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TITHE AN OIREACHTAISTUARASCÁIL BHLIANTÚILón gComhchoiste um Shláinte agus Leanaí Obair an ChomhchoisteANNUAL REPORTof the Joint Committee on Health and Children Work of the Joint Committee1998–1999 Table of Contents
1. Content and Format of ReportThis report has been prepared pursuant to paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Standing Order 79A, Dáil Éireann and paragraphs 3, 4, 5 and 6 of Standing Order 63, Seanad Éireann which provides for Joint Committee reports and work programmes as follows– •review of its procedure and its role •annual work programme •laying minutes of proceedings •making an annual report. At its meeting on 15.12.1999 the Committee agreed that all these items be included in its annual report. 2. Functions and Powers of the Joint CommitteeThe Joint Committee on Health and Children was established by Order of Dáil Éireann of 13th November, 1997 and Order of Seanad Éireann of 19th November, 1997 as part of a programme of Oireachtas reform involving the refining of the Committee system to enable more detailed examination of Government Departments including– •public affairs administered by each Department •legislature and expenditure proposals of each Department •certain matters relating to bodies under the aegis of each Department. The Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee were modified by further Orders of Dáil Éireann of 28th April, 1998 (new subparagraph (2)(a)(iv) added) and Seanad Éireann of 30th April, 1998 (new subparagraph (1)(a)(iv) added) and the Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee, as so modified, are set out at Appendix 1. 3. Chairman, Vice-Chairman, Convenors and MembershipDeputy Batt O’Keeffe was elected as Chairman of the Joint Committee on 2 December, 1997. Deputy Paul Connaughton was elected as Vice-Chairman of the Joint Committee on 16 December, 1997. The Chairman of the Joint Committee is also Chairman of the Dáil Select Committee. Deputies Cecilia Keaveney and Paul Bradford are the Convenors of the Committee whose function it is to ensure the availability and attendance of Members or their substitutes for meetings of the Committee and, in particular, to ensure Members’ availability for divisions. The Members of the Joint Committee are set out at Appendix 2. 4. Meetings, Attendance and RecordingMeetings of the Joint Committee took place in the Committee rooms in Kildare House. Meetings were in public unless otherwise ordered by the Joint Committee. Televised coverage of public meetings of the Joint Committee was broadcast live within the Leinster House complex and was available for subsequent public broadcasting by R.T.É. Verbatim written reports of public meetings of the Select Committee in relation to Bills and Estimates for the Public Services, Vote 33 Health and Children were published and may be purchased from the Government Publications Sales Office, Sun Alliance House, Molesworth Street, Dublin 2. Copies of other reports published by the Joint Committee may be obtained from the Clerk, Joint Committee on Health and Children, Kildare House, Kildare Street, Dublin 2. A list of these reports are set out at Section 8. 5. Number and Duration of MeetingsThe Joint Committee met on 17 occasions in the year under report. The number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 23 hours. The date and subject matter of each meeting is set out at Appendix 3. The Joint Committee’s programme of meetings was curtailed due to the the inquiry by the Sub-Committee of the Public Accounts Committee on certain Revenue matters. Due to the unavailability of meeting rooms and support staff, no meetings could be held during September and the first half of October. The Dáil Select Committee met on 2 occasions in the year under report and the number of hours discussion involved in these meetings was in excess of 7 hours. The date and subject matter of each meeting is set out at Appendix 4. Minutes of proceedings of the Joint Committee meeting in public session are attached at Appendix 5. 6. Work of the Committee6.1 Joint CommitteeOn the 17 occasions the Committee met it dealt with the following matters: •Health and Smoking •Nursing •Attention Deficit Disorder •Post Polio Syndrome •Care of the Elderly •Care of the Disabled •Water Fluoridation A copy of the Joint Committees work programme for 2000 is at Appendix 6. 6.2 Dáil Select CommitteeOn the 2 occasions the Committee met it dealt with the following matters: •Health (Eastern Regional Health Authority) Bill,1998 •Revised Estimates 1999- Department of Health and Children 7. Groups and Individuals attending before CommitteeIn the year under report the Joint Committee met with the following: •The Secretary General of the Department of Health and Children •Officials from Department of Health and Children •1 Trade Association •3 Trade Unions •1 State Sponsored Body •1 College Faculty •3 Special Interest Groups •2 Representative Associations •2 Medical Representative Organiations 8. Joint Committee Reports and ResolutionsDuring the year under report the Joint Committee published the following reports: •Annual Report 1997/98 •Work Programme 1999 •Attention Deficit Disorder in Ireland •Health and Smoking: A National Anti-Smoking Strategy •Minutes of Evidence relating to Health and Smoking. The Joint Committee also passed the following Resolution - “That this Committee endorses the efforts being made by the Minister for Health and Children to bring about a resolution of the nurses strike by a process through which nursing issues can be addressed within the parameters of social partnership”. 9. Travel by the Joint CommitteeThe Committee undertook the following travel in accordance with it’s orders of reference in connection with it’s work programme. (a)The Committee accepted an invitation to attend the Annual Conference of Health Boards in Ireland, Dublin, 30 April - 1 May. Deputy Cecilia Keaveney attended the Conference. (b)A delegation from the Committee attended the Intrenational Symposium on HIV, Leukaemia and Opportunistic Cancers, Marrakech, 23-28 May. The delegation included Deputy Michael Ahern and Deputy Alan Shatter. (c)The Committee sent a delegation to the 6th Annual Tobacco Litigation Conference, New Orleans, 29/30 April. The delegation included the Chairman, Deputy Alan Shatter and Deputy Beverley Cooper-Flynn. (d)During the period 11-21 July a delegation from the Committee visited the United States for a series of fact-finding meetings with members of the US legislature, federal and state agencies in Washington and Tallahassee in connection with the Committees work on smoking and health. The Committee also attended the 13th Meeting of the International Society for Sexually Transmitted Disease Research in Denver. The delegation was led by the Chairman Deputy Batt O’Keeffe, and consisted of Deputies Beverley Cooper-Flynn, *Alan Shatter, Cecilia Keaveney, Brendan Kenneally and **John Gormley. (e)A delegation from the Committee visited Canada during the period 29 August - 5 September for a series of meetings with the Canadian Department of Health in Ottawa. The delegation also attended the Conference on Global Strategies on Prevention of HIV Transmission from Mothers to Infants in Montreal. The delegation consisted of the Chairman, Deputy Cecilia Keaveney, Deputy Dan Neville and Senator Mary Jackman. (f)During the period 5-9 October, members of the Committee attended the European Health Forum in Salzburg. The delegation included Deputy LizMcManus, Deputy John Dennehy, Senator Mary Jackman and Senator Camillus Glynn. 10. Function and PowersThe Committee has reviewed its procedure and its role and it has agreed that it should be given the power to send for persons, papers and records so that it is in a position to properly consider matters under its remit. Specifically the Committee requires these powers as itconsiders that it is in the public interest that it undertakes further work and gives further consideration to the issue of health and smoking. It requests that the power be conferred on the Committee as soon as possible. The Committee considers that if the powers it is seeking are extended to it, considerable additional demands will be made on the Committee in undertaking its continuing work on health and smoking issues whilst also continuing to consider other important issues of health policy. It accordingly requests that it be provided with the additional staffing required to enable it to properly carry out its public duties and the responsibilities conferred on it by the Oireachtas. ___________________________ Batt O’Keeffe, T.D. Chairman of the Joint Committee December 1999 (Note: This annual report was agreed by the Joint Committee at its meeting on 15. 12. 1999) APPENDICESAPPENDIX 1Orders of ReferenceDáil Éireann13th November, 1997, (** 28th April, 1998), Ordered: (1) (a)That a Select Committee, which shall be called the Select Committee on Health and Children, consisting of 14 members of Dáil Éireann (of whom 4 shall constitute a quorum), be appointed to consider such— (i)Bills the statute law in respect of which is dealt with by the Department of Health and Children, and (ii)Estimates for Public Services within the aegis of that Department, as shall be referred to it by Dáil Éireann from time to time. (b)For the purpose of its consideration of Bills under paragraph (1)(a)(i), the Select Committee shall have the powers defined in Standing Order 78A(1), (2) and (3). (c)For the avoidance of doubt, by virtue of his or her ex officio membership of the Select Committee in accordance with Standing Order 84(1), the Minister for Health and Children (or a Minister or Minister of State nominated in his or her stead) shall be entitled to vote. (2) (a)The Select Committee shall be joined with a Select Committee to be appointed by Seanad Éireann to form the Joint Committee on Health and Children to consider— (i)such public affairs administered by the Department of Health and Children as it may select, including bodies under the aegis of that Department in respect of Government policy, (ii)such matters of policy for which the Minister in charge of that Department is officially responsible as it may select, (iii)the strategy statement laid before each House of the Oireachtas by the Minister in charge of that Department pursuant to section 5(2) of the Public Service Management Act, 1997, and shall be authorised for the purposes of section 10 of that Act, and **(iv) such Annual Reports or Annual Reports and Accounts, required by law and laid before either or both Houses of the Oireachtas, of bodies under the aegis of the Department(s) specified in paragraph 2(a)(i), and the overall operational results, statements of strategy and corporate plans of these bodies, as it may select. Provided that the Joint Committee shall not, at any time, consider any matter relating to such a body which is, which has been, or which is, at that time, proposed to be considered by the Committee of Public Accounts pursuant to the Orders of Reference of that Committee and/or the Comptroller and Auditor General (Amendment) Act, 1993. Provided further that the Joint Committee shall refrain from inquiring into in public session, or publishing confidential information regarding, any such matter if so requested either by the body or by the Minister in charge of that Department; and (v)such other matters as may be jointly referred to it from time to time by both Houses of the Oireachtas, and shall report thereon to both Houses of the Oireachtas. (b)The quorum of the Joint Committee shall be 5, of whom at least 1 shall be a member of Dáil Éireann and 1 a member of Seanad Éireann. (c)The Joint Committee shall have the powers defined in Standing Order 78A(1) to (9) inclusive. (3)The Chairman of the Joint Committee, who shall be a member of Dáil Éireann, shall also be Chairman of the Select Committee. Orders of ReferenceSeanad Éireann19 November 1997 (*30th April 1998) Ordered (1) (a)That a Select Committee consisting of 5 members of Seanad Éireann shall be appointed to be joined with a Select Committee of Dáil Éireann to form the Joint Committee on Health and Children to consider— (i)such public affairs administered by the Department of Health an Children as it may select, including bodies under the aegis of that Department in respect of Government policy, (ii)such matters of policy for which the Minister in charge of that Department is officially responsible as it may select, (iii)the strategy statement laid before each House of the Oireachtas by the Minister in charge of that Department pursuant to section 5 (2) of the Public Service Management Act, 1997, and shall be authorised for the purposes of section 10 of that Act, and *(iv)such Annual Reports or Annual Reports and Accounts, required by law and laid before either or both Houses of the Oireachtas, of bodies under the aegis of the Department(s) specified in paragraph 1(a)(i), and the overall operational results, statements of strategy and corporate plans of these bodies, as it may select. Provided that the Joint Committee shall not, at any time, consider any matter relating to such a body which is, which has been, or which is, at that time, proposed to be considered by the Committee of Public Accounts pursuant to the Orders of Reference of that Committee and/or the Comptroller and Auditor General (Amendment) Act, 1993. Provided further that the Joint Committee shall refrain from inquiring into in public session, or publishing confidential information regarding, any such matter if so requested either by the body or by the Minister in charge of that Department; and (v)such other matters as may be jointly referred to it from time to time by both Houses of the Oireachtas, and shall report thereon to both Houses of the Oireachtas. (b)The quorum of the Joint Committee shall be 5, of whom at least 1 shall be a member of Dáil Éireann and 1 a member of Seanad Éireann. (c)The Joint Committee shall have the powers defined in Standing Order 62A(1) to (9) inclusive. (2)The Chairman of the Joint Committee who shall be a member of Dáil Éireann. APPENDIX 2Members of the Joint Committee
APPENDIX 3Meetings of the Joint Committee
APPENDIX 4Meetings of the Dáil Select Committee
APPENDIX 5Minutes of Proceedings of the Joint CommitteeJoint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 3 December 1998 1.The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in Room G5, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Paul Bradford, Deirdre Clune, John Dennehy, Cecilia Keaveney, Dan Neville, Alan Shatter and G.V. Wright. Senators Camillus Glynn and Pat Moylan. Apologies were received from Senator Dermot Fitzpatrick. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 19 November 1998 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Matters Arising The Committee met in joint session on 30 October with the Joint Committee on European Affairs, on the occasion of the meeting with the EU Commissioner for Social Affairs and Employment, Pádraig Flynn. The Chairman advised the meeting that a separate report will be circulated for that meeting. Deputy Neville advised the Committee that he would provide a written report on the Children’s Rights conference attended by him on 22 October. The report on the European Parliament’s Committee on Environment, Public Health & Consumer Protection, as circulated to Members, was agreed by the Committee. The Chairman informed members that Mr. John Hamilton has been appointed as Clerk to the Committee on a full-time basis. 4.Presentation by Representatives of the Irish College of General Practitioners The Chairman welcomed Dr. Michelle Egan and Dr. Michael Boland of the Irish College of General Practitioners (ICGP) and they proceeded to give a presentation on the GPs role in helping people to stop smoking. A significant development in this area is a collaboration between the ICGP and the Smoking Target Action Group to provide smoking cessation training for GPs. It is hoped to train 600 GPs in the next 2 years which hopefully will yield up to 40,000 new non-smokers. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked Dr. Egan and Dr. Boland for their presentation and they said that they would be willing to assist the Joint Committee in the future if needed. 5.Work Programme It was agreed that the Secretary General of the Department should be invited to the next meeting of the Committee to discuss the Department’s Strategy Statement, with particular reference to health promotion and tobacco advertising and consumption. The Chairman said that he would intend to have the report on this area completed by late spring next year at the latest. The Chairman said that the draft annual report would be brought forward to the next meeting of the Joint Committee. It was agreed that following the next meeting, the Committee would examine the work programme and commence work on the following issues as a matter of priority: •Food Safety •Treatment of Addictions •Health Services for the Elderly •Health issues for men and women. 6.Any Other Business Deputy Shatter raised the issue of an alternative date and time for meetings of the Committee. The Chairman agreed that he would have the issue examined and would report back to the Committee. The meeting adjourned at 10.40 a.m. Cecilia Keaveney T.D. Acting Chairperson 14 January 1999 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 14 January 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in the Seanad Chamber, Leinster House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Paul Bradford, Paul Connaughton, John Gormley, Cecilia Keaveney (in the Chair), Brendan Kenneally, Dan Neville, Alan Shatter and Róisín Shortall. Senators *John Connor, **John Cregan, Pat Gallagher, Camillus Glynn, Mary Jackman and Pat Moylan. Apologies were received from the Chairman, Deputy G.V. Wright and Senator Dermot Fitzpatrick. In the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman, it was agreed that Deputy Keaveney would take the Chair. 3.Minutes (i)The minutes of the meeting held on 3 December 1998 were agreed and signed by the Acting Chairman. (ii)The Minutes of the joint session held on 30 October 1998 with the European Affairs Committee were agreed and signed by the Acting Chairman. 4.Presentation by the Irish Medical Organisation The Chairman welcomed Dr. Fenton Howell, Vice-President and President-Elect of the Irish Medical Organisation to the meeting. Dr. Howell proceeded to address the Committee on the IMOs position on a number of tobacco related issues, including tobacco control, advertising and sponsorship, pricing of tobacco products, sales to children and passive smoking. Dr. Howell also circulated to the Committee documentation which supported his assertion that the tobacco industry was able to influence some members of a Department of Health Consultative Committee on Smoking in the Workplace. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked Dr. Howell for attending and he withdrew from the meeting. It was agreed that the official from the Department of Health, referred to in the documentation supplied by Dr. Howell, would be invited to the next meeting of the Committee to brief the Committee on the purpose of contacts with a representative of the tobacco industry. 5.Correspondence A number of items of correspondence were discussed by the Committee: (i)Letter from the Royal College of Physicians (Faculty of Public Health Medicine) requesting a meeting with the Committee on the subject of tobacco related issues It was agreed to invite the Faculty to appear before the next meeting of the Joint Committee. (ii)Letter from Barringtons Hospital Limerick in relation to dyslexic children. It was agreed to defer consideration of this item pending a review of the Work Programme. (iii)Letter from National Maternity Hospital Breastfeeding Initiative Team requesting a meeting with the Committee. It was agreed that consideration of this item would also be deferred pending a review of the Work Programme. (iv)Letter from Galway Cycling Campaign It was agreed that this subject was not appropriate to the Committee and should be referred to the relevant Committee. (v)Letter forwarded by the Sub-Committee on Human Rights. The Committee agreed to note the contents of the letter. 6.Report on the Inaugural Conference on Childrens Rights The report, as circulated, was agreed by the Committee. 7.Draft Annual Report of the Joint Committee The Joint Committee then considered the draft Annual Report. Section 11 of the draft report deals with the “Function and Powers” of the Joint Committee. It was agreed that this section would be amended to replace the sentence “The Committee is happy with its present procedures and role” with a statement to the effect that the Committee requires the full extension of the compellability legislation to its proceedings. It was also agreed to amend the draft 1999 Work Programme (Appendix 6 of the draft report) to include “The implementation of UN Charter on the Rights of the Child” as an item for consideration. It was agreed the relevant sections of the draft report would be revised and circulated for consideration at the next meeting of the Committee. 8.Any Other Business (i)Deputy Alan Shatter raised the issue of the current shortage of nursing staff in hospitals and the difficulties that this is causing for patient care. It was agreed that the Department of Health would be requested to prepare a briefing paper for the next meeting of the Committee providing statistical information on the shortfall of nursing staff in each hospital in the State, detailing the particular areas of speciality where the shortfalls occur, and the number of elective surgeries which were cancelled in December 1998 and to date in January 1999 due to (i) shortage of nursing staff and (ii) financial cutbacks. (ii)Deputy Gormley raised the issue of water fluoridation and sought to have the issue included on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting. The Acting Chairman agreed to bring Deputy Gormley’s request to the attention of the Committee Chairman. The meeting adjourned at 11.20 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 28 January 1999 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 28 January 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in the Seanad Chamber, Leinster House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe, Paul Bradford, Deirdre Clune, Paul Connaughton, John Dennehy, Cecilia Keaveney, Brendan Kenneally, Dan Neville and Alan Shatter. Senators *John Cregan, Pat Gallagher, Camillus Glynn, Mary Jackman and Pat Moylan. Apologies were received from Deputy Gormley and Senator Dermot Fitzpatrick. In the absence of the Chairman and Vice-Chairman it was agreed that Deputy Keaveney would take the Chair, which she vacated on the arrival of Deputy Batt O’Keeffe. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 14 January 1999 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Matters Arising The Chairman advised the Committee that following the meeting last week of the Working Group of Chairmen, each Committees budget for the coming year was announced. This Committee was allocated £13,000 for travel purposes and £6,000 for consultancy, advertising and entertainment. The Working Group was of the view that these amounts were inadequate and that an immediate meeting would be sought with the Minister for Finance to discuss a supplementary estimate. 4.Correspondence The Chairman noted that details of a conference on sexually transmitted diseases to be held in Denver in July had been circulated to Members prior to this meeting. It was agreed to defer a decision on attendance at this conference until the next meeting. 5.Briefing by Mr. Chris Fitzgerald, Department of Health Official The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Mr. Chris Fitzgerald, a Principal Officer from the Department of Health and Children. Mr Fitzgerald proceeded to brief the Committee on the purposes of contacts between representatives of the tobacco industry and officials from the Department, details of which had been brought to the attention of the Committee at the last meeting. A question and answer session followed The Chairman thanked Mr Fitzgerald for attending and he withdrew from the meeting. 6.Presentation by Faculty of Public Health Medicine, Royal College of Physicians in Ireland The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Dr. Joseph Barry, Dean of the Faculty of Public Health Medicine at the Royal College of Physicians. Dr. Barry proceeded to address the Committee on public health aspects of tobacco consumption, and he put forward the Faculty’s recommendations, including recommendations for legislative change, to further control tobacco advertising and consumption The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked Dr Barry for his presentation, adding that his suggestions would be very useful to the Committee in drawing up a report on the subject.. 7.Shortage of Nursing Staff: Department of Health Briefing Paper The Chairman noted that a briefing paper on the shortage of nursing staff was circulated to Members prior to this meeting. However the Department was unable, in the time available, to collate the required information on the incidence of elective surgery cancellations. It was agreed to defer discussion on this item until the next meeting, when the additional information would be available. 8.International Symposium on HIV, Leukaemia and Opportunistic Cancers, Marrakech, 23 May - 28 May 1999 It was agreed to defer consideration of the statement and estimate regarding attendance at this conference until the next meeting. 9.Draft Annual Report of the Joint Committee The revised draft Annual Report of the Joint Committee, incorporating amendments circulated to Members prior to this meeting, was agreed by the Committee. 10.Any Other Business Senator Jackman advised the meeting that her rapporteur assignment on Attention Deficit Disorder was nearing completion and she would be in a position to present it to the Committee in the very near future. 11.Next Meeting It was agreed that The Secretary General of the Department of Health and Children, Mr. Jerry O’Dwyer, would be invited to the next meeting to discuss the Department’s Strategy Statement with particular reference to health promotion and tobacco advertising and consumption. Following the next meeting, it was agreed that the Committee would examine the work programme and commence work on further issues as a matter of priority. The meeting adjourned at 11.15 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 11 February 1999 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 11 February 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Paul Bradford, John Dennehy, John Gormley, Cecilia Keaveney, *Liz McManus, Dan Neville, Alan Shatter and G.V.Wright. Senators **John Cregan, Camillus Glynn, Mary Jackman and Pat Moylan. Apologies were received from Deputy Clune and Senator Gallagher. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 28 January 1999 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Matters Arising (i)The Chairman referred to a letter received from Deputy Gormley some time ago about water fluoridation. It was agreed to include this item on the agenda for discussion at the next meeting (ii)Senator Glynn raised the issue of Committee travel, details of which had been obtained by the media recently. In the information supplied by the Committee Secretariat to the Public Relations Office on foot of a media request, his name was incorrectly included as a member of the Committee delegation which travelled to the World AIDS Conference in Geneva in June last year. Senator Glynn stated for for the record that he was not a member of this delegation and did not travel to Geneva. (iii)In private session 4.Correspondence Item 1 - In private session In Public Session The Chairman referred to a letter from Mr. Tom Wall, Assistant General Secretary of the ICTU. Mr. Wall refuted the allegations made by Dr. Fenton Howell at a recent meeting of this Committee concerning the leaking of confidential information and meetings with a representative of the tobacco industry. Following some discussion it was agreed that Mr. Flor O’Mahony should be requested to attend at a meeting of the Committee to brief the Committee on the nature his contacts with officials of the Dept. of Health, IBEC and the ICTU and in particular how he was informed of the proceedings of an internal Dept. of Health committee. A written submission would also be requested from Mr. O’Mahony on this matter. It was also agreed, following the laying of the Annual Report before both houses, that the Committee should now follow up as a matter of urgency on the request set out in the Annual Report that the Committee be conferred with the power to send for persons, papers and records. It was agreed that this request would be brought to the attention of the party leaders, party whips and the Minister for Health. The Chairman then read the contents of a letter received from the Seanad Committee on Procedure and Privilege, which stated that the Committee had deferred consideration on the compellability issue pending receipt of the Report and Guidelines currently under preparation by the Joint Sub-Committee on Compellability. 6.Presentation by Secretary General of the Department of Health and Children The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Mr. Jerry O’Dwyer, Secretary General of the Department of Health and Children, and two of his officials.. Mr.O’Dwyer briefed the Committee on the Department’s Strategy Statement, with particular regard to health promotion in the context of tobacco advertising and consumption. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked Mr. O’Dwyer for his presentation, adding that the Committee would take account of the information presented when drawing up a report on the subject. 7.Shortage of Nursing Staff: Department of Health Briefing Paper It was agreed to defer consideration of this item until the next meeting. 8.In private session 9.Next Meeting It was agreed that Senator Jackman would present her rapporteur assignment on Attention Deficit Disorder at the next meeting. It was also agreed to invite the ADD Support Group to the meeting to make a presentation on this subject. The meeting adjourned at 11.25 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 25 February 1999 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 11 March 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Paul Bradford, Deirdre Clune, John Dennehy, Cecilia Keaveney, Liz McManus, Dan Neville, Alan Shatter and G.V.Wright. Senators Pat Gallagher, Camillus Glynn and Pat Moylan. Apologies were received from Senator Jackman. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 25 February 1999 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Matters Arising (in private session) 4.Correspondence Three items of correspondence were considered by the Committee- (i)A letter from the ‘Organic Collective’ expressing their concerns about genetically modified food. It was agreed that it would be useful to request the Food Safety Authority of Ireland to brief the Committee on this issue at some future date, but a definite decision was deferred pending a review of the work programme. (ii)The Chairman then referred to a letter from an Environmental Health Promotion Officer about the enforcement of tobacco control legislation. It was agreed that the subject matter of this letter was relevant to the report which Deputy Shatter has agreed to prepare, and that Deputy Shatter should consider the views expressed in the letter when drawing up the report. (iii)The Committee then discussed an invitation to attend the Annual Conference of the Association of Health Boards to be held in Dublin at the end of April. It was agreed that the subject matter of the conference was relevant to the Committee, and that a delegation of four should attend. Overall costing to be ascertained. 5.Shortage of Nursing Staff: Department of Health Briefing Paper It was agreed that a full discussion on this issue would be held at a future meeting. 6.Presentation by Mr. Flor O’Mahony, Director of the ITMAC The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Mr. Flor O’Mahony, Director of ITMAC. Mr. O’Mahony then made a short presentation dealing with the nature his contacts with officials of the Dept. of Health and representatives from IBEC and the ICTU and how he came to be informed of the proceedings of a Department of Health Consultative Committee on Smoking in the Workplace. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked Mr. O’Mahony for appearing before the Committee and outlining ITMACs position. He stated that the Committee were not entirely happy with ITMACs role in this matter and he recommended to Mr. O’Mahony that in future deliberations of this type, ITMAC should be more conscious of the public interest and public health concerns. The Committee then went into private session. 7.Next Meeting It was agreed that the next meeting of the Joint Committee would be held in private session on Thursday 25 March to discuss Senator Jackmans report on Attention Deficit Disorder and also to review the Committees work programme. The meeting adjourned at 11 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 25 March 1999 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 25 March 1999 The meeting was held in private session Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 1 April 1999 The meeting was held in private session Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 22 April 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, John Dennehy, Cecilia Keaveney, Liz McManus and * David Stanton. Senators Camillus Glynn, Mary Jackman and Pat Moylan. Apologies were received from Deputies Paul Bradford, Deirdre Clune, Paul Connaughton, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, John Gormley and Alan Shatter, and Senators Dermot Fitzpatrick and Pat Gallagher. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meetings held on 25 March 1999 and 1 April 1999 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 4.Correspondence Two items of correspondence were considered by the Committee- (i)A letter from Senator Camillus Glynn requesting that the Committee agree to a presentation from the Association for Children and Adults with Learning Difficulties. The Chairman noted that it had been agreed at the last meeting of the Committee that a presentation from this group would be incorporated into the Committees meeting schedule. (ii)The Chairman referred to invitations to two conferences which had recently been received. The first conference is about ‘Prevention of HIV transmission from Mothers to Infants’ and takes place in Montreal in early September. The second invitation is to the European Health Forum which takes place in Austria in October. It was agreed that the Committee would send delegations to the two Conferences, as the subject matter of both would be relevant to the work of the Committee. It was also agreed that it would be useful to incorporate into the visit to Montreal a programme of meetings with the Canadian health authorities. Overall costing of both trips to be ascertained. 5.Presentation by The Irish Nurses Organisation on Nursing Shortages in the Health Service The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Mr. Liam Doran, General Secretary of the INO, Ms. Lenore Mrkwicka, Assistant General Secretary, Ms Anne Coady, President and Mr David Hughes, Director of Industrial Relations. Mr. Doran then proceeded to make a presentation to the Committee on the views on the INO on the reasons for the current shortage of nurses in the health service and the steps which could be taken to address the issue. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked Mr Doran and his colleagues for their presentation and for answering the Committees questions. 6.In Private Session 7.Next Meeting It was agreed that the Committee would hear further presentations from representatives of the nursing profession on the issue of nursing shortages at the next meeting. The meeting adjourned at 10.55 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 6 May 1999 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 6 May 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Paul Bradford, Deirdre Clune, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, John Dennehy, Cecilia Keaveney, Liz McManus, Dan Neville and Alan Shatter. Senators *John Cregan, Camillus Glynn and Pat Moylan. Apologies were received from Senators Mary Jackman and Pat Gallagher. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 22 April 1999 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 4.Correspondence The Joint Committee noted a publication received since the last meeting: (i)Monthly newsletter entitled “World Nuclear Focus” published by the Uranium Institute which is available in the Committee Secretariat. 5.Presentation by the National Nursing Council of SIPTU on Nursing Shortages in the Health Service The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Mr. Oliver McDonagh, National Nursing Official of SIPTU, Mr. Tony Doody, President of SIPTUs National Nursing Council, Ms. Mary Durkin, Vice-President and Mr. Paul O’Sullivan, Branch Secretary Health Services Professionals Branch. Mr. McDonagh then proceeded to make a presentation to the Committee on the views of SIPTU on the reasons for the current shortage of nurses in the health service and the steps which could be taken to address the issue. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked Mr. McDonagh and his colleagues for their presentation and for answering the Committees questions. 6.Next Meeting It was agreed that the Committee would invite presentations over the next 2 meetings from the Health Service Employers Agency and An Bord Altranais on the issue of nursing shortages. The meeting adjourned at 10.55 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 20 May 1999 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 20 May 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Paul Bradford, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, John Dennehy, Cecilia Keaveney, Brendan Kenneally, Dan Neville and Alan Shatter. Senators *John Cregan, Camillus Glynn, Mary Jackman and Pat Moylan. Apologies were received from Senator Pat Gallagher. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 6 May 1999 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 4.Correspondence The Chairman noted that the report of the Food Safety Authority of Ireland on food safety and genetically modified food had been circulated to Members. 5.Presentation by An Bord Altranais on Nursing Shortages in the Health Service The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Mr. Eugene Donoghue, Chief Executive Officer of An Bord Altranais and Mr. Jim O’Sullivan, Finance Officer. Mr. Donoghue then proceeded to make a presentation to the Committee on the functions of An Bord Altranais and the actions which might be taken to help redress the apparent shortage of nurses which has arisen in the health service The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked Mr.Donoghue and Mr. O’Sullivan for their presentation and for answering the Committees questions. 6.In Private Session 7.Next Meeting It was agreed that for the next meeting the Committee would invite a joint presentation from the Department of Health and Children and the Health Service Employers Agency on the issue of nursing shortages. The meeting adjourned at 10.40 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 17 June 1999 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 17 June 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in Room G5, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Paul Bradford, Deirdre Clune, John Dennehy, John Gormley, Cecilia Keaveney, Liz McManus, Dan Neville and Alan Shatter. Senators *John Cregan, Camillus Glynn, Mary Jackman and **Anne Leonard. Due to another engagement, the Chairman had to leave the meeting prior to its conclusion. Senator Camillus Glynn, with the agreement of the Committee, acted as chairman for the remainder of the meeting. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 20 May 1999 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 4.Correspondence The Chairman noted that a number of items of correspondence had been circulated to Members with the agenda for the meeting: i)A report forwarded by the Sub-Committee on Women’s Rights entitled “The Experience of Women Asylum Seekers in Ireland” (ii)A document entitled “A New Peer Culture for Youth” published by the World Alcohol and ASH Foundation (iii)A letter and documentation from US law firm Spohrer, Wilner, Maxwell & Matthews in relation to anti-tobacco litigation. The Chairman also noted that the Committee had received a copy of a newsletter entitled “Issues in European Health Policy” published by the European Health Forum, a copy of which was available on request from the Committee Secretariat. 5.Presentation by the Department of Health and Children and the Health Service Employers Agency on Nursing Shortages in the Health Service The Chairman welcomed to the meeting a joint delegation from the Department of Health and Children and the Health Service Employers Agency. Representing the Department was Secretary General, Mr. Jerry O’Dwyer and Mr. Bernard Carey and Ms. Maureen Flynn from the Departments Nursing Policy Division. Appearing on behalf of the HSEA were the Chief Executive, Mr. Gerard Barry, Mr. John Cooney, Chairman of the HSEA and also Chief Executive of the South Eastern Health and Mr. Pat Lyons, a board member and also Chief Executive of Beaumont Hospital. Mr. O’Dwyer then proceeded to make a presentation to the Committee on behalf of the Department and the HSEA on the shortage of nursing staff in the health service and related issues. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked Mr.O’Dwyer for his presentation and each of the members of the delegation for answering the Committees questions. 6.Next Meeting It was agreed that for the next meeting, the Committee would invite presentations from the Association For Children and Adults with Learning Difficulties and from Barringtons of Limerick (in relation to children with dyslexia). The meeting adjourned at 11.05 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 1 July 1999 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 1 July 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Paul Bradford, Deirdre Clune, Paul Connaughton, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, John Dennehy, John Gormley, Cecilia Keaveney, Liz McManus and G.V. Wright. Senators *John Cregan, Camillus Glynn, Mary Jackman and Pat Moylan. Apologies were received from Deputy Alan Shatter. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 17 June 1999 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. 4.Correspondence Items 1 and 2 - In Private Session In Public Session The Chairman referred to a number of items of correspondence had been circulated to Members with the agenda for the meeting: i)the Association for Children and Adults with Learning Disabilities ii)Irish Nursing Homes Organisation iii)National Maternity Hospital Breastfeeding Initiative Team Each of these groups had been invited to address the Committee but were unable to accept the invitation at this stage for various reasons. It was agreed that the Committee would incorporate presentations from these groups into the autumn meeting schedule. The Chairman then referred to a letter received from the Irish Nurses Organisation. The letter takes issue with a number of the statements made by the Secretary General of the Department of Health and Children relative to alleged nursing shortages and other related matters. The Committee agreed to forward a copy of the letter to the Secretary General of the Department of Health and Children and to request him to respond directly to the items outlined. 5.Presentation by the Post Polio Support Group The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Jim Costello and Joan Bradley from the Post Polio Support Group. The group were invited to the meeting to address the Committee on the condition known as ‘post polio syndrome’ or ‘late effects of polio’, which it is estimated will affect at least half of the 9000 surviving people who contracted polio during the 1940s and 1950s Mr. Costello and Ms.Bradley then proceeded to make a short presentation to the Committee which was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked the delegation for their presentation which he said was very enlightening and informative. He added that the Committee would arrange to circulate the groups submission to each Health Board Chairperson so that each Health Board member would be enlightened about Post Polio Syndrome and its affect on Polio survivors. 6.In Private Session 7.In Private Session 8.In Private Session 9.Any Other Business There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 10.30 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 14 October 1999 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint CommitteeThursday, 14 October 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Paul Bradford, Deirdre Clune, Paul Connaughton, John Gormley, Cecilia Keaveney, Dan Neville, and Alan Shatter. Senators Camillus Glynn, Mary Jackman and Pat Moylan. Apologies were received from Deputy Liz McManus. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 1 July 1999 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Matters Arising Deputy Shatter raised the issue of the impending nurses strike and the impact that this strike would have on the health services should it go ahead. Following lengthy discussion, it was agreed that the Committee would write to all sides in the dispute to urge them to immediately engage in meaningful and constructive dialogue in an effort to avert a strike. It was also agreed that the Committee would meet again on Tuesday, 19 October to discuss the matter further. 4.Correspondence The Chairman referred to letters received from the REHAB Group, Focus on Children and the International Adoption Association. Each of these groups had requested to met with the Committee. It was agreed that Committee would incorporate presentations from these groups into the meeting schedule over the coming months. The Chairman also noted that the Committee has recently received a number of publications - (i)newsletter from the International AIDS Society (ii)the U.S. International Response to HIV/AIDS (iii)Panos Briefing - Health Challenges for the New Millennium which were available on request from the Committee Secretariat. 5.Presentation by the Irish Nursing Homes Association The Chairman welcomed to the meeting Patricia Foley, Joe Stanley, John Shinnick and Nora Naughton from the Irish Nursing Homes Association. Earlier this year, the INHA commissioned a sectoral study of long term care in Ireland. It is expected that the full report will be published within the next couple of weeks. A summary of the report was circulated to members of the Committee. The delegation then proceeded to make a presentation to the Committee regarding the sectoral study which was followed by a question and answer session. The Chairman thanked the delegation for their presentation and for answering the Committees questions. 6.Any Other Business There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 11.10 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 19 October 1999 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee19 October 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 2 p.m. in Room G5, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Paul Bradford, *Martin Brady, Deirdre Clune, Paul Connaughton, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, **Michael Creed, John Dennehy, John Gormley, Cecilia Keaveney, Brendan Kenneally, Liz McManus, Dan Neville and Alan Shatter. Senators ***Paul Coghlan, Dermot Fitzpatrick, Camillus Glynn, Mary Jackman and Pat Moylan. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 14 October 1999 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Matters Arising Deputy Shatter informed the meeting that his draft rapporteur report on the tobacco issue would be completed within the next few days. It was agreed that the Clerk to the Committee would circulate the report to members as soon as possible after this. It was also agreed that any member of the Committee who then wished to suggest amendments to the draft report should notify them to the Clerk in advance of the next meeting. 4.Nurses Dispute and its Impact on Health Services Deputy Shatter formally moved the motion which he had submitted as follows- “That this Committee calls on the Minister for Health and Children to enter into constructive dialogue with the Nursing Alliance to bring about a resolution of the nurses strike.” Senator Glynn then formally moved the following amendment - ‘To delete all the words after “That” and substitute the following: “this Committee endorses the efforts being made by the Minister for Health and Children to bring about a resolution of the nurses strike by a process through which nursing issues can be addressed within the parameters of social partnership.”’ This amendment was tabled in the names of Deputies Michael Ahern, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, John Dennehy, Cecilia Keaveney, Brendan Kenneally, G.V Wright and Senators Dermot Fitzpatrick, Camillus Glynn and Pat Moylan. The motion and amendment were debated by the Committee. At the conclusion of the debate, the Chairman put the Question “That the amendment be made”. The Joint Committee Divided: Tá: 10; Níl 9
Question declared carried. The Chairman then put the Question “That the motion, as amended, is hereby agreed to”. Question put and agreed to. Resolved: “That this Committee endorses the efforts being made by the Minister for Health and Children to bring about a resolution of the nurses strike by a process through which nursing issues can be addressed within the parameters of social partnership.” It was agreed that the resolution of the Committee be notified to both Houses when the Committee next reports. 5.Next Meeting It was agreed to meet again in private session on Thursday 4 November to discuss Deputy Shatters draft report and any amendments submitted thereto. 6.Any Other Business There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 3.45 p.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 4 November 1999 Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee4 November 1999 The meeting was held in private session Joint Committee on Health and ChildrenProceedings of the Joint Committee25 November 1999 1.The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Batt O’Keeffe (in the chair), Michael Ahern, Paul Connaughton, Beverley Cooper-Flynn, John Dennehy, Cecilia Keaveney, Brendan Kenneally and Dan Neville. Senators *John Cregan, Kathleen O’Meara and Pat Moylan. Apologies were received from Deputies John Gormley and Alan Shatter and from Senator Mary Jackman. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting held on 4 November 1999 were agreed and signed by the Chairman. Matters Arising The Chairman referred to a letter from Deputy Alan Shatter regarding the Committees Report on Health and Smoking, adopted at the last meeting. The Committee agreed that - -the Report would be made available on the Oireachtas WEB site -the Committee would send a delegation to meet with EU Commissioner David Byrne in Brussels to discuss his proposals regarding smoking and health (overall cost to be ascertained) -a memorandum be prepared for the Committee detailing the required procedures to enable the provisions of the compellability legislation be extended to the Committee 4.Correspondence The Chairman referred to a number of items of correspondence - -a letter from the Chairman of the Working Group of Committee Chairmen, Deputy Ben Briscoe, requesting that this Committee meet in future in Room G5 to facilitate the Public Accounts Committee. The Committee decided that it could only agree to such a request if Room G5 was made wheelchair accessible. -invitations to the World AIDS Conference to be held in South Africa in July 2000 and the World Congress on Medical Law in Finland in August 2000. It was agreed to send a delegation to the two conferences, as the subject matter of both would be relevant to the work of the Committee. Overall costing to be ascertained. -a letter from Mr. Kenneth Kilduff regarding Personal Assistance Funding. It was agreed that as the provision of funding was outside the remit of the Committee, that the letter should be forwarded to the Minister for Health and Children and the relevant Health Board. -a letter and documentation from the Pathways Through Education project. It was agreed that as the matters raised were proper to the Committee on Education and Science, the correspondence would be forwarded to that Committee for attention. -a document from the Department of Health entitled “Proposal for a National Environmental Health Action Plan”. The Chairman requested Members to forward any views they may have on the document to the Clerk in advance of the next meeting. 5.Presentation by the REHAB Group The Chairman welcomed to the meeting a delegation from the REHAB Group - Angela Kerins, Director of Public Affairs and Care Services, Frank Flannery, CEO of the REHAB Group, and Cliona O’Neill, Public Affairs Assistant. The Rehab Group had been invited to address the Committee regarding the future provision of services to 1000 long term clients within the REHAB Group. The delegation then proceeded to make a short presentation to the Committee, which was followed by a question and answer session. Mr Flannery agreed to forward for the information of the Committee full details of the Rehab Groups funding. The Chairman thanked the delegation for their presentation and for answering the Committees questions. 6.Any Other Business The Chairman referred to the draft report on the Committees fact finding visit to Canada in September which had been circulated to Members. The Report, as circulated, was agreed by the Committee. There being no other business, the Committee adjourned at 10.45 a.m. Batt O’Keeffe T.D. Chairman 15 December 1999 APPENDIX 6Oireachtas Committee on Health and ChildrenWork Programme 2000IntroductionIn accordance with Standing Order 79A(4) of the Standing Orders relative to Public Business of Dáil Éireann and Standing Order 63(4) of the Standing Orders relative to Public Business of Seanad Éireann the following details the Work Programme of the Oireachtas Committees on Health and Children agreed by the Joint Committee at its meeting on dd/mm/yy. In view of the specific function of the Select Committee on Health and Children under the Orders of Reference and the resources and facilities available to the Joint Committee it is anticipated that the Joint Committee will be in a position to hold some 20 meetings in the course of 2000. It is hoped that the Joint Committee can incorporate some of the matters for consideration in with the consideration of Department of Health and Children’s Strategy Statement. Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee on Health and Children.Paragraph (2) (a) of the Order of Dáil Éireann of 13 November, 1997 and paragraph (1) (a) of the Order of Seanad Éireann of 19 November, 1997, empowers the Joint Committee to consider— “(i)such public affairs administered by the Department of Health and Children as it may select, including bodies under the aegis of that Department in respect of Government policy, (ii)such matters of policy for which the Minister in charge of that Department is officially responsible as it may select, (iii)the strategy statement laid before each House of the Oireachtas by the Minister in charge of that Department pursuant to section 5(2) of the Public Service Management Act, 1997, and shall be authorised for the purposes of section 10 of that Act, (iv)such Annual Reports or Annual Reports and Accounts, required by law and laid before either or both Houses of the Oireachtas, of bodies under the aegis of the Department(s) specified in paragraph 2(a)(i), and the overall operational results, statements of strategy and corporate plans of these bodies, as it may select. Provided that the Joint Committee shall not, at any time, consider any matter relating to such a body which is, which has been, or which is, at that time, proposed to be considered by the Committee of Public Accounts pursuant to the Orders of Reference of that Committee and/or the Comptroller and Auditor General (Amendment) Act, 1993. Provided further that the Joint Committee shall refrain from inquiring into in public session, or publishing confidential information regarding, any such matter if so requested either by the body or by the Minister in charge of that Department; and (v)such other matters as may be jointly referred to it from time to time by both Houses of the Oireachtas, and shall report thereon to both Houses of the Oireachtas.”. Accordingly, the items listed in this Work Programme will be considered by the Joint Committee within the parameters defined by the Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee, as amended from time to time. Order of Consideration of items and Amendment of Work Programme of Joint Committee on Health and Children.The items listed for consideration in this Work Programme are not in any order of priority. The Joint Committee is of the opinion that to accord priority and agree a timetable for consideration of the various items would impose a rigid structure that would not enable the Joint Committe to respond to events that may or may not occur in the course of the year. As the Committee could not be required to anticipate all developments in the area of responsibility of the Department, it has agreed that, in response to a particular event, it shall, if it deems it necessary to do so, amend this Work Programme to include further items or delete or revise existing items for consideration. Any such amendment of this Work Programme shall be laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas as soon as may be following such amendment. A.Joint Committee on Health and Children Items for Consideration: General♦Agenda 2000, For a Stronger and Wider Union; the Policies of the Union and the Challenge of Enlargement (European Commission, 1997). ♦The Strategy Statement of the Department of the Health and Children pursuant to the Public Service Management Act, 1997. (a)Policy with Minister / Minister of State (b)Administration with Secretary General / Designated Officer -Policies of Bodies under the aegis of the Department. Food Safety♦Government Policy on Food Safety in the light of recent food scares(CJD and e-Coli) -May wish to consider the holding of a Joint meeting with the Joint Committee on Agriculture, Food and the Marine on this matter. -Plans to establish a National Food Safety and Quality Authority. Safety of Blood Products♦Possibility of transmission of a new variant CJD from Blood products, Blood transfusion. ♦progress in the implementation of the recommendations of the Finlay Report. Hospital Services♦Hospital Waiting lists in particular for Cardiac Surgery and Hip Replacements. ♦Nursing Issues. ♦Cystic Fibrosis - proposals to establish a Heart / Lung Transplant facility in this country. General Medical Service♦The fragmentation of general practice and the isolation of general practioners. Skills shortages in the Health ServicesTreatment of Infectious Diseases♦Hepatitis C. ♦Aids /HIV and other S.T.D.s. ♦Meningitis - increase in incidence(if any) and recent breakthrough in the treatment of one form of the disease. Treatment of Addictions♦Alcohol,drug and substance addiction. Health services for the Elderly.♦Update on demographic trends. ♦Home Help Service and update on progress of the Interdepartmental Working Group on review of the Carers Allowance - Possibility of a Joint meeting with the Committee on Family, Community and Social Affairs on this matter. Health services for People with Disabilities.♦Provision of residential day and respite services for those with a mental or physical disability. ♦Implementation of the recommendations of the Department’s assessment of need, 1997 to 2001 of service to persons with a mental handicap and intellectual disability. Health issues for Men and Women♦Update on the Plan for Women’s Health announced in April 1997. -Possible extension of the availability of Cervical smear testing free of charge. -Waiting period for the reporting of cervical smear results. -Breast Cancer Screening Programme - progress to date on the implementation of the programme. ♦Report of the Maternity and Infant Care Scheme Review Group published in April 1997- update on progress. ♦Post Natal Depression - possibility of provision of hospital facilities in maternity hospitals where hospitalisation is required rather than admission to psychiatric hospitals. ♦Prostate Cancer Cancer♦Establishment of a National Cancer Screening Register. ♦Possible health dangers posed by use of mobile phones and the location of masts. ♦Preventative Health Measures Health PromotionMental Health♦Mental Health and the possible need for changes in this area as a result of recent court cases. ♦Evaluation of the Report of the Inspector of Mental Hospitals ♦Suicide Children♦Health services for children ♦Adoption by Irish residents of children in China -Establishment of a Voluntary Contact Register for adult adoptees to contact both natural parents. ♦Abuse of Children - 1987 guidelines on procedures for the identification, investigation and management of child abuse. ♦Residential Child Care in Ireland - implementation of the provisions in Child Care Act 1991. ♦Implementation of those provisions in Part VII of the Child Care Act 1991 relating to the regulations governing safety and health standards in pre school services. ♦Review of the provisions in Part II of the Child Care Act 1991 in relation to Family Support Services. ♦Funding for the Diagnosis and the support services available to sufferers of Attention Deficit Disorder. ♦Implementation of the UN Charter on the Rights of the Child B.Such other matters as may be referred by both Houses. C.Such other matters under the Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee as it may decide. D.Subject to Standing Order 78 A of the Standing Orders of Dáil Éireann relative to Public Business and Standing Order 62A of the Standing Orders of Seanad Éireann relative to Public Business, the Committee may decide to undertake Travel as necessary in the context of a matter under consideration. E.Dáil Select Committee on Health and Children Consideration of:- -Bills referred to the Committee by Dáil Éireann -Estimates for Public Services within the aegis of the Department of Health and Children. * Deputy Shatter did not attend the Conference in Denver. ** Deputy Gormley accompanied the delegation to Washington only. 1 Senator Kathleen O’Meara was appointed in place of Senator Pat Gallagher on 4 November, 1999 2 Deputy Liz McManus was appointed in place of Deputy Róisín Shortall on 24 February, 1999 * In substitution for Senator Jackman for part of meeting. ** In substitution for Senator Fitzpatrick. * In substitution for Senator Fitzpatrick. * In substitution for Deputy Shortall ** In substitution for Senator Fitzpatrick. * In substitution for Deputy Deirdre Clune. * In substitution for Senator Dermot Fitzpatrick.. * In substitution for Senator Dermot Fitzpatrick.. * In substitution for Senator Dermot Fitzpatrick. ** In substitution for Senator Pat Moylan * In substitution for Senator Dermot Fitzpatrick. * in substitution for Deputy G.V. Wright. ** in substitution for Deputy Paul Bradford for part of meeting. *** in substitution for Senator Pat Gallagher * In substitution for Senator Fitzpatrick. |
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