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TITHE AN OIREACHTAISTUARASCÁIL BHLIANTÚILón gComhchoiste um Thurasóireacht, Spórt agus Áineas Obair an ChomhchoisteANNUAL REPORTof the Joint Committee on Tourism, Sport and Recreation Work of the Joint Committee1998-1999 TITHE AN OIREACHTAIS TUARASCÁIL BHLIANTÚIL ón gComhchoiste um Thurasóireacht, Spórt agus Áineas Obair an Chomhchoiste ANNUAL REPORT of the Joint Committee on Tourism, Sport and Recreation Work of the Joint Committee 1998-1999 Table of Contents
1. Content and Format of ReportThis report has been prepared pursuant to paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Standing Order 79A, Dáil Éireann and paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Standing Order 63, Seanad Éireann which provides for Joint Committee reports and work programmes as follows- •review of its procedure and its role •annual work programme •laying minutes of proceedings •making an annual report At its meeting on 27th January, 2000, the Committee agreed that all these items be included in its annual report. 2. Functions and Powers of the Joint CommitteeThe Joint Committee on Tourism, Sport and Recreation was established by Order of Dáil Éireann of 20th November, 1997 and Order of Seanad Éireann of 26th November, 1997 as part of a programme of Oireachtas reform involving the refining of the Committee system to enable more detailed examination of Government Departments including– •public affairs administered by each Department •legislation and expenditure proposals of each Department •certain matters relating to bodies under the aegis of each Department. The Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee were modified by further Orders of Dáil Éireann of 28th April, 1998 (new subparagraph (2)(a)(iv) added) and Seanad Éireann of 30th April, 1998 (new subparagraph (1)(a)(iv) added) and the Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee, as so modified, are set out at Appendix 1. In addition to existing functions and powers of the Committee, further powers were accorded to the Committee by a resolution of Dáil Éireann of 2 July 1999 to amend Standing Order 78A of Dáil Standing Orders, enabling the Committee to 'consider and report to Dáil Éireann on such proposals for EU Legislation as may be referred to it from time to time by any Committee established by Dáil Éireann (whether acting jointly with the Seanad or otherwise) to consider such proposals and upon which has been conferred the power to refer such proposals to another Select Committee'. A corresponding provision was made by way of amendment to Standing Order 65 of Standing Orders of Seanad Éireann on 30 June 1999. 3. Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Convenors and MembershipDeputy Michael Ferris was elected as Chairman of the Joint Committee on 9 December, 1997. Deputy Mary Coughlan was elected as Vice-Chairman of the Joint Committee on 9 December, 1997. The Chairman of the Joint Committee is also Chairman of the Dáil Select Committee. Deputies Michael Joe Cosgrave and Matt Brennan are the Convenors of the Committee whose whose function it is to ensure the availability and attendance of Members or their substitutes for meetings of the Committee and, in particular, to ensure Members’ availability for divisions. The Members of the Joint Committee are set out at Appendix 2. 4. Meetings, Attendance and RecordingMeetings of the Joint Committee took place in the Committee rooms in Kildare House. Meetings were in public unless otherwise ordered by the Joint Committee. Televised coverage of public meetings of the Joint Committee was broadcast live within the Leister House complex and was available for subsequent public broadcasting by R.T.É. Verbatim written reports of public meetings of the Select Committee in relation to Bills and Estimates for the Public Services, Vote 35 Tourism, Sport and Recreation were published and may be purchased from the Government Publications Sales Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. Copies of other reports published by the Joint Committee may be obtained from the Clerk, Joint Committee on Tourism, Sport and Recreation, Kildare House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. A list of these reports is set out at Section 8. 5. Number and Duration of MeetingsThe Joint Committee met on 9 occasions in the year under report. The number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 9 hours. The date and subject matter of each meeting is set out at Appendix 3. The Dáil Select Committee met on 4 occasions in the year under report and the number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 5 hours. The date and subject matter of each meeting is set out at Appendix 4. Records of attendance by Members of the Joint Committee and their duly nominated substitutes at meetings of the Joint Committee are set out at Appendix 5. Records of attendance by Members of the Dáil Select Committee and their duly nominated substitutes at meetings of the Dáil Select Committee are set out at Appendix 6. Minutes of proceedings of the Joint Committee meeting in public session are attached at Appendix 7. 6. Work of the Committee6.1 Joint CommitteeOn the 9 occasions the Committee met it dealt with the following matters: •Report on the Protection of Children in Sport •Regional Tourism Development •LFAI Arena Stadium Development •Tourism towards 2000 by Bord Fáilte •Real Tennis Court in Earlsfort Terrace •Tourist shooting industry •Aer Lingus direct flights to and from the west coast of America •Community Games National Headquarters 6.2 Dáil Select CommitteeOn the 4 occasions the Committee met it dealt with the following matters: •Supplementary Estimate 1998 - Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation •Irish Sports Council Bill, 1998 •Revised Estimate 1999 - Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation •Scheduling of the Prohibition of ticket Touts Bill, 1998 7. Groups and Individuals attending before CommitteeIn the year under report the Joint Committee met with the following: •The Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation •The Football Association of Ireland •Shannon Development •Tipperary Lakeside •Bord Fáilte Éireann •Irish Real Tennis Association •Ticket Master •Game Shoot Operators •Aer Lingus •Planet •Community Games •Town and Country Homes Association 8. Committee Reports and Resolutions8.1 Joint CommitteeDuring the year under report the Joint Committee published the following reports: •Annual Report, 1997/1998 •Report of the Joint Committee on Tourism, Sport and Recreation entitled “The Imbalance in Regional Tourism Growth •Report of the Joint Oireachtas Committee on Tourism, Sport and Recreation on “Report on the Protection of Children in Sport“ 8.2 Select CommitteeThe Select Committee also passed the following motion: “That the Select Committee on Tourism, Sport and Recreation -notes that at the Second Stage of the Prohibition of Ticket Touts Bill, 1998, Dáil Eireann agreed that in accordance with Standing Order 104 and paragraph 1 (a)(i) of the Orders of Reference of the Select Committee, the Bill be referred to the Select Committee on Tourism, Sport and Recreation; -acknowledges that there are many complex issues to be considered before consideration of the Bill by the Committee; -notes that the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation is in consultation with a number of other Government Departments and sporting organisations in relation to the Bill and accepts that this consultation process will take some time to complete; -requests the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation to continue with his consideration of the issues involved to allow the Committee to complete its consideration of the Bill at the earliest possible date.“ 9. Work in ProgressThe Committee continues to be concerned in relation to the regional imbalance in tourism growth and development and will be visitting the regions to consider the matter in greater detail with the regional bodies and groups. The Committee is also concerned about the ongoing drugs problem and will be appointing a rapportuer to prepare a report for the Committee to consider about available options. The Committee is also very pleased that Ireland has secured the hosting of the 2003 Special Olympics and will be looking and ways in which it can assist this important venture. A copy of the Joint Committees’ work programme for 1999 is at Appendix 8. 10. Travel by the Joint CommitteeThe Committee undertook the following travel in accordance with its orders of reference in connection with its work programme. (i)San José - 6/9 December, 1998 The Committee sent a delegation to San José, California (via New York) at the invitation of the Dublin/San José Sister City Committee. The main purposes of the visit were to investigate the potential of developing tourism between the west coast of the USA and Ireland, and the question of direct flights between the two areas. The delegation consisted of the Chairman, Deputies Matt Brennan, Michael Joe Cosgrave, Liam Aylward and Bernard Allen. (ii)Irish Hotel Federation AGM, Bundoran - 23 February, 1999 The Chairman accepted an invitation by the Irish Hotel Federation to attend their AGM on 23 February, 1999. (iii)International Tourism Exchange, Berlin - 7/9 March, 1999 The Committee attended the ITB (International Tourism Exchange) in Berlin on 7/9 March at the invitation of Bord Failte to consider the promotion of the Irish tourism product in the very competitive international market. The delegation comprised of the Chairman and Deputy Matt Brennan. (iv)Second Tourism Parliamentary Day, Budapest - 12/14 October, 1999 The Chairman attended the Hungarian Second Tourism Parliamentary Day, held in Budapest, at the invitation of the Hungarian State Secretary for Tourism. The Chairman addressed the Parliament and a Committee, on tourism and sports matters, in particular, in the light of Hungarys accession to the E.U. (v)World Travel Market, London - 16/17 November, 1999 The Committee attended the World Travel market in London on 16/17 November and other additional meetings. The World Travel Market is the largest travel industry show in the world. The delegation comprised of Deputies Mary Coughlan, Bernard Allen, Breeda Moynihan Cronin and Senators Ernie Caffrey and Willie Farrell. 11. Function and PowersFor the purpose of its consideration of current matters, the Committee is happy with its present procedures and role. ___________________________ Michael Ferris, T.D. Chairman of the Joint Committee January, 2000 (Note: This annual report was agreed by the Joint Committee at its meeting on 27 January, 2000) APPENDICESAPPENDIX 1Orders of ReferenceDáil Éireann Order of 20 November 1997 (*28th April, 1998): (1) (a)That a Select Committee, which shall be called the Select Committee on Tourism, Sport and Recreation, consisting of 14 members of Dáil Éireann (of whom 4 shall constitute a quorum), be appointed to consider such- (i)Bills the statute law in respect of which is dealt with by the Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation, and (ii)Estimates for Public Services within the aegis of that Department, as shall be referred to it by Dáil Éireann from time to time. (b)For the purpose of its consideration of Bills under paragraph (1)(a)(i), the Select Committee shall have the powers defined in Standing Order 78A(1), (2) and (3). (c)For the avoidance of doubt, by virtue of his or her ex officio membership of the Select Committee in accordance with Standing Order 84(1), the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation (or a Minister or Minister of State nominated in his or her stead) shall be entitled to vote. (2) (a)The Select Committee shall be joined with a Select Committee to be appointed by Seanad Éireann to form the Joint Committee on Tourism, Sport and Recreation to consider- (i)such public affairs administered by the Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation as it may select, including bodies under the aegis of that Department in respect of Government policy, (ii)such matters of policy for which the Minister in charge of that Department is officially responsible as it may select, (iii)the strategy statement laid before each House of the Oireachtas by the Minister in charge of that Department pursuant to section 5(2) of the Public Service Management Act, 1997, and shall be authorised for the purposes of section 10 of that Act, *(iv)such Annual Reports or Annual Reports and Accounts, required by law and laid before either or both Houses of the Oireachtas, of bodies under the aegis of the Department(s) specified in operational results, statements of strategy and corporate plans of these bodies, as it may select. Provided that the Joint Committee shall not, at any time, consider any matter relating to such a body which is, which has been, or which is, at that time, proposed to be considered by the Committee of Public Accounts pursuant to the Orders of Reference of that Committee and/or the Comptroller and Auditor General (Amendment) Act, 1993. Provided further that the Joint Committee shall refrain from inquiring into in public session, or publishing confidential information regarding, any such matter if so requested either by the body or by the Minister in charge of that Department; and (v)such other matters as may be jointly referred to it from time to time by both Houses of the Oireachtas, and shall report to both Houses of the Oireachtas. (b)The quorum of the Joint Committee shall be 5, of whom at least 1 shall be a member of Dáil Éireann and 1 a member of Seanad Éireann. (c)The Joint Committee shall have the powers defined in Standing Order 78A(1) to (9) inclusive. (3)The Chairman of the Joint Committee, who shall be a member of Dáil Éireann, shall also be Chairman of the Select Committee. Orders of ReferenceSeanad Éireann Order of 26 November, 1997 (*30th April, 1998): (1) (a)That a Select Committee consisting of 5 members of Seanad Éireann shall be appointed to be joined with a Select Committee of Dáil Éireann to form the Joint Committee on Tourism, Sport and Recreation, to consider- (i)such public affairs administered by the Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation as it may select, including bodies under the aegis of that Department in respect of Government policy, (ii)such matters of policy for which the Minister in charge of that Department is officially responsible as it may select, (iii)the strategy statement laid before each House of the Oireachtas by the Minister in charge of that Department pursuant to section 5(2) of the Public Service Management Act, 1997, and shall be authorised for the purposes of section 10 of that Act, *(iv)such Annual Reports or Annual Reports and Accounts, required by law and laid before either or both Houses of the Oireachtas, of bodies under the aegis of the Department(s) specified in operational results, statements of strategy and corporate plans of these bodies, as it may select. Provided that the Joint Committee shall not, at any time, consider any matter relating to such a body which is, which has been, or which is, at that time, proposed to be considered by the Committee of Public Accounts pursuant to the Orders of Reference of that Committee and/or the Comptroller and Auditor General (Amendment) Act, 1993. Provided further that the Joint Committee shall refrain from inquiring into in public session, or publishing confidential information regarding, any such matter if so requested either by the body or by the Minister in charge of that Department; and (v)such other matters as may be jointly referred to it from time to time by both Houses of the Oireachtas, and shall report thereon to both Houses of the Oireachtas. (b)The quorum of the Joint Committee shall be 5, of whom at least 1 shall be a member of Dáil Éireann and 1 a member of Seanad Éireann. (c)The Joint Committee shall have the powers defined in Standing Order 62(A) (1) to (9) inclusive. (2)The Chairman of the Joint Committee shall be a member of Dáil Éireann. In addition to existing functions and powers of the Committee, further powers were accorded to the Committee by a resolution of Dáil Éireann of 2 July 1999 to amend Standing Order 78A of Dáil Standing Orders, enabling the Committee to ‘consider and report to Dáil Éireann on such proposals for EU Legislation as may be referred to it from time to time by any Committee established by Dáil Éireann (whether acting jointly with the Seanad or otherwise) to consider such proposals and upon which has been conferred the power to refer such proposals to another Select Committee’. A corresponding provision was made by way of amendment to Standing Order 65 of Standing Orders of Seanad Éireann on 30 June 1999. APPENDIX 2Members of the Joint Committee
Note: Senator Paddy McGowan was a Member of this Committee until his death on 3rd October, 1999. Senator Donie Cassidy became a Member of the Committee on the 10th November, 1999. APPENDIX 3Meetings of the Joint Committee
APPENDIX 4Meetings of the Dáil Select Committee
APPENDIX 5Attendance at Meetings of the Joint Committee
* Indicates Member was represented by a substitute Attendance at Meetings of the Joint Committee (continued)
* Indicates Member was represented by a substitute APPENDIX 6Attendance at Meetings of the Dáil Select Committee
* Indicates Member was represented by a substitute APPENDIX 7Minutes of proceedings of the Joint CommitteeJOINT COMMITTEE ON TOURISM, SPORT AND RECREATIONMEETING OF 25 NOVEMBER 1998 1.The Joint Committee met at 2.13 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House, on Thursday, 25 November, 1998. 2.Attendance Deputies Michael Ferris (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Liam Aylward, Matt Brennan, Mary Coughlan, Brendan Kenneally, John Moloney, Denis Naughten, Michael O Kennedy, Gerry Reynolds and Billy Timmins, and Senators Ernie Caffrey, Fintan Coogan, Tony Kett and Pat Moylan. Deputy John McGuinness and Senator Willie Farrell attended in substitution for Deputy Billy Kelleher and Senator Paddy McGowan respectively. An apology for inability to attend was received from Deputy Pat Rabbitte. 3.Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the meetings on 17 June and 12 November, 1998 were agreed by the Committee and held for signature by the Chairman. 4.Election of Temporary Chairman In the unavoidable temporary absence of the Chairman and Vice Chairperson, Deputy Liam Aylward was elected to take the Chair. 5.Annual Report for 1997/98 The draft annual report for 1997/98, which had been circulated to the Members, was agreed by the Committee for laying before the Houses. The Chairperson took the Chair on his arrival at the meeting. 6.Motion regarding the possible introduction of tourist levies on the Aran Islands The following motion was proposed by Deputy Bernard Allen: “That the Joint Committee rejects the proposal by Galway County Council to introduce a visitors tax on those visiting the Aran Islands because of the serious impact it could have for the competitiveness of Irish tourism and because it could be treated as a precedent by other local authorities to impose similar taxes“. The motion was debated and the Committee divided on the question - “That the motion be agreed“. Tá - 7 (Deputies Allen, Ferris, Naughten, Reynolds, Timmins, Senators Caffrey and Coogan) Níl - 10 (Deputies Aylward, Brennan, Coughlan, McGuinness, Kenneally, Moloney, O Kennedy, Senators Kett, Moylan and Farrell). The motion was declared negatived. 7.Preparation of Report on the Protection of Children in Sport The Committee agreed to the proposal by the Chairman that a sum of £2,000 will be paid to Senator Pat Moylan who is acting as Rapporteur in preparing a report for the Committee on the protection of children in sport. 8.Visit to the World Travel Market The Committee noted the Report by the Chairman on behalf of the delegation who represented the Committee at the World Travel Market in London with the Minister for Tourism, Sport and Recreation at the invitation of Bord Failte. 9.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 2.48 p.m., sine die. Michael Ferris, T.D., Chairman. February, 1999 Minutes of proceedings of the Joint CommitteeJOINT COMMITTEE ON TOURISM, SPORT AND RECREATIONMEETING OF 04 FEBRUARY 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 11.05 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House, on Thursday, 4th February, 1999. 2.Attendance Deputies Michael Ferris (in the Chair), Liam Aylward, MJ Cosgrave, Brendan Kenneally, Michael O Kennedy, and Billy Timmins, and Senators Ernie Caffrey, Tony Kett and Pat Moylan. Deputy Conor Lenihan attended in substitution for Deputy Matt Brennan. Apologies were received from Senator Fintan Coogan. 3.Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the meeting on 25 November, 1998 were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. The Committee agreed to go into private session. 4/5 In private session 6.Letters of congratulations The Committee agreed to go back into public session. The Committee agreed to send letters of congratulations (i)to the Ulster Rugby Team on their success in becoming the first Irish team to win the European Rugby Cup, and (ii)to Ms Mandy Crowe, Bansha, County Tipperary, a 13 year old winner of the All Ireland U-15 200 Metres who has been selected to represent Ireland at an international event. 7.Presentations on Regional Tourism Development In furtherance of its work programme item to consider the regional imbalance in tourism, the Committee had invited 2 groups to make presentations. Shannon Development Mr Kevin Thompstone, Asst Chief Executive and Mr John Leonard, Tourism Manager, attended before the Committee and gave a slide show presentation. It dealt with the general business of Chignon Development, their focus on tourism in particular, some key issues they are reviewing and their recommendations. Taperer Laicised Mr Michael Wilkinson, Secretary of the Group, attended and made a presentation detailing the work of the group, some of their concerns, and needs and issues facing into the future. A question and answer session followed both presentations. 8.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 12.52 p.m., sine die. Michael Ferris, T.D., Chairman. February, 1999 Minutes of proceedings of the Joint CommitteeJOINT COMMITTEE ON TOURISM, SPORT AND RECREATIONMEETING OF 18 FEBRUARY 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 11.14 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House, on Thursday, 18th February, 1999. 2.Attendance Deputies Michael Ferris (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Liam Aylward, Matt Brennan, Mary Coughlan, Billy Kelleher, Brendan Kenneally, John Moloney, Denis Naughten, Michael O Kennedy and Billy Timmins, and Senators Fintan Coogan and Tony Kett. 3.Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the meeting on 4 February, 1999 were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. The Committee agreed to go into private session. 4/6In private session 7.Presentation by FAI on Arena Stadium Development The Chairman welcomed Mr Bernard O Byrne, Chief Executive and Mr Brendan McKenna, Press Officer from the FAI. Mr O Byrne showed a short video in relation to the project and outlined some of the proposals involved including the construction of a national coaching centre on the site. Members welcomed the proposals and a question and answer session followed which included <the question of Government or lottery funding <discussions with other national governing bodies <planning permission <transport infrastructure and availability. 8.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 12.17 p.m., sine die. Michael Ferris, T.D., Chairman. April, 1999 Minutes of proceedings of the Joint CommitteeJOINT COMMITTEE ON TOURISM, SPORT AND RECREATIONMEETING OF 01 APRIL 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 12.05 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House, on Thursday, 1st April, 1999. 2.Attendance Deputies Michael Ferris (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Matt Brennan, Michael Joe Cosgrave, Mary Coughlan, John Moloney, Breeda Moynihan Cronin, and Billy Timmins, and Senators Ernie Caffrey, Fintan Coogan, Tony Kett, Pat Moylan and Willie Farrell (in substitution for Paddy McGowan). Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputy Denis Naughten. 3.Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the meeting on 18 February, 1999 were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. The Committee agreed to go into private session. 4/5In private session 6.Presentation by Bord Failte on Tourism Towards 2000 The Chairman welcomed Mr John Dully, Chief Executive and Ms Niamh Fitzpatrick, General Mananger for International Markets from Bord Failte. They made a presentation, supported by a Powerpoint display, on the development of their marketing plans in 1999 in the different global markets. This will include <a comprehensive review of Tourism Brand Ireland <development of a new communication strategy <managing and developing growth A question and answer session followed which included <the possible damage to our traditional tourism image of the “Celtic Tiger“ association <the funding of St Patricks Day parades <the need to spread tourism growth in a balanced way throughout the regions and to support local initiatives and developments. 7.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 1.10p.m., sine die. Michael Ferris, T.D., Chairman. April, 1999 Minutes of proceedings of the Joint CommitteeJOINT COMMITTEE ON TOURISM, SPORT AND RECREATIONMEETING OF 15 APRIL 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 12.12 p.m. in Room G5, Kildare House, on Thursday, 15th April, 1999. 2.Attendance Deputies Michael Ferris (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Matt Brennan, Denis Foley (in substitution for Liam Aylward), John Moloney, Gerry Reynolds, and Billy Timmins, and Senators Ernie Caffrey, Pat Moylan and Willie Farrell (in substitution for Paddy McGowan). Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Brendan Kenneally and Breeda Moynihan Cronin, and Senator Fintan Coogan. 3.Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the meeting on 1 April, 1999 were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.Presentation by Irish Real Tennis Association Mr Ted Neville and Mr Michael Bolton made an oral presentation on behalf of the Irish Real Tennis Association. The Association are seeking to preserve the site of the real tennis court in Earlsfort Terrace for which planning permission has been granted for development as a recital hall for the National Concert Hall. The presentation dealt with the history of the sport and the particular site in question. A question and answer session followed. The Chairman also circulated Members with correspondence received from the National Concert Hall in relation to the site. 5.Presentation by TicketMaster on Prohibition of Ticket Touts Bill, 1998 The Committee had agreed to a request from Ticketmaster to make a presentation in relation to the Prohibition of Ticket Touts Bill, 1998. Mr Tommy Higgins, Managing Director attended with a legal advisor, Mr Guy French. Mr Higgins broadly welcomed the Bill but outlined two definitions in the Bill which he suggested needed to be clarified for greater efficiency - (i)unauthorised person - The expression “in writing“ should be deleted to allow for oral agreements and arrangements (ii)designated price - The definition should specify that the price may include service or handling charges relating to each ticket. 6.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 1.15p.m. until 29th April, 1999. Michael Ferris, T.D., Chairman. April, 1999 Minutes of proceedings of the Joint CommitteeJOINT COMMITTEE ON TOURISM, SPORT AND RECREATIONMEETING OF 29 APRIL 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 11.35 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House, on Thursday, 29th April, 1999. 2.Attendance Deputies Michael Ferris (in the Chair), Matt Brennan, MJ Cosgrave, Mary Coughlan, Breeda Moynihan Cronin, Brendan Kenneally, John Moloney, Denis Naughten, Michael O Kennedy and Billy Timmins, and Senators Ernie Caffrey, Tony Kett, Pat Moylan and Willie Farrell (in substitution for Paddy McGowan). Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputy Bernard Allen and Senator Fintan Coogan. 3.Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the meeting on 15 April, 1999 were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.Rapporteur Report on the imbalance in regional tourism growth The Committee noted the Report on the imbalance in regional tourism growth which had been prepared by Deputy Bernard Allen and agreed to discuss it further at a later date. 5.Presentation by the Association of Game Shoot Operators Mr Paul Carberry (Chairman) and Mr Micheál Ryan (Treasurer) attended from the Association of Game Shoot Operators in relation to the Tourist shooting industry. They outlined the membership of the AGSO (47 in total with operations ranging in size), the steps taken to prevent indiscriminate shooting (including a strict code of practice), the revenue generated (approximately £20million annually) and the need to realise the potential of the industry. A question and answer session followed with Members which included <the gun licence provisions currently in force <reported allegations of indiscriminate shooting <the need to make more State lands available for shooting <the Wildlife Act and the temporary firearms legislation passed in 1998. 6.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 12.30p.m. sine die. Michael Ferris, T.D., Chairman. May, 1999 Minutes of proceedings of the Joint CommitteeJOINT COMMITTEE ON TOURISM, SPORT AND RECREATIONMEETING OF 19 MAY 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 6.24p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House, on 19th May, 1999. 2.Attendance Deputies Michael Ferris (in the Chair), Johnny Brady (in substitution for Brendan Kenneally), Matt Brennan, MJ Cosgrave, Breeda Moynihan Cronin, John Moloney, Denis Naughten and Senator Pat Moylan. 3.Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the meeting on 29 April, 1999 were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.Presentation by Aer Lingus Mr Gary Cullen (Group Chief Executive), Mr David Bunworth (Marketing Director) and Mr Dan Loughrey (Corporate Affairs Director) attended from Aer Lingus to make a presentation on direct flights to and from the west coast of America, in particular the possibility of establishing a route between Ireland and northern California, with San Jose as an option. Aer Lingus outlined the development of the new service directly into Los Angeles (southern California) and their objectives in developing that new market. They confirmed that they had actively looked at the San José route, particularly with the growing links with the Silicon Valley area. However in the light of the new service into Los Angeles, the current requirements of the air travel agreement with the USA, and the fact that other potential cities in the USA currently offer a greater market opportunity, San Jose is not currently a potential option. A question and answer session followed with Members which included <the new strategic alliance with the One World Group <the expansion of the UK route and European developments <the need for Government support for tourism in 1999/2000 5.Presentation by Planet (the Network of Area-based Partnerships) Ms Hilary Curley (Co-ordinator), Mr Tom O Donnell (Chairperson of the Paul Partnership in Limerick) and Mr Willy Gleeson (Chairperson of County Wexford Partnership) attended before the Committee to make a presentation on the future of local development. The Group’s main concern is to ensure that funding is available in the intervening period between the current tranche of EU funds from 1994-1999 and the finalisation of a new national plan feeding into the next allocation of funds for EU/Irish programmes. A question and answer session followed with Members which included <the difficulty in tackling rural decline and poverty due to the wider geographic spread involved <the work done with groups such as the long term unemployed, lone parents and travellers <the need to co-ordinate and streamline proposals with other initiatives such as LEADER, county enterprise and local authority/health board developments <the progress made to date in adopting a partnership approach to local development. 6.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 7.53 p.m. sine die. Michael Ferris, T.D., Chairman. July,1999 Minutes of proceedings of the Joint CommitteeJOINT COMMITTEE ON TOURISM, SPORT AND RECREATIONMEETING OF 1 JULY 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 12.12 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House, on Thursday, 1st July, 1999. 2.Attendance Deputies Michael Ferris (in the Chair), Liam Aylward, Matt Brennan, MJ Cosgrave, Brendan Kenneally, John Moloney, Denis Naughten, Michael O Kennedy, Gerry Reynolds and Senators Ernie Caffrey, Tony Kett, Pat Moylan and Willie Farrell (in substitution for Paddy McGowan). 3.Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the meeting were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.Formation of Irish Sports Council The Chairman reported to the Committee that he had attended the official launch of the new statutory Irish Sports Council. He welcomed the establishment of the Council and confirmed that they will be invited in to the Committee at a later date. 5.Invitation to Community Games The Committee agreed to invite in the Community Games organisation who are anxious to set up a national headquarters and would like to make a presentation to the Committee. 6.Invitation to the Irish Travel Agents Association The Committee also agreed to issue an invitation to the ITAA in relation to safety measures being taken to protect Irish holidaymakers abroad. 7.Future Meetings It was agreed to meet again on Thursday 15th July and then on Wednesday 22nd September. The Committee noted the logistical difficulties that will exist for holding meetings in September/October if the Public Accounts Inquiry takes place at that time. 8.Prohibition of Ticket Touts Bill, 1998 Deputy Naughten expressed concern at the delay by the Department in taking the Committee Stage of the Bill in Select Committee. It was agreed to write to the Department seeking clarification and proposing that the Bill be taken at the next meeting on 15 July. 9/11In private session 12.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 12.43p.m. until 15th July, 1999. Michael Ferris, T.D., Chairman. July, 1999 Minutes of proceedings of the Joint CommitteeJOINT COMMITTEE ON TOURISM, SPORT AND RECREATIONMEETING OF 15 JULY 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 12.08p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House, on Thursday, 15th July, 1999. 2.Attendance Deputies Michael Ferris (in the Chair), Liam Aylward, Matt Brennan, MJ Cosgrave, Mary Coughlan, Denis Naughten, Gerry Reynolds and Billy Timmins, and Senators Fintan Coogan, Pat Moylan and Willie Farrell (in substitution for Paddy McGowan). Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Brendan Kenneally and Michael O Kennedy. 3.Minutes of previous meeting The minutes of the meeting on 1 July, 1999 were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.Rapporteur’s Report on the protection of children in sport The Committee noted the Report on the protection of children in sport which had been prepared by Senator Pat Moylan and agreed to discuss it further at a later date. The Committee also agreed to make a payment of £5,000 to Senator Moylan for the work he put into preparing the report. 5.Presentation by the Community Games Mr Joe Connolly, Honorary Life President of the Community Games, made a presentation to the Committee on the pressing need for the Association to establish a suitable national headquarters to carry on their important work. He also outlined the history their work and the major role it has played in providing a valuable social outlet for children. Members of the Committee spoke strongly in favour of the Association and its vital role in every parish and town in the country. The Committee agreed that the Association should receive every assistance in continuing its work in premises commensurate with its standing as the national sporting organisation responsible for childrens' sports. The Committee agreed to send a letter to the Minister strongly urging him to support the Association to secure and develop an appropriate site. 6.Correspondence with Irish Real Tennis Association The Committee agreed to the text of a letter in reply to correspondence from the Irish Real Tennis Association. 7.Regional tourism development Members discussed the ongoing work being done in tackling the regional imbalance in tourism revenue. Deputy Reynold’s proposal was agreed that the Committee should visit the regional tourism organisations to see how they are developing and marketing their tourism product. 8.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 12.57p.m. sine die. Michael Ferris, T.D., Chairman. October, 1999 JOINT COMMITTEE ON TOURISM, SPORT AND RECREATIONMinutes of meeting of 4th November, 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 12.05p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House, on Thursday, 4th November, 1999. 2.Attendance Deputies Michael Ferris (in the Chair), Bernard Allen, Liam Aylward, Matt Brennan, MJ Cosgrave, Mary Coughlan, Breeda Moynihan Cronin, Brendan Kenneally, John Moloney, Denis Naughten, Michael O Kennedy and Billy Timmins, and Senators Ernie Caffrey, Fintan Coogan, Pat Moylan, Tony Kett and Willie Farrell. 3.Minutes of last meeting. The minutes of the meeting held on 15th July were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 4.Expression of sympathy The Chair proposed a vote of sympathy on the death of Senator Paddy McGowan, a former member of the Committee, and former Taoiseach Jack Lynch and a minutes silence was observed. The Committee went into private session. 5.Correspondence I.1998 Annual Report of the Department of Tourism, Sport and Recreation The 1998 Annual Report of the Department was noted by the Committee. II.Correspondence with the Irish Travel Agents Association The Committee noted that only 1 of 4 major travel groups had responded to its letter requesting details of safety provisions for Irish tourists travelling abroad. The Committee agreed to write again requesting those details on the basis that the companies may be invited in to a meeting to discuss the matter. III.Town and Country Homes Association The Committee agreed to a request from the Town and Country Homes Association who would like to make a presentation to the Committee on the possible imposition of rates. IV.Vachardia Limited The Committee noted correspondence from Vachardia Ltd who are trying to get support for the setting up of a golf academy in Oranmore, County Galway. It was agreed to write to them seeking clarification of planning issues regarding the project before considering it further. V.Correspondence with the Olympic Council of Ireland in relation to the 2000 Olympics The Committee discussed and noted correspondence from the Olympic Council of Ireland stating that it is unable to accredit a proposed delegation from the Committee. VI.Letter from the Ambassador of the Republic of Cyprus regarding a delegation visit The Committee agreed to accept an invitation from the Cypriot Ambassador for the Committee to send a delegation to Cyprus in early 2000 to consider the development of tourism opportunities and to seek potential dates for the visit. VII.Report by Chairman on visit to Hungary for 2nd Parliamentary Tourism Day The Chairman reported to the Committee that he had travelled to Budapest, Hungary on behalf of the Committee from 12th to 14th October to attend their 2nd Parliamentary Tourism Day. He was invited to address the Parliament and one of their Committees on the impact of EU membership on the development of our tourism and sport sectors. The Chairman informed the Committee of the possibility of an invitation being sent to the Committee for a delegation to visit Hungary in 2000. 6.World Travel Market in London from 16th to 18th November, 1999 The Committee agreed to send a delegation of five Members and 1 official to the 1999 World Travel Market in London to further the work programme of the Committee in assessing our tourism marketing and development. The Committee went back into public session. 7.Consideration of Rapporteur’s Report on the protection of children in sport The Committee agreed the Report compiled by Senator Pat Moylan on the protection of children in sport which would now be laid before both Houses. 8.Motion in relation to the Prohibition of Ticket Touts Bill, 1998 The following motion had been submitted by Deputy Denis Naughten and was moved by him- “The Joint Committee on Tourism, Sport and Recreation regrets that the Select Committee on Tourism, Sport and Recreation is not taking committee stage of the Prohibition of Ticket Touts Bill, 1998 before Thursday 18th November, 1999“. Members spoke to the motion.The Question of whether the motion was agreed was put by the Chair and a division was challenged. The Chair announced the result- Tá 8 Níl 10 and declared the motion defeated. 9.Adjournment The Committee adjourned at 1.20pm sine die. _______________ Michael Ferris TD Committee Chairman December, 1999 APPENDIX 8Oireachtas Committee on Tourism, Sport and RecreationWork Programme 1999/2000A. Select Committee on Tourism, Sport & Recreation1.Estimates and Supplementary Estimates for the Department as they are referred by Dáil Eireann. 2.Committee stage of Bills referred by Dáil Eireann 3.Any other matter referred to the Select Committee by Dáil Eireann. B. Joint Committee on Tourism, Sport & RecreationConsideration of: -public affairs administered by the Department -matters of policy for which the Minister is responsible -Government policy in relation to bodies under the aegis of the Department Department’s Objectives for Tourism 1994 - 1999 (Mission Statement) -to achieve growth in foreign earnings from tourism on the basis of a sustainable tourism industry, thereby increasing the creation of such jobs. -to improve quality of service through high quality training; -to concentrate growth in shoulder and off-peak periods and in non traditional tourist areas. These to be achieved by: -increased marketing; -product development to meet specific market deficiencies; -avoidance of overlap with competing facilities; -improvements in conference, angling, culture and heritage products; -expansion in the range and scale of training. Vision for Sport in Ireland 1997-2006. To enrich the lives of all Irish people through sport by: -developing an active culture in sport; -developing an effective organisational structure; -providing pathways towards the development of individual fulfilment and high performance. These Goals to be achieved by: -Sport for Young People -Recreational Sport -High Performance Sport -Sports Facilities and Natural Resources -Sports Training and Development -Co-ordination of Sport in Ireland. Matters to be considered by the Joint Committee1.Tourism 1.1 -Promotion of agri-tourism; 1.2 -Promotion of special interest winter breaks aimed at Scandinavian countries; 1.3 -Promotion of Ireland as a centre for conferences; 1.4 -Equitable distribution of funding between and within the Regional Tourism organisations; 1.5 -Improved access and improved carrier service into and within Ireland - airlines, ferries, regional airports, co-operation with local authorities on infrastructure, signposting and litter/pollution control/conservation; 1.6 -Tourist information - victim support/petty crime; 1.7 -National Conference Centre. 2.Sport & Recreation 2.1 -Attraction of major sporting activities to this country; -Opportunities for increasing interest and involvement in such sporting activities with resultant impact on personal development, health and fitness and quality of life of Irish citizens; -Business and employment opportunities arising out of the hosting of major sporting events; -Link with tourism development. 2.2 -Need to restore confidence in sporting organisations by seeking to have regulations and/or codes of practice for promoters/selectors/coaches reviewed and adhered to. 2.3 -Need to develop sports facilities and sports training in areas of high unemployment or high drug abuse and to involve role models (high achievers in such sports) in promoting an interest in these areas. 2.4 -Consultations with representatives of the different sporting organisations. 2.5 -Irish Sports Council, -National Sports Federations - there are 75 sporting organisations in the country. -Drugs testing programme 2.6 -50 metre swimming pool, -National Sports Arena, -National Concert Hall. 2.7 -Promotion of all non - competitive sports and leisure activities: walking, cycling, orienteering, fishing, the arts: (film making, theatre, music, art & design) with a view to furthering personal development and employment opportunities. 3.Bodies under the aegis of the Department: Bórd Fáilte CERT ADM Irish Sports Council 4.Consideration of Strategy Statements The Committee will select for consideration aspects of the Department’s Strategy Statement on an ongoing basis and will report annually on the progress made by the Department in relation to the achievement of its aims and objectives in that regard. 5.Conferences etc Participating in relevant conferences and fact-finding missions. 6.Delegations Meeting delegations from counterpart Committees of other Parliaments. 7.Other matters Such other matters relevant to the Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee as the Joint Committee may decide to consider and such matters as may be referred to the Joint Committee by the Houses of the Oireachtas from time to time. |
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