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APPENDIX 5Minutes of Proceedings of the Joint CommitteeJoint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of First Meeting held on Wednesday 13 November, 2002 at 2.30 p.m. in CR1 LH2000Attendance1.Deputies James Breen, Michael Collins, Jimmy Deenihan, Damien English, Jim Glennon, Cecilia Keaveney, Peter Kelly, Fiona O’Malley, Brian O’Shea, Jack Wall and G.V. Wright. Also in attendance were Senators Brendan Daly, Joe McHugh, Labhrás Ó Murchú, John Phelan, Kieran Phelan, Joe O’Toole. In Public Session2.In Public Session, following her nomination by Deputy Michael Collins, Deputy Cecilia Keaveney, T.D. was unanimously elected Chairman. The Chairman welcomed the Members to the new Committee and thanked them for her appointment. The Members then congratulated the Chairman and wished her well. In Private Session3.Item discussed in private session. The Chairman then concluded the meeting with thanks to the Members and adjourned the meeting sine die. ________________________ Cecilia Keaveney, T.D. Chairman December 2002 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Wednesday 18 December, 2002 at 4.15 p.m. in CR3 LH2000Attendance1.Deputies James Breen, Jim Glennon, Cecilia Keaveney, Peter Kelly and Brian O’Shea. Senator Labhrás Ó Murchú. Apologies were received from Deputy Damien English and Senator Brendan Daly. Private Session2.Item discussed in private session. Public Session3.It was agreed that no further action was needed in relation to Euro-Scrutiny documents received and that the Euro Sub-Committee should be so informed. 4.Deputy Jim Glennon was elected Vice-Chairman for which he thanked the Members. 5.The Work Programme will be adopted on 15 January 2003 subject to any interim changes. 6.It was agreed in principle that Deputies O’Malley and English do a rapporteur study on youth/sport and alcohol. 7.The Maritime Safety issue would also be dealt with on 15 January 2003. 8.A reponse to the Israeli Education and Culture Committee was agreed. The meeting was adjourned sine die at 4.20 p.m ________________________ Cecilia Keaveney, T.D. Chairman January 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Wednesday, 15 January 2003 at 2.30 p.m. in CR3 LH2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), James Breen, Jimmy Deenihan, Damien English, Jim Glennon, Peter Kelly, Fiona O’Malley, Brian O’Shea and Jack Wall. Senators Paul Coghlan* (in substitution for Joe O’Toole), Brendan Daly, Joe McHugh, Labhrás Ó Murchú and Kieran Phelan. Apologies were received from Deputy G.V. Wright and Senator John Phelan. Private Session2.Item discussed in private session. 3.Item discussed in private session. 4.Item discussed in private session. Public Session5.There followed a presentation by Mr. Maurice Mullen, Director General of the Maritime Safety Directorate on the discussion paper on maritime safety. He particularly outlined bad practice in marine safety and had lengthy exchanges with the Members. At the completion of the discussion, it was agreed to send a transcript of the proceedings to the Directorate. 6.Representatives of Fossett’s Circus were then invited to make a presentation on their affairs. Mr. Edward Fossett, Managing Director, Mr. Robert Fossett and Mr. Charles O’Brien appeared. They portrayed Fossetts as Ireland’s national circus with strong support and a dedicated management team. However, they have had to dip into reserves in recent years and effectively need a cash injection over two/three years. 7.The Members expressed admiration for Fossetts and their history and offered to help in any way possible while the Chairman reminded all that the Joint Committees function was to consider and report. The meeting was adjourned sine die at 4.59 p.m. ______________________ Cecilia Keaveney, T.D. Chairman February 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Wednesday, 5 February 2003 at 4.15 p.m. in CR2 LH2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), James Breen, Michael Collins, Jimmy Deenihan, Damien English, Jim Glennon, Peter Kelly, Fiona O’Malley and Brian O’Shea. Senators Brendan Daly, Joe McHugh, Labhrás Ó Murchú, Kieran Phelan and Joe O’Toole. Public Session2.The Chairman welcomed Mr. Pat Costello, National Director of Special Olympics, Ireland and subsequently Ms Mary Davis, Chief Executive Officer of the 2003 Special Olympics. Mr. Costello dealt with the preparation of Team Ireland including accommodation, training and the finances as well as the voluntary input. Ms Davis gave a sufficient outline of all that is relevant to the Special Olympics. Finance raised and numbers of volunteers recruited were prodigious and on a scale not seen previously in this country. She also explained that security vetting was progressing satisfactorily and would be completed on time. 3.The Members expressed their admiration at what had been achieved and remarked that this was probably the first occasion for a delegation to appear before the Committee without any needs. The meeting was then adjourned until Wednesday 19th February 2003 at 4.15 p.m. _______________________ Cecilia Keaveney Chairman February 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Wednesday, 19 February 2003 at 4.15 p.m. in CR2 LH2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), James Breen, Michael Collins, Jimmy Deenihan, Damien English, Peter Kelly, Fiona O’Malley, Brian O’Shea and Jack Wall. Senators Joe McHugh, Labhrás Ó Murchú, John Phelan and Kieran Phelan. Apologies were received from Deputy Jim Glennon and Senator Brendan Daly. Also in attendance were Minister Éamon Ó Cuív and Minister of State Noel Ahern. Private Session2.Item discussed in private session. 3.Item discussed in private session. Public Session4.The Chairman welcomed Minister Éamon Ó Cuív and Minister of State Noel Ahern who had been invited to brief the Members on the workings of their Department. 5.Minister Ó Cuív speaking in Irish regretted the absence of simultaneous translation facilities. The Chairman explained that such a facility had been sought but had not yet been provided. Minister O’Cuív proceeded to outline the overall strategic direction for the Department for the period 2003 — 2005 subject to the completion of a formal Strategy Document. The Department has charge of community and local development including drugs and volunteering and rural development including leader, Clar and Western Development with a definite focus on communities. The bodies under the aegis of the Department are: •Area Development Management Ltd; •An Coimisiún Logainmneacha; •An Foras Teanga, comprising Foras na Gaeilge and the Ulster-Scots Agency; •Bord na Leabhar Gaeilge; •Commissioners of Charitable Donations and Bequests; •Dormant Accounts Fund Disbursements Board; •National Advisory Committee on Drugs (NACD); •National Drugs Strategy Team (NDST); •Údarás na Gaeltachta; •Waterways Ireland; •Western Development Commission. The Department will deliver on: •Regenerating disadvantaged communities; •Continuing to tackle drug misuse; •The protection and development of rural communities; •Supporting the Irish Language and the development of the Gaeltacht; •Further measures to develop the Islands. The Minister circulated two diagrams setting out the overall framework within which services are delivered and the range of programmes administered directly by the Department. With regard to the Irish Language, the goal will be to increase the use of the language nationwide and to support the maintenance of the languages in Gaeltacht areas. The Official Languages (Equality) Bill, 2002 is of particular signifigance and it is hoped to enact it later this year. Other issues are the examination of the recommendations of the Report of the Gaeltacht Commission, Language Planning and Irish Medium Education. 6.Minister Ahern focused on two areas — community development and tackling drug misuse. The key strategies relate to: •Achieving greater coherence across the range of structures, processes and schemes supporting local and community development; •Assisting disadvantaged communities to participate fully in society; •Facilitating integrated development in areas of disadvantage; •Establishing a cohesive framework of support for the community and voluntary sector across Government Departments and agencies; •Implementing the dormant accounts disbursement and linked arrangements; •Ensuring an appropriate administrative framework to encourage and expand Corporate Social Responsibility. Other measures will also contribute including the implementation of the recommendations in the White Paper on Voluntary Activity and the relationship between the State and the Community Sector and also the introduction of new legislation for the Charity Sector. With regard to drug misuse, the goal is to facilitate a more integrated and co-ordinated approach by state agencies to tackle misuse with the aim of significantly reducing the harm to individuals and society. A review of the national strategies will be carried out in 2004. There followed an extensive question and answer session with contributions from all Members present. Among the topics raised were Alcohol, CLÁR, the Summer Job Scheme, Class A drugs, the Regional Drugs Task Forces, the Irish Language, Údarás na Gaeltachta assets, Gaelscoileanna. 7.The Chair then announced the allocation of rapporteur studies as follows: •The joint study on sport and the arts and their influence in preventing alcohol abuse will be carried out by Deputies O’Malley and English; •Deputy Deenihan will address the issue of women in sport; •Deputy Wall will address the Irish Language; •Senator O’Toole will deal with the issue of amateurism versus professionalism in sport; •The role of the youth club in the community will be addressed by Deputy Breen. Our allocation for rapporteurs will be €12,000. The Joint Committee adjourned at 6.35 p.m. sine die. _______________________ Cecilia Keaveney Chairman March 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Thursday, 6 March 2003 at 2.00 p.m. in CR4 LH2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), James Breen, John Carty* (in substitution for Michael Collins), Jimmy Deenihan, Damien English, Jim Glennon, Fiona O’Malley, Brian O’Shea and Jack Wall. Senator Joe O’Toole. Apologies were received from Deputy Peter Kelly and Senators Labhrás Ó Murchú and John Paul Phelan. Private Session2.Item discussed in private session. Public Session3.After the Chairman briefed the Members on the latest Euro-Scrutiny documentation, it was agreed to send a no further scrutiny memo to the Euro Scrutiny secretariat. 4.Senator O’Toole raised the matter of the Americas Cup and a discussion ensued. 5.The Chairman welcomed the delegation from the IRFU; Mr. Philip Browne, Chief Executive and Mr. John Lyons, Honorary Treasurer. Philip Browne said that they were there to enlighten the Committee on the importance of the professional game of rugby in Ireland. The International Rugby Board declared the game open in 1995. Professional rugby was introduced gradually from 1996 on and by 1999 there were four squads and 25 full-time players with all the contracts held by the IRFU. There are now 122 contracted players with full back up support systems. The current playing base consists of 13,000 adults with a further 20,000 in schools and another 16,500 in youth clubs. Government assistance is vital to the development of the game. 6.A comprehensive discussion followed with contributions from the Chairman, Senator Joe O’Toole and an overview of the IRFU finances from the Honorary Treasurer, Mr John Lyons. They are faced with a deficit of €4m this year. There were contributions also from Deputies English, Wall, Glennon, O’Shea and Deenihan. The Joint Committee adjourned at 3.55 p.m. sine die. _______________________ Cecilia Keaveney Chairman April 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Wednesday, 19 March 2003 at 2.00 p.m. in CR4 LH2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), James Breen, Pat Carey* (in substitution for Michael Collins), Damien English, Jim Glennon, Fiona O’Malley, Brian O’Shea and Dan Wallace* (in substitution for Peter Kelly). Senators Paul Coghlan* (in part substitution for John Paul Phelan) Joe McHugh, Labhrás Ó Murchú and John Paul Phelan. Also in attendance was Deputy Fergus O’Dowd. Private Session2.Item discussed in private session. Public Session3.The Chairman welcomed the delegation from COMREG who had come to speak on universal telephone service provision, particularly in the rural context. The delegation consisted of Mr John Doherty, Ms Isolde Goggin and Mr Eric Tompkins. Mr John Doherty outlined the role of COMREG, particularly the concept of universal service provision. COMREG promotes the interests of users. In May 1999 Eircom, then Telecom Éireann was designated by the ODTR as the universal service provider. There is now a new EU Universal Service Directive which must be transposed into Irish law and COMREG have engaged in consultations and have now made certain proposals regarding the provision of telephone access at a fixed location, the provision of public payphones, the provision of directory enquiry services and directories, the control of consumer costs and the funding of USO and a funding mechanism. Further consultation will take place and a decision will be issued in May. 4.The Members praised the clarity and depth of the presentation as well as the quality of the information provided. A question and answer session followed and at the conclusion, the Members agreed with a proposal from the Chairman that she write formally to COMREG expressing support for their approach and that the Joint Committee would keep in touch with them. The meeting concluded sine die at 3.01 p.m. ______________________ Cecilia Keaveney Chairman April 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Wednesday, 2 April 2003 at 4.15 p.m. in CR4 LH2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), James Breen, Michael Collins, John Cregan* (in substitution for G.V. Wright), Jimmy Deenihan, Jim Glennon, Peter Kelly, Brian O’Shea and Jack Wall. Senators Joe McHugh, Labhrás Ó Murchú and Kieran Phelan. Apologies were received from Deputies Damien English and G.V. Wright and Senators Brendan Daly, John Paul Phelan and Joe O’Toole. Private Session2.Item discussed in private session. 3.Item discussed in private session. Public Session4.The Chairman welcomed Mr Paddy Boyd and Ms Debbie Massey from the Federation of Irish Sports. The delegation outlined the Federation’s background and what its main functions are. They pointed out that thousands of people involved in sport in Ireland have in the past been under represented and now the Federation provides a voice for Irish sport and raises awareness of it at political, education and other levels. It was also noted that the Federation has a constitution and democratic structure. A question and answer session with Members followed the delegation’s presentation. 5.The delegation appealed for funding from Government and the Chairman undertook to inquire into that possibility with the Minister for Finance. The Chairman then thanked the delegation for their presentation. The meeting adjourned at 3.01 p.m. sine die. ______________________ Cecilia Keaveney Chairman April 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Wednesday, 16 April 2003 at 4.15 p.m. in CR2 LH2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), James Breen, Damien English, Jim Glennon, Fiona O’Malley, Brian O’Shea and Jack Wall. Senator Kieran Phelan. Apologies were received from Deputies Michael Collins and Jimmy Deenihan and Senators Joe McHugh and Labhrás Ó Murchú. Private Session2.Item discussed in private session. 3.Item discussed in private session. Public Session4.The Chairman welcomed a delegation from the FAI which comprised Milo Corcoran, President, Kevin Fahy, Acting General Secretary, John Delaney, Honorary Treasurer and John Byrne, Planning and Development Manager. The delegation spoke on the development and fostering of the game for everybody and some 300,000 are involved in various ways every year. They spoke of football being at the core of Irish sport. Current funding is just over €1.5m through the Sports Council. They link into other groups such as special needs schools. 5.The womens’ game is very strong with 19 national and local leagues and there is the first Irish women referee holding a FIFA badge. The development of home grown talent is vital given the costs in the game. Summer soccer has now been introduced. The FAI have just now made a presentation with the IRFU to the Minister for Arts, Sport and Tourism on the development of a stadium. 6.The Chair thanked the delegation and there followed a question and answer session. The Committee adjourned at 5.35 p.m. sine die. ______________________ Cecilia Keaveney Chairman May 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Thursday, 1st May 2003 at 10.00 a.m. in CR4 LH2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), James Breen, Jimmy Deenihan, Damien English, Jim Glennon, Peter Kelly, Ned O’Keeffe (in substitution for Deputy Michael Collins) Fiona O’Malley and Brian O’Shea. Senators Labhrás Ó Murchú, John Paul Phelan, Kieran Phelan and Joe O’Toole. Apologies were received from Deputy Michael Collins and Senators Brendan Daly and Joe McHugh. Private Session2.Item discussed in private session. 3.Item discussed in private session. Public Session4.The Chairman welcomed the representatives of Business in the Community, John Trethowan and Clodagh Gorman. A question and answer session followed the opening presentation and among the points raised were: •Business in the Community works with Irish companies to develop corporate responsibility. •Local initiatives are supported FÁS and the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. •The Department’s position on how to affect the National policy on volunteering was queried. •Businesses are now being asked to account for themselves not only financially but also in terms of their impact on communities and the environment. •The costs of insurance and other ‘red tape’ issues were raised as a possible disincentive to the concept of volunteering. 5.The Chairman undertook to ascertain from Minister O’Cuiv his position in relation to volunteer policy and thanked the representatives for attending the meeting. The meeting adjourned sine die at 11.03 a.m. _____________________ Cecilia Keaveney Chairman May 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Wednesday, 14th May 2003 at 1.35 p.m. in CR4 LH2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), James Breen, Damien English, Jim Glennon, Peter Kelly and Brian O’Shea. Senators Brendan Daly, John Paul Phelan and Kieran Phelan. Apologies were received from Senators Labhrás Ó Murchú and Joe O’Toole. Deputy Fergus O’Dowd also attended the meeting. Private Session2.Item discussed in private session. 3.Item discussed in private session. Public Session4.Chuir an Cathaoirleach fáilte roimh Pádraig Mac Fhearghusa agus Éamonn Mac Niallais a tháinig dun ceist na Gaeilge a phlé. Labhair Pádraig Mac Fhearghusa ar stadas na teanga, caitheamh aimsire agus teorainneacha na Gaeilge. 5.Ansin do labhair an Cathaoirleach agus an Teachta O’Sé. 6.Labhair an tUasal Mac Niallais faoi labhairt na Gaeilge i nGaoth Dobhair. Tá meath mór le haithint agus tá gá le plean lárnach ón Rialtas a chlúdóidh oideachas agus oiliúint, seirbhisí poiblí agus priobháideacha ar fail trí Ghaeilge agus plean fostaiochta don Ghaeltacht. 7.Ansin do labhair na Teachtaí O’Dowd, O’Sé agus an Seanadóir Daly. Ghaibh an Cathaoirleach buíochas leis na cainteoirí agus criochnaigh an cruinniú ansin. ___________________________ Cecilia Keaveney Cathaoirleach Meán Fómhar 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Thursday, 5th June 2003 at 2.00 p.m. in CR4 LH2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), Jimmy Deenihan, Jim Glennon, Peter Kelly, Ned O’Keeffe* (in substitution for Deputy Michael Collins), Fiona O’Malley, Brian O’Shea and Jack Wall. Senators Labhrás Ó Murchú, John Paul Phelan, Kieran Phelan and Joe O’Toole. Apologies were received from Deputy Damien English and Senators Brendan Daly and Joe McHugh. Private Session2.Item discussed in private session. 3.Item discussed in private session. Public Session4.The Chairman welcomed the delegation from ESB Community Games, Mr. Gerry Davenport and Mr. Malcolm Byrne. 5.The ethos of Community Games is 70% participation and 30% competition and they have 800 affiliated areas. They have 20,000 volunteers. They need to bring the fun element back into sport and give children a start-up in sporting activity. 6.They are involved in a new initiative with the IRFU called tag rugby. 7.In a major move, they are working towards a new venue for the National Finals as and from 2005. An announcement is imminent. The question of insurance is also a main concern as is volunteer clearance. 8.The Chairman, Deputies Deenihan, Wall, Senator Ó Murchú, Deputies O’Malley, O’Shea, Senator Phelan, Deputies Glennon and Kelly contributed. The delegation then responded at which stage the Chairman thanked them and the meeting concluded. _______________________ Cecilia Keaveney Chairman September 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Thursday, 12th June 2003 at 2.30 p.m. in CR2 LH2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), Michael Collins, Peter Kelly, and Brian O’Shea. Senator Kieran Phelan. Deputy Tony Killeen was also in attendance. 2.The meeting was held in private. The meeting adjourned sine die at 2.33 p.m. ______________________ Cecilia Keaveney Chairman September 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Wednesday, 9th July 2003 at 12.00 p.m. in CR4 LH2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), James Breen, Michael Collins, Jim Glennon, Peter Kelly, Fiona O’Malley, Brian O’Shea and Jack Wall. Senators Liam Fitzgerald* (in substitution for Senator Brendan Daly), Joe McHugh, Labhrás Ó Murchú and Kieran Phelan. Apologies were received from Deputies Jimmy Deenihan, Damien English and G.V. Wright. 2.The meeting was held in private. The meeting then adjourned sine die at 12.37 p.m. ______________________ Cecilia Keaveney Chairman September 2003 Joint Meeting ofJoint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsandJoint Committee on Education and ScienceProceedings of the Joint MeetingTuesday 9th September, 2003The Joint Committees met at 11.30 a.m. in Committee Room 2 LH2000. Attendance1.The following Members were present: Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs
*In substitution for Senator Kieran Phelan for part of the meeting. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Jimmy Deenihan and Fiona O’Malley. Joint Committee on Education and Science
Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Barry Andrews, Paul Gogarty and Jan O’Sullivan. Public SessionPresentation by Music Network 2.The Chairmen of both Committees welcomed Ms Deirdre McCrea, Chief Executive officer of Music Network, and Mr. Martin Drury, Chairman of the Advisory Group to the meeting 3.The Chairman then drew attention to the fact that members of both Committees had absolute privilege, but this same privilege did not apply to witnesses appearing before the Committee. Members were also reminded of the long standing Parliamentary practice to the effect that Members should not comment on, criticise or make charges against a person outside the House or an official by name in such a way as to make him or her identifiable . 4.There followed a presentation by Music Network. 5.A question and answer session with members followed. 6.Following the question and answer session, the Chairman thanked the representatives of Music Network for their contribution to a very interesting and thought-provoking discussion. AdjournmentThere being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 12.42 p.m. sine die. ____________________ Cecilia Keaveney T.D. Chairman of the Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs November, 2003 ____________________ Tony Killeen, T.D. Chairman of the Joint Committee on Education and Science November, 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Wednesday, 17th September 2003 at 4.15 p.m. in CR2 LH 2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), James Breen, Jim Glennon, Peter Kelly and John McGuinness* (in substitution for Deputy Michael Collins). Senators Labhrás Ó Murchú and Kieran Phelan. Apologies were received from Deputies Damien English, Brian O’Shea, G.V. Wright and Senator Brendan Daly. 2.The meeting was held in private. The meeting then adjourned sine die at 4.50 p.m. ______________________ Cecilia Keaveney Chairman November 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Wednesday, 1st October 2003 at 4.15 p.m. in CR2 LH 2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), James Breen, Jim Glennon, Peter Kelly, Fiona O’Malley and Brian O’Shea. Senators Paddy Burke*, Michael Finucane* (both in substitution for Senator Joe McHugh for part of the meeting), Camillus Glynn* (in substitution for Senator Labhrás Ó Murchú), Joe O’Toole, John Paul Phelan and Kieran Phelan. Apologies were received from Deputies Jimmy Deenihan, Damien English and Jack Wall. In Private Session2.Item discussed in private session. In Public Session3.A presentation was made by Theatre Forum which is the voice for the performing arts in Ireland. They were hit by the cuts in the Arts Council’s funding in 2003. They asked for better treatment in 2004. 4.There followed a presentation by Screen Producers, Ireland. Their main difficulty is with possible tampering with Section 481. 21% Vat was also an issue. 5.There followed a session of questions and answers to both groups and the Chairman undertook to write to the Ministers for Finance; Arts, Sport and Tourism and Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. The meeting then adjourned sine die at 5.50 p.m. ______________________ Cecilia Keaveney Chairman November 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Wednesday, 15th October 2003 at 4.15 p.m. in CR2 LH 2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), James Breen, Jimmy Deenihan, Damien English, Jim Glennon, Peter Kelly, Fiona O’Malley and Brian O’Shea. Senators Brendan Daly, Joe McHugh, Labhrás Ó Murchú, John Paul Phelan and Kieran Phelan. An apology was received from Deputy Jack Wall. In Private Session2.Item discussed in private session. In Public Session3.The Chairman welcomed Olive Braiden, Chairman of the Arts Council as well as Patricia Quinn, Director. 4.Ms Braiden outlined a vision of the Arts Council with an emphasis on communication and dialogue. One of their first tasks will be to look at the Arts plan and give it a new strategic framework. There should be continued investment in the Arts, in good times and in bad. The regional arts centers must be funded — with serious money. 5.There followed a lively set of questions from the Members and after a response from the Arts Council representatives, the meeting concluded at 5.44 p.m. sine die. ______________________ Cecilia Keaveney Chairman November 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Wednesday, 12th November 2003 at 2.30 p.m. in CR1 LH 2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), James Breen, Jimmy Deenihan, Damien English, Jim Glennon, Peter Kelly, Brian O’Shea and Jack Wall. Senators Joe McHugh, Labhrás Ó Murchú and Kieran Phelan. In Private Session2.Item discussed in private session. In Public Session3.The Chairman welcomed Maeve Kyle, Debbie Massey and Gina Menzies who came to speak on the role of women in sport in tangent with Deputy Jimmy Deenihan’s rapporteur assignment. 4.They all referred to the lack of physical activity for young children and spoke on other aspects such as carer clearance, women in sport in the media, discrimination, etc. 5.There followed questions from the Members present. Then a lengthy response from the witnesses. The Chairman then extended thanks to the visitors. The meeting adjourned sine die at 4.37 p.m. _____________________ Cecilia Keaveney Chairman November 2003 Joint Committee on Arts, Sport, Tourism, Community, Rural and Gaeltacht AffairsMinutes of Meeting held on Wednesday, 26th November 2003 at 4.15 p.m. in CR4 LH 2000Attendance1.Deputies Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), Michael Collins, Damien English, Jim Glennon, Peter Kelly, Fiona O’Malley and Brian O’Shea. Senators Brendan Daly, Joe McHugh, Labhrás Ó Murchú, Joe O’Toole, John Paul Phelan and Kieran Phelan. In Private Session2.Item discussed in private session. 3.Item discussed in private session. In Public Session4.Bhuail an Comhchoiste le Seaosambh Mac Donncaha (Foras na Gaeilge) agus Seosamh Ó Murchú (An Gúm) maidir leis an foclóir nua Béarla/Gaeilge. Obair 5 bliana atá i gceist agus tá Céim i tosnaithe a chosnóidh i €700,000 in iomlan. Beidh canúintí go léir na Gaeilge sa bhfoclóir agus beidh sé bunaithe ar ghnáth úsáid an Bhéarla sa tír seo. 5.Chuir na Comhaltaí an-shuim sa léisiú agus mholadar an obair go hard: dar leo do bhí géarghá le foclóir nua agus bhíodar thar a bheith sástá go mbeidh sé ar an idirlión. 6.Ansin ghaibh an Cathaoirleach buíochas leis na cuairteoirí agus chríochnaigh an cruinniú. The meeting adjourned sine die at 5.32 p.m. ____________________ Cecilia Keaveney Cathaoirleach Nollaig 2003 |
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