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APPENDIX 5MinutesJoint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting,7th January, 20041.The Committee met in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000 at 11.33 a.m. Members Present: Deputies Bernard Allen, John Cregan, Éamon Gilmore, Seán Haughey, Phil Hogan (in substitution for Padraic McCormack), Billy Kelleher, John Moloney, M.J. Nolan (in subsubstitution for Seán Power) and Trevor Sargent; and Senators Cyprian Brady, Michael Brennan, Timmy Dooley (in substitution for Cyprian Brady for part of the meeting), Camillus Glynn (in substitution for Michael Brennan for part of the meeting) and Kieran Phelan (in substitution for Michael Brennan for part of the meeting). Apologies were received from Deputies Noel Grealish, Jackie Healy-Rea and Seán Power. 2.Election of temporary Chairman Deputy John Moloney, having been proposed by Deputy John Cregan and seconded by Senator Cyprian Brady, was elected temporary Chairman. In Public Session 3.Scrutiny of EU Documents COM(2003)18 and COM(2003)32 The Joint Committee met with officials from the Nuclear Safety Division of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and from the Radiological Protection Institute of Ireland. Presentations were made by the witnesses on both documents and each presentation was followed by a question and answer session with the members. Following the second question and answer session the Chairman thanked the witnesses for attending and for dealing comprehensively with the issues raised by members. The Joint Committee agreed that COM(2003)18 would warrant further scrutiny, particularly, when the locations for the proposed site of a sealed radioactive source were being considered. It was also agreed that further scrutiny of COM(2003)32 was necessary and that the Department should keep the Joint Committee informed of developments as they occur. 4.Any other business (i)It was agreed that the Secretariat would seek from the Department documentation regarding (a) its policy on planning appeals made on heritage grounds; and (b) copies of the recommendations made by its Heritage Division where opposition to developments was proposed but where no appeal was made by the Minister. (ii)A request was made for the Joint Committee to meet with the principals involved in the appeal against the building of the M50 at Carrickmines in view of the resulting increase in the cost of completion of the motorway, which is, reported to be about €50 million. (iii)The Chairman reminded Deputies that the Select Committee would consider Committee Stage of the Residential Tenancies Bill 2003 on Wednesday 21st and if necessary on Thursday 22nd January, 2004. 5.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 1.18 p.m. until Wednesday 4th February, 2004. _______________ Seán Power, T.D., Chairman February, 2004 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting,4th February, 20041.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3 at 2.33 p.m. 2.Attendance: Deputies, Bernard Allen, John Cregan, Noel Grealish, Seán Haughey, Jackie Healy-Rea, Billy Kelleher, Padraic McCormack, John Moloney, Trevor Sargent and Seán Power (in the chair); and Senators Cyprian Brady, Michael Brennan and Michael McCarthy. Apologies were received from Deputy Éamon Gilmore. In Public Session 3.Annual Report 2003, Work Programme 2004 The draft Annual Report 2003, incorporating the Work Programme for 2004 was agreed. 4.Scrutiny of EU documents (i)It was agreed that the following documents would require further scrutiny:- COM(2003)379 - Shipment of hazardous waste. COM(2003)370 - Increased information on nuclear stations. COM(2003)550 — Protection of the quality of ground water. COM(2003)403 - Trading of green - gas emissions. COM(2003)667 - Extend EU Life instrument. COM(2003)723 - Rules regarding the disposal of batteries. (ii)It was agreed that receipt of the following documents would be acknowledged and that they did not warrant further scrutiny:- COM(2003)423 - Levels for pollutants in air. COM(2003)492 - Management of products with fluorinated gases. COM(2003)624 - Access to justice on environment topics. COM(2003)622 - Access to information on policy making. COM(2003)731 - A codification exercise on an existing Directive. COM(2003)448 - Charge HGVs for use of infrastructure. COM(2003)453 - Ecodesign needs for energy devices. COM(2003)476 - Sulpher in marine fuels. COM(2003)473 - Rules for restricting HGVs. COM(2003)805 - Universalisation of multi lateral agreements. COM(2003)644 - New regulatory regime for chemicals. COM(2003)456 - Community plant variety rights. 5.Planning procedures and heritage The Joint Committee noted the reply from the Secretary General of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and agreed that it should be acknowledged. 6.Any other business (i)European Parliament Elections (Amendment) Bill, 2003: The Chairman reminded Deputies that Committee Stage of this Bill would be considered on Thursday 5th February, 2004. (ii)Residential Tenancies Bill, 2003: It was agreed that the Select Committee would agree to resume consideration of the Bill on Wednesday 11th February and continue on Thursday 12th February. It was further agreed that the Select Committee would continue its consideration of the Bill, if necessary, on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday, 17th — 19th February inclusive. 7.Adjournment: The Joint Committee adjourned at 2.43 p.m. sine dei. ______________ Seán Power, T.D. Chairman February, 2004 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting,3rd March, 20041.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3 at 2.35 p.m. 2.Attendance: Deputies, Bernard Allen, Pat Carey (in substitution for Seán Power), John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe (in substitution for Trevor Sargent for part of the meeting), Éamon Gilmore, Noel Grealish, Seán Haughey, Jackie Healy-Rea (in the chair), Billy Kelleher, Padraic McCormack, John Moloney and Trevor Sargent; and Senators Cyprian Brady, Michael Brennan, Michael McCarthy and Eamon Scanlon (in substitution for Cyprian Brady for part of the meeting). Apologies were received from Deputy Seán Power. In Public Session 3.Electronic Voting The Joint Committee, having received the replies from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to the questions posed by an expert witness at the meeting of 18th December, 2003, discussed the introduction of electronic voting. After the discussion the following motion proposed by Deputy Bernard Allen was lost by 6 votes to 9 votes. “That the Joint Committee on Environment and Local Government agree to meet again with the experts with whom it met on 18th December, 2003 in order to hear their opinions on the responses to the questions put formally to officials of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government at that meeting.”. The Joint Committee agreed the following motion proposed by Deputy Éamon Gilmore:- “ That the Joint Committee invite the Commission on Electronic Voting to meet with it in public session.”. 4.Homelessness The Joint Committee agreed that it will conduct an examination of the matter and to that end it will invite the Minister along with representatives of a number of groups, both statutory and voluntary as well as those directly employed in the area to meet with it. 5.Emissions of Greenhouse Gases — National Allocation Plan The Joint Committee agreed to invite the Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to meet with it in order to explain the rationale for his policy in relation to the overall allocation of trading allowances and then to meet with representatives of the Environmental Protection Agency in order that it can account publicly for the National Allocation Plan. 7.Adjournmnent There being no other business the Joint Committee adjourned at 4.50 p.m. sine dei. ___________________ Seán Power, T.D., Chairman. March, 2004 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting,31st March, 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room 3 at 2.35 p.m. 2.Attendance: Deputies:- Bernard Allen, John Cregan, Éamon Gilmore, Noel Grealish, Jackie Healy-Rea, Seán Power (in the chair) and Trevor Sargent; and Senators Cyprian Brady, Michael Brennan and James Bannon. 3.Meeting with delegation from the Hungarian Parliament. The Committee met with a delegation from the Committee of Municipalities, of the Parliament of Hungary. The matters discussed included Ireland’s experience as an EU country, particularly with regard to the development of the agricultural sector and the structure and responsibilities of local government. The Chairman wished the delegation well for Hungary’s forthcoming membership of the EU, on 1st May 2004. 4.Adjournmnent There being no other business, the Joint Committee adjourned at 3.35 p.m. until Wednesday 7th April at 4.00 p.m. ___________________ Seán Power, T.D., Chairman. April, 2004 Joint Committee on the Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting,7th April, 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room 2 at 2.35 p.m. 2.Attendance: Deputies:- Bernard Allen, John Cregan, Éamon Gilmore, Jackie Healy-Rea, Seán Power (in the chair,) Padraic McCormack and Trevor Sargent; and Senators Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. Senator Timmy Dooley also attended. In Public Session 4.Meeting with BirdWatch Ireland The Joint Committee heard a presentation from a delegation from BirdWatch Ireland during which they highlighted the need for:- the full implementation of the National Biodiversity Plan; the proper management of each Natura 2000 site; adequate funding for Natura 2000 sites; the targeting of conservation schemes in R.E.P.S.; and greater communication at local levels in order to emphasise the benefits of conservation. A question and answer session followed the presentation in which all members took part. 5.Any other business (i)The Chairman reminded members of the possibility of an informal meeting of members with the Chief Inspector of Nuclear Installations in the U.K. and a representative of the UK Environment Agency on 28th April, 2004. (ii)The Joint Committee agreed to meet on 28th April 2004 with representatives of those concerned with the effects on heritage of the construction of the M3 Motorway through land near the Hill of Tara. 6.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 4.58 p.m. until Wednesday 28th April, 2004. _________________ Seán Power, T.D., Chairman. April, 2004 Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting 28th April 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room 2, Leinster House 2000, at 10.35a.m. 2.Attendance: Deputies:- Bernard Allen, John Bruton (in substitution for Padraic McCormack), John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe (in substitution for Trevor Sargent), Éamon Gilmore, Jackie Healy-Rae, Seán Power (in the chair,); and Senators Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. Deputy Damien English substituted for Bernard Allen for part of the meeting and Deputy Johnny Brady also attended. In Public Session 3.Meeting with the Save Tara Skryne Valley Support Group The group made a presentation to the Joint Committee during which they outlined their concerns regarding the damage that could be done to Irelands heritage by the development of the M3 Motorway along its proposed route. A question and answer session followed during which all the members present contributed. Afterwards, the Joint Committee agreed to decide at its next meeting the actions it will take. 4.Declaration of Interest During the debate Deputy Johnny Brady declared an interest in the matter as he owns land on the proposed route. 5.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 12.41 p.m. until 5th May, 2004. ______________ Seán Power, T.D. Chairman May, 2004 Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting12th May, 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000, at 2.08 p.m. 2.Attendance: Deputies:- John Cregan, Éamon Gilmore, Seán Haughey, Jackie Healy-Rae, Billy Kelleher, John Moloney, Seán Power (in the chair,) and Trevor Sargent; and Senator Michael Brennan. In Public Session 3.Policy regarding the allocation of national greenhouse gas emissions The Joint Committee met with Mr Martin Cullen, T.D. Minister for the Environment, Heritage and Local Government to discuss his policy in relation to the greenhouse gas emissions. During the question and answer session that followed the Minister’s presentation Members raised:- (a)The reason for the Minister’s decision to allocate 98% to the trading sector; (b)Whether increasing taxes leads to decreasing consumption; (c)The proposed introduction of carbon energy taxes; (d)The need for policy decisions to be formulated on the basis of social implications as well as economic considerations; and (e)The need to formulate policy for the ‘post Kyoto’ agreement period. 4.Any other business The Chairman reminded Members that the Select Committee will meet on Wednesday 19th May, 2004 to consider the Revised Estimates for 2004. 5.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 3.08 until Tuesday 25th May, 2004. ________________ Seán Power, T.D., Chairman. May, 2004 Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting25th May, 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room 4, Leinster House 2000, at 2.07 p.m. 2.Attendance: Deputies:- Bernard Allen, John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe (in substitution for Trevor Sargent), Noel Grealish, Billy Kelleher and Seán Power (in the chair,); and Senators Cyprian Brady and Éamon Scanlon (in substitution for Michael Brennan). Also in attendance:- Deputy Arthur Morgan. Apologies:- Apologies were received from Deputies Éamon Gilmore, Jackie Healy-Rea and John Moloney; and from Senator James Bannon. In Public Session 3.Homelessness The Joint Committee heard presentations from three different groups, namely, (i)Housing Access for All (representing Focus Ireland, Threshold, Simon and the Society of St. Vincent de Paul), (ii)Irish Council for Social Housing and (iii)Homeless Agency. The presentations outlined the work being done and the objectives of each of the groups. They also highlighted the reasons that caused homelessness, the numbers involved, the trends that exist as well as the legislative and policy decisions that need to be taken to solve the problem. Each presentation was followed by a question and answer session with the members. 4.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 4.57 p.m. until Tuesday next 1st June, 2004. _________________ Seán Power, T.D., Chairman. June, 2004 Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting1st June, 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room 1, Leinster House 2000, at 11.34 a.m. 2.Attendance: Deputies:- John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Noel Grealish, Billy Kelleher, Pádraic McCormack, Seán Power (in the chair,) and Trevor Sargent and Senators Cyprian Brady, Timmy Dooley (in substitution for Cyprian Brady for part of the meeting) and Kieran Phelan (in substitution for Michael Brennan). Also in attendance:- Deputies Ciarán Cuffe and Arthur Morgan. Apologies:- Apologies were received from Deputies Bernard Allen, Éamon Gilmore and Jackie Healy-Rae; and from Senators James Bannon and Michael McCarthy. In Public Session: 3.M 3 Motorway — meeting with the National Roads Authority The Joint Committee heard a presentation from the N.R.A.which detailed the reasons for upgrading the route and its process of route selection including their activities in relation to archaeological sites. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session during which all of the members present took part. Following the question and answer session the Chairman thanked the delegation for attending the meeting. 4.Any other business Nitrates Directive:- The Joint Committee agreed to invite officials from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and representatives of the I.F.A. to meet with it on 15th June, 2004. 5.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 1.04 p.m. __________________ Seán Power, T.D., Chairman. June, 2004 Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting15th June, 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room 1, Leinster House 2000, at 2.34p.m. 2.Attendance: Deputies Bernard Allen, John Cregan, Noel Grealish, Jackie Healy-Rae, Padraic McCormack, John Moloney and Seán Power (in the chair); and Senators James Bannon, Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. In Public Session 3.Nitrates Directive The Joint Committee heard presentations from the Irish Farmer’s Association and officials from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and the Department of Agriculture and Food. The I.F.A. outlined its total objection to the imposition of the limit of 170 K.G.s of organic nitrogen per hectare and questioned the sources upon which scientific decisions were based. The officials re-iterated the fact that the programme for the introduction of the Nitrates Directive was based on a legal limit imposed by the EU Court of Justice rather scientific data. Following the question and answer sessions that followed each presentation the Joint Committee agreed that representatives of Teagasc and E.P.A. would be invited to meet with it. 4.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 5.05p.m. _________________ Seán Power, T.D. Chairman. June, 2004 Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting14th July, 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room 2, Leinster House 2000, at 11.37 p.m. 2.Attendance: Deputies Bernard Allen, John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe (in substitution for Trevor Sargent), Jackie Healy-Rae, Padraic McCormack, John Moloney and Seán Power (in the chair); and Senators Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. Also in attendance were Deputies Seán Crowe and Finian McGrath. Apologies were received from Deputy Éamon Gilmore In Public Session 3.Meeting with Mr Noel Ahern, T.D., Minister of State at the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. The Minister of State addressed the Joint Committee in relation to housing and homelessness. A question and answer session followed the presentation during which a number of matters were raised, namely, the deficit in relation to accurate figures for homelessness, the publication of the Goodbody Report into the availability of building land, the resources needed to provide rental assistance, the numbers of local authority houses currently being built and the need for the supply of housing units to match the nature of the demand. Following the question and answer session the Chairman thanked the Minister of State and his officials for meeting with the Joint Committee. 4.Adjournment The Committee adjourned at 1.57 p.m. until Wednesday 21 July 2004 at 2.30 p.m. _______________ Seán Power, T.D., Chairman July, 2004 Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting21st July, 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000, at 2.32 p.m. 2.Attendance: Deputies Bernard Allen, John Cregan, , Jackie Healy-Rae, Billy Kelleher, John Moloney, Michael Moynihan (in substitution for Seán Haughey) Seán Power (in the chair) and Trevor Sargent and Senators James Bannon, Michael Kitt, Terry Leyden and Kieran Phelan (each in substitution for Cyprian Brady for part of the meeting) and Michael Brennan. Apologies were received from Deputies Éamon Gilmore and Padraic McCormack and from Senator Cyprian Brady. In Public Session: 3.Alleged breaches by Ireland of European Environmental Law: Officials from the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government addressed the Joint Committee on the cases in which Ireland is alleged to be in breach of EU environmental law. A question and answer session followed the presentation a number of matters relating to such matters as illegal dumping, waste disposal, nature and wildlife conservation, hazardous waste and shellfish were discussed. Following the question and answer session the Chairman thanked the officials for attending the meeting. 4.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 3.58 p.m sine dei. ___________________ Seán Power, T.D., Chairman September, 2004 Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting8th September, 20041.The Joint Committee met in private session in Committee Room 2, Leinster House 2000. 2.Attendance: Deputies B. Allen, J.Cregan, Éamon Gilmore, Noel Grealish, S. Haughey, B. Kelleher, P. McCormack, J. Moloney, S. Power (in the chair) and T. Sargent; and Senators J. Bannon, C. Brady, M. Brennan and Michael McCarthy. 3.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 2.22 p.m. until 12.30 p.m. on Thursday 16th September, 2004. ___________________ Seán Power, T.D., Chairman September, 2004 Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting16th September, 20041.The Joint Committee met in at 12.38 p.m. in Committee Room 1, Leinster House 2000. 2.Attendance: Deputies J. Cregan, É. Gilmore, S. Haughey, B. Kelleher, J. Moloney and S. Power (in the chair); and Senators M. Brennan and Michael McCarthy. Also in attendance:- Deputy A. Ó Snodaigh. Apologies were received from Deputies B. Allen and J. Healy Rae; and from Senator J. Bannon. In Public Session 4.Presentation by the Disability Federation of lreland The Joint Committee heard a presentation from a delegation from the Disability Federation of Ireland regarding the provision of housing for people with disabilities. This presentation highlighted a number of needs, namely, the need for a satisfactory adaptation scheme, the provision of special housing as a part of the building programme and the provision of housing with adequate support services. In the question and answer session that followed further aspects of the problem were raised, namely, the need for the Disabled Persons Housing Grant to be increased to 100% of the cost of approved building work; the need to reduce the level of bureaucracy involved; the need for resources to be specifically set aside for the provision of housing for persons with disabilities; and the introduction of an adequate appeals system. 5.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 1.43 p.m. until 12 p.m. on Thursday 30th September, 2004. _______________ Seán Power, T.D., Chairman. September, 2004 Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting30th September, 20041.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 2, Leinster House 2000 at 12.03 p.m. 2.Attendance: Deputies B. Allen, J. Cregan, É. Gilmore, S. Haughey, J. Healy-Rae (in the chair), P. McCormack and Trevor Sargent; and Senators C. Brady, M. Brennan and M. McCarthy. Also in attendance: Deputy A. Morgan. 3.Deputy Seán Power The Joint Committee paid tribute to Deputy Seán Power on his appointment as a Minister of State and wished him well in his new post. In Public Session 4.COM(2004)193 —The placing on the market of a G.M. maize product The Joint Committee heard a presentation from officials of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government who were accompanied by representatives of both the Department of Agriculture and Food and the Environmental Protection Agency. The presentation detailed the background involved in having the proposal ratified which in turn highlighted the fact that it was not opposed by Ireland. The notification was approved by the European Commission on 19th July, 2004. In the question and answer session that followed it was explained that each proposal in relation to GM crops were dealt with on their individual merits. This particular proposal was not examined in great detail and is not considered to be a threat to human health. Members expressed disappointment at the fact that the Joint Committee, at this stage, had an input into whether or not this proposal was approved. It was agreed that the Joint Committee would write to the Sub-Committee on EU Scrutiny seeking to be advised specifically of proposals where final agreement is imminent. 5.Suspension The Joint Committee suspended from 12.45 p.m. to 1.08 p.m. 6.Temporary chairman It was agreed that Deputy John Cregan would act as temporary Chairman in the unavoidable absence of the Vice-Chairman for the remainder of the meeting. 7.Any other business Senator Michael Brennan requested that the newly appointed Minister be invited to meet with the Joint Committee to discuss waste management. 8.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 1.33 p.m. until Wednesday 13th October, 2004 at 2 p.m. ___________________ Jackie Healy-Rae, T.D. Vice-Chairman October, 2004 Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting13th October, 20041.The Joint Committee met in Committee Room 3, Leinster House 2000 at 2.04 p.m. 2.Attendance:- Deputies J. Cregan, C. Cuffe, E.Gilmore, J.Healy-Rae (in the Chair), B. Kelleher, P. McCormack, J. Moloney and F. O’Malley (in substitution for N. Grealish); and Senators C. Brady and M. Brennan. Also in attendance: Deputies M. Collins, A. Morgan and M. Mulcahy. 3.Mr Ciarán Cuffe, T.D. The Joint Committee extended a warm welcome to Deputy Cuffe on his re-appointment to the Committee. In Public Session 4.Scrutiny of EU documents (i)COM(2003)319:- The Committee agreed to ‘note’ this document - no further scrutiny required. (ii)COM(2004)512:- The Committee agreed that no further scrutiny was required. (iii)COM(2004)572:- The Committee agreed that further scrutiny was warranted. It was further agreed that the convenors would discuss the matter and report to the next meeting on the expert groups that should be invited to meet with the Joint Committee. 5.Meeting with Biomass Heating Solutions Ltd. The Joint Committee heard a presentation from representatives of Biomass who suggested a more environmentally friendly method of dispensing of chicken waste. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session with the members which concentrated on the effects of the system on the environment, particularly emissions of Carbon Dioxide, the energy produced, the amount of waste generated and the uses to which this waste is put. 6.Adjournment There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 3.19 p.m. until 12 p.m. on Thursday 21st October, 2004. ___________________ Jackie Healy-Rae, T.D., Vice-Chairman. October, 2004 Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting21st October, 20041.The Joint Committee met in Room 4, Leinster House 2000 at 12.01 p.m. 2.Attendance: Deputies John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Seán Haughey, Jackie Healy-Rae (in the Chair), Billy Kelleher, Padraic McCormack and John Moloney; and Senators Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. Public Session 3.COM(2004)572 It was agreed that the convenors would discuss the matter with a view to agreeing the organisations to be invited to meet with the Joint Committee. 4.Other EU Proposals (i)COM(2004)515 The Joint Committee, in view of the current lack of detail available, agreed that the Department of Agriculture and Food would be requested for written notification of developments in relation to this proposal and that the Committee would then consider the document. (ii)COM(2004)496, COM(2004)516 and COM(2004)487 The Joint Committee agreed that no further scrutiny of these documents was warranted. 5.Any other business Meeting of EU Environment Committees: The Joint Committee agreed that the secretariat would examine the options for attending this conference to be held in Brussels on 29 November, 2004. 6.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 12.07 p.m. sine dei. _______________________ Jackie Healy —Rae, T.D., Chairman November, 2004 Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting10th November, 20041.The Joint Committee met in Room 3, Leinster House 2000 at 2.33 p.m. 2.Attendance: Deputies John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Seán Haughey, Jackie Healy-Rae (in the Chair), Billy Kelleher, Michael Mulcahy, Padraic McCormack and John Moloney; and Senators Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan Public Session 3.COM(2004)572 — Presentation by officials The Chairman welcomed the officials of the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government, The Department of Agriculture and Food and from the Environmental Protection Agency. He invited the Assistant Secretary to make a presentation. Following the presentation the Chairman invited questions from the Members of the Committee and a debate ensued. In conclusion the Chairman thanked the officials. 4.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 3.40 p.m. sine dei. _______________________ Sean Haughey, T.D., Chairman November, 2004 Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting24th November, 20041.The Joint Committee met in Room 3, Leinster House 2000 at 2.34 p.m. 2.Attendance: Deputies John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Eamon Gilmore, Noel Grealish, Seán Haughey,(in the Chair) Jackie Healy-Rae, M.J. Nolan (in substitution for Billy Kelleher), Padraic McCormack John Moloney, Donal Moynihan, Fergus O’Dowd; and Senators James Bannon, Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. [The Clerk took the Chair.] 3.Election of Chairman The Clerk invited nominations for the chair. Deputy Sean Haughey was nominated by Deputy John Cregan and seconded by Senator Cyprian Brady. As there were no further nominations, Deputy Sean Haughey was deemed elected and took the Chair. On taking the Chair, the Chairman was congratulated by Members of the Committee. He then addressed the Committee and identified the issues which he would be bringing before the Committee in the near future. Included in the issues were GM foods; House Prices and the M3 Motorway. 4.Minutes of meeting of 10th November, 2004 The minutes of the previous meeting of the Joint Committee were agreed. 5.Further discussion on COM(2004)572 with interested groups It was agreed that the Committee would invite a representative from Monsanto and a representative from IBEC to make a presentation to the Committee on GM products. The Chairman welcomed Members of the delegation which included representatives from Friends of the Earth; GM Free Ireland Network; Irish Cattle and Sheep Farmers’ Association and the Food Safety Authority of Ireland. He then invited each speaker to make their presentation. Following the presentations he invited questions from Members of the Committee. Following the question and answer session, the Chairman thanked the witnesses. 6.Correspondence. (i)A letter from the Chief Executive Officer of Century Homes seeking a meeting with the Committee. It was agreed to ask the C.E.O. to make a detailed written submission to the Committee and to defer any decision to invite him in until this has been received. (ii)A submission from A&L Goodbody Consulting on Ireland’s National Allocation Plan. It was agreed that A&L Goodbody will nominate 3 of his clients who would like to address the Committee in the near future in connection with the submission. 7.Any other business It was agreed that the Clerk would make arrangements with the NRA and Meath County Council to visit the proposed site of the M3 Motorway. It was further agreed that the Meath Archaeological and Historical Society and other interested parties would be invited to a meeting in January to discuss the proposals in relation to the archaeological sites to be addressed by the Minister in January. 8.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 4.02 p.m. sine dei. _______________________ Sean Haughey, T.D., Chairman December, 2004 Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of meeting8th December, 20041.The Joint Committee met in public session in Committee Room 2, Leinster House 2000, at 2.30 p.m. 2.Attendance: Deputies John Cregan, Ciarán Cuffe, Seán Haughey (in the chair), Jackie Healy-Rae, Eamon Gilmore, Noel Grealish, Donal Moynihan and Fergus O’Dowd; and Senators James Bannon, Cyprian Brady and Michael Brennan. Apologies were received from Deputies John Moloney and Padraic McCormack In Public Session 3.Meeting with Mr Dick Roche, T.D., Minister for Environment, Heritage and Local Government. The Minister made a presentation to the Joint Committee in advance of his attendance at the EU Environmental Council. A question and answer session followed the presentation during which a number of matters were raised, namely, climate change and Ireland, pollution of ground water, alternatives to carbon tax, EU waste directives and their implementation in this State, progress on the issue of GMO’s, ratification of the Aarhus Convention by Ireland, the Second Stage of water services legislation, retail planning guidelines, the publication of the report by the NESC and the Goodbody Group into house prices and the National Monument (Amendment) Act, 2004 in relation to the Tara-Skryne valley. Following the question and answer session the Chairman thanked the Minister and his officials for meeting with the Joint Committee. 4.Adjournment The Committee adjourned at 4.24 p.m. until Wednesday 19th January 2005 at 2.30 p.m. ______________ Seán Haughey, T.D., Chairman January, 2005 |
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