Committee Reports::Report No. 04 - Adult Literacy in Ireland::31 May, 2006::Appendix


1.City of Dublin Vocational Education Committee.


3.Exchange House Travellers Service.

4.Church of Scientology Mission of Dublin.

5.Bray Adult Learning Centre.

6.Soilse Henrietta Place.

7.Local Authority National Partnership Advisory Group (LANPAG).

8.Dublin Community Television Adult Education Thematic Content Group.

9.Co. Wicklow VEC Adult Basic Education.

10.Dublin Adult Learning Centre.

11.Department of Psychiatry of Old Age.

12.National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA).

13.Co. Clare VEC and Clare Youth Service.

14.Co. Dublin Vocational Education Committee.

15.Neuron Learning Ltd.

16.Adult Literacy Organisers Association (ALOA).


18.Adult Education Officers Association.

19.Irish Vocational Education Association (IVEA).

20.City of Limerick VEC Adult Literacy Service.

21.Local Development Social Inclusion Programme.

22.Co. Galway VEC West Galway Adult Literacy Service.

23.Co. Donegal VEC.

24.Co. Louth VEC.

25.Health Promotion Service of the HSE, Northern Area.

26.Dyslexia Association of Ireland.

27.The Career Path Centre for Dyslexia.



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