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Mr. Niall Callan |
-Assistant Secretary |
Mr. Peter McEvoy |
-Principal Officer |
Mr. Aeneas Langford |
-Principal Adviser |
National Roads Authority
Mr. Michael Tobin |
-Chief Executive |
Mr. Michael Egan |
-Head of Corporate Affairs |
Mr. Eugene O’Connor |
-Head of Project Management and Engineering |
Mr. Cyril Sullivan |
-Head of Internal Support and Control |
Mr. Callan was invited to make an opening statement and that was followed by an exchange of views between the Members and the Departmental and National Roads Authority spokespersons.
On conclusion the Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, thanked the witnesses for attending.
5.Report from Sub-Committee on “Local Government Reform”
In the absence of the Chairman of the Sub-Committee, Senator Walsh, it was agreed to defer consideration of the report to the next meeting.
6.Any Other Business
There being no other business, the Committee adjourned until Wednesday, 10 February 1999.
Jackie Healy-Rae, T.D.,
February 1999
1.The Joint Committee met at 2.00 pm in Room G2 Kildare House.
The following members were present:
Deputies Jackie Healy-Rae (in the Chair), Noel Ahern, Deirdre Clune, Alan Dukes, Seán Haughey, Brian Hayes, Billy Kelleher, Tony Killeen, Padraic McCormack, Olivia Mitchell and Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin. Senators Frank Chambers, Joe Doyle, Dan Kiely, Brendan Ryan and Jim Walsh.
The minutes were approved and signed.
Matters arising:
Environment Conference in Bonn 29 - 30 April
As the invitation received from the German Parliament fell within the Committee’s remit, it was agreed to send a delegation of four members, being two Government and two Opposition - the Whips to agree on names.
4.Report of the Sub-Committee on Local Government Reform
The Chairman invited Senator Jim Walsh, Chairman of the Sub-Committee to make a short presentation on the Report.
There followed a general discussion on the report, after which it was agreed that Members would be invited to forward any proposed amendments to the Clerk, not later than Wednesday 17 February - the report to be further considered on 24 February at 2 p.m.
It was also agreed that the Minister for Environment and Local Government would be invited to attend.
5.Any Other Business
There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 3.30 p.m. until Wednesday 24th February, 1999.
Jackie Healy-Rae, T.D.,
February 1999
1.The Joint Committee met in private session at 2.00 pm in Room G2 Kildare House.
The following members were present:
Deputies Jackie Healy-Rae (in the Chair), Deirdre Clune, Alan Dukes, Eamon Gilmore, Brian Hayes, Tony Killeen and Padraic McCormack. Senators Frank Chambers, Dan Kiely and Jim Walsh .
Apologies were received from Senator Doyle.
The minutes were approved and signed.
Matters arising:
Environment Conference in Bonn 29 - 30 April
The Chairman referred to an environment conference in Bonn at the end of April, which had been discussed at the last meeting. It had been agreed to send a delegation of four Members [two Government and two Opposition]. One nomination (Deputy Alan Dukes) had been received. The Chairman requested that the Whips convey further nominations as soon as possible to the Secretariat.
Two items of correspondence were considered:
(i)The Committee considered the request from the sub-Committee on Sustainable Development to extend the reporting date for the sub-Committee from end-March 1999 to end October 1999. It was decided to defer consideration of the request pending receipt of an interim report from the sub-Committee, particularly in view of the length of the extension requested.
(ii)The Chairman referred to a letter from the Hungarian Ambassador confirming that the Hungarian Parliament’s Committee for Regional Development wished to send a delegation to Ireland in March or April. The delegation wished to meet with various relevant Committees. It was agreed that the 19-25 April time-frame would be preferable and that the Committee might meet in joint session with another Committee.
5.Report of the Sub-Committee on Local Government Reform
The Committee resumed consideration of the Report of the Sub-Committee on Local Government Reform. At the last meeting, Members were invited to submit amendments these had been circulated prior to the meeting.
With the agreement of the Committee, the Report was then considered paragraph by paragraph.
The following amendments were agreed:
(i)Paragraph 10.4 (ii), amended, as follows, agreed to:
“The Sub-Committee agrees that past experience with water charges provides valuable lessons which should be taken into account. It was felt that because those charges were not related to usage they were perceived to be unjust.”
(ii)Paragraph 10.5 (ii), amended, as follows, agreed to:
“The Sub-Committee notes that the Chairman of County Development Boards will be a councillor.”
(iii)Paragraph 10.6 (ii) - third indent, amended, as follows, agreed to:
“-traffic management and control, including bringing traffic police under local government control where it is appropriate to local conditions.”
(iv)It was agreed to include a submission received by the sub-Committee from the Association of Municipal Authorities of Ireland in Appendix 3 of the Report.
The report, as amended, was then agreed by the Committee. It was also agreed to lay the report before both Houses, and to publish the report and its appendices.
The Chairman thanked Senator Jim Walsh and the Members of his sub-Committee for their report, and all Members for participating in the consideration of the draft report.
The Committee agreed that a copy of the report should be sent to the Minister for Environment and Local Government for his immediate attention and that the Minister would be invited to attend the next meeting of the Committee to discuss the report.
6.Any Other Business
There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 3.55 p.m.
Jackie Healy-Rae, T.D.,
April 1999
1.The Joint Committee met at 2.00 pm in Room G2 Kildare House.
The following members were present:
Deputies Sean Haughey (in the Chair) Noel Ahern, Deirdre Clune, Eamon Gilmore, Brian Hayes, Jackie Healy-Rae, Billy Kelleher, Tony Killeen, Padraic McCormack and Eoin Ryan. Senators Frank Chambers, Brendan Ryan and Jim Walsh .
Apologies were received from Deputies Caoimhghin Ó Caoláin and Alan Dukes.
The minutes were approved and signed.
4.Discussion with the Minister for Environment and Local Government on theCommittees Report on Local Government Reform
The Chairman welcomed Mr. Noel Dempsey T.D., Minister for the Environment and Local Government and his officials to the meeting. The Minister thanked the Chairman and the Members for the opportunity to discuss the Committees report on local government reform and he then proceeded to give his considered response to the report.
A question and answer session followed.
The Chairman thanked the Minister for his comprehensive responses to the report and the questions of the Committee.. He added that the Committee looked forward to the forthcoming legislation on local government reform.
A number of items of correspondence were considered:
(i)A letter from the Chambers of Commerce of Ireland requesting a meeting with the Committee. The Chamber recently launched a policy document on local government reform and would like to make a presentation to the Committee on the document.
The Committee agreed to incorporate such a presentation into its meeting schedule.
(ii)A letter from BioResearch Ireland offering to brief the Committee on the subject of genetically modified crops and food. It was agreed to incorporate a presentation from this group into the Committees meeting schedule. It was also agreed to invite other groups to make presentations to the Committee on this subject, so that the Committee is presented with a balanced view.
(iii)An invitation to attend the 14th GLOBE International General Assembly in Bonn in August. It was agreed to send a delegation to this conference as the subject matter was relevant to this Committee. Overall cost to be ascertained.
6.Any Other Business
There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 3.55 p.m.
Jackie Healy-Rae, T.D.,
May 1999
1.The Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Service and the Joint Committee on Environment and Local Government met in a joint meeting at 4.30 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House.
The following Members were present::-
Deputies Michael Ahern, Louis Belton, John Dennehy, Sean Fleming, Denis Foley, Liam Lawlor, Derek McDowell, Brendan McGahon, Michael Noonan, David Stanton, Jackie Healy-Rae, Billy Kelleher and Senators Eddie Bohan, John Dardis, Michael Finneran, Frank Chambers and Joe Doyle
* Apologies from Deputy Alan Dukes and Senators Avril Doyle and Jim Walsh.
The meeting was chaired by Deputy Michael Ahern.
Due to a vote in the Dáil, the meeting was suspended from 4.50 p.m. - 5.05 p.m.
4.Meeting with Delegation from the Parliamentary Committee on RegionalDevelopment from the Hungarian Parliament.
The Chairman welcomed Mr Peter Raycsanyi Chairman of the Hungarian Parliamentary Committee on Regional Development, his colleagues from the Committee, H.E. Dr Géza Pálmai, Deputy Head of Mission Mr Imre Láslo and members of staff to the Joint Meeting of the Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Service and the Joint Committee on Environment and Local Government. He outlined the responsibilities of both Committees and expressed the hope that the meeting would help to forge closer links between the Hungarian Parliamentary Committee on Regional Development and the committees of the Houses of the Oireachtas.
Mr Raycsanyi made a statement, outlining the function of his Committee in relation to Hungary’s intention to join the European Union.
There followed an exchange of views on issues relating to Regional Development. Among the issues discussed was the importance of putting an infrastructure in place in the rural areas of Hungary, the decisive role small countries can play within the EU and the importance of maintaining their identity, how the accession of countries of similar dimensions to Ireland to the EU will be beneficial for Ireland by the establishment of common economic and cultural contacts, the benefits to Ireland, in developing its economy, of the partnership approach by Government and the social partners and the importance of the investment in education for Irelands economic development.
On behalf of the members of the two Committees, the Chairman thanked Mr. Rajcsànyi, and his colleagues, His Excellency Dr. Géza Pálmai and their staff for their attendance. He indicated that the issues discussed were of great interest, that he looked forward to the development of closer links between the parliamentarians of Hungary and Ireland and indicated Irish support in Hungary’s wish to join the EU.
The meeting adjourned at 5.47 p.m. sine die.
Michael Ahern T.D.
Joint Committee on Finance and
the Public Service
May 1999
Jackie Healy-Rae T.D.
Joint Committee on Environment
and Local Government
May 1999
1.The Joint Committee met at 2.00 p.m. in Room G2 Kildare House.
The following members were present:
Deputies Seán Haughey (in the Chair) Noel Ahern, Alan Dukes, Eamon Gilmore, Brian Hayes, Billy Kelleher, Seán Power and Eoin Ryan. Senators Frank Chambers, Joe Doyle, Dan Kiely and Jim Walsh .
Apologies were received from the Chairman Deputy Healy-Rae and Deputies Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin and Deirdre Clune.
The minutes were approved and signed.
The Joint Committee noted several publications received since the last meeting:
(i)Monthly newsletter entitled “World Nuclear Focus” published by the Uranium Institute
(ii)Newsletter from the EU’s Commissioner for the Environment
(iii)Newsletter from Globe Europe
which are available in the Committee Secretariat.
5.Presentation by the Chambers of Commerce of Ireland on Local Government Reform
The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Mr. Philip O’Reilly, President of the Chambers of Commerce of Ireland, Mr. Simon Nugent, Chief Executive Officer, Mr. Mark Minihan, Chairman of the CCI’s Local Government Policy Working Group and Mr. Malcolm Byrne, Research Officer. The delegation then proceeded to make a short presentation to the Committee on a policy document which the CCI had recently published on the subject of Local Government Reform.
A question and answer session followed.
On conclusion, the Chairman thanked Mr. O’Reilly and his colleagues for their presentation and for a very useful exchange of views.
6.Next Meeting
It was agreed that the Chairman of An Bord Pleanála would be invited to the next meeting for a general discussion about the practices, policies and procedures used by the Bord in arriving at planning decisions. It was also agreed that the Committees work programme would be discussed with the aim of prioritising items for consideration. Senator Walsh suggested that in the context of such a review, the Committee might consider the establishment of sub-committees to research and report on the housing situation and transportation.
There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 3.20 p.m.
Jackie Healy-Rae, T.D.,
June 1999
1.The Joint Committee met at 2.00 p.m. in Room G2 Kildare House.
The following members were present:
Deputies Jackie Healy-Rae (in the Chair), Noel Ahern, Deirdre Clune, Alan Dukes, Eamon Gilmore, Billy Kelleher, Padraic McCormack and Olivia Mitchell. Senators Frank Chambers, Joe Doyle, Dan Kiely and Jim Walsh .
Apologies were received from Deputy Caoimhghín Ó Caoláin.
The minutes of the meetings held on 21 April 1999 and 5 May 1999 were approved and signed by the Chairman.
A number of items of correspondence were considered:
(i)a letter from IBEC concerning a submission made to the Government by IBEC and the Construction Industry Federation on the subject of Public Private Partnerships. It was agreed that IBEC would be invited to make a presentation to the Committee regarding the submission.
(ii)an invitation from the British Embassy for one member of the Committee to attend the Wilton Park Conference on Protecting the Environment and Sustaining Development. Travel, accommodation and conference costs would be met by the European Commission. It was agreed the Conference fell within the Committees remit and that one member would attend. It was further agreed that incidental expenses incurred would be met from the Committees travel budget.
(iii)an invitation to attend a conference on teleworking to be held in Denmark in September. It was agreed that the subject matter of the conference was not relevant to the work of the committee.
(iv)a letter from Prospectus Strategy Consultants offering their services to the Committee. The Committee noted the request.
The Committee also noted several publications received since the last meeting:
(i)a booklet entitled ‘Regional Development in Hungary’
(ii)a newsletter entitled NRA Update, published by the National Roads Authority
(iii)Issue 42 of the Environmental Bulletin, published by the Department of the Environment.
which are available in the Committee Secretariat.
5.Presentation by An Bord Pleanala
The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Mr. Paddy O’Duffy, Chairman of An Bord Pleanala, and Ms. Anne Quinn, Deputy Chairman of the Bord. Mr. O’Duffy then proceeded to make a presentation to the Committee on various aspects of the planning process.
A question and answer session followed.
On conclusion, the Chairman thanked Mr. O’Duffy and Ms. Quinn for attending the meeting and answering the questions of the Committee.
6.Any Other Business
There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 3.55 p.m.
Jackie Healy-Rae, T.D.,
July 1999
1.The Joint Committee met at 2.05 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House.
The following members were present:
Deputies Theresa Ahearn*, Noel Ahern, Deirdre Clune, Alan Dukes, Sean Haughey, Brian Hayes, Billy Kelleher, Pádraic McCormack, Olivia Mitchell, Caoimghín Ó’Caoláin, Seán Power and Eoin Ryan, and Senators Paddy Burke*, Frank Chambers and Jim Walsh.
Apologies were received from Deputy Jackie Healy-Rae (Chairman) and Senator Joe Doyle.
In the unavoidable absence of the Chairman, the vice-Chairman, Deputy Haughey, took the Chair.
It was agreed to go into private session for the purposes of considering items 1 and 2 on the agenda.
The minutes of the meeting held on 30 June, 1999, were agreed and signed by the Chairman.
4.Presentation by IBEC on Public Private Partnerships
A delegation from IBEC adressed the Committee on the ways in which public private partnership on infrastructural projects might be advanced. IBEC was represented by Mr. Peter Brennan, Director of European Affairs and Strategic Planning, Ms. Karen Gannon, Assistant Director (Transport) and Ms. Mary Kelly, Assistant Director (Environment). A delegate from the Construction Industry Federation was not in attendance.
Among the issues raised by the delegation were the need to accelerate the commencement of capital projects to remedy infrastructural deficits and the need to deal with legal and fiscal obstacles to further development. The delegation indicated that IBEC would welcome an opportunity to meet the Committee to discuss forthcoming planning legislation in the context of the provision of waste disposal facilities. The delegation dealt with questions from Members and views were exchanged.
It was agreed to go into private session for the purposes of considering items 4 and 5 on the agenda.
5.Any Other Business
There being no other business the meeting adjourned sine die at 3.44 p.m.
Jackie Healy-Rae, T.D.,
October, 1999.
Attendance: The following Members were present
Deputies: Deirdre Clune, Alan Dukes, Eamon Gilmore, Seán Haughey, Brian Hayes, Jackie Healy-Rae (Chair), Billy Kelleher, Tony Killeen, Padraic McCormack, Olivia Mitchell.
Senators: Brendan Ryan, Pat Moylan (in substitution for Senator Dan Kiely), Fintan Coogan (in substitution for Senator Joe Doyle).
The Joint Committee met at 14.05 hrs on Wednesday 10th November 1999 in Room G2, Kildare House.
The minutes of the meeting of 14 July 1999 were agreed and signed.
3.Electoral Registers
A presentation on the maintenance of electoral registers was made on behalf of the County & City Managers’ Association by:
Mr. Jim Kearney, Carlow County Secretary.
Mr. Seán de Brún, Senior Staff Officer, Dublin Corporation.
There followed an extensive discussion of the current state of electoral registers and of possible means of ensuring that they are maintained in a more up-to-date state fashion notwithstanding changing patterns in population, commuting, rented accommodation and the effects of prohibitive house prices. It was the view of Members that continued efforts must be made at both local and national level to overcome the current anomalies in the registration system being used for electoral purposes and between its application to people living in rural and urban areas. There was also scope for electronic, “smart card” and other solutions to be examined and for a standardisation of the systems being applied nationwide. This could be a further element in the planned implementation of electronic voting.
The meeting went into PRIVATE SESSION at 15.20 hrs.
Items 4,5,6 & 7 were taken in private session.
The meeting adjourned at 15.30 hrs until 8th December 1999.
[Note: in the event this date had to be given over, with the agreement of the Joint Committee, to a meeting of the Select Committee to deal urgently with the Revised Estimates (1999) under Vote Number 25 - Department of the Environment & Local Government.]
Jackie Healy-Rae T.D.
16 February 2000
* Deputy Ahearn and Senator Burke substituted for Deputy Pádraic McCormack and Senator Joe Doyle respectively.