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TITHE AN OIREACHTAISAn Comhchoiste um Thalmhaíocht agus BiaTUARASCÁIL BHLIANTÚIL 2002/3 agus CLÁR OIBRE 2004Eanáir 2004HOUSES OF THE OIREACHTASJoint Committee on Agriculture and FoodANNUAL REPORT 2002/3 and WORK PROGRAMME 2004January 2004TITHE AN OIREACHTAISAn Chomhchoiste um Thalmhaíocht agus BiaTUARASCÁIL BHLIANTÚIL 2002/3 agus CLÁR OIBRE 2004Eanáir 2004HOUSES OF THE OIREACHTASJoint Committee on Agriculture and FoodANNUAL REPORT 2002/3 and WORK PROGRAMME 2004January 2004Annual Report 2002/3 and Work Programme 2004Table of Contents
1. Content and Format of ReportThis report has been prepared pursuant to Standing Order 84 (3), (4), (5) and (6) (Dáil Éireann) and Standing Order 69 (3), (4), (5) and (6) (Seanad Éireann) which provide for the Joint Committee to- •undertake a review of its procedure and its role generally •prepare an annual work programme •lay minutes of its proceedings before both Houses •make an annual report to both Houses . At its meeting on 4th February 2004, the Joint Committee agreed that all these items should be included in this annual report. 2. Functions and PowersThe Dáil Select Committee was established by Order of Dáil Éireann of 16 October 2002 to consider Bills, Estimates for Public Services and the terms of any international agreement involving a charge on public funds which come within the aegis of the Department of Agriculture and Food. The Dáil Select Committee under the same Order was enjoined with a Select Committee of Seanad Éireann, established by Order of Seanad Éireann of 17 October 2002, to form the Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food. Among the principal functions of the Joint Committee are to consider — •public affairs administered by the Department(s) of •matters of policy for which the Minister for Agriculture and Food is responsible •legislative and expenditure proposals of the Department •scrutiny of EU legislative proposals •certain matters relating to bodies under the aegis of the Department The Orders of Reference of the Dáil Select Committee and the Joint Committee are set out at Appendix 1. 3. Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Convenors and MembershipDeputy Johnny Brady was elected as Chairman of the Joint Committee on 12 November, 2002. Deputy Michael Moynihan was elected as Vice-Chairman of the Joint Committee on 12 November 2002. The Chairman of the Joint Committee is also Chairman of the Dáil Select Committee. Deputies Billy Timmins and Sean O’Feargháil are the Convenors of the Committee whose function it is to ensure the availability and attendance of Members or their substitutes for meetings of the Committee and, in particular, to ensure Members’ availability for divisions. The Members of the Joint Committee are set out at Appendix 2(a) 4. Meetings, Attendance and RecordingMeetings of the Joint Committee, Select Committee and sub-Committee(s) took place in the Committee rooms in Leinster House 2000. Meetings were in public unless otherwise ordered by the Committee. Televised coverage of public meetings of the Committee were broadcast live within the Leinster House complex and was available for subsequent public broadcasting by all public broadcasters. An Official Report (Parliamentary Debates) of the public meetings of the Committees is published and may be purchased from the Government Publications Sales Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. The Official Reports may also be viewed on the Houses of the Oireachtas website at www.irlgov.ie/oireachtas. Copies of other reports published by the Joint Committee may be obtained from the Clerk, Joint Committee on Agriculture and Food, Kildare House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. A list of these reports is set out at paragraph 9. 5. Number and Duration of MeetingsThe Joint Committee met on thirty one occasions in the period under report. The number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of forty hours. The date and subject matter of each meeting is set out in paragraph 7 below and at Appendix 3. The Dáil Select Committee met on three occasions in the year under report and the number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of three hours. The date and subject matter of each meeting is set out in paragraph 7 below and at Appendix 4. Minutes of proceedings of the Joint Committee meetings in public session are attached at Appendix [and Appendix ]. 6. Work of the Committee6.1 Joint CommitteeOn the thirty one occasions the Joint Committee met, it dealt with the following matters: •Meeting with APHA, ICOS; and IFA on the Animal Remedies Regulations •Consideration of Draft Bovine Diseases (Levies) Regulations, 2002 and discussion with Mr. Joe Walsh, T.D., Minister for Agriculture and Food on: (a) CAP Reform; (b) Overview of Irish Farming; (c) Proposed Animal Health Remedies Regulations •Meeting with Irish Medicines Board and Veterinary Ireland on proposed Animal Health Remedies Regulations •Meeting with Macra na Feirme and Irish Cattle and Sheep Association •Meeting with Dr Patrick Wall, Chief Executive Food Safety Authority of Ireland and Discussion with IFA re aspects of Finance Bill 2003 •Meeting with Mr John Dillon, President of the IFA •Presentation by Irish Pharmaceutical Union re proposed Animal Health Regulations •Meeting with Mr Pat O’Rourke, President of the ICMSA •Meeting with Dr Jim Flanagan, National Director of Teagasc •Scrutiny of EU Documents: Mid-term Review of Agenda 2000 •Meeting with Members of the Monaghan IFA County Executive •Scrutiny of EU Legislative Proposals •Meeting with Association of Craft Butchers of Ireland, Racing Club of Ireland Ltd and Irish Horse Welfare Trust •Meeting with Mr John Malone Secretary General Department of Agriculture and Food on the Statement of Strategy 2003-2005 •Meeting with Department Officials on Early Retirement Scheme for Farmers •Meeting with An Taisce on policy of opposition to single dwellings in rural areas and the effects on the farming community •Meeting with Mr Joe Walsh T.D. Minister for Agriculture and Food on CAP Reform •Meeting with Mr David Byrne, European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Protection •Meeting with Dr Tom Dwyer, Chairman and Mr Jim Flanagan, National Director of Teagasc •Meeting with Committee on Agriculture of the Czech Parliament •Meeting with Mr. Frank Corcoran, President, An Taisce •Meeting with Representatives of Macra na Feirme •Meeting with Representatives of IFA regarding the Farm Retirement Scheme particularly in relation to problems arising with people with disabilities. •Agricultural Appeals Office Annual Report 2002 •Meeting with officials from the Department of Agriculture and Food on Farm Retirement Scheme •Meeting with Representatives from National Milk Rights Group •Consideration of Draft Bovine Diseases (Levies) Regulations 2003 A copy of the Joint Committee’s work programme for 2004 is at Appendix . 6.2 Dáil Select CommitteeOn the three occasions the Dáil Select Committee met, it dealt with the following matters: •Consideration of the proposal that Dáil Éireann approve the terms of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine Agreement 2001, which was laid before Dáil Éireann on 7th February, 2003 •Consideration of Revised Estimates for Agriculture and Food, Vote 31 •Consideration of the Proposal that Dáil Éireann approve in accordance with Article 29.5.1 of Bunreacht na hÉireann, the ratification of the International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture 7. Groups and Individuals attending before CommitteeIn the year under report, the Joint Committee met with the following organisations, groups and individuals: •The Minister for Agriculture and Food •Various Semi State Bodies •Numerous organisations connected with Agriculture and Food and officials from the Department of Agriculture and Food 8.8.1 Joint Committee ReportsDuring the year under report, the Joint Committee published the following reports: •European Council Regulation COM (2002) 414, Proposal for a Council Regulation amending Council Regulation 1255/97 as regards the use of staging points for the shipping of live animals. •COM (2002) 684 — Directive of the European Parliament and the Council on the monitoring of zoonoses and zoonotic agents, amending Council decision 90/424/EEC and repealing Council Directive 92/117/EEC etc •The European Commission’s Proposal for Modalities in the WTO Agriculture Negotiations •Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on official feed and food controls Com (2003) 52 Final •Proposal of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down requirements for feed hygiene Com (2003) 180 •Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council on maximum residue levels of pesticides in products of plant and animal origin Com (2003) 117 Final •Report of the Visit to (a) Teagasc Advisory and Training Centre and (b) European Commission Food and Veterinary Office, Grange Co. Meath •Report of the Visit to Hungary, 18 — 20 February 2003 •Report of Meeting of the Committees for Agriculture of the Parliaments of the European Union, the European Parliament, the Accession and Candidate Countries, Athens, May 19, 2003 •Report of the Visit to Chicago, 29th October — 2nd November, 2003 8.2 Work in Progress(i)Deputy Ollie Wilkinson has been appointed by the Joint Committee as a rapporteur to prepare a report on the issue of Farm Retirement Scheme. 9. TravelThe Joint Committee undertook the following travel in accordance with its Orders of Reference in connection with its work programme.
10. Functions and PowersThe Joint Committee is currently satisfied with its present procedures and role. ____________________ Johnny Brady, T.D. Chairman 4th February 2004 |
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