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Tithe an OireachtaisHOUSES OF THE OIREACHTASAn Comhchoiste um Chomhshaol agus Rialtas ÁitiúilJoint Committee on Environment & Local GovernmentTuarascáil don bhliain dar chríoch 19th Samhain 2000Report for the Year Ending 19th November 2000Report of the Joint Committee on the Environment & Local Government For the Year Ending 19th November 2000Table of Contents
Joint Committee on the Environment & Local Government1. Establishment–The Select and Joint Committees on Environment and Local Government were established by order of the Dáil on 13 November 1997, and of the Senate on 19 November 1997. 2. Membership▪The members of the Joint Committee are as follows:
Note: Deputy Eamon Gilmore was appointed in place of Deputy Brendan Howlin on 24th February, 1999. Senator Fintan Coogan was appointed in place of Senator Joe Doyle on 30th March 2000. 3. Meetings Held▪The Joint Committee on Environment & Local Government met on 7 occasions in the year under report. The number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 13½ hours. ▪The Dáil Select Committee on Environment & Local Government met on 14 occasions in the year under report. The number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 54 hours. ▪The Sub-Committee on Sustainable Development met on 3 occasions in the year under report. The number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 6 hours. 4. Presentations to the Joint Committee–The following groups/agencies made presentations to the Joint Committee.
–The following groups/agencies made presentations to the Sub-Committe on Sustainable Development.
5. Representation at Meetings–The Joint Committee was represented at the following conferences pursuant to its Orders of Reference :~ Third Regional Forum of Global Parliamentarians on Habitan from the European Continent, Helsinki, Finland 27-28 March 2000 Conference on Regional Development in Sofia 15-16 May 2000 Sixth Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, The Hague 13-24 November, 2000 6. Bills and Estimates–The Dáil Select Committee considered the following Bills and Estimates.
7. Orders of ReferenceThe Orders establishing the Select and Joint Committees specified for it the following Orders of Reference.(1)(a)That a Select Committee, which shall be called the Select Committee on Environment and Local Government, consisting of 14 members of Dáil Éireann (of whom 4 shall constitute a quorum), be appointed to consider such- (i)Bills the statute law in respect of which is dealt with by the Department of the Environment and Local Government, and (ii)Estimates for Public Services within the aegis of that Department, as shall be referred to it by Dáil Éireann from time to time. (b)For the purpose of its consideration of Bills under paragraph (1)(a)(i), the Select Committee shall have the powers defined in Standing Order 78A(1), (2) and (3). (c)For the avoidance of doubt, by virtue of his or her ex officio membership of the Select Committee in accordance with Standing Order 84(1), the Minister for the Environment and Local Government (or a Minister or Minister of State nominated in his or her stead) shall be entitled to vote. (2)(a)The Select Committee shall be joined with a Select Committee to be appointed by Seanad Éireann to form the Joint Committee on Environment and Local Government to consider- (i)such public affairs administered by the Department of the Environment and Local Government as it may select, including bodies under the aegis of that Department in respect of Government policy, (ii)such matters of policy for which the Minister in charge of that Department is officially responsible as it may select, (iii)the strategy statement laid before each House of the Oireachtas by the Minister in charge of that Department pursuant to section 5(2) of the Public Service Management Act, 1997, and shall be authorised for the purposes of section 10 of that Act, and (iv)such other matters as may be jointly referred to it from time to time by both Houses of the Oireachtas, and shall report thereon to both Houses of the Oireachtas. (b)The quorum of the Joint Committee shall be 5, of whom at least 1 shall be a member of Dáil Éireann and 1 a member of Seanad Éireann. (c)The Joint Committee shall have the powers defined in Standing Order 78A(1) to (9) inclusive. (3)The Chairman of the Joint Committee, who shall be a member of Dáil Éireann, shall also be Chairman of the Select Committee. ▪The Joint Committee considers its Orders of Reference to be appropriate and adequate and continues to monitor its role and procedures. 8. 2000 Work Programme Review–The Select and Joint Committees adopted a work programme for 2001 as attached at Appendix III Progress of Work ProgrammeThe Sub-Committee on Local Government Reform completed its report which was considered by the Joint Committee on 10th February and 10th March, 1999, respectively. The report, as amended, was thus agreed and laid before the Houses. This issue, as cited under item 14 of the 1999 Work Programme, can therefore be deemed to have been dealt with including in relevant discussions with the Minister for the Environment & Local Government, Mr. Noel Dempsey T.D., and other interested parties. However, the Joint Committee continues to take a close working interest in the issue of Local Government Reform and the ongoing policy/ legislative developments in this area. The Sub-Committee on Sustainable Development is continuing its work and is due to report to the Joint Committee by 31st March 2000. At present it is hearing further submissions by Government Departments. This exercise is aimed at evaluating the implementation of the Government's 1997 policy document, “Sustainable Development - A Strategy for Ireland“ including through the Green Network of Departments which was established under that Strategy. Under item 14 of the 1999 Work Programme, the Sustainable Development issue can therefore be described as work in progress. Items 8 & 9, which relate to voter turnout and amendments to electoral law have been considered in the Joint Committee's discussion of electoral registers and continue to be an important part of its work, including as they relate to broader local government reform. Item 13 (Road Infrastructure) has been covered in the Joint Committee's discussions with relevant officials of the Department of the Environment & Local Government and of the National Roads Authority and is an ongoing area of interest including in the light of the National Development Plan. Other items of the 1999 Work Programme, some of which have been addressed by presentations during the year under review, will carry forward to the Joint Committee's Work Programme for 2000, along with such other issues as may arise from time to time within the relevant terms of reference. In the course of its work in 1999, the Joint Committee determined that it would take particular working interest in the Planning and Development Bill,1999 and in ongoing efforts to resolve the housing crisis - these two important issues are being brought forward to the Joint Committee's Work Programme for the year 2000. _____________________ Jackie Healy-Rae, T.D., Chairman. 25th July 2001 (Note: This Annual Report was agreed by the Joint Committee at its meeting on 25th July 2001) Appendix I - Minutes of the Joint CommitteeJOINT COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT & LOCAL GOVERNMENTProceedings of the Joint CommitteeMeeting of Wednesday 16th February 2000The Joint Committee met at 14.05 on 16th February in Room G2, Kildare House.
1.The minutes of the meeting held on 10th November 1999 were agreed. 2.Presentation by National Roads Authority (NRA) 2.1A presentation was made by the NRA on its 1999 Review and Programme for 2000. The NRA delegation consisted of :-
2.2In leading the presentation, Mr. Tobin outlined the latest NRA Review which was the second such and outlined what the Authority had delivered in 1999, what was planned for the coming year and the factors which would influence delivery, including in the context of the National Development Plan. The Operational Programme for Transport 1994-99 had provided for 44 projects of which 31 had been completed, 8 were under construction, 3 were to begin in year 2000 and 2 were at planning stage. 2.3The latest programme for national road development came under the National Development Plan (NDP) 2000-2006 under which the Government has earmarked £4.7 billion for the improvement of national roads as part of the effort to address the various infrastructure deficits which threaten continued economic strength and growth. Under the NDP emphasis would now change to the improvement of long stretches of road aimed at the completion to motorway/dual-carriage standard of major inter-urban routes by 2006. 2.4The deliverability of the roads element of the NDP (including the purview of the special Cabinet Committee on Infrastructure); how contracts would be tendered/awarded (including in the wider EU context); the role of regional design offices; the streamlining of the planning process (with reference to the Planning & Development Bill); Public-Private Partnerships; NRA interaction with local authorities and financing were among those issues which arose during discussion. Members also raised specific road projects relevant to their constituency/regional concerns with the NRA Chief Executive. The meeting went into private session at 3.46 pm during which the following items were discussed. 3.[In Private Session] 4.[In Private Session] 5.[In Private Session] 6.Adjournment The meeting, which concluded at 4.00 pm, was adjourned until 1st March 2000. ____________________ Jackie Healy-Rae T.D., Chairperson, March 2000. JOINT COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT & LOCAL GOVERNMENTProceedings of the Joint CommitteeMeeting of Wednesday 1st March 2000The Joint Committee met at 14.00 hrs on 1st March 2000 in Room G2, Kildare House.
1. Minutes1.1The Minutes of 16th February 2000 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Under matters arising, it was agreed to seek the data promised to the Joint Committee by the National Roads Authority at the 16th February meeting. 2. Presentations on the Housing Situation2.1Presentations on the Housing Situation were made by :- ▪Mr. Peter Bacon of Peter Bacon & Associates, Economic Consultants. ▪Mr. Ciaran Ryan, Housing Director, Construction Industry Federation & Director of the Irish Home Builders Association (IHBA). Mr. Ryan was accompanied by :- Mr. Francis Rhatigan, Chairman, IHBA. Mr. Joe O’Brien, Regional Director (Southern) CIF. Mr. David Torpey, Committee Member, IHBA. Mr. Seán McKeon, Committee Member, IHBA. Mr. Frank Fahey, Committee Member, IHBA. 2.2The presentations were followed by Members' questions and a wide-ranging discussion of the various issues relating to housing supply and affordability. Mr. Bacon underscored that there was no “quick fix“ solution to the housing shortage. He considered that effectively dealing with the supply issue was fundamental to progressing the other aspects of the housing crisis (e.g. affordable prices). There had been a permanent change in the relativity of house prices to income and in wage distribution. For its part, the CIF delegation pointed to planning process delays and shortages of serviced sites as among those factors contributing to the lack of real progress in redressing the supply shortage. The meeting agreed at 3.50 pm to go into PRIVATE SESSION to deal with the remainder of the agenda. IN PRIVATE SESSION2.2[In Private Session] 3.[In Private Session] 4.[In Private Session] 5.[In Private Session] 5.1[In Private Session] 5.2[In Private Session] 5.3[In Private Session] 6.[In Private Session] 6.1There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 4.00 pm until 15th March. It was agreed to resume discussion of the housing situation with relevant presentations on that date. _______________ Jackie Healy-Rae T.D., Chairman, March 2000 JOINT COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT & LOCAL GOVERNMENTProceedings of the Joint CommitteeMeeting of Wednesday 15th March 2000The Joint Committee met at 14.00 hrs on 15th March 2000 in Room G2, Kildare House.
1. Minutes1.1The Minutes of 1st March 2000 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 2. Presentations on the Housing Situation2.1Presentations on the Housing Situation were made by :- The Irish Congress of Trade Unions: Mr. Fergus Whelan, ICTU Industrial Officer with special responsibility for Housing. Mr. Des Geraghty, General President of SIPTU Mr. Paddy O’Shaughnessy, General Secretary of the Building & Allied Trade Union (BATU) The Irish Council for Social Housing: Mr. Fred Stephens, President, Irish Council for Social Housing Mr. Charles McDonald, Vice-President, Irish Council for Social Housing Mr. Bernard Thompson, Director Irish Council for Social Housing and General Secretary of NABCO. 2.2The presentations were followed by Members' questions and a wide-ranging discussion of the various issues relating to housing supply and affordability. The meeting agreed to go into PRIVATE SESSION at 4.25 pm to deal with the remainder of the agenda. 3.[In Private Session] 4.[In Private Session] 4.1[In Private Session] 5.[In Private Session] 5.1[In Private Session] 5.2[In Private Session] 6.Adjournment 6.1There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 4.30 pm until 29th March. _________________ Jackie Healy-Rae T.D., Chairman, March 2000. Joint Committee on Environment & Local GovernmentMinutes of Meeting of 29th March 2000The Joint Committee met at 14.09hrs on Wednesday 29th March in Room G2, Kildare House. It began in private session to consider Item 1: Minutes and went into public session at 14.12 hrs.The meeting concluded at 16.17 hrs. Attendance: Deputies Alan Dukes, Eamon Gilmore, Seán Haughey, Brian Hayes, Jackie Healy-Rae (Chairperson), Billy Kelleher, Tony Killeen, Padraic McCormack, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin. Senators Frank Chambers and Dan Kiely. Senator Fintan Coogan substituted for Senator Joe Doyle. 1. MinutesThe Minutes of 15th March 2000 meeting were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 2. Presentations on the Housing SituationThe meeting went into public session at 14.12 hrs to hear presentations on the Housing Situation. In all, four entities made presentations and were represented as follows:- For the Government Mr. Bobby Molloy TD, Minister of State to the Government and at the Department of Environment & Local Government with special responsibility for Housing & Urban Renewal Mr. Tom Corcoran, Assistant Secretary, Housing Division. Ms. Mary Moylan, Principal Officer, Planning. For the Economic & Social Research Institute (ESRI) Mr. John FitzGerald, Research Professor Mr. David Duffy, Assistant Research Officer For the National Economic & Social Council (NESC) Dr. Síle O’Connor, Director Mr. Cathal Guiomard, Analyst. For the National Economic & Social Forum (NESF) Ms. Maureen Gaffney, Chairperson Mr. David Silke, Policy Analyst Following the four opening presentations there was a wide-ranging discussion with the Committee on the various issues arising. It was acknowledged that the relevant presentations provided several perspectives on the housing situation in terms of current analysis and possible future responses. Due to pressures of time and in deference to the other entities before the Joint Committee, it was agreed that Minister of State Molloy would return to discuss the housing situation further and to give outstanding responses to members' questions, at a later date. This was agreed mindful of the pressures of time which would arise from the Committee Stage of the extensive Planning & Development Bill. 3. CorrespondenceThe following items of correspondence were discussed: Government Chief Whip’s letter to all Committee Chairs (22.3.00) seeking use of the month of April to expedite bills. This was noted by the Committee. Notice from the Journal Office (23.3.00) of referral of the Planning and Development Bill to the Select Committee for consideration. This was noted and possible dates for consideration of the Bill were agreed. It was thus agreed to proceed with the Bill in Committee Stage and that the agreed times for meetings be communicated to Convenors, Members and the Minister’s office for implementation. Letter from the Irish Home Builders Association forwarded by Deputy Lawlor about the Planning & Development Bill. In the understanding that others had also received this correspondence it was noted for due consideration by members in relation to the Bill. Letter from EIRCELL about the Planning Bill. It was agreed to meet Eircell for a briefing on their concerns about the Bill. 4. Any Other BusinessThere being no further business, the meeting adjourned sine die subject to the the ongoing work requirements of the Select Committee in relation to the Planning & Development Bill. __________________ Jackie Healy-Rae T.D., Chairman, 26th July 2000. Joint Committee on Environment & Local GovernmentMinutes of Meeting of 26 July 2000The Joint Committee met at 3.00p.m. on Wednesday 26 July in Room G5, Kildare House. It began and continued in public session. The meeting concluded at 4.30p.m. Attendance:
1. MinutesThe Minutes of 29th March 2000 meeting were agreed. It was agreed that the Minister for the Environment and Local Government be invited to attend the next meeting of the Committee to discuss the decision of the size limit on retail stores and that the convenors and spokespersons liaise with the Clerk with regard to the names of others who might be called before the Committee. 2. Presentation on the Housing SituationThe meeting heard a presentation on the Housing Situation from Mr Bobby Molloy TD, Minister of State at the Department of the Environment and Local Government with special responsibility for Housing & Urban Renewal. Mr Molloy was accompanied by Mr. Tom Corcoran, Assistant Secretary, Housing Section and Ms Mary Moylan, Assistant Secretary, Planning Section. Following the presentation there was a wide-ranging discussion with the Committee on the various issues arising. 4. Any Other BusinessDeputy O’Caoláin asked that the Committee would consider energy efficiency in construction. The Vice-Chairman asked that he would write to the Chairman in this regard, so that it could be considered in relation to the Committees work programme. The Vice-Chairman indicated that he would discuss with the Chairman the possibility of including further discussion on Housing in future meetings of the Committee. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned sine die. _________________ Jackie Healy-Rae T.D., Chairman. Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of Meeting of 25 October, 2000The Joint Committee met at 2.05 p.m.Members Present: Deputies Jackie Healy-Rae (Chairman), Seán Haughey (vice-Chairman) Eamon Gilmore, Billy Kelleher, Tony Killeen, Padraic McCormack, Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin, Nora Owen, Seán Power and Ivan Yates; and Senators Frank Chambers, Fintan Coogan, Dan Kiely, Brendan Ryan and Jim Walsh. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputy Séamus Kirk. 1. Minutes of previous meetingThe minutes of the meeting of the Joint Committee on 26 July, 2000, were agreed to. 2. Discussion with Mr. Noel Dempsey, T.D., Minister for the Environment and Local Government on the size limit of retail store outletsThe Chairman welcomed the Minister to the Meeting. The Minister made a statement regarding his decision to limit the size of retail store outlets. A question and answer session followed. The Minister withdrew from the Meeting at 3.40 p.m. The Committee went in to Private Session at 3.40 p.m. 3. [In Private Session]4. [In Private Session]5. Date and Time of next MeetingIt was agreed that the next Meeting of the Joint Committee be held on Wednesday, 8 November, 2000, at 1 pm. The Committee adjourned at 3.50 p.m. __________________ JACKIE HEALY-RAE, Chairman of the Joint Committee. Joint Committee on Environment and Local GovernmentMinutes of Meeting of 8 November, 2000The Joint Committee met at 1.05 p.m. Members Present: Deputies Jackie Healy-Rae (Chairman), Seán Haughey (vice-Chairman) Noel Ahern, Jimmy Deenihan, Eamon Gilmore, Billy Kelleher, Tony Killeen, Séamus Kirk, Padraic McCormack, Nora Owen, Seán Power, Billy Timmins and Ivan Yates; and Senators Frank Chambers, Fintan Coogan, Dan Kiely and Jim Walsh. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin. 1. Minutes of previous meetingThe minutes of the meeting of the Joint Committee on 25 October, 2000, were agreed to. 2. Energy Efficiency in ConstructionThe Committee heard presentations from- (i)Mr. Gerald McCaughey, Chief Executive Officer of Century Homes, Monaghan, (ii)Mr. Donal Dempsey of the Irish Concrete Federation who was accompanied by Messrs. Eamon Delaney, Colm Bannon and Declan Mc Cartney, (iii)Mr. David Taylor, Director of the Irish Energy Centre. A question and answer session followed with the discussion focusing primarily on construction in the residential sector; materials used in such construction and the benefits deriving from enhanced energy efficiency, in particular, in reducing CO2 emissions. 3. Date and Time of next MeetingIt was agreed that the next Meeting of the Joint Committee be held on Wednesday, 22 November, 2000, at 2 pm. The Committee adjourned at 3 p.m. __________________ JACKIE HEALY-RAE, Chairman of the Joint Committee. Appendix II Minutes of the Sub-Committee on Sustainable DevelopmentJoint Committee on Environment & Local Government Sub-Committee on Sustainable DevelopmentProceedings of the Sub-Committee Wednesday 24th November, 19991.The Sub-Committee met in public session at 14.00 hrs in Room G2, Kildare House. 2. AttendanceThe following Sub-Committee members attended: Deputies Eamon Gilmore, Tony Killeen, Olivia Mitchell, Seán Power and Eoin Ryan Senators Brendan Ryan, Maureen Quill* Also in attendance was Deputy Billy Kelleher Apology for inability to attend was received from Senator Frank Chambers 3. MinutesThe Minutes of the meeting of 23 October 1999 were agreed to. 4. Departmental Sustainable Development PolicyThis issue was discussed with officials of the Departments of Agriculture & Food and of Education & Science, respectively. Presentations were made by Mr. John Dennehy, Secretary General of the Department of Education & Science and by Mr. John Malone, Secretary General of the Department of Agriculture & Food who were accompanied by relevant officials. These presentations were followed by separate questions and answers sessions with the Sub-Committee. 5. AdjournmentThe Sub-Committee adjourned at 3.55pm, sine die. ___________________ Senator Frank Chambers, Chairman. 20th January, 2000 Joint Committee on Environment & Local Government Sub-Committee on Sustainable DevelopmentProceedings of the Sub-Committee Thursday, 20th January, 20001.The sub-Committee met at 3 p.m. in Room G5, Kildare House. 2. AttendanceMembers present: Deputies Martin Brady (in substitution for Seán Power) and Eamon Gilmore; and Senator Frank Chambers (in the Chair). Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Olivia Mitchell and Eoin Ryan; and Senator Brendan Ryan. 3. MinutesThe Minutes of the meeting of 24 November, 1999 were agreed to. 4. Departmental Sustainable Development PolicyThe Chairman welcomed officials of the Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation, the Department of Health and Children and the Department of Finance. A presentation was made by Ms. Margaret Hayes, Secretary General of the Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation. A question and answer session followed. A presentation was made by Mr. Michael Kelly, Secretary General of the Department of Health and Children. A question and answer session followed with Mr. Tom Rooney, Deputy Secretary General of the Department participating also. A presentation was made by Mr. Tom Considine, Assistant Secretary of the Department of Finance. A question and answer session followed with Mr. Bob Bradshaw, Principal Officer of the Department participating also. 5. AdjournmentThe sub-Committee adjourned at 4.55pm, sine die. ___________________ Senator Frank Chambers, Chairman. 13 December, 2000 Joint Committee on Environment & Local Government Sub-Committee on Sustainable DevelopmentProceedings of the Sub-Committee Tuesday, 11th July, 20001. The sub-Committee met at 9.55 a.m. in Room G5, Kildare House. 2. AttendanceMembers present: Deputies Jimmy Deenihan, Eamon Gilmore and Seán Power; and Senator Frank Chambers (in the Chair). Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Tony Killeen and Séamus Kirk; and Senator Brendan Ryan. 3. Discussion with Officials of the Department of Environent and Local GovernmentThe Chairman welcomed the officials of the Department to the Meeting. The Committee heard a presentation from Mr. Maurice Coughlan, Principal Officer, Environment Policy Section, on developments in the sustainable development strategy in the previous year. A question and answer session followed with Mr. Liam Whelan, Principal Officer, Waste Management Section participating also. 4. AdjournmentThe sub-Committee adjourned at 11.15 a.m. sine die. ___________________ Senator Frank Chambers, Chairman. 13 December, 2000 Appendix III - Work Programme for 2001JOINT COMMITTEE ON ENVIRONMENT & LOCAL GOVERNMENTYear 2001 Work ProgrammeITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION BY THE JOINT COMMITTEE1. GENERAL1.1The National Development Plan. 1.2The Strategy Statement of the Department of the Environment and Local Government pursuant to the Public Service Management Act, 1997. 2. ENVIRONMENTAL ISSUES2.1Sustainable Development: 2.1.1Monitoring of implementation of "Sustainable Development - A Strategy for Ireland" (1997) - this work is continuing under the aegis of the Sub-Committee on Sustainable Development which is hearing evidence from Government Departments and will report its findings to the Joint Committee not later than end March, 2001. 2.1.2Waste Management and Recycling, including the review of proposals being considered by Regional and Local Authorities and the review of the implementation of these proposals. 2.2Environmental Protection 2.2.1Developments in the area of Environmental Protection (including application and enforcement of legislation). a.Water, including, quality, treatment and distribution b.The work of the Environmental Protection Agency. c.Impact of transport and roads on the environment (including noise and air) d.Compliance with obligations in relation to the application of EU Directives. 3. URBAN RENEWAL3.1Implementation of Urban Renewal schemes and incentives. 4. PLANNING4.1Monitoring and review of the Planning Process at both national and local level. 5. FRANCHISE5.1Voter Turnout at Elections, including young and first-time voters. 5.2Amendments to Electoral Law. 5.3Maintenance of adequate and accurate electoral registers. 5.4Electronic and other new methods of voting/ registration. 6. LOCAL GOVERNMENT6.1Local Government Fund. 6.2Government Policy regarding Local Government Reform. 6.3Local Government changes and their implications for members of local authorities and local decision making. 6.4Financing of Local Government 6.5Examination of local authorities 6.6Implications of new regional structures under the National Development Plan. 6.7The Provision of Services by Local Authorities. 6.8Examination of relevant EU Policy and Directives including those relating to provision of water/ waste collection to assess their cost implications for local authorities. 6.9Provision of waste disposal services by local authorities. 6.10More effective distribution of services in the functional area of each local authority. 6.11Service charges. 7. ROADS7.1Review of Government Policy in relation to Roads and Road Safety. 7.2Road infrastructure including primary and non-primary routes. 7.3Work of the National Roads Authority. 7.4.Accountability of the National Roads Authority. 7.5National Development Plan. 7.6Public Private Partnerships and tolls. 7.7Vehicle Testing. 7.8Vehicle licencing, taxation and revenues. 8. HOUSING8.1Review of Government Policy in relation to Housing. 8.2Work of State-Sponsored Bodies and others in responding to the Housing Crisis. 8.3The provision of accommodation for travellers including housing and halting sites. 8.4Housing supply shortage. 8.5Consideration of the issue of escalating house prices and the implications for mortgage holders. 8.6Rented accommodation sector and tenancy issues. 8.7Issues relating to the homeless. 8.8Rural Resettlement. 8.9Discussion with The Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland regarding Energy Efficiency in Construction * In substitution for Senator Frank Chambers |
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