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Chairman's ForewordThis is the second annual report of the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs. I was elected as Chairman of the Joint Committee on 12 November 2002. The present Vice-Chairman is Deputy Michael Mulcahy who was elected on 25th November 2004. Ireland's Presidency of the European Union.The beginning of 2004 saw the start of Ireland's Presidency of the European Union. The Presidency lasted for the 6 month period from 1 January to 31 June and it spanned the most important period in Ireland's Membership of the EU in recent times. The beginning of May saw the accession of 10 new Member States. During the Presidency the Irish Government successfully concluded negotiations on the new Constitution for Europe. Also during the Presidency, I assumed the Chair of the Conference of Foreign Affairs Committees and I hosted two very successful conferences which included representatives of all Member States as well as Accession States and Candidate Countries. Meetings of the Joint CommitteeThe Joint Committee is a very active committee, meeting in public either in its full form or at sub-committee level, approximately once every week. In addition to these meetings, the Chairman, alone or sometimes accompanied by some other members, meets privately with foreign dignitaries or representatives of international organisations who visit the Oireachtas outside normal committee meeting times. Visits AbroadThe Joint Committee undertakes visits abroad, to gather information on specific subjects, to gain a better understanding of the countries visited, to familiarise members with issues which were unfolding in the country or international organisation visited, and as part of the normal inter-committee exchanges between parliaments or to attend conferences and meetings. In the reporting period, visits ranged over a wide expanse of geographical locations and encompassed a variety of subjects. The following are some of the visits made by delegations from this Joint Committee. In January I led a delegation of Members to a Conference in Rome, organised by AWEPA (Parliamentarians for Global Action) the theme of the Conference was Africa's Development. In February Members of the Committee attended the 5th Annual Conference of the Parliamentary Network on the World Bank in Paris the theme of the Conference was the Millennium Development Goals. In March the Committee travelled to Prague in the Czech Republic at the invitation of Mr. Vladimir Lastuvka, Chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Parliament of the Czech Republic. The Committee visited Sofia, Bulgaria in May at the Invitation from Professor Venko Alexandrov, Chairman of the Committee on Foreign Policy, Defence and Security. In June, the Committee attended the United Nations conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD XI) in Sao Paulo, Brazil. In September the Committee visited Ethopia and Uganda as part of its review of Ireland's development programme in those countries. As Chairman of the Committee I and Senator Michael Kitt, Chairman of the Sub-Committee on Development Cooperation, attended the Conference of Chairmen of the Foreign Affairs Committees in the Hague. This meeting was part of the Presidency programme of the Dutch Presidency of the EU. In October, members of the Committee attended a Parliamentary Hearing at the U.N. The theme of the hearing was “From disarmament to lasting peace defining the parliamentary role” In addition to these visits the Sub- Committee on Human Rights held meetings with the High Commissioner on Human Rights and Officials of the Commission in Geneva in April. The Joint Committee acknowledges the personal cooperation of the Minister for Foreign Affairs Mr. Dermot Ahern T.D. and Minister of State, Conor Lenihan T.D. at the Department of Foreign Affairs, and their staff in the Department, in assisting, planning and organising these visits and in briefing the Members prior to departure. Focus of the Joint CommitteeThe work of the Joint Committee is driven primarily by international events and this fact is normally reflected in its agenda. Countries in conflict and issues of human rights are constant themes. Once again this year, the Middle East, including the situation in Iraq and issues related to that conflict, the Israeli/Palestinian conflict and the crises in Africa including famine were discussed. Other important subjects debated and examined included the situation in Iran and North Korea; the political situation in Cyprus, the plight of Irish Emigrants in the UK and the US which continues to be an important issue for the Committee; the reform of the UN and Ireland's role in UN Peacekeeping were also issues under review. The Committee devoted a considerable amount of time to detailed discussion of subjects with an Irish flavour including: the Development Cooperation Ireland aid programme in Uganda which was to be the subject of a report to be published by the Committee. The Government's plans to reach the UN targets for states' spending on development cooperation (0.7% of GDP). The Committee continued to monitor progress in achieving the Government's commitment. The Joint Committee, in general reflects the views and concerns of the Irish public. Broadly, the main issues for the Joint Committee are: - the immediate cause and consequence of particular events; how Ireland, the EU or the UN can help; the human rights abuses which may have occurred; whether humanitarian assistance is needed and is forthcoming; the relationship of the particular country to Ireland; and the question of strengthening and enlarging our economic and political ties with the country concerned. The topics are selected from major international political events, issues raised by other Joint Committee members or from the public, particularly from NGOs. They also arise through the opportunities offered by visits to Ireland of foreign political dignitaries. The major items, which continually appear on the agenda of the Joint Committee are countries and regions in conflict and crisis, breaches of human rights, humanitarian disasters and development cooperation, issues pertaining to the EU, the UN and Northern Ireland. Human RightsThe issue of human rights is one of the central themes of the Joint Committee. This is a principal focus for Members in their examination of many of the countries that come up for discussion. Questions on human rights always arise in respect of countries and regions in conflict or in crisis. In addition, the issue is always addressed when our delegations visit, or incoming delegations arrive from countries which are known to have breached human rights norms. In recognition of this, a sub-committee chaired by Senator Paul Bradford, has again been established to deal solely with this subject. The Sub-Committee on Human Rights meets regularly. Development CooperationDevelopment Cooperation has been a central plank of Ireland's foreign policy for a considerable amount of time. It is an area where the Irish public continues to show enormous interest and support. Government spending on development aid is now already greater than the expenditure of all but the top six or seven States and will increase to €645 million in 2005 to around €1.5 billion in 2012 on current projections. The Joint Committee strongly supports the work of Development Cooperation Ireland, Ireland's official support for effective and enhanced EU development assistance, and its increased involvement in pushing for more effective and coordinated UN humanitarian and development assistance. The Joint Committee believes that the populations in the poorest countries, will only be in a position to achieve sustainable development if these countries are democratic, respect the rule of law and human rights and are free from conflict and government corruption. However, it also believes that developed nations and international organisations must in their turn do everything possible to build capacity in these countries so that they will be in a position to take advantage of the opportunities offered by world trade. Because of the importance of this area of Joint Committee work, it too has been given a separate sub-committee under the Chairmanship of Senator Michael Kitt and met at regular intervals during the period. The EUThe Joint Committee regularly deals with EU issues either directly, when for instance it is discussing Cyprus, or indirectly on most other issues (eg the EU policy on the Roadmap for the Middle East or its intended involvement in Iraq). The Joint Committee is also mindful of the negative result in the June 2001 referendum on the Nice Treaty and members are of the view that the EU's involvement in external issues should be a matter of interest for the Oireachtas and the Irish Public. The Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs is an enthusiastic supporter of EU enlargement and it believes that, in addition to the benefits for the countries concerned as well as the member States, enlargement will greatly strengthen Europe democratically, culturally, economically and in terms of security. The UNThe UN also features in many of the debates at Joint Committee meetings. The Committee looks forward to participating in discussions and negotiations leading towards the meeting in September on UN reform. The Committee believes that the UN should strive towards achieving meaningful structural reform and should dedicate itself to the fullest compliance of all Members with the terms of the Non-Proliferation Treaty. Reflecting Ireland's traditional interest, particularly in the area of international peacekeeping and development assistance, the Joint Committee pays special attention to the role of the UN in humanitarian crisis areas and conflict situations. The Committee supports the goals of the UN reform including UN commitments such as the UN Millennium Development Goals and recognises the central role, which the UN must continue to play in international affairs. The Joint Committee is strongly of the view that the UN should remain the central organisation through which matters of international peace and security would be addressed and acted upon. Northern IrelandNorthern Ireland has the greatest resonance for the members of the Joint Committee and there is an ongoing desire to be kept informed of developments in relation to political progress there. However, because of the political sensitivities, the Joint Committee refrains from engaging in public debate on the issue while negotiations are ongoing between the two governments and the political parties in Northern Ireland. The Joint Committee, nevertheless, meets on occasions to discuss certain aspects of Northern Ireland with a view to being helpful to the continuing peace process. ConclusionThe Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs comprises both Government and Opposition members. It provides therefore, a broad and independent Oireachtas view on the key issues, which arise in Ireland's international relations and foreign affairs. It has come under enormous pressure in recent years because of Ireland's greatly increased role in international affairs. Our historic involvement in Africa through our missionaries, NGOs, business, sporting and cultural interests and Departmental staffs has given us a special position from which to support and participate in economic and social developments in African states. This is true also in many other parts of the world. People see how Ireland has developed rapidly to rank among the wealthiest nations in the world and they want to emulate this achievement. We want to assist them in their own development. We greatly appreciate the excellent and highly professional support provided to the Committee by the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. Dermot Ahern T.D., his Minister of State for Development Cooperation, Mr. Conor Lenihan T.D., and the Secretary General, Mr. Dermot Gallagher and his staff in the Department of Foreign Affairs. We also acknowledge the hard work and dedication throughout the year, of our own staff in the Secretariat to the Committee. Next year, the Joint Committee is will continue to focus its work on priority areas. We have included Timor Leste and the UN/NPT and WTO among those. We expect next year to be another busy one as the pace of international change and exchange continues to increase and as Ireland continues its development of deeper relations with other countries around the world. Dr. Michael Woods T.D. Chairman 20th December, 2005 Members of the Joint Committee
1. Content and Format of ReportThis report has been prepared pursuant to Standing Order 84 (3), (4), (5) and (6) (Dáil Éireann) and Standing Order 69 (3), (4), (5) and (6) (Seanad Éireann) which provide for the Joint Committee to-
At its meeting on 2nd March 2004, the Joint Committee agreed that all these items should be included in this annual report. 2. Establishment and FunctionsThe Dáil Select Committee was established by Order of Dáil Éireann of 16 October 2002 to consider Bills, Estimates for Public Services and the terms of any international agreement involving a charge on public funds which come within the aegis of the Department of Foreign Affairs . The Dáil Select Committee under the same Order was enjoined with a Select Committee of Seanad Éireann, established by Order of Seanad Éireann of 17 October 2002, to form the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs. Among the principal functions of the Joint Committee are to consider –
The Orders of Reference of the Dáil Select Committee and the Joint Committee are set out at Appendix 1. 3. Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Convenors and MembershipDeputy Michael Woods was elected as Chairman of the Joint Committee on 12 November 2002. The present Vice-Chairman is Deputy Michael Mulcahy who was elected on 25th November 2004. The Chairman of the Joint Committee is also Chairman of the Dáil Select Committee. Deputies Tony Dempsey and Michael D. Higgins are the Convenors of the Committee whose function it is to ensure the availability and attendance of Members or their substitutes for meetings of the Committee and other Committee activities and, in particular, to ensure Members' availability for divisions. The Members of the Joint Committee are set out at Appendix 2. 4. Establishment of Sub-CommitteesStanding Order 81(3) (Dáil) and Standing Order 65(3) (Seanad) confer on Committees the power to appoint sub-Committees and to refer to such sub-Committees any matter covered by its orders of reference and to delegate any of its powers to such sub-Committees, including power to report directly to the Dáil and Seanad.
The sub-Committee has 7 Members, 4 from Dáil Éireann and 3 from Seanad Éireann. The Members of the sub-Committee are set out in Appendix 2.2. The Orders of Reference of the sub-Committee are set out in Appendix 1.2. At its first meeting on 27 February 2003 the Sub-Committee elected Senator Paul Bradford as Chairman and Senator Paschal Mooney as Vice-Chairman. 5. Meetings, Attendance and RecordingMeetings of the Joint Committee, Select Committee and sub-Committee(s) took place in the Committee rooms in Leinster House 2000. Meetings were in public unless otherwise ordered by the Committee. Televised coverage of public meetings of the Committee was broadcast live within the Leinster House complex and was available for subsequent public broadcasting by RTE, TV3 and other networks. An Official Report (Parliamentary Debates) of public meetings of the Committees is published and may be purchased from the Government Publications Sales Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. The Official Reports may also be viewed on the Houses of the Oireachtas website at www.oireachtas.ie Copies of other reports published by the Joint Committee may be obtained from the Clerk, Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Kildare House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2, telephone: 01-6183000, email:foreignaffairs@oireachtas.ie. A list of these reports is set out at paragraph 9. 6. Number and Duration of MeetingsThe Joint Committee met on 21 occasions in the year under report. The number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 32 hours. The date and subject matter of each meeting is set out at Appendix 3. The Sub-Committee on Development Co-operation met on 5 occasions during the year and the number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 6 hours. The date and subject matter of each meeting is set out in Appendix 3.1. The Sub-Committee on Human Rights met on 10 occasions during the year and the number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 7 hours. The date and subject matter of each meeting is set out in Appendix 3.2. The Dáil Select Committee met on 2 occasions in the year under report and the number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 2 hours. The date and subject matter of each meeting is set out in Appendix 4. Minutes of the proceedings of the Joint Committee and its sub-Committees meetings held in public session are attached at Appendix 5. 7. Work of the Committee7.1 Joint CommitteeOn the 21 occasions the Joint Committee met, it dealt with the following matters:
A copy of the Joint Committee's work programme for 2005 is at Appendix 8. 7.2 Dáil Select CommitteeOn the 2 occasions the Dáil Select Committee met, it dealt with the following matters:
7.3 Sub-Committee on Development Co-operationOn the 5 occasions that it met, the Sub-Committee on Development Co-operation dealt with the following matters:-
7.4 Sub-Committee on Human RightsOn the 10 occasions that it met, the Sub-Committee on Rights dealt with the following matters:-
8. Groups and Individuals attending before CommitteeIn the year under report, the Joint Committee met with the following organisations, groups and individuals:
The Sub-Committee on Development Co-operation met with the following groups and individuals –
The Sub-Committee on Human Rights met with the following groups and individuals –
In addition to the formal meetings of the Joint Committee, the Chairman also had a series of meetings [over 30] on behalf of the Committee during the year, including meetings with Ambassadors and other distinguished visitors, incoming delegations and individuals. Details are set out on Appendix 6. 9. 9.1 Joint Committee ReportsDuring the year under report, the Joint Committee published the following reports:
9.2 Work in Progress
10. TravelThe Joint Committee travelled abroad on fact finding missions and to attend international conferences in accordance with its Orders of Reference in connection with its work programme. Details of this travel are set out in Appendix 7. 11. Functions and PowersThe Joint Committee is currently satisfied with its present procedures and role. It has no plans to request changes to its Orders of Reference in 2005. Appendix 1Committee on Foreign AffairsOrders of ReferenceDáil Éireann on 16th October 2002 ordered:
Seanad Éireann on 17th October 2002 (*23 October 2002) ordered:
Appendix 1(A)Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsOrder Establishing Sub-Committee on Development Co-operationOrders of ReferenceOrdered on 18th December 2002“That-
Appendix 1(B)Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human Rights Orders of ReferenceOrdered on 18th December 2002“That-
Appendix 2Members of the Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsMembers: Michael Woods (Chairman) (FF) Michael Mulcahy (Vice-Chairman) (FF) Bernard Allen (FG) Pat Carey (FF) Noel Davern (FF) Tony Dempsey (FF) Bernard J Durkan (FG) Tony Gregory (Ind) Michael D. Higgins (Lab) Liz O'Donnell (PD) Ruairi Quinn (Lab) Senators: Paul Bradford (FG) Michael Kitt (FF) Paschal Mooney (FF) David Norris (Ind.) Mary O'Rourke (FF) Brendan Ryan (Lab) Appendix 2.1Sub-Committee on Development Co-operationList of Members
Appendix 2.2Sub-Committee on Human RightsList of Members
Appendix 3Meetings of the Joint Committee of Foreign Affairs
Appendix 3.1Meetings of the Sub-Committee on Development Co-Operation
Appendix 3.2Meetings of the Sub-Committee on Human Rights
Appendix 4Meeting of the Dáil Select Committee on Foreign Affairs
Appendix 5Minutes of the Proceedings of the Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsJoint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday, 20th January 20041. The Joint Committee met in public session at 12.10 p.m. in Committee Room 4, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the chair), Pat Carey, Tony Dempsey, Michael D. Higgins, Gay Mitchell, Ruairí Quinn and Dan Wallace. Senators Paul Coghlan* and Michéal Kitt. * In substitution for Senator Paul Bradford. Also in attendance: Deputy Jim O'Keeffe. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Noel Davern, Tony Gregory, Michael Noonan and Liz O'Donnell and Senators Paul Bradford, Paschal Mooney, David Norris, Mary O'Rourke and Brendan Ryan. 3. Exchange of Views with House of Commons Foreign Affairs CommitteeOn behalf of the Joint Committee the Chairman welcomed Rt Hon Donald Anderson MP, Chairman of the House of Commons Foreign Affairs Committee and the following Members of that Committee: David Chidgey, Fabian Hamilton, Eric Illsley, Andrew Mackinlay, John Maples, Bill Olner, Richard Ottaway, Greg Pope, Rt Hon Sir John Stanley and Gisela Stewart. Following introductory statements by both Chairmen there followed a frank and wide-ranging discussion on issues of mutual interest and concern, including Ireland's priorities during its' presidency of the EU, Enlargement, the EU constitution, relations with the US and the UN and developments in Africa and the Middle East. 4. AdjournmentThe meeting adjourned at 1.05 p.m. Following the meeting the discussion continued during a working lunch hosted by the Chairman. Dr. Michael Woods T.D. Chairman February 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 20th January 20041. The Joint Committee met in public session at 3.10p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the chair), Pat Carey, Noel Davern, Tony Dempsey, Gay Mitchell and Dan Wallace. Senators Paul Bradford, Michéal Kitt and Mary O'Rourke. Also in attendance: Jim O'Keeffe T.D. Apologies were received from Deputies Michael D. Higgins, Tony Gregory, Michael Noonan, Ruairí Quinn and Liz O'Donnell and Senators Paschal Mooney, David Norris and Brendan Ryan. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 18th December 2003 were agreed. 4. Exchange of Views with Mr. Reubens Ricupero, Secretary General of UNCTADThe Committee had an exchange of views with Mr. Reubens Ricupero, Secretary General on UNCTAD (UN Conference on Trade and Development). Mr. Ricupero was accompanied by Mr. Samuel Laird, Head of UNCTAD's Trade Analysis Section. The discussion centred on the role of UNCTAD and on the forthcoming 11th UNCTAD Conference to be held in Brazil in June 2004. 5. Issues facing Irish Emigrants in the UK and USThe Committee discussed the following motion regarding issues facing Irish Emigrants in the UK and US, moved by Deputy Mitchell and seconded by Senator Bradford – “That this Committee hold hearings annually in Britain in particular, but also in the U.S. on the issues facing Irish emigrants with a view to advancing the proposals put forward by the Task Force on policy regarding Emigrants.” Following discussion, the following amended motion was agreed by the Committee - “That this Committee hold hearings or meetings annually in Britain in particular, but also in the U.S. ,this summer or as soon as practicable, on the issues facing Irish emigrants with a view to advancing the proposals put forward by the Task Force on policy regarding Emigrants.” The Committee also agreed that it should first discuss the issues facing Irish Emigrants with the Department of Foreign Affairs and the Díon Committee. 6. EU ScrutinyThe Committee considered correspondence from the Sub-Committee on European Scrutiny regarding one proposal examined, falling within the remit of the Department of Foreign Affairs – COM (2003) 684 - Council Regulation on the establishment of European Partnerships in the framework of the Stabilisation and Association process. The Committee agreed with the recommendation of the Sub-Committee that no further scrutiny of these proposals was necessary. IN PRIVATE SESSION7. Discussed in private session 8. Discussed in private session 9. Discussed in private session 10. Discussed in private session 11. AdjournmentThere being no other business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 4.27p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman February 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 3rd February 20041. The Joint Committee met in public session at 12 noon, in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Pat Carey, Noel Davern, Tony Dempsey, Tony Gregory, Michael Noonan, Liz O'Donnell and Dan Wallace. Senators Paul Bradford, Paul Coghlan*, Camillus Glynn*, Michéal Kitt, Paschal Mooney, David Norris and Mary O'Rourke. * in substitution, for part of meeting, for Senators Bradford and Mooney respectively. Also in attendance: Patricia McKenna MEP. Apologies were received from Deputy Michael D. Higgins and Senator Brendan Ryan. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meetings held on 20th January 2004 were agreed. 4. Exchange of Views with the Foreign Minister of the Republic of CyprusThe Committee had an exchange of views with Mr. George Iacovou, Foreign Minister of the Republic of Cyprus, The Foreign Minister was accompanied by the Director of his office, Mr. Pavlos Anastasiades, by the Cypriot Ambassador, Mr. Andreas Kakouris and also by Ms. Maria Hadjitheodosiou from the Cypriot Embassy. The discussion centred on the forthcoming accession of Cyprus to the EU and the prospects for a final and comprehensive settlement to the Cyprus question. 5. EU ScrutinyThe Committee considered correspondence from the Sub-Committee on European Scrutiny regarding one proposal examined, falling within the remit of the Department of Foreign Affairs – COM (2003) 639 – an amending regulation on the implementation of development co-operation operations which contribute to the general objective of developing and consolidating democracy and the rule of law and to that of respecting human rights and fundamental freedoms. The Committee agreed with the recommendation of the Sub-Committee that no further scrutiny of this proposal was necessary. The Committee also noted the following proposals and CFSP measures –
IN PRIVATE SESSION6. Discussed in private session 7. AdjournmentThere being no other business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 1.07p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman February 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 17th February 20041. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.05p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Pat Carey, Noel Davern, Tony Dempsey, Tony Gregory, Michael D. Higgins, Gay Mitchell, Michael Noonan and Dan Wallace. Senators Paul Coghlan*, Michéal Kitt, Paschal Mooney, David Norris, Mary O'Rourke and Eamon Scanlon**. * in substitution for Senator Paul Bradford ** in substitution for part of meeting for Senator Paschal Mooney. Also in attendance: Jim O'Keeffe T.D., Senator Mary White. Apologies were received from Deputies Ruairí Quinn and Liz O'Donnell and Senator Paul Bradford. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meetings held on 3rd February 2004 were agreed. Matters Arising The Committee briefly discussed the recent announcement by the Government that Ireland had established diplomatic relations with Burma. It was agreed that the Chairman should write immediately to the Minister for Foreign Affairs to express the concern of the Committee about this change in Ireland's policy towards Burma and to request a meeting with the Minister or his officials at the earliest possible opportunity to discuss this very significant policy shift. This meeting would also give the Committee an opportunity to clarify Ireland's position towards Tibet. A number of members expressed concern about the Committees current work programme which increasingly required the Committee to meet with incoming delegations, at the expense of the consideration of policy issues. It was agreed that the work programme of the Committee would be reviewed at the next meeting. 4. Exchange of Views with the Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the UKThe Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Henri Nswana, Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the UK, regarding the current situation in the DRC and the prospect for elections there in 2005. The Ambassador was accompanied by Mr. Bampenga Kayeye, Mr. Butu Kiwanda and Mr. Pierrot Ngadi, from the Congolese Irish Partnership. 5. Exchange of Views with Mr. Isaias Samakuva, President of UNITAThe Committee had an exchange of views with Mr. Isaias Samakuva, President of UNITA, the Angolan opposition party, regarding the current situation in Angola and the prospects for a lasting peace there. Mr. Samakuva was accompanied by Mr. Carlos Kandanda, UNITA's Foreign Affairs Spokesperson. IN PRIVATE SESSION6. Discussed in private session 7. Discussed in private session 8. AdjournmentThere being no other business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 4.17p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman March 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 2nd March 20041. The Joint Committee met in private session at 2.05p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Tony Dempsey, Tony Gregory, Michael D. Higgins, Gay Mitchell, Michael Noonan, Charlie O'Connor* and Dan Wallace. Senators Paul Bradford, Michéal Kitt, Paschal Mooney, David Norris and Mary O'Rourke. * in substitution for Deputy Pat Carey. Also in attendance: Deputy Jim O'Keeffe. Apologies were received from Deputies Pat Carey, Ruairí Quinn and Liz O'Donnell. IN PRIVATE SESSION3. Discussed in private session 4. Discussed in private session 5. Discussed in private session 6. Discussed in private session 7. Discussed in private session 8. AdjournmentThere being no other business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 3.32p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman March 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 23rd March 20041. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.05p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Pat Carey, Noel Davern, Tony Dempsey, Tony Gregory, Michael D. Higgins, Gay Mitchell, Michael Noonan and Dan Wallace. Senators Michéal Kitt, David Norris, Mary O'Rourke and Brendan Ryan. Also in attendance: Senator Terry Leyden. Apologies were received from Deputies Ruairí Quinn and Liz O'Donnell. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 2nd March 2004 were agreed. Matters Arising Senator O'Rourke requested that the Chairman consider an alternative regular meeting time for the Committee as the current starting time of 2pm on Tuesdays clashed with the Seanad Order of Business and made it extremely difficult for her as Leader of the Seanad to attend meetings. The request was supported by Senator Michéal Kitt. 4. Presentation by Palestinian Delegation regarding the Current Situation in the Palestinian TerritoriesThe Committee heard a presentation from a Palestinian Delegation regarding the current situation in the Palestinian territories. Appearing before the Committee were Dr. Ali Halimeh, Delegate General of Palestine in Ireland, Maen Rashid Areikat, Director General, PLO Negotiation Affairs Department and Anwar Darakazadly, Legal Expert, Jerusalem/Wall. The presentation was followed by an exchange of views with members. The Committee noted that Senator Norris had received a letter from President Arafat unambiguously condemning suicide bombing (circulation to be arranged). Arising from the discussion, it was agreed that a delegation from the Committee should if possible visit the Palestinian Territories and Israel while Ireland holds the EU Presidency. 5. EU ScrutinyThe Committee considered correspondence from the Sub-Committee on European Scrutiny regarding three proposals examined falling within the remit of the Department of Foreign Affairs -
The Committee agreed with the recommendations of the Sub-Committee that no further scrutiny of these proposals were necessary. The Committee also noted the following proposals and CFSP measures –
IN PRIVATE SESSION6. Discussed in private session 7. Discussed in private session. 8. Discussed in private session. 9. AdjournmentThere being no other business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 3.50p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman April 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 27th April 20041. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.07p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Tony Dempsey, Michael Noonan, Liz O'Donnell, Emmett Stagg* and Dan Wallace. Senators Michéal Kitt, Don Lydon* and Mary O'Rourke. Apologies were received from Deputies Ruairí Quinn and Michael D. Higgins and Senators David Norris and Paschal Mooney. *In substitution for Deputy Michael D. Higgins and Senator Paschal Mooney respectively. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 27th April 2004 were agreed. Matters arising The Committee noted that a verdict had been delivered in the case of the “Colombia 3” and that the men had been found not guilty of the major offence with which they were charged. The Chairman commended the efforts of Senator Mary White, who had travelled to Colombia on several occasions to monitor the trial and report back to the Committee, and the efforts of the Minister for Foreign Affairs and his officials in the Consular Division of the Department and in the Irish Embassy in Mexico, who monitored the case closely from the start and who at all times sought to ensure the safety of the men and to ensure that they received a fair trial, in accordance with the wishes of the Joint Committee. 4. Issues Facing Irish Emigrants in the UK and the US – Presentation by the Department of Foreign AffairsThe Committee heard a presentation from the Department of Foreign Affairs regarding the issues facing Irish emigrants abroad, particularly those living in the UK and the US, and progress being made on implementing the recommendations of the report of the Task Force on Policy Regarding Emigrants. Appearing before the Committee were Mr. John Neary and Mr. Tom Brady from the Consular Division of the Department. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. Arising from the presentation, the Committee agreed to give priority to the issue of Irish emigrants and would seek to meet with those agencies who work in support of Irish emigrants and representative emigrants groups in the UK. 5. EU ScrutinyThe Committee considered correspondence from the Sub-Committee on European Scrutiny regarding five proposals examined falling within the remit of the Department of Foreign Affairs –
The Committee agreed with the recommendations of the Sub-Committee that no further scrutiny of these proposals were necessary. The Committee also noted the following proposals and CFSP measures –
IN PRIVATE SESSION6. Discussed in Private Session 7. AdjournmentThere being no other business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 3.50p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman May 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday 20th May 20041. The Joint Committee met in public session at 10.42 a.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Pat Carey, Tony Gregory, Dan Wallace and G.V. Wright*. Senators Paul Bradford, Paschal Mooney and David Norris. Apologies were received from Deputies Tony Dempsey, Liz O'Donnell, Ruairí Quinn and Gay Mitchell and Senator Michael Kitt. *In substitution for Deputy Tony Dempsey. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 27th April 2004 were agreed. Matters arising Following a proposal from Deputy Michael D. Higgins, it was agreed that a statement should issue from the Committee condemning the appalling loss of civilian life in both Rafah and in Western Iraq. 4. Exchange of views with Croatian parliamentary DelegationOn behalf of the Joint Committee the Chairman welcomed Mr. Vladimir Šeks, President of the Parliament of Croatia and the following members and officials of the Croatian Parliament: Mrs. Đurđa Adelšić, Deputy Speaker, Mr. Neven Mimica, Chairman, European Integration Committee, Mr. Josip Sesar, Secretary General, Mr. Boris Abramović, Head of the Office of the President and Ms. Marina Ploškinjić, Advisor and Interpreter. Following introductory statements by the Chairman and the Speaker there followed a frank and wide-ranging discussion on issues of mutual interest and concern, in particular Croatia's application for EU membership. 5. Meeting with Minister of State at the Department of Foreign Affairs, Tom Kitt TDMinister of State Tom Kitt TD addressed the Committee regarding Ireland's development cooperation programme in Uganda. An exchange of views with the members followed. 6. EU ScrutinyThe Committee considered correspondence from the Sub-Committee on European Scrutiny regarding three proposals examined falling within the remit of the Department of Foreign Affairs –
The Committee agreed with the recommendations of the Sub-Committee that no further scrutiny of these proposals was necessary. IN PRIVATE SESSSION7. Discussed in private session 8. AdjournmentThere being no other business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 12.58p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman June 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday 3rd June 20041. The Joint Committee met in public session at 11.05a.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Joe Callanan*, Pat Carey, Tony Dempsey and Tony Gregory. Senators Paul Bradford, Micheal Kitt, Paschal Mooney and Mary O'Rourke. Apologies were received from Deputies Michael Noonan, Liz O'Donnell, Ruairí Quinn and Dan Wallace. *In substitution for Deputy Dan Wallace. Also in attendance: Jim Fitzsimons MEP. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 20th May 2004 were agreed. In private session4. Discussed in private session In public session5. Presentations by NGOs on the Development needs of Uganda.The Committee heard presentations regarding the development need of Uganda from a number of NGOs actively involved in the region. The presentations were followed by a question and answer session. Appearing before the Committee were- Mr. Ray Jordan from GOAL Ms. Helen Keogh and Ms. Sheila Garry from World Vision Ireland Mr. Tom Arnold and Mr. Mike Williams from Concern Mr. Noel McDonagh from Self Help Development International Mr. Aodh O'Connor and Ms. Clodagh Heagney from OXFAM 6. EU ScrutinyThe Committee considered correspondence from the Sub-Committee on European Scrutiny regarding four proposals examined, falling within the remit of the Department of Foreign Affairs –
The Committee agreed with the recommendations of the Sub-Committee that no further scrutiny of these proposals was necessary. IN PRIVATE SESSION7. Discussed in Private Session 8. AdjournmentThere being no other business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 1.04p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman June 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 22nd June 20041. The Joint Committee met in public session at 3.10 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Jim Glennon, Pat Carey, Tony Dempsey, Liz O'Donnell and Tony Gregory. Senators David Norris, Michael Kitt, Brendan Ryan, Don Lydon** and Mary O'Rourke. Apologies were received from Deputies Michael Noonan, Michael D. Higgins and Ruairí Quinn and Senator Paschal Mooney. *In substitution for Deputy Tony Dempsey for part of meeting **In substitution for Senator Paschal Mooney. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 3rd June 2004 were agreed. 4. Presentation by Amnesty International on Terrorism, Global Security and Human RightsThe Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Sean Love and Ms. Anne Marlborough of Amnesty International on the issue of terrorism, global security and human rights. In particular the presentation addressed the human rights situation and humanitarian law breaches in Iraq and Afghanistan. Allegations of human rights violations in western countries based on recently introduced anti-terrorist legislation were also addressed. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. 5. EU ScrutinyThe Committee considered correspondence from the Sub-Committee on European Scrutiny regarding several proposals examined, falling within the remit of the Department of Foreign Affairs –
The Committee agreed with the recommendations of the Sub-Committee that no further scrutiny of these proposals was necessary. The Committee also considered correspondence from the Sub-Committee on European Scrutiny regarding a measure which was adopted prior to scrutiny falling within the remit of the Department of Foreign Affairs –
The Committee also noted a number of CFSP measures circulated with the agenda -
IN PRIVATE SESSSION6. Discussed in private session 7. AdjournmentThere being no other business for discussion, the meeting was adjourned at 4.19p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman July 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday 7th July 20041. The Joint Committee met in private session at 3 p.m. in Committee Room 1, Leinster House 2000. 2. Discussed in private session 3. Discussed in private session 4. Discussed in private session 5. Discussed in private session 6. Discussed in private session 7. Discussed in private session 8. AdjournmentThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 4.12p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman July 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday 15th July 20041. The Joint Committee met in public session at 11.06 a.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Pat Carey, Noel Davern, Tony Dempsey, Tony Gregory, Gay Mitchell and Dan Wallace. Senators Micheal Kitt, Paschal Mooney, David Norris, Mary O'Rourke and John Paul Phelan*. *In substitution for Senator Paul Bradford. Apologies were received from Deputies Michael D. Higgins, Michael Noonan, Liz O'Donnell, Ruairí Quinn and Senator Paul Bradford. Also in attendance: Deputy Jim O'Keeffe. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 7th July 2004 were agreed. 4. Presentation by DóchasThe Committee heard a presentation from Dóchas regarding the ODA budget and the level of resources to be allocated in next year's estimates for development assistance and the issue of progression towards the UN target of 0.7% of GNP. The presentation also addressed the concerns of Dóchas regarding the impact of the proposed relocation of DCI to Limerick. Representing Dóchas at the meeting were Caoimhe De Barra, from Trócaire and Colin Roche from Oxfam Ireland. Apologies were received from Oisin Coghlan from Christian Aid who was unable to attend the meeting. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. Arising from the presentation, the Committee agreed to write to the Minister for Foreign Affairs and the Taoiseach, in support of the call by Dóchas, for the Government to make a commitment in the next budget to a multi-annual funding arrangement in the ODA programme in order that Ireland can meet its' commitment to achieve the UN target of 0.7% of GNP by 2007. Regarding the concerns expressed by Dóchas on the impact of the proposed relocation of DCI to Limerick, the Committee agreed to ask the Minister for his views on these concerns and seek clarification on his position. 5. EU ScrutinyThe Committee considered correspondence from the Sub-Committee on European Scrutiny regarding a number of proposals examined falling within the remit of the Department of Foreign Affairs – COM (2004) 313 - Proposal regarding access to Community External Assistance. COM (2004) 386 - Proposal regarding a request by Burkina Faso to accede to the protocol on ACP Sugar. COM (2004) 354, 355, 357, 358 and 370 - Proposals relating to the Stabilisation and Association Agreement between the EU and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia, Croatia and Armenia, to take account of the accession of the new Member States of the European Union. COM (2004) 381 - Proposal outlining the general approach for the reallocation of resources establishing an Instrument for Structural Policies for Pre-accession. COM (2004) 404 - Proposal on the implementation of Article 75 of the Euro Mediterranean Agreement establishing an Association between the EU and Egypt. The Committee agreed with the recommendations of the Sub-Committee that no further scrutiny of these proposals was necessary. The Committee also noted the following proposals which were adopted before scrutiny, and 2 CFSP measures – COM (2004) 241 - Proposal regarding a decision on the use of the reserve of the long-term development envelope as well as resources from the Investment Facility of the ninth European Development Fund for the establishment of an ACP-EU Water Facility. COM (2004) 286 - Proposal for a Council Decision on the signing of the Co-operation Agreement on a Civil Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) between the EU and Israel . COM (2004) 378 - Proposal for a Council Decision fixing the financial contributions to be paid by the Member States contributing to the European Development Fund. CFSP (2004) 487 - Council Common Position concerning further restrictive measures in relation to Liberia. CFSP (2004) 500 - Council Common Position on the application of specific measures to combat terrorism. 6. Discussed in Private Session 7. Discussed in Private Session 8. AdjournmentThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 12.39p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman 28 September 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 28th September 20041. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.30p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Pat Carey, Tony Dempsey, Tony Gregory and Ned O'Keeffe*. Senators Paul Bradford, Micheal Kitt, Paschal Mooney and Mary O'Rourke. *In substitution for Deputy Liz O'Donnell. Apologies were received from Deputies Noel Davern, Michael Noonan, Dan Wallace and Senator David Norris. Also in attendance: Jim O'Keeffe T.D. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 15th July 2004 were agreed. 4. Presentation by Co-operation IrelandThe Committee heard a presentation from Co-operation Ireland regarding peacebuilding in Northern Ireland and in particular the need for a partnership approach to peacebuilding at community level. Appearing before the Committee were Chief Executive Tony Kennedy and Gareth Casey. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. Arising from the presentation, the Committee agreed to write to the Minister for Foreign Affairs requesting the establishment of a working group involving civil society to draw up proposals for a partnership approach to promoting cross-border cooperation. 5. EU ScrutinyThe Committee considered correspondence from the Sub-Committee on European Scrutiny regarding a number of proposals examined falling within the remit of the Department of Foreign Affairs –
The Committee agreed with the recommendations of the Sub-Committee that no further scrutiny of these proposals was necessary. The Committee also noted the following CFSP measures and proposals which were adopted before scrutiny-
6. Discussed in private session 7. Discussed in private session 8. Discussed in private session 9. AdjournmentAs there was no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 3.35p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman October 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 12th October 20041. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.15p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Pat Carey, Tony Dempsey, Tony Gregory, Michael D. Higgins, Liz O'Donnell and Dan Wallace Senators Paul Coghlan*, Maurice Cummins*, Micheal Kitt, Terry Leyden**, Paschal Mooney and David Norris. *In substitution for Senator Bradford. ** In substitution for Senator Kitt for part of meeting. Also in attendance: Jim O'Keeffe T.D., Ciaran Cuffe T.D. Apologies were received from Deputies Michael Noonan and Ruairí Quinn. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 28th September 2004 were agreed. 4. Discussion with Minister of State Conor Lenihan TDThe Committee had a wide ranging discussion with Minister of State Conor Lenihan regarding the level of resources to be allocated in next year's estimates for development assistance and the issue of progression towards the UN target of 0.7% of GNP. The Minister was accompanied by the newly appointed Director General of Development Co-operation Ireland, Ronan Murphy, and colleagues Frank Sheridan, Paddy Fay and Brendan Rogers. Arising from the discussion the following motion, proposed by Deputy Higgins and seconded by Senator Norris, was unanimously agreed by the Committee – The Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs calls on the Government to fulfill its public commitment to achieve the UN target of 0.7% of GNP for ODA expenditure by 2007 and calls for serious and substantial measures to achieve this target to be taken in the forthcoming estimates. The Committee also agreed to invite the Taoiseach to attend the next meeting of the Committee to discuss the Governments commitment to achieve the UN target. 5. Presentation by Trocaire on the current situation in Darfur, Western SudanThe Committee heard a presentation from Trocaire regarding on the on-going crisis in Darfur, Western Sudan. Appearing before the Committee were Trocaire's Deputy Director Mr. Eamonn Meehan and Ms. Muireann Kirrane. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. 6.EU ScrutinyThe Committee considered correspondence from the Sub-Committee on European Scrutiny regarding a number of proposals examined, falling within the remit of the Department of Foreign Affairs –
The Committee agreed with the recommendations of the Sub-Committee that no further scrutiny of these proposals was necessary. 7. Discussed in private session 8. Discussed in private session 9. Discussed in private session 10. AdjournmentAs there was no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 5.24pm. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman October 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday 28th October 20041. The Joint Committee met in public session at 10.05a.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Pat Carey, Tony Dempsey, Bernard Durkan, Tony Gregory, Michael D. Higgins and Dan Wallace. Senators Paul Bradford, Micheal Kitt, Paschal Mooney, David Norris and Mary O'Rourke. Apologies were received from Deputies Liz O'Donnell and Ruairí Quinn. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 12th October 2004 were agreed. Matters arising
4. Presentation by Christian Aid Ireland on their report on Israeli land policies“ Facts on the Ground: The end of the two state solution?”The Committee heard a presentation from Oisin Coghlan of Christian Aid Ireland regarding the recently published report on Israeli land policies entitled “Facts on the Ground: The end of the two state solution?”. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. Arising from the presentation, the Committee agreed in principal to visit Israel and the Palestinian Territories to assess and report on the current situation in the region. The following motion was proposed by Senator Norris and seconded by Deputy Higgins– “The Committee calls on the Minister for Foreign Affairs to work within the European Union for the application of the human rights conditions attached to the preferential market access granted to Israel under the EU-Israel Association Agreement.” Following debate, the motion was not pressed at this time by the Senator. 5. Current situation in Gaza: Briefing by the Department of Foreign AffairsThe Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Tony Mannix from the Middle East Section of the Department of Foreign Affairs regarding the current situation in Gaza and the Palestinian Territories. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. 6. EU ScrutinyThe Committee considered correspondence from the Sub-Committee on European Scrutiny regarding a number of proposals examined falling within the remit of the Department of Foreign Affairs –
The Committee agreed with the recommendations of the Sub-Committee that no further scrutiny of these proposals was necessary. 7. Discussed in private session 8. Discussed in private session 9. Discussed in private session 10. AdjournmentAs there was no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 12.24pm. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman November 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 9th November 20041. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.08 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Pat Carey, Noel Davern, Tony Dempsey, Bernard Durkan, Tony Gregory, Michael D. Higgins, Liz O'Donnell and Dan Wallace. Senators Micheal Kitt, Paschal Mooney, David Norris, Mary O'Rourke and Brendan Ryan. Apologies were received from Deputy Ruairí Quinn and Senator Paul Bradford. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 28th October 2004 were agreed. 4. Budget targets for ODA – meeting with Development Co-operation Ireland, Dóchas and development NGOs regarding their capacity to handle substantial increases in funding.The Committee heard presentations from Mr. Ronan Murphy, Director General of Development Cooperation Ireland, Mr. Hans Zomer, Director, Dóchas, Mr. Tom Arnold, Chief Executive, Concern, Mr. Eamonn Meehan, Deputy Director, Trócaire, Mr. John O'Shea, Chief Executive, GOAL and Sr. Noelle Corscaddon, Chairperson of Irish Missionary Resource Service. Arising from the presentation, the Committee agreed to write again to the Taoiseach to inform him that the Joint Committee is unanimously of the opinion that the NGOs, Missionaries and DCI, are fully in a position to manage substantial increases in funding. 5. EU ScrutinyThe Committee considered correspondence from the Sub-Committee on European Scrutiny regarding a number of proposals examined falling within the remit of the Department of Foreign Affairs –
The Committee agreed with the recommendations of the Sub-Committee that no further scrutiny of this proposal was necessary. The Committee also noted the following CFSP proposals.
6. Discussed in private session 7. Discussed in private session 8. AdjournmentAs there was no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 4.52 p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman November 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday 25th November 20041. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.03 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Pat Carey, Tony Dempsey, Bernard Durkan, Tony Gregory, Michael D. Higgins and Michael Mulcahy. Senators Paul Bradford, Micheal Kitt, Paschal Mooney, David Norris, Mary O'Rourke and Brendan Ryan. Apologies were received from Deputy Ruairí Quinn. 3. Election of Vice ChairDeputy Michael Mulcahy was elected unanimously as Vice-Chairman. The Chairman congratulated Deputy Mulcahy on his appointment and welcomed him to the Committee. Deputy Pat Carey has been appointed to the Chairmanship of the British Irish Inter-Parliamentary Body. He will remain as a member of the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs. While Deputy Dan Wallace is now a member of the European Affairs Committee. 4. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 9th November 2004 were agreed. 5. Discussion with the Israeli Ambassador to Ireland and members of the Israeli Parliament in relation to the current situation in IsraelThe Chairman welcomed the Ambassador of Israel, His Excellency Mr. Daniel Megiddo and also Mr. Isaac Herzog and Mr. Amir Peretz, Labour Party, Members of the Knesset. The Committee had a wide ranging discussion with the delegation in which the delegation set out its' views on a number of topics including the forthcoming election process. The Committee confirmed its' support for the Road Map. The Chairman thanked the delegation for attending the meeting and stated that the Committee plans to visit Israel and Palestine early in the New Year and will keep the matter on its, agenda. 6. Discussion on the Estimate for Overseas Development AidThe Committee discussed the allocation in the Estimates for overseas aid. The Committee expressed disappointment at the fact that it fell short of the target of 0.7% of GNP by 2007. It was agreed to write to the Minister for Finance and request that an additional allocation be made in the forthcoming budget to ensure overseas development aid meets the agreed targets. 7. Discussed in private session 8. Discussed in private session 9. Discussed in private session 10. AdjournmentAs there was no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 4.52 p.m. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman December 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 7th December 20041. The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.15 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Bernard Durkan, Tony Gregory, Michael D. Higgins, Michael Mulcahy and Liz O'Donnell. Senators Paschal Mooney and David Norris. Apologies were received from Deputy Ruairí Quinn and Senator Paul Bradford. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 25 November 2004 were agreed. 4. Discussion on the Geneva ConventionThe Chairman welcomed Mr. Brendan McMahon from the Legal Division in the Department of Foreign Affairs to the meeting. Mr. McMahon briefed the Committee on the provisions of the Geneva Convention, in particular the protection of civilian persons in time of war. This was followed by a question and answer session with Committee members. The Chairman thanked Mr. McMahon for attending the meeting and for the comprehensive briefing material supplied. It was agreed by all members that the documents supplied would act as excellent reference material. An additional briefing note is to be supplied to the Committee covering some of the points discussed. 5. CorrespondenceThe Committee considered correspondence from the Sub-Committee on European Scrutiny regarding a number of proposals examined falling within the remit of the Department of Foreign Affairs –
The Committee agreed with the recommendations of the Sub-Committee that no further scrutiny of these proposals was necessary. 6. Discussed in private session 7. Discussed in private session 8. AdjournmentAs there was no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 3.41 p.m. sine die. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman December 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeTuesday 21st December 20041. The Joint Committee met in private session at 2.08 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Deputies Dr. Michael Woods (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Tony Dempsey, and Tony Gregory. Senators Paul Bradford, Michael Kitt, Paschal Mooney, David Norris and Mary O'Rourke. Apologies were received from Deputies Noel Davern, Michael D. Higgins, Michael Mulcahy, Ruairí Quinn and Senator Brendan Ryan. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 7 December 2004 were agreed. 4. Discussed in private session 5. Discussed in private session 6. Discussed in private session 7. Discussed in private session 8. Discussed in private session 9. Discussed in private session 10. Discussed in private session 11. AdjournmentAs there was no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 3.13 p.m. sine die. Dr. Michael Woods T.D Chairman January 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Development Co-OperationProceedings of the Sub-CommitteeThursday, 26th February 20041. The Sub-Committee met in public session at 10 a.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. Due to a vote in the Dáil, the meeting was suspended from 10.48am until 11.06am. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Michéal Kitt (in the chair), Deputies Tony Dempsey, Michael D. Higgins, Michael Noonan and Dan Wallace and Senator Brendan Ryan. Apologies were received from Deputy Liz O'Donnell. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 10th December 2003 were agreed. 4. Discussions with Minister of State Tom Kitt and Minister of State Michael Ahern on Trade and Development Issues – “Post Cancun – the way forward”The Committee had a discussion with Minister of State Tom Kitt and Minister of State Michael Ahern regarding Ireland's trade and development policies and how Ireland can progress the “Doha Development Agenda” following the disappointing outcome to the Conference in Cancun. Following opening remarks by both Ministers, there followed an exchange of views with members of the Sub-Committee. Following the departure of both Ministers, their officials, Mr. Tony Joyce and Mr. Frank Doherty remained to answer members' questions. It was agreed to invite both Ministers to attend again when Ireland's statement on trade policy had been finalised. 5. CorrespondenceThis item was deferred until the next meeting. 6. Work ProgrammeThis item was deferred until the next meeting. 7. AdjournmentThe meeting was adjourned at 11.53 a.m. sine die. Senator Michael Kitt, Chairman March 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Development Co-OperationProceedings of the Sub-CommitteeWednesday, 24th March 20041. The Sub-Committee met in public session at 2.43 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Dan Wallace (in the chair), Deputies Tony Dempsey, Michael Noonan, and Senators Geraldine Feeney (in substitution for Micheál Kitt) and Mary Henry (in substitution for Brendan Ryan). Apologies were received from Deputy Liz O'Donnell and Senator Micheál Kitt. Also in attendance: Deputies Pat Breen and Fiona O'Malley. 3. Election of Temporary Chairman.In the absence of the Chairman, who sent his apologies, Deputy Tony Dempsey proposed the election of Deputy Dan Wallace as Chairman for the duration of the meeting. Deputy Michael Noonan seconded the proposal and Deputy Wallace was unanimously elected as Chairman. 4. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 26th February last were agreed. 5. Presentation by Fr. Owen Lambert, AIDS Partnership with Africa.The Sub-Committee heard a presentation from Fr. Owen Lambert, AIDS Partnership with Africa, regarding the AIDS crisis in Africa. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. It was agreed that the Sub-Committee will report back to both the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Department of Foreign Affairs on the issues raised by Fr. Lambert. It was also agreed that the Sub-Committee would seek a full briefing on the level of assistance being provided for AIDS in developing countries from the Department of Foreign Affairs. 6. CorrespondenceIt was agreed to defer this item until the next meeting. 7. Review of the 2004 Work ProgrammeIt was agreed to defer this item until the next meeting. 8. Any other BusinessIt was agreed to invite officials from Development Cooperation Ireland to the next meeting to brief the Sub-Committee on the ODA Programme and to discuss progress towards the UN target of 0.7% of GNP by 2007. 9. AdjournmentThe meeting was adjourned at 3.56 pm sine die. Deputy Dan Wallace, Chairman 25 March 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Development Co-OperationProceedings of the Sub-CommitteeWednesday, 5th May 20041. The Sub-Committee met in public session at 11.36 a.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Micheál Kitt (in the chair), Deputies Tony Dempsey, Michael D. Higgins, Michael Noonan, and Liz O'Donnell. Apologies were received from Deputy Dan Wallace and Senator Brendan Ryan. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 24th March were agreed. 4. Presentation by Development Co-operation IrelandThe Sub-Committee heard a presentation from Mr. David O'Donoghue and Mr. Frank Sheridan from the Development Co-operation Ireland regarding Ireland's ODA programme and progress on the expansion of the programme to meet the Millennium Development Goals and UN target of 0.7 % of GNP by 2007. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. In Private Session5. Discussed in private session 6. Discussed in private session 7. AdjournmentThe meeting was adjourned at 1.04 pm sine die. Senator Michael Kitt, Chairman 7th October 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Development Co-OperationProceedings of the Sub-CommitteeThursday, 7th October 20041. The Sub-Committee met in public session at 10.05a.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Michael Kitt (in the chair), Deputies Noel Davern*, Tony Dempsey, Michael D. Higgins, Michael Noonan and Dan Wallace. *In substitution for Deputy Liz O'Donnell. Apologies were received from Deputy Liz O'Donnell. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 5th May 2004 were agreed. Matters arising
4. Presentation by Debt and Development Coalition IrelandThe Committee heard a presentation from Debt and Development Coalition Ireland regarding Third World debt and in particular the need to strengthen the role of parliaments in the context of the work of the IMF and the World Bank. Appearing before the Sub-Committee were Ms. Jean Somers and Sr. Maureen O'Connell. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. 5. AdjournmentThe meeting was adjourned at 1.20p.m. sine die. Senator Michael Kitt Chairman November 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Development Co-OperationProceedings of the Sub-CommitteeThursday, 4th November 20041. The Sub-Committee met in public session at 10.05 a.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Michael Kitt (in the chair), Deputies Bernard Allen, Michael D. Higgins, John Carty* and Joe Callanan**. Senator Brendan Ryan. *In substitution for Deputy Tony Dempsey **In substitution for Deputy Dan Wallace. Apologies were received from Deputies Tony Dempsey and Dan Wallace. 3. MinutesThe minutes of the meeting held on 7th October 2004 were agreed. 4. Discussion with the Advisory Board of Development Cooperation Ireland regarding the first Annual Report of the Board.The Sub-Committee heard a presentation from Advisory Board of Development Cooperation Ireland regarding the first Annual Report of the Board. Appearing before the Sub-Committee were Mr. Chris Flood, Chairman, Mr. David Begg, Board Member, Mr. Howard Dalzell, Board Member, Ms Mary Sutton, Principal Development Specialist to the Advisory Board Secretariat, and Ms Fiona Quinn, Development Specialist to the Advisory Board Secretariat. The meeting was told that the scope of the remit and the human and financial resources committed to it have expanded considerably since the days of the Ireland Aid Advisory Committee. Mr. Flood outlined the work of the Advisory Board to date and some of its priorities for the future. Its overall mission is to oversee the expanding development co-operation programme, provide strategic direction, and to work closely with Development Co-operation Ireland to maximise the quality, effectiveness and accountability of the expanding programme. More specifically, the board has responsibilities in five areas:
The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. The Sub-Committee met in Private Session at 11.24 a.m. 5. Overseas Development AidThe following motion was agreed by the Sub-Committee: The Sub-Committee on Development Cooperation recommends to the Minister for Foreign Affairs that the staffing levels within Development Cooperation Ireland should be expanded in anticipation of and in preparation for Ireland achieving the UN target of 0.7% of GNP for ODA. It was agreed to forward the motion to the Joint Committee. 6. Proposed visit to the Palestinian TerritoriesThe Sub-Committee agreed to write to the Joint Committee regarding its proposal to visit the Palestinian Territories and suggest that since the Joint Committee also intended to visit the area that the visits be combined. 7. AdjournmentThe meeting was adjourned at 11.25 a.m. sine die. Senator Michael Kitt Chairman January 2005 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee – Wednesday 18 February 20041. The Sub-Committee met at 2.36 p.m. in Committee Room 1, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair), Deputies Pat Carey, Tony Gregory and Senator Paschal Mooney. In Private Session3. Discussed in Private Session 4. Discussed in Private Session 5. Discussed in Private Session 6. AdjournmentThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 2.53 p.m. sine die. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman March 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee – Thursday 11 March 20041. The Sub-Committee met at 10.12 a.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair), Deputies Pat Carey, Noel Davern and Michael D. Higgins (in substitution for Ruairí Quinn). Apologies were received from Deputy Ruairí Quinn and Senator Paschal Mooney. PUBLIC SESSION3. Discussion with the Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform in relation to the de-recognition of travellers as an ethnic groupThe Chairman informed the meeting that the Human Rights Commission met in plenary and supported the view that the travelling community has ethnic rights. The Commission will send a formal notification to the Sub-Committee on this matter. The Minister for Justice, Equality & Law Reform, Mr. Michael McDowell TD attended to discuss the de-recognition of travellers as an ethnic group. The Minister informed the meeting that the question of traveller ethnicity had come to a head because of Ireland's first report to the United Nations under the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination. It was felt that travellers do not fall within the definition of racial discrimination adopted by the Convention. However, it was decided to include a report on the position of travellers as an appendix to the Convention report, which will allow the relevant UN Committee to consider the situation of travellers and question the Irish Government on its treatment of travellers. The Minister stated that the Government is committed to tackling discrimination against travellers. The Minister's presentation was followed by a question and answer session. PRIVATE SESSION4. Discussed in Private Session 5. Discussed in Private Session 6. Discussed in Private Session 7. Discussed in Private Session 8. AdjournmentThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 11.19 a.m. sine die. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman March 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee –Wednesday 31 March 20041. The Sub-Committee met at 11.06 a.m. in Committee Room 2, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair), Deputies Pat Carey and Noel Davern and Senator Geraldine Feeney in substitution for Senator Paschal Mooney. Apologies were received from Deputy Ruairí Quinn and Senator Paschal Mooney. Also in attendance was Deputy Jim O'Keeffe. PRIVATE SESSION3. Discussed in Private Session PUBLIC SESSION4. Presentation by Amnesty InternationalThe Sub-Committee heard a presentation from Ms Anne Marlborough in relation to the report by Amnesty International on recommendations to Ireland's EU Presidency. The following points were made by Ms Marlborough: Judicial co-operationIncreased Judicial co-operation must be underpinned by adequate procedural safeguards. The European Arrest Warrant should be implemented in all states with appropriate human rights guarantees. Harmonisation of laws to tackle terrorism is important particularly since September 11. However, due regard must be given to human rights. Arms TradeAmnesty International calls on the Irish Presidency to instigate a review of the functioning of the EU Code of Conduct on Arms Transfers, and to take steps towards improving its effectiveness. Arms ControlThe Irish Presidency is urged to support efforts towards the adoption of an international Arms Trade Treaty by 2006. Corporate AccountabilityAmnesty International calls on the Irish Presidency to ensure that the evolving debate on Corporate Social Responsibility fully addresses the issue of the impact on human rights, and that in the development of a European framework, corporate accountability is not left to rely on voluntary commitment only. Child SoldiersAmnesty International calls on the EU to consider establishing a focal point with the necessary resources for the effective implementation of the guidelines on children and armed conflict. Treaty of the European UnionAmnesty International is concerned in relation to the application of Article 7 of the Treaty. This article allows the EU to take action where a member state is in serious and persistent breach of the common values contained in Article 6. The performance of accession states to the EU is monitored in relation to human rights violations. Some warnings have been given. All states must be brought to account. Common European Asylum SystemAmnesty International urges the Irish Presidency to ensure that the final instruments of the Common European Asylum System are firmly grounded in principles of international human rights and refugee law. The Chairman thanked Ms Marlborough for her contribution and stated that the Sub-Committee would keep the issues raised to the fore in considering its work programme. 5. AdjournmentThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 12.35 p.m. sine die. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman June 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee –Tuesday 11 May 20041. The Sub-Committee met at 2.06 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair), Deputies Pat Carey and Tony Gregory and Senator Paschal Mooney. Apologies were received from Deputy Ruairí Quinn. Also in attendance was Senator Paul Coghlan. PRIVATE SESSION3. Discussed in Private Session 4. Discussed in Private Session PUBLIC SESSION5. Presentation by the Irish Falun Dafa AssociationThe Sub-Committee heard a presentation from the Irish Falun Dafa Association regarding the serious persecution of Falun Gong practitioners in China. Appearing before the Committee were Mr. Gerald O'Connor, Director, Mr. Zhao Ming and Mr. Donal Maddock. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. Arising from the presentation and in view of the Taoiseach's meeting with the Chinese Premier that day, it was agreed that the Sub-Committee should write immediately to the Taoiseach urging him to raise with the Chinese delegation the issue of two Chinese students, Mr. Liu Feng and Ms. Yang Fang, who had been studying in Dublin and have been prevented from returning to Ireland to resume their studies because of their beliefs. 6. AdjournmentThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 3.05 p.m. sine die. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman June 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee – Wednesday 2 June 20041. The Sub-Committee met at 4.08 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair), Deputy Michael D. Higgins in substitution for Deputy Ruairí Quinn, Senator Mary White in substitution for Senator Mary O'Rourke. Apologies were received from Deputies Ruairí Quinn and Pat Carey and from Senator Paschal Mooney. PRIVATE SESSION3. Discussed in Private Session PUBLIC SESSION4. Presentation by SIPTUThe Sub-Committee heard a presentation from SIPTU in relation to the plight of trade unionists in Colombia. Appearing before the Committee were Dr. Jack McGinley, President, Dublin Region, Ms Anne Speed, Branch Secretary and Mr. Gerard Mahoney, Shop Stewart. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. The delegation outlined their concerns in relation to violations of human rights against trade union activists in Colombia. Members of the Sub-Committee asked how they could assist in this matter. Dr. McGinley advised that a delegation made up of SIPTU and ICTU representatives hoped to visit Colombia in the Autumn. Dr. McGinley felt that the presence of parliamentarians would help their cause. The Chairman invited SIPTU to contact the Sub-Committee in advance of that visit. 5. AdjournmentThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 4.49 p.m. sine die. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman June 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee – Wednesday 16 June 20041. The Sub-Committee met at 4.08 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 1. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair), Deputy Tony Gregory and Senator Paschal Mooney. Apologies were received from Deputies Ruairí Quinn and Senator Mary O'Rourke. PRIVATE SESSION3. Discussed in Private Session 4. Discussed in Private Session 5. Discussed in Private Session PUBLIC SESSION6. Presentation by Amnesty InternationalThe Sub-Committee heard a presentation from Amnesty International and Professor Jeff Halper in relation to the human rights situation in Israel and the construction of the wall between Israelis and Palestinians. Ms Marlborough, Amnesty International, Dublin informed the Sub-Committee that Amnesty International Ireland will be focusing on three main areas of concern as follows: - Zimbabwe - Mexico - Israel Professor Halper who is visiting from Israel outlined the problems the construction of the wall has caused for communities. He called further support from Ireland in relation to the situation in Israel. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. Members thanked Professor Halper and Ms Marlborough for their excellent presentation. The Sub-Committee undertook to contact the Minister for Foreign Affairs to request that the position in relation to the human rights situation in Israel be on the agenda of the forthcoming EU/US Summit to be held in Ireland. The Chairman stated that the Sub-Committee would keep this issue at the top of its' agenda in the coming months. 7. AdjournmentThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 4.49 p.m. sine die. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman July 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee – Thursday 8 July 20041. The Sub-Committee met 12.16 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair), Deputies Pat Carey and Tony Gregory and Senator Paschal Mooney. Apologies were received from Deputy Ruairí Quinn. PUBLIC SESSION3. Presentation by the Congolese Irish PartnershipThe Chairman welcomed the delegation from the Congolese Irish Partnership to discuss the human rights situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The Sub-Committee heard a presentation which outlined the main concerns of the Congolese Irish Partnership. The Congolese Irish Partnership, which was formed in 2001 is an Irish organisation which assists Congolese people and provides information on the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It works closely with organisations such as Trocaire and Amnesty International The following points emerged: The war in the DRC which began in August 1998 is estimated to have cost more than 3.5 million lives. More than 3.4 million people are internally displaced and living in extreme poverty. 37% of the Congo's 55 million people have no access to any kind of health care. All armed forces in the DRC use children as soldiers. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. Members asked how the Sub-Committee could help. The group requested that the Sub-Committee support the aims of the organisation and continue to keep the subject on its agenda. The Sub-Committee agreed to invite officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs to appear before it to outline the measures being taken to support the aims of the CIP. PRIVATE SESSION4. Discussed in Private Session 5. Discussed in Private Session 6. Discussed in Private Session 7. AdjournmentThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 1.15 p.m. sine die. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman September 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee – 16 September 20041. The Sub-Committee met at 2.38 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair) Deputy Noel Davern and Senator Paschal Mooney Deputy Charlie O'Connor attended in substitution for Deputy Pat Carey. Apologies were received from Deputies Pat Carey, Tony Gregory and Ruairí Quinn and from Senator Mary O'Rourke. PUBLIC SESSION3. Presentation by officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs in relation to the human rights situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo.The Chairman welcomed the officials from the Department of Foreign Affairs to discuss the human rights situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Mr. David Cooney, Political Director addressed the Sub-Committee. Mr. Cooney explained the background to the conflict and outlined the role the EU and Ireland has played in addressing the situation.
Mr. Connolly concluded by stating that there are cautious grounds for optimism. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. PRIVATE SESSION4. Discussed in Private Session 5. Discussed in Private Session 6. Discussed in Private Session 7. Discussed in Private Session 8. AdjournmentThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 3.44 p.m. sine die. Senator Paschal Mooney Vice - Chairman November 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee – 10 November 20041. The Sub-Committee met at 12.05 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paschal Mooney (in the Chair), Deputies Pat Carey and Tony Gregory. Deputy Michael D. Higgins attended in substitution for Deputy Ruairí Quinn. Deputy Charlie O'Connor attended in substitution for Deputy Noel Davern. Apologies were received from Deputy Noel Davern and Senator Paul Bradford. PUBLIC SESSION3. Presentation by Professor Weissbrodt on the U.N. Norms on the Responsibilities of Transnational Corporations and Other Business Enterprises with regard to Human Rights.The Vice-Chairman welcomed Professor Weissbrodt and invited him to address the meeting. Professor Weissbrodt outlined his experience as a member of the UN Sub-Commission on the Promotion and Protection of Human Rights. Along with 25 other experts from other nations, Professor Weissbrodt drafted the Norms. The UN Norms reflect worldwide interest in encouraging companies that are committed to protecting human rights. At the same time the Norms seek to ensure that all companies are discouraged from abusing very basis human rights. The Norms include the right: to equality of opportunity and treatment; to security of persons; to a safe and healthy work environment; to collective bargaining, to respect for international, national and local laws and the rule of law The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. Members were of the view that the Norms were an important step towards encouraging companies to protect human rights, however it was felt that there was a long way to go in achieving that aim. The Sub-Committee agreed to write to the Department of Foreign Affairs to ascertain the position of the Irish government on the Norms. PRIVATE SESSION4. Discussed in Private Session 5. Discussed in Private Session 6. Discussed in Private Session 7. Discussed in Private Session 8. AdjournmentThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 1.13 p.m. until Wednesday 24th November 2004. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman November 2004 Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsSub-Committee on Human RightsProceedings of the Sub-Committee – 24 November 20041. The Sub-Committee met at 12.05 p.m. in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000. 2. AttendanceThe following Members were present: Senator Paul Bradford (in the Chair), Deputies Pat Carey, Noel Davern, Tony Gregory and Senator Paschal Mooney. Deputy Michael D. Higgins attended in substitution for Deputy Ruairí Quinn. Apologies were received from Deputy Ruairi Quinn. PUBLIC SESSION3. Presentation on the Human Rights situation in Kosova by Kosova Ireland SolidarityThe Chairman welcomed Mr. Albin Kurti and Milot Cakaj from Kosova, Ms Sonja Biserko from Serbia and Ms Siobhan Cleary from Kosova Action Network. Senator Paschal Mooney took the Chair at 12.42 p.m. The Vice-Chairman thanked the witnesses for attending and Ms Valerie Hughes of Kosova Ireland Solidarity for making the necessary arrangements for this meeting. PRIVATE SESSIONThe Sub-Committee met at 12.46 p.m. in Private Session 4. Discussed in Private Session 5. Discussed in Private Session 6. AdjournmentThere being no other business, the meeting was adjourned at 12.50 p.m. sine die. Senator Paul Bradford Chairman February 2005 APPENDIX 6Informal meetings with Ambassadors and other distinguished visitors
APPENDIX 7Conferences and meetings abroad attended by members the Joint Committee and Sub-CommitteesJoint Committee on Foreign Affairs
Sub- Committee on Development Co-operation
Sub- Committee on Human Rights
APPENDIX 8Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsWork Programme 2005Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsWork Programme 2005IntroductionThe Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs was established following an order of the Dáil on 16th October 2002 and of the Seanad on 17th October 2002. Standing Orders of both Houses require that “As soon as may be following its appointment and thereafter at annual interval, each Select Committee shall prepare a work programme and shall lay such programme before Dáil (Seanad) Éireann” (S.O. 84(4) [Dáil] and S.O. 67(4)[Seanad]). Number and Frequency of MeetingsTaking account of the resources and facilities available to the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and the commitments of members, it is anticipated that the Joint Committee will meeting fortnightly in the course of 2005. The Sub-Committees on Development Co-operation and Human Rights expect to meet once a month during the course of the year. In view of the specific functions of the Select Committee on Foreign Affairs, it is not possible to anticipate the number of meetings required over the coming 12 months. It is likely that a minimum of 2 meetings will be required to consider Estimates for the Public Service relating to the Department of Foreign Affairs. Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsParagraph (2) (a) of the Order of Dáil Éireann of 16th October 2002 and paragraph (1) (a) of the Order of Seanad Éireann of 17th November 2002, empowers the Joint Committee to consider—
Accordingly, the items listed in this Work Programme will be considered by the Joint Committee within the parameters defined by the Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee, as amended from time to time. Order of consideration of items and Amendment of Work Programme of Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsThe items listed for consideration in this Work Programme are not in any order of priority. The Joint Committee is of the opinion that to accord a strict priority and agree a timetable for consideration of the various items would impose a rigid structure that would not enable the Joint Committee to respond to events that may or may not occur in the course of the year. As the Committee could not be required to anticipate all developments in the areas falling within its remit, it has agreed that, in response to a particular event, it shall, if it deems it necessary to do so, amend this Work Programme to include further items or delete or revise existing items for consideration. Any such amendment of this Work Programme shall be laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas as soon as may be following such amendment. However, insofar as it is possible, the Joint Committee, in conjunction with the Sub-Committees on Development Co-operation and Human Rights, hopes to focus its efforts on the following selected items –
Work ProgrammeA. Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsItems for Consideration : 1. Development Cooperation
2. Human Rights
3. Northern Ireland
4. Ireland/US relations5. International –Thematic
6. European – Thematic
7. EU Scrutiny
8. Policy/ Administration
9. Meeting incoming parliamentary delegations.10. Such other matters as may be referred by both Houses.11. Such other matters under the Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee as it may decide.12. TravelSubject to Standing Order 81(9) of the Standing Orders of Dáil Éireann and Standing Order 65(9) of the Standing Orders of Seanad Éireann, the Committee may decide to undertake travel as necessary in the context of a matter under consideration. Such travel to include Bilateral and/or information seeking visits and attendance at international conferences/meetings falling within the Committees Orders of Reference. B. Dáil Select CommitteeConsideration of:
Agreement of Work ProgrammeThe Work Programme of the Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs and the Dáil Select Committee on Foreign Affairs set out in this document was agreed by the Committee at its meeting on 21December 2004. In accordance with the Standing Orders of both Houses, it was agreed that this Work Programme be laid before the Houses of the Oireachtas. Dr. Michael Woods T.D. Chairman 21 December 2004 * by the substitution of ‘6 members’ for ‘4 members’ |
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