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APPENDIX 5Minutes of Proceedings of the Joint CommitteeJoint Committee On Health And ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee15 December 19991.The Joint Committee met at 9.41a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (Chairman), Paul Bradford, Deirdre Clune, Paul Connaughton, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, John Gormley, Liz McManus and Alan Shatter. Senators Mary Jackman and Pat Moylan. The Committee agreed to go into private session. 3.In private session 4.In private session 5.In private session 6.Minutes of last Meeting The minutes of the last meeting were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 7.Compellability Legislation The Committee received a memorandum on the required procedures to enable the provisions of the compellability legislation to be extended to the Committee. It was agreed to forward the memorandum to the Party Whips for consideration. 8.Correspondence The Committee agreed to a request from the Dublin Healthy Cities Project to include the Committee’s report on Health and Smoking on a European website on Tobacco currently being developed. The Committee also agreed to a request from the Chairman of the Joint Committee on Justice, Equality and Women’s Rights to hold a joint meeting to consider the current difficulties and future direction in relation to asylum seekers and immigrants. The meeting to be chaired by that Committee. 9.Presentation by the National Maternity Hospital Breastfeeding Initiative Team The Committee heard a presentation by Maureen Fallon, Assistant Matron, Fiona Timlin, La Léche League and Nicky Clarke, Hospital Midwife. It dealt with the dismally low breastfeeding rates in Ireland and the need for action to promote and support breastfeeding in Ireland. A question and answer followed and the Chairman thanked the group for their excellent presentation. 10.Any Other Business Deputy Neville raised the issue of the Report of the Inspector of Mental Hospitals. The Chairman stated that the Committee could consider the Report as part of its work programme for 2000. The meeting was adjourned at 10.45 a.m. Sine Die. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 10 January, 2000 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee20 January 20001. The Joint Committee met at 11 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2. Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Deirdre Clune, Paul Connaughton, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, John Dennehy, John Gormley, Cecilia Keaveney, *Dinny McGinley and Dan Neville. Senators Camillus Glynn, Dermot Fitzpatrick, Mary Jackman, Pat Moylan and **Denis O’Donovan. * In substitution for Deputy Paul Bradford. ** In substitution for Senator Fitzpatrick for part of meeting. Apologies were received from Deputies Paul Bradford, Brendan Kenneally and G.V. Wright. 3. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 15 December 1999 were amended to include the following item under the heading of ‘Any Other Business’- “Deputy Neville raised the issue of the Report of the Inspector of Mental Hospitals. The Chairman stated that the Committee could consider the Report as part of its work programme for 2000”. The minutes, as amended, were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 4. Correspondence The Chairman referred to a number of items of correspondence - -a letter from Deputy Deirdre Clune expressing concern about the decision of the Blood Transfusion Service Board to terminate the testing of blood products in the Munster area and move to a single site testing centre in Dublin. In light of the very serious concerns of the medical profession in the Southern Health Board region, the Committee agreed to discuss the matter at a future meeting and to invite presentations from the B.T.S.B. and the Blood Products Liaison Group of the General Hospitals Committee of the SHB. -a letter from Deputy Ivor Callely, Chairman of the Joint Committee on Enterprise and Small Business requesting a joint meeting to facilitate a full discussion on the effects of recent changes in prescription requirements for some herbal products and related issues such as regulation and consultation. The Committee agreed to the request for a joint meeting at a mutually convenient date and time. -a letter from Deputy Gerard Reynolds requesting that the Committee meet with the North West Hospice in Sligo. It was agreed to incorporate a meeting with this group into the Committees meeting schedule. -an invitation to a conference in Brussels called “Winning Hearts - Actions and Policies for a healthier Europe”. It was agreed to send a delegation to the conference, as the subject matter was relevant to the work of the Committee. Overall costing to be ascertained. 5. Presentation by DEBRA Ireland The Chairman welcomed to the meeting a delegation from DEBRA Ireland - Michael Griffith (Chairperson), Dr. Rosemary Watson, Professor Peter Humphries, Maria Fynes and Margaret Webb. DEBRA Ireland is the support group for sufferers of the skin blistering condition known as Epidermylosis Bullosa. The delegation had been invited to address the meeting regarding the provision and development of EB Nurse Liaison and medical support services, and research into an effective treatment for EB. The delegation then proceeded to make a short presentation to the Committee, which was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked the delegation for their very enlightening presentation and for sharing their personal harrowing experiences with the Committee. It was agreed that the Committee would publish the minutes of the meeting, which, together with DEBRAs written submission, would be forwarded for the information and attention of the Minister for Health and Children. It was also agreed to forward a copy of the delegations submission to Noel Treacy T.D., Minister for State at the Department of Education and Science. 6. Any Other Business It was agreed that the Committee would review its work programme for the coming year at the next meeting. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.55 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 3 February 2000 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee3 February 20001. The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2. Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Paul Bradford, Deirdre Clune, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, John Dennehy, John Gormley, Cecilia Keaveney, Brendan Kenneally and Dan Neville. Senators Camillus Glynn, Mary Jackman, Pat Moylan and Kathleen O’Meara. 3. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 20 January 2000 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 4. Correspondence The Chairman referred to a number of items of correspondence - -a letter from the International Adoption Association. This group had been invited to address todays meeting of the Committee but was unable to accept the invitation at this time. It was agreed that the Committee would incorporate a presentation from this group into the meeting schedule over the coming months. -an invitation to a tobacco litigation conference to be held in the United States at the end of April. It was agreed to send a delegation to the conference, as the subject matter was particularly relevant to the work of the Committee. Overall costing to be ascertained. 5. In private session 6. In private session 7. Any Other Business There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 9.50 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 17 February 2000 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee17 February 20001. The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2. Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Paul Bradford, Deirdre Clune, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, John Dennehy, John Gormley, Brendan Kenneally, Liz McManus, Dan Neville, Alan Shatter and G.V. Wright Senators Camillus Glynn, and Mary Jackman. 3. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 3 February 2000 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 4. Correspondence The Chairman referred to a number of items of correspondence -a letter from BUPA Ireland requesting a meeting with the Committee to discuss the White Paper on Private Health Insurance. It was agreed to incorporate a formal meeting with BUPA into the Committees meeting schedule over the coming months. It was also agreed that the Committee would invite the VHI to address the Committee and seek a written submission from them in advance. It was further agreed that the Committee would hear submissions from the Consumer Association and the Department of Health and Children on the White Paper. -a letter from the Irish Parliamentary Association regarding the establishment of formal links between the Isle of Man Parliament and the Oireachtas, through committees. It was agreed that as this was an issue which affects all committees, it would be referred to the Working Group of Committee Chairmen for discussion. The Chairman also noted receipt of correspondence from DEBRA Ireland, The Fluoride Free Water Group and Mr. Con Doherty. 5. In private session 6. In private session 7. Presentation by the Blood Products Liaison Group of the Southern Health Board The Chairman welcomed to the meeting a delegation from the Blood Products Liaison Group of the General Hospitals Committee of the Southern Health Board. - Chairman of the SHB, Councillor Michael Cahill - Members of the Blood Products Liaison Group Dr. Catherine Molloy (Chairman) Councillor Jackie Healy Rae TD Councillor Vivian O’Callaghan Councillor Paul O’Donoghue Mr George Mullan, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon, CUH - Consultant Medical Staff Dr. Stephen Cusack, Consultant Specialist in Accident and Emergency, CUH Professor Fergus Shanahan, Professor of Medicine, CUH/UCC Professor George Shorten, Professor of Anaesthesia, CUH Professor Gerry O’Sullivan, Associate Professor of Surgery, Mercy Hospital - Chairman of ICGP (Cork City Branch), Dr. Edward O Sullivan The delegation had been invited to address the Committee regarding the decision of the Blood Transfusion Service Board to terminate the testing of blood products in the Munster area and move to a single site testing centre in Dublin. The delegation then proceeded to make a presentation to the committee, which was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked the delegation for addressing the Committee and for answering members questions. It was agreed to invite the BTSB to a future meeting of the Committee so that they can respond to the concerns expressed by the delegation. 8. Any Other Business Deputy McManus raised the issue of nursing shortages and a recently published report showing that the shortage is getting worse. It was agreed that a copy of the report on nursing shortages would be obtained and circulated to members, and that the Department of Health would be invited to address the Committee on the subject at a future meeting. 9. Next Meeting The Committee agreed to meet on 22 February 2000 in joint session with the Committee on Enterprise and Small Business to discuss recent changes in prescription requirements for some herbal products such as St. Johns Wort. The meeting adjourned at 10.50 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 14 March 2000 JOINT SESSIONJOINT COMMITTEE ON ENTERPRISE AND SMALL BUSINESS AND JOINT COMMITTEE ON HEALTH AND CHILDRENTUESDAY 22 FEBRUARY 20001.The joint session of the Enterprise and Small Business and Health and Children Joint Committees was held at 3.30 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Ivor Callely and Batt O’Keeffe (Joint Chairmen). Deputies Sean Ardagh, John Dennehy, Brendan Daly, Michael D’Arcy, John Gormley, Cecilia Keaveney, Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Noel O’Flynn, Nora Owen, John Perry, Alan Shatter and David Stanton Senators Peter Callanan*, Paul Coughlan, Jim Gibbons, Camillus Glynn, Mary Henry, Mary Jackman, Mick Lanigan* and P.Moylan. * In substitution for Senators Willie Farrell and Margaret Cox respectively. 3.Presentations on the Status of Natural Health Products (including St. John’s Wort) The Co-Chairman, Deputy Ivor Callely, on behalf of the two Joint Committees, welcomed to the meeting the following delegations who had been invited to address the two Committees on the status of natural health products(including St. John’s Wort)- The Health Products Alliance -Nigel Griffith, Declan Campion, Joanna Griffith and Helen McCormack. The Department of Health and Children -Mr. Noel Usher, Principal Officer, Mr. Tom McGuinn, Assistant Principal, and Moira Griffin, Assistant Principal The Irish Medicines Board -Dr. Frank Hallinan, CEO, Mr. Patrick O’Mahony, Chairman, Dr. Mary Teeling, Medical Director, Dr. Mike Morris, Pharmaceutical Director, and Dr. Elaine Breslin, Senior Medical Assessor, The Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. -Mr. Brian Whitney, Assistant Secretary and Mr. Danny Kelly, Assistant Principal, The presentations were followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked the presenters for their very interesting and informative presentations and for answering the Committees questions. The meeting concluded at 5.16 p.m.
Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee14 March 20001. The Joint Committee met at 2.30 p.m. in Room G5, Kildare House. 2. Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Deirdre Clune, Paul Connaughton, John Dennehy, John Gormley, Cecilia Keaveney, Liz McManus, Dan Neville, Alan Shatter and G.V. Wright Senators Dermot Fitzpatrick, Camillus Glynn and Pat Moylan Apologies were received from Deputies Beverley Cooper-Flynn, Brendan Kenneally and G.V. Wright and Senators Mary Jackman and Kathleen O’Meara. 3. Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 17 February 2000 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 4. Correspondence The Chairman referred to a number of items of correspondence -a letter from Senator Camillus Glynn requesting that the Committee agree to a presentation from the Association for Children and Adults with Learning Difficulties. It was agreed that the Committee would meet with this group as soon as the Committees meeting schedule allowed. -a letter from the Government Chief Whip regarding the timing of foreign travel by Committees. The Chairman informed the meeting that the issues raised in the letter would be discussed with the Chief Whip by the Working Group of Committee Chairman and he would advise the Committee of the outcome of these discussions. The Chairman also noted the receipt of correspondence from P.J. Carroll&Company, Mr. Kenneth Kilduff, Dr. Joe Hendron, The Health Research Board and Minister of State Noel Treacys office. Also noted were several publications recently received -‘Making Knowledge Work’, published by the Health Research Board -‘Handbook for Legislators on HIV/AIDS, Law and Human Rights’, published by UNAIDS and the Inter-Parliamentary Union -Report of the 23rd Europe Blanche Health Conference. copies of which were available on request from the Committee Secretariat. The Committee briefly discussed the letter received from P.J. Carroll & Company Ltd., which was critical of the Committees report on smoking and health. The Chairman then informed the meeting that he had been advised by the Government Chief Whip that the Committee would be granted addition powers of compellability to further consider the issue of smoking and health. It was agreed that the Committee should meet in private as soon as possible to fully consider how it should proceed. 5. In private session 6. In private session 7. In private session 8. Presentation by the Blood Transfusion Service Board The Chairman welcomed to the meeting a delegation from the Blood Transfusion Service Board - Dr. Pat Barker - Chairman Mr. Martin Hynes - Chief Executive Dr. William Murphy - National Medical Director The delegation had been invited to address the Committee regarding the decision of the BTSB to terminate the testing of blood products in the Munster area and move to a single site testing centre in Dublin. The delegation then proceeded to make a presentation to the Committee, which was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked the delegation for addressing the Committee and for answering members questions. 9. Any Other Business There being no other business, the committee adjourned at 5.05 p.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 30 March 2000 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee30 March 20001.The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Paul Connaughton, John Dennehy, John Gormley, Cecilia Keaveney, Brendan Kenneally, Liz McManus, Dan Neville, Alan Shatter and G.V. Wright Senators Mary Jackman, Pat Moylan and Kathleen O’Meara Apologies were received from Deputy Beverley Cooper-Flynn. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 14 March 2000 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Matters arising Following the evidence heard during the last two meetings from the Blood Transfusion Board and the General Hospitals Committee of the Southern Health Board regarding the decision of the BTSB to terminate the testing of blood products in the Munster area, it was agreed the Chairman and the Clerk would draft a report on the matter for consideration by the Committee. 4.Correspondence The Chairman referred to a number of items of correspondence -an invitation forwarded by Minister Mary Hannafin to a two-day meeting of the UK All Party Parliamentary Group on Breast Cancer(APPGBC) in London on 10-11 May. Travel and accommodation costs would be met by the APPGBC. It was agreed that Senator Jackman and Deputy Keaveney would attend the meeting. -a letter from the HOPE Project who wish to address the Committee on the subject of Autistic Spectrum Disorders. It was agreed that the Committee would meet with this group as soon as the Committees meeting schedule allowed. -a request from the Social, Health and Family Affairs Committee of the Assembly of the Council of Europe to meet with the Committee when they visit Ireland during May. The Committee agreed in principle to a meeting on Tuesday 16 May. -a written submission from the VHI on the White Paper on Private Health Insurance. It was agreed to invite the VHI, BUPA and possibly the Consumers Association to address the Committee on the White Paper at future meeting. 5.Smoking and Health: Use of Compellability Powers It was agreed to defer discussion on this item until the next meeting. 6.Presentation by the Department of Health and Children and the Health Service Employers Agency on Nursing Shortages The Chairman welcomed to the meeting a joint delegation from the Department of Health and Children and the Health Service Employers Agency. Representing the Department was Secretary General, Mr. Michael Kelly and Mr. Bernard Carey and Ms. Maureen Flynn from the Departments Nursing Policy Division. Appearing on behalf of the HSEA were the Chief Executive, Mr. Gerard Barry, Mr. John Cooney, Chairman of the HSEA and also Chief Executive of the South Eastern Health Board and Mr. Frank McDonald, Project Manager. The Department and the HSEA had been invited to address the Committee on the ongoing issue of nursing shortages in the health service. A report published by the HSEA in January indicated that there were almost 1200 nursing vacancies at the end of September 1999, and that most of these vacancies were in the greater Dublin area. Mr. Kelly then proceeded to make a presentation on behalf of the Department and the HSEA, which was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked Mr. Kelly and the other members of the delegation for addressing the Committee and for answering Members questions. 7.Next Meeting The Committee agreed to meet again on 5 April 2000 in private session to discuss the use of compellability powers in the further consideration of the issue of smoking and health. There being no other business, the committee adjourned at 11.25 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 5 April 2000 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee5 April 2000The meeting was held in private session. Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee20 April 2000The meeting was held in private session Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee11 May 20001.The Joint Committee met in public session at 9.30a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Paul Bradford, Deirdre Clune, Paul Connaugh ton, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, John Dennehy, John Gormley, Liz McManus, Dan Neville and G.V. Wright Senators Camillus Glynn and Pat Moylan. Apologies were received from Deputies Cecilia Keaveney and Brendan Kenneally and from Senator Mary Jackman. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 20 April 2000 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Matters Arising First matter arising discussed in private session Deputy McManus raised the issue of breastfeeding. The Committee had agreed at its meeting on December 15 1999 that the Department of Health and Children should be requested to address the Committee on this subject. Deputy McManus requested that this meeting be arranged as soon as possible and the Committee agreed to this request. Deputy Gormley raised the issue of water fluoridation and his work as rapporteur for the Committee on this issue. He requested that an international expert on fluoridation who will be visiting Ireland in June address the Committee. It was agreed that Deputy Gormley would provide more information on the expert concerned and a date for the presentation could be agreed at a later meeting. 4.Correspondence Item 1 discussed in private session The Chairman referred to a number of items of correspondence which had been circulated with the agenda for the meeting: -a letter from Deputy Alan Shatter requesting that a date be set for the Select Committee to begin consideration of the Tobacco (Health Promotion and Protection) Bill 1999. It was agreed that as the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill 1999 had now been published, that the Clerk should discuss with Deputy Shatter whether it was necessary for the Select Committee to consider the Tobacco (Health Promotion and Protection) Bill 1999. -a letter from a Mr. Brendan O’Connor, owner of a cigarette vending machine business., who raised some issues about the Tobacco (Health Promotion and Protection) Bill 1999 and forthcoming Government legislation. It was agreed the Department of Health and Children be requested to prepare a written briefing for the Committee on the issues raised by Mr. O’Connor. -a letter from the Post Polio Support Group, requesting the Committees assistance in obtaining a response from the Health Boards to issues raised by them. It was agreed that the Clerk write to the CEOs of the Health Boards concerned to draw attention to the matter. The Committee also noted receipt of a submission from Mr. Sean Walshe on the Tobacco (Health Promotion and Protection) Bill 1999. 5.Presentation by the Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities The Chairman welcomed to the meeting a delegation from the Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities - Ms. Anne Hughes, Director, Mr. Alan Sayles, Educational Consultant and Mr. Paddy Fagan from the Mullingar branch of ACLD The ACLD had requested to address the Committee regarding the health implications of dyslexia and to seek the Committees support in dealing with the problem through the educational system. The delegation then proceeded to make a short presentation to the Committee, which was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked the Committee for a very interesting and informative presentation and for answering the Committees questions. It was agreed that the Committee would seek a written response to the issues raised by the Delegation in their presentation from the Department of Health and Children. 5.In private session 6.Any Other Business Deputy McManus referred to a letter from the Chairman published in the Irish Times on Saturday 6 May, which criticised the Labour Party health policy. The letter gave the impression that the Chairman was writing as Chairman of the Committee or on behalf of the Committee. The Chairman accepted the criticism and added the letter had been written in his role as a Fianna Fail back-bencher and did not reflect the views of the Committee and was never intended to reflect the Committees views. There being no other business, the committee adjourned at 10.50a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 18 May 2000 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee18 May 2000The meeting was held in private session. Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee25 May 20001.The Joint Committee met in public session at 9.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Paul Bradford, Deirdre Clune, Paul Connaughton, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, John Dennehy, John Gormley, Cecilia Keaveney, Brendan Kenneally, Dan Neville, Alan Shatter, and G.V. Wright. Senators Dermot Fitzpatrick, Camillus Glynn and Pat Moylan. Apologies were received from Deputy Liz McManus and Senator Mary Jackman. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 18 May 2000 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 4.Correspondence The Chairman referred to a number of items of correspondence: -letters received from Dr. Kevin Connolly, a consultant paediatrician at Portiuncula Hospital, and from Ms. Maire O’Regan, the mother of an autistic child, both requesting to address the Committee on the matter of vaccination and autism. The Committee agreed to invite written submissions only at this stage. -a letter from the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association, requesting to address the Committee on the White Paper on Private Health Insurance. The Committee agreed to invite a written submission from the Association. -a letter from DEBRA Ireland seeking the Committees support for medical research to be an allowable category for National Lottery Funding. It was agreed to forward this letter to the Minister together with a copy of the presentation made recently by DEBRA to the Committee. -a letter from the Attention Deficit Disorder Mid West Support Group expressing concern that the national prevalence study of ADD in Ireland, as recommended in the Committees report on ADD, is to be carried out by the Director of Public Health in the Mid-Western Health Board, and not by independent professionals with expertise in ADD. It was agreed to forward this letter to the Department to seek their comments on the concerns of the Support Group. -an invitation to the Partnership for Health Conference which takes place in Belfast on 15/16 June. It was agreed that the convenors would contact the Clerk if members were interested in attending this conference. The Chairman also noted the receipt of correspondence from the Irish Cigarette Machine Operators Association and of two documents, “A Better Future for Children”, published by the Combat Poverty Agency and “Standards of Care for People with Disabling Neurological Conditions”, published by the Irish Neurological Alliance, both of which were available from the Committee Secretariat. Final item of correspondence discussed in private session. 5.Presentation by the Irish Blood Transfusion Service The Chairman welcomed to meeting Mr. Martin Hynes, Chief Executive of the Irish Blood Transfusion Service. Following the publication of the Committees report on the IBTS proposal for single site testing of blood products, the IBTS expressed concerns about a number of aspects of the report. Mr. Hynes was invited to attend the meeting to discuss these concerns. Mr. Hynes then proceeded to make a short presentation which was followed by a question and answer session. 6.Rapporteur Assignment The Chairman referred to a letter received from Deputy Liz McManus requesting that the deadline for completion of her rapporteur assignment be extended until 30 July 2000. The Committee agreed to this request. 7.Any Other Business There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.10 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 8 June 2000 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee8 June 20001.The Joint Committee met in public session at 9.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Paul Bradford, Deirdre Clune, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, John Dennehy, John Gormley, Cecilia Keaveney, Liz McManus, Dan Neville, Alan Shatter and G.V. Wright. Senators Camillus Glynn, Mary Jackman and Pat Moylan. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 25 May 2000 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Matters arising The Chairman advised the meeting that formal sanction had been received from the Department of Finance for the engagement of senior counsel to assist the Committee in its work on the smoking and health issue and that Conor Maguire S.C. has been engaged with effect from 29 May. Mr. Maguire had been requested to report back to the Committee within 2 weeks. 4.Correspondence The Chairman referred to correspondence from Deputy Paul Connaughton and Deputy Dan Neville regarding individuals or groups addressing the Committee on the matter of vaccination of children and possible links to autism. Following discussion it was agreed that the Committee in the autumn/winter sitting would consider the issue of vaccination and public concerns about possible the possible risks and side effects. As a first step, it was agreed that an advertisement inviting written submissions would be placed in the national press. An advertisement would be drafted for consideration by the Committee at its next meeting. The Chairman also noted the receipt of a number of items: -a submission from the Acorn Group on the Mental Health Bill, 1999. -an invitation to attend the 3rd European Health Forum which takes place in Austria at the end of September. -two documents, “A better future for Children”, published by the Combat Poverty Agency and the Report of the Tobacco Free Policy Review Group, both available on request from the Committee Secretariat. 5.Presentation by the Department of Health and Children The Chairman welcomed to the meeting a delegation from the Health Promotion Unit of the Department of Health and Children: -Mr. Shay McGovern -Ms. Sandra Barnes -Ms. Ursula O’Dwyer (Nutritionist and advisor to the Health Promotion Unit) The Department had been invited to the meeting to discuss the reasons for the low incidence of breastfeeding in Ireland in comparison with other European countries, and the steps which are being taken by the Department to promote breastfeeding in view of the evidence of the health benefits for both mothers and children. Mr. McGovern then proceeded to make a short presentation which was followed by a question and answer session. 6.Tobacco (Health Promotion and Protection) Bill 1999 The Committee discussed the Tobacco (Health Promotion and Protection) Bill 1999, which had been referred to the Select Committee, and the apparent delay in the Health (Miscellaneous Provisions) Bill, 2000 coming before the Dáil. It was agreed if this latter bill would not be referred to the Select Committee before the recess, then arrangements could be made between the Clerk and both convenors for the Select Committee to consider the Tobacco (Health Promotion and Protection) Bill 1999. 7.In private session 8.Any Other Business There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.10 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 22 June 2000 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee22 June 2000The meeting was held in private session. Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee20 July 20001.The Joint Committee met at 10.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Paul Bradford, John Dennehy, John Ellis*, John Gormley, Cecilia Keaveney, Brendan Kenneally, Liz McManus, Gay Mitchell, Dan Neville and Michael Ring. Senators Willie Farrell**, Dermot Fitzpatrick, Rory Kiely*** and Mick Lanigan****. * In substitution for Deputy Beverley Cooper-Flynn. ** In substitution for Senator Pat Moylan. *** In substitution for Senator Fitzpatrick for part of meeting. **** In substitution for Senator Camillus Glynn. Apologies were received from Deputies Michael Ahern and Beverley Cooper-Flynn, and from Senators Camillus Glynn and Mary Jackman. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 22 June 2000 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Matters arising (i)The Chairman welcomed to the Committee Deputy Gay Mitchell and Deputy Michael Ring who had replaced Deputies Alan Shatter and Deirdre Clune respectively. The Chairman expressed his appreciation to Deputy Shatter and Deputy Clune for their contribution to the work of the Committee over the past two and a half years. (ii)The Chairman advised the Committee that sanction has been received for the expenditure involved in placing an advert inviting submissions on child vaccination and that the advert would appear in the papers next week. (iii)In private session (iv)In private session 4.Correspondence The Chairman referred to a number of items of correspondence were circulated with the agenda for the meeting: -a letter from Deputy John Gormley requesting an extension until the end of September for the completion of his rapporteur assignment on water fluoridation. The Committee agreed to the request. -a letter from the Dublin Hope Project, requesting a meeting with the Committee to discuss post MMR vaccination regression. It was agreed to bring the Committees advertisement inviting submissions to the attention of this group. -a letter from Deputy Alan Shatter proposing that a delegation from the Committee visit Northern Ireland to meet with Bairbre de Brun, the N.Ireland Minister for Health and Social Services to discuss co-operation between North and South in the health area. The Committee agreed to the proposal and that the Clerk should make the necessary inquiries and establish the cost of such a visit and report back to the Committee in the autumn. -a reply from the Department of Health and Children to concerns raised by the ADD Mid-Western Support Group about some aspects of the National Prevalence study of ADD which is to be carried out. It was agreed to forward this letter to the ADD Support Group. The Chairman also noted the receipt of correspondence from BUPA Ireland, the Combat Poverty Agency and a submission on the Mental Health Bill from the Law Society of Ireland. A report by the Law Society entitled “Mental Health: The Case for Reform” is available on request from the Committee Secretariat. 5.Presentations on Water Fluoridation The Chairman welcomed to the meeting the following individuals who had been invited to address the meeting on the issue of water fluoridation. -Mr George Gavin, Chief Dental Officer at the Department of Health and Children. -Professor Denis O’Mullane, Professor of Preventative and Paediatric Dentistry at the Cork Dental School. -Robert Pocock, member of VOICE of Concern for the Irish Environment -Dr. Liz Cullen, Joint Chair of Irish Doctors Environmental Association, -George Glasser, investigative writer on environmental and health issues regarding fluoridation. The presentations were followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked the presenters for their very interesting and informative presentations and for answering the Committees questions. 6.Any Other Business Deputy Paul Bradford referred to a conference in Slovenia in September entitled “Suicide Risk and Protective Factors in the New Millennium”, details of which had been circulated to the Committee. It was agreed that the subject matter of the Conference was relevant to the work of the Committee. The Committee then considered the estimate prepared by the Committee Secretariat regarding attendance at this conference. It was agreed that three members of the Committee should attend (the Chairman, 1 government member and 1 opposition member). It was also agreed that the clerk to the Committee should accompany the delegation. The Committee further agreed that the members should travel business class, due to the flexibility that business class travel allows. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 1.10 p.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 12 October 2000 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee12 October 20001.The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Paul Bradford, Paul Connaughton, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, John Dennehy, John Gormely, Cecilia Keaveney, Liz McManus, Gay Mitchell, Dan Neville and Michael Ring. Senators Camillus Glynn and Pat Moylan. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 20 July 2000 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Matters arising The first matter arising was discussed in private session Following the placing of an advert in the national press at the end of July inviting written submissions on the subject of child vaccination, 80 submissions had been received from various sources, including the Department of Health, health boards and parents. It was agreed to defer any discussion on this issue until the submissions had been circulated and members had an opportunity to review them. 4.Correspondence The Chairman referred to a number of items of correspondence were circulated with the agenda for the meeting: -letters from both BUPA Ireland and VHI Healthcare regarding the White Paper on Private Health Insurance and the Health Insurance (Amendment) Bill. It was agreed to invite both groups to address the next meeting of the Committee. -a letter from the Department of Health in response to a number of issues raised by DEBRA Ireland in their submission to the Committee. It was agreed to forward the letter to DEBRA Ireland. -a letter from Deputy Gormley regarding suggestions made by the La Leche League to reconvene National Committee to Promote Breastfeeding. It was agreed that the Clerk would write to the Minister to seek his views on this issue. -the Chairman referred to a number of requests from groups who wished to meet with Committee •the Irish Cigarette Vending Machine Operators association regarding pending legislation •Mr. Stephen Halliday re Osteopathic treatment and care for children •Dr. Deirdre Killelea of the Panda Foundation, •the Medical Defence Union. It was agreed to defer a decision on inviting any further groups to address the Committee, pending a review of the work programme. This would be included on the agenda for the next meeting. The Chairman referred to invitations to a number of conferences which had been received -an international conference of medical parliamentarians taking place in Thailand in November, forwarded by the Ceann Comhairle -the 9th Annual Public Health Forum in Bournmouth in March next year -a conference on HIV treatment in Argentina next July. It was agreed that the Committee should send a delegation to the International Conference of Medical Parliamentarians. Overall costing to be determined. Finally, the Chairman noted receipt of correspondence from Sr. Stella Ruegg, Mr Donal O’Riordain and Dr Mark Rowe. Also noted were the receipt of a number of publications, the VHI Healthcare Newsletter and Self Esteem Enhancement in Education, published by Pathways through Education, both available from the Committee Secretariat. 5.Presentations on Water Fluoridation The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Dr. Hardy Limeback, Head of Preventative Dentistry at the University of Toronto and a past president of the Canadian Association for Dental Research. Dr. Limeback had travelled to Ireland at the Ministers request to speak at the forum on Water Fluoridation and had kindly agreed to change his travel arrangements so that he could address the Committee. Dr. Limeback’s presentation was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked the Dr. Limeback for a very interesting and informative presentation and for answering the Committees questions. 6.In private session 7.In private session 8.In private session 9.Any Other Business There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 10.30a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 26 October 2000 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee26 October 20001.The Joint Committee met in public session at 9.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Paul Bradford, Paul Connaughton, John Dennehy, Cecilia Keaveney, Gay Mitchell, Dan Neville and G.V. Wright. Senator Mary Jackman. Apologies were received from Deputy Liz McManus 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 12 October 2000 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Matters arising The first matter arising was discussed in private session. The meeting was informed that the International Conference of Medical Parliamentarians due to be held in Thailand in mid-November and which the Committee had agreed to attend, had been postponed until next year. 4.Correspondence The Chairman noted receipt of a number of items of correspondence which were circulated with the agenda for the meeting: -a press release from Fluoride Free Water -a response of the Royal College of Psychiatrists to the Committees Report on Attention Deficit Disorder -a letter from Mr. Gerald Curran on the abortion issue -a letter from Ms. Kathy Sinnott requesting a date for her presentation to the Committee on Autism -the Annual Report of the National Suicide Review Group -an invitation to attend a North-South Health Services Study Day, organised by the Centre for Cross Border Studies -and finally, a notification of a Conference: ‘Networks - A Strategic Approach to Educational Disadvantage’ hosted by the Combat Poverty Agency. It was agreed that Deputy Cecilia Keaveney would attend the North-South Health Services Study Day in place of the Chairman. 5.Presentations on Private Health Insurance The Chairman welcomed to the meeting delegations from VHI Healthcare and BUPA Ireland. VHI Healthcare were represented by Mr. Oliver Tattan, Acting Chief Executive, Mr. John Looney, Director of Finance and Ms. Tara Buckley, Head of Public Relations. Representing BUPA Ireland were Mr. Martin O’Rourke, Managing Director, Ms. Margaret Downes, Chairperson and Mr. Sean Murray, Director of Sales and Marketing. Both groups had been invited to address the Committee regarding the White Paper on Private Health Insurance and the Health Insurance (Amendment) Bill. The presentations were followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman then thanked both delegations for interesting and informative presentations and for answering the Committees questions. 6.In private session 7.Any Other Business There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 10.35a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 9 November 2000 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee9 November 2000The meeting was held in private session. Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee23 November 20001.The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Paul Bradford, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, John Gormley, Dan Neville, Michael Ring and David Stanton*. Senators John Creegan**, Mary Jackman, Camillus Glynn and Pat Moylan. * In substitution for Deputy Bradford for part of meeting. ** In substitution for Senator Fitzpatrick. Apologies were received from Deputies Cecilia Keaveney, Liz McManus and Gay Mitchell. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 9 November 2000 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 4.Correspondence It was agreed to defer discussion on correspondence received until the next meeting. 5.Smoking and Health - Consideration of Draft Resolution regarding Compellability Powers The Chairman advised the meeting that a motion conferring the power to send for persons, papers and records had been placed on the Dáil Order paper this week. However, because of reservations about the wording of the motion expressed by the Office, the moving of the motion had been deferred for a short time pending discussions between the Whips Office and the Committee Secretariat. It was therefore agreed to defer discussion on the draft resolution seeking the consent of the Compellability Committee to issue directions for the discovery of documents until the motion conferring additional powers on the Committee had been passed by both the Dáil and Seanad. 6.Vaccination of Children: Presentations by Parents and Support Groups The Chairman welcomed to the meeting a number of parents and support groups who had been invited to address the Committee on the issue of child vaccination. Representing a group of parents who are also nurses - Frances Howlin and Marguerite Ronayne. Representing The Hope Project - Caroline McCabe and Miriam Twomey. Representing Allergy Induced Autism - Cecilia Young and Rosemary Kessick. Representing the Concerned Parents Group - Shane Russell and Lorna McCarthy. Representing the Informed Immunisation Network - Colin McCaffrey and Stephen Halliday. The presentations were followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked the presenters for their very interesting and informative presentations and for answering the Committees questions. 7.Any Other Business There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.45a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 7 December 2000 |
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