Committee Reports::Report - Report of the Select Committee on Social Affairs on Non-Fatal Offences against the Person in respect of Children::01 May, 1997::Appendix

Appendix 5: Proceedings of the Select Committee on Social Affairs in Relation to this Report


Déardaoin, 1 Bealtaine, 1997

Thursday, 1st May, 1997


1. The Committee met at 2.45p.m.

2. Members Present.

The following members were present:-

Deputies Séamus Pattison (in the Chair), Paul Bradford, Matt Brennan, Brian Cowen, Frances Fitzgerald, Mary Flaherty, Charles Flanagan*, Chris Flood, Michéal Martin and Michael J. Woods.

6. Report on Non-Fatal Offences against the PERSON IN RESPECT OF Children

(i) Paragraphs 1 and 2 agreed to.

(ii) Consideration of paragraph 3 deferred.

(iii) Paragraphs 4, 5 and 6 agreed to.

(iv) Paragraph 7.

Amendment proposed (Deputy Mary Flaherty):

“To delete subparagraphs 7.3A, 7.3C and 7.3D, to renumber subparagraph 7.3B as paragraph 7.3 and to add the following words at the end thereof:

‘and that the Government adopt the recommendation of the Law Reform Commission on the implementation of a major program for positive parenting’.”

Amendment agreed to.

Paragraph, as amended, agreed to.

(v) Paragraphs 3 and 8 agreed to.

(vi) Appendices 1 and 2 agreed to.

(vii) Appendix 3.

Amendment proposed (Deputy Mary Flaherty):

“To delete subsections A, C and D of section 6”

Amendment agreed to.

Appendix, as amended, agreed to.

(viii) Appendix 4 agreed to.

Ordered: To report accordingly.

Ordered: That the minutes of proceedings of the Select Committee relating to the Report be included as an Appendix to the Report.

Ordered: That the Report be printed and published.

11. Adjournment.

The Committee adjourned at 4.15 p.m. until 2.30p.m. on Wednesday, 7 May, 1997.

* Pursuant to paragraph (9) of the Orders of Reference of the Select Committee, Deputy Charles Flanagan substituted for Deputy Frank Crowley.