who were injured and to the British people, following the appalling terrorist bombings in London on Thursday 7th July’ The motion was unanimously agreed. 4. Minutes of the last meetingThe minutes of the meeting of 28th June 2005 were agreed. Arising from the Minutes it was agreed to request the Minister for Foreign Affairs to send a local Irish Representative to the forthcoming trial of Ezra Yizhak, in November, on assault related charges and that letters should be also sent to the Israeli Ambassador and the Israel Prosecution Service expressing the Committee's concern at the development. The meeting continued in public session. 5. Presentation by the Irish Missionary Resource ServiceThe Chairman welcomed the delegation from the Irish Missionary Union, Mr. Mike Greally, Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Séamus O' Gorman and Sr. Ursula Sharpe and from the Irish Missionary Resource Service, Fr. Joe Cantwell, Sr. Miriam Duggan and Sr. Rita Kelly to the meeting. He invited Mr. Greally and Fr. Cantwell to make some opening comments following which the Chairman invited questions from Members. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the delegation. The meeting suspended at 3.51 p.m. and resumed in public session at 3.57 p.m. 6. Presentation by the Federation of Irish Societies.The Chairman welcomed the delegation from the Federation of Irish Societies. The delegation included Ms. Eithne Rynne, Director, Ms Ann Gould, Administrator and Ms. Marie Gaffney, Vice-Chair. The Chairman invited Ms. Rynne to make some opening comments following which the Chairman invited questions from Members. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the delegation. The Joint Committee met in Private Session at 4.52 p.m. 7. Discussed in Private sessionDr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman. 19th July 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 19th July 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.35 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Pat Carey, Noel Davern, Bernard Durkin, Tony Gregory, Michael D Higgins, Liz O'Donnell and John McGuinness (in substitution for Tony Dempsey). Senators Michael Kitt, Paul Bradford, Mary O'Rourke and Francis O'Brien (in substitution for Paschal Mooney). Deputy Finian McGrath and Senator Terry Leyden were also in attendance. Apologies were received from Deputies Bernard Allen, Ruairí Quinn and Senator Paschal Mooney. 3. Minutes of the previous meetingBefore dealing with the minutes the Chairman proposed a motion expressing the sympathy of the Committee to the Whelan Family on the death of their daughter Tara as a result of the terrorist bombings in Kusadasi, Turkey. The proposal was agreed. The minutes of the meeting of 12th July were agreed. Deputy Michael D. Higgins proposed that the Committee should call on the Government to use its influence with others and respond to the urgent position of the people of Niger who are threatened with famine. The proposal was agreed. 4. Report – Official development assistance target of 0.7% of GNP by 2010The Chairman introduced a draft report for the Committee's consideration. The report called on the Government to commit to reaching the official development assistance target of 0.7% of GNP by 2010. Following discussions the report was agreed. Following further discussion the following motion was proposed: ‘That the Joint Committee
The motion was put and unanimously agreed. 5. Discussion on Social Welfare provisions for returning MissionariesThe Chairman reminded Members of earlier discussions on this issue and proposed to invite Officials of the Department of Social and Family Affairs to address the Committee on resumption of the Committee following the summer break. The proposal was agreed. The meeting continued in private session. 6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private sessionDr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman. 20th September 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 20th September 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.03 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Michael Woods (in the Chair), Pat Carey, Noel Davern, Tony Dempsey, Tony Gregory and Liz O Donnell. Senators Michael Kitt, Paschal Mooney and Mary O'Rourke. Deputy Pat Breen attended in substitution for Deputy Bernard Allen. Senator Geraldine Feeney attended in substitution for Senator Mooney for part of the meeting. Apologies were received from Deputies Bernard Allen, Michael D. Higgins, Ruairí Quinn and Senator David Norris. 3. Minutes of the previous meetingThe minutes of the meeting of 19th July were agreed. Arising from the minutes it was agreed to invite officials of the Department of Social and Family Affairs to address the Committee in November on the question of pension entitlements for returning missionaries. The Chairman paid tribute to Mr Simon Wiesenthal who had passed away on 19th September. 4. Report of the visit to Palestine and IsraelThe draft Report of the visit to Palestine and Israel was circulated to members. Following a brief discussion it was agreed that Members would submit any amendments in advance of the next meeting at which time the final report would be submitted for agreement. 5. Discussion on Overseas Development AidThe Chairman introduced this item. He reminded the meeting of the Committee's report which had been sent to Government in July. He broadly welcomed the new Government commitment. Following discussion there was general consensus in favour of the revised targets and it was agreed to meet with the Minister of State as early as possible. 6. Discussion on the Committees Work ProgrammeIt was agreed to meet with officials of the Department of Foreign Affairs to discuss Timor Leste and also to meet with a delegation of Members of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Faroe Islands at the next Committee meeting. It was also agreed to seek a meeting with the Department to discuss the five year review of the Non-Proliferation treaty. It was agreed that the Committee should look at the development programme in Vietnam and Laos in the new year. In Private Session – The meeting continued in private session at 2.47 p.m. 7. Discussed in Private session8. Discussed in Private sessionDr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman. 27th September 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 27th September 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.05 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Michael Woods (in the Chair), Pat Carey, Tony Dempsey and Tony Gregory. Senators Michael Kitt and Paschal Mooney. Deputy Olivia Mitchell attended in substitution for Deputy Bernard Durkan. Senator Terry Leyden attended in substitution for Senator Mary O'Rourke. Senator Geraldine Feeney attended in substitution for Senator Mooney for part of the meeting. Apologies were received from Deputies Bernard Durkan, Michael D. Higgins, Ruairí Quinn and Senator David Norris. 3. Minutes of the previous meeting.The minutes of the meeting of 20th September were agreed. There were no matters arising. 4. Discussion with officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs re. draft report on Project Timor LesteThe Chairman welcomed Mr. Noel White, Counsellor with the Department of Foreign Affairs, Damien Boyle, James McIntyre and Michelle Ryan to the meeting to discuss the development programme for Timor Leste. Mr. White made a presentation to the Committee. Following the presentation the Chairman invited questions from Members. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the officials. The meeting continued in private session at 2.53 p.m. 5. Discussed in Private session6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private session8. Discussed in Private sessionThe Joint Committee resumed in public session at 3.04 p.m. 9. Discussion with a delegation from the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Faroe IslandsThe Chairman welcomed Members of the Faroe Islands Parliamentary Committee on Foreign Affairs, Mr Johan Dahl, Chairman, Mr Óli Breckmann, Vice Chairman, Mr John Johannessen, Mr Kristian Magnusssen, Mr. Hergeir Nielsen and Mr Jenis av Rana and members of the Parliamentary Committee on Fisheries and Industry Mr. Alfred Olsen, Vice Chairman, Mr. Tórbjørn Jacobsen and Ms. Heidi Petersen. Following a discussion the Chairman thanked the delegation. 10. Any other businessThere being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 4.00 p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman. 18th October 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 18th October 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.00 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Tony Gregory, Michael D. Higgins, Michael Mulcahy, Liz O'Donnell and Rúairí Quinn Senators Michael Kitt and Mary O'Rourke Deputy Olivia Mitchell attended in substitution for Deputy Bernard Durkan Senator Paul Coghlan attended in substitution for Senator Paul Bradford and Senator Don Lydon attended in substitution for Senator Mooney. Apologies were received from Senators Paul Bradford, Paschal Mooney and David Norris. 3. Revised Agenda.The Chairman explained that the Committee had been scheduled to meet with Mr. Conor Lenihan TD, Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs. However, an extraordinary meeting of the General Affairs and External Relations Council in Brussels was called at short notice to discuss the forthcoming WTO round in Hong Kong and the crisis in Pakistan and Kashmir following the recent earthquake. The Minister of State sent his apologies and said he would be available to the Committee at the next available opportunity. 4. Minutes of the previous meetingThe minutes of the meeting of 27th September were agreed. There were no matters arising. 5. Motion on the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of CorruptionA motion, tabled by Deputy Michael D. Higgins on the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of Corruption was formally moved by Deputy Higgins and seconded by Deputy Ruairí Quinn. The text of the motion read as follows: “That the Foreign Affairs Committee urge the Irish Government to ratify the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of Corruption, to prepare the necessary legislation for its implementation at home, and to give support towards the implementation of the Convention as an international legal instrument as early as possible in view of the urgency that attaches to this matter and its central role in Development Policy“ Deputy Higgins spoke on the motion followed by other Committee Members. The Motion was unanimously agreed. The Committee agreed that copies of the motion would be laid before the Houses and a copy will be forwarded to the Ministers for Foreign Affairs and Justice Equality and Law Reform for their response. The Joint Committee met in private session at 2.40 p.m. 6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private sessionThere being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 2.50 p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman. 25th October 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 25th October 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 3.08 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Pat Carey, Michael D. Higgins, Michael Mulcahy and Liz O'Donnell. Senators Paul Bradford and Paschal Mooney. Apologies were received from Deputy Ruairí Quinn. 3. Minutes of the previous meetingThe minutes of the meeting of 18th October were agreed. Matters arising: Deputy Michael D. Higgins advised the Committee that the United Nations Convention on the Elimination of Corruption, which it had been understood required EU ratification prior to individual member state ratification was now superseded in that France and Hungary had ratified the Convention in advance of the EU. Accordingly, there was no impediment to Irish ratification and it understood that the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform will bring forward proposals to this effect. The Committee suspended at 3.10 p.m. until 3.14 p.m. 4. Discussion with a delegation from the Joint Standing Committee on Foreign Affairs, Defence and Trade of the Australian Parliament.The Chairman welcomed the delegation from the Australian Parliament, Senator Alan Ferguson – Committee Chairman, Mr. Kerry Bartlett, M.P., Senator Andrew Bartlett, Senator Ursula Stephens, Senator Gavin Marshall, Mr. Philip Barresi, M.P. and Mr. Elton Humphrey, Secretary to the Delegation. Following a discussion with Committee members the Chairman thanked the delegation. 5. Any other businessThere being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 4.16 p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman 8th November 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 8th November 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 3.06 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Pat Carey, Tony Gregory, Michael D. Higgins and Michael Mulcahy. Senators Michael Kitt, Paschal Mooney, David Norris and Mary O'Rourke. Senator Geraldine Feeney attended in substitution for Senator Paschal Mooney for part of the meeting. Apologies were received from Deputies Noel Davern, Liz O'Donnell and Rúairí Quinn. 3. Minutes of the previous meetingThe minutes of the meeting of 25th October were agreed. There were no matters arising. 4. Discussion with Concern on their work in Timor LesteThe Chairman welcomed Mr. Pete Baynard-Smith, Concern's Regional Director in Asia to the meeting. The meeting was informed that the Committee wrote to Concern in September asking for details of Concern's work in Timor Leste and had received a response in October. The Chairman thanked Mr. Baynard-Smith on behalf of the Committee for this response. The purpose of the discussion was to explore the response and to enquire whether there are any matters which Concern believes could be addressed by the Joint Committee in the context of the Committee's report on Timor Leste which is under preparation. Mr. Baynard-Smith made a brief presentation following which he answered Members' questions. 5. Millennium Development Goals: Discussion with Mr. Conor Lenihan TD Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs.The Chairman welcomed Minister of State Conor Lenihan and his officials Mr. George Harnett, Brendan Rogers, John Morohan, Noel Purcell-O'Byrne and Gerard Considine to the meeting. Before commencing his presentation the Minister of State read a statement concerning the recent unrest in Ethiopia. In addition to the planned discussion on overseas development aid the Minister of State also addressed the Committee on the forthcoming 6th WTO Ministerial meeting in Hong Kong. 6. Motion on the Non Proliferation TreatyThe Chairman called on Deputy Mulcahy to speak on the submitted motion. Deputy Mulcahy did not move the motion but addressed the issues set out in it. In conclusion it was agreed to seek a meeting with the Minister and to obtain a detailed brief on the specific issues raised in the motion. It was agreed to revisit this as early as possible before Christmas. The Joint Committee met in private session at 5.40 p.m. 7. Discussed in Private sessionThere being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 5.36 p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman 15th November2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 15th November 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.16 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Michael Woods (in the Chair), Pat Carey, Tony Gregory, Michael D. Higgins, Michael Mulcahy and Liz O'Donnell. Senators Paschal Mooney and David Norris. Deputy Charlie O'Connor attended in substitution for Deputy Noel Davern. Apologies were received from Deputy Bernard Allen and Senators Paul Bradford and Michael Kitt. 3. Minutes of the previous meetingThe minutes of the meeting of 8th November were agreed. There were no matters arising. 4. Discussion with Officials of the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment on the forthcoming 6th WTO Ministerial meetingThe Chairman welcomed Mr. Tony Joyce and Mr. Frank Doheny of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment to the meeting and thanked them for submitting a comprehensive brief. Mr. Joyce made a brief presentation following which he and Mr. Doheny answered Members' questions. The Chairman thanked the witnesses. The Committee suspended at 3.10 p.m. for 1 minute and resumed in Public Session 5. Discussion with Mr. Colin Roche of Oxfam and Trade MattersThe Chairman welcomed Mr. Colin Roche (of Oxfam), Ms. Maeve Taylor, (of Banulacht), Mr. Conall O'Caoimh, (of Comhlamh) who represent ‘Trade Matters’ a coalition of development NGOs and Trade Unions. Mr. Roche made a brief presentation following which he, along with Ms. Taylor and Mr. O'Caoimh answered Members' questions. The Chairman thanked the witnesses. At the conclusion of the debate it was agreed to write to Minister Micheál Martin and to Minister Dermot Ahern asking that they make efforts to ensure that the development agenda is prioritised in the Irish negotiating position during the Hong Kong talks. The Joint Committee met in private session at 4.04 p.m. 6. Discussed in Private sessionThere being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 4.08 p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman 22nd November 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 22nd November 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.12 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Pat Carey, Tony Dempsey, Bernard Durkan, Michael D. Higgins and Michael Mulcahy. Senators Michael Kitt and David Norris. Senator Don Lydon attended in substitution for Senator Paschal Mooney. Apologies were received from Senator Paul Bradford. 3. Minutes of the previous meetingThe minutes of the meeting of 15th November were agreed subject to an amendment to the attendance list to record the apologies of Deputy Bernard Allen. There were no matters arising. 4. Discussion with Officials of the Department of Social and Family Affairs on the provision of Pensions for Returning Missionaries.The Chairman welcomed Ms. Anne Vaughan, Ms. Siobhan Lawlor, Mr. Tom Whelan and Mr. Paul Cunningham from the Department. Following introductions the Chairman invited Ms. Vaughan to make a presentation. Following the presentations the Chairman opened the discussion to the Members. In conclusion it was agreed to establish a working group to examine the issue further. It was agreed that the working group would consist of selected Members of the Committee as well as officials of the Department of Social and Family affairs and the Department of Foreign Affairs. 5. Discussion with representatives of the Irish Missionaries Union.The Chairman welcomed Fr. Gerry Murphy of the Missionaries of Africa (M. Africa) and Sr. Margaret Quinn of the Medical Missionaries of Mary. Both witnesses made introductory remarks and the Chairman invited questions from Members. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the witnesses. The Committee met in Private session at 3.40 p.m. 6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private sessionThe Committee adjourned at 3.46 p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman 6th December 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday 30th November 20051. The Joint Committee met in private session at 11.50 a.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Pat Carey, Noel Davern, Tony Dempsey, Bernard Durkan and Michael Mulcahy. Senators Paul Bradford, David Norris and Brendan Ryan Deputy Charlie O'Connor also attended the meeting. 3. Minutes of the previous meetingThe minutes of the meeting of 22nd November were agreed. 4. Discussed in Private sessionThe Committee adjourned at 12.34 p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman 6th December 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 6th December 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 1.08 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Tony Gregory, Michael D. Higgins and Michael Mulcahy. Deputy Charlie O'Connor attended in substitution for Deputy Tony Dempsey. Senators Michael Kitt and David Norris. Senators Joe McHugh and Eamon Scanlon attended in substitution for Senators Paul Bradford and Paschal Mooney respectively. Apologies were received from Deputy Noel Davern and Senator Mary O'Rourke. 3. Minutes of the previous meetingsThe minutes of the meeting of the 22nd and 30th November were agreed. 4. Motion on IraqThe motion, in the names of Senator Norris and Deputy Higgins was moved by Senator Norris. An amendment was moved by Deputy Michael Mulcahy. Following discussion the Committee suspended at 2.19 pm. On resumption the Committee agreed the text of a further amendment and the Motion as amended was agreed. The text of the motion, as amended, is attached to the minutes. 5. Non Proliferation Treaty: Meeting with Officials of the Department of Foreign Affairs.The Chairman welcomed Mr. Rory Montgomery, Political Director and Mr. Adrian McDaid, Director of Disarmament and Non-Proliferation Section. Mr. Montgomery made introductory remarks and the Chairman invited questions from Members. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the witnesses. (private session) The Committee met in Private session at 3.18 p.m. 6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private sessionThe Committee adjourned at 3.25 p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman 6th December 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 13th December 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.12 p.m. in Committee Room 4, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Pat Carey, Tony Dempsey and Bernard Durkan. Senator Michael Kitt. Apologies were received from Deputies Michael D. Higgins, Ruairí Quinn and Senator David Norris. 3. Minutes of the previous meetingsThe minutes of the meeting of the 6th December were agreed. 4. Discussion with representatives of Trocaire in relation to Timor Leste.The Chairman welcomed Ms. Sarah McCann of Trocaire to the meeting and invited her to make a presentation. Ms. McCann made introductory remarks and the Chairman invited questions from Members. In conclusion the Chairman thanked Ms. McCann. (private session) 5. Discussed in Private session6. Discussed in Private sessionThe Committee adjourned at 3.16 p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman 20th December 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 20th December 20051. The Joint Committee met in public session at 11.34 a.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Pat Carey, Tony Dempsey, Bernard Durkan, Michael D. Higgins and Michael Mulcahy. Senators Paschal Mooney, David Norris and Mary O'Rourke. Senators Michael Finucane and Kieran Phelan attended in substitution for Senators Paul Bradford and Michael Kitt respectively. 3. Minutes of the previous meetingsThe minutes of the meeting of the 13th December were agreed. 4. Discussion with MAMA (the Midwest Alliance against the War), on Shannon AirportThe Chairman welcomed Ms Mary Kelly, Mr Tim Hourigan, Ms Deirdre Morgan and Mr Edward Horgan to the meeting and invited the group to make a presentation. Mr. Horgan made introductory remarks following which other members of the delegation made contributions. The Chairman then invited questions from Members. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the witnesses. The Committee met in Private session at 1.45 p.m. 5. Discussed in Private session6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private sessionThe Committee adjourned at 1.53 p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman 24th January 2006 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Development Co-operationProceedings of the Sub-CommitteeThursday, 13th January 20051. The Sub-Committee met in private session at 2.05 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Michael Kitt (in the chair), Deputies John McGuinness* and Michael Mulcahy**. *In substitution for Deputy Tony Dempsey. **In substitution for Deputy Liz O'Donnell. Apologies were received from Deputies Bernard Allen, Tony Dempsey, Michael D. Higgins, Liz O'Donnell and Senator Brendan Ryan. 3.MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 4th November 2004 were agreed. 4. Discussion on a contribution to the White Paper on Overseas Development AidOn foot of the decision of the Joint Committee to request the Sub-Committee to coordinate a contribution to the White Paper on Overseas Development Aid, members were circulated with a copy of a draft schedule for the completion of the White Paper. It was agreed to discuss the matter once the advertisement was published and to consider making a submission at that time. It was also agreed to look at the possibility of appointing a rapporteur from within the Sub-Committee to assist in compiling a submission. 5. Work Programme for 2005The work programme was agreed with one amendment. It was agreed that the Sub-Committee closely monitors the delivery of the aid programme to those worse affected by the Tsunami. 6. Any other BusinessThe meeting was adjourned at 2.08 p.m. sine die. Senator Michael Kitt Chairman 10th February 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Development Co-operationProceedings of the Sub-CommitteeThursday, 10th February 20051. The Sub-Committee met in public session at 12.04 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputy Tony Dempsey (in the chair), Deputies Charlie O'Connor*, Michael D. Higgins and Senator Brendan Ryan. *In substitution for Deputy Michael Mulcahy. Apologies were received from Deputy Bernard Allen and Senator Michael Kitt. Deputy Dempsey chaired the meeting, as Senator Kitt was unable to attend due to a family bereavement. Deputy Dempsey and the other members present extended their sympathies to Senator Kitt. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 13 January 2005 were agreed. 4.Discussion re debt relief in the context of the institutions such as the IMF and World Bank with Department of Finance OfficialsThe Chairman welcomed Mr. Bob Bradshaw of the Department of Finance and Ms Paula Slattery of the Department of Foreign Affairs to the meeting. The Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Bradshaw. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session with the members during which Mr. Bradshaw answered members' questions. Following this the Chairman invited Ms. Slattery to make a brief presentation which was followed by a further question and answer session with the members. The Chairman thanked the witnesses on behalf of the Committee for a very useful briefing and discussion. 5.Any other BusinessThere been no other business the meeting was adjourned at 1.31p.m. sine die. Senator Michael Kitt Chairman April 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Development Co-operationProceedings of the Sub-CommitteeThursday, 28th April 20051. The Sub-Committee met in public session at 12.11 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Michael Kitt (in the chair), Deputy Bernard Allen and Senator Brendan Ryan. Apologies were received from Deputy Tony Dempsey. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 10 February 2005 were agreed. 4. Discussion with representatives of the Debt and Development CoalitionThe Chairman welcomed Ms Jean Summers and Mr. Michael O Sullivan of the Debt and Development Coalition and invited them to make their presentations. The two presentations focused on debt issues including proposals on Ireland's role, as well as Ireland's Participation in the IMF and the World Bank. Following the presentations the Chairman opened the discussion and invited questions from Members. 5. Any other BusinessThere being no other business the meeting was adjourned at 12.54p.m. sine die. Senator Michael Kitt Chairman June 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Development Co-operationProceedings of the Sub-CommitteeThursday, 22nd June 20051. The Sub-Committee met in public session at 12.19 p.m. in Committee Room 4, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Michael Kitt (in the chair), Deputies Tony Dempsey and Michael D. Higgins. Apologies were received from Deputies Bernard Allen, Michael Mulcahy and Liz O'Donnell. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 28th June 2005 were agreed. 4. Discussion with Mr Alan Kerins of ‘Friends of Mongu’.The Chairman welcomed Mr. Alan Kerins to the Sub Committee to talk to us about his work with the ‘Friends of Mongu’ The Committee suspended at 12.41 p.m. until 1.27 p.m. due to a vote in the Dáil Chamber. Following the presentation the Chairman opened the discussion and invited questions from Members. The Chairman thanked Mr. Kerins for his presentation. 5. Any other BusinessAs there was no other business the meeting was adjourned at 1.43 p.m. sine die. Senator Michael Kitt Chairman 12th October 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Development Co-operationProceedings of the Sub-CommitteeThursday, 12th October 20051. The Sub-Committee met in private session at 10.05 a.m. in Committee Room 2, Leinster House 2000. The Sub-Committee met in public session at 10.08 a.m. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Michael Kitt (in the chair), Deputies Bernard Allen, Tony Dempsey and Michael D. Higgins. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 22nd June 2005 were agreed. 4. Presentation by Transparency International.The Chairman welcomed Mr. David Murray, Deputy Chairman of Transparency International UK and Mr. John Devitt, Acting Chief Executive of Transparency International (Ireland) to the meeting and invited the group to make a presentation. Following the presentation the Chairman opened the discussion and invited questions from Members. The Chairman thanked the delegation for attending. 5. Any other BusinessAs there was no other business the meeting was adjourned at 11.05 a.m. sine die. Senator Michael Kitt Chairman 12th October 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-CommitteeWednesday, 23rd February 20051. The Sub-Committee met at 12.20 p.m. in Committee Room 4, Leinster House 2000 (the meeting was delayed due to a vote in the Dáil). 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair) Deputies Pat Carey, Noel Davern, Tony Gregory, Ruairí Quinn and Senator Paschal Mooney. PUBLIC SESSION3. Minutes of meeting of 24 November 2004The minutes of the meeting held on 24 November were agreed. 4. Presentation on the Irish Human Rights Commission by Dr. Maurice Manning, President of the CommissionThe Chairman welcomed Dr. Maurice Manning, President of the Commission, Prof. William Binchy, Commissioner and Dr. Alpha Connelly, Chief Executive. Dr. Manning introduced the other members of the delegation and made a short presentation. Prof. Binchy followed and Dr. Connelly concluded. The Chairman invited questions from the Members. The Sub-Committee expressed its support for the Irish Human Rights Commission's proposal for a change in legislation regarding their reporting responsibilities. After the question and answer session the Chairman thanked the witnesses for attending. PRIVATE SESSIONThe Sub-Committee met at 1.08 p.m. in Private Session 5. Discussed in Private session6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private session8. Discussed in Private session9. Discussed in Private sessionThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 1.27 p.m. until Thursday 24 March. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman March 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-CommitteeThursday, 24th March 20051. The Sub-Committee met at 12.05 p.m. in Committee Room 4, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair), Deputy Pat Carey and Senator Paschal Mooney. 3. Minutes of meeting of 23 February 2005Minutes of the meeting held on 23 February were agreed. 4. Presentation by Ms. Denise Charlton and Ms. Catherine Cosgrove, Immigrant Council of IrelandThe Chairman welcomed Ms. Denise Charlton and Ms. Catherine Cosgrove of the Immigrant Council of Ireland. Following some introductory remarks the witnesses made presentations to the Committee. Following the presentations the Chairman opened the discussion to other Members. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the witnesses for their presentations. The meeting continued in private session. Private Session.5. Discussed in Private session6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private sessionThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 1.20 p.m. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman April 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee –Thursday, 21st April 20051. The Sub-Committee met at 2.34 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair) Deputies Pat Carey and Tony Gregory. Deputies Michael Ring and Paul McGrath also attended. Apologies were received from Deputy Ruairí Quinn and Senators Paschal Mooney and Mary O'Rourke. Public Session3. Minutes of meeting of 24 March 2005Minutes of the meeting held on 24 March were agreed. 4. Presentation by Mr. Jim Loughran of Amnesty IrelandThe Chairman welcomed Mr. Jim Loughran. Following some introductory remarks the witness made a presentation to the Committee. Following the presentation the Chairman opened the discussion to other Members. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the witness for his presentation. The meeting continued in private session. Private Session5. Discussed in Private session6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private session8. Discussed in Private session9. Discussed in Private sessionThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 3.20 p.m. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman May 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee –Thursday, 19th May 20051. The Sub-Committee met at 12.50 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair), Deputies Pat Carey, Tony Gregory and Senator Paschal Mooney. Apologies were received from Deputies Noel Davern and Ruairí Quinn and Senator Mary O'Rourke. Public Session3. Minutes of meeting of 21 April 2005Minutes of the meeting held on 21 April were agreed. 4. Meeting with Mr. Simon Coveney, TD, MEPThe Chairman welcomed Deputy Coveney. Following some introductory remarks the witness made a presentation to the Committee on his report on the Annual Report on Human Rights in the World 2004 and the EU's policy on the matter drafted for the European Parliament. Following the presentation the Chairman opened the discussion to other Members. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the witness for his presentation. The meeting was suspended at 13.21 for a vote in the Dáil and resumed at 13.35. 5. Meeting with Mr. Billy Colbert and Mr. Aidan O'Leary.The Chairman welcomed Mr. Colbert and Mr. O'Leary. Following some introductory remarks Mr. Colbert made a presentation to the Committee on the death penalty and the issues surrounding a prisoner on death row in Georgia, U.S.A., Mr. Roger Collins. Following the presentation the Chairman opened the discussion to other Members. In relation to the issue of the prisoner on death row, Senator Mooney, through the Chair, suggested and it was agreed, that the Sub-Committee should again write to the Governor of Georgia requesting clemency in this case and to the U.S. Ambassador seeking his support. The Sub-Committee agreed to contact Mr. Colbert and Mr. O'Leary again when the letters have issued and if any response is received. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the witness for his presentation. 6. Next meetingIt was agreed that the next full meeting of the Sub-Committee would take place on Thursday 16 June 2005. There being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 14.34 Senator Paul Bradford Chairman June 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee –Thursday, 16th June 20051. The Sub-Committee met at 12.05 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair), Deputies Pat Carey, Tony Gregory and Noel Davern and Senator Paschal Mooney. Apologies were received from Deputy Ruairí Quinn. Also in attendance were Deputies Emmet Stagg and Dan Neville and Senators Michael Finucane and John Paul Phelan. 3. Minutes of meeting of 19 May 2005Minutes of the meeting held on 19 May were agreed. 4. Meeting with the Irish Commission for Prisoners OverseasThe Chairman welcomed Ms. Gráinne Prior, Co-ordinator, Fr. Gerry McFlynn, Director of the London Office and Fr. Alan Hilliard, Director of the Irish Episcopal Commission for Emigrants. Following some introductory remarks the witnesses made their presentation. Following their presentation the Chairman opened the discussion to other Members. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the witnesses for their presentation. Private Session5. Discussed in Private session6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private sessionThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 13.20. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman July 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee –Wednesday, 13th July 20051. The Sub-Committee met at 11.32 a.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair), Deputies Pat Carey and Noel Davern and Senator Paschal Mooney. Apologies were received from Deputies Ruairí Quinn and Tony Gregory and Senator Mary O'Rourke. Also in attendance were Deputy Michael D. Higgins and Senator Terry Leyden. Public Session3. Minutes of meeting of 16 June 2005.Minutes of the meeting held on 16 June were agreed. Deputy Michael D. Higgins requested details of the US Ambassador's letter of 2 June 2005 to the Sub-Committee regarding the Roger Collins Death Row case in Georgia, U.S.A. and the Chairman gave a brief resumé of its contents. A copy of the letter would be sent to Deputy Higgins after the meeting for his information. 4. Meeting with the Irish Centre for Human Rights.The Chairman welcomed Professor William Schabas, Director of the Irish Centre for Human Rights along with his colleagues Dr. Ray Murphy and Mr. Peter Fitzmaurice. Following some introductory remarks the witnesses made their presentation. Following their presentation the Chairman opened the discussion to other Members. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the witnesses for their presentation and mentioned that there was a possibility that the main Committee would meet with them later in the year. Private Session5. Discussed in Private session6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private sessionThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 12.35 p.m. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman October 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee –Thursday, 20th October 20051. The Sub-Committee met at 12.02 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair) and Deputy Pat Carey. Apologies were received from Deputy Ruairí Quinn and Senator Paschal Mooney. Also in attendance were Deputy Michael D. Higgins and Senator David Norris. Public Session3. Minutes of meeting of 13 July 2005.Minutes of the meeting held on 13 July were agreed. It had originally been planned to hold a meeting of the Sub-Committee on 29 September 2005 but this had to be postponed. 4. Senator David Norris.The Chairman welcomed Senator Norris who had recently sent correspondence to the Sub-Committee regarding the execution of two young men in Iran in July 2005 (which was circulated along with a written answer to a Parliamentary Question on the same matter, put down by Deputy John Gormley on 28 September 2005). The Senator had requested that he be afforded the opportunity to address the Sub-Committee about the situation. Following some introductory remarks the Senator made his presentation on the background to the case as he understood it. Following the presentation the Chairman opened the discussion to other Members. Deputy Higgins and Deputy Carey, through the Chair, suggested and it was agreed, that the Sub-Committee should write to the Iranian Ambassador, H.E. Mr. Seyed Hossein Mirfakhar to convey the Sub-Committee's deep concern regarding the executions of these two young men in Iran and to invite him to attend the next meeting of the Sub-Committee to discuss the matter. The Sub-Committee also agreed to keep Senator Norris informed. In conclusion the Chairman thanked Senator Norris for his presentation. 5. Meeting with Mr. Noel Treacy, TD, Minister of State at the Department of the Taoiseach and the Department of Foreign Affairs, regarding the issue of Irish Prisoners OverseasThe Chairman welcomed the Minister of State and his officials. Following some introductory remarks the Minister of State made his presentation. Following the presentation the Chairman opened the discussion to other Members. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the Minister of State (and his officials) for his very informative presentation. Private Session6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private session8. Discussed in Private sessionThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 12.54 p.m. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman November 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee –Thursday, 17th November 20051. The Sub-Committee met at 12.03 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair), Deputy Pat Carey and Senator Paschal Mooney. Apologies were received from Deputies Noel Davern and Ruairí Quinn and Senator Mary O'Rourke. Also in attendance was Deputy Michael D. Higgins. Public Session3. Minutes of meeting of 20 October 2005.Minutes of the meeting held on 20 October were agreed. 4. Meeting with the Human Rights Consortium, Belfast.The Chairman welcomed Ms. Aideen Gilmore (formerly of the Dept. of Foreign Affairs), and now the Research and Policy Officer with C.A.J. (the Committee on the Administration of Justice) which is one of the Co-convenors of the Human Rights Consortium and Mr. Alan Sheeran, Campaigns Manager of Mencap which is also a member of the Consortium. Following some introductory remarks the witnesses made their presentation. Following their presentation the Chairman opened the discussion to other Members. Senator Mooney and Deputy Higgins, through the Chair, proposed and it was agreed, that the Sub-Committee should write to the Minister for Foreign Affairs to request that he makes arrangements to meet with the Human Rights Consortium as soon as possible in relation to the issues highlighted. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the witnesses for their presentation. Private Session5. Discussed in Private session6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private sessionThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 12.43 p.m. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman December 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee –Thursday, 14th December 20051. The Sub-Committee met at 12.14 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair) and Deputy Pat Carey. Apologies were received from Deputies Ruairí Quinn and Noel Davern and Senator Paschal Mooney. Also in attendance was Deputy Michael D. Higgins. 3. Minutes of meeting of 17 November 2005Minutes of the meeting held on 17 November were agreed. 4. Meeting with Dr. Maurice Manning, President of the Human Rights CommissionThe Chairman welcomed Dr. Manning back to Leinster House to discuss the Commission's Annual Report for 2004 which was launched in October 2005. Following some introductory remarks the witness made his presentation. Following his presentation the Chairman opened the discussion to other Members. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the witness for his presentation. Private Session5. Discussed in Private session6. Discussed in Private session7. Discussed in Private sessionThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 13.09 sine die. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman February 2006 APPENDIX 6Informal meetings with Ambassadors and other distinguished visitors
Informal meetings with other groups.
Sub- Committee on Development Co-operation
Sub- Committee on Human Rights
APPENDIX 8JOINT COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRSWork Programme 2006JOINT COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN AFFAIRSWORK PROGRAMME 20061. BACKGROUNDThe Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs was established following an order of the Dáil on 16th October 2002 and of the Seanad on 17th October 2002. Standing Orders of both Houses require that “As soon as may be following its appointment and thereafter at annual interval, each Select Committee shall prepare a work programme and shall lay such programme before Dáil/Seanad Éireann” (S.O. 84(4) [Dáil] and S.O. 69(4)[Seanad]). 2. ORDERS OF REFERENCEParagraph (2) (a) of the Order of Dáil Éireann of 16th October 2002 and paragraph (1) (a) of the Order of Seanad Éireann of 17th November 2002, empowers the Joint Committee to consider—
Accordingly, the items listed in this Work Programme will be considered by the Joint Committee within the parameters defined by the Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee, as amended from time to time. 3. OVERSIGHT AND ACCOUNTABILITYThe Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs is committed to making a constructive contribution to the committee system in the Houses of the Oireachtas and to continuing to assert the proper oversight and accountability role of the Legislature in respect of the Executive. It will endeavour to do this by properly exercising the functions and powers which have been conferred on it by both Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann. 4. FLUIDITY OF WORK PROGRAMMEThe general items listed for consideration in this Work Programme are not in any order of priority. The Joint Committee will decide on individual items for review in light of its assessment of a particular need during the year. The Joint Committee is of the opinion that to accord a strict priority and agree a timetable for consideration of the various items would impose too rigid a structure and would not enable the Joint Committee to respond to evolving events during the year. In response to a particular evolving event or an urgent unforeseen matter, it shall, if it deems it necessary to do so, amend this Work Programme to include further items or delete or revise existing items for consideration. The Joint Committee has also agreed that, should it not have sufficient time during 2006 to consider an item detailed in this Work Programme, it may include it in next year's Work Programme should the issue continue to retain its importance and relevance. 5. JOINT COMMITTEE - GENERAL AREAS FOR CONSIDERATION(A) EU SCRUTINYIn light of the increasing importance and influence of the European Union (EU) on national affairs and legislative matters, the Joint Committee will give ongoing priority to EU issues and, in particular, will promptly examine any EU legislative proposal referred to the Joint Committee by the Sub-Committee on European Scrutiny. Pre-General Affairs and External Relations Council and pre-European Council consultations with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, where appropriate and where the Committee so decide, bearing in mind the need to avoid overlap with the Joint Committee on European Affairs. (B) STATUTORY INSTRUMENTSThe Joint Committee will endeavour to monitor Statutory Instruments (SIs) made by the Minister for Foreign Affairs which are laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas and, where it considers it necessary, will discuss particular SIs and matters arising with the Minister at an appropriate time. (c) Strategy Statement and Departmental Policy DocumentationThe Joint Committee will endeavour to consider the ongoing progress made by the Department of Foreign Affairs on its commitments in the strategy statement and other general related policy documentation (vis. Annual Reports, Corporate Plans, etc.) relating to the Department's remit. (d) Oversight of bodiesThe Joint Committee has a remit under its Orders of Reference in respect of, inter alia, policy matters, annual reports or annual reports and accounts, overall operational results, statements of strategy and corporate plans of certain bodies as it may select which are listed in the Addendum attached to this Work Programme. (E) REFERRAL OF MATTERS BY DÁIL ÉIREANN AND SEANAD ÉIREANNIn addition to those issues detailed in this Work Programme, the Joint Committee may be required, from time to time, to consider matters referred to it jointly by Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann (e.g. Motions re. International Agreements, Conventions, draft SIs, etc.). 6. JOINT COMMITTEE – SPECIFIC ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATIONThe Joint Committee intends to review specific major areas of policy falling within the remit of the Minister for Foreign Affairs as outlined below in this section and in section 5 above. As part of that process, the Minister (and Departmental officials) may be invited to appear before the Joint Committee to outline policy decisions/thinking and respond to detailed questions. Where necessary, the Joint Committee may also seek submissions from the public and may, if the need arises, engage persons with specialist or technical knowledge to advise and assist it in its work. The Joint Committee will have ongoing periodic follow-up with the Minister (or Departmental officials as appropriate) on progress made on implementation of recommendations made in Reports published by the Joint Committee during the 29th Dáil. In so far as it is possible, the Joint committee, in conjunction with the sub-Committees on development Co-operation and human Rights, hopes to focus its efforts on the following selected items -
Thematic priorities for the Joint CommitteeThe Joint Committee decided that, taking account of any or all of its duties and responsibilities for the year 2006, it would adopt the following thematic priorities:
In addition, the Joint Committee or its appropriate Sub Committee will examine, as it deems appropriate, areas of specific concern under the following headings. A. Development Co-operation
B. Human Rights
C. Northern Ireland
D. Ireland/US relations
E. International Affairs
F. European
7. TRAVELSubject to Standing Order 81(9) [Dáil Éireann] and Standing Order 65(9) [Seanad Éireann], the Joint Committee may decide, subject to financial, administrative and procedural constraints, to undertake travel as it considers necessary to further progress the Work Programme. Such travel may include information seeking visits, attendance at conferences or meetings, etc. within the remit under the Orders of Reference. Reports will be completed for all travel undertaken. A list of proposed destinations is appended to this Work Programme. The list is indicative only and should not be regarded as final. 8. INCOMING PARLIAMENTARY DELEGATIONSThe Joint Committee will meet with incoming Parliamentary Delegations, as required. 9. DÁIL SELECT COMMITTEE – ORDERS OF REFERENCEThose members of Dáil Éireann who are members of the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs also constitute the membership of the Select Committee on Foreign Affairs. In accordance with paragraph 1(a) of the Order of Dáil Éireann, the Select Committee is appointed to consider –
The matters referred to the Select Committee will be considered in tandem with the ongoing work of the Joint Committee but may have a practical effect on the capacity of the Joint Committee to complete its consideration of the items identified in the Work Programme. 10. NUMBER AND FREQUENCY OF MEETINGSTaking account of the resources and facilities available to the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and the commitments of members, it is anticipated that the Joint Committee will meet fortnightly in the course of 2006. The Sub-Committees on Development Co-operation and Human Rights expect to meet once a month during the course of the year. In view of the specific functions of the Select Committee on Foreign Affairs, it is not possible to anticipate the number of meetings required over the coming 12 months. It is likely that a minimum of 2 meetings will be required to consider Estimates for the Public Service relating to the Department of Foreign Affairs. 11. AGREEMENT OF WORK PROGRAMMEThis Work Programme for 2006 of the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Select Committee on Foreign Affairs was agreed by the Committee at its meeting on 24th January 2006. In accordance with Standing Orders of Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann, it was agreed that the Work Programme be laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas Dr. Michael Woods T.D. Chairman February 2006 ADDENDUMBodies under the aegis of the Department of Foreign Affairs
APPENDIX ITravel proposals1
1 Travel commitments as at 24 January 2006. * by the substitution of ‘6 members’ for ‘4 members’ |
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