COMMITTEE OF PUBLIC ACCOUNTSFIRST INTERIM REPORT ON THE 1994 APPROPRIATION ACCOUNTSVOTE 15 - VALUATION AND ORDNANCE SURVEYThe Committee has made progress in the matters referred to it and has agreed to the following Interim Report: The Committee reports that during the year ended 31 December 1994, expenditure in excess of the amount voted by the Oireachtas was incurred under the Vote hereinafter mentioned: STATEMENT OF EXCESSA statement of the sum required to be voted in order to make good an excess on the Vote for Valuation and Ordnance Survey.
The sanction of the Oireachtas will be required in respect of the sum set out in column (7). The excess arose because a posting error had occurred in the manual recording system in July 1994 whereby the expenditure under one subhead of the Vote had been understated. The error remained undetected until after the year-end when the Appropriation Account was being prepared and it was discovered that the total expenditure of the Vote had exceeded the Gross Estimate. At the Committee meeting of 26 October 1995, the Committee examined the Accounting Officer for Valuation and Ordnance Survey and was informed that a new financial management system had been installed in the Office and that the error which resulted in the excess Vote could no longer occur. In light of the assurances of the Accounting Officer, the Committee sees no objection to this sum being provided by excess Vote. DENIS FOLEY T.D. Chairman. 7th December 1995 |