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![]() Tithe an Oireachtais An Comhchoiste um Iompar TUARASCÁIL BHLIANTÚIL 2002/3 agus CLÁR OIBRE 2004 Márta 2004 HOUSES OF THE OIREACHTAS Joint Committee on Transport ANNUAL REPORT 2002/3 and WORK PROGRAMME 2004 March 2004 Annual Report 2002/3 and Work Programme 2004 Table of Contents
APPENDIX 1 - Orders of Reference APPENDIX 2 - Members of the Joint Committee APPENDIX 3 - Meetings of the Joint Committee APPENDIX 4 - Meetings of the Dáil Select Committee APPENDIX 5 - Minutes of Proceedings of the Joint Committee APPENDIX 6 - Work Programme 2004 1. Content and Format of ReportThis report has been prepared pursuant to Standing Order 84 (3), (4), (5) and (6) (Dáil Éireann) and Standing Order 69 (3), (4), (5) and (6) (Seanad Éireann) which provide for the Joint Committee to-
At its meeting on 12th November 2002, the Joint Committee agreed that all these items should be included in this annual report. 2. Functions and PowersThe Dáil Select Committee was established by Order of Dáil Éireann of 16 October 2002 to consider Bills, Estimates for Public Services and the terms of any international agreement involving a charge on public funds which come within the aegis of the Department of Transport. The Dáil Select Committee under the same Order was enjoined with a Select Committee of Seanad Éireann, established by Order of Seanad Éireann of 17 October 2002, to form the Joint Committee on Transport. Among the principal functions of the Joint Committee are to consider –
The Orders of Reference of the Dáil Select Committee and the Joint Committee are set out at Appendix 1. 3. Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Convenors and MembershipDeputy Eoin Ryan was elected as Chairman of the Joint Committee on 12th November 2002. Deputy John Ellis was elected as Vice-Chairman of the Joint Committee on 12th November 2002. The Chairman of the Joint Committee is also Chairman of the Dáil Select Committee. Deputies Peter Power and Seamus Healy are the Convenors of the Committee whose function it is to ensure the availability and attendance of Members or their substitutes for meetings of the Committee and, in particular, to ensure Members’ availability for divisions. The Members of the Joint Committee are set out at Appendix 2(a) 4. Meetings, Attendance and RecordingMeetings of the Joint and Dáil Select Committee took place in the Committee rooms in Leinster House 2000. Meetings were in public unless otherwise ordered by the Committee. Televised coverage of public meetings of the Committee were broadcast live within the Leinster House complex and was available for subsequent public broadcasting. An Official Report (Parliamentary Debates) of the public meetings of the Committees is published and may be purchased from the Government Publications Sales Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. The Official Reports may also be viewed on the Houses of the Oireachtas website at www.irlgov.ie/oireachtas. 5. Number and Duration of MeetingsThe Joint Committee met on 43 occasions in the year under report. The number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 74 hours. The date and subject matter of each meeting is set out in paragraph 7 below and at Appendix 3. The Dáil Select Committee met on 4 occasions in the year under report and the number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 8 hours. The date and subject matter of each meeting is set out in paragraph 7 below and at Appendix 4. Minutes of proceedings of the Joint Committee meetings in public session are attached at Appendix. 6. Work of the Committee6.1 Joint CommitteeOn the 43 occasions the Joint Committee met, it dealt with the following matters:
A copy of the Joint Committee’s work programme for 2004 is at Appendix 6. 6.2 Dáil Select CommitteeOn the 4 occasions the Dáil Select Committee met, it dealt with the following matters:
7. Groups and Individuals attending before CommitteeIn the year under report, the Joint Committee met with the following organisations, groups and individuals:
8.8.1 Joint Committee ReportsDuring the year under report, the Joint Committee published the following reports:
8.2 Research Work in Progress
9. TravelThe Joint Committee undertook the following travel in accordance with its Orders of Reference in connection with its work programme.
Naughten, Róisín Shortall, Martin Brady and Senators Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley and Tom Morrissey. 10. Functions and PowersThe Joint Committee will continue to consider its present procedures and role. Eoin Ryan T.D. Chairman 9th March 2004 APPENDIX 1
Deputies: |
Martin Brady (FF) Pat Breen (FG) John Ellis (FF) (Vice-Chairman) Jim Glennon (FF) Seamus Healy (TG) Michael Lowry (TG) Denis Naughten (FG) Noel O’ Flynn (FF) Peter Power (FF) (Convenor) Eoin Ryan (FF) (Chairman) Róisín Shortall (Lab) |
Senators: |
Fergal Browne (FG) Timmy Dooley (FF) Tom Morrissey (PD) David Norris (Ind) |
01 |
Tuesday 12/11/02 14.30 |
Election Chairman and Vice-Chairman |
02 |
Tuesday 19/11/02 14.30 |
Presentation by CIE |
03 |
Tuesday 26/11/02 14.30 |
Draft Work Programme |
04 |
Tuesday 03/12/02 16.15 |
Draft Work Programme |
05 |
Tuesday 17/12/02 |
Meeting Cancelled |
06 |
Tuesday 14/01/03 14.30 |
Presentation by Aer Lingus |
07 |
Tuesday 28/01/03 14.30 |
Presentation by Aer Rianta |
08 |
Tuesday 11/02/03 14.30 |
Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals. Presentation by Dublin Transportation Office |
09 |
Tuesday 04/03/03 14.30 |
Presentations by National Roads Authority and Northern Ireland Roads Service |
10 |
Wednesday 19/03/03 14.30 |
Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals |
11 |
Tuesday 25/03/03 14.30 |
Presentation by Ryanair |
12 |
Tuesday 08/04/03 13.00 |
Presentation by Irish Aviation Authority |
13 |
Tuesday 15/04/03 14.30 |
Presentation by Platform 11 |
14 |
Wednesday 30/04/03 14.30 |
Presentation by FAIR |
15 |
Tuesday 20/05/03 14.30 |
Presentations by Bus Átha Cliath & Bus Éireann |
16 |
Wednesday 21/05/03 10:00 |
Presentation by Dublin Metro Group |
17 |
Wednesday 28/05/03 09:30 |
Presentation by Railway Procurement Agency |
18 |
Thursday 29/05/03 09.30 |
Presentations by Interim Taxi Regulator & Taxi Hardship Panel |
19 |
Thursday 12/06/03 09:30 |
Presentations by Garda Carriage Office, National Taxi Drivers Union, SIPTU Taxi Branch |
20 |
Tuesday 17/06/03 14.00 |
Road Safety Meeting - Minister of State, Dr. James McDaid T.D., Irish Insurance Federation, National Safety Council, Medical Bureau of Road Safety, Traffic Department, An Garda Síochana, Automobile Association, National Youth Council, Department of Health and Children, Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform, Department of Finance and Department of the Environment & Local Government |
21 |
Wednesday 18/06/03 09:30 |
Presentations by Irish Exporters’ Association, Transport Umbrella Group & Irish Road Haulage Association |
22 |
Thursday 19/06/03 09.30 |
Presentation by Professor Manual Mayner Melis |
23 |
Wednesday 25/06/03 09:30 |
Meeting with Minister Brennan Re. Bus Deregulation |
24 |
Wednesday 25/06/03 19:00 |
Private Meeting |
25 |
Thursday 26/06/03 09.30 |
Presentations by Aer Rianta Worker Representatives and Worker Directors |
26 |
Tuesday 01/07/03 14.30 |
Presentations by Western Alliance & SIGNAL |
27 |
Wednesday 02/07/03 09:30 |
Presentations by Aer Rianta & UPROAR & Railway Procurement Agency |
28 |
Wednesday 09/07/03 09:30 |
Presentations by Bus Átha Cliath & Bus Éireann |
29 |
Wednesday 23/07/03 14.30 |
Presentation by Railway Procurement Agency |
30 |
Tuesday 23/09/03 14.30 |
Presentation by Public Private Partnership Unit, Department of Finance |
31 |
Wednesday 01/10/03 14.30 |
Private Meeting |
32 |
Tuesday 07/10/03 14:30 |
Private Meeting |
33 |
Wednesday 08/10/03 09.30 |
Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals |
34 |
Thursday 16/10/03 09.30 |
Private Meeting |
35 |
Tuesday 21/10/03 14.30 |
Presentations by National Transport Users’ Assocation & National Roads Authority |
36 |
Wednesday 29/10/03 09.30 |
Private Meeting |
37 |
Tuesday 04/11/03 14.30 |
Presentation by Federation of Aerospace Enterprises in Ireland |
38 |
Wednesday 05/11/03 09.30 |
Presentation by Railway Procurement Agency |
39 |
Thursday 06/11/03 11.30 |
Private Meeting |
40 |
Wednesday 12/11/03 09.30 |
Presentations by Iarnrod Éireann, West-on-Track & Shannon Rail Partnership |
41 |
Tuesday 02/12/03 14.30 |
Presentations by Dublin Chamber of Commerce & Dublin City Centre Buiness Association |
42 |
Tuesday 16/12/03 14.30 |
Presentation by Shannon Railway Company |
J43 |
Wednesday 17/12/03 09.30 |
Private Meeting |
01 |
Tuesday 03/12/02 14.30 |
Supplementary Estimate 2002 Vote 32 Department of Transport |
02 |
Tuesday 29/04/03 14.30 |
Railway Safety Bill 2001, Committee Stage |
03 |
Wednesday 07/05/03 09.30 |
Railway Safety Bill 2001, Committee Stage continued |
04 |
Thursday 22/05/03 14.30 |
Estimates – Vote Number 32, Department of Transport |
12 November 2002
The following Members were present:
Deputies Martin Brady, Tony Killeen (in substitution for John Ellis), Jim Glennon, Seamus Healy, Denis Naughten, Noel O’Flynn, Peter Power, Eoin Ryan and Róisín Shortall.
Senators Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley, Tom Morrisey and David Norris.
Apologies were received from Deputy Pat Breen.
As there was a quorum, the Clerk to the Joint Committee took the Chair and called for nominations for the position of Chairman.
Deputy Eoin Ryan, proposed by Deputy Peter Power and seconded by Noel O’Flynn was elected as Chairman and took the Chair accordingly.
The Chairman called for nominations for the Vice-Chair.
Deputy John Ellis, proposed by Deputy Peter Power and seconded by Noel O’Flynn was elected as Chairman and took the Chair accordingly.
The joint committee adjourned at 5.44 p.m. until 19 November, 2002.
19 November 2002
The following Members were present:
Deputies Martin Brady, Pat Breen, Jim Glennon, Seamus Healy, Michael Lowry, Denis Naughten, Noel O’Flynn, Peter Power, Eoin Ryan (in the chair) and Róisín Shortall.
Senators Paul Coughlan (in substitution for Fergal Browne), Timmy Dooley, Tom Morrisey and Paddy Burke (in substitution for David Norris).
Apologies were received from Deputy John Ellis and Senator David Norris.
Dr. John Lynch, Chairman, Córas Iompair Èireann, Mr Joe Meagher, Managing Director, Iarnród Éireann, Mr. Stephen Ahern, Freight Manager, Iarnród Éireann and Mr. Richard O’Farrell Manager, Finance and Administration, Iarnród Éireann made a presentation to the committee. following which a question and answer session ensued.
The Committee adjourned at 4.50 p.m sine die.
26 November 2002
The following Members were present:
Deputies Seamus Healy Eoin Ryan, Senators Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley, David Norris.
Apologies were received from Deputies Jim Glennon, Denis Naughten and Roisin Shortall.
The Committee adjourned at 2:37p.m until 3 December, 2002 at 4:15p.m.
3 December 2002
The following Members were present:
Deputies Martin Brady, Pat Breen, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Peter Power, Eoin
Ryan (in the chair) and Róisín Shortall.
Senators Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley and Tom Morrisey
Apologies were received from Deputy Denis Naughten and Senator David Norris.
The Committee adjourned at 4.45 p.m.
Tuesday, 14 January 2003.
The following Members were present:
Deputies Eoin Ryan (in the chair), Martin Brady, Pat Breen, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Seamus Healy, Noel O'Flynn, Peter Power and Roisin Shortall.
Senators Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley and Tom Morrissey.
Apologies were received from Deputy Denis Naughten and Senator David Norris.
Mr. Willie Walsh, Chief Executive; Mr. Brian Dunne, Chief Financial Officer; Mr. Seamus Kearney, Chief Operations Officer and Mr. Dan Loughrey, Corporate Affairs Director made a presentation to the Committee following which a question and answer session ensued.
There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 4.35 p.m until Tuesday, 28 January 2002.
Tuesday, 28 January 2003.
The following Members were present:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan (in the chair), Jim Glennon, Pat Breen, John Ellis, Denis Naughten, Róisín Shortall and Martin Brady.
Senators: Timmy Dooley, Fergal Browne, Shane Ross (substitute for David Norris) and Paul Coghlan (in the absence of Fergal Browne for part of the meeting).
Apologies were received from Deputies Noel O’Flynn, Séamus Healy, Peter Power and Senator David Norris.
Others in attendance in accordance with Standing Order 90(3): Deputies Trevor Sargent, Seán Ryan and Eamon Ryan.
Mr. Noel Hanlon, Chairman of the Board of Aer Rianta, Mr. John Burke, Chief Executive; Ms Margaret McSweeney, Deputy Chief Executive and Mr. Vincent Walls, Director of Communications, made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 5.15 p.m. until Tuesday, 11 February 2002.
Tuesday, 11th February, 2003.
The following Members were present:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan (in the chair), Martin Brady, John Cregan (in substitution for Deputy Jim Glennon), John Ellis, Denis Naughten, Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Feargal Browne, Timmy Dooley, Tom Morrissey and David Norris.
Apologies were received from Deputies Noel O’Flynn, Jim Glennon and Séamus Healy.
The Committee met in public session at 2.49 p.m.
Members considered four proposals for European regulations which had been referred to the Committee by the EU Scrutiny Sub-Committee of the European Affairs Committee, as follows
Amended proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the establishment of a Community framework for noise calculation of civil subsonic aircraft for the purposes of calculating noise charges.
Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council establishing common rules on compensation and assistance to air passengers in the event of denied boarding and of cancellation or long delay of flights.
Amended proposal for a Regulation fo the European Parliament and of the Council amending Council regulation (EEC) No 95/93 of 18 January, 1993 on common rules for the allocation of slots at Community airports.
Amended proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on the safety of third countries aircraft using Community airports.
The latter two documents had been referred with a recommendation that no further scrutiny was required. The Committee concurred with this recommendation.
Mr. Robin, McKay, Principal Officer in the Aviation Regulation & International Relations Division in the Department of Transport made a presentation in relation to these proposals and a question and answer session ensued.
Mr. Conor McCarthy, Chairman, Mr. John Henry, Chief Executive and Mr. Jeremy Ryan, Senior Transportation Planner made a presentation to the Committee a question and answer session ensued.
There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 5.30 p.m. until Tuesday, 25 February 2002.
Tuesday, 4th March 2003.
The following Members were present:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan (in the chair), Pat Breen, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Michael Mulcahy (in substitution for Deputy Martin Brady), Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Feargal Browne, Timmy Dooley and David Norris.
Apologies were received from Deputies Martin Brady, Denis Naughten and Noel O’Flynn
Deputy Eamon Ryan was also in attendance.
The Committee met in public session at 2.47 p.m.
Dr. Malcolm McKibbin, Chief Executive, Roads Service, Northern Ireland and Mr. Michael Tobin, Chief Executive, National Roads Auhtority made presentations to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The meeting was suspended for two minutes at 4.20 p.m.
The meeting resumed at 4.21 p.m. NRA representatives continued the question and answer session.
There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 4.50 p.m. until Wednesday 19 March at 2.30 p.m.
Wednesday, 19th March 2003.
The following Members were present:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan (in the chair), Martin Brady, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, John Moloney (in substitution for Peter Power), Roisin Shortall and Brendan Smith (in substitution for Noel O’Flynn)..
Senators: Feargal Browne, Timmy Dooley and Tom Morrissey
Apologies were received from Deputies Pat Breen, Séamus Healy and Senator David Norris.
The minutes of the meeting of 4 March 2003 were agreed.
In Private Session
The Committee met in public session at 2.40 p.m.
Mr. Peter McEvoy, Principal Officer, and Ms. Laura Behan, Assistant Principal, Roads Policy Division in the Department of Transport, and Mr. Hugh Cregan, Technical Adviser in the National Roads Authority, made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
Deputy John Ellis, Vice-Chairman of the Committee, assumed the Chair at 3.09 p.m.
There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 3.14 p.m. until Tuesday 25 March at 2.30 p.m.
Tuesday, 25th March 2003.
The following Members were present:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan (in the chair), Martin Brady, Pat Breen, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Seamus Healy, Denis Naughten, Noel O’Flynn, Peter Power and Roisin Shortall.
Senators: Feargal Browne, Timmy Dooley and Tom Morrissey
Apologies were received from Senator David Norris.
Deputies Batt O’Keeffe, Conor Lenihan and Jimmy Deenihan and Senators Paul Bradford and Shane Ross attended in accordance with Dáil Standing Order 90(3).
In Private Session
The Committee met in public session at 2.46 p.m.
Mr. Michael O’Leary, Chief Executive, Ryanair made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The meeting was suspended from 4.57 p.m. until 5.18 p.m. in order that Deputies could attend a division in the Dáil chamber.
There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 5.23 p.m. until Tuesday 8 April at 2.30 p.m.
Tuesday, 8th April 2003.
The following Members were present:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan (in the chair), Pat Breen, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Seamus Healy, Denis Naughten, Noel O’Flynn, Peter Power and Roisin Shortall.
Senators: Feargal Browne, Timmy Dooley, Tom Morrissey and David Norris.
Deputy Eamonn Ryan also attended in accordance with Dáil Standing Order 90(3).
The Committee met in public session at 2.11 p.m.
Mr. Eamonn Brennan, Chief Executive, Mr. Donal Geaney, Chairman and Mr. Denis Hegerty, Head of Strategy made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
Deputy John Ellis, Vice-Chairman of the Committee, assumed the Chair at 2.43 p.m.
There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 3.23 p.m. until Tuesday 15 April at 2.30 p.m.
Tuesday, 15th April 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan (in the chair), Martin Brady, Pat Breen, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Seamus Healy and Denis Naughten,
Senators: Feargal Browne, Timmy Dooley and Tom Morrissey
Apologies were received from Deputy Róisín Shortall and Senator David Norris.
The Committee met in private session at 2.38 p.m.
The Committee met in public session at 2.49 p.m.
Mr. Derek Wheeler, Mr. Thomas Sheridan, Mr. Brian Guckian and Mr. Mark Foley made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 3.57 p.m. until Tuesday 29th April at 1.30 p.m.
Wednesday, 30th April 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: John Ellis (in the chair), Martin Brady, Pat Breen, Jim Glennon, Seamus Healy, Denis Naughten Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Feargal Browne and Camillus Glynn (in substitution for Timmy Dooley).
Apologies were received from Deputy Eoin Ryan and from Senators Timmy Dooley, David Norris and Tom Morrissey
The Committee met in private session at 2.38 p.m.
The Committee met in public session at 2.47 p.m.
Ms Cathy Darling and Ms. Rita Fernandez made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The Committee met in private session at 3.43 p.m.
There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 3.57 p.m. until Tuesday 29th April at 1.30 p.m.
Tuesday, 20th May 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan (in the chair), John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Denis Naughten, Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Timmy Dooley and Tom Morrissey.
Apologies were received from Senators Fergal Browne and David Norris
The Committee met in private session at 2.35 p.m.
The Committee met in public session at 3.00 p.m.
Mr. Bill Lilley, Managing Director, Mr. Martin Nolan and Mr. Tim Hayes of Bus Éireann and Dr. Alan Westwell, Managing Director, Mr. Paddy Doherty Business Development Manager and Mr. Shane Doyle, Chief Engineer of Bus Átha Cliath made presentations to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 5.03 p.m. until Wednesday 21st May at 9.30 a.m.
Wednesday, 21st May 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan (in the chair), Martin Brady, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Denis Naughten, Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Tom Morrissey and David Norris.
Apologies were received from Senator Fergal Browne.
The Committee met in private session at 10.06 a.m.
The Committee met in public session at 10.08 a.m.
Mr. Cormac Rabbitte, Mr. Michael Ross-Lanigan, Mr. Paul Kelly and Mr. Jerry Kiersey made a presentation to the Committee a question and answer session ensued.
There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.49 a.m. until Wednesday 28th May at 9.30 a.m.
Wednesday, 28th May 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan (in the chair), Martin Brady, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Seamus Healy, Denis Naughten, Noel O’Flynn, Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley and David Norris.
Apologies were received from Senator Tom Morrissey.
Deputy Eamon Ryan and Senator Mary White also attended.
The Committee met in private session at 9.38 a.m.
The Committee met in public session at 9.52 a.m.
Mr. Padraic White, Mr. Frank Allen, Mr. Rory O’Connor and Mr. Michael Sheedy of made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.46 a.m. until Thursday 29th May at 9.30 a.m.
Thursday, 29th May 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan (in the chair), Martin Brady, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Seamus Healy, Denis Naughten, Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Fergal Browne and Timmy Dooley.
Apologies were received from Senator Tom Morrissey and David Norris.
Deputy Eamon Ryan also attended.
The Committee met in private session at 9.37 a.m.
The Committee met in public session at 9.57 a.m.
Mr. Jimmy Farrell, Interim Taxi Regulator, Mr. Kevin Bonner and Ms. Ann O’Riordan of the Taxi Hardship Panel made presentations to the Committee following which a question and answer session ensued.
The Committee adjourned at 10.55 a.m. until Wednesday 11th June at 9.30a.m.
Thursday, 12 June 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: John Ellis (in the chair), Martin Brady, Pat Breen, Jim Glennon, and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley and David Norris. Senator Camillus Glynn attended in substitution for Senator Dooley at the commencement of the meeting.
Apologies were received from Deputies Eoin Ryan, Seamus Healy, Denis Naughten and Peter Power.
In Public Session.
The Committee met in public session at 9.45 a.m.
Chief Superintendent Michael McCarthy and Inspector Declan Brogan from the Traffic Department of An Garda Siochana, Mr. Tommie Gorman, President, and Mr. Vincent Kearns, Vice President of the National Taxi Drivers’ Union and Mr. Larry Kelly, Branch President and Mr. Gerry Brennan, Branch Secretary, of SIPTU’s taxi branch made presentations to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The Committee adjourned at 10.45 a.m. until Tuesday 17th June at 2.00 p.m.
Tuesday, 17 June 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan (in the chair), Martin Brady, Pat Breen, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Denis Naughten, Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: David Norris and Timmy Dooley.
Apologies were received from Senator Fergal Browne.
Deputy Eamon Ryan also attended.
The following persons made presentations to the Committee.
Following the presentations, a question and answer session ensued.
The Committee adjourned at 4.54 p.m. until Wednesday 18th June at 9.30 a.m.
Wednesday, 18 June 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: John Ellis (in the chair), Martin Brady, Pat Breen, Charlie O’Connor (in substitution for Jim Gelnnon), Denis Naughten, Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley, Tom Morrissey and David Norris.
Apologies were received from Deputies Eoin Ryan and Seamus Healy
The Committee met in public session at 9.38 a.m.
Mr. Jerry Kiersey, Chairman and Mr. Cormac Rabbitt, Engineer, of the Dublin Port Transport Umbrella Group, Mr. Eamonn Morrissey, President, and Mr. Sean Murtagh of the Irish Road Haulage Association, Mr. John Whelan, Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Fran Dodd of the Irish Exporters’ Association made presentations to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The Committee adjourned at 11.11 a.m. until Thursday 19th June at 9.30 a.m.
Thursday, 19 June 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan(in the chair), Pat Breen, John Ellis, Denis Naughten, Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley, Tom Morrissey and David Norris.
Professor Manuel Maynar Melis, Director General of Transport Infrastructure, Madrid City Council, attended before the Committee and made a presentation on the Dublin Metro Project. He was accompanied by Mr. José Andres Gallegos, Counsellor at the Spanish Embassy in Dublin. The witnesses responded to Members’ queries.
The Committee adjourned at 10.46 a.m. until Wednesday 25th June at 9.30 a.m.
Wednesday, 25 June 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan(in the chair), Pat Breen, John Ellis, Seamus Healy, Denis Naughten, Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley, Tom Morrissey and David Norris.
Mr. Seamus Brennan T.D., Minister for Transport, made a presentation to the Committee. The Minister was accompanied by Mr. Pat Mangan, Assistant Secretary and Mr. Dermot McCarthy, Principal Officer at the Department of Transport. A question and answer session ensued.
The Committee adjourned at 11.05 a.m. until Wednesday 25th June at 7.00 p.m.
Wednesday, 25 June 2003.
The Joint Committee met in private session in Committee Room 1, Leinster House 2000 at 7.06 p.m.
Thursday, 26 June 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan (in the chair), Martin Brady, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Seamus Healy, Denis Naughten, Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Timmy Dooley, Tom Morrissey and David Norris.
Mr. Dermot O’Loughlin, Mr. Barry Nevin and Mr. Peter Dunne made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The Committee adjourned at 10.47 a.m. until Tuesday 1st July at 2.30 p.m.
Tuesday, 1 July 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan (in the chair), Martin Brady, Pat Breen, John Ellis, Tony Killeen (in substitution for Jim Glennon), Denis Naughten, Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley, Tom Morrissey and David Norris.
Deputy Jan O’Sullivan and Senator Brendan Daly also attended.
In private session
The Committee met in public session at 2:56 p.m.
Mr. Kevin Thompstone, Chief Executive Officer, Shannon Development; Mr. Tony Brazil, Travel Agents Association; Mr. Joe Buckley, SIGNAL, Shannon Airport; Mr. Joe Cunningham, SIPTU/Shannon Airport Western Alliance and Cllr. Peter Considine, Local Authorities/Shannon Airport Western Alliance made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 4.36 p.m. until 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday 2nd July.
Wednesday, 2 July 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan (in the chair), Martin Brady, Pat Breen, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Seamus Healy, Denis Naughten, Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley, Tom Morrissey and David Norris.
Deputy Sean Ryan also attended.
In Private Session
The Committee met in public session at 9.43 a.m.
Mr. Robert Hilliard, Dublin Airport Director of Dublin Airport, and Mr. David Hepburn, General Manager, Public Affairs, Aer Rianta, made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The meeting was suspended at 10.35 a.m.
The meeting resumed in public session at 10.40 a.m.
Mr. Brian Byrne made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
There meeting was suspended at 11.32 a.m., to be resumed at 7.00 p.m.
The Committee resumed its meeting in public session at 7.06 p.m.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Eoin Ryan (in the chair), Pat Breen, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Seamus Healy, Denis Naughten, Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley, Tom Morrissey and David Norris.
Deputy Eamon Ryan and Senators James Bannon, Marc MacSharry and Martin Mansergh also attended.
In Private Session
The Committee met in private session at 7.06 p.m.
In Public Session
The Committee met in public session at 7.31 p.m.
Mr. Frank Allen, Chief Executive made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The meeting was suspended at 8.55 p.m. for a vote in the Dáil Chamber.
The meeting resumed at 9.14 p.m.
The briefing session continued.
The meeting adjourned at 10.05 p.m. until 9.30 a.m. on Wednesday 9th July, 2003.
Wednesday, 9th July, 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Martin Brady, Pat Breen, John Ellis (in the chair), Tony Dempsey (in substitution for Jim Glennon), Seamus Healy, Eamon Ryan (in substitution for Michael Lowry), Denis Naughten, Conor Lenihan (in substitution for Noel O’Flynn), Peter Power, Barry Andrews (in substitution for Eoin Ryan) and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley and Tom Morrissey.
Apologies were received from Senator David Norris and from Deputies Eoin Ryan and Jim Glennon.
The Committee met in private session at 9.35 a.m.
The Committee met in public session at 9.57 a.m.
Deputy Roisin Shortall proposed the following motion:
“That due to the potentially serious economic implications of changes to the current dual-gateway policy for the west of Ireland, this Committee calls on the Minister for Transport to make no changes to the U.S. - Ireland Aviation Bilateral Agreement until such time as a comprehensive economic impact study has been carried out and until this Committee has had an opportunity to consider that study.”
Deputy Pat Breen seconded the motion.
Deputy Peter Power proposed an amendment to the motion, as follows:
“To delete all the words after ‘That’ where it first occurs and to insert the following:
‘this Committee
– agrees with the Minister that the new and liberalised market will have significant benefits for Irish tourism and business, for citizens wishing to travel to the US, for Aer Lingus, for other Irish airports which currently do not have scheduled services to the USA, will allow Shannon to retain its position as an important destination for US/Ireland traffic and may offer significant opportunities for Shannon to develop itself as a hub for traffic between the USA and Europe in the context of the enlargement of the Community next year;
– notes the Minister's stated commitment that he will not agree to any changes until he is fully satisfied that Shannon has an equal or greater volume of aviation business available to it, and
– supports the Minister's decision that discussions will take place between his Department and all the necessary interests on these matters including Shannon interests, the European Commission, the US authorities and Aer Lingus.’”
Deputy Martin Brady seconded the amendment.
The Committee discussed the motion and the amendment.
The Chair put the question “That the amendment be made”
The Committee divided
Deputy Martin Brady
Deputy Tony Dempsey (in substitution for Deputy Jim Glennon)
Deputy John Ellis
Deputy Conor Lenihan (in substitution for Deputy Noel O’Flynn)
Deputy Peter Power
Deputy Barry Andrews (in substitution for Deputy Eoin Ryan)
Senator Timmy Dooley
Senator Tom Morrissey
Deputy Pat Breen
Deputy Seamus Healy
Deputy Eamon Ryan (in substitution for Deputy Michael Lowry)
Deputy Denis Naughten
Deputy Roisin Shortall
Senator Fergal Browne
Tá 8, Níl 6.
The Chairman declared the amendment agreed
The motion, as amended, was agreed.
Mr. Liam Berney, Industrial Officer, Irish Congress of Trades Unions, Mr. Jack O’Connor, Vice-President, SIPTU, Mr. Roger Hannon, Irish Representative of the Transport Salaried Staff Association and Mr. Hugh Geraghty, Secretary to the CIE Group of Unions made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The Committee adjourned at 11.55 a.m. until Wednesday 23rd July at 2.30 p.m.
Wednesday, 23rd July, 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Martin Brady, Pat Breen, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Seamus Healy, Denis Naughten, John McGuinness (in substitution for Noel O’Flynn), Peter Power, Eoin Ryan (in the chair) and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley, Tom Morrissey and David Norris.
The Committee met in private session at 2.34 p.m.
The Committee met in public session at 3.59 p.m.
Mr. Frank Allen, Chief Executive, Railway Procurement Agency, Mr. Padraic White, Chairman, Mr. Michael Sheedy, Light Rail Project Director and Mr. Rory O’Connor, Metro Director made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The Committee adjourned at 5.02 p.m. until Tuesday 23rd September at 2.30 p.m.
Tuesday 23rd September, 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Martin Brady, Pat Breen, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Seamus Healy, Denis Naughten, Peter Power, Eoin Ryan (in the chair) and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley and Tom Morrissey.
Apologies were received from Senator David Norris.
The Committee met in private session at 2.40 p.m.
The Committee met in public session at 3.27 p.m.
Mr. Eamonn Kearns, Director of the Public Private Partnership (PPP) Unit of the Department of Finance, Mr. Michael Manley, Principal Officer, Public Expenditure Division, Mr. Pat O’Neill, Programme Manager, PPP Unit, and Ms. Caitríona O’Brien, Communications Manager, PPP Unit, made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The Committee adjourned at 5.10 p.m. until Wednesday 1st October at 9.30 a.m.
Wednesday 1st October, 2003.
The Joint Committee met in private session in Committee Room 1, Leinster House 2000 at 9.37 a.m.
Tuesday 7th October, 2003.
The Joint Committee met in private session in Committee Room 1, Leinster House 2000 at 2.36 p.m.
Wednesday 8th October, 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Martin Brady, Pat Breen, John Ellis (in the chair), Jim Glennon, Denis Naughten and Peter Power.
Senators: Timmy Dooley´, Sheila Terry (in substitution for Senator Fergal Browne), Kieran Phelan (in substitution for Senator Dooley at the commencement of the meeting).
Apologies were received from Deputies Eoin Ryan and Róisín Shortall and from Senators Fergal Browne, Tom Morrissey and David Norris.
In Private Session.
The Committee met in public session at 10.15 a.m..
The Committee scrutinised six EU legislative proposals, listed below:
COM (2003) 132 – regarding an EU-wide system of road tolling;
COM (2003) 228 – regarding unfair pricing practices among air carriers;
COM (2003) 350 – regarding speed limitation devices of certain categories of motor vehicles;
COM (2003) 361 – regarding seats, anchorages and head restraints in motor vehicles;
COM (2003) 362 – regarding the approximation of the laws of Members States relating to anchorages for motor-vehicle safety belts;
COM (2003) 363 – regarding the approximation of the laws of Members States relating to safety belts and restraint systems;
Mr. Jim Humphreys, Principal Officer, Ms. Laura Behan, Assistant Principal Officer from the Road Policy Division, and Mr. Gerard Murphy, Heads of the NRA’s PPP Unit made a presentation on COM (2003) 132 regarding road tolling.
The Committee decided that it had no formal observations to offer on this proposal, but recommended that pending the development of affordable satellite technology, it would be premature to discontinue the use of existing microwave based technology.
Mr. Micheál Ó Méalóid, Assistant Principal, and Ms. Niamh O’Brien, Higher Executive Officer in the Aviation Regulation and International Relations Division made a presentation on COM (2003) 228 regarding unfair pricing practices among air carriers.
The Committee decided that it had no formal observations to offer on this proposal.
Mr. Des Coppins, Principal Officer, and Mr. Jim Ellis, Assistant Principal Officer of the Vehicle Standards Division made a presentation on the remaining four proposals regarding vehicle standards, viz. COM (2003) 350 – regarding speed limitation devices of certain categories of motor vehicles, COM (2003) 361 - regarding seats, anchorages and head restraints in motor vehicles, COM (2003) 362 - regarding the approximation of the laws of Members States relating to anchorages for motor-vehicle safety belts, and COM (2003) 363 - regarding the approximation of the laws of Members States relating to safety belts and restraint systems.
The Committee decided that it had no formal observations to offer on these proposals
The Committee adjourned at 10.57 a.m. until Thursday 16th October at 9.30 a.m.
Thursday 16th October, 2003.
The Joint Committee met in private session in Committee Room 1, Leinster House 2000 at 9.32 a.m.
Tuesday 21th October, 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Pat Breen, John Ellis, Seamus Healy, Denis Naughten, Noel O’Flynn, Peter Power, Eoin Ryan (in the chair) and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley, Tom Morrissey and David Norris.
Senator Eamonn Scanlon attended at the commencement of the meeting in substitution for Senator Tom Morrissey. Senators Peter Callanan and Kieran Phelan each attended in substitution for Senator Dooley during early parts of the meeting.
The Committee met at 2.40 p.m. in public session
Mr. Tom Newton, Mr. John Moore and Mr. Anthony Brophy made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The meeting was suspended from 3.31 p.m. to 3.35 p.m.
Mr. Michael Egan, Mr. John Fitzsimons and Mr. Brian Cullinane, of the National Roads Authority made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The Committee adjourned at 4.46 p.m. until Tuesday 29 October at 2.30 p.m.
Wednesday 29th October, 2003.
The Joint Committee met in private session in Committee Room 1, Leinster House 2000 at 9.34 a.m.
Tuesday 4th November, 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Martin Brady, Pat Breen, John Ellis (in the chair), Jim Glennon, Denis Naughten, Peter Power, and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Timmy Dooley and Tom Morrissey
Apologies were received from Deputies Eoin Ryan, Seamus Healy and Noel O’Flynn and Senators Fergal Browne and David Norris.
The Committee met in public session at 2.55 p.m.
Mr. Willie Walsh, CEO of Aer Lingus, Mr. David O’Brien, Director, Ryanair, Mr. Geoffrey White, CEO, Cityjet, Mr. Peter McKenna, Aer Arann, Mr. Frank O’Hagan, Air Contractors and Mr. Tommy McCabe, IBEC made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The Committee adjourned at 4.12 p.m. until Wednesday 5 November at 9.30 a.m.
Wednesday 5th November, 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Martin Brady, John Ellis, Jim Glennon, Denis Naughten, Peter Power, Eoin Ryan (in the chair) and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley and Tom Morrissey
Apologies were received from Deputies Seamus Healy and Noel O’Flynn and Senator David Norris.
Deputy Eamon Ryan also attended.
The Committee met in public session at 2.55 p.m.
Mr. Frank Allen, Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Michael Sheedy, Director of Light Rail and Mr Ger Hannon, Manager of Strategic Planning and Public Relations made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The committee met in private session at 11.39 a.m.
The Committee adjourned at 4.12 p.m. until Wednesday 5 November at 11.44 a.m.
Thursday 6th November, 2003.
The Joint Committee met in private session in Committee Room 1, Leinster House 2000 at 11.30 a.m.
Wednesday 12th November, 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: John Ellis (in the chair), Jim Glennon, Seamus Healy, Tony Killeen (in substitution for Deputy Martin Brady) Denis Naughten, Noel O’Flynn, Peter Power, and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley and Tom Morrissey
Apologies were received from Deputies Pat Breen and Eoin Ryan, and from Senator David Norris.
Deputies James Breen, John Carty, Jerry Cowley, Marian Harkin, Maire Hoctor, Paddy McHugh, Jan O’Sullivan and Eamon Ryan and Senators Michael Brennan, Brendan Daly, Jim Higgins and Kieran Phelan also attended.
The Committee met in public session at 9.46 a.m.
Father Micheál MacGréil, Cllr. Michael McGreal, Mr. Martin Cunniffe and Mr. Colman ÓRaghallaigh made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
Cllr. Seán Hillery, Mr. Tom Kirby, Ms. Bernadette Kinsella, Mr. Padraig MacCormaic and Mr. Sean Mulrooney made presentations to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
Mr. Joe Meagher, Mr. Tom Finn, Mr. Brian Garvey and Mr. Gerry Glynn of Iarnrod Éireann made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The Committee adjourned at 12.17 p.m. until Tuesday 2nd December at 2.30 p.m.
Tuesday 2nd December, 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: Martin Brady, Pat Breen, Ciaran Cuffe (in substitution for Seamus Healy at the commencement of the meeting), Tony Dempsey (in substitution for Eoin Ryan), John Ellis (in the chair), Jim Glennon, Máire Hoctor (in substitution for Noel O’Flynn), Dinny McGinley (in substitution for Denis Naughten), Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Fergal Browne, Timmy Dooley, David Norris and Tom Morrissey
Apologies were received from Deputies Seamus Healy, Denis Naughten, Nole O’Flynn and Eoin Ryan.
The Committee met in public session at 2.48 p.m.
Deputy Pat Breen proposed the following motion:
“That this Committee calls on the Minister for Transport to include the opening of key strategic sections of the Western Rail Corridor as part of his plans to address the underspend in the Border Midlands West region under the National Development Plan.”
Senator Browne seconded the motion.
Deputy Peter Power proposed an amendment to the motion, as follows:
“To delete all the words after ‘this Committee” and to insert the following:
‘’notes that, following the publication of the Strategic Rail Review, the Minister for Transport has made consultancy advice and the advice of his officials available to the Regional Authorities regarding the Western Rail Corridor,
calls on the Minister for Transport to continue his Department's discussions with the Regional Authorities
- in the preparation of Regional Planning Guidelines,
- in determining the appropriate land use and settlement strategies for the regions, and
- identifying the future infrastructure needs of those regions in terms of roads and public transport, and
notes that the Minister has asked Irish Rail to continue to facilitate the Regional Authorities in their work, as they have done in the case of Cork rail study.”
Deputy Martin Brady seconded the amendment.
The Committee discussed the motion and the amendment.
The Chair put the question “That the amendment be made”
The Committee divided
Deputy Martin Brady
Deputy Tony Dempsey (in substitution for Deputy Eoin Ryan)
Deputy John Ellis
Deputy Jim Glennon
Deputy Maire Hoctor (in substitution for Deputy Noel O’Flynn)
Deputy Peter Power
Senator Timmy Dooley
Senator Tom Morrissey
Deputy Pat Breen
Deputy Ciaran Cuffe (in substitution for Deputy Seamus Healy)
Deputy Seamus Healy
Deputy Eamon Ryan (in substitution for Deputy Michael Lowry)
Deputy Dinny McGinley (in substitution for Deputy Denis Naughten)
Deputy Roisin Shortall
Senator Fergal Browne
The Chairman declared the amendment agreed
The motion, as amended, was agreed.
Mr. Clive Brownlee, President of the Dublin Chamber of Commerce, Mr. Eugene McCague, Chairman, Ms. Gina Quin, Chief Executive and Mr. Declan Martin, Director of Policy made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
Mr. Paul McElearney, Chairman, Mr. Michael Ryder, Company Secretary and Mr. Tom Coffey, CEO made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The Committee adjourned at 5.00 p.m. until Tuesday 16th December at 2.30 p.m.
Tuesday 16th December, 2003.
The following Members attended:
Deputies: James Breen (in substitution for Seamus Healy), Pat Breen, John Ellis (in the chair), Jim Glennon, Michael Mulcahy (in substitution for Martin Brady), Denis Naughten, Peter Power and Róisín Shortall.
Senators: Timmy Dooley, David Norris and Kieran Phelan (in substitution for Timmy Dooley at the commencement of the meeting)
Apologies were received from Deputies Martin Brady, Seamus Healy, Noel O’Flynn and Eoin Ryan and from Senators Fergal Browne and Tom Morrissey.
The Committee met in public session at 3.11 p.m.
Mr. Barry Boland, Cllr. Seán Hillery, Mayor of Ennis, and Mr. David Garivan made a presentation to the Committee. A question and answer session ensued.
The Committee adjourned at 4.11 p.m. until Wednesday 17th December at 9.30 a.m.
Wednesday 17th December, 2003.
The Joint Committee met in private session in Committee Room 1, Leinster House 2000 at 10.06 a.m.
The relevant Orders of Reference and Standing Orders for the Joint Committee on Transport are set out in the attached Appendices.
In accordance with Standing Orders of Dáil Éireann and Seanad Éireann the Joint Committee on Transport hereby presents its work programme for 2004. The Joint Committee, will, in a structured manner, review specific major areas of policy falling within the remit of the Minister for Transport. The Committee will then produce a series of reports containing conclusions and recommendations and lay them before the Houses of the Oireachtas. Where necessary, the Committee may also seek submissions from the public and may, from time to time, engage consultants with particular expertise, to advise and assist it in its work.
The following are the major policy area that the Joint Committee intends reviewing, or commencing work on, during this period:
It should be noted that the issues listed above for inclusion in the Joint Committee's work programme are not set down in an order of priority. The Joint Committee will decide on individual areas for review in light of its assessment of a particular need during the year. In that context it is also probable that other relevant issues, not included in the work programme, may arise from time to time, which will require urgent attention by the Joint Committee.
In addition to the matters outlined above, the Joint Committee will also consider proposals for EU legislation and related policy issues as may be referred to it from time to time by the Joint Committee on European Affairs
* Under the Transport (Re-Organisation of Córas Iompair Éireann) Act 1986, 3 Companies namely (1) Íarnród Éireann – Irish Rail; (2) Bus Éireann – Irish Bus; (3) Bus Átha Cliath – Dublin Bus, must provide audited accounts and reports to the Board of Córas Iompair Éireann (CIE). The Board, in turn must provide these accounts to the Minister. The Minister then causes a copy to be laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas.
The Joint Committee will consider the Strategy Statement and the S.M.I. documents relating to the Department of Transport in detail during the year and report annually on progress made by the Department.
It is likely that issues will arise during 2004, which will require the Committee to attend international conferences and/or inform itself, as part of the input to issues under review etc.
Under Paragraph (1) of its Orders of Reference (Dáil Éireann) the Select Committee will consider such
Eoin Ryan, T.D.
11th February, 2004