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REPORT of the Joint Committee on Enterprise and Small Business for the year ending 20 November, 19981. IntroductionThe Select Committee on Enterprise and Small Business was established by an order in Dáil Éireann on 13 November 1997 and by order of Seanad Éireann on 19 November 1997. Under Section 2 of the order of Dáil Éireann the Select Committee on Enterprise and Small Business shall be joined with the Select Committee on Seanad Éireann to form the Joint Committee on Enterprise and Small Business. Under Standing Order 79A (6) such Select Committee shall, on the anniversary of its appointment in each year following the year of such appointment, make an annual report to Dáil Éireann which shall detail- (i)the work carried out by the Select Committee; and (ii)the work in progress by the Select Committee, and may include, if the Select Committee deems appropriate, the report on its procedures and its role (in which case, a copy of the annual report shall be forwarded to the Committee on Procedures and Privileges), the work programme and minutes of proceedings referred to in paragraphs (3), (4) and (5) respectively of this Standing Order. 2. Establishment of Joint Committee and appointment of Members2.1The Joint Committee on Enterprise and Small Business was established by an order in Dáil Éireann on 13 November 1997 and by order of Seanad Éireann on 19 November 1997. 2.2The Following Members of Dáil Éireann were appointed to serve on the Joint Committee by order of Dáil Éireann of 20 November, 1997. Deputies Seán Ardagh, Andrew Boylan, Tommy Broughan, Ivor Callely, Brendan Daly1, Michael D’Arcy, Joe Higgins, Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Noel O’Flynn, Batt O’Keeffe, Nora Owen, John Perry, David G. Stanton. 2.3The Following Members of Seanad Éireann were appointed to serve on the Joint Committee by order of Seanad Éireann of 26 November, 1997. Senators Paul Coghlan, Margaret Cox., Willie Farrell, Jim Gibbons, Mary Henry 2.4The first Meeting of the Joint Committee was held on 2 December 1996. Deputy Ivor Callely T.D. was elected as Chairman with Deputy Michael D’Arcy being elected as vice-Chairman. 2.5The Committee, at its meeting of 10 March, established an ad hoc Working Group to examine the feasibility of fact finding visits to countries which had dealt with the impact on small towns of large superstores and also to deal with other matters which might be referred to it by the Joint Committee. 3 Meetings of the Joint Committee and various Subordinate Bodies3.1The Joint Committee and subordinate bodies met on 29 occasions during the period covered by the report. Details of the meetings are as follows:
4 Legislation4.1Bills referred to the Dáil Select Committee The Third Stage of the Industrial Development (Enterprise Ireland) Bill, 1998 was considered by the Dáil Select Committee during the period under review. 5. Estimates for Public Services5.1In the course of the period under review, the Dáil Select Committee considered and reported to the Dáil on grants for public services for the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. 6. Research and Projects undertaken by members of the Committee6.1France and Italy: Deputies Michael D’Arcy, Tommy Broughan and Senator Jim Gibbons investigated: 6.1.1.The effects of large superstores on small business. 6.1.2.The effects of drawing people away from town centres to shop in large superstores. 6.1.3.The impact of centralised distribution on local wholesalers and suppliers. 6.2Brussels: Deputy Nora Owen attended a meeting of the European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs. 6.3London: Senator Paul Coghlan attended a meeting in relation to Planning Regulations in the UK on the size of superstores. 6.4South Africa: A delegation of eight members led by the Chairman, Deputy Ivor Callely T.D., visited South Africa in November 1998 for the purpose of evaluating opportunities for Irish exporters to South Africa, assessing opportunities that may exist for Irish businesses to engage in joint ventures with companies in South Africa and examining the whole area of the business relationship between the communities in South Africa since the change of Government. 7 Rapporteurs appointed by the Joint Committee and subjects under investigation7.1.The Joint Committee appointed the following to act as Rapporteurs in the preparation of: A Report on superstores - the U.K. experience. - Senator Paul Coghlan This report was adopted by the Joint Committee at its meeting on 13 October 1998. The report examined the U.K. experience on the impact of superstores including U.K. planning guidelines and lessons to be learned for Ireland. A number of recommendations were made including the need for “an absolute ban on superstores greater than 2,500 square metres in out of town or edge of town locations” A Report on difficulties facing the distributive trade in Ireland. - Senator Mary Henry This report was adopted by the Joint Committee at its meeting on 10 November 1998. It identified the effects which the introduction of U.K. multiples to Ireland had on the Irish distributive trade and agents. It found that distributors and agents were being effected significantly already and included a recommendation that the Joint Committee should examine this area in greater detail with a view to promoting greater knowledge about the area and examining ways of dealing with the problems. A Report on Sunday Trading. - Deputy David Stanton This report is currently under preparation by Deputy Stanton and will be presented to the Joint Committee on 8 December 1998. A number of relevant organisations and individuals are responding to Deputy Stantons requests for submissions. A Report on electronic commerce with regard to small business. - Deputy John McGuinness This report is currently under preparation by Deputy McGuinness and will include information on the possibilities that the use of electronic commerce will provide to small businesses. A Report on the Year 2000 and its affect on small enterprises - Senator Margaret Cox This report is under preparation by Senator Cox and will include details as to the importance of small businesses being adequately prepared for the Year 2000. A Report on successful and failed or struggling entrepreneurs and the lessons to be learnt. - Deputy Noel O’Flynn A Report on difficulties in trade in the Border Counties. - Deputy John Perry A Report on the Minimum Wage. - Deputy Thomas Broughan 8. Meetings with Delegations.8.1.The Joint Committee had a number of meetings with delegations from Italy, Germany and the Czech Republic. 8.1.1On 16 December 1997 the Joint Committee met a delegation from the Legal Affairs Committee of the German Bundestag. The issues covered related to Company and Accountancy law and product liability with particular reference to liability in relation to contaminated blood products. 8.1.2.On 5 March 1998 the Joint Committee met a delegation from the Budget Committee of the Italian Parliament. The issues covered the abolition of duty-free status and an exchange of views on Regional Policy, Structural Funds and the affects of the expansion of the European Union. 8.1.3.On 9 September, 1998 the Joint Committee met a delegation from the National Economy, Agriculture and Transport Committee of the Czech Senate. The issues covered the common difficulties, in both countries, facing small and medium sized enterprises in the Agricultural and Service Industries. 9. Programme of work for 19989.1.The Joint Committee adopted a work programme for 1998 at a meeting held on the 21st January, 1998. In the course of the year the Committee concentrated on several issues with particular emphasis being placed on items 9.1.1. and 9.1.2 below. 9.1.1.the implications of the growth in Ireland of superstores and multiples. 9.1.2.problems in the insurance industry. 9.1.3.problems relating to the area of Sunday trading. 9.1.4.problems relating to the misselling of insurance and “churning”. and allegations which have been made against some insurance companies. 9.1.5.the implications of European Monetary Union for business. 9.1.6.the Strategy Statement produced by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. 10 Summary of work carried out by the Joint Committee10.1.Presentations made to the Joint Committee in session with other Joint Committees: 10.1.1.On 4 February 1998 a joint meeting was held with the Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Service. There was a presentation by Mr. Charlie McCreevy, Minister for Finance on European Monetary Union. 10.1.2.On 21 July 1998 a joint meeting was held with the Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Service. A presentation was made by the Insurance Ombudsman on insurance regulations, the Office of the Insurance Ombudsman and the Annual Report of the Ombudsman. 10.2.Presentations made to the Joint Committee: 10.2.1.On 24 February 1998 a presentation was made by RGDATA on the current state of the grocery trade in Ireland and the impact on the grocery trade by the development of superstores, by 24 hour trading and by Sunday trading. 10.2.2.On 24 February 1998 a presentation was made by Tesco Ireland on Tescos entry to the Irish market and its plans for development and on its purchasing policy. 10.2.3.On 10 March 1998 a presentation was made by the Small Firms association regarding the increasing dominance of the Irish retail sector by U.K. multiples. Regretfully, ISME due to give a presentation at 5.45 p.m. left at 5.46 p.m. 10.2.4.On 24 March 1998 a presentation was made by Tesco representatives covering Irish sourced goods, Sunday Trading, Irish Beef and the effects of large retail centres on existing small business. 10.2.5.On 21 April 1998 a presentation was made by Boots on their presence in Ireland, their future development, the acquisition of HCR and Connors Chemists, purchasing policies, supply and distribution of goods in Ireland, market share and their commitment to Boots employees in Ireland. 10.2.6.On 23 June 1998 a presentation was made by the Minister for Finance on European Monetary Union and how it affects small businesses in particular. 10.2.7.On 14 July 1998 a presentation was made by officials of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment on Insurance Regulations. 10.2.8.On 15 September 1998 a presentation was made by the Small Firms Association on what they saw as the major issues affecting small business in Ireland. 10.2.9.On 15 September 1998 a presentation was made by the Society of the Irish Motor Industry on the impact that superstores selling cut-price petrol had had in the United Kingdom. 10.2.10.On 29 September 1998 a presentation was made by Mr. Paul Haran, Secretary General of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment on the Strategy statement of that Department. 10.2.11.On 13 October 1998 a presentation was made by Mr. David Went, Managing Director of Irish Life on allegations of “churning” and on the insurance industry in general, including the need for an independent review body. 10.2.12.On 27 October 1998 a presentation was made by Ms. Jane Williams, Chairperson of the Small Business and Services Forum on the work of the Forum and on what the Forum saw as the main issues affecting small businesses. 10.2.13On 10 November, Mr. Kieran Devery of Deloitte & Touche made a presentation on the effects of centralized distribution on the Irish distribution and retail trade. 11 Review of the Joint Committees Role and ProceduresThe Joint Committee is continuing to monitor its role and procedures on an ongoing basis. The Joint Committee wishes the effects of invoking the compellability legislation which is now in place to be considered. The Joint Committee also wishes to have the legal protection and status available to the Chairman and members of the Joint Committee researched. 12 Programme of work for 19991999 WORK PROGRAMME A. Select Committee on Enterprise and Small Business1.Estimates and Supplementary Estimates for the Department as they are referred by Dáil Eireann. 2.Committee stage of Bills referred by Dáil Eireann Planned Legislation: National Minimum Wage Bill 1999 - June 1999 Implementation of Posting of Workers Directive 96/71/ec - 1999 Industrial and Provident Societies, (Amendment) Bill - Early 1999 Patent Act Amendment Bill 1998 - Early 1999 Enterprise Boards Bill - Mid 1999 Insurance Bill, 1998 - Early 1999 Part-Time Workers Directive Bill - Mid 1999 Work Permits Bill Companies Amendment Bill Copyright and Related Rights Bill 3.Any other matter referred to the Select Committee by Dáil Eireann. B. Joint Committee on Enterprise and Small Business1. Enterprise1.1Follow up on Recommendations of the Joint Committee on Small Business and Services regarding: (a)Availability of Finance for Small Business including BES and Equity and investigating the area of U.S. “lien laws” with particular emphasis on venture capital procurement for micro and small business. (b)Multiplicity of State Agencies (c)Costs of compliance with legal requirements including EU Directives and company law (d)Assist Irish suppliers in securing a larger slice of public sector supply contracts; 1.2Threat to existing small businesses including the distributive trade posed by: - the size and location of Super/Hyperstore and Retail Parks, - the introduction into the market place of international multiples - 24 hour shopping; 1.3Examine the effectiveness of the main State Agencies supporting small business - Co Enterprise Boards, Leader, Business Innovation Centres, Enterprise Ireland, An Bord Tráctala, SFADCo, FÁS, Now, LEI, etc.; 1.4State assistance to enterprise development post 1999; 1.5Electronic commerce - firms setting up in the technology sector 1.6preparing for the Millenium - computer problems; 1.7Tax designation of small towns - population level set too high; 1.8Continuing review and examination of the Insurance Industry and Insurance Regulations. 2. Trade2.1Implementation of EU Single Market (a)Preparing for the Euro - need to examine the cost implications particularly in relation to small traders (b)Need for Market Development to reduce dependency on UK Market after 1999; 2.2Effectiveness of trade promotion and marketing expenditure particularly looking at new markets for Irish exporters and new opportunities for Irish companies to engage in Joint / Ventures with foreign companies. 2.3Cross-border trade co-operation particularly in view of the Good Friday agreement including the possibility of linkages of enterprise and trade with Northern Ireland, including visiting trade groups in Northern Ireland and inviting them to appear before the committee. 3. Employment3.1Need for continued emphasis on Youth Employment and the Long Term Unemployed; 3.2Need to review Apprenticeship Schemes with a view to tackling the shortage of training opportunities for training in manual skills and craft work; 3.3Minimum Wage; 3.4What initiatives are being taken and what systems are being put in place to meet EU objectives set out in Agenda 2000 viz: (a)setting the conditions for sustainable employment intensive growth; (b)putting knowledge and technology at the forefront; (c)modernising employment systems; (d)improving living conditions. 4. Consideration of Strategy StatementsThe Committee will select for consideration aspects of the Departments Strategy Statement on an ongoing basis and will report annually on the progress made by the Department in relation to the achievement of its aims and objectives in that regard. 5. Conferences etcParticipating in relevant conferences and fact-finding missions. 6. DelegationsMeeting delegations from counterpart Committees of other Parliaments. 7. Other mattersSuch other matters relevant to the Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee as the Joint Committee may decide to consider and such matters as may be referred to the Joint Committee by the Houses of the Oireachtas from time to time. 13. Minutes of the Public Sessions of the Committee.Minutes of Meeting of 2 December, 19971. The Joint Committee met at 5.05 p.m.. on Tuesday, 2 December, 1997 in Room G5, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Seán Ardagh, Andrew Boylan, Tommy Broughan, Ivor Callely, Michael D’Arcy, Joe Higgins, Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Noel O’Flynn, Batt O’Keeffe, Nora Owen, John Perry, Eoin Ryan and David G. Stanton and Senators Paul Coghlan, Willie Farrell, Jim Gibbons and Mary Henry. 3.Election of Chairman Deputy Ivor Callely was nominated by Deputy Eoin Ryan and seconded by Deputy Noel O’Flynn. There being no other nomination Deputy Callely was declared elected. 4.Work Programme The Committee considered the duties assigned to it under Paragraph 2(a) of its Orders of Reference. A general debate ensued on issues affecting the development of small business. It was agreed - -to write to ISME, SFA and RGDATA and inform them of the establishment of the Committee; -to circulate the list of Reports of the forerunner Joint Committee on Small Business and Services of the 27th Dáil and -to acquire a copy of the recently published ADM Report 5. Bundestag Delegation It was also agreed that the Committee would meet a delegation from the German Parliament’s Legal Affairs Committee to discuss legal constraints on business. 6.Meeting Times Tuesdays at 5.00 p.m. was considered the most convenient meeting time and day. 7.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 5.45 p.m. until 2.55 p.m. on Thursday, 4 December, 1997. Minutes of meeting of 4 December, 19971.The Joint Committee met at 2.55 p.m. on Tuesday, 4 December, 1997 in Room G5, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Andrew Boylan, Michael D’Arcy, Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Nora Owen and David G. Stanton and Senators Paul Coghlan, Margaret Cox, Willie Farrell, Jim Gibbons and Mary Henry. 3.Election of temporary Chairman In the temporary absence of the Chairman, Deputy Conor Lenihan was elected temporary Chairman on the nomination of Deputy Ardagh. 4. Election of Vice-Chairman Deputy Michael D’Arcy was proposed by Deputy Owen and seconded by Senator Farrell. There being no other nomination Deputy D’Arcy was declared elected and he took the chair at 2.58 p.m. 5.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 3.00 p.m. until 5 p.m. on 16 December, 1997. Minutes of meeting of 16 December, 19971.The Joint Committee met at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 16 December, 1997 in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely (in the Chair), Séan Ardagh, Andrew Boylan, Tommy Broughan, Michael D’Arcy, Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Noel O’Flynn, Batt O’Keeffe, John Perry and David G Stanton. Senators Willie Farrell, Mary Henry, Paddy Bourke in substitution for Paul Coghlan and Dan Kiely in substitution for Margaret Cox. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Senators Paul Coghlan and Margaret Cox. 3.Circulation of material received by the Committee The members agreed to a proposal by the Chairman that details of documentation received by the Committee be circulated to members at regular intervals. Full copies of the documents will be made available to members on request. 4.Visit of a delegation of the Legal Affairs Committee from the German Bundestag The Chairman formally welcomed the delegation which consisted of Detlef Kleinert (Head of Delegation), Ronald Pofalla, Alfred Hartenbach and Norbert Geis. The delegation was accompanied by Mr Bon Hengstenberg, First Secretary in the German Embassy and an interpreter. An exchange of views took place on company and accountancy law and the European Commission’s plans concerning product liability, absolute liability in relation to contaminated blood products and the ‘polluter pays’ principle in relation to environmental pollution. The Head of the Delegation thanked the Committee for the opportunity to exchange views on the afore-mentioned topics and invited the Committee to discuss these matters further in the Bundestag, Bonn. 5.Adjournment The Chairman thanked the delegation and wished the Committee members and Secretariat a Happy Christmas. The meeting adjourned at 6.00 p.m., sine die. Minutes of meeting of 20 January, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 20 January, 1998 in Room G24, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely (in the Chair), Andrew Boylan, Tommy Broughan, Michael D’Arcy, Conor Lenihan, John Perry and Eoin Ryan. Senator Peter Callanan in substitution for Deputy Batt O’Keeffe. Senators Paul Coghlan, Willie Farrell, Jim Gibbons and Mary Henry. Senator Labhrás O Murchú in substitution for Senator Margaret Cox and Senator Paddy Bourke in temporary substitution for Senator Paul Coghlan. Apologies were received from Deputies Nora Owen and David G. Stanton and Senator Margaret Cox. 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.Work Programme The Committee considered the draft work programme circulated to members. A general discussion followed on the type of issues which the committee should examine under the work programme. Issues mentioned included efforts to encourage more women to participate in business creation, the importance of small indigenous businesses, the role of the banking institutions in providing finance, a minimum wage and worker consultation. The possibility of the Committee appointing individual members as ‘Rapporteurs’ was also raised. It was agreed that the Committee should write to relevant interest groups to seek their views on what they consider the most pressing issues at the moment. The Committee agreed to defer a decision on the final shape of the work programme until the next meeting, but in the interim members will consider the matter and put forward suggestions for items to be included in, or deleted from, the programme to the Chairman or the Committee Clerk. 5.Joint Meeting on EMU and Structural Funds The Committee agreed to participate in a joint meeting which has already been arranged by the Joint Committee on Finance and Public Service and which the Minister for Finance will attend to discuss EMU and Structural Funds. It is to take place on Wednesday 4, February, 1998 in Room G2 at 11 a.m. 6.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5.55 p.m. until 5 p.m. on 3 February, 1998. Minutes of meeting of 3 February, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 3 February, 1998 in Room G24, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely (in the Chair), Andrew Boylan, Tommy Broughan, Michael D’Arcy, Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Noel O’Flynn, Nora Owen, John Perry, David G. Stanton, Senators Paul Coghlan, Willie Farrell, Jim Gibbons, Mary Henry and Senator Tom Fitzgerald in substitution for Senator Margaret Cox. An apology for inability to attend was received from Senator Margaret Cox. 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.Correspondence The Committee considered a letter from Deputy Owen seeking a discussion on the investigation by Minister Noel Treacy on the National Irish Bank and the use of off-shore accounts. The Chairman read the relevant Standing Orders and the Orders of Reference of the Committee in order to clarify the actions open to it. It was agreed that Minister Treacy be invited to the next meeting of the Joint Committee to discuss matters relating to the regulation of the Insurance Industry and the interaction between National Irish Bank and Clerical Medical Investment 18 in relation to the sale of offshore investment bonds. It was also agreed that copies of correspondence in this connection between the Minister and National Irish Bank be sought. 5.Work Programme The Committee considered the draft work programme. It noted the suggestions put forward by the Fine Gael Group, by Senator Henry and by the Chambers of Commerce of Ireland. It was decided to await suggestions from any other interested parties but a target date of 24 February was set for the completion of the work programme. The content will have to be agreed and items will then have to be prioritised. It was also agreed that the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment be asked to provide copies of all statements and announcements made by Ministers of that Department to Committee Members. 6.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5.55 p.m. until 11 a.m. on 4 February, 1998 for the Joint meeting with the Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Service. JOINT SESSIONMINUTES OF PROCEEDINGSJOINT COMMITTEE ON FINANCE AND THE PUBLIC SERVICEWEDNESDAY, 4 FEBRUARY, 19981.A joint meeting of the and the Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Service was held in Room G2, Kildare House at 11 a.m. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Michael Ahern, (Chairman), Séan Ardagh, Louis J. Belton, Tommy Broughan, Ivor Callely, (Chairman), Michael D’Arcy, Jimmy Deenihan, John Dennehy, Sean Fleming, Denis Foley, Conor Lenihan, Derek McDowell, John McGuinness, Michael Noonan, Noel O’Flynn, Nora Owen, John Perry, Pat Rabbitte, Eoin Ryan, and David G. Stanton. Senators Eddie Bohan, Paul Coghlan, Margaret Cox, John Dardis, Avril Doyle, Willie Farrell, Mary Henry and Joe O’Toole. An apology was received from Deputy Andrew Boylan. 3.European Monetary Union The Chairman, Deputy Michael Ahern, welcomed the Minister for Finance, Mr. Charlie McCreevy TD and invited him to address the meeting. The Minister informed the meeting of the current situation regarding European Monetary Union and its expected impact on the Irish economy after 1999. There followed an exchange of views. The Minister agreed to meet separately with the to discuss the impact of EMU on small businesses in Ireland. It was agreed that a short report on the proceedings would be drawn up for laying before both Houses of the Oireachtas. 4.Suspension of sitting The sitting was suspended between 12.25 p.m. and 12.45 p.m. due to a Vote in the Dáil. 5.Structural Funds and Cohesion Funds It was agreed to defer consideration of this item to a later meeting, provisionally agreed for March, 1998. The Chairman, on behalf of the Members, thanked the Minister for attending the meeting. 6.Any Other Business There being no further business the joint meeting adjourned at 1.45 p.m., sine die. Minutes of meeting of 10 February, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 10 February, 1998 in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely (in the Chair), Seán Ardagh, Andrew Boylan, Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Noel O’Flynn, Batt O’Keeffe, Nora Owen, John Perry and David G. Stanton. Senators Paul Coghlan, Willie Farrell, Jim Gibbons, Mary Henry and Labhrás Ó Murchú (in substitution for Senator Margaret Cox). An apology was received from Deputy Michael D’Arcy. 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.Correspondence The members of the Committee were given details of press releases forwarded by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment to the Committee Secretariat. It was agreed that the Committee Clerk would write to the Tánaiste, Deputy Harney to seek to have such documents sent direct to each committee member. Members were informed of a request by a delegation from the Budget Committee of the Italian Parliament to meet with the Joint Committee during a visit to Dublin. It was agreed to meet with the delegation subject to availability of suitable accommodation in Leinster/Kildare House. 5.Work Programme The Joint Committee considered the Draft Work Programme and made amendments thereto. The draft work programme, as amended, was adopted. 6.Any other business The Joint Committee agreed to discuss the committees’ allocation for travel and research consultancy at the next meeting. 7.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 6.00 p.m. until 5.00 p.m. on 24 February, 1998. Minutes of meeting of 24 February, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 24th February 1998 in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely (in the Chair), Séan Ardagh, Andrew Boylan, Michael D’Arcy, Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Noel O’Flynn, Nora Owen, John Perry, Eoin Ryan, David G. Stanton and Senators Paul Coghlan, Willie Farrell, Jim Gibbons, Mary Henry and Senator Lábhras Ó Murchú in substitution for Senator Margaret Cox. Senator Fergal Quinn also attended. 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.Correspondence Letters from the Private Secretary to Minister Noel Treacy, Xilinx Ireland and Hyperion Ltd were noted and it was agreed to follow up on each of them at the appropriate time. 5.Delegation from Italian Parliament Members were reminded of a visit by a delegation from the Budget Committee of the Italian Parliament arranged for Thursday 5th March 1998 at 9.30 a.m. in Kildare House. 6.Work Programme The Work Programme was noted and it was agreed to pursue item 1 - “Follow-up on recommendations of the Joint Committee on Small Business and Services” with the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. 7.Capping on the size of superstores It was also agreed that an attempt should be made to establish what action had been taken to cap the size of superstores in other countries. 8.Presentation by RGDATA Mr. Michael Campbell, Director General, RGDATA and Mr. Eamon Gavin, President gave a presentation on the current state of the grocery trade in Ireland and the impact on it of the development of superstores, of 24-hour trading and of Sunday trading. A question and answer session followed. 9.Presentation by representatives of Tesco Ireland Mr. Maurice Pratt, Managing Director, Mr. Dermot Breen, Corporate Affairs Director and Mr. Tom Nolan, Irish Trade Development Director of Tesco Ireland gave a presentation on Tesco’s entry to the Irish market, its plans for development and its purchasing policy. A question and answer session followed. 10.Deputy Michael D’Arcy took the chair at 5.45 p.m. 11.Deputy Ivor Callely resumed the chair at 5.50 p.m. 12.Senator Jim Gibbons took the chair at 6.47 p.m. 13.Deputy Ivor Callely resumed the chair at 7.00 p.m. 14.It was agreed that both RGDATA and Tesco representatives be invited to continue the discussion at a further meeting either on 10th or 24th March. It was also decided to invite in representatives of Small Firms Association and Boots to an early meeting. 15.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7.25 p.m. sine die Minutes of meeting of 5 March, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 9.30 a.m. on Thursday, 5 March, 1998 in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Seán Ardagh, Andrew Boylan, Ivor Callely, Michael D’Arcy (in the Chair), Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Noel O’Flynn and David G. Stanton. Senators Paul Coghlan, Willie Farrell and Jim Gibbons. Senator Ann Leonard substituted for Senator Margaret Cox. Apologies were received from Deputies Nora Owen and John Perry and Senator Mary Henry. 3.Meeting with Italian Delegation The Chairman welcomed the delegation of members of the Budget Committee of the Italian Parliament. An exchange of views then took place regarding regional policy, the abolition of duty-free, structural funds and the affect of European Union expansions. 4.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 10.25 a.m., sine die. Minutes of meeting of 10 March, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 10 March, 1998 in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely (in the Chair), Seán Ardagh, Andrew Boylan, Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Noel O’Flynn, Batt O’Keeffe, John Perry, Eoin Ryan and David G. Stanton. Senators Paul Coghlan, Willie Farrell, Jim Gibbons and Mary Henry. An apology was received from Deputies Michael D’Arcy and Nora Owen and Senator Margaret Cox. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 5 March, 1998 and the meeting of 24 February, 1998 were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.Fact finding visits The Chairman proposed the establishment of a working group to examine the feasibility of fact-finding visits by members of the Joint Committee to countries which had dealt with the impact of large supermarkets, hypermarkets and trading parks on city traders and on small towns. France and Italy were suggested for an early visit and perhaps South Africa later in the year. It was agreed also to collect information on Planning Directives in Britain on this subject and also on the U.S. “Main St Programme” on the same topic. It was agreed that the group would be Chaired by Deputy Michael D’Arcy and consist of 5 members - 1 FF, 1 FG, 1 LAB, 1 P.D. and 1 IND. 5.Presentation by Small Firms Association The Chairman welcomed the Small Firms Association who made a presentation regarding the increasing dominance of the Irish retail sector by UK multiples. A question and answer session followed. 6.Scheduled presentation by ISME The Chairman informed the Joint Committee that the representatives of ISME, scheduled to appear before the meeting at 5.45 p.m. had left Kildare House at 5.46 p.m. It was agreed that the submission by ISME be noted by the Joint Committee. It was also agreed that ISME’s failure to represent the interests of their members at the meeting be brought to the attention of An Taoiseach and An Tánaiste in view of ISME’s demands to be included in the Social Partnership. 7.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 6.30 p.m., sine die. Minutes of meeting of 24 March, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 24th March, 1998 in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely (in the Chair), Séan Ardagh, Tommy Broughan, Michael D’Arcy, John McGuinness, Noel O’Flynn, Batt O’Keeffe, Nora Owen, John Perry and David G. Stanton. Senators Paul Coghlan, Margaret Cox, Willie Farrell and Jim Gibbons. Deputy Michael Moynihan substituted for Deputy Conor Lenihan. Apologies were received from Deputy Andrew Boylan and Senator Mary Henry. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 10 March, 1998 were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.Expression of Sympathy The Chairman, on behalf of the Joint Committee expressed sympathy to the Coveney family on the death of Deputy Hugh Coveney, R.I.P. 5.Presentation by TESCO: The Chairman welcomed back Tesco, represented by Mr. Maurice Pratt, Mr. Dermot Breen, Mr. Tom Nolan and Ms. Marion Brown, to the Joint Committee. The Tesco representatives responded to questions raised at the meeting of 24 February, 1998. There then followed a question and answer session on Tesco’s purchasing of Irish-sourced goods, Sunday Trading, Irish Beef in British-based Stores and the effects of large retail centres on existing small business. 6.Delegation from RGDATA The Chairman welcomed Mr. Michael Campbell of RGDATA. He thanked the Committee for hearing his earlier presentation and for giving him the opportunity to return and hear Tesco’s responses. The Committee invited him to communicate with it again, whenever a relevant issue arises. 7.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7.10 p.m. sine die Minutes of meeting of 21 April, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 5.00p.m. on Tuesday, 21 April, 1998 in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely, (in the Chair), Seán Ardagh, Andrew Boylan, Tommy Broughan Michael D’Arcy, Joe Higgins, Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Noel O’Flynn, Nora Owen, John Perry and David G. Stanton. Senators Paul Coghlan, Willie Farrell, Jim Gibbons and Mary Henry Senator Tom Fitzgerald substituted for Senator Margaret Cox. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 24 March, 1998 were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.Correspondence Details of a meeting of the European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs in Brussels on June 2nd and 3rd were circulated. It was agreed that one member of the Joint Committee would attend. It was also agreed to meet with a delegation of the Italian Parliament on Tuesday 26th May, 1998. 5.Findings of Working Group Deputy John McGuinness gave a report on the enquiries carried out by the Working Group into the possibility of visiting areas in France and Italy which had experienced the impact of large supermarkets and hypermarkets. It was agreed that three members of the Joint Committee plus the Committee Clerk would visit France and Italy on a fact-finding mission. 6.Presentation by Boots The Chairman welcomed Messrs Ian Wright, John Leggett, David Drayson and Hugh Gillanders to the Joint Committee. They made a presentation on the presence of Boots in Ireland, their future development plans, the acquisition of HCR and Connors Chemists, purchasing policies, supply and distribution of goods in Ireland, market share and their commitments to Boots’ employees in Ireland. There then followed an exchange of views on the above topics and issues including purchasing contracts for existing and potential wholesale suppliers and the effects of large superstores and retail parks on small towns. It was agreed that Boots would forward to the Committee copies of the Town Centre Management policy. 7.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 6.35p.m., sine die. Minutes of meeting of 5 May, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 5 May, 1998 in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely (in the Chair), Andrew Boylan, Tommy Broughan, Brendan Daly, Conor Lenihan, Nora Owen and David G. Stanton. Senators Paul Coghlan, Jim Gibbons, Mary Henry and Lábhras Ó Murchú (in substitution for Margaret Cox). Apologies were received from Deputies Seán Ardagh, Michael D’Arcy and John Perry and Senator Margaret Cox. 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. Under matters arising, it was agreed that the Convenors would supply the name of the member of the Joint Committee to attend the European Parliament’s Committee on Employment and Social Affairs, Brussels, 2 and 3 June, 1998. It was also agreed that a representative group of the Joint Committee would meet with a visiting Italian Delegation, on 21 May, 1998. 4.Work Programme Progress to date on the Committee’s Work Programme was outlined by the Chairman. It was agreed that Senators Paul Coghlan and Mary Henry should be appointed Rapporteurs and present Reports on the arrival of Superstores in Ireland issue, to the Joint Committee by the end of June. It was further agreed that Senator Coghlan would travel to the UK to study the situation there while Senator would report on the situation in Ireland. The fees for the Rapporteurs to be agreed later when the likely costs involved have been assessed. In relation to the Superstores issue it was agreed that: (i)Officials from the Department of the Environment be invited before the Joint Committee to discuss planning regulations. (ii)County Managers be invited to make submissions and undertake an exchange of views with the Joint Committee on planning matters. (iii)After the Reports of the Rapporteurs, the fact-finding visit to France and Italy and items (i) and (ii) above, professional researchers be retained by the Joint Committee to prepare a Report on these issues to be laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas. 5.Any other business It was agreed that: (i)Minister Kitt be invited before the Joint Committee to discuss the Sunday and 24 Hour Trading issues. (ii)An Tánaiste and Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment be invited before the Joint Committee to discuss the Employment Action Plan. (iii)A meeting be organised with the Minister for Finance to discuss the changeover to EURO and it’s effects on small business. (iv)The Tánaiste or Minister responsible be written to to enquire what mechanism is in place to inform business people of the implications of the Organisation of Working Time Act. 6.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 6.20 p.m. sine die. Minutes of meeting of 16 June, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 16 June, 1998 in Room G24, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely (in the Chair), Seán Ardagh, Brendan Daly, Michael D’Arcy, Joe Higgins, Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Noel O’Flynn, Nora Owen and John Perry. Senators Paul Coghlan, Willie Farrell, Jim Gibbons, and Mary Henry. 3.Sympathy A vote of sympathy was passed to Deputy John McGuinness on the recent death of his mother. R.I.P. 4.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 5.Deputy D’Arcy’s Draft Report on the visit of a delegation from the Joint Committee to France and Italy Deputy D’Arcy brought forward a Draft Report on the visit of a delegation from the Joint Committee to France and Italy to examine the impact of the development of large Supermarkets and Hypermarkets on city centres and on small towns. The following recommendations contained therein were adopted by the Joint Committee: “The message for us then is to recommend that small business be helped and encouraged to up-grade or to specialise by way of service or quality. They cannot compete with the Hypermarkets from the point of view of quantity or range of goods or sometimes from the point of view of price but they can survive with personalised service and quality goods. The introduction of legislation to restrict the size of new developments in relation to the population of nearby towns and the catchment area must be considered as a matter of urgency. Also in considering planning applications for such developments regard must be had for the visual impact of the building and its surrounds in order not to create an ugly scar on the landscape as has happened in the case of some of the developments we saw.”. It was decided to send the Report to the Minister for Environment and the Minister for Finance. It was also decided that the Joint Committee should establish what the Department of the Environment and Local Government and the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment are doing in relation to the whole question of Supermarket development and its wider impact on the social structure of the community, on employment and on the environment. It was agreed that this report be taken up again when the reports of the Rapporteurs on the development of Supermarkets and Hypermarkets in the UK and in Ireland have been presented. It was further agreed that the SIMI be invited in before the Joint Committee to show a video on the impact of Supermarket development. 6.Limitation of size of Supermarkets Members welcomed the initiative of the Minister for the Environment and Local Government in introducing measures to limit the size of Supermarkets. 7.Sunday Trading - Appointment of Rapporteur It was agreed that Deputy David Stanton be appointed Rapporteur to prepare a report for the Joint Committee on the subject of Sunday Trading. 8.Deputy Owen’s Draft Report on the follow-up meeting on the Jobs Summit Deputy Owen brought forward a Draft Report on the meeting of the European Parliaments’ Committee on Employment and Social Affairs held in Brussels on 2nd and 3rd June 1998. It was attended by members of the European Parliaments’ Committee and by representative committees on Enterprise/Social Affairs of each of the National Parliaments of the 15 EU Member States. The National Action Plans of the different Member States were discussed and the need for delivery on the commitments contained therein was stressed. Deputy Owen observed that in other Member States these Action Plans had been discussed either in Parliament or in the appropriate Committee and she recommended that this country adopt the practice of referring future documents of this nature to the Houses or to a Committee of the Houses before they are finally submitted to the European Parliament. 9.The response of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment on the implementation of the Recommendations contained in previous Committee reports was raised. The high level of achievement to date was commented on and the value of such Committee reports in securing necessary action was noted. It was agreed to discuss the issues again at an early meeting. 10.The Statement of Strategy 1998 - 2000 prepared by the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment was noted and it was agreed also to take this subject up at an early meeting. 11.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 6.45 p.m. until 5.00 p.m. on 23 June, 1998. Minutes of meeting of 23 June, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 23 June, 1998 in Room G5, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely (in the Chair), Seán Ardagh, Andrew Boylan, Tommy Broughan, Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Noel O’Flynn, Batt O’Keeffe, Nora Owen and John Perry. Senators Paul Coghlan, Margaret Cox, Willie Farrell and Jim Gibbons. Apologies were received from Deputy Michael D’Arcy and Senator Mary Henry. 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.Presentation by Minister for Finance on EMU The Chairman welcomed Minister McCreevy and his officials. The Minister made a presentation on economic prospects as Ireland enters EMU, competitiveness, monetary policy, taxation, problems and practicalities of the changeover to the EURO and the need for increased awareness particularly by those engaged in small businesses of all the implications of EMU. There then followed a question and answer session on the above issues, and also bank-charges harmonisation, the ECB, interest rate policy (post EMU) and inflation. 5.Any other business The Chairman paid tribute to the Committee Clerk on her forthcoming retirement from the Houses of the Oireachtas. 6.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 6.40 p.m. sine die. Minutes of meeting of 14 July, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 10.00 a.m. on Tuesday, 14 July, 1998 in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely (in the Chair), Seán Ardagh, Andrew Boylan, Tommy Broughan, Conor Lenihan, Noel O’Flynn, Batt O’Keeffe, John Perry and David G. Stanton. Senator Willie Farrell. Apologies were received from Deputies Michael D’Arcy, John McGuinness and Nora Owen and from Senators Paul Coghlan and Margaret Cox. 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed by the Joint Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.Travel Deputy Noel O’Flynn gave a report on behalf of Deputy D’Arcy regarding the proposed visit by a delegation of the Joint Committee to South Africa in November, 1998. The Joint Committee agreed that Rules 1 and 2 of the Report of the Sub-Committee on Dáil Reform, governing committee travel had been adhered to. It was further agreed that 8 - 10 members would travel (with the agreement of the whips) and that an estimate of the cost would be presented to the Joint Committee at a later date. 5.Correspondence Details of correspondence received was circulated to the members. The Chairman read into the record, a letter from Mr. David Went, Managing Director, Irish Life plc, declining an invitation to appear before this meeting of the Joint Committee. Members expressed disappointment and annoyance at Mr. Went’s decision. The Chairman agreed to raise the matter viz-a-vis compellability at the next meeting of the Working Group of Chairmen. It was also agreed that members feeling be expressed to Mr. Went by means of a letter from the Acting Committee Clerk. 6.Presentation by officials of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment on Insurance Regulations. The Chairman welcomed Messrs John Corcoran and Tommy Murray of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. They then made a presentation on the role and structure of the Insurance Division of the Department, solvency of Insurance Companies, Regulation of solvency, Insurance costs for small businesses, personal injury compensation, the Insurance Ombudsman, consumer protection and malpractice within the Industry. There then followed a question and answer session on the above, and also motor insurance for young people, self-regulation by the Industry, policy ‘churning’, salaries for brokers and sellers and the new transparency regulations for the Industry. 7.Joint meeting with Joint Committee on Finance and Public Sector The Chairman informed the members that the Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Sector would be meeting with the Insurance Ombudsman on Tuesday, 21 July, 1998. It was agreed that the Joint Committee on Enterprise and Small Business would seek an invitation from the Joint Committee on Finance and the Public Sector to meet in Joint Session on that date. 8.Strategy Statement It was agreed that the Joint Committee would consider the Strategy Statement of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment in late September or early October and that the Secretary General should be asked for a briefing paper on the Strategy Statement before this meeting. 9.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 12.55 p.m., until 21 July, 1998. Minutes of meeting of 21 July, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 11.30 a.m. in Room G2, Kildare House in Joint Session with the Joint committee on Finance and the Public Service, on Thursday 21 July, 1998. 2.Attendance Deputies Seán Ardagh, Andrew Boylan, Tommy Broughan, Ivor Callely, Connor Lenihan, Noel O’Flynn, Batt O’Keeffe, Nora Owen, John Perry and David G. Stanton. Senators Paul Coghlan, Margaret Cox, Willie Farrell and Mary Henry. An apology was received from Deputy John McGuinness. 3.Presentation by the Insurance Ombudsman The Chairman welcomed Ms. Paulyn Marrinan Quinn, B.L., who then made a presentation to the meeting on Insurance Regulations, the Office of the Insurance Ombudsman and the Annual Report of the Ombudsman. There then followed a question and answer session. 4.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 1.00 p.m. sine die. Minutes of meeting of 9 September 19981.The Joint Committee met at 12.30 a.m. in the Members Dining Room. 2.Attendance Deputies Seán Ardagh, Ivor Callely, Conor Lenihan, Batt O’Keeffe, and David G. Stanton. Senators Paul Coghlan, Jim Gibbons and Willie Farrell. Apologies were received from Deputy John McGuinness, Deputy Andrew Boylan, Deputy Noel O’Flynn and Deputy Nora Owen and from Senator Mary Henry and Senator Margaret Cox. 3.Visit by delegation from the Czech Senate. The Chairman welcomed a delegation from the National Economy, Agriculture and Transport Committee of the Czech Senate. Mr. Juriska, Chairman of the Czech delegation replied speaking of the similar scope of activities of the two Committees. A question and answer session then ensued. 4.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 2.15 p.m. sine die. Minutes of meeting of 15 September 19981The Joint Committee met at 11.30 a.m. on Tuesday, 15 September, 1998, in Room G2, Kildare House. 2Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely (in the Chair), Seán Ardagh, Andrew Boylan, Tommy Broughan, Michael D’Arcy, Brendan Daly, Joe Higgins, Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Batt O’Keeffe, John Perry, and David Stanton. Deputy Michael O’Kennedy attended in substitution for Deputy Noel O’Flynn. Senators Paul Coghlan, Willie Farrell, Mary Henry and Jim Gibbons. Apologies were received from Deputies Noel O’Flynn and Nora Owen. 3Minutes The minutes of the previous two meetings on 14 July and 21 July were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4Rapporteurs Reports The Chairman raised the issue of the reports currently being produced by the Rapporteurs and when they might be available for presentation to the Committee. It was agreed that the reports would be presented to the Committee as soon as they were available and that the Rapporteurs would liaise with the Clerk to arrange dates for presentation. 5Presentation by Small Firms Association The Chairman welcomed Mr. Pat Delaney and Mr. Kieran Crowley from the Small Firms Association. Mr. Delaney made a presentation on what the SFA saw as the major issues affecting small businesses. There then followed a question and answer session on the issues raised including the Euro and dual pricing, minimum wage, corporation tax, working conditions, the black economy, administrative simplification, the impact of superstores, bank charges and training. The Chairman then thanked Mr. Delaney and Mr. Crowley for their presentation and they withdrew. 6Meeting suspended. The meeting was briefly suspended at 12.26. 7Presentation by the Society of the Irish Motor Industry. The meeting resumed at 12.32 and the Chairman welcomed Mr. Cyril McHugh and Mr. Seamus McCormack of the SIMI. Mr. McHugh made a presentation on the impact that the proliferation of superstores which sold cut price petrol had on petrol retailers in the United Kingdom giving examples of the situation in Scotland and Northern Ireland. A video was then shown detailing the effect which superstores had caused on a Northern English town. There then followed a question and answer session covering such issues as the varying price of petrol, whether or not the reduction in the price of oil had been passed onto consumers, parking difficulties, the question of forecourt shops and the effect they had on small retailers, the affect superstores had on employment and whether this effect was on full-time or part-time jobs and whether or not superstores should be banned from selling petrol. The Chairman thanked Mr. McHugh and Mr. McCormack for the very valuable presentation they had made and they withdrew. 8Preparation of the Annual Report The Chairman described what was required under Standing Orders SO 79A (6) of the Dáil and Standing Order 63 (4) of the Seanad to be carried out regarding the annual report and it was agreed that the following would be included in the Annual Report: (a)a brief report prepared by the Clerk on the work carried out to date by the Committee: (b)the work in progress of the Committee including a brief note from each Rapporteur on items if any they are dealing with: (c)a Report on the procedure and the role of the Committee indicating either that the Committee is happy with same or indicating changes needed: (d)the work programme for the following year: (e)the public minutes of proceedings of the Committee. 9Correspondence Correspondence received from An Tánaiste was discussed and it was agreed that members interested on serving on the Small Business and Services Forum should pass their names to the Clerk who would forward them to An Tánaiste. 10The Chairman informed the members that the Secretary General of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment would attend the next meeting of the Committee which would take place on 29 September 1998 at 11.30 a.m. 11The meeting was then adjourned until 29 September 1998 at 11.30 a.m. Minutes of meeting of 29 September, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 11.41 a.m. on Tuesday, 29 September, 1998 in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely (in the Chair), Seán Ardagh, Andrew Boylan, Tommy Broughan, Joe Higgins, Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Noel O’Flynn, Batt O’Keeffe and Nora Owen. Senators Paul Coghlan, Willie Farrell and Jim Gibbons. Senator Ann Leonard attended in substitution for Senator Margaret Cox. Apologies were received from Deputies Michael D’Arcy and John Perry and Senators Margaret Cox and Mary Henry. 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.The Chairman proposed (and the Committee agreed) that a message of sympathy from the Joint Committee be forwarded to Senator Mary Henry on the recent passing away of her mother. 5.It was agreed that Deputy John McGuinness be appointed a Committee Rapporteur and prepare a Report on electronic commerce and information technology and its impact on small business. 6.Presentation by Senator Paul Coghlan Senator Coghlan presented his report entitled “Report on the Impact of Superstores” which was prepared on behalf of the Joint Committee. Senator Coghlan then gave a brief outline and summary of the main findings of his Report which were based on his recent visit to the UK, where he met with groups, individuals and public bodies involved in this matter. There then followed a discussion on the Report. The Chairman thanked Senator Coghlan for the work and effort put into the Report. It was agreed that members of the Joint Committee forward any observations to Senator Coghlan and that these would be discussed more fully at the meeting of the Joint Committee on 13 October 1998. It was further agreed that: •the Report be sent as Senator Coghlan’s Interim Report to the Minister for Environment and Local Government •the Minister for Environment and Local Government (and his advisers) be informed of any future amendments •the Report be forwarded to the Joint Committee on Environment and Local Government and that that Committee be invited to hold a joint meeting with the, when the latter has considered fully Senator Coghlan’s Report, and the Reports being prepared by Deputy David G. Stanton and Senator Mary Henry. 7.Presentation by Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment The Chairman welcomed Mr. Paul Haran (Secretary General) and Messrs Ned Costello, Seamus O’Moráin, Paddy Molloy and Finbar Cullen of the Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment. Mr. Haran then made a presentation on the Department’s Strategy Statement including the legislative background to the statement, the mission statement, strategic business goals and implementation and delivery. There then followed a question and answer session on the above, and also support services for indigenous industries, credit unions, NSAI, minimum wages, copyright laws, training policy and Enterprise Ireland and the IDA. The discussion ended with the Chairman thanking Mr. Haran and his officials for their presentation. 8.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 2.00 p.m. until 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 13 October, 1998. Minutes of meeting of 13 October 19981The Joint Committee met at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 13 October 1998 in Room G2, Kildare House. 2Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely (in the Chair), Seán Ardagh, Andrew Boylan, Brendan Daly, Michael D’Arcy, Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Noel O’Flynn, Nora Owen, John Perry and David Stanton. Senators Paul Coghlan, Margaret Cox, Willie Farrell Jim Gibbons and Mary Henry. 3Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.Presentation by Mr. David Went and Mr. Denis Casey of Irish Life. Mr. Went and Mr. Casey made a presentation on the insurance industry which included their acceptance that a well resourced independent regulatory authority for the insurance industry is necessary and which dealt with the recent allegations of “churning” in Irish Life. There then followed a question and answer session with members which covered areas such as “locked in” closed funds, churning allegations, grievance procedures, the insurance ombudsman, training of independent brokers, determining whether customers actually read insurance leaflets, the amount of compensation paid, commission paid to sales staff and brokers and internal and overseas investment by Irish Life. 5.Deputy D’Arcy took the Chair at 5.11. 6.Deputy Callely resumed the Chair at 5.20. 7.Deputy D’Arcy took the Chair at 5.42. 8.Deputy Callely resumed the Chair at 6.40. 9Discussion of Senator Coghlans report. It was agreed to lay the report prepared by Senator Coghlan before the Houses of the Oireachtas and to publish the report. 10Rapporteurs Payment to Rapporteurs was discussed and it was agreed that initially each rapporteur should be paid £1,000 and that if in some cases some Rapporteurs because of the particular subject matter found that additional funding was necessary then that any additional payments would be approved by Senator D’Arcys working group. It was further agreed that Senator Cox should act as rapporteur for the group and look at the Year 2000 problem particularly with regard to small business and that Deputy Ardagh would act as rapporteur for the Committee and look at successful and unsuccessful entrepreneurs. 11It was agreed that three members - Deputy McGuinness, Senator Henry and Senator Cox would be asked to attend the Logistics 98 conference on 22 October 1998 on behalf of the Committee. 12A presentation being made by ISATA on 14 October 1998 on trade with South Africa was discussed and it was agreed that any member travelling to South Africa should attend this if possible. 13Adjournment The meeting was then adjourned until 27 October 1998 at 5.00 p.m. at which time Ms. Jane Williams chair person of the Small Business and Services Forum will make a presentation. Minutes of meeting of 27 October 19981.The Joint Committee met at 5.00 p.m. on Tuesday, 27 October 1998 in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely (in the Chair), Seán Ardagh, Andrew Boylan, Tommy Broughan, Michael D’Arcy, Joe Higgins, Conor Lenihan, John McGuinness, Batt O’Keeffe, Nora Owen, John Perry and David Stanton. Deputy Tony Killeen attended in substitution for Deputy Noel O’Flynn, Deputy Michael O’Kennedy attended in substitution for Deputy Batt O’Keeffe. Senators Paul Coghlan, Willie Farrell Jim Gibbons and Mary Henry. 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were amended by the Committee to change the references to Senator D’Arcy to Deputy D’Arcy and were signed by the Chairman 4.Presentation by Ms. Jane Williams Chairperson of the Small Business and Services Forum. Ms. Williams made a presentation which included the reasons for the setting up of the Small Business and Services Forum and covered its role in assessing the evolving needs of small business and services, in reviewing progress on the recommendations of the Small Business and Services Task Forces, assisting in devising proposals for administrative simplification and advising the Minister for Enterprise, Trade and Employment on how initiatives for small business are progressing. Ms. Williams described the review which the Forum is currently carrying out on prioritising the remaining recommendations of the Task Force which have yet to be carried out and progressing additional issues which have arisen over recent years. She also briefly mentioned the issues arising in the Forums 1997 report and dealt with some of the issues which small businesses are facing at the moment. A question and answer session followed at which topics such as SMEs being the “poor relation” and whether the term “small” business militated against assistance, the form filling problem, how ready small businesses are for the millennium bug, skills shortages, prompt payment, the American lien law system, Enterprise Ireland, funding for small business, the minimum wage, EMU, addressing the buying power of small businesses and the operation of the Access to Finance scheme. Ms. Williams in response to members requests said that she would investigate sending copies of both the budget submission which the Forum had made and the draft of the Forums review report currently under preparation to the Joint Committee. 5.It was agreed that the Clerk would be asked to arrange for Mr. Kieran Devery of Deloitte & Touche to attend the next meeting of the Joint Committee if possible and that representatives of the Irish large stores also be asked to attend future meetings of the Joint Committee. 6.It was also agreed that if members had any amendments to table to the report prepared by Senator Henry that these should be sent to the Clerk of the Committee by Friday 6th November. 7.It was agreed to nominate Deputy Perry as a rapporteur to look at border trade and to nominate Deputy Broughan as a rapporteur to look at the minimum wage. The Chairman said that Deputy Ardagh who had been appointed at the last meeting to explore the experiences of successful entrepreneurs and those who were failing or struggling was in fact unable to act as rapporteur as he is currently a convenor of another Committee and it was agreed that Deputy Noel O’Flynn would act as rapporteur in his place and look at the same subject. 8.Other Matters The question of consultancy was addressed and a number of topics where consultants might be useful were suggested by members including the cost of compliance, the cost of funding, the cost implications of the Euro, the possibilities of encouraging links between small businesses and other countries such as South Africa and an overall impact study on the arrival of the multiples. It was agreed by the Committee that both the whips and Deputy D’Arcys sub group would be asked to look at this area and to present some suggestions to the next meeting. 9.Adjournment The meeting was then adjourned until 10 November 1998 at 5.00 p.m. at which time there will be further discussion of Senator Henrys report and of any amendments to that report received and there will be discussion on the first draft of the annual report. Minutes of meeting of 10 November, 19981.The Joint Committee met at 5.10 p.m. on Tuesday, 10 November, 1998 in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance Deputies Ivor Callely (in the Chair), Seán Ardagh, Andrew Boylan, Brendan Daly, Conor Lenihan, Batt O’Keeffe, Nora Owen and John Perry. Senators Paul Coghlan, Margaret Cox, Willie Farrell and Mary Henry. Deputy Brian O’Shea attended in substitution for Deputy Tommy Broughan. Apologies were received from Deputies John McGuinness and David G. Stanton and Senator Jim Gibbons. 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting were agreed by the Committee and signed by the Chairman. 4.Correspondence (i)Letter from Boots: It was agreed to invite Boots to appear before the Joint Committee on either 24 November, 1998 or 2 December, 1998. (ii)Letter from Senator Fergal Quinn: It was agreed to invite Superquinn to a meeting of the Joint Committee, subject to the receipt of briefing from Senator Quinn regarding the exact issues Superquinn wish to discuss and subject to Senator Quinn being informed of the issues the Joint Committee has already considered in relation to the Retail Trade. (iii)Letter from Czech Republic: Members were informed of a letter of thanks from the delegation of Parliamentarians which recently met with the Joint Committee. Under matters arising from correspondence it was also agreed that representatives of ‘smaller players’ in the retail trade be invited to a meeting of the Joint Committee. 5.Annual Report, 1998 The Chairman informed the meeting that the Draft Annual Report for the Joint Committee had been prepared. It was agreed to circulate the draft to members for discussion and agreement at the next meeting. 6.Senator Henry’s Report The Joint Committee adopted Senator Henry’s report on the impact of the arrival of UK Multiple Store chains on distributors and agents in Ireland. 7.Presentation by Mr Kieran Devery of Deloitte and Touche Management Consulting on Retail Logistics - The Impact of Centralised Distribution The Chairman welcomed Mr Devery who then made a presentation on food retailing market dynamics, market trends, the impact of TESCO, IT issues, supply chain issues, current routings for food and possible routings for food. There then followed a question and answer session. 8.Any other business The Chairman informed the meeting that the Joint Committee would shortly consider its Work Programme for 1999. Members were requested to forward any suggestions or ideas to the Committee Clerk. 9.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 6.25 p.m., until 24 November, 1998. 20th November 1998 (Signed) Ivor Callely Chairman 1Appointed in the place of Eoin Ryan. (2nd April 1998). |
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