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APPENDIX 11Minutes of the Public Sessions of Joint Committee MeetingsThird Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 12 November 19971.The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.30 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Liam Aylward, Ivor Callely, Michael Creed, Austin Deasy, Proinsias De Rossa, Michael P. Kitt, Gay Mitchell, Michael O’Kennedy, Desmond J. O’Malley, Alan Shatter and Brendan Smith and Senators Ernie Caffrey*, Edward Haughey, Mick Lanigan, Paschal Mooney and Madeleine Taylor-Quinn. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Senator David Norris. * Substitute for Senator Avril Doyle. 3.Election of Chairman Nominations for the position of Chairman were sought by the Clerk and Deputy Desmond J. O’Malley was nominated by Deputy Michael O’Kennedy and seconded by Deputy Gay Mitchell. Deputy O’Malley’s election as Chairman was unanimous and Deputy O’Malley took the Chair. 4.Any Other Business a)It was agreed that the Joint Committee would meet a visiting Parliamentary Delegation from the United States, led by Congressman Jim Walsh, to discuss International General, Political and Economic Issues excluding the Peace Process on Tuesday 18 November 1997 at 4.45p.m. and that suitable time for discussion should be allowed. b)It was agreed that the Committee should seek a time of 4.00 p.m. on a Wednesday for its meetings. c)It was agreed that the Committee would have its next regular meeting on Wednesday 26 November, 1997 with sub-committees the first item on the agenda. During the exchange of views which took place various issues were raised including the following:- •Agenda 2000. •Sub-Committees on - Development Aid - Human Rights. •Circulation of material to Members. •EU Enlargement. •Northern Ireland. •Recommendations of UN Report of last Committee. •Middle East Peace Process. •Algeria. •Angola. •Return visit to U.S. Foreign Affairs Committee. •Foreign Affairs Committee information for (new) Members. •Co-ordination with European Affairs Committee on areas of common interest. 5.Foreign Affairs Policy Adviser The Chairman welcomed the new adviser Brian Muldoon and complimented the previous adviser, Liam Canniffe, on his work. 6.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 3.15p.m. until Tuesday 18 November, 1997 at 4.45p.m. ________________ Desmond J. O’Malley, Chairman. November 1997. Third Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 26 November 19971.The Joint Committee met in public session at 4.05pm in Room G.2, Kildare House 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Desmond O’Malley (Chairman), Liam Aylward, Ben Briscoe, Ivor Callely, Michael Creed, Austin Deasy, Prionsias De Rossa, Alan Shatter, Brendan Smith, Dick Spring, and Senators Mick Lanigan, Paschal Mooney and David Norris. An apology was received from Senator Avril Doyle. Mr. Joe McCartan, MEP also attended the meeting and apologies were received from MEPs Mary Banotti, John Cushnahan and Alan Gillis. 3.Minutes The Minutes of the meeting of 12 November, 1997 were agreed to. 4.(A) Sub-Committees It was agreed that two Sub-Committees -Development Co-operation and -Human Rights would be set up, at present, and that each Sub-Committee would:- (i)be delegated the same powers as the Joint Committee (SO 78 A Dáil) (SO 62A Seanad) other than the power to appoint Sub-Committees, (ii)be delegated the power to report directly to the Houses on the basis that representation on each Sub-Committee be proportionally the same as for the Joint Committee, (iii)Consist of eight Members (6 Dáil and 2 Seanad) (iv)have a quorum of three It was also agreed that the Chairman and the convenors would select the members of each Sub-Committee taking preferences by Members into account. (B) Bureau It was agreed that a Bureau should be set up to meet in private before each meeting with a view to expediting the business of the Committee and that the Bureau would consist of the Chairman, Vice Chairman, two convenors, Deputies Dick Spring and Prionsias De Rossa and one Senator. 5.Frequency of Meetings It was agreed that the Committee would meet every second week, with exceptions as required and that the Sub-Committees would meet on the weeks not taken up by the main Committee. 6.Circulation of Material received by Members It was agreed that a list of document received would be circulated by the Clerk every four weeks with an attachment allowing Members to indicated documents on the list they would like copied to them and that “important” documents received could be issued to each Member on the decision of the Chairman or the Bureau. 7.Any other Business (a)Chairman’s Meeting with Turkish Minister Prof. Gurel It was agreed that the Chairman would meet with Prof. Gurel and that other Members who wished to could also attend the meeting. Members suggested that the following matters be raised with the Minister:- -Human Rights within Turkey -The damming of the River Euphrates and -Cyprus, its accession to the EU (b)Meetings with Chairman It was agreed that the Chairman be delegated authority to meet representatives/persons seeking meetings with him as he sees fit on the basis that each meeting would be the subject of a short oral report to the Committee at subsequent meetings. (c)Vice-Chairman It was agreed that the election of a Vice-Chairman would be first on the agenda at the next meeting. (d)Work Programme Members were asked to give consideration to items for inclusion in the Committees Work Programme before the next meeting. The following issues were suggested in subsequent discussions:- -The European Security Architecture -Iraq/UN Issue -Middle East Peace Process -Algeria -Burma -Balkans -Irish/America Relations -East Timor -Tibet -Major Power Brokers -Human Rights -EU Enlargement -Northern Ireland The Chairman said he would place a draft Work Programme before the Committee at the next meeting. (e)Travel Guidelines The April 1997 Travel Guidelines were considered totally inappropriate by Members and it was agreed that the Chairman would take up the matter with the appropriate authority immediately. (8)Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 4.15 until Wednesday 10th December, 1997 at 4pm. ________________ Desmond J. O’Malley TD, Chairman. December 1997 Third Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 10 December 19971.The Joint Committee met in public session at 4.10 p.m. in Room G2, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Desmond J. O’Malley (Chairman), Liam Aylward, Ben Briscoe, Ivor Call margin-left: 3ex;ely, Michael Creed, Austin Deasy, Proinsias De Rossa, Michael P. Kitt, Gay Mitchell, Brendan Smith and Dick Spring and Senators Avril Doyle, Mick Lanigan, Paschal Mooney, David Norris and Madeleine Taylor-Quinn. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Senator Edward Haughey and Alan Gillis MEP. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meetings of 18 November and 26 November, 1997 were agreed to. 4.Chairman’s Meeting The Chairman gave oral reports on his meeting with Prof. Sukru Gürel, the Turkish Minister for Relations with the European Union and Co-ordination with the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus and his meeting with Dr. Valdis Birkaus, Foreign Minister of Latvia. 5.Vice-Chairman Deputy Austin Deasy was nominated for the position as Vice-Chairman by Deputy Gay Mitchell and seconded by Deputy Michael Creed. As there were no other nominations Deputy Deasy was elected Vice-Chairman. 6.Membership of Sub-Committees (a)Human Rights It was agreed that the following Members be appointed to serve on the Sub-Committee on Human Rights. Deputies; Ben Briscoe, Michael Creed, Michael Kitt, Gay Mitchell, Michael O’Kennedy and Alan Shatter. Senators; Paschal Mooney and David Norris. (b)Development Co-operation It was agreed that the following Members be appointed to serve on the Sub-Committee on Development Co-operation. Deputies; Theresa Ahearn, Liam Alyward, Austin Deasy, Proinsias De Rossa, Michael O’Kennedy and Brendan Smith. Senators; Mick Lanigan and Madeleine Taylor-Quinn. 7.Work Programme 1998 The draft work programme was considered by members and agreed to as amended. It was also agreed that the work programme, as amended, to laid before the Houses. 8.Algeria It was agreed that the Committee would suspend its consideration of the Algerian situation in the hope that the Minister for Foreign Affairs would agree to appear before the Committee, during the week commencing 15 December 1997, to give an up to date report on the situation following his recent visit to Algeria. 9.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 4.55pm., until a suitable time during the week beginning Monday 15 December 1997 for a meeting with the Minister for Foreign Affairs or, until 2.30pm. on Wednesday, 14 January 1998. ________________ Desmond J. O’Malley, Chairman. January 1998. Third Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 17 December 19971.The Joint Committee met in public session at 9.50 a.m. in Room G5, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies Desmond J. O’Malley (Chairman), Austin Deasy (Vice-Chairman), Liam Aylward, Ben Briscoe, Ivor Callely, Proinsias De Rossa, Michael P. Kitt, Gay Mitchell, and Brendan Smith and Senators Mick Lanigan, Paschal Mooney, David Norris and Madeleine Taylor-Quinn. Senator John Connor also attended. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Michael O’Kennedy and Dick Spring, Senator Edward Haughey and from the following MEPs; Cox, Crowley, Cushnahan, Gillis and McKenna. 3.Meeting with Minister for Foreign Affairs David Andrews T.D. to consider situation in Algeria. The Minister made a presentation on the situation in Algeria including information on his recent visit to and meetings in Algeria. This was followed by a question and answer session with the Members. The following motion proposed by Senator David Norris was agreed to:- “The Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs strongly urges the Government, along with its EU Partners, to actively support and encourage the proposed appointment by the United Nations Commission for Human Rights of Special Rapporteurs on a) extrajudicial killings and b) torture in Algeria with a view to their conducting a comprehensive investigation of the situation on these issues in that country and with a view to reporting back to the next session of the Commission on Human Rights which convenes in March 1998.” 4.Adjournment The Joint Committee adjourned at 11.00a.m. until 2.30p.m. on Wednesday, 14 January 1998. __________________ Desmond J. O’Malley T.D., Chairman. January 1998. Third Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 14 January 19981.The Joint Committee met in public session at 2.35 p.m. in Room G5, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies: Desmond J. O’Malley (Chairman), Liam Aylward, Ben Briscoe, Ivor Call margin-left: 3ex;ely, Austin Deasy, Proinsias De Rossa, Michael P. Kitt, Gay Mitchell, Michael O’Kennedy, Alan Shatter and Brendan Smith. Senators: Paddy Burke*, Avril Doyle, Mick Lanigan, Paschal Mooney, and David Norris. Senator John Connor also attended. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputy Dick Spring and from the following MEPs; Mary Banotti, Pat Cox, John Cushnahan, Jim Fitzsimons, Alan Gillis and Bernie Malone. * Substitute for Senator Madeleine Taylor-Quinn. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 10 December 1997 were agreed to. 4.Algeria The Committee’s consideration of the Algerian situation on 17 December 1997 and the ongoing atrocities in that country were discussed. The Chairman said that he would follow up on the motion adopted at the meeting on 17 December with Minister Andrews. Suggestions were made during discussions on the matter that the Algerian Ambassador be invited in and that Ireland and EU countries should be asked to impose a trade ban on Algeria. It was also suggested that outside intervention, under the umbrella of an international body would be necessary to deal with the situation. As the Sub-Committee on Human Rights will be discussing Algeria at its meeting on 21 January 1998 it was considered that the suggestions could be taken up with the Sub-Committee. 5.Situation in Northern Ireland The Chairman made a precise presentation on recent developments in Northern Ireland culminating in the Propositions on Heads of Agreement. There was general agreement by the Members present with this presentation and particular praise for the two Governments and officials involved in drawing up the documents. Problems likely to arise were aired in the general discussion which took place and the need and hope for flexibility on all margin-left: 3ex; sides was enunciated. It was agreed that the Committee should get information on parliamentary developments arising from the Sunningdale Agreement in 1973 and that some statistical information of voting patterns, particularly the last Forum elections, might be useful. The Committee offered its full support to all margin-left: 3ex; the parties in the talks and was united in its hope that the discussions could now be brought to a successful conclusion as soon as possible. 6.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 4.05pm. until 5.00pm. on Wednesday 28 January 1998. ________________ Desmond J. O’Malley, Chairman. January 1998. Third Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 28 January 19981.The Joint Committee met in public session at 5.00 p.m. in Room G5, Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present: Deputies: Desmond J. O’Malley (Chairman), Ben Briscoe, Ivor Callely, Michael Creed, Austin Deasy, Proinsias De Rossa, Michael P. Kitt, Gay Mitchell, Michael O’Kennedy and Dick Spring. Senators: Avril Doyle, Mick Lanigan, Paschal Mooney, David Norris and Madeleine Taylor-Quinn. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Theresa Ahearn and Brendan Smith and from the following MEPs; Pat Cox, John Cushnahan, and Patricia McKenna. 3.Minutes The minutes of the meetings of 17 December 1997 and 14 January 1998 were agreed to. 4.Situation in Great Lakes Region of Africa (Rwanda) Oral evidence on the current situation in the region was given by Ms. Margaret Hennessy, Assistant Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs Mr. David Begg, Chief Executive, Concern Mr. Justin Kilcullen, Director, Trócaire Ms. Colette Craven, Trócaire (Rwandan national). Ms. Hennessy was accompanied at the meeting by Ms Helen Browne and Mr Richard Fallon of the Department of Foreign Affairs. The presentation and discussion with Members covered the countries of Rwanda, Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo (ex Zaire) and covered a series of problems in the area including:- -the need for greater international involvement, -the need for a strong and vocal human rights presence in the area, -the unpredictable future for Tutsi (15%) minority domination in Rwanda over the Hutu (85%) majority, -insufficient effort at national reconciliation in Rwanda, -the huge prison population, 120,000 to 130,000 in totally inadequate facilities. -a hugely inefficient and inadequate judicial system which is making very slow progress in dealing with the large numbers of prisoners accused of being associated with or involved in the widespread massacres perpetrated by the Hutus some years ago. -an ineffective Organisation of African Unity (OAU) which is unlikely to be of much help in the Region. Hopeful signs are increased U.S. interest and perhaps positive influence from South Africa and Ugandan President Museveni. It was agreed that the Chairman would bring forward recommendations from the meeting for consideration by the Committee in two weeks. 5.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 7.05pm. until 3.00pm. on Wednesday 4 February for a special joint meeting with the Joint Committee on European Affairs with a visiting Parliamentary delegation from Lithuania. ________________ Desmond J. O’Malley, Chairman. February 1998. Joint Committees on Foreign Affairs and European AffairsProceedings of the CommitteeWednesday, 4 February, 19981.The Joint Committee met in joint session with the Joint Committee on European Affairs in Room G24, Kildare House at 3.00 p.m. on Wednesday, 4 February, 1998. 2.Attendance Foreign Affairs: Deputies Liam Aylward, Michael Creed, Gay Mitchell and Desmond J. O’Malley (Chairman). Senators Avril Doyle, Edward Haughey, Mick Lanigan and Paschal Mooney. European Affairs: Deputies Pat Carey, Michael Collins, Bernard J. Durkan (Chairman), Tony Gregory, Seán Haughey, Séamus Kirk, Gay Mitchell and Seán Power. Senators Don Lydon and Paddy McGowan. Apologies for inability to attend were received from Deputies Theresa Ahern, Ben Briscoe and Dick Spring. Pat Cox MEP, Alan Gillis MEP and Joe McCartin MEP. 3.Lithuanian Parliamentary Delegation The meeting received a Parliamentary Delegation from Lithuania led by Mr. Vytautas Landsbergis, M.P. Chairman of the Seimas and accompanied by H.E. Mr. Justas Paleckis, Ambassador. The delegation were welcomed by the Chairman of each of the Joint Committees. Members exchanged views with the delegation on: (i)bilateral relations between Ireland and Lithuania; (ii)European Union enlargement; (iii)the application of Lithuania to become a Member of the European Union; (iv)the process of Ireland’s accession to the European Communities; (v)the transposition of European Acts into Irish law; and (vi)the general situation in the former C.I.S. countries. 4.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 4.23 p.m. _____________ Desmond J. O’Malley Chairman February 1998 Third Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 11 February 19981.The Joint Committee met in Public Session at 4.00 pm and 4.10 pm in Room G2. Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:-
3.Minutes The minutes of the meeting of 28 January, 1998 were agreed to. 4.Matters arising from Minutes It was agreed that Members would consider recommendations circulated and that subject to the views of Members on them, which should be submitted to the Clerk in writing, they would be included in a draft Report to the Houses, for the Committee’s approval at a future date covering our consideration of the situation in the Great Lakes Region of Africa (Rwanda). This report will also include Members’ debate on the issue and the evidence of the witnesses who appeared before the Committee. It was also agreed that:- (i)Specific items on the Joint Committee’s agreed Work Programme for each year will not be discussed at meetings, other than meetings of the Joint Committee, without the consent of the Committee which may be obtained from the Chairman. (ii)Recommendations and Resolutions should only be put forward at each meeting in relation to the issues being discussed at that meeting. (iii)Recommendations and Resolutions on items already discussed may be submitted to the Clerk in writing in the period between the item being considered at meeting(s) of the Committee and a report being approved by the Committee. (iv)No action will be taken on Recommendations and Resolutions until the Report of the Committees to the Houses has been approved and the Report laid before the Houses. 5.Chairmen of Foreign Affairs Committees meeting in London It was agreed that the Chairman would attend the meeting from 2 to 4 March 1998. 6.Report of meeting with the Minister for Foreign Affairs, Mr. David Andrews, T.D. on Algeria. It was agreed that a composite report of the Committees consideration of the Algerian situation consisting of -debate with Minister on 17/12/97, -debate by Committee on 14/1/98, -letter to Minister dated 21/1/98, -Minister’s reply dated 10/2/98, -the recommendation of the sub-Committee on Human Rights, suitably amended to take account of the present situation, be placed before the Committee as soon as possible for approval for reporting to the Houses. It was also agreed that the Report of the recent visit to Algeria by EU MEPs should be included in the Algeria Report if possible and that consideration could be given to inviting the Algerian Ambassador to appear before the Committee to discuss the situation including political, human rights and internal security developments if deemed a worthwhile exercise. 7.Reports of Committee It was agreed that all reports of the Committee would continue to be considered and agreed in private. 8.Balkans It was agreed that the Balkans would be placed on the agenda for consideration soon and that in the meantime up to date information on the overall Balkans situation (in particular Kosova and SFOR) should be obtained for the Committee. 9.Security Architecture in the greater European context The Chairman made an opening statement on the matter which was followed by contributions from the Members. It was suggested that:- (a)consideration be given to inviting representatives from traditional neutral countries such as Sweden, Finland, Switzerland and Austria and also from N.A.T.O. to hear their views on the issues; (b)we were still at an early stage in defining the issues involved; and (c)we should have a fully informed analysis of the matters. 10.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5.10 pm until 4.00 pm on Wednesday, 25 February 1998. __________________ Desmond J. O’Malley, Chairman. February, 1998. Third Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 25 February 19981.The Joint Committee met in Public Session at 4.05 pm in Room G2. Kildare House. 2.Attendance The following members were present:-
3.Minutes The minutes of meetings of 4 February 1998 and 11 February 1998 were agreed to. 4.Meeting with speakers from Burma, Cambodia and Nigeria The following speakers attended the meeting Mr. Ledum Mitee, Nigeria Mr. Thun Saray, Cambodia Mr. Harn Yawnghwe, Burma Mr. Éamon Meehan, Head of Overseas Development, Trócaire. Ledum Mitee is Acting President of the movement of the survival of the Ogoni people, an indigenous people in Nigeria. Thun Saray is currently President of the Cambodian Human Rights and Development Association (ADHOC). In 1997 he became the First Representative of the Board of Directors of the Cambodian Committee for Free and Fair Elections. Harn Yawnghwe is the advisor to the Prime Minister of the exiled National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma. He is the Director of the European Office for the Development of Democracy in Burma and is currently involved in publicising the human rights situation in Burma and advocating action by the international community. In their oral evidence before the Committee the speakers raised a number of issues including for Nigeria ~the immediate release of political prisoners ~the de-militarisation of Ogoni ~the repeal of decrees that militate against due process ~the commencement of a genuine process of national reconciliation starting with the setting up of a government of national unity headed by Chief Abiola, winner of the 1993 annulled election ~the exploitation of oil and gas by the Shell Corporation with considerable disregard for the environment. Cambodia ~the return of all politicians, who went into self-exile after the July 1997 armed coup, to participate freely in the forthcoming elections ~equal access to the media ~a political atmosphere conducive to the elections ~the presence of international observers and monitors during the elections, the counting of the votes and until the new government takes over. Burma ~securing freedom for Aung San Suu Kyi to function as a political leader ~ending the repression of Burma’s ethnic people ~ending the use of religion as a means by the military of dividing the opposition ~international support for a visit, by the U.N. High Commissioner for Human Rights, Mary Robinson, to Burma and for a meeting with Aung San Suu Kyi. The oral evidence was followed by a question and answer session with the Members during which Mr Meehan raised the issue of the Declaration for Human Rights defenders. 5.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5.40 pm until 4.00 pm on either Wednesday, 11 March 1998 or Wednesday, 25 March 1998. _____________________ Desmond J. O’Malley, T.D. Chairman. March 1998 Third Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 25 March, 19981.The Joint Committee met in Public Session at 4.05 pm and 4.20 pm 2.Attendance The following Members were present:-
Apologies for non attendance were receive from Austin Deasy and Theresa Ahearn. 3.Minutes The minutes of meeting of 25 February, 1998 were agreed to. 4.Situation in the Balkans. Mr. Richard Townsend, Assistant Secretary, Department of Foreign Affairs, accompanied by Mr. Tom Bolster, Counsellor, made a presentation to the Committee on recent developments in the Balkans with particular emphasis on Kosovo. This was followed by a question and answer session with the Members. Members were informed that the Foreign Ministers of the Contact Group Countries had at a meeting in Bonn on the morning of 25 March 1998, postponed a decision on imposing extra sanctions on the FRY for four weeks. The Joint Committee having considered the disturbing situation in Kosovo and the potential for a significant deterioration there with possible consequences for other countries in the region, adopted the following resolution: The Joint Committee gives its full backing to the measures to be pursued immediately endorsed by the Contact Group countries (USA, Russia, France, UK, Germany and Italy) at their meeting in London on 9 March, namely: -UN Security Council consideration of a comprehensive arms embargo against the Former Republic of Yugoslavia (FRY), including Kosovo; -Refusal to supply equipment to the FRY which might be used for internal repression, or for terrorism; -Denial of visas for senior FRY and Serbian representatives responsible for repressive action by FRY security forces in Kosovo; -A moratorium on government-financed export credity support for trade and investment, including government financing for privatisations in Serbia. The Joint Committee also called for the immediate reimposition of full economic sanctions against the FRY. 5.Any Other Business It was agreed that item 42 under Notices of Motions in the Order Paper of Tuesday 24 March, 1998 be referred to the sub-Committee on Human Rights for consideration. 6.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5.35 pm to either 12.00 noon or 4.00 pm on Wednesday 8 April, 1998. ______________________ Desmond J. O’Malley, T.D. Chairman April 1998 Third Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 8 April, 19981.The Joint Committee met in Public Session at 11.50 am. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:-
Apologies for non attendance were received from Deputies Austin Deasy and Dick Spring and Senator David Norris.
3.Minutes The minutes of meeting of 25 March 1998 were agreed to. 4.Situation in Algeria The Joint Committee heard oral presentations from Prof. Abdelhamid Brahimi, Prime Minister of Algeria 1984 - 1988, and Ms. Mary Lawlor, Director and Press Officer of Amnesty International Irish Section. Prof Brahimi highlighted the main points of his submission to the Committee. He emphasised French involvement including the presence of French military advisors; the deterioration in the political, economic and social situation in Algeria since 1992; the attempts by the Government since 1995 to improve its image through a series of elections some of which, at least, had a low turnout and were fraudulent; the huge amounts of money being spent on military equipment at the expense of the daily needs of the population; significant drop in Algeria’s GDP; significant current and projected increase in unemployment. Ms. Lawlor read statements to the Joint Committee from Karima Hammache (Rassemblement Action Jeunesse), Mostefa Bouchachi (Human Rights Lawyer) and Salima Ghezali (Editor of “La Nation”) who had been in Ireland last week. Each presentation was followed by a question and answer session with the members. The Joint Committee in light of the continuing regular incidence of massacres of innocent people, including women and children in Algeria, adopted the following Resolution. The Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs, Expressing concern at the grave human rights situation in Algeria, where up to 80,000 people, including women and children, have been killed in the six-year-old conflict; Expressing solidarity with the victims and their families; Expressing concern that, in spite of repeated assurances by the Algerian authorities year after year that the situation is “under control and improving”, the situation in fact has continued to deteriorate and in the past year violence has reached unprecedented levels; Expressing concern that the perpetrators of grave crimes, including massacres, murder and torture, have not been brought to justice and appear to enjoy continuing impunity; Calls on the Irish Government to play a constructive role at the current UN Commission on Human Rights and other fora by calling for the appointment of a Special Rapporteur and for the establishment of an international investigation to (i)establish facts and responsibilities in order to shed light on the situation there, (ii)to ensure that those responsible for crimes and grave abuses are brought to justice and (iii)to make recommendations for a long-term human rights plan of action to address the Algerian human rights crisis. Asks that the necessary resources be provided to do this and reiterates its commitment to the principle that human rights have no borders and that no human rights situation can be immune from international scrutiny. 5.Northern Ireland situation In view of the critical stage of the talks process it was agreed to defer consideration of the Northern Ireland situation to a later meeting. 6.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 1.30 pm to 4.00 pm on Wednesday, 22 April, 1998. _____________________ Desmond J. O’Malley, T.D. Chairman April 1998 Third Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 22 April, 19981.The Joint Committee met in Public Session at 4.15pm. 2.Attendance The following Members were present:-
Apologies for non-attendance were received from Deputies Austin Deasy, Prionsias De Rossa, Gay Mitchell, Michael O’Kennedy and Dick Spring and Senators Mick Lanigan and Madeleine Taylor-Quinn. 3.Minutes The Minutes of meeting of 8 April 1998 were agreed to. 4.Presentation by Rwandan Ambassador to Ireland. Dr. Zac Nsenga, Ambassador made an oral presentation to the Committee covering the Justice system, security, human rights and political situation. In relation to the justice system, he said that many people suspected of involvement in genocide had been arrested. 120,000 were currently in detention. Rwanda did not have the resources to process the cases expeditiously. An international conference in 1995 had thrown up ways to expedite the processing of cases of people suspected of genocide: by categorising suspects under three headings in descending order of gravity, (i) Ideologues of genocide, (ii) militia and (iii) those forced or compelled to take part in genocide. Category (i) would carry the death penalty. A range of punishments would cover categories (ii) and (iii). The death penalty had never been waived and it would be extremely difficult to do so now. Mobile brigades to travel round the country to expedite cases had so far led to the release of 4000 detainees. 300 serious cases had been processed through the courts. There was heavy pressure on the Government to implement a genocide law. The death penalty should be allowed in serious cases such as genocide as there is nothing more serious than genocide. Executions should be in public because this would help towards reconciliation. On security, the Government were “in control” of the country, with insurgency being confined to two areas. The Government were dealing with security issues in a political manner: he instanced the arrest and subsequent release within 5 days of 1,500 ex-FAR. On human rights, he said that it was necessary to create an awareness of the need for respect of these rights. A HR Commission had now been put in place. He acknowledged that the death penalty was not the best solution but it was the only deterrent “to prevent the army getting out of hand”. Politically, it was now time to move forward. There were 5 parties in Government and 11 in the National Assembly, all working together. The judiciary was independent. The people of Rwanda now had a choice. There were tentative moves towards decentralisation. Winding up his unscripted address, the Ambassador appealed for Ireland’s continued support in the areas of justice and decentralisation. Clinton’s visit had been a big boost for Rwanda. The presentation was followed by a question and answer session with the Members in the course of which the Chairman and other members protested to the Ambassador about the proposed public executions in Rwanda due to take place in a few days time. 5.Northern Ireland All the Members who spoke on the agreement, Deputies Briscoe, O’Malley, Shatter and Smith, affirmed their full support for it, their thanks to all involved and a wish that the referendum on it would have the overwhelming support of the people. 6.Expression of Sympathy The Committee extended its deepest sympathy to Senator Madeleine Taylor-Quinn on the death of her father Francis (Frank) Taylor R.I.P. 7.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5.55 pm Siné die. ____________________ Desmond J. O’Malley, T.D. Chairman June, 1998. Third Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday 3 June 19981.The Joint Committee met in Public Session at 5.10 pm and 5.45 pm 2.Attendance
Apologies for non attendance were received from Deputies Theresa Ahearn, Austin Deasy, Michael O’Kennedy and Brendan Smith; and Senators Avril Doyle and Edward Haughey. 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting of 22 April, 1998 were agreed to. 4.Indonesia and East Timor Presentations were made by Ms. Mary Lawlor of Amnesty International, Irish Section; Tom Hyland of the East Timor Solidarity Campaign; and Fionnuala Gilsenan, Trócaire. In the question and answer session that followed the matters highlighted included:- (i)The impending food crisis and associated health problems; (ii)The related problems of unemployment and rampant inflation; (iii)The unlawful imprisonment and torture of innocent people; (iv)The lack of both freedom of association and freedom of the press, and (v)the need for real political and democratic reforms to take place. The Joint Committee agreed the following resolution:- “The Joint Committee on Foreign Affairs strongly urges the Minister for Foreign Affairs to:- -make strong representations to the Foreign Secretary of the United Kingdom, in his position as President of the EU Council of Ministers, to ensure that the forthcoming troika visit to Indonesia goes ahead in view of recent events in that country and the consequences that may result from the cancellation of the planned visit; - request the EU General Council to impose an embargo on arms exports and equipment which may be used for internal repression or terrorism in Indonesia; and -call for the release of all Indonesians and East Timorese who have been imprisoned solely for the peaceful expression of their beliefs.”. In addition it was agreed that the Indonesian Ambassador be written to in order to seek the release of all political prisoners. 5.Any other business (i)EU SADC: It was agreed that three Members of the Committee would attend a conference entitled, European-Southern African Co-operation in a Globalising World, to be held in Vienna on 11-14 October, 1998. (ii)U.S. Delegation: The Committee agreed that the Chairman would meet with the Executive Committee of the National Conference of State Legislatures in the United States on Thursday 18 June. (iii)It was agreed to forward correspondence received from the Vietnamese Irish Association to the sub-Committee on Human Rights. 6.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 6.40 pm. Sine die. __________________ Desmond J. O’Malley Chairman July 1998 Third Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday 1 July 19981.The Joint Committee met in Public Session at 6.15 pm. 2.Attendance
Apologies for non attendance were received from Deputies Theresa Ahearn and Dick Spring and Senators Edward Haughey, David Norris and Madeleine Taylor-Quinn. * Billy Timmins substituted for Austin Deasy. 3.Minutes The minutes of the previous meeting of 3 June, 1998 were agreed to. 4.Security Architecture in the Greater European Context The following speakers attended the meeting; His Excellency Dr. Michael Breisky, the Ambassador of Austria His Excellency Mr. Willy Hold, the Ambassador of Switzerland His Excellency Mr. Peter Osvald, the Ambassador of Sweden His Excellency Mr. Timo Jalkanen, the Ambassador of Finland Professor N.P. Keatinge, University of Dublin, Trinity College. During their presentations the Ambassadors indicated why their countries had joined the Partnership for Peace programme and the benefits their membership had brought them. Professor Keatinge in his presentation covered a number of possible scenarios in this area. The oral evidence was followed by a question and answer session with the Members. It was agreed that the Committee would return to the topic on a later occasion possibly with a NATO representative present. 5.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 8.35 pm until 4 pm on 15 July, 1998. __________________ Desmond J. O’Malley Chairman July, 1998 Third Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday 15 July 19981.The Joint Committee met in Public Session at 11.21am. 2.Attendance
Apologies for non attendance were received from Deputies Liam Aylward, Alan Shatter and Dick Spring and Senators Avril Doyle and David Norris. 3.Minutes The minutes of the Public Session of the previous meeting of 1 July, 1998 were agreed to. 4.Security Architecture in the Greater European Context The meeting was attended by Mr. Rick Kirby, Deputy Head of the Partnership and Cooperation Division of the Political Affairs Division of the NATO International Secretariat. Mr Kirby addressed the meeting on the ways in which NATO has changed in light of the new security climate and presented the main features of NATO’s outreach programme of partnership and cooperation with non-member states. His presentation was followed by a question and answer session with members. 5.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 1.07pm sine die. ________________ Desmond J. O’Malley Chairman September, 1998 Third Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeFriday, 18 September, 19981.The Joint Committee met in Public Session at 11.19 am. 2.Attendance
Apologies for non attendance were received from Deputies Liam Aylward, Austin Deasy and Michael Kitt. 3.Minutes The minutes of the Public Session of the previous meeting of 15 July, 1998 were agreed to. 4.Russia’s Financial Crisis The meeting was attended by Professor Ron Hill, Professor of Comparative Government at Trinity College, Dublin. Professor Hill addressed the meeting on the origins and nature of the current financial crisis in Russia. His presentation was followed by a question and answer session with Members. 5.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 12.58pm. __________________ Desmond J. O’Malley Chairman October, 1998 Third Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 14 October, 19981.The Joint Committee met in Public Session at 4.14 pm. 2.Attendance
3.Minutes The minutes of the Public Session of the previous meeting of 18 September, 1998 were agreed to. 4.World Economic Crisis The meeting was attended by Dr. Philip Lane, Lecturer on Economics at Trinity College, Dublin. Dr. Lane addressed the meeting on the current difficulties in the global economy. His presentation was followed by a question and answer session with Members. 5.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 5.37pm. _________________ Desmond J. O’Malley Chairman October, 1998 Third Joint Committee on Foreign AffairsProceedings of the Joint CommitteeWednesday, 28 October, 19981.The Joint Committee met in Public Session at 11.40 am. 2.Attendance
Apologies were received from Senator Pascal Mooney. 3.Minutes The minutes of the Public Session of the previous meeting of 14 October, 1998 were agreed to. 4.Strategy Statement of the Department of Foreign Affairs The meeting was attended by Mr. Padraic MacKernan, Secretary General of the Department of Foreign Affairs and senior officials of that Department. Mr. MacKernan presented an outline of the Department’s strategy statement for the period 1998-2000. His presentation was followed by a question and answer session with Members. 5.Adjournment The meeting adjourned at 2.07pm. _________________ Desmond J. O’Malley Chairman October, 1998 |
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