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IntroductionI am pleased to present the first Annual Report of the Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Service The Joint Committee initiated an important review of banking policy during the year which led to the Committee’s report on “The Regulation and Supervision of Financial Institutions”. The Committee also reviewed the Strategy Statement of the Department of Finance and is currently considering government proposals for a Standards in Public Office Bill. The Committee’s work programme, which is appended, indicates other areas to be pursued by the Committee during the coming year. Michael Ahern T.D., Chairman 16 December 1998. JOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICE
List of Members:
Number of meetings held/attendance.The following tables summarise the number of meetings held by the Joint Committee and Select Committee and the details of attendance by members. JOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICE ATTENDANCE
A = Apologies * = Substitution
A = Apologies * = Substitution
A = Apologies * = Substitution
BILLS AND ESTIMATESThe Select Committee on Finance and the Public Service considered the following Bills and Estimates during this year:-
WORK OF THE COMMITTEE1.Joint Committee The Joint Committee met on sixteen occasions since it was established by Order of the Dáil and Seanad in November, 1997. The Select Committee met on nine occasions and joint sittings were held on two occasions. The inaugural meeting of the Joint Committee was held on 2 December 1997, at which Deputy Michael Ahern was elected Chairman. Much of the work of the Joint Committee in the early months was taken up with a review of Banking Policy. Reports on The Regulation and Supervision of Financial Institutions (Interim and Final) were published in June and July, 1998, respectively. The conclusions and recommendations followed detailed consultation with the following: •The Secretary General, Department of Finance •The Governor of the Central Bank •The Chairman of the Revenue Commissioners •The Director of Consumer Affairs and •Representatives of the Irish Bankers’ Federation. The Joint Committee also made a comparative study of the regulation/supervision of financial institutions in six European Union Member States in June, 1998, as well as studying current documents and other background material received from the United Kingdom’s Financial Services Authority. Following the laying of the reports before both Houses of the Oireachtas and the relevant Government Departments, the Department of Industry, Trade and Employment, in consultation with the Department of Finance, decided to set up a group of experts with a view to reporting back urgently on the establishment of a comprehensive financial services authority in Ireland. The Joint Committee looks forward to implementation of its recommendations in full. In July, 1998, by Order of the Dáil and Seanad, Government proposals for a Standards in Public Office Bill were referred to the Joint Committee for consideration in consultation with the Select Committees on Members Interests of the Dáil and Seanad. The proposals are currently under detailed consideration and it is expected that a report and recommendations will be agreed during the first quarter of 1999. Due to the technical nature of the subject the Joint Committee decided to retain the services of a legal adviser to assist it in its consideration of the proposals. The Joint Committee considered the Strategy Statement of the Department of Finance on 21 October 1998. 2.Dáil Select Committee The Dáil Select Committee met on nine occasions during the year to consider Bills and Estimates relating to the Department of the Taoiseach and the Department of Finance. Details at section 6 above. The official reports of the above were published and printed separately TRAVEL BY JOINT COMMITTEEThe Joint Committee was represented by the following Members on the occasion of (a) International Conferences or (b) fact-finding visits abroad. BRUSSELS 14-15 April 1998 Meeting of the Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs. (The Committee was represented by Deputy Michael Ahern). STOCKHOLM, BONN, FRANKFURT AND COPENHAGEN 8-12 June 1998 Meeting with Finance Departments and Central Banks, with regard to the review of Banking Policies. (The Committee was represented by Deputy Michael Ahern, Deputy John Dennehy and Deputy Derek McDowell). VIENNA, AMSTERDAM, THE HAGUE AND PARIS 8-12 June 1998 Meeting with Finance Departments and Central Banks, with regard to the review of Banking Policies. (The Committee was represented by Deputy Jimmy Deenihan, Deputy Michael Noonan and Deputy Seán Fleming). KILLARNEY 12 October 1998 Conference on “The Environmental Benefits of Cohesion Fund Investment”. (The Committee was represented by Deputy Liam Lawlor, Deputy John Dennehy and Senator Michael Finneran). BRUSSELS 3 November 1998 Meeting with Sub-Committee on Monetary Affairs, on the adoption of the EURO. (The Committee was represented by Deputy Michael Ahern). BRUSSELS 9-10 November 1998 Meeting of European parliament’s Committee on Budgetary Control and Committee on Civil Liberties and Internal Affairs. (The Committee was represented by Deputy Michael Ahern). CANADA 16 - 21 November, 1998 Meetings in Ottawa and Toronto - comparative study of ethics in public office regulations, at federal and provincial parliament level. (The Committee was represented by Deputies Michael Ahern, John Dennehy, Louis Belton, Pat Rabbitte and Senator Michael Finneran). BRUSSELS 23 November 1998 Meeting with the European Parliament’s Committee on Budgets. (The Committee was represented by Deputy Liam Lawlor). WORK PROGRAMMEAttached is a copy of the Committee’s Work Programme as adopted at its meeting on 18 February 1998. JOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICEWORK PROGRAMME, 1998The Joint Committee, in a structured manner, during 1998, will review specific major areas of policy falling within the remit of the Taoiseach and the Minister for Finance. As part of that process, the Taoiseach and the Minister for Finance may be invited to appear before the Committee to outline policy and respond to detailed questions. The Committee will then produce a series of reports containing conclusions and recommendations and lay them before the Houses of the Oireachtas. Where necessary, the Committee will seek also submissions from the public and may, from time to time, engage consultants with particular expertise, to advise and assist it in its work. The following are the major policy area that the Joint Committee intends reviewing, or commencing work on, during 1998: 1.Review of European Monetary Union. 2.Review of European Union Cohesion Fund and Structural Funds. 3.Review of the existing regulatory procedures in relation to financial institutions. 4.Review of public service superannuation, pensions and allowances schemes. 5.Review of Central Information Technology Service. 6.Review of Department of Finance Consultancy Service Scheme. The items listed for consideration in the Joint Committee’s work programme are not in any order of priority; the Joint Committee will decide on an overall approach in the light of actual experience. Apart from the above list, it is likely that other relevant issues will arise during the year, which will require the attention of the Joint Committee, and those will be addressed as and when the need arises. Bodies under the aegis of the Departments •Department of the Taoiseach; National Economic and Social Council. •Department of Finance; Economic and Social Research Institute, Institute of Public Administration. Strategy Statement and the Strategic Management Initiative The Department of the Taoiseach and the Department of Finance have been requested to furnish the Joint Committee with details relating to strategy statements and SMI reports. The Committee will consider the documents in detail and report annually on the progress made by the Departments in relation to the achievement of aims and objectives in that regard. Travel It is likely that issues will arise during 1998, which will require the Joint Committee to be represented at international conferences and/or further inform itself, as part of the input to policy issues under review etc. Select Committee Under Paragraph (1) of its Orders of Reference the Select Committee will consider such Bills and Estimates as shall be referred to it by Dáil Éireann from time to time. Michael Ahern T.D., Chairman February, 1998 The Proceedings of each meeting (excluding private session) are also attached:JOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICE, PROCEEDINGS OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE, TUESDAY. 2 DECEMBER, 1997.1.The Joint Committee held its inaugural meeting at 5 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance: The following Members were present: Michael Ahern, Louis J Belton, Eddie Bohan, John Browne, Jimmy Deenihan, John Dennehy, Michael Finneran, Seán Fleming, Denis Foley, Liam Lawlor, Michael Noonan, Batt O’Keeffe, Pat Rabbitte and Tom Fitzgerald in substitution for John Dardis. Apologies from Senator Avril Doyle. 3.Election of Chairman: The Clerk (in the Chair), requested nominations for the election of Chairman of the Joint Committee. Deputy Michael Ahern, on the proposal of Deputy Dennehy, was nominated. As there were no other nominations, Deputy Ahern was declared elected and invited to take the Chair. The Chairman thanked the Members on his election and paid tribute to the former Chairman of the Select Committee on Finance and General Affairs, Deputy Jim Mitchell. He added that the question of election of a Vice-Chairman could be included on the agenda for the next meeting - agreed. 4.Supplementary Estimates The Chairman indicated that the Select Committee, appointed under paragraph 1 of the terms of reference, would consider Supplementary Estimates within the remit of the Minister for Finance. The meeting would take place on Tuesday, 9 December at 6 p.m. Relevant briefing material would be circulated in advance. 5.Any Other Business. Work programme: It was agreed that a work programme would be drawn up for consideration by the Joint Committee at future meetings - Members were invited to make proposals/suggestions for inclusion in the work programme. Frequency of meetings: It was agreed that, in general, the Joint Committee would meet twice monthly and that the Select Committee would meet as and when required to consider Bills and Estimates. Resources: The Chairman summarised the resources available to assist the Committee in its work. There was also access to such consultants/post-graduate assistance as may be required from time to time. Travel: The Chairman informed the Committee that all proposals for travel fell within rules laid down by the CPP sub-Committee on Dáil Reform and administrative regulations governing such expenditure. Copies of the rules would be circulated for information. 6.Date of next meeting It was agreed that the Joint Committee would next meet on Tuesday, 20 January, 1998. 7.Adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 5.20 p.m. Michael Ahern T.D., Chairman 17 December, 1997 JOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICE, PRO CEEDINGS OF THE JOINT COMMITTEE, WEDNESDAY, 17 DECEMBER, 19971.The Joint Committee met at 12.05p.m. in Room G5, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Michael Ahern (Chairman), John Browne (Wexford), Jimmy Deenihan, John Dennehy, Seán Fleming, Denis Foley, Liam Lawlor, Derek McDowell, Michael Noonan, Batt O’Keeffe and David Stanton and Senators Eddie Bohan, John Dardis and Michael Finneran. Apologies from Senator Avril Doyle. 3.Minutes The minutes of the inaugural meeting held on 2 December, 1997 were agreed and signed. 4.Election of Vice-Chairman. Deputy Liam Lawlor, was proposed and seconded for the position of Vice-Chairman of the Joint Committee by Deputies Foley and Browne (Wexford). As there were no other nominations, Deputy Lawlor was deemed elected. 5.Draft Work Programme. The Joint Committee discussed an outline work programme. It was agreed that the Minister for Finance should be invited to an early meeting to discuss European Monetary Union and the Euro. In the meantime the Department of Finance would be requested to supply the Committee with a position paper on EU Cohesion Funds and Structural Funds. Members were invited to submit further proposals for inclusion in the work programme; to be finalised at the next meeting. 6.Any Other Business. i.It was agreed to meet in Joint Committee every second Wednesday, the time of meetings to be decided. ii.There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 12.15 p.m. Michael Ahern T.D., Chairman 14 January, 1998 Joint Committee on Finance and the Public ServiceProceedings of the Joint CommitteeMinutes of Meeting of 14 January, 1998.1.The Joint Committee met in Room G5, Kildare House at 11.a.m. 2.Attendance: The following Members were present: Eddie Bohan, John Browne, John Dardis, Jimmy Deenihan, John Dennehy, Avril Doyle, Seán Fleming, Derek McDowell, Brendan McGahon, Michael Noonan, Pat Rabbitte, David Stanton and Tom Fitzgerald in substitution for Michael Finneran. 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed. Matters arising: The Chairman informed the committees that briefing had been sought from the Department of Finance on Structural and Cohesion Funds and European Monetary Union. Material received had been circulated; the Department would be providing more comprehensive material on EMU shortly. 4.Work Programme It was agreed to finalise the work programme at the following meeting, subject to any amendments or additions that may be proposed in the interval. 5.European Monetary Union There was a preliminary discussion on EMU, in advance of the meeting with the Minister for Finance on 4 February. It was generally agreed that the Minister should brief the Committee as comprehensively as possible on EMU on 4 February. Some Members were concerned to ensure that speculation on Ireland’s future position in relation to our exchange rate did not put pressure on the rate of inflation and overall economic performance. There was also some discussion on the effects on our economy of the current exchange rate difference between Sterling and the Irish Punt. The impact of higher import prices on domestic consumer expenditure needed to be closely monitored. It was felt that the impact of EMU on the Irish economy should be clarified by the launching of a comprehensive information and publicity campaign, aimed at the general public, as well as the educational sector. The Chairman agreed to follow up that aspect with the Minister for Finance and the Minister for Education. On the question of control of public expenditure it was agreed that a comparative study of the practice in other countries should be undertaken. Preliminary data could be obtained from the Department of Finance and from Finance Committees in other countries. Members also wished to pursue the question of Ireland’s position within the EU post-1999. This could also be raised with the Minister at the next meeting. The effects of EU enlargement on Ireland’s future status was another issue that needed to be explored further. In relation to Structural and Cohesion Funds it was agreed that officials in the Department of Finance, as well as in the ESRI and in the Commission, responsible for evaluation of the Funds, should be invited to a future meeting of the Committee with a view to an exchange of views. 6.Any Other Business It was agreed that the Secretary-General of the Department of Finance would be invited to discuss the Department’s Strategic Management Initiative during the year. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 12.15 p.m. Michael Ahern T.D., Chairman 4 February, 1998 JOINT SESSIONMINUTES OF PROCEEDINGSJOINT COMMITTEE ON ENTERPRISE AND SMALL BUSINESSJOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICEWEDNESDAY, 4 FEBRUARY, 19981.A joint meeting of the Joint Committee on Enterprise and Small Business and the Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Service was held in Room G2, Kildare House at 11 a.m. 2.Attendance: The following Members were present: Deputies Michael Ahern, Louis Belton, Jimmy Deenihan, John Dennehy, Seán Fleming, Denis Foley, Derek McDowell, Michael Noonan, Pat Rabbitte, David Stanton and Senators Eddie Bohan, John Dardis, Avril Doyle, Joe O’ Toole. 3.European Monetary Union The Chairman, Deputy Michael Ahern, welcomed the Minister for Finance, Mr. Charlie McCreevy TD and invited him to address the meeting. The Minister informed the meeting of the current situation regarding European Monetary Union and its expected impact on the Irish economy after 1999. There followed an exchange of views. The Minister agreed to meet separately with the Joint Committee on Enterprise and Small Business to discuss the impact of EMU on small businesses in Ireland. It was agreed that a short report on the proceedings would be drawn up for laying before both Houses of the Oireachtas. 4.Suspension of sitting The sitting was suspended between 12.25 p.m. and 12.45 p.m. due to a Vote in the Dáil 5.Structural Funds and Cohesion Funds. It was agreed to defer consideration of this item to a later meeting, provisionally agreed for March, 1998. The Chairman, on behalf of the Members, thanked the Minister for attending the meeting. 6.Any Other Business There being no further business the joint meeting adjourned sine die. Michael Ahern T.D., Chairman 18 February, 1998 JOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICEPROCEEDINGS OF THE JOINT COMMITTEEWEDNESDAY, 18 FEBRUARY, 1998.1.The Joint Committee met at 6 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Michael Ahern, Jimmy Deenihan, John Dennihy, Seán Fleming, Denis Foley, Liam Lawlor, Batt O’Keeffe, Pat Rabbitte, David Stanton and Senators John Dardis, Avril Doyle and Michael Finneran. 3.Minutes of the previous meeting The minutes of the meeting of 14 January were approved and signed. Matters arising: The Chairman informed the Committee that (a) he had received a submission on taxation from Mr. Joe Stanley, representing the Irish Registered Nursing Homes Association- it was agreed that the issues raised could be referred to in the context of the Committee Stage of the Finance Bill, 1998 (b) acknowledgements had been received from the Minister for Finance and the Minister for Education, following the Committee’s correspondence about raising public awareness on the subject of European Monetary Union. 4.Meeting with the Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland The Chairman welcomed the Governor of the Central Bank of Ireland, Mr. Maurice O’Connell and his advisers, Mr. Tom O’Connell and Mr. Pat Neary. The Governor was invited to address the Committee, during which he spoke on the Economy, EMU, exchange rate policy and interest rates. He also addressed the question of the Central Bank’s supervisory role and its relationship with Irish financial institutions. The text of the Governor’s address was circulated to the meeting. There followed an exchange of views with the Members, during which concerns were expressed on a number of issues, including the perceived lack of supervision of certain financial institutions, particularly in relation to off-shore accounts; and also in relation to the escalation of house prices on the domestic market. The Chairman thanked the Governor and his advisers for attending. 5.Work Programme The Committee’s draft work programme was agreed, prior to being laid before both Houses. 6.Any Other Business The Chairman informed the meeting that the Select Committee would consider the Committee Stage of the Finance Bill, 1998 on 4-5 March. The Chairman indicated that he had been invited to a one-day meeting of the European parliament’s Committee on Economic and Monetary Affairs in Brussels on 14 April. The topic was related to the Committee’s work programme. It was agreed that the Chairman and an official should attend the meeting. 7.Adjournment There being no further business the Committee adjourned at 7.35 p.m. Michael Ahern T.D., Chairman 25 March, 1998 JOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICEMINUTES OF PROCEEDINGWEDNESDAY, 25 MARCH, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 6.10 p.m. in Room G5, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Michael Ahern (Chairman), Jimmy Deenihan, John Dennehy, Denis Foley, Derek McDowell, David G. Stanton and Senators Michael Finneran and Joe O’Toole. An apology for inability to attend was received from Deputy Michael Noonan. 3.Minutes of the previous meeting The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed Matters arising: Condolences on the death of Deputy Hugh Coveney The Chairman, on behalf of the Committee, recorded the condolences of the Members on the death of Deputy Hugh Coveney on 14 March. It was agreed that the Chairman would send a letter of condolence to the family on the Committee’s behalf. 4.European Monetary Union The Chairman welcomed Mr. Peter Cassells, General Secretary, and Mr. Manus O’Riordan, of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions. Mr. Cassels made a short presentation to the Committee on the views of ICTU in relation to the impact of EMU on their members. There followed an exchange of views with the members. The Chairman thanked Mr. Cassels and Mr. O’Riordan for attending the meeting. The Chairman then welcomed Mr. Brian Geoghegan, Mr. David Craughan and Mr. Abheric McGibney, of the Irish Business and Employers Confederation (IBEC). Mr. Geoghegan made a short presentation to the Committee and this was followed by an exchange of views. On conclusion the Chairman thanked the IBEC representatives for attending the meeting. 5.Any Other Business It was agreed to invite representatives of the agricultural community (IFA, ICMSA and ICOS) to a Committee meeting on 8 April, as part of the on-going discussion on EMU. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 8.15 p.m.. Michael Ahern T.D., Chairman 1 April, 1998 JOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICEMINUTES OF PROCEEDINGWEDNESDAY, 1 APRIL, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 11.30 a.m. in Room G5, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Michael Ahern (Chairman), Jimmy Deenihan, John Dennehy, Seán Fleming, Denis Foley, Liam Lawlor, Derek McDowell, Brendan McGahon, Michael Noonan, Pat Rabbitte and Senators John Dardis, Avril Doyle and Michael Finneran. An apology for inability to attend was received from Senator Joe O’Toole. 3.Minutes of the previous meeting The minutes of the meeting of 25 March were approved and signed. 4.Suspension of sitting Due to a vote in the Dáil the meeting was suspended from 11.35 - 11.50 a.m. 5.Review of Banking Policy The Chairman welcomed Mr. Maurice O’Connell, Governor of the Central Bank, Mr. P.H. Mullarkey, Secretary General, Department of Finance and Mr. Cathal MacDomhnaill, Chairman of the Revenue Commissioners. The Chairman outlined the terms of the review to be undertaken and indicated that it was not the role of the Committee to enquire specifically into the case of the National Irish Bank. He also referred to the position on privilege in so far as Members and witnesses were concerned. The witnesses were invited to make short opening statements and this was followed by a question and answer session. Members expressed concern about recent revelations concerning the commercial banking system, particularly in relation to the National Irish Bank. The view was that the Central Bank and the Department of Finance needed to resolve urgently any omissions that existed in their supervisory and regulatory roles in relation to the banking sector as a whole. Both the Central Bank and the Department of Finance referred to the statutory confidentiality constraints that exist at present, but acknowledged that the protection of consumers was also paramount. In that regard it would probably be necessary to amend existing legislation and/or extend the powers and remit of the Director of Consumer Affairs. The Chairman of the Revenue Commissioners outlined Revenue procedures so far as tax audits and inspections of the banking sector are concerned. On conclusion the Chairman thanked the witnesses, on behalf of the Committee, for their contribution to the discussion. 6.Adjournment There being no other business the meeting adjourned at 2.05 p.m. Michael Ahern T.D., Chairman 22 April, 1998 JOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICEMINUTES OF PROCEEDINGSWEDNESDAY, 22 APRIL, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 6.05 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Michael Ahern (Chairman), Jimmy Deenihan, John Dennehy, Seán Fleming, Liam Lawlor, Derek McDowell, Michael Noonan, Pat Rabbitte, David G. Stanton and Senators John Dardis, Avril Doyle and Michael Finneran. An apology for inability to attend was received from Senator Joe O’Toole. 3.Minutes of the previous meeting The minutes of the meeting of 1 April were approved and signed. Matters arising:- (i)The Chairman reported on his attendance at a meeting of the European Monetary Affairs Committee in Brussels on 14 April. A report of the meeting was circulated. (ii)It was agreed to meet the I.F.A., ICOS and the ICMSA at the meeting on 6 May, to discuss Economic and Monetary Union. 4.Review of Banking Policy The Chairman welcomed the following representatives of the Irish Bankers Federation: Mr. James Bardon, Director General, Mr. Frank Sexton, Deputy Director General and Mr. Felix O’Regan, Head of Information. Mr. Bardon was invited to make a short presentation on the IBF’s role in the commercial banking sector, after which there was an exchange of views. Members expressed concern about the recent revelations regarding certain banks and were of the view that the IBF should be more proactive in terms of supervision and control of its members activities. Mr. Bardon stressed, however, that the IBF was not a disciplinary or a self-regulating organisation. He added that certain additional information requested by the Committee would be forwarded at an early date. The Chairman thanked the IBF representatives for their contribution to the debate and they then withdrew from the meeting. The director of Consumer Affairs, Mr. William Fagan, was welcomed by the Chairman to the meeting. He addressed the meeting on his role in relation to consumer protection in the Banking Sector. His Office had retained the services of consultants to undertake a comprehensive spot-check survey of banks across Ireland. The results were now being analysed. As part of the enquiry into bank charges the Director indicated that he was also in discussion with the Irish Bankers Federation. He was also liaising with the Garda Fraud Squad and the Central Bank. Certain concerns were under on-going examination. There followed an exchange of views, during which Members again expressed concern about the apparent gaps in existing regulations relating to consumer protection in relation to banking matters. It was agreed, following discussion on the resources (legislative and financial) available to the Director of Consumer Affairs, that he would send a submission to the Committee at an early date. The Chairman thanked the Director and he then withdrew. 5.Adjournment There being no other business the Committee adjourned at 8.30 p.m. Michael Ahern T.D., Chairman 6 May, 1998 JOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICEMINUTES OF PROCEEDINGSWEDNESDAY 6 MAY 19981.The Joint Committee met at 12 noon in room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following members were present: Deputies Michael Ahern (Chairman), Jimmy Deenihan, Denis Foley, Batt O’Keeffe, Pat Rabbitte, David G. Stanton and Senators Eddie Bohan, John Dardis, Michael Finneran and Joe O’Toole. Apologies: Deputy Michael Noonan and Senator Avril Doyle. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 22 April were approved and signed. 4.Economic and Monetary Union The Chairman welcomed representatives of farming organisations: Mr. Frank Allen, President, ICMSA; and Mr. Kieran Dolan and Martin Varley, ICOS There followed an exchange of views of the effect of EMU on agriculture in the transition period and on completion of full participation in EMU. It was generally accepted that competitiveness and exchange rate differences with sterling could pose potential problems. The effects of Ireland’s changeover to the Euro would be complex and hopefully beneficial in the long term. The development of hypermarkets in Ireland (which may import an increasing percentage of goods) and access to new markets abroad were other issues that would have an impact on the farming community. The Chairman thanked the ICMSA and ICOS representatives for their participation. 5.Any Other Business (i)The Chairman reminded the meeting that two delegations from the Committee would be visiting six EU Member States, 8-12 June, in connection with the review of banking policy. (ii)Senator Finneran proposed that the Committee review land policy. 6.Adjournment There being no further business, the Committee adjourned at 1.30 p.m. Michael Ahern, T.D., Chairman 1 July, 1998 JOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICEMINUTES OF PROCEEDINGSWEDNESDAY 1 JULY, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 2.10 p.m. in room G5, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following members were present: Deputies Michael Ahern (Chairman), Louis J. Belton, Denis Foley, Derek McDowell Michael Noonan, Pat Rabbitte and Senators John Dardis, Avril Doyle and Michael Finneran. Apologies: Senator Joe O’Toole. 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed. Matters arising: In response to Deputy Noonan the Chairman indicated that a review of land policy (referred to in the minutes) had not been formally decided on. 4.Correspondence (i)The Chairman indicated that pre-budget submissions received from Concern, Trócaire and others would be referred to the Select Committee for consideration. (ii)A letter received from Mr. Alan Donnelly M.E.P., European Parliament invited the Chairman to Brussels in September/October, 1998 to debate fiscal and monetary matters in a forum with MEP’s and Chairmen of the other EU Member States. It was agreed that the Chairman should attend. 5.Consideration of draft report on the Regulation and Supervision of Financial Institutions The Chairman brought forward. Following a brief initial discussion it was decided that the draft report should be adopted and published as an interim report; the Committee to consider any proposed amendments to the text at the next meeting of the Joint Committee on Tuesday, 14 July. (i)The Report, appendices together with Minutes of Evidence, agreed to as an Interim Report. (ii)Ordered: The Report to be laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas and to be printed and published -agreed to. 6.Any Other Business There being no further business the Committee adjourned at 2.20 p.m. Michael Ahern, T.D., Chairman 21 July, 1998 Joint Meeting of the Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Service and Joint Committee on Enterprise and Small BusinessProceedings of the Joint SessionTuesday, 21 July 1998.1.The Committees met in joint session at 11.30a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:- Deputies Michael Ahern (Chairman), Seán Ardagh, Louis J. Belton, Andrew Boylan, Tommy Broughan, Ivor Callely (Chairman), Brendan Daly, John Dennehy, *Proinsias De Rossa, Seán Fleming, Denis Foley, Liam Lawlor, Conor Lenihan, Brendan McGahon, Michael Noonan, Noel O’Flynn, Batt O’Keeffe, Nora Owen, John Perry, David G. Stanton, and Senators Eddie Bohan, Paul Coghlan, Margaret Cox, Avril Doyle, Willie Farrell, Mary Henry and ** Pat Moylan. *Substitute for Deputy Pat Rabbitte. **Substitute for Senator Michael Finneran. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputy John McGuinness. 3.Vote of Sympathy The meeting, on the proposal of the Chairman (Deputy Ahern) passed a vote of sympathy to the family of Deputy John Browne (Wexford) on the death of his daughter in a recent road accident. 4.Insurance Ombudsman The Chairman welcomed Ms. Paulyn Marrinan Quinn, Insurance Ombudsman. Ms. Marrinan Quinn, having presented the Chairman with a “Digest of Cases, 1992-1998”, made a short introductory statement including an overview of her work. There followed an exchange of views via a question and answer session on current issues and practices in the insurance industry. Members expressed concern about recent complaints of alleged malpractices, including “churning”, which involved clients being pressurised to take out new insurance policies in place of old ones, generally at no nett gain to the clients. Reference was also made to allegations of undue influence being exerted on the Ombudsman on the content of her annual report. Members agreed with the Ombudsman’s contention that the independence and autonomy of her Office were pivotal to its success. The role of the Director of Consumer Affairs in that context was also discussed. The Chairman of the Joint Committee on Enterprise and Small Business, Deputy Callely, commended the Ombudsman for her role in protecting the interest of consumers in the insurance area. The Chairman, on behalf of the joint meeting, thanked the Ombudsman for attending. The joint session concluded at 1.06p.m. [Members of the Joint Committee on Enterprise and Small Business withdrew] 5.The Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Service met at 1.08p.m. 6.Draft Report on Review of Banking Policy - The Regulation and Supervision of Financial Institutions The Chairman brought forward the draft report which was read as follows: (i)Paragraph 10, Agreed (ii)Paragraph 2, Agreed (iii)Paragraph 3.1, as amended, Agreed (iv)Paragraph 3.2 Agreed (v)Paragraphs 4 to 6 inclusive, Agreed (vi)Appendices, Agreed.
7.Any Other Business (a)The Chairman informed the meeting that by Order of both Houses of 3 July 1998 proposals for a Standards in Public Office Bill had been referred to the Joint Committee for consideration in consultation with the Standing Committees on Members’ Interests of the Dáil and Seanad. It was agreed that matters to be considered included: (i)a briefing from the Department of Finance. (ii)consultation with the Public Offices Commission. (iii)the question of whether to seek submissions or legal advice. (b)Arising from the earlier meeting with the Insurance Ombudsman Members felt that the matter should be pursued further, possibly by inviting representatives of the Board and Council of the Insurance Industry to attend. The Chairman reminded the meeting that the issues was primarily for the Joint Committee on Enterprise and Small Business, but that he could follow up with the Chairman, Deputy Callely. 8.Adjournment There being no further business the Joint Committee adjourned at 2.02p.m. Michael Ahern T.D., Chairman. 23 September 1998. JOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICEMINUTES OF PROCEEDINGSWEDNESDAY 23 SEPTEMBER. 19981.The Joint Committee met at 6.00 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following members were present: Deputies Michael Ahern (Chairman), John Dennehy, Seán Fleming, *Tony Killeen, Liam Lawlor, Derek McDowell, Brendan McGahon, and Senators **Frank Chambers, John Dardis, and ***Brian Mullooly (Cathaoirleach of the Seanad). Apologies were received from Deputies Denis Foley, Michael Noonan and David G. Stanton and Senator Joe O’Toole. Substitutes: *Deputy John Browne (Wexford) **Senator Michael Finneran ***Senator Eddie Bohan 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed. 4.Correspondence (i)Pre-Budget Submissions: It was agreed that the Committee would not consider pre-Budget submissions. Any correspondence received would be acknowledged and passed to the Minister for Finance, with the agreement of the correspondent. (ii)Conference in Killarney, 12 October It was agreed that a delegation of three Members would attend a conference on “The Environmental Benefits of Cohesion Fund Investment” following receipt of an invitation from the Minister for the Environment and Local Government. The conference agenda falls within the Committee’s remit. (iii)The Chairman indicated that he had received two letters of invitation to attend meetings in Brussels (a)3 November - to discuss progress on the third stage of economic and monetary union. (b)23 November - examination of own resources for the European Union budget. It was agreed that the Chairman should attend both meetings, which fall within the Committee’s remit. Members expressed concern about the cost of full economy airfares to Brussels and sought details on other fare options. 5.Standards in Public Office Proposals The Chairman welcomed the Chairmen of the Dáil and Seanad Standing Committees on Members’ Interests, Deputy Tony Killeen and Cathaoirleach of the Seanad, Senator Brian Mullooly. It was agreed that the Joint Committee would need professional legal advice. In that context it was further agreed the Committee would seek the services of the legal adviser available to the two Standing Committees, Messrs. A. & L. Goodbody, Solicitors. The Chairman also confirmed that he would be seeking additional staffing resources to assist the Committee in its review. 6.Any Other Business There being no further business the Committee adjourned at 7.27p.m. Michael Ahern T.D., Chairman. 7 October 1998. JOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICEMINUTES OF PROCEEDINGSWEDNESDAY 7 OCTOBER. 19981.The Joint Committee met at 6.00 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following members were present: Deputies Michael Ahern (Chairman), Louis J. Belton, Jimmy Deenihan, Seán Fleming, Denis Foley, Liam Lawlor, Michael Noonan and David Stanton. Senators John Dardis, Avril Doyle, Michael Finneran and Joe O’Toole. Apologies were received from Deputy John Dennehy. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 23 September, 1998 were approved and signed. 4.Matters Arising It was agreed that Deputies Dennehy, Lawlor and Senator Finneran would attend the Environment Conference (re Cohesion Funds) to be held in Killarney on Monday, 12 October, 1998 5.Correspondence Interparliamentary Conference on the Protection of Community Interests of Community Citizens, Brussels, 9 - 10 November. The Chairman brought forward an invitation received from the President of the European Parliament. The subject fell within the Joint Committee’s terms of reference and was of direct interest to its work. The Committee agreed to send the Chairman and one Opposition Member, subject to additional funds being made available by the Working Group of Chairmen. 6.Proposals for a Standards in Public Office bill (i)Legal Advice: It was agreed that the Joint Committee, in the interests of consistency, would seek the same legal advisers engaged by the Standing Committees on Members’ Interests - Messrs. A. & L. Goodbody - subject to (a) the agreement of the Department of Finance; and (b) at fees falling within the limits laid down by the Department. The Committee also reserved the right to seek other independent legal advice when necessary. (ii)Staffing: The Committee was of the view that an official with relevant expertise on the proposals before the Committee should be sought from the Department of Finance. (iii)Meetings in Public and/or Private: After discussion, the Committee agreed that it should hold its meetings in public, except in circumstances where it was felt necessary to have certain briefings in private session. (iv)Written Submissions: It was agreed to seek submissions on the proposals, subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act. (vi)Review of existing relevant legislation: It was agreed to review the Ethics in Public Office Act, 1995 and the Electoral (Amendment) Act, 1998 insofar as they had an impact on the current proposals before the Committee. (vii)It was also agreed to invite the Public Offices Commission to brief the Committee on its work to date. 7.Any Other Business There being no further business the Committee adjourned at 6.40 pm until Wednesday, 21 October, 1998. Michael Ahern T.D., Chairman. 21 October 1998 JOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICEMINUTES OF PROCEEDINGSWEDNESDAY 21 OCTOBER, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 6.00 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following members were present: Deputies Michael Ahern (Chairman), Jimmy Deenihan, Seán Fleming, Denis Foley, and Derek McDowell. Senators *Frank Chambers, John Dardis, Avril Doyle, Michael Finneran and **Brendan Ryan. Substitutes Senators *Eddie Bohan and **Joe O’Toole 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed. The Chairman informed the meeting that a letter had been issued to the Ombudsman, in his role as a member of the Public Offices Commission, inviting representatives of the Commission to brief the Committee as part of its review of the Standards in Public Office proposals. 4.Advertising Proposal: The Committee agreed to advertise in the newspapers for written submissions from members of the public on the Standards in Public Office proposals (subject to additional funding of £5,000 being approved by the Working Group of Committee Chairmen). 5.Department of Finance Strategy Statement On behalf of the Joint Committee, the Chairman welcomed Mr. P.H. Mullarkey, Secretary-General, Mr. John Hurley, Secretary, Department of Finance and their senior officials Mr. Robert Curran, Mr. Noel O’Gorman, Mr. Eric Embleton and Mr. Michael Tutty. Mr. Mullarkey and his officials briefed the Committee on the Department’s Strategy Statement and their roles in relation to progressing its aims and objectives. There followed an exchange of views on the key elements in the Strategy Statement. (Senator Finneran in the Chair from 7.12 p.m. - 7.30 p.m. by agreement). (Deputy Deenihan in the Chair from 8.25 p.m. to 8.27 p.m. by agreement). On conclusion, the Acting Chairman thanked the Secretary-General and his officials for attending. It was agreed that a short report would be drawn up by the Committee to be laid before both Houses. 6.Any Other Business There being no further business the Committee adjourned at 8.27 p.m. Michael Ahern T.D., Chairman. 4 November 1998. JOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICEPROCEEDINGS OF THE JOINT COMMITTEEWEDNESDAY, 4 NOVEMBER, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 6.00 p.m. in Room, G5, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Michael Ahern (in the Chair), Louis J. Belton, John Browne (Wexford), Jimmy Deenihan, John Dennehy, Sean Fleming, Denis Foley, Derek McDowell and Pat Rabbitte and Senators John Dardis, Avril Doyle and Michael Finneran. 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were approved and signed. Matters Arising: (i)Sub-Committee on Strategic Management: It was agreed in principle (a) to establish a Sub-Committee, being seven members; four Government and three Opposition members and (b) to approve the engagement of a consultant, if considered necessary, by the Sub-Committee. (ii)The Chairman reported on a meeting attended on 3 November in Brussels (re European Central Bank and European Monetary Policy). 4.Proposals for a Standards in Public Office Bill. (i)Legal Advice: The Chairman indicated that Messrs. A. & L. Goodbody, Solicitors, had withdrawn their offer to act as legal advisers to the Joint Committee (due to possible conflict of interest). The Committee agreed to seek an alternate legal adviser. (ii)Proposed visit to Canada/US :It was agreed that Deputy Rabbitte would travel in place of Deputy McDowell. The delegation would consist of the Chairman, plus two Government Deputies (John Browne and John Dennehy) and two opposition Deputies (Louis Belton and Pat Rabbitte). (iii)Public Offices Commission: The Chairman confirmed that the Ombudsman, Mr. Kevin Murphy and the Comptroller and Auditor General, Mr. John Purcell, members of the Commission, would meet with the Committee on Wednesday, 2 December at 10.00 a.m. 5.Advertising The Committee approved the text of an advertisement seeking written submissions from members of the public on the proposals for a Standards in Public Office Bill. 6.Any Other Business JOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICEPROCEEDINGS OF THE JOINT COMMITTEEWEDNESDAY 2 DECEMBER 19981.The Joint Committee met at 10.00am in Room G5, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present::- Deputies Michael Ahern (Chairman), John Browne, Jimmy Deenihan, John Dennehy, Seán Fleming, Denis Foley, David Stanton, *Noel O’Flynn. Senators John Dardis, Avril Doyle, Michael Finneran, Joe O’Toole. *In substitution for Deputy Liam Lawlor. Apologies were received from Deputy Michael Noonan. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 4 November were agreed and signed. Matters arising: Visit to Canada: The Chairman reported that a detailed report on the visit will be available shortly. Meeting in Brussels, 9-10 November: The Chairman attended a meeting in Brussels with Senator John Connor on 9-10 November on the subject of protection of EU citizen’s financial interests. A report will be available shortly. [Senator Connor represented the Joint Committee on Justice, Equality and Women’s Rights]. Legal advice: The Chairman indicated that he hoped to finalise arrangements for retaining independent legal advice shortly. Annual Report: The Chairman said that the 1998 Annual Report would be brought before the Committee at its next meeting. The Committee extended good wishes to Deputy Tony Killeen, Chairman of the Dáil Select Committee on Members’ Interests, whose son was seriously injured in a recent traffic accident. 4.Correspondence The Chairman reported that the Secretariat placed an advertisement in the national daily newspapers and also in Foinse, seeking written submissions from members of the public in connection with the Committee’s consideration of the Proposals for a Standards in Public Office Bill. When submissions are received, they will be considered by the Committee. 5.Proposals for a Standards in Public Office Bill The Chairman welcomed Mr. Kevin Murphy, Ombudsman and Mr. John Purcell, Comptroller and Auditor General, members of the Public Offices Commission. After an introductory statement by the Ombudsman and the Comptroller and Auditor General, there followed an exchange of views on the Government Proposals for a Standards in Public Office Bill. A briefing document was also circulated. It was agreed that the Public Offices Commission would also forward a written submission on its views on the proposals. 6.Any Other Business There being no further business the Committee adjourned at 11.45am. Michael Ahern T.D., Chairman 16 December 1998. |
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