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APPENDIX 2WORKS AT IRISH DIPLOMATIC MISSIONS.Secretary, Committee of Public Accounts, Leinster House, Dublin 2. As promised in my letter of 30 October 1986 I now enclose a statement containing information on works carried out/proposed at the Irish Diplomatic Missions listed in the appendix to my letter. P. Scanlan, Accounting Officer. Oifig na nOibreacha Poiblí, Baile Átha Cliath 2. 8 December 1986. Dar-es-Salaam Development Co-operation OfficerAs a result of Government decision to establish a Development Co-operation Office in Tanzania an office and a Residence were leased in Dar-es-Salaam. Fitting out and furnishing of both premises was carried out in 1980/81. Partitioning was required in the Chancery. Works to the Residence included alterations, replacement of sanitary fittings, general repairs, provision of air conditioning, security works and redecoration. Standard furnishings and electrical equipment were provided for both premises. Embassy at Beirut — Fitting OutThe work here involved fitting out and furnishing premises acquired in late 1974 for use as a Residence and premises acquired in 1980 for use as a Chancery. Initially the Chancery operated out of the Residence pending leasing of suitable office accommodation. While work to the Residence commenced in 1975 and the premises were occupied, work was not completed until 1979 due to closure of Embassy from 1976 to 1979 because of the ongoing civil war. On re-opening of the Embassy work to the Residence was completed and premises leased and fitted out for the Chancery. Canberra ChanceryThe Australian Government provided the Irish Government with a free site (subject to an annual rent of A$2,500 for 20 years) for the erection of an Embassy, subject also to a commitment to build within 4 years. Local Consultants were commissioned in 1977 to draw up plans for a Chancery and Residence and general development of the site. As the then Chancery was leased, priority was given to the erection of the Chancery and a staff cottage. The contract was placed in May 1979 and work was completed in 1980. The purpose built Chancery is single storey, domestic in scale, of simple design and economical lay-out with a nett room area of 3,094 sq. ft. For financial reasons the Residence has not gone ahead but sketch plans have been prepared. Embassy at Lagos — Improvements to ResidenceThe premises which were the best available were never regarded as fully suitable as a Residence. Reception and kitchen areas were inadequate sizewise. Over the years alternative proposals for improvements to the residence (demolition and re-erection or sell and acquire new premises) were considered. In the circumstances only essential maintenance to preserve the building and keep services etc., operating were done. Research of the market proved that nothing better was available; the proposal to demolish and re-erect was eliminated as too costly. There was therefore no alternative but to renovate the existing house to bring it up to Embassy standards and to improve services which had deteriorated over the years. Works, the minimum required to bring the premises to a reasonably suitable standard were undertaken in 1981 together with a partial refurnishing programme. Main works included were: Enlargement of dining room and kitchen. New toilet and utility area. Roof insulation. Improvement of security. Energy stand-by generator. Improvement of mechanical and electrical installation. Re-decoration. Nairobi EmbassyFollowing a Government decision to establish an Embassy in Kenya accommodation for a Chancery was leased in a new Office Block in 1979. A Residence for the Ambassador was purchased late 1979 and one for the 1st Secretary was purchased early 1980. Works to the Ambassador’s Residence in 1980/81 included internal and external redecoration: provision of security, works to the terrace area, other improvements and general repairs. The Chancery required partitioning and security works and the provision of airconditioning. Work was done 1979/80. Works were also necessary on the First Secretary’s house including re-roofing, internal and external painting, provision of some security improvements and repairs. The 1st Secretary’s house contained some items of furniture and a full scheme of furnishing was not required there. Standard furniture, fittings, etc. were provided in the Ambassadors house and Chancery. Embassy at New Delhi: Improvements to Residence.Work carried out at this Residence in 1982/83 were long overdue. Over the years the standard had deteriorated to well below the normal for a Residence. Main works carried out included modernisation of air-conditioning, renewal of generator, recovering of roofs, remodelling bathrooms, general repairs and redecoration plus partial refurbishing. Embassy at Peking: fitting outIn 1980/81 premises were acquired for the new Embassy set up in Peking comprising Chancery, Ambassador’s Residence, Counsellor’s Residence and Embassy Staff Accommodation. The project included architectural works, security installation, upgrading of electrical system, provision of air-conditioning, provision of kitchen units, modernisation of bathrooms and the complete fitting out of the Chancery, residence and staff apartments with the normal standard of furniture, carpets, curtains and electrical equipment. Rome ChanceryThe Landlord of the former Chancery terminated the lease and a new premises was leased in 1983. The office building was being refurbished by the Landlords who carried out extra works to suit our requirements at our expense. The work included security and adaptations of other rooms. Existing furniture was transferred. Carpets were provided from here and the lessor made a contribution towards the cost in lieu of inferior type of floor covering he was prepared to put down in part of it. Washington ChanceryThis Chancery was purchased in 1949. Over the years the premises fell well below Embassy standards and services deteriorated to the point were a major renovation was necessary. Local Consultants were appointed in 1979 to plan the renovation with a view to bringing the accommodation up to a modern standard within a limitation of the structure (a former Residence) and to provide additional office space by subdividing the top floor. Department of Finance sanctioned the proposed renovation in January 1979. The work did not go ahead at that time as the Department of Foreign Affairs wished that priority be given to renovations at the Residence. For financial reasons and because the then scheme envisaged outhousing the staff which would add greatly to the cost the project was further deferred. As a result of pressure from Department of Foreign Affairs who were anxious to have the renovations carried out as soon as possible the project was reactivated in 1985. A contract was placed in mid 1986 and the Embassy staff agreed to a phased scheme so that alternative accommodation was not required. Completion is expected in January 1987. Department of Finance sanction has been obtained to the estimate of $696,000 for the current scheme plus £95,000 for furniture and freight. As part of the evaluation of this scheme the question of disposing of the premises and buying new premises was considered but the balance of advantage economically lay in refurbishing our existing building. Office of Public Works. December 1986. |
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