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APPENDIX 5Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday, 25 January, 2005The meeting commenced at 2.50 p.m. in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Paudge Connolly, Michael Finneran, Charlie O’Connor, William Penrose (in the chair), Seán Ryan, David Stanton and Dan Wallace. Deputy Barry Andrews attended in substitution for Deputy Joe Callanan. Senators: Senator Geraldine Feeney attended in substitution for Senator Diarmuid Wilson. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Joe Callanan and John Carty and from Senators Kate Walsh and Diarmuid Wilson. 2. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. 3. Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3.25pm. ________________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 8 February , 2005. Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday, 8 February, 2005The meeting commenced at 2.50 p.m. in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Joe Callanan, John Carty, Paudge Connolly, Charlie O’Connor, William Penrose (in the chair), Seán Ryan, David Stanton and Dan Wallace. Deputy Dan Boyle also attended. Senators: Sheila Terry, Kate Walsh and Diarmuid Wilson. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Michael Finneran and Donal Moynihan. In the absence of the Chairman, Deputy Penrose, until 3.07pm, Deputy Wallace took the Chair until that time. 2. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. Public Session: 3. Presentation by the End Child Poverty Coalition in relation to Child Poverty in Ireland. A delegation from the End Child Poverty Coalition - Ms Maria Corbett, Acting Chief Executive, Children’s Rights Alliance, Mr Dáithi Downey, Policy Officer, Focus Ireland, Mr Dónall Geoghegan, Assistant Youth Director, National Youth Council of Ireland, Mr John Mark McCafferty, National Social Policy Officer, Society of Saint Vincent de Paul in Ireland, Ms Naomi Feely, Policy Officer, OPEN, the One Parent Exchange and Network and Ms Terry Battles, Pavee Point — made a presentation to the Committee in relation to the issue of Child Poverty in Ireland. There then followed a question and answer session. The Joint Committee thanked the representatives for their attendance and presentation. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. 4. Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4.36pm. ________________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 19 April, 2005. Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday, 22 March, 2005The meeting, which was a joint meeting with the Joint Committee on Enterprise and Small Business, commenced at 3.40p.m. in public session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Joe Callanan, John Carty, Donie Cassidy, Tony Dempsey, Michael Finneran, Brendan Howlin, Kathleen Lynch, Paul McGrath (in substitution for Deputy Phil Hogan), Donal Moynihan, Ned O’Keeffe, William Penrose, Michael Ring, David Stanton and Dan Wallace. Senators: John Hanafin, Terry Leyden, Kate Walsh and Diarmuid Wilson. Senators James Bannon and Mary Henry also attended. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Paudge Connolly, Phil Hogan and Seán Ryan. It was decided that Deputies Cassidy and Penrose (chairmen of the respective Joint Committees) would jointly chair the meeting. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. Public session: 2. Presentation on Fair Trade Issues by a delegation from the Mullingar Fairtrade Steering Group. A delegation from the Mullingar Fairtrade Steering Group comprising Ms Lesley Whiteside, Rev Robert Whiteside, Cllr Ruth Illingworth and Ms Clodagh Ryan made a presentation to the meeting in relation to Fair Trade issues. The Chairmen of the respective Joint Committees made reports on progress made since 25 May 2004 when a delegation from the Parishioners and Friends of the Church of Ireland parishes of St Nicholas, Almoritia, St Bigseach, Kilbixy, St Etchen’s, Killucan and All Saints, Mullingar, Co Westmeath, the forerunner to the Mullingar Fairtrade Steering Group, had made a presentation in relation to Fair Trade issues to a combined meeting of both Joint Committees. An exchange of views followed. It was decided to write to the Joint House Services Committee to enquire in relation to the usage of Fair Trade sugar in the Leinster House catering outlets and to request that consideration be given to increasing the use thereof. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. 3 Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4.24pm. ________________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 19 April, 2005. Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday, 19 April, 2005The meeting commenced at 3.01 p.m. in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Joe Callanan, John Carty, Paudge Connolly, Donal Moynihan, Charlie O’Connor, William Penrose (in the chair), Michael Ring, Seán Ryan and David Stanton. Deputy Ollie Wilkinson attended in substitution for Deputy Dan Wallace. Senators: Sheila Terry, Kate Walsh and Diarmuid Wilson. Senator Ann Ormonde attended in substitution for Senator Diarmuid Wilson for part of the meeting. An apology for inability to attend was received from Deputy Dan Wallace. In the absence of the Chairman, Deputy Penrose, from 3.11pm, Deputy Carty took the Chair until the end of the meeting. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. Public Session: 2. Presentation by the Society of St Vincent de Paul in relation to the Society’s Analysis of Budget 2005. A delegation from the Society of St Vincent de Paul - Mr John Monaghan, Vice-President and Chair of the National Social Justice and Policy Committee, Ms Audrey Deane, National Social Policy Officer and Mr John Mark McCafferty, National Social Policy Officer - made a presentation to the Committee in relation to the Society’s Analysis of Budget 2005. There then followed a question and answer session. The Joint Committee thanked the representatives for their attendance and presentation. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. 3. Adjournment. A vote having been called in Dáil Éireann, it was decided to postpone consideration of the remaining agenda items and the meeting adjourned at 4.49pm. ________________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 4 May, 2005. Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 4 May, 2005The meeting commenced at 3.06 p.m. in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Joe Callanan, John Carty, Michael Finneran, Charlie O’Connor, William Penrose (in the chair), Seán Ryan, David Stanton and Dan Wallace. Senators: Sheila Terry and Kate Walsh. Apologies for inability to attend was received from Deputies Paudge Connolly, Donal Moynihan and Michael Ring. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. 2. Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 3.50pm. ________________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 17 May, 2005. Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday, 17 May, 2005The meeting commenced at 3.08 p.m. in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Joe Callanan, John Carty, Paudge Connolly, Michael Finneran, William Penrose (in the chair), Michael Ring, Seán Ryan, David Stanton and Dan Wallace. Deputy Dan Boyle also attended. Senators: Kate Walsh and Diarmuid Wilson. Senator Liam Fitzgerald attended in substitution for Senator Diarmuid Wilson for part of the meeting. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Donal Moynihan and Charlie O’Connor and from Senator Sheila Terry. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. Public Session: 2. Presentation by the Department of Social and Family Affairs in connection with the department’s overpayments/clawback policy in respect of the estates of deceased pensioners. A delegation from the Department of Social and Family Affairs - Mr Paul Wilson, Principal Officer, Mr Fintan Hanson, Assistant Principal Officer, Mr Denis Moynihan, Assistant Principal Officer and Mr Séamus McGinley, Higher Executive Officer - made a presentation to the Committee in relation to the department’s overpayments/clawback policy in respect of the estates of deceased pensioners. There then followed a question and answer session and, in response to certain members’ interventions, the delegation undertook to provide information not then to hand. The Joint Committee thanked the representatives for their attendance and presentation. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. 3. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 5.18pm. ________________________ Donal Moynihan T.D. Vice-Chairman 14 July, 2005. Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 14 July, 2005The meeting commenced at 11.36 a.m. in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Joe Callanan, Paudge Connolly, Michael Finneran, Donal Moynihan, Charlie O’Connor, Seán Ryan and David Stanton. Senators: Sheila Terry. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies John Carty, William Penrose, Michael Ring and Dan Wallace and from Senators Kate Walsh and Diarmuid Wilson. Deputies Ned O’Keeffe and John Molony attended in substitution for Deputies John Carty and Dan Wallace respectively. Deputy John Ellis attended for Deputy Michael Finneran for part of the meeting. Senator Paddy Burke attended as substitute for Senator Sheila Terry for part of the meeting. Senators Geraldine Feeney and Kieran Phelan attended as substitutes for Senator Diarmuid Wilson. In the absence of the Chairman, Deputy Donal Moynihan (Vice-Chairman) took the Chair. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. Public Session: 2. Presentation by the Family Support Agency in relation to its work. A delegation from the Family Support Agency — Mr Michael O’Kennedy, Chairman, Mr Pat Bennett, Chief Executive, Ms Muriel Walls, Legal Expert and Mr Bill O’Dea, Head of Corporate Services - made a presentation to the Committee in relation to the Agency’s work. There then followed a question and answer session, in the course of which all present sat in silence for two minutes from noon as a mark of respect to the victims of the London Bombings of 7 July 2005. The Joint Committee thanked the representatives for their attendance and presentation. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. 3. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 1.37pm. ________________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 15 September, 2005. Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 15 September, 2005The meeting commenced at 11.12 a.m. in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Paudge Connolly, Donal Moynihan, William Penrose (in the chair), David Stanton and Dan Wallace. Senators: Sheila Terry and Kate Walsh. Senator Kieran Phelan attended in substitution for Senator Diarmuid Wilson. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Charlie O’Connor and Michael Ring and from Senator Diarmuid Wilson. Private session: Items discussed in private session. Public Session: 2. Presentation by the Carers Association in relation to the Association’s policy document “Towards a Family Carer’s Strategy”. A delegation from the Carers Association - Mr Frank Goodwin, Chairman and Mr Enda Egan - made a presentation to the Committee in relation to the Association’s policy document “Towards a Family Carer’s Strategy”. There then followed a question and answer session. The Joint Committee thanked the representatives for their attendance and presentation. Private session: Items discussed in private session. 3. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 12.56 pm. ________________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 22 September, 2005. Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 22 September, 2005The meeting commenced at 2.08 p.m. in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Joe Callanan, John Carty, Paudge Connolly, Donal Moynihan, William Penrose (in the chair), Michael Ring and David Stanton. Senators: Kate Walsh and Diarmuid Wilson. Deputy John Dennehy attended in substitution for Deputy Dan Wallace. Senator Timmy Dooley attended in substitution for Senator Diarmuid Wilson for part of the meeting. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Michael Finneran, Charlie O’Connor, Seán Ryan and Dan Wallace and from Senator Sheila Terry. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. Public Session: 2. Discussion on Combating Poverty with Hong Kong parliamentarians. The Chairman welcomed the Honorable Frederick FUNG, Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Combating Poverty of the Hong Kong Legislative Council, Honorable LEE Cheuk-yan, Dr the Honorable Fernando CHEUNG and Honorable LEUNG Kwok-hung, Members of the Sub-Committee, Ms Betty Ma, Secretary to the Delegation and Dr Katherine Chan Mullen, Interpreter. Members of the Joint Committee gave the Hong Kong delegation a detailed presentation of the Irish social welfare regime with particular reference to anti-poverty measures and answered specific questions put by the delegation. Responding briefly, the Hong Kong delegation identified an allowance for the elderly described as a “fruit allowance” worth about $70 per month as the main plank of the local social security regime. At the conclusion of the public session, the Chairman noted that the delegation was having extensive briefings from the Department of Social and Family Affairs and departmental agencies and invited the delegation to make contact with the secretariat if it supply additional information or be of any further assistance. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. 3. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 3.25 p.m. ________________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 4 October, 2005. Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday, 4 October, 2005The meeting commenced at 3.05 p.m. in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Joe Callanan, John Carty, Paudge Connolly, Charlie O’Connor, William Penrose (in the chair), Michael Ring, Seán Ryan, David Stanton and Dan Wallace. Senators: Kate Walsh. Senators Geraldine Feeney and Jim Walsh attended in substitution for Senator Diarmuid Wilson for parts of the meeting. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputy Donal Moynihan and from Senators Sheila Terry and Diarmuid Wilson. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. Public Session: 2. Presentation by the Combat Poverty Association in relation to its Pre Budget 2006 submission. A delegation from the Combat Poverty Association - Ms Helen Johnston, Director and Mr Jim Walsh, Head of Research and Policy - made a Pre Budget 2006 presentation to the Committee. There then followed a question and answer session. The Joint Committee thanked the representatives for their attendance and presentation. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. 3. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 4.50 p.m. ________________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 18 October, 2005. Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday, 18 October, 2005The meeting commenced at 3.07 p.m. in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Joe Callanan, Jerry Cowley, Michael Finneran, Donal Moynihan and William Penrose (in the chair). Senators: Sheila Terry. Senators Michael Brennan and Kieran Phelan attended in substitution for Senators Kate Walsh and Diarmuid Wilson respectively. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputy Michael Ring and Dan Wallace and from Senator Kate Walsh and Diarmuid Wilson. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. 2. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 3.38 p.m. ________________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 2 November, 2005. Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 2 November, 2005The meeting commenced at.11.36am in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Joe Callanan, John Carty, Michael Finneran, Charlie O’Connor, William Penrose (in the chair), Michael Ring, Seán Ryan and Dan Wallace. Senators: Sheila Terry and Kate Walsh. An apology for inability to attend was received from Deputy David Stanton. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. Public Session: 2. Presentation by the National Women’s Council of Ireland in relation to its Pre Budget 2006 submission. A delegation from National Women’s Council of Ireland of Ireland - Dr Joanna McMinn, Director, Ms Orla O’Connor, Head of Policy and Ms Claire Dunne, Policy Outreach Facilitator - made a Pre Budget 2006 presentation to the Committee. There then followed a question and answer session. The Joint Committee thanked the representatives for their attendance and presentation. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. 3. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 1.05 p.m. ________________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 15 November, 2005. Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday, 15 November, 2005The meeting commenced at 3.07pm in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: Joe Callanan, Jerry Cowley, Michael Finneran, Donal Moynihan, Charlie O’Connor, William Penrose (in the chair) and David Stanton. Senators: Derek McDowell, Sheila Terry and Kate Walsh. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies John Carty and Seán Ryan. Deputy Ollie Wilkinson attended in substitution for Deputy John Carty. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. Public Session: 2. Presentations by representatives from (a) the Pensions Board, (b) the Office of the Pensions Ombudsman, (c) the Irish Association of Pension Funds, (d) the Department of Finance and (e) the Department of Social and Family Affairs on pension issues in Ireland. (a) Mr Jerry Moriarty, Head of Investigations and Compliance, Mr Philip Dalton, Head of PRSAs and Mr Brendan Kennedy, Actuarial Advisor, the Pensions Board, (b) Mr Paul Kenny, Pensions Ombudsman and Mr Kevin Lonergan, Head of Investigations, the Office of the Pensions Ombudsman, (c) Mr Joe Byrne, Chairman and Mr Patrick Burke, Vice-Chairman, the Irish Association of Pension Funds, (d) Mr Liam Murphy and Ms Sarah Kyne, Principal Officers and Ms Karen Cullen, Department of Finance and (e) Ms Anne Vaughan, Principal Officer, and Mr Paul Cunningham, Assistant Principal Officer, Department of Social and Family Affairs, made presentations in relation to pensions issues in Ireland. Declaration by Member. Prior to the commencement of the presentations, on members of the Joint Committee being invited by the Chairman to make a declaration, Senator Terry informed the meeting that she and her husband had been in frequent contact with the Pensions Board in relation to pensions issues. Following the presentations, there followed a question and answer session. The Joint Committee thanked the representatives for their attendance and presentation. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. 3. Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 6.30 p.m. ________________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 13 December, 2005. Joint Committee on Social and Family AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday, 13 December, 2005The meeting commenced at 3.11pm in private session. 1. Attendance: The following members attended: Deputies: John Carty, Jerry Cowley, Donal Moynihan, Charlie O’Connor, William Penrose (in the chair), Michael Ring, David Stanton and Dan Wallace. Senators: Sheila Terry and Kate Walsh. An apology for inability to attend was received from Deputy Seán Ryan. 2. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. Public Session: 3. Presentation by the National Disability Authority in connection with the Authority’s Disability Strategy and the Authority’s response to the Outline Sectoral Plans of Government Departments. A delegation from National Disability Authority — Ms Eithne Fitzgerald, Head of Policy and Public Affairs and Dr Rosarie McCarthy, Senior Policy and Public Affairs Advisor - made a presentation to the Committee in connection with the Authority’s Disability Strategy and the Authority’s response to the Outline Sectoral Plans of Government Departments. There then followed a question and answer session. The Joint Committee thanked the representatives for their attendance and presentation. It was decided to write to the Minister for Social and Family Affairs, Mr Seamus Brennan TD endorsing the position set out by the Authority and asking him to give effect, in particular, to the Authority’s proposal that “information could be channelled to employers of those off work for a period about the range of FÁS supports for retention of an employee who has acquired a disability”. Private Session: Items discussed in private session. 4. Adjournment. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4.30 pm until Tuesday 10 January 2006 at 2.30 p.m. ________________________ William Penrose T.D. Chairman 10 January, 2006. |
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