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Some of the other areas of major concern during the year were Hepatitis C, domestic violence and the monitoring of progress on the implementation of the Recommendations of the Second Commission on the Status of Women. The need for childcare provision is a fundamental prerequisite to creating the conditions for progress for women in employment. To this end the Joint Committee is at present conducting valuable research on Childcare and Crèche provision in Ireland. The Joint Committee will continue to monitor the progress of the implementation of the Recommendations on the Second Commission of the Status of Women and as these recommendations relate to the area of responsibility of a number of Government Departments and State-sponsored Bodies, the Committee will continue to liaise with those agencies. The problems of domestic violence, sexual harassment and the discrimination of minority groups such as traveller women and women with disabilities are some of the issues to be addressed during the coming year. The Committee will also develop links with Northern Ireland Women’s Groups and will liaise on issues of mutual concern. The Joint Committee acknowledges the key part which its consultations with women’s organisations, interest groups and charities has played and would like to thank them for their contribution. In thanking members for their assistance to date, I know I may look forward to their continuing contribution in the coming year. Mary Wallace T.D. 2. JOINT COMMITTEE ON WOMEN’S RIGHTSORDERS OF REFERENCEDÁIL ÉIREANN7 April, 1993:- Ordered(1) That, for the purpose of facilitating consultation between the Houses of the Oireachtas and representatives of organisations concerned with the position of women in Irish society, a Select Committee consisting of 11 Members of Dáil Éireann be appointed to be joined with a Select Committee to be appointed by Seanad Éireann to form the Joint Committee on Women’s Rights. (2) That the Joint Committee shall- (a)examine or propose legislative measures which would materially affect the interests of women; (b)consider means by which any areas of discrimination against women can be eliminated and by which the obstacles to their full participation in the political, social and economic life of the community can be removed; (c)consider specific economic and social disadvantages applying to women in the home and, bearing in mind the special nature of their contribution to the community, to recommend effective policy and administrative changes to help eliminate these disadvantages and report to the Houses of the Oireachtas thereon. (3) That the Joint Committee shall have power to send for persons, papers and records and, subject to the consent of the Minister for Finance, to engage the services of persons with specialist or technical knowledge to assist it for the purposes of particular enquiries. (4) That the Joint Committee, previous to the commencement of business, shall elect one of its members to be Chairman, who shall have only one vote. (5) That all questions in the Joint Committee shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present and voting and in the event of there being an equality of votes the question shall be decided in the negative. (6) That the Joint Committee shall have power to print and publish from time to time minutes of evidence taken before it, together with such related documents as it thinks fit. (7) That four members of the Joint Committee shall form a quorum, of whom at least one shall be a Member of Dáil Éireann and at least one shall be a Member of Seanad Éireann. (8) That every report which the Joint Committee proposes to make shall, on adoption by the Joint Committee, be laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas forthwith, whereupon the Joint Committee shall be empowered to print and publish such report together with such related documents as it thinks fit. Extensions to the Orders of Reference contained in Dáil Order Paper. (1 March 1995)That the Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee on Women’s Rights be amended by the addition of the following paragraphs after paragraph (8):- (9) That the Joint Committee shall have the power to discuss and draft proposals for legislative changes and new legislation for recommendation to Ministers which are relevant to the matters comprehended by paragraph (2). (10) That all appointees to high office in the State shall attend meetings of the Joint Committee, as appropriate, and subject to the legal constraints of their office, to discuss issues which are relevant to the matters comprehended by paragraph (2). (11) That Ministers and Ministers of State shall appear before the Joint Committee to discuss current policies relevant to the matters comprehended by paragraph (2) And the implementation of such policies in their Departments. A Minister or Minister of State may request the Joint Committee to convene to enable him or her to explain current or proposed policy or to initiate a debate thereon. (12) That in the absence from a particular meeting of the Joint Committee of a member who is a member of Dáil Éireann, another member of Dáil Éireann nominated by the Party or group within the meaning of Standing Order 90 to which the absent member belongs may take part in the proceedings and vote in his or her stead: Provided that in the case of a substitute nominated by a Party which is a Government Party, such substitute may be a member of another Government Party. (13) That members of Dáil Éireann, not being members of the Joint Committee, may attend meetings and take part in the proceedings of the Joint Committee without having a right to vote.’.” SEANAD EIREANN(1) That, for the purpose of facilitating consultation between the Houses of the Oireachtas and representatives of organisations concerned with the position of women in Irish society, a Select Committee consisting of 6 Members of Seanad Éireann be appointed to be joined with a Select Committee to be appointed by Dáil Éireann to form the Joint Committee on Women’s Rights. (2) That the Joint Committee shall- (a)examine or propose legislative measures which would materially affect the interests of women; (b)consider means by which any areas of discrimination against women can be eliminated and by which the obstacles to their full participation in the political, social and economic life of the community can be removed; (c)consider specific economic and social disadvantages applying to women in the home and, bearing in mind the special nature of their contribution to the community, to recommend effective policy and administrative changes to help eliminate these disadvantages and report to the Houses of the Oireachtas thereon. (3) That the Joint Committee shall have power to send for persons, papers and records and, subject to the consent of the Minister for Finance, to engage the services of persons with specialist or technical knowledge to assist it for the purposes of particular enquiries. (4) That the Joint Committee, previous to the commencement of business, shall elect one of its members to be Chairman, who shall have only one vote. (5) That all questions in the Joint Committee shall be determined by a majority of votes of the members present and voting and in the event of there being an equality of votes the question shall be decided in the negative. (6) That the Joint Committee shall have power to print and publish from time to time minutes of evidence taken before it, together with such related documents as it thinks fit. (7) That four members of the Joint Committee shall form a quorum, of whom at least one shall be a Member of Dáil Éireann and at least one shall be a Member of Seanad Éireann. (8) That every report which the Joint Committee proposes to make shall, on adoption by the Joint Committee, be laid before both Houses of the Oireachtas forthwith, whereupon the Joint Committee shall be empowered to print and publish such report together with such related documents as it thinks fit. Extensions to the Orders of Reference contained in Seanad Order Paper. (March 1995)That the Orders of Reference of the Joint Committee on Women’s Rights be amended by the addition of the following paragraphs after paragraph (8):- (9) That the Joint Committee shall have the power to discuss and draft proposals for legislative changes and new legislation for recommendation to Ministers which are relevant to the matters comprehended by paragraph (2). (10) That all appointees to high office in the State shall attend meetings of the Joint Committee, as appropriate, and subject to the legal constraints of their office, to discuss issues which are relevant to the matters comprehended by paragraph (2). (11) That Ministers and Ministers of State shall appear before the Joint Committee to discuss current policies relevant to the matters comprehended by paragraph (2) And the implementation of such policies in their Departments. A Minister or Minister of State may request the Joint Committee to convene to enable him or her to explain current or proposed policy or to initiate a debate thereon. (12) That in the absence from a particular meeting of the Joint Committee of a member who is a member of Seanad Éireann, another member of Seanad Éireann nominated by the Party or group within the meaning of Standing Order 90 to which the absent member belongs may take part in the proceedings and vote in his or her stead: Provided that in the case of a substitute nominated by a Party which is a Government Party, such substitute may be a member of another Government Party. (13) That members of Dáil Éireann, not being members of the Joint Committee, may attend meetings and take part in the proceedings of the Joint Committee without having a right to vote.’.” 3. LIST OF MEMBERS OF THE FOURTH JOINT COMMITTEE ON WOMEN’S RIGHTS
4. WORK CARRIED OUT BY THE COMMITTEE DURING 1996Number of meetings in 1996 - 20
ISSUES DISCUSSED DURING 5. MAIN PUBLIC HEARINGSNATIONAL WOMEN’S COUNCIL OF IRELANDDiscussion with National Women’s Council of Ireland A presentation was made by Ms. Noreen Byrne, Chairperson of the National Women’s Council of Ireland. Decision/Conclusion: It was agreed that further meetings would be held between the Council and the Joint Committee in 1996 so that the two could work together on areas of mutual concern and keep each other informed on their activities. FEMALE CARERS OF THE ELDERLY AND INCAPACITATEDDiscussion with the Carer’s Association and Soroptomists International Republic of Ireland Presentations were made by both organisations. Decision/Conclusion: It was agreed to write to the eight Health Boards on the availability of the homehelp service in each Health Board area. CHILDCARE AND CRECHE PROVISION IN IRELANDDiscussion on Research on Childcare and Creche Provision in Ireland A presentation was made by Ms. Martina Murphy, Chairperson of the National Childrens Nursery Association. Her submission included a number of recommendations which the NCNA considered necessary to support working parents paying for childcare, childcare trainees and childcare facility providers. Mr. Cian Ó Tighernaigh, Chief Executive of the Irish Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Children also made a presentation to the Committee. Decision/Conclusion: It was decided to write to the various County Vocational Educational Committees to ascertain the level of provision of courses to train childcarers. It was agreed to write to the Minister for the Environment to seek his views on location and cost of creche and childcare facilities. It was also agreed to write to South Dublin County Council for details of its policy of incorporating creche schemes into planning schemes. It was further agreed to write to the Minister for Health regarding the provision of childminding facilities in hospitals and in particular, maternity hospitals. Discussion with Irish Preschool Playgroup Association (IPPA) Ms. Denise McCormilla of the IPPA made a presentation. Decision/Conclusion: It was decided to write to the Minister for Education in regard to the availability of empty classrooms in schools and colleges for use by preschool playgroups and community groups. It was also agreed that a letter would be sent to all County Enterprise Boards enquiring as to the policy of each Board in encouraging entrepreneurs and community groups to set up childminding businesses and preschool playgroups. It was decided to write to the Minister for Health seeking his views on funding for development by the Health Boards of an advisory support service for preschool playgroups in all parts of the country in cooperation with childcare development officers in each region. EMPLOYMENT EQUALITY AGENCYDiscussion with Employment Equality Agency The Chairperson, Ms. Kate Hayes accompanied by Ms. Carmel Foley, Ms. Mary Honan and Mr. Brian Merriman made a presentation on a publication which had previously been launched by the EEA entitled ‘Introducing Family Friendly Initiatives in the Workplace. Decision/Conclusion: It was decided to write to the Minister for Equality and Law Reform seeking his views on the question of wheelchair access to the EEA premises and the question of adequate funding for the Agency pending completion of employment equality and equal status legislation. SECOND PROGRESS REPORTMonitoring Committee on the Implementation of the Recommendations of the Second Commission on the Status of Women The Minister for Equality and Law Reform made a presentation to the Committee on the progress made on the implementation of the Recommendations in the second commission on the Status of Women. Decision/Conclusion: The Committee will continue to monitor the progress on the implementation of the recommendations contained in the report. WOMEN IN MANAGEMENT IN LOCAL ADMINISTRATIONDiscussion on the Recommendations of the Report on ‘Women in Management in Local Administration Mr. Joe Boyle, Secretary of the Local Appointments Commission made a presentation on the subject of the Commission’s response to the Committee’s report and the progress made by the Commission in developing selection processes for local authorities. Decision/Conclusion: It was agreed that the Local Appointments Commission would formally respond to a suggestion made by the Committee that the Commission initiate an advertising campaign seeking volunteers for membership of interview boards from suitably qualified women in order to augment the existing pool of available candidates and to comment on the factors which pertain at middle management level in Local administration which appear to impede progress of women to senior management level and how those factors could be addressed. TRANSNATIONAL CHILD ABDUCTIONDiscussion on Transnational Child Abduction Ms. Mary Banotti, M.E.P. and EU Mediator for transnationally abducted children made a presentation. Decision/Conclusion: It was agreed to write to the Minister for Equality and Law Reform, requesting up to date details of child abduction cases relating to Ireland and how they were resolved, requesting that his Department fund the provision of a child abduction prevention pack similar to that provided by the Reunite organisation in Britain and recommending that a centralised European body dealing with child abduction be established. It was also agreed to write to the Minister for Justice requesting details of progress made in setting up a data base of abduction cases. POSITIVE ACTIONDiscussion with Positive Action A presentation was made by Positive Action. Decision/Conclusion: It was decided to write to the Minister for Health on the following issued:- -Funding; -Home Support Services; -Training for Counsellors; -Adequate Regional Hospital Support; -Dissemination of Information on Hepatitis C. WOMEN’S AIDDiscussion with Women’s Aid A presentation was made to the Committee by Ms. Roisin McDermott and Monica O’Connor representatives from Women’s Aid. Decision/Conclusion: It was agreed to write to the Minister for Justice on the effectiveness of the new legislation (Domestic Violence Act, 1996); the Minister for Education on the establishment of a programme in schools to educate young people on the whole area of domestic violence and the Minister for Health on the matter of increased funding for the National Helpline run by Women’s Aid. 6. MAIN PRIVATE MEETINGSIn 1996 the Private Meetings of the Joint Committee dealt mainly with discussions on the various research projects undertaken on behalf of the Committee and the adoption of Recommendations in the following Reports finalised during 1996: -Women in Management in Local Administration -Barriers to the Participation of Women in Business and Business Creation -The Impact of European Equality Legislation and Women’s Affairs in Ireland -A Longterm Support Framework for Female Carers of Older People and People with Disabilities: 1996 - 2011 -EQUALITY - From Employment Equality Agency to Equality Authority. -Women in Management: A Human Resource Development Intervention Other issues dealt with in Private session: -Provision of Creche Facilities in Leinster House. -Meeting with Parliamentary Delegation from the Russian Federation. 7. REPORTS PUBLISHED BY THE COMMITTEE IN 19961.Women in Management in Local Administration - May 1996 2.Barriers to the Participation of Women in Business and Business Creation - July 1996 3.The Impact of European Equality Legislation on Women’s Affairs in Ireland - July 1996 4.A Long-term Support Framework for Female Carers of Older People and People with Disabilities: 1996 - 2011 - September 1996 5.Equality - From Employment Equality Agency to Equality Authority - November 1996 Other ResearchWomen in Management: A Human Resource Development Intervention This project was finalised and lodged in the Oireachtas Library on 10 July 1996. Research Commissioned in 19961.Child Care and Crèche Provision in Ireland-Phase I Phase I of this project on the Formal Sector is due for completion at the end of March 1997 Proposed Research for 19971.Child Care and Crèche Provision in Ireland-Phase II Phase II of this project on the In Formal Sector. 2.Domestic Violence/Family Courts 8. WORK PROGRAMME FOR WOMEN’S RIGHTS COMMITTEE 1997
Reports published/Research Commissioned
* Appointed on 30 May 1996 in substitution for John Connor T.D. |
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